The Huron News-Record, 1891-07-22, Page 8r
and, 4ixolind time souk!
- WHQA 1.,'j'1 out,-„Ifyou want to get
' ,one of the meat and cheapestand
hest nets. of Sin le Harness 'made in
Canada; tgo to Jomisow & AR?IQU$'s,
:Clinton, If yi'oy, get your roiving
Harness at J.ouNeON & .A.RHoPR'S you
will get your ;money's worth and 'he
,epprot'eoted against aoeidents, -too ire-
tlu.eptly caused by inferior goods. 654
WANTED, cherries, black currants,
&o, Highest cash price for butter
and eggs,--CANTELoN BROS. 6.62tf
liSMTRREYS' SrEowr° No. 1Q,—Cures
dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, con-
stipation. For poor appetite, weak ato-
mach, sluggish ii%er, feeble kidneys, de-
pressed strength, want of vigor, and as
an anti -bilious and anti -malarial proteo-
tiveltind cure it has no equal, Thousands
are cured by it. S.:ld by dealers.
MRs. THOS. ODLUM (nee Miss Eva
Bean) ie visiting her parents in
MR. THOS. POTTS, of Port Austin,
Mich., formerly of Clinton, was in
town this week.
MRS. WM. 20LUFF, of Detroit, a
few years ago a resident of Clinton,
is in town this week.
FAIR'S mill is not running at
present, it being subjected to the
manipulation of millwrights.
Brickenden are spending their
summer fgrlough at Grand Bend.
MR. THOS. 0. COOPER celebrated
his 83rd birthday on Sunday by a
reunion of the family. He is yet
quite active and has the use of all
his faculties. Mrs. Cooper is in
her 77th year, and is as smart as
many a girl but 17. We trust Mr.
and Mrs. Cooper may be spared to
celebrate many a birthday yet.
HENRY GARBUT, formerly of
Wingham, hoe been considered by
Judge Morgan of Toronto a fit sub-
ject for extradition to Texas on a
charge of forgery, notwithstanding
that prisoner's counsel offered to
produce forty witnesses who -would
swear Garbut was in Wingham
when he is said to have been in
A WORK OF ART.—The hand
some flag which L. 0. L. 306, Bay-
field line, carried at Mitchell on the
13th was painted by Joseph Copp,
town. It was much admired, and
justly so, for it is a fine piece of
workmanship. If it were known
generally that Mr. Copp makes a
specialty of this class of work, no
doubt he would annually fill many
Mi s, AVM. Fosrsit,, of Toronto;
formerly residing here, le visiting
her sister gra, rr,. A."Biter
Mit. END)), 4)OyTs,. sof; Detroit, at
one time with, di a; patios & .Co,
hore, is spendifg a week Rnt.OD1
1%1Issns A1404 RANot, of town,
end Mend Middleton. of Goderioh
Township, are 'visiting friends in
Princeton, --
MRs, Ttra,INa and fatr►ily left
Monday last to join her husband
now in Ddtroit -where they will in
future reside.
man is a noble fellow, but an Or-
ange woman is a glorious—a celes-
tial personage.
MRs. E. F. COWAN, of Princeton,
Ont,, some years ago a well known
resident of this town, was visiting
Mrs. S. H, Rance•laet week.
A large number of the I. 0, 0.
F. of this town joined their Bruce -
field brethren in attending divine
service last Sunday evening.
THE Most Worshipful Grated
Orange Lodge of British America
will meet in Kingston next Tues-
day. Thesession°promises to be a.
very interesting one.
house -keeping this week, 'having
rented the property of Mr. T.
Jackson, Sr., on Huron 'vtreet late
occupied by Dr. Reeve.
MR. JOHN LAPIER intends taking
a trip to the Old Country after
harvest to renew friendships of some
forty years practical suspension he
expects, in and around Paisley,
MR. HENRY Coat, wife and chil-
dren, of Ohio, are visiting in town -
It is nearly thirty1 years since Mr.
Cole was here and he naturally
finds many changes. He is a
brother to Mr. B. C. Cole.
OUR Victoria Cricket Club went
to London yesterday to bend the
willow with the Asylum team,._
We did not learn the result before
going to press. 11 will be a decid•
ed novelty for our boys to meet
with defeat, but they play with a
very excellent club.
THE butchering business, so long
and successfully conducted by Mr.
A. Couch, will after the end of
present month be in the hands of
Mr. Jas. A. Ford now living in
Holmesville, and well known in
town. Mr. Couch will direct his
attention more particularly to his
farm adjacent to town, and, the
cattle trade. We will not lose him
as a townsman and we hope with
him that the exemption from busi-
ness cares will prove congenial to
his somewhat impaired health.'
Canarnls 'stn int..= Om' hull*lean:
We forger, • who les iu Kingston
Penitentiary, 10 ill in, the hospital
with typhoid fever, At present the
a'trgeonelook bopeful-lyonthe result;
l3L.4or.sitai sustained quite a
seyera;injury a few days ago when
jumping ,out , of a boggy.:
movements are cpnsequently net of
Elle usual.huoysnt natuta and there
is a marked absence of his beurt.
laugh, a condition of things which
shows that "Doe" is .,last himself,
We hope that a few days will re-
store, bite to his normal condition.
MR. W. J. WH,ITEnr, now and
for several years past with. Schles-
inger and Meyer, ono of the leading
dry goods firms. of Chicago, with
houses in London, Paris, Berlin and
Vienna, was in New York city last
week, as buyer for his hope°. His
many friends in this section will be
pleased to know that he has earned
-the confidence of his employers.
Grimsby Park, not in, the role of
an exclusive vaoationage but in con-
nection with the School of Orat ry
conducted by Prof. A. C. Monteer,
who will be remembered as having
conducted a very successful class
here some months since. Her
sketch taking propensity will be
alive to the opportunities there pre-
sented so that no doubt pleasure,
pr3fit and advancement will be the
result of her sojourn.
THOSE peripatetic medical quacks
who prey upon printers and gulli-
ble people have hit upon a scheme
worthy the "hulloes oats" man.
'They give some of their dupes
medicine free, merely asking them
to sign what purports to be ayeceipt
for the medicine. By some hocns-
pocus arrangement the receipt turns
out to be note of hand for $100 or
more, and the poor patient has his
patience sadly taxed when he is
called upon to pay a good round
sum without having received any
value for it.
THE union S. S. picnic to Goder•
ich on Thursday last was a big one,
and a good one, weather, tempera-
ture, freedom from dust and all
being as favorable as could be
desired by the most exacting.
the train on return trip was an
hour later in leaving than former
years, very few were over punctual
at the station, some sauntered down
in careless fashion and had little
time to spare, others arrived at the
last minute bustling down in a
superlative state of anxiety, and' the
habitual last one clung in tenacions
triumph to the hand rail of the last
car. While some were left, a plucky
few they were for they started to
return on foot, but were met by
friends and driven home.
AfR Atsx.1'4rAtLAgeoftloderich.iat
'A,r n
Wax is turning cut very well
yield end sample good, Jos. Allison Of
town," cud f'ly. Beaeorn .anit'Qeorge Bao"
lay, township, heiag *moil those who
have cut theme,
Reeve l.AS'Iisire andy ex -reeve Mo'
iderohie were et tloderieh, ,44ondayt
tending -the funeral of the tale County
Clerk 4.4emson. Peputyy$eeveBenne,.dy,R;
h• Rg to ill tread), waenbt able to ba
OWING Se: considerable extra advartis.
,leg matter "..this, week, the a:dvertiaments,
of W Cooper & Co. Robins Eros, end
Beesley & Co, will be found on editorial
pee.. . ',Dual matter which would ocher -
wise have appeared on this, wilt be foun'I
oh drat and editorial pages.
Coop 'VHsa.T.—Mesary, Ransford of
Clinton have ten Gores of a; variety a.f
wheat ailed Canadian Velvet Chaff:
We were shown enure of the heads which
were large and' well laden, promising a
eirl:•i of fully 40 bushels to the acre.
Mr, Jas Fair eeleoted iv me of the same
variety far seed which is a guarantee of
its milling qualities,
Fenwick W, Stowe, M. A., Vicar
of Aysgarth, Yorkshire, Eng., will
preach in St. Paul's next Sunday'
MR. ELIJAH Ports, of Detroit,
formerly a residept of Blyth and
Clinton, was in' town Monday at-
tending the funeral of his deceased
MRs. T. RANGE, Mr. Alfred and
Miss Alice Howson left Saturday
last to visit the formers son, Mr. C.
C. Rance, who is now flourishing
in Rat Portage, Ont. They took
heat at Goderioh.
the editor of the Mitchell Recorder
had no fear of the law before his
eyes, he should have feared a wo
man's wrath when he penned the
following reference to the Boyne
anniversary in his town : 'The big
farce connected with the otherwise
very orderly parade on Monday,
was a parcel of women calling them-
selves True Blues. They came
from the vicinity of Goderich and
were said to constitute two lodges of
that valiant order. They showed
their chivalry and enthusiasm after
they arrived here by being pulled
about at the head of the procession
in double carriages; that they were
no ornament wee pretty patent to
everybody." He, however, was
somewhat more indulgent to thee
men when he said : "However,
the parade was a very creditable one
and the two fife and drum bands
from Stratford and Clinton respect-
ively were worthy of special notice.
The former had slightly the advan-
tage in numbers, but the latter were
the better musicians and the finer
players. The order and behaviour
of the whole gathering was through-
out the day highly commendable."
'•, ._—.-.,-0
As this is the season that tifese articles are.
mostly worn, we are pleased to be enabled
to state that
Our Stock is Large and Varied
A special Line at 50c. a Pafr;.
§ § § -§ . § L § § §-§-§ § § § §§§ § § §
Well -Made Smock at 75 cents
These are special value. Any person in,
need of a Smock or pair of Overalls should
not fail to see what we are showing.
-- 0 --
Jackson Bros.,
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatte,ls. -
Eli M:
he Great Slaughter Sale CommoncoB
The Stock of J. ROBERTSON, :The Poor Man's' Friend," Clinton,
Dry -Goods and Millinery. :-: Everything Goes I
We • will also Slaughter the Bankrupt Stock of , J. CRAIG & CO., of the Mammoth Store,
Petrolia, bought at 56+c. on the $.
This Grand Stook is composed of Boots, Shoes and Ready -Made Clothing !
And All Must Go ! - Goods Sold For Spot Cash Only !
Men's Fine Tweed Pants, 1$ a pair.
Boy's all -wool Tweed Suits, $1.50.
Men's Woolen Sox, 2 pairs for 25c.
Large size Lace Curtains, 35c a pair.
Ladies' Embroidered Chemises, 20o.
Ladies' Sets Underwear (3 pieces),
$1 a Set.
Cream Seerauckera, 4c. a yard.
Ladies' Heavy Black Cotton Stock..
ings, 3 pairs for 25c.
Ladies, ask for the large Linen
Towels, 2 for 25c.
Men's Heavy Top Shirts, 35c.
Gent's Fine White Shirts, 35c.
Gent's Cambric Shirts with Collars,
35 cents.
All -wool Nun's Veiling, 8c. a yard.
All..wool Grey Flannel, 13c. a yard.
Ladies' Black Silk Parasols, large
size, 50 cents.
Men's Overalls, 40 cents a pair.
Ladies, Misses' and Children's Blk.
Cashmere Hose, all sizes, 15
cents a pair.
Skirt Linings, 5 cents a yard.
Men's Cotton Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.
Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Hand-
kerchiefs, 3 for 5 cents.
Men's Fine Laced Boots, 90c. a pair'
Boy's Fine Laced Boots, 65c. a pair.
Ladies' Cloth Slippers, 200. a fair.
Look at the Ladies' Buttoned and
Laced, Polished, Calf Boots, at
$1.25 per pair.
Heavy Shirtings, 5 cents per yard.
Good Tickings, 8 cents per yard.
Ladies' Checked Water -Proof Cir-
' oulars, with Capes, $1.50.
The balance of Robertson's Millin-
ery, Hats and Ribbot,s, at any
`Next Saturday, July 25, is the Great Day at Robertson's Old Stand, Clinton.1
_ ._, .._
Reale s iii Bihkr- up- ► ooks,
�! Lrii1 ,,M''tu.4.+[a.-,y.;..