HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-07-22, Page 6rho Ifi ton Nacos-/?sQo !
l.ko 1Cear� Ix.t?irl 1tdv9,nee.
Wednesduy.)►niy'2fend,, trial.
_' Jack Demon met Mary Learey .at
a bell.
'By chauue,. the usual way.'
as fell in love with her at once,
b'octunately, his passion was return
ed, and as Jack and Mary both
wisely believed 'delays are danger
our,,' their wedding clay oaths along
just foul' weeks after their filet meet-
-At the wedding J telt fur the first
time saw Sarah Learey,-.iillary'e twin
sister. The two girls were as much
alike as ttv.upeas—Loth blonde, with
curliBg heir, soft, dangerous -looking
blue eyes, exquisite mouths, and
handsome figures. There was but
one essential difference between
them—Mary wore bouts No. 2, and
Sarah wits so unfortunate as to wear
No. 4. and a close fit at that.
When the girls got vexed with
each other—and of course, being
sisters, they wove constantly falling
out—Mary always twitted Sarah of
her No. 4 shoes, and Sarah, by way
of rutaliatiou, accused Mary of put-
ting India ink under her eyes to
make them appear larger.
The two girls dressed exactly
alike ie the mint'teet particular :
they had always done so, 'and now
that Mary was to be married Sarah
sew Ito reason why she should not
have a while silk dress and veil as
well as her sister, especially as she
was to be first bridesmaid. -
As soon as the ceremony was
over and the kissing gone through
with Jack gave his arm to bin wife,
as he thought, to lead her out to
'My darling !' ho whispered in
her oar, 'how lunch your sister looks
like you ! Only you are a thousand
times more beautiful in my eyes !'
'Why Jack Damon ! how you
talk V cruel Sarah Leave". 'What
would Mary say to that !'
`JI ry I Mary who, dearest 7,
eck.•d Jack, pressing her hand. •
' iV!1!', your wife, of course !' said
Sarah. _.
'My wife ! I don't thing I un-.
derataud you, dear I' said Jack, be-
ginning to irel a little mixed up in
his head.
"Do you think I'm your wife ?'
asked Sarah.
'I should think so, from what Pa" -
eon Smith just said.'
Sarah giggled.
'Mary I' she called over her shout
der to the sullen -looking bride, who
was following after with Tom
Grimes, the groomsman. 'Your
husband here claims me for his
wife 1'
'You can have hirn,and welcome !'
snapped Mary, 'and he won't be
likely to mistake you for anybody
else, if once he gets sight of those
number fours of yours.'
'The Great Mogul V cried Jack,
turning round and surveying his
pretty and angry wife. 'Is this
Mary, or the other one 7 Someone
please tell me which woman I am
the husband of, for by Jupiter ! I
do not know myself !'
'Look at the ink under her eyes,
and you'll always know her I' whis-
pered Sarah, spitefully.
,Jack dropped her arm and went
back to Mary.
'My love, forgive me. You look
so much alike ! But you are a
thousand times lovelier !'
'That remark must be a favorite
one with Jou, Jack Damon !' pouted
the bride. 'I've heard you make it
once before to -night to Sarah I'
•Oh, goodness gracious 7' cried
Jack, 'what a mess I've got into
Forgive me, darling, and I'll never
speak to another woman again !
Never ! Not even my washerwo-
man !'
And after considerable pleading,
and great display of contrition on
Jack's part, pardon was granted.
Two weeks afterward Tom Grimes
and Sarah were married and, to
make matters as bad as possible,
Grimes and his wife, and Damon
and his wife all went to live at the
same boarding-house.
Scarcely a day passed but the ex-
traordinary resemblance of the two
sisters to each other got somebody
into difficulty.
Messages were delivered to Sarah
which were intended for Mary ;
secrete were told to Mary which
were designed only for Sarah; the
servants were always calling Mary
Mrs. Grimes and Sarah Mrs.
Tom Griiuos brought home a set
of pearls one night for his wife,
She was in the parlor when he
'Here, dear,' said he, 'I have
brought you something as a Christ-
mas gift, but I don't want your
sister to know anything about it.
She's so confoundedly jealous that
there'd be a row forthwith. She
_-��.:,vwnisr::a:ads=:of..<,>peanlarherself,�-: b.ut.
just between you and me—don't say
a word—she's getting too sallow to
wear pearls I'
Of course it was Mrs. Damon
1. .
wbotn Torn was add meting,: and she
eat silent wltW1 aetolai,sbi ent. tae
had thought To a very devoted
hueband, and hero he' •was, uii kip,g;
lova to .her, Sbtrdetermined not to
bay ,anythlt►g, but as sogn as jack
got jlollle to toll him everything.I
Her poor Oster! Tom ought to be
severely punished. So shethauked
Torn for the jeweler and Tom kissed
her in spite of herself, and went oil
down town, feeling a little vetted at
Sarah's want of enthusiasm over his
costly preaant.
'Confound the women 1' he said
to himself r 'a fellow never knows
how to please 'em !' •
When Jack game home Mary
wept to him at once with the penile,
and with tears in her eyes told -him
the whole story.
Jack was horrified. That Tom
should be . unfaithful was bad
enough, but the Tom should be in
love with his that
He decided to labor with Torn in
seor a t.
He took Tom aside that very
'Thomas,' said hp, 'I want to have
a little serious talk with you.'
'Go ahead!' said Torn. '1 own
up that I did go a little too far.
But then what is a fellow to do
when such a temptation is but be-
fore him ? Don't tell Sarah. By
George ! she'd be ferocious !'
'And who'd blame her?' said
Jack, solemnly. 'Di n't you pro-
mise to love and honor her, and
none other, till (loath did you
part ?'
`I guess the thing did read about
so, Jack.'
'And yet here you are, only five
months married, making love to an-
other woman.'
'What I' cried Tom, springing to
his feet, and glaring at Jack like a
'You admitted it,' said Jack, cold-
'Admitted it? Whoever says I
admitted that is a liar !'
'You said you had gone too far—'
'And so I did. I drank too
much at Higgin's the other night,
and, at for the matter of that, so did
you, Jack, and you know it.'
'But you gave my wife jewelry
and- you kissed her.'
'I never, so help me Peter !
Your wife ? Why, good gracious !
Jack Damon ! Who'd ever think
of kissing your wife when he could
kiss mine as well ? Don't be offend•
ed, Jack, but your wife is beginning
to look old and sallow I was tell-
ing Sarah go only a little while
'The deuce you were ! And
Mary says you told her the same
thing about Sarah !'
'Never ! I trust I am not a fool !'
'Very well ; we'll call up the
women and see what they say,' said
Jack, in desperation.
The ladies were summoned.
'To which of you did Torn Grimes
present a set of jewelry I' asked
'To me 1' said Mary Damon.
'And you are my wife I' said Tom,
looking doubtfully from one to the
'His wife 1' 'shrieked Sarah.
'Only hear him !'
'Jerusalem 1' cried Tom, 'what a
muddle 1 If either of you women
is my wife step forward.'
Neither stirred.
Mary pointed to Sarah's feet.
'Tont Grimes, behold those feet.
Haven't you lived with them long
enough to recognize them 7 And
you gave me jewelry and kissed me.
And poor Sarah trusting you all the
Torn leaped forward and caught
the weeping owner of the No. 4 fent
in his arms.
'Thank Heaven that your feet are
No. 4 I' said he. 'I wish they were
No. 10, and then I might know my
own wife when I saw her. Mrs.
Damon, I mistook you for my wife,
and hope you'll excuse me for in-
timating that you were getting sal-
'Come, Mary,' said Jack, '1 guess
we'll be going ta our own room.
Matters seem to be getting straight-
ened out.'
The pearls found their rightful
owner, but a little coolness sprang
up between the two sisters, which
resulted in Tom taking his wife to
Chicago "and Jack taking his wife to
And now the resemblance of the
sisters has ceased to be a source of
is en honor conferred upon only a favor-
ed few. But every lady of the land may
have ready access to the Queen of,Rem-
edice—Dr.Pierce's Favorite Preset iption.
Once known, always a valued friend. It
promises to positively cure every form of
weakness peculiar to women, and con-
firms this promise by a written guarantee
of satisfaction, guaranteed in every ease,
or mon( y refunded. This Royal Remedy
is carefully prepared for women only, and
Ate ;effieienpy-ie vouched nfe 4X _ountle.se
homes and countless thousands Of teif
menials. A trial will convince you that
it is invaluable in correcting all irregu-
leritiea and weakriessea for which it is
til I ESOAPk:
W.ben. Janette Dean, Ojos Beddell,
who eao ed from the entral prison;,
Torontt about a n.ont(r `.ago wag .re,
eapt rets at Welland aft. r ha ino
co itted ,•three 'btgrglarie during
the week a.hews. a t li rboast-
o .. t be ty, h,. b amt.
ed that Warden *armlet or nobody
else .could keep hire behind prison
bars, That :there was a considerable
amount of truth in what he said be
proved Wednesday morning when he
again levauted from the prison.
About 11 o'clock Wednesday bean
and a fellow convict named James
Dickinson walked calmly out of the
north shop, then across the quad-
rangle, seized a ladder and scaled
the twenty -foot waft They dropped
into the ditch outside and put across
country at racing speed. So far they
have not been recaptured.
Dean or Beddell is 43 years old.
He is almost totally bald and has a
pale sickly face clean shaven. He
has large prominent eyes, high cheek
bones, and is altogether a remark•
able looking man. He stands about
five feet six inches .and weighs pro-
bably 120 pounds. He was sentenc-
ed to three years at Welland about a
year ago for bringing stolen property
into Canada.
Dickinson is twenty five years old,
has ihort, dark hair, gray eyes, and
is clean shaved, stands five feet eight
inches, and weighs 187 pounds. He
was sentenced to two years for
burglary as Peterborough 29th No-
vember, 1889, and has a further term
of four years at Kingston to put in.
Warden Mase.'e will give a liberal
reward for the recapture of the con-
The unepeatrahle oou.f..rt in feeling
paw pass away is well he,. forth by l\Ir.
A'bert fleege, Clayton, M,.., U. S. A ,
August 1, 1-89, H ha s'1yR : 1. e• tfer, d
fourteen days wi h a situ)lned .Tris', and
a swelling formeld-4 g"uwiu,t larger and
larger. It oi..appea,ed as it by magi,
after using nue b•itila cf fi:. Je.•.,b'.Oil "
It is the beet rtmetl,.
—The Aloe of the woolen mills
of Inglis & Co., Winghatn,i wee
broken into and the safe broken
open but no money was secured.
The evil, re.ut+ing fr••m habitual cost-
ivenees e,e many and s•': i:•us ; but the
use of hiret , rtra-tic pn.p'ttivea is quite
ae dangt r us, la Aye. 'a fills, however,
the patient has a wild but effective
aperient, superior to all others, especial-
ly for family use.
—William Cooke, ex treasurer of
Tay township was drowned on
Wednesday night.
Will present an opportunity to extend
the fame of Dr. Fowler's Extract of W1:d
Strawberry en unfailing remedy for
cholera, cholera morbus, colic, cramps,
diarihoea, dysentery, and all Bummer
o•)mpinintn, to every part of the Empire.
Wild Strawberry never fare.
—Manitobri farmers are jubilant
at the expectation of the biggest
yield on record.
nate D. LOW'S Worm syrup. 'It i•leaees
the children and destroys the worm.
—The Liberals are confident of
turning out the Hon. Mr. Foster in
King's County N. B.
The cause of summer complaint,
diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus,
etc , are the excessive heat, eating green
fruit, over-exartion, impure water and
sudden chill. Dr. Fowler's Wild Straw•
berry ie an infallible and prompt cure
for all bowel oumplsints from whatever
—Mr. S. Gliddon of Stanley lost a
valuable mare the other day through
it being frightened at the appear
ante and movements of a mower.
Don't be'dieoou' aged about that eczema
till you have giten Ayer's Sarsaparilla a
persistent trial. Six bottles of this
medicine cured the complaint of George
S. Thome., of Ada, Ohio, when all other
remedies failed to afford any relief.
—Owen Fathers, a wealthy farm-
er, of South Cayuga, had his foot
cut off with a mower yesterday.
AS AN AID to internal remedies for
skin diseases, Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap
proves very valuable.
The Grand T, rink system differs from
the human system in. that the same
troubles do not affeot it and the seine
remedies are not needed. For all
diseases of the human system there is no
toning purifier,renovatorand strengthener
as good as Burdock Blood Bitters. A
weak system can be built up by B. B B.
—Stephen Wilson, while driv-
ing a mowing machine, near Armow,
Bruce county, noticed a stick in the
guards, and stood in front of the
knife to remove the obstruction.
The horses started and the knife
mangled the feet of old gentleman
before he could stop the horses.
lie was carried into the house and
medical aid sent for. Doctors am•
putatetl one foot above the ankle,
the other is badly lacerated.
—The passenger steamer Lora has
been wrecked on a shoal in the St.
Lawrence: It was her maiden trip.
—P. Mahlon Swain, of St.
Davide, Ont., was arrested at Buffalo
Sunday night on a charge of grand
larceny. He is accused of stealing
n horse and buggy from ams Doyle,
of St. Davids, ma -talk itTo B I
fele. Ho is now locked up await-
ing the arrival of' officers from St.
offoos4, Tgx1 I §SER: EVIL.
*nada. Hepith ,letam t) ,
'!PF41ri}itionists'f .should calla der
well the effeet9 of the efE'ortwto au '-
prese the nee of whiskey in Ireland
some, years ago. Not long ago the
able editor; of the j#ritish Medical
Journal; Dr.. Ernest Har.t, `Lade an
investigation , and .lepgthy report
upon the. terrible effects or ether.
drinking ili Ireland, The Tlmee is
t'ow `drsougsing the Subject. 1:t
seems that in Ave csoanties, with a
total population of $50,000, there
are about 46,000 who actually drink
17,000 gallons of i'vite," an impure
form of ether, per year, 'PL's habit
is said to have originated years ago,
when illicit stills were suppressed
and Father Matthew's crusade made
whiskey -drinking disreputable. The
ravages of the habit are desorrbed as
comparable only with those of the
use of opium among the low classes
of Chinese. Insanity is largely on
the increase in the districts and the
death -rate among the children of the
ether maniacs is yery high. We
have always contended that until
mankind can be properly : housed
and fed and trained into healthy
vigorous subjects, able to exercise
sufficient self-control, the suppres-
sion of the use of alcoholic stimu-
lants will but give rise to worse forms
of intemperance.
Tobacco users may get "food for re-
flection" too from the contention
that the decrease in the average sta.
Lure of man as compared with that
of women, which investigators have
pointed out to be taking place in
England, is due to the stunting effects
of the tobacco habit on the men.
This we think, considering the well
known effects of tobacco on the hu-
man cdnstitution,—on the circulation
especially,thechief nutrient function,
through the nervous system, is a rea-
sonable contention. What habit, pe-
eculiar to men only, is there which
would be more likely to cause such
decrease ie stature ? As we have
before stated, we believe that the to-
bacco habit, in its powerful and in-
sidious effects upon the constitution,
is on the whole more injurious, more
lowering to the human organization,
morally as well as physically, than
the alcoholic habit ; while many have
declared from their own experience
that the depressing effects of tobacco
have absolutely created a desire for
alcoholic stimulation.
In this connection we may note
what the Journal of Heredity says, as
follows: One of the first things de-
manded of a young man who is
going into training for a boat race is,
stop smoking 1 And he himself, long
before his body has reached its high-
est point of purity and development,
will become conscious of the lower-
ing and disturbing effect of smoking
one inch of a mild cigar. No smoker
who has trained Beverly for a race, or
a game, or a fight, needs to be told
that smoking reduces the tone of the
system and diminishes all the forces
of the body.
. , E .N S1VIE O C4AN ' '`RAP,
WivenAway with Baking Powder, Be s} O fa,r Ye..
. .-
See the. Hallt'.soxne Organ, now on exhibition, cVait
Perry Davis'
or 're+C
-0I Ef'Sr
Is used bothintornally w d externally.
It Roto quickly, affording t Smoot instant
relief from. the sever ist'-pa`ln.
In Canadian Cholera and Bowel
Complaints Its effect is magical.
it owes in a very short time.
.tri' Beware of Counte
d.' UOa
II t
.3E-' pm ci u
fi~g A -469 0
te,-4 021.
at2 111
o 0
02 al
!al 41
We will at all times be pleased to
receive items of news from our sub.
scribers. We want a good corres-
pondent in every locality, not already
represented, to send us RELIABLE news.
Pattens k/to do nut receive their
pu.per regularly f om the carrier or
thr iuglr their local post Tees will
confer a favor by reporting at this
office at once. Subscriptions may
commence at any time.
Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of
Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by
Hazolton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility,
Dimness of Sight, Loss of Ambition, Unfitness
to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power
Pains in the Back, Night Emisalone, Drain in
Urine, Seminal Losses, sleeplessness Aversion
to Society, Unfit for Study Excessive Indul-
gence, eta, etc. Every bottle guaranteed.
20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp
for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated
Pharmacist. 808 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
Mining experts note thatcholera never
attacks the bowels of the earth, but
humanity in seneral find if necessary to
use Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry for bowel complaints. „dysentery,
diarrhoea, etc. It is a sure cure.
—The result of the election held
last week at Carlow for a successor
in Parliament to the late O'Gorman
Mahon resulted in a crushing defeat
for the Parnellite candidate in the
district which Parnell admitted was
his stronghold, and where he said
if he was defeated he would admit
that he had nothing left to fall hack
upon in political life. The result
was ;—Hammond (McCarthyite can-
didate), 3,755; Kittle (Parnellite),
All these depend on pure blood, for
without it health is impossible ; with-
out health happiness is impossible, and
without happiness prosperity is a mrck-
ery. No means of obtaining pure blood
and removing bad blood excels the use
of B. B. II., the best blood purifier
—David B. Galbreath has resign-
ed his position an a Clerk in the cus-
tom house, and hie resignation has
been accepted. Mr. Galbreath was
appointed on Oct. 1, 1878.
THE RED COLOR of the blend in
seined by the iron it Contains. Supply
the iron when lacking by using Milburn's
Beef, Iron and Wine.
—Mayor Drennan, of Kingston,
has captured an American sword; he
won $100 sword at Syracuse for be-
ing the best dreesedOddfellow at the
cantonment. o
A proposal, which would obtain favor
with even the opponents of Nationalism. •
contemplates the placing of a supply
Aii$oieat~for.each: f,uuilytif aratureta greatte
dyspepsia specific and blood purifier,
B. B. 13., in every borne in the land.
The benefita of such a boon to the people
would be incalculable.
—Superintendent Porter, of the
Census Bureau, has in preparation
and will soon issue a bulletin upon
the membership of the Roman Cath-
olic Church in the United States
by States and counties. The bulls
tin will show that the meuiberahip
no a, numbers 6,250,000 communi-
cants over 15 years of age. This
minimum of age co 15 years will l e
adhered to in the atatistice of other
churches which are in course of pre.,
ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are yon disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth?
If so Bend at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth-
ing. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sneerer immediately. Depend upon
it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It
acres Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the
stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic: softens
the gums, rednoes inflammation, and gl es tone
and energy to the whole system. ".vers. W inelow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant
to the taste and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggist's
throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
Be etre and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING
SYRUP," and take no other kind. 656y
—A party from New Orleans last
week crossed the Louisiana line and
fought a duel with rapiers. The
principals were L P. Bouby, editor
of L'Orleanis, and A. S. Carruthers,
of the Mascot. Present with the
principals were Messrs. Billstein,
Heldemann, Serres, and Judge Buis•
son, Drs. Dt•grange and David.
Each party had a pair of rapiers.
Mr. Bouby won the toss for weapons
and selected hie own; time was call,.
ed, and the duel commenced. Dur-.
'tug the encounter Carruthers was
cut below the eye, and notwithstand-
ing the manifest desires of the two
combatants to continue the fight the
doctors and seconds decided unani.
mously that honor was satisfied and
that the two adversaries had given
sufficient proof of their courage and
dignity. Subeequentiy a reconcili-
ation took place on the field of
honor. The trouble between the
duelists grew out of articles publish-
ed in their reapectiye papers.
Advertisers will please bear in mind
that all "changes".of advertisements,
to ensure insertion, should be handed
in not later than MONDAY NOON of
each tweak.
T1IE NEMS -RECORD has a larger
circulation than any other paper in
this section, and as an advertising
medium has few equals in Ontario.
Our books are open to those who
mean business.
The Tob Lejartment of this jour-
nal is one of the best equipped in
Western Ontario, and a superior
class of work is guaranteed at very
lom prices.
Furniture Dealer, &c.
Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont
Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth
Thomas, and Rockford—new, model.
tIT'All these makee in key and -stem winders.
Also pendant set watches.
TISEMENTS inserted in Tea
News RECORD at lowsates. The law
makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock
If you want any kind of advertising you will not
do better than call on 'ews•Reocord.
The subscriber having severed his connection
with the Massey Company, desires to intimate
that he has been appointed agent for the well-
known Orin of
implement makers, of Smith's Falls, end will be
pleased to fill all orders in his line as heretofore.
Will also keep on hand WitxursoN Prams,
articles of like nature.
647—Sm lTolmesville and Clinton
AT A BARGAIN.-Elgl,tnerde of land with a
select orchard of choice apple trees ;
comfortable house and stables ; nd jo,ninglGod�
rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, G
len, 52641
Ideal Waster-
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practise, having
had placed in his hands by en East India mission-
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent ant's of Consumption,
Bronehitie, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and
Lung Affections, also a positive and radical care
for Nervous Debility and 511 Nervous Complaints,
after having tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of oases has felt it his duty to make
it known to his suffering follows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I
k–fil S Erfriira 8 ittweRran-vizaniesirskity--this:
recipe, in German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sept by mail
by; addressing with sterna, naming thin paper.
W. A. Nota", 820 Potrero' Block, Rochester, lv. F.
Machines Allowed on Trial
ani also agent for all
All Agricultural implements
Ware' oom oppdsite dsite Fair's Mill.
z-.s''''"r"_ii�7r�,�SGfd')ll.�: �.nz,=.-�--r_.:�.Y•- s