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WHIT ilLY t& TODD, Publishers.
The Huron News -Record
si.So a Yegr—$1.28 In Advance
Wednesday, July 15tli, 1891.
In and Around th "Rub.'
Jolvn EMIL
LLJOAJ, NOTICES.—A11 notices in chess
columna of meetings or entertainments,
. previous to holding of the same,at which
an admission feo zharged,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at the rate of ten cents par
WHOA ! THERE.—If you want to get
one of the finest and cheapest and
best sets of Single Harness made in
Canada, go to JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S,
Clinton. If you get your Driving
Harness at JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S you
will get your money's worth and be
protected against accidents, too ire=
quently caused by inferior goods. 654
WANTED, cherries, black currants,
$c. Highest cash price for butter
add eggs.—CANTELON BROS. 662tf
UOattNG TO LONDON.—ChaA. Cluthe,
134 King St. West, Toronto, will be at
the Gregg House in Loudon on Satur-
day the 185h of July. Mr. Ctuthe'a
reputation as a mechanical genius for
overcoming all cases of deformities, such
as Club feet, spinal curvature, para-
lysis, bow lege etc., is well known
throrghout the Dlminion of Canada.
Anybody ruptured will hear and see some-
thing which they never dreamt could he
done. A revolution in trusses le append.
ing, come and see. He ie compelled to
limit hie usual visite and attend the office
and faotory in Toronto, where he may
be found except Saturdays.
Ma. JOHN WISEMAN ie home from
Mn. E. CORBETT has returned
from a visit to Detroit.
MIss EDITH BROWN, a former re-
sident of Clinton, is visiting at the
residence of W. W. Ferran Esq.
Our{ sporting editor received a
complimentary ticket for the races
at Sault Ste. Marie on July 28 and
three following days. It is stated
that railroads will give half rates.
REV. W. -117OVETTIE, of Austin,
Minn., an old time resident of this
neighborhood where he at one time
taught school, is visiting friends in
this sectikn, it being his vacation
IGNATIUS KORMAN, a former resid-
ent of Bruce county and who was
one of the contractors, during the
McKenzie regime, for the Goderich
harbor works, died suddenly in
Toronto, Saturday. He was aged
5¢ years,
admirer of a ohurob choir, in
ills admiration of their pro-
f �lbncy, r'elnarked : "Their ears
have been cultivated until they
overshadow all other organa."
HOTEL KEEPERS in the cities and
larger towns have concluded to put
the priceof whiskey up to ten cents a
glass, and keep beer and porter at 5
cents for a twelve ounce glass.
This is a move that will promote
MR. W. SMITIISON has cucumbers
of his own growing that measure
from 4i to 5 inches in length.
When showing us a sample we
ventured the query whether he was
in league with the doctors, another
person present remarked, "no, not
the doctors, say the undertakers.
.A man that will eat cucumbers
would have no need for a doctor."
PnitADELPHIANSare thankful that
the strawberry season is about over,
They cl +im that about half the peo-
ple of that city have been afflicted
with "strawberry rash," from eating
strawberries, a disease very much
akin to the itch. Dr. J. C. Wilson
said he himself, was subject to it
and was obliged in consequence to
refrain from eating strawberries.
call laat week from Mr. Hueston of
Virden, Man., formerly of Bayfield.
He reports all nature out there as
smiling, and her bosom heaving and
palpitating with the growing life of
enormous crops. Of course there
are risks yet, but so far everything
promises a generous yield. Mr.
Hueston himself looks as hearty as
good living and a clear conscience
can make a man,
said that the bed bug must be of
Celtic origin, because the word
"bug" is of Celtic origin, meaning
a ghost or goblin, this because
the animal la particularly the
terror of the night. Those who
have ever been intr.:duced to the
members of th's festive family
oil r$ 'tf:sllly f ffir"kir be irY _°
tante with gboete or goblina if they
had their choice.
- ..,R .. •••••'"v P �.
cHiltionz Tepuiti Ciulx Will g0to.'
/4411.4 11 nn iday.
M. Lquou, is rusticating ii the
40141lborh4vd Of Tiverton.
Dom. Alp Mos, GUNN spent a part
of last week visitibg friends in
THE tennis match between Strat-
ford ed Clinton was a draw, each
side winning three sets,
MAYOR DOHERTY, in compliance
with a Iargelysigned requisition,has
proclaimed Thursday August 6 as
our civic holiday.
A select party of our young folks
held a picnic at Bayfield Friday
last and enjoyed a three hours sail
on Lake Huron.
Miss IRWIN, of Chicago, is
visiting Miss Lydia Smith of
Clinton and the Misses Jenkins of
Goderich township.
LACROSSE.—The Coruwatls will
play the Stratforde at the Classic
city on Saturday. Return tickets
from Clinton 90 cents.
been in Toronto for a tern past,
under musical instruction, returned
home Saturday last.
MR. TEMPLE, accountant in th
Maisons Bank, will take an outin
in the wilds of wierdly taecinatin
Muskoka. Mr. Chas. Gibson wil
fill his place in the meantime.
Mr. LOUGH, Principal of Clinton
Model School, 'left yesterday for
Toronto where he will likely put
in a few day at the Teachers' Inter
national Convention, thou possibly
take a trip further East.
Miss STURGEON of Dakota, who
some years ago taught school in
Clinton and resided with her family
opposite the present Catholic
church, is in town at present and is
the guest of Mies Fowler, Ontario
WE are informed that things are
lively at the Doherty organ factory.
On Monday last they had orders
for 121 organs from Canadian
houses principally. This speaks
well for the crop prospects through-
out the country, also the wonderful
popularity of the Doherty organe.
in Maryland shipped over ten tone
to the canneries the other day, an-
other fifteen tons and another six,
tone. Though Cantelon Bros., of
Clinton, are not shipping them in
such large quantities they are handl-
ing a considerable portion of the
large crop grown in this section.
have earned an income of $300
money or money's worth, which in•
eludes nearly every male adult,
and wishes tobep piton the voters list
should make a personal declaration
himself, or by some person having
a knowledge of the facts to that ef-
fect, and send it to theRevieing offi-
cer not later then the 31st July.
EMPIRE of Saturday.—A writ has
been issued in the name of William
Mason, of Goderfch, for $5,000
damages against John H. Van
Camp and George Van Camp, the
first -named defendent being accus-
ed of seducing Elizabeth Mason,
the 27 year-old daughter of the
CONTRACTOR A. Cantelon had
everything ready to lay the
corner stone for the foundation
of Aurthur Cooke's new residence
on Saturday last. The intention
was to lay it on the 12th bat Orange
respect for the Sabbath prevented
that, So on the llth Mrs Cooke
deposited the stone in place and
with trowel in hand declared it well
sad truly laid,
ORANGEMEN in all of the provinces
and many parts of the United States
celebrated the Boyne anniversary
by attending church. The brethren
from Huron attended parades in
Mitehef, London and Brussels.
Saturday 5000 celebrated the day
in Burlington Park, Chicago. Tho
two most progressive cities on the
continent, Toronto and Chicago, aps
pear to -have a goodly sprinkling of
LAST Sunday afternoon the Rev.
Mr. Shilton preached a special ser-
mon to the Orangemen of Clinton and
vicinity in the 1i.attenbury street
Methodist church. There were pro-
bably 200 brethren present. The
sermon was a practicle one—"What
mean ye by these atones," being the
text—and the Rev. gentleman han
died his subject with satisfaction to
all. On returning to the lodge
room votes of thanks were tender-
ed Bro. Shilton, the choir and trus-
tees of the church, and the visiting
Model School ie in Toronto intent
on pleasure and the advantages of
the meeting of the National Educa-
tional Association of the United
States, About twenty thousand
school ma'ams and school masters
are expected to associate there from
14th to 18th inet , many coming from
across the border and the city of
churches seems to be in a high state
of ospitable excitement receiving
illi retrain rialthviatittts; `fid'
many of them distinguished, visi-
*r ter.,},II';/1111,. ',-.r-
T i
Discountof 25 per ot.-fo Cask Much Has Beall
' =----ON ALL ---
Baby Oarriages,
Express Wagons,
Roc/i'ing Horses,
Carts, &o.
We sell large quantities of Beads, Plain and Fancy Hair
Pins, Fine and Coarse Combs, Brushes, Whisks, Tooth
Brushes, &c., because we have the right kinds at the
right prices.
Robins -:-Bros.,
We will offer VERY
Summer Goods, and
as our Goods are al-
ways marked in plain
figures, buyers cannot
be humbugged. And
our Great Reduction
in Prices is sure to
send every purchaser
away happy and with
a Big Bargain.
We want you to compare our prices and qualities on all
our bargain selling goods in Millinery, Ladies and Chil-
dren's Vests, Hosiery in Cotton, Cashmere, Lisle and
Silk ; Gloves and Lace Mitts in Cotton, Lisle, Taffetta
.and Silk; Prints, Flannels and Flannelettes. These goods
are at selling prices. Don't fail to secure some •if you
are in need of them.
MR. P. D. MCKINNON of White -
mouth, Man., was in town a couple
of days last week visiting Ex -Mayor
Whitehead. Mr. McKinnon at-
tended our High School here some
years ago and Is now engaged in a
lumber business in the prairie pro-
THE Willis and St. Paul's chuch
Sunday Schools hold their •annual
picnic in the Circular town on
Thursday. Train leaves here at 16
a. m. returning leaves Goderich
at 7.30 p. m. THE NEWS -RECORD
wishes them a good day and time.
Ire the score made by the shoot -
hits in the Gun Club Tournament
at Clinton on Dominion day some
errors were made in publishing it,
owing to copy having been received
at ',.the very last minute." Seaforth
should have been 53 or 55 instead of
35 as printed.
A life insurance agent who came
here from Montreal last fall and has
been residing here since did not
make his busiuees pay. He left
last week for Toronto where he
hopes to retrieve his fortunes so as
pay some of our business people
various small sums which lie is
indebted to them. Though our
acquaintance with the gentleman
only commenced in Clinton we be-
lieve he will do so. But however
good his intentions may have been
and a,N, he was certainly over
sanguine in his expectations Chet he
could make out of his business here
sufficient to pay the debts he con-
tracted. And it seems he relied on
doing eo.
There were about 40 lodges in
Mitchell on Monday, made up from
Huron and Perth. - Clinton, Gode-
rich, and other Huron lodges turned
out strongly. Clinton fife and drum
band in uniform, and the Lady
True Blue lodges from McKillop
and St. Marys, were a great attrac-
tion. County Master Whits, the
Mitchell lodge and citizens and
business men of the town gave the
visitors a grand welcome. Every
acoommoOati2n was provided,
ex -
c 1Teiit`ineaie served, the "procession
magnificent, and the speeches as
sound and patriotic as we ever lie-
tened to. The Perth celebration
will long Jive in the memory of the
The Clinton Victoria Cricket Club
'were visited by a i:eam, p;ck;;.', from the
Fcrest, ,Sarnia, Wyoming, Petrolia, St.
Marys and Exeter clubs, on Wednesday,
having beaten the Exeter club in that
town the previous day. Our boys were
victorious by 2 wickets and one run.
The scoring of both teams was small,
Captain Kennedy r•f the home team,
being the only one to reach double
figures, he batting in excellent form for
hie eleven. Mcmuronie's bowling was
very destructive to the combination
team, he taking 12 wickets for 18 rune.
The following is the score :
Monroe b Mc5lurchio 0 Hit wicket, b Coate 2
Goldsmith b 4 b BlcMurchie 2
Crocker b 0 b McMurchie 0
McCos11 c McGee, b" 0 b Coats 0
Boddy b McMurchie 7 b McMurchie 3
Maylor Run out o b 1
Moscrip Not out 3 b •' 0
Gunn b Kennedy 0 b Kennedy 2
Hyndman b Kennedy 3 c Stanbury, b Coats 2
Bennett c McGee, b
Kennedy 0 Not out 0
McDowell b McMurchie 2 b McMurchie 2
Extras 4 Extras 1
32 21
McGee c Crocker, b
Maylor 0 Run out 0
-Coats b Gunn 4 h )1cDonell 0
Shepherd c Maylor b
McCosh 0 b 0
McTaggart c Bennet b
Maylor 3 c Gunn b McDonell 5
McMurchie b Gunn 0 b Hyndman 8
Wright b 51aylor 1 c Crocker, b
Hyndman 5
Kennedy Not out 11 c Crocker, b Mc-
Donell 2
Stanbury h Maylor 0 b Hyndman 1
Harland Run out 0 Not out 1
Spooner Run out 0 Not out 0
Chidley b McCosh 5 To bat
Extras 4 Extras 0
28 20
— A young man named Lahan Wal-
ters was instantly killed July 9 while
felling trees in a bush about three miles
from Wingham. He and a companion
nameddoe McDonald had beensawing the
tree till it required a wedge. McDonald
was driving the wedge with an axe,
which glanced off, striking Walters in
the bowels, almost cutting him through.
Death was instantaneous. Walters was
22 years of age and had only been marri-
ed three months.
— At a barn raising on the farm of
Thee MoKelth, 12th concession of Ash -
Sold, on Saturday last a serious accident
occurred to Donald McLean, of the same
township. The hands were putting up
the overlays above the granary when one
slipped and struck him on the neck, in-
juring the spine. The lower part of his
body from the waist down is perfeotlf
.powerless.—.Dret.Tg,nita t,,algcl.,Flliptt,,of„
Lucknow, were called in, but give no
hope whatever of the unfortunate man's
Said and written about the or-,,
namental, aid useful in men's,t
wear. It is not our intention
to say very much, but this we:
do say, that the Chicago or
Coat Shirt is the most civilized
idea of comfort that has yet.
been developed and put upon.
the market. No straining, no,
hair mussing and generally un-
comfortable gymnastics of the
good old-fashioned way. These
Shirts may be obtained from..
us. All qualities kept in stock.
--0— —
Jackson Bros.,
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
To keep you cool in church, and
To recline in when •at home, are two necessities for the,
of both these lines and our prices will please you. As
we are now busy taking and re marking stock it will pay 4
you to
----we offer at
Wm. Cooper & Go's