HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-07-08, Page 8To AdArertiserS. Jll _chatye of Advertisements,, to insure insertion in .the current= issue, must be reeeired at the ogee n$ later .that? Monday noon. Copy for ebaatyes received later than Monday mon Roill hereafter be at type Adver- tiser's oust risk. WRTTJLY a& TODD, -Publishers. The Huron News -Record $1.5Q n Year --$1.25 in A.avance Wednesday. July 8th, 1891. LOCAL ,NEWS. In and Around the "Hub.' &IVO L3OAL NOTICES.—All notices in thews columns of mMi rugs or entertainments, previous to hilffling of the same,at which an admission fel charged ,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. Ina MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION„ WHOA I THERE.—If you want to get one of the finest and cheapest and best seta of Single Harness made in Canada, go to JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S, Clinton. If you get your Driving Harness at JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S you will get your money's worth and be protected against accidents, too fre- quently caueed by inferior goods. 654 WANTED, cherries, black currants, &a. Highest Dash price for butter aid eggs.—CANTELON BROS. 662tf TIORDQVIWP, nf. DiX41Qp, weft in LOVA SAO Syy.. NrA, GiEQ, , faprP4.Bpi or the Nile, wee trt town 00 first of the week. 1tf tis K. SHniePhlto and lfrs, Osborne were visiting relatives at the Nile last week. r2UB CrarrrON L wN Terms OJuB purpose playing a friendly game with Stratford, on the grounds of the latter, on Thursday. WE understand the Clinton Vic- toria Cricket Club will contest with the Londen Asylum team, probably next week. The Londoners are considered one of the best teams in the West.`— LACROSSE—Junior Western Dis- trict Championship.—Thie Match will be played in Clinton on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, between the Junior Beavers, of Seaforth, and the Junior Dauntless, of Clinton. By all means encourage the boys by witnessing the game. THE FOREST and Clinton Victoria Cricket Clubs will wield the willow on the agricultural park grounds to day, commencing at 10.30 a.m. The Forest team are on a tour cows peting with the beet clubs in Wes- tern Ontario. MRs. THOS. JACKSON, Jr., is visit- ing friends in Pickering. MRS. JOHN WISEMAN is again domiciled in town after a lengthy visit to friends in St. Marys. Ma. D. B. CALBICK, of Goderich, was in town on Dominion Day, also county Treasurer Holmes. SUMMERHILL L. 0. L. 928 unani- mously decided on Monday to cele- brate the 12th ou tha 13th at Mit- chell. Mies GREIG, of Pickering, who had been visiting relatives in Clinton and Seaforth, has returned home. COi1PENSATORY.—Owing to the increase of duty on spirits the toddy may be weaker but it can be made sweeter owing to the cheapness of sugar. WINDSOR, Ont., is the happy possessor of a cow that has a pen• chant for goslings, having eaten 17 in one day recently. She is making sure of her Christman goose in good time. Ex -PRINCIPAL GROVES, of Wing. ham, now Asst. Principal of Ryer- son School, •Toronto, and Mrs. Groves were made the recipients of valuable presents by members of the school on ils closing for vaca- tion. CLINTON ORANGE LODGE will meet on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. On Sunday morning at 8,30 and go in a body to Holtnesville. On Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, then to the Rattenbury street church at 3 o'clock sharp, and in the evening to the Bayfield Line. Al Money Saved is Quite as Useful as Money Gained. • SEE SOME OF OUR PRICES : A 10 CENT WHISH - FOR 5 CENTS A 20 CENT WHIS - FOB, 10 CENTS A 15 CENT SCRUBBING BRUSH FOR lOcts A 25 CENT SCRUBBING BRUM FOR l5cts A 30 CENT SHOE BRUSIU FOR 20 CENTS We have also Hair Brushes, CoYnb Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Fine .,Qombs, Coarse Combs, Pocket Combs, &c., &c. We are selling out our stock of PIPES, &c., at Greatly Reduced Prices. When these are all gone we shall buy no more. Come while you caja buy. MR. N. WILBUR MANNING SUC ceeds Mr. W. M. McGee as senior book-keeper at the Doherty organ factory. Mr. McGee ie likely to accept a responsible position in Montreal. Mr. Manning will prove a capital successor and is to be con- gratulated on his advancement. A FEW of the many friends of Mrs. and Mies Hayhurat, of Queen's Park Church, London, made their way to the station the other day and presented them with a token of their love and esteem before their departure for their new field in Forest. Mrs. Hayhurst is a daugh- ter of the late Samuel Platt, Goder- ich. STRATFORD Times :—Richard Murphy's death, which occurred at Clinton last week, was very sudden and unexpected. Mr. Murphy watt engaged in the grocery business in Stratford for upwards of 14 years, previous to last fall. He represent- ed Shakespeare ward in the Coun- cil and was a man every one had a kind word for. WELCOME and profuse rain fell Friday in the drouthy parte of this county. Though portions of Gode- rich, Colborne and Ashfield town- ships have s'iffered for want of rain, scarcely any sines April until last week, in no part of these townships will the crops be an entire failure ; on the contrary, a fairly average one may be expected, except in hay and oats. ST. PAUL'S LAWN PARTY.—The lawn party, Tuesday evening of last week, on the pretty grounds of J. H. Combe, Esq., under the auspices of the Churchwoman's Guild, was qnite a successful affair. The wea- ther was fine, the tennis gaines in• terestiug, the refreshments palatable, the grounds charmingly relieved by Chineee lanterns and the whole pro- ceedings enlivened with the mag- nificently musical strains of the 33rd Battalion band in uniform. The gross proceeds were about $70. CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY.—A depu- tation of salt manufacturers, con- sisting of L. Rightmyer, Kincardine; John Ransford, of Clinton, and W. M. Gray, of Seaforth, bad an inter- view with the Ministers of Customs and Finance last week to protest against the.reduction in salt duties. A SPECIAL TRAIN FOR MITCHELL. —It has been officially announced that Wm. White, the popular Coun- ty Master of South Perth, has secured a special ttain to run from Goderich to Mitchell on the 13th, leaving the county town at 8 a. 1n., Holmesville at 8.21, Clinton at 8.35, Seaforth at. 8.55. All con- cerned should govern themselves ac- cordingly. PARADOXICAL.—The Atwood Bee chronicles the fact of six girls of that village who are possessed of only the normal number of two feet each, and yet their tiny, pedals support thirty-five feet. That is they measure stature, in the aggre- gate, to the extent of 35 feet. Six girls all in a rosy, averaging the Amazonian height of 5 feet 10 inohea each, in one Canadian vil- lage, is an elevating circumstance. MASONIC MINGLING.—On the afternoon of Sunday lost Rev. Bro. James Livingston of Listowell preached to the Masons in the town hall, Clinton. There were between eighty and one hundred Masons present. Besides those of Clinton brethren were present from Goder- ich, Seaforth, Auburn, etc. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity, and those who failed to find room inside missed an eloquent, instructive and Qeepel laded discourse, • Mee who denounce Masonry as opposed to the earlier and later disrensation of God's methods and intentions re- lative to his dealings with men in their individual or collective oapac ity, had any of them been present, would. hare—had -therir l9l#tJdS—tli� abused of any such erroneous im- pressions. WITH 18 to 25 lbs of sugar for a dollar this year the following is not much to catch on to :—Fruit pre- served in water is somewhat of a novelty. Mr. Kelly, governor of Hamilton gaol, showed a reporter a jar of gooseberries that were put up 12 months ago, and the fruit looks as fresh almost as the day it was picked. An ordinary sealing glass jar and a pint of fresh spring water are all the appliance required for the experiment, and if it is success- ful with gooseberries why not with other fruits? DEDICATION.—On Dominion Day the Roman Catholic church recently fitted up in Clinton was dedicated to religious purposes. The cere- mony was imposing and impressive as became the traditions of mother church. Not being furnished with anything concerning the programme or the names of all the dignitaries who participatod therein we cannot give a summary of the proceedings such as we would like to. Prom what we can learn Bishop O'Connor, of London, in the forenoon, opened the services of the day and then accompanied by the clergy, they preceding him, went outside the building sprinkling with holy water and blessing the grounds as they marched around the building, and the church as they re entered it. Father Murphy then said mess, after which His Lordship explained the nature of the ceremony they were called to take part in. The Stratford choir did much to assist the spiritual exaltation of the ossa cion. In the evening Rev. Dr. Kilroy preached at vespers, the choir again materially assisting, by their excellent musical renditions, in bringing the higher aspirations in touch with nature's God. Among the celebrants were Bishop O'Connor and Father Noonan, London ; Rev. Dr. Kilroy, Strat- ford ; Fathers Brennan, St. Marys ; MoG•eer Wawalrostr Murphy, Trieb* town ; Dixon, Ashfield and West, Goderieh. 0 Robins-: Bros., • CLINTON. BEESLEY & CO.)=�- n Commencing This Week ! We will offer VERY LOW PRICES on our Summer Goods, and as our Goods are al- ways marked in plain figures, buyers cannot be humbugged. And our Great Reduction in Prices is sure to send every purchaser away happy and with a Big Bargain. We are ready this minute. with a stock well assorted in New and Seasons able Goods of unquestioned merit in quality and style. Prices are•right on every single article in this stock. We will please you id this direction as you were never pleased before. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERVESTS—two for 25 cents. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE —fine goods—at 25 cents a pair. A COMFORTABLE SUMMER SUIT .---o--- The above is very easily obtained from us. We are offering this season a line of Light -Weight Coats and Vests at the remarkably • low figure of $2.50, which with a pair of the famous $2.00 Pants makes as complete a Suit for the, hot weather as could be desired.. The price is $4.50. 0- JACKSON BROS., Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatte.is. iilbassmaimassma- VINIIIIManklomman For a Nice, Nobby LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WIIITE DRESS EMBROIDERIES AND MUS- LINS—special value. LACE MITTS, LISLE, TAFFETTA AND SILK GLOVES— from 10 cents to 75 cents per pair. NEW PRINTS at 10 Dents, worth 12; cents. FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES for Blouses—an assortment that makes friends, outshines rivals, wins victories, and sells itself on its -merits every time. If you want a NE A7 STYLISH HAT OR BONNET, cheap, for your daughte wife, mother, aunt, or cousin, THE SPOT IS Beesleu7Q Great Millinery. Emporium, The Ladies Favorite Establishment SEAFORTH Firemen's Tournament, we regret to learn, resulted in a shortage of $60 which the Firemen will have to•make good. THE RAISING OF THE FLAG.—The raising of the prize flag, won by Miss Buchanan, on the school house of S. S. No. 6, East Wawanoeh, Monday of last week, was a very successful affair. Among the speakers present who hailed with commendatory re. marks the old flag that floats tri- umphant o'er the world ; the flag that has never been dishonored ; the flag that has neper fallen and never will fall so long as Britons remain true to themselves, was Inspector Robb, of Clinton. He nave an in- structive history of the old flag, how the union of the crosses came to be called the "Union Jack." As a boy, in mimic war with the border Amer- ican lade at Kingston he had fought for the old flag. In 1866, as a viol• ItiPrtter irr3`"''i'fa'Zr fiii iiiii' it &rend° of it; and if any unfortunate occasion called again for his services he would Laflb's Stara Enamel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attcntton. 1f you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your Ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. if you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, sues, lace curtains, eta., buy a box. (Every Storekeeper keeps It now, and where the merchant does not keep It we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmosville 55—tf be aye ready to respond. The flag which they had just hoisted bad, always defended the weak and oppressed ; it protected and nonr' iahed, as he hoped it alwaye would, this glorious Canada of ours. Dui;i.sn r strict Orangb" Dol ii; as a District, will go to Mitchell on the 13th, also Goderich District. GO TO Cooper &-Uo's 3300:t< STt,,,,/.,IC1i-l.1J- fti :+r �i