HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-07-08, Page 6Moll .rrn News-Recarc
1.699 YO42-4149 In AUvanee. .
day July Stip, 1_391•
New Loudon, Conn., special to
St. Louis Globe Democrat : The
whaling vessel Star of the East ar-
rived here yesterday, after a cruise
of two years and a half in the South
Atlantic waters. She had on board
a man who is a veritable Jonah,
having existed in a whale's belly
thirty-six home.
The man's statement is vouched
for by the captain and crew of the
vessel, and to -day he is an objet
of great curiosity autuug the sailors.
The m'in'a name is Jaines Bartley,
and he hails from Bedford, where
he was burn thirty-eight years ago.
He has made two voyages floor
this port ou the Star of the East,
and notwlthetaudiug his last trip
he says that he will. ship for
auother voyage as soon as au oppor-
tunity to do so offers itself.
The strange story told by him is,
in substance, as follows :
Last February the Star of the
East was in the vicinity of the
Falkland lands searching for
whales, which were very scarce.
One morning the lookout sighted a
whale about three miles away on
the starboard quarter. Two boats,
were manned and pat chase to the
In a shoat time one of the boats
was near euough to enable the har-
pooner to sued a spear into the
whale whichpv ro ed to be an
exceedingly large olio. With the
shaft it its side the animal sounded
and then sped away, dragging the
boat after hilu with turrrible speed.
He swain straight away about five
tniles, when he tnrued and came
bank almost directly toward the
spot whet() he had been harpooned.
The seeuud boat waited for him,
and when but a short distance away
from it ho arose to the surface. As
snow as his back showed above the
surface of the water the harpooner
in the eecoud boat drove another
spear into him, The pain appar-
ently crazed the whale, for it
thrashed about feartuily, and it
was feared that the boats would be
swamped and the crews drowned.
Finally the whale swam away drag-
ging the two boats after him.
and sounded or sank, and his
whereabouts could not bo exactly
told. 'The lines attached to the
harpoons were slack and the har-
pooners began to slowly draw them
in the tubs. As soon as they were
taughtened the whale arose to the
surface and best about with his tail
in the maddest fashion. The boats
atteinpted to get beyond the reach
of the animal, which was apparent-
ly in its death agonies, and he of
, them succeeded, but the other was
less fortunate. The whale struck
it with his nose and upset it. The
men were thrown into the water,
and before the crew of the other
boat -could pick them up one man
was drowned and James Bartley
had disappeared. When the whale
became quiet from exhauetion the
waters were searched for Bartley,
but he could not be found, and,
under the impression that he had
been struck by the whale's tail and
eunk to the bottom, the survivors
rowed back to the ship. The whale
was dead, and in a few hours the
great body was lying by the ship's
side and the men were busy with
axes and. spades cutting through
the flesh to secure the fat. They
worked all day and a part of the
night. They resumed operations
the next fotenoou and were soon
down in the stomach, which wastobe
hoistad to the deck. The workmen
were startled while laboring to
clear it and to fasten the chain
about it to discover something
doubled up in it that gave spas-
modic signs of life.
The vaet pouch was hoisted to
the deck and cut open, and inside
was found the missing sailor,
doubled up and unconscious. He
was laid out on the deck and
treated to a bath of sea water, which
soon revived him, but his mind was
not clear and he was placed in the
captain's quarters, where he re-
mained two weeks, a raving lunatic.
He was carefully treated by the
captain and officers of the ship, and
bo finally began to get possession
of his senses,' At the end of the
third week he had entirely recover-
ed' from the shock and resumed hie
duties. •
During his brief sojourn
Bartley's skin, where it was expos•
ed to the action of the gastric juices,
underwent a striking change. His
face and hands were bleached to a
deathly whiteness and the skin was
wrinkled, giving the man the
appearance of having been par-
Bartley affirms that he world
probably have lived inside his
house of floss until he starved, for
he lost his senses through fright
and, rant .through, lack .of-Air-41es
says that he remembere the senaa-
tiou of being lifted into the air by
the nose of ;hha wba16 and .ot frilling
into thewater, tkte><1 there watt U.
fearful rushing Pound, which he
believed to be the beating of the
water'by the whale's tail; then ho
was encompassed' by a fearful dark -
nese, and he felt himself slipping
along a smooth passage of some sort
that seemed to wove and carry him
forward. This sensation lasted but
an instant, then he felt that he had
morn room. He felt about him,
and his hands came ju contact with
a yielding, elirny substance that
seemed to shrink from his touch.
It finally dawned upon him that
he had been swallowed by the whale,
and he was overcome with horror
at the situation. He could breathe
daily, but the .heat was terrible.
It was not of a• scotching, stifling
nature, but it seemed to open the
pores of his akin and to draw out
the vitality. He became very weak,
and grew sick at his stomach. Ile
kne-w that there was no hope of
escape from his strange prison.
Death stared him in the face, and
he tried to look at it bravely, but
the awful quiet, the fearful dark-
ness, the horrible knowledge of his
environments and the terrible heat
finally overcame him, and he must
have faiuted, for bo next remem-
bered being in the captain's cabin.
Bartley is not a man of a timid
nature, but he says that it was many
weeks before he could pas a night
without haviug his sleep disturbed
with harrowing dreaule of angry
whales and the horrors of his fear-
ful prison.
of Bartley has never recovered its
natural appearance. It is yellow
and wrinkled and looks like old
parchment. The health of the man
does not seem to have been affected
by his terrible experience ; lie is in
splendid spirits and apparently
fully enjoys all the blessings of life
that comp his way.
Tho whaling captains who sail
from this port say they never knew
a parallel case to this before. They
say that it frequently occurs that
men are swallowed by whales who
become infuriated by the pain of
the harpoon and attack the boats,
but they have never known a man
to go through the ordeal that
Bartley did and tomo out alive.
"Life is an ocean.
Each one has his bark,"
Some have a bark they would gladly
be rid of—a ceaseless, pert,ietent, deter-
mined cough ! present by day not absent
by night. If you take the wings of the
morning and fly to the uttermost parts of
the earth it will go with you I There is
just one thing to do : begin a thorough
treatment with Dr. Pierce'e Medical Die -
o -very, and the problem is solved? You
will wonder wi.ere it has gone and when
it went ! The picture is not overdrawn
—Joldr, Lasering and obstinate coughs,
and even;Con iimpt on, in its early stages,
vield to this p•>tent tregetable compound.
Large bottles one dollar, at druguiatt,
and guarantee to ben,.fit t,r onre, le every
m'se, or money reiuroed by its makers,
I Mayor McShane, of Montreal,
who is a devoted Roman Catholic,
will lay the corner stone of the
new Methodist church at Point St.
The usual way is to neglect bad blond
until _,oils, blotches and sores make its
presence forcibly known : Every wise
person ought to he careful to purify the
blond by using the best blond purifi
and tonic, Burdark Blood Bitters. I
purifying power is unrivalled.
--A barn of Mr. I-tobert Gilpin's,
near Thornton, was being raised up
to put new sills under it, when the
supporta slipped from underneath
one side and the barn fell, crush-
ing Thomas Chapman and James
McLellan. Chapman died instant-
ly and McLellan lingered a short
tim e,
with DO more common or daniierrus mal-
ady than Catarrh. It begins with a cold
in the bead, of:en resists all forme of
treat"ieot, and runs from simple irrita-
ton of the mucous membrane to chronic
inflammation and d.etruotive ulceration.
Before Cl ark's Catarrh Cure Wes kuown
the doctors adopted a long constitution-
al treatmeut with their patients, but now
they recommend them to go to th 1 drug=
met and get a package of Clark's Catarrh
Cure. When the druggist oannotsupply,
the remedy will he sent by mail on re-
oeipt of 50 cents. Clark Chemical Co.
Toronto, New York.
—Wm. Cathro, a Toronto con-
tractor, and Robert Wood had an
exciting contest with a black hear
the other day in the nickel regions
of Algoma. The othor day they
were crossing Lake Wahnapitaeping
in a canon and encountered bruin
swimming across a narrow channel.
They attacked the animal with the
only weapon they had, an axe.
Mr. Cathro struck the brute on the
head with the pole of the axe,
smashing the skull, but unfortunate-
ly they let • the axe drop into the
water. The enraged animal at-
tacked them end all they could do
was to shove him off with the
paddle when he came near the
canoe. Gradually they got him to
the shore, where Mr. Cathro at-
tacked him with atones but the
animal escaped.
The Australian Commonwealth will
-have grand results but the results of
using Burdock Blood Bitters for diseases
of the atomaoh, liver, bowels and blood
eurpssa all expeotatione. Dyspepsia,
.Bearlaeherleilirmanesersornfoltrrelet; " are'
promptly cured by B. B. B.
Anusol; TO MoPiltas, •Aro ,ea dlstnrat
1.2440ltb4t .and broken of YearAlston* by a siek child
sulterlog and (trying with pain of Optling Weuth 2
If so send st once slat; got a bottle of -"Mrs,
Wtnslow'd Seething Syrup" tor4 Qbtldren Teeth.
Itk value is ,ineatanlabtoa t will rolloye
t1spoo ,iitttssntferstlaiMedlately. Depend open
it, mothers; there is no Militias about it. It
sures Dysentery and Diarrheas, regulates the
stoning; andbowels, cnrq@. Wind Collo, softens
the game, reduces inThuumatien, and gtvotl tone
end energy to the whole system. r`Mr i. Winetow'e
Soolbing Syrup" for ohiidren teething la pleasant
to the taste and le this preeerletion of one of the
oldest and best female pbystolape and nurses in
the United States, audio for sale by all dnigglst's
throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
Be sure and sok for "Mae. WZNSLOW's So'TnIno
.9TEDP," and take no other kind. 654
Ttvo young girls who wore
found guilsy at Toronto the other
day of habitual prostitution with
Chinamen, have been sentenced to
the girls' Industrial Home.
have written that Clark's Cntarrli Cure
has relieved them, restoring perfectly
every seoae. Through gratitude they
have consented that their names be pub-
liehed. Yet the Clark Cheuti;al Co.
will riot use this means to advertise their
remedy. They .vill not parade the suf-
fering of any one, or invade the snored
privacy of any barna•. Any s• fferer from
Catarrh will recommend Clark's Catarrh
Cure, anti that good word is wnr'th more
than the pabh,hed certifini'e. Clark
Ceecnioal'Cu., Toronto. New York.
—Lady Macdonald has been rais-
ed to the peerage.
take Dr. Low's Worm syrup. It pleases
the children and destroys the worm.
—The House of Commons voted
down by 72 to 50 a motion to ad-
journ on Dominion Day. •
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice, having
had placed in his hands by an East India mission•
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent cure of Couu imption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and
Lung AtIcetlr,ns, also a positive and radical euro
for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints,
after having tested its wonderful onrativo powers
1n thousands of cases, has felt 1t his duty to make
it known n ,n to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive aud a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe. in Gorman, French or English, with full
directions for preparing 1 P 5 andusing, Soot by mall
bv; addressing with sterol), naming this pater.
W. A. NuyES, 820 Put ars' Bl•ml;, Jtocheeter, N.Y.
059 -y
—Mr. Adam Brown assumed the
duties of Hamilton's postmaster July
TIIE RED COLOR of the blood is
caused by the iron it contains. Supply
the iron when lacking by using Milburn's
Beef, Iron and Wine.
--Mies Dollie Weir, adopted
daughter of Stephen Backus of Tyr-
connell, and daughter of Mrs. Weir,
Port Stanley, was struck in the side
of the head by the seat of a swing
in .which two men were swinging.
She was knocked unconscious, blood
flowing from both ears. The phys-
ician afterwards found that the
bone of the skull was fractured
and her recovery is not probable.
DEAR SIR,—I 'suffered for three days
very severely from Summer Complaint,
and could get no relief, but kept getting
worse till the pain was altno•t unhear
able, and I was very weak. After every-
thing else had failed I tried Dr F•.,wler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry. The first
dose gate relief, and it did not fail to
cure me.
V ilned, Out.
Jailiairarialiaa•RIZL-A-ILV rra rra r r v CAT.: ..r..
unnaturally loth: tone: "1, Annie,
take thee,; Horace, to be 4nyy lawful
wredded wife," and, when. t.io time
carne for hiw to introduce bis bride
to porno of hie Mende who had not
yet seeft her, he did it by saying,
awkwardly : UAb, er--.Dlise Carter
tide is my wife, Miee Barton,"
calling her by her maiden nate.
Few mensay "my wife"easilyand
naturally the fiat time they use the
words in public.
A funny case was that of a badly
rattled bridegroom wbostared blauk•
ly at the minister until asked if he
took "this woman to be Itis lawful
wedded wife," whet, he started sud-
denly and hastily and said, io the
blandest manner ;
"Ab! beg pardon, were you speak-
ing to mel" '
A village preacher said that Le
once married a rural couple at the
home of the L'ine's parents in the
presence of a large company of in-
vited aueate. The Lridegruom was
a big, bony, reduced young fellow,
who looked as though be could have
felled_ an ox with his fist ; but he
shivered and turned cold at the be-
ginning of the ceremony, and at its
close lie fell down iu a dead faint,
to the manifest annoyance of his
bride, who had been as cool as a cu-
It was on the evening of the last
day of March, that two young men
were seated in a comfortable apart-
ment in the — Hotel, Manchester,
with a bottle of champagne before
them. and cigars in their mouths.
"To -morrow is the anniversary of
toy birthday," spoke out Bob S--,
at length.
"Yes," was the reply of his coms
panion, whose name was Bill
'Ton know Old Dingley, that old
wag of a dentist on — street,"
continued Bob.
"Certainly," was the reply.
"Well, one year ago, to -morrow;
he played a — of a game on
"Did he 1"
"Yes, and to -morrow I mean to be
up to him for the same trick."
"You see this tooth 1" he replied,
as he stretched open his mouth to
the view of the other. "Well, it is
a false one, and tomorrow I'll go
to him with my face bundled up,
and tell him I have got a decayed
tooth which I want extracted, and
have him pull out this false one."
"Ha, ha, Ila 1" burst' out Bill,
"drat will indeed be a good joke."
So it was arranged that Bill
should happen into the office at
Kingley's the next morning at nine
o'clock, that he might see the eport,
and that Bob should arrive in a short
time, ready for the operation
They then took their departure
from the hotel, each takiug the
nearest course for his lodgings.
"Good morning, Mr. Dingley,"
was the salutation of Bill li—
the next morning after the con versa•
tion alluded to above, as he entered
that individual's office.
"Gond_ nt:anlnn • take a neat ".tuna
H:.... DEIO . OR, F.
Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet
See the lHam'some Organ, now on exhibition,
Is used both Internally in 4 externally.
It ants qutolci$, affording _moat /natant
roliottrom tho sever ,at pain.
In Canadian Cholera and Bowel
Complaints its effect fsaglcal.
It cures In a very short time.
AZT Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations.
Organic/ Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of
Energy,Physical Decay, positively cured by
Hazelto'e Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility,
Dimness of Sight, Loss of Ambition, Unfitness
to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power
Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in
Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness, Aversion
to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indus•
gone, eta, eta Every bottle guaranteed.
20,000 sold yearly Address, enclosing stamp
for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated
Pharmacist. 808 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. '
There was a lightning hitch made
in Hamilton the other day. It was
not the seine kind of a hitch that
has made the Hamilton fire depart-
ment famous ; it was a matrimonial
hitch. The grootn was not anxious
to have the ceremony performed,
ant had only two choices to make,
Either to marry the girl or go to jail.
ile decided to accept tho girl. For
'any months Frank Smith, hostler
the Dominion hotel, has been
eeping company with a girl who
rmerly worked at the hotel. The
polish girl allowed her love for
+rank to get the better of her judg-
bent, and she strayed away from
the right path. • Her parents
uspected that she was in trouble,
nd they considered that it would
e the proper thing for the young
nan to marry the girl.
Yesterday afternoon the girl's
unt and father went to the hotel,
nd Frank was told that if he did
of marry her he would be arrested.
'he aunt telephoned for Chief Mc-
Kinnon. The chief was not in.
)etective Reid went up to the
hotel. When the young man saw
bim enter the door the young man
said : "All right; I'll marry the
girl." Then everybody was happy
except the groom.
Taking a carriage the young peo-
ple went away and got spliced.
and when the time came for us to go
down stairs to meet the bride and
her attendants, he nearly had a fit,
and he looked lilce a walking corpse
all through the ceremony. I. had to
keep saying, "Brace up old boy,"
and "Coyne, come, you've got to go
down," to get him started at all ; and
at the door he was idiotic enough to
clutch at me and say :
"Say, Fred, how would it do to
have Mary and the preacher slip in
here and have it all over before we
go down at all ? I can't go through
it before all that crowd."
"Idiot!" I said briefly and point,
edly enough to leave no doubt as to
my meaning, "Mary won't come in
here, and you will go down thie ins
He got through at last without
doing or saying anything ridiculous,
in which respect he was luckier than
another stalwart bridegroom of my
acquaintance, who was so dazed and
overcome that Ile held out one of hie
own fingers for the ring when the
ministersaid : "With this ring I thea
wed "
Another bridegroom I knew lost
his head to such a degree that when
it carne time for bins to gay : "l,
.loos;ane,:takeathee, tlnuie,.:,Anabastuay:
lawful wedded wife,' he said, in an
pun pain Len Lo sae raLse"JL!'tr.
The doctor who was fifty years
old, and wore spectacles, gave a
look at the tooth, and seeing it was
sound, could not at first conceive
what should cause it to ache, and
was about to speak, when a thought
struck him. It was the first of
April ! He gave another look at
the tooth, and immediately perceiv-
ed it was a false one, and that a
trick was being practiced upon hint.
"Now hold still, and be perfectly
quiet," said the doctor.
"I will," was the reply, "but he
as quick as possible."
The doctor took his instrument,
and clapped it upon the tooth next
the false one, which was it large
double tooth, perfectly sound, he
gave one tremendous jerk and it
wan out.
With a yell of agony, Bob sprang
to his feet and screamed out—
"Murder I Doctor, you've pulled
the wrong tooth I"
"Oh, no," quietly replied the
doctor, wiping his instruments, "the
one you told mo to extract I pulled
out some ten months ago, and I
thought you wouldn't want one
tooth to go through such an exceed-
ingly painful operation twice."
Bob seized his hat, and from that
day.,,he..11ae., ad tt.,luatus qts h_oiror, o f.
Dr. Kingley.
A farmer in Cumberland made
his will, and in coming home he
lost it at the door of a very rich old
gentleman, whose whole thoughts
were running upon money. The
old fellow found it at his gate, and
began to read it. He there found
that the farmer was giving £500 to
this person, and £1,000 to another,
and a farm in a distant county to a
third. The old man went in and
aid, "Ay, ay, I alwaye thought this
fellow knew how to look about him."
In a few days the farmer came to
tell him he was about to set up a
manufactory, and to ask him for a
loan of £500; the old fellow, who
had the will in his head, complied
without hesitation. In a few months
the farmer became bankrupt, with-
out a shilling to pay his creditors ;
and the old man, on inquiry, found
that the will was an entire fabrica-
tio-n,.._an.&itatl, been dropped at -hie--
gate on purpose.
14'e will at all times be pleased to
receive items of netts from our sub-
scribers. We want a good corres-
pondent in every locality, nut already
represented, to send us RELIABLE news,'
SU 1f3 S Cit I EB EItS.
Patrons who do not receive their
paper regularly from the carrier or
tlar)ugh their local post offices will
confer a favor by reporting al this
office at once. Subscriptions may
commence at any time.
Advertisers will please bear in mind
that all "changes" of advertisements,
to ensure insertion, should be handed
in not later than MONDAY NOON of
each week.
THE NEWS -RECORD stns a larger
circulation than any other paper. 271
this section, and as an advertising
medium has few equals in Ontario.
Our books are open /0 those who
mean business._ _ s ►
The Job Let arlment of this jour-
nal is one of the best equipped in
Western Ontario, and a superior
class of 'work is guaranteed at ,very
lom prices.
TISEMENTS inserted in TRH
News RECORD at low rates. The law
makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock
If yon want any kind of advertising you Will nob
do better than call on 'ewe-$eo0ord.
The subscriber having severed his connection
with the Massey Company, desires to intimate
that he has bean appointed agent for the well-
known firm of
implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be
pleased to 511 all orders in bis line ae heretofore.
Will also keep on hand WILKINSON PLOWS,
articles of like nature.
647-6m Holmeaville and Clinton
AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a
select orchard of choice apple trees ;
house and stables ; adjolninglGode-
rtch township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godes
lch. 628-tf
Ideal Washer
Machines Allowed on Trial
am also agent for all
All Agricultural Implements
Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill.
• Call and see me.
J. ■ WEIR, C UNION _ ro ',