HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-07-08, Page 4.4. nie'Juror Near *Necora Lee a I'm -41.2e leer/Yogi rather thou, put up •with„a Bondi,. tion of thitiga repugnant to stability. lists. Thseleratiene akiottld; be -got of governmentand fealty to ooneti' . in et once, -au that the 'names may Stir, ;1891,toted authority, It wee a eo•ualled appear on the first printed lista. P tlnca4l r, .11110 $ ` Reform adneinist.ratien that pulsed The -Riding Coneetvative .d.ssocis- ALIS. '.( ATXO�Y IS NU!'<PIz'OOF. the odious rebellion losses bill wit eb time shaultf see that all the local aroused loyal sentiment fra`in one associations are provided ..with end of Canada to the other. The blank forma of declaration, or these French loyalists allow -ed their red- ehould he provided in some way. al and creed sympathies to- overcome There- la a Conservative majority in for the time being their fealty to the West Huron, but if the names are Crown ; and the Upper Canada Be- not on the lists, the Riding might. forutere sold their loyalty for a mess as well,, for all praeticel purposes, of plunder end power, Hon.Malcolm be a Grit hive. Cameron being made Commissioner We make room for condensed ofPublic Works in the Adruinistra- qualifications of thoee entitled to tion which paid a premium on re- vote. bellion,as the priee of attaining and Must be a British aubject of the retaining power. Though many of age of 21. us were mere youths at the time, Owner of real property of $300 1849, we can remember the excite- io cities, $200 in town, $150 in went that raged all over Upper Can- villages or townships. ada at the nefarious compact male Tenant (or joint tenant or works betweeu Reformers and the rebels and on shares) at monthlte rental of as the price of power. Nu Govern- 32, or quarterly $6, or half -yearly ment would dare to act the same to• $12, or $20 yearly, or the yeirly day—to remunerate enuvicted rebels occupant of lands in towns worth for the loss they suataiued by their $200 or $150 in villages or town - own overt acts of treason and rebell- ships, ion. If Mr. Abbott and his gym- Has income of 3300 from his pathizers of 1849, had gone forth• earnings in money or money's er thau merely declariug their worth, or from some profession, preference for annexation under the e+,lliug, office or trade. eiroumstauees *they would have yet Every farmer's Son in proportion been loyal meu. If they Iiad gone of every $150 for teach one on the further and taken up arms in de- assessed value of father's property• fence of their contention they would The son of any other owner of only have been engaged iu coot- real estate in the carne proportion. mendable revolution which is as The son of tenant farmer of 20 far separated from rebellion as loy• acres leased for nut less than five alty is from treason. Abbott and years in the sane proportion as to his compatriots were loyal to both value of land as if father was constitution and Crown ; those who owner. passed the rebellion indemnity bill - -- wore disloyal to both. To take the EDITORIAL NOTES. public nonny of loyal men to in- demnify convicted rebels for des- troying the their own property was an likely to boa short one this year act of such astounding monstrosity owing to the shortness of the corn that people now-a•days are lost in crop last year. amazement that such a thing could The London Free Press is charg- be and yet the perpetrators remain ed with saying that the tariff is an We exported last year wheat, the advisers of the Crown. A few days "expedient." Well, whatever ie produce of Canada, to the extent of ago Cardinal Taechereau'e organ, La expedient ie right and whatever is 422,274 bushels ; the United States Sentaine Religieuse, speaking of right is expedient. exported 150,000,000 bushels. the '37-'38 movement, recalls the That is, the United States, though declaration of Mgr. Signay, then In some of the American States twelve times our population, export- bi*hop of Quebec, who declared the personal property is reached for tax ed three hundred times more wheat patriotism of the rebels misguided purposes by making all notes of than we did. They exported about and the means employed criminal. hand illegal unless accompanied 2? bushels per head of their popu- It says :—"In spits of what may be by a certificate of assessment. lation, while we exported only said or written, the insurrection of about one eleventh part of a bushel 1837.8 was criminal. The tirades Three times as much eugagcan per head of our population. II of any;of the subscribers to a moon now be bought for a given sum al requires only a plain statement like ment erected to the victims of the during the time the Gritti were in this to disprove the alleged hunger- unfortnvato undertaking will uot ower. Itis not to be wondered at change its nature." p ing of the Americans for Canadian that the Grits sourly charge the farm products, when in wheat alone DOMINION VOTERS LISTS.Tories with taffying the dear they export 150 lbs per head to our public. export of 5 lbs per head Great difficulty is experienced iu - getting those entitled to vote to go The recent rains throughout Cartwright in his management of to the trouble of making a declare Ontario will be a damper on talons- the finances under a Grit administra- tion in accordance therewith and ity Cartwright. The prospect of tion from 1873 to 1878 succeeded in to apply to have their names put fair crops here as well as through- creating an annual deficit of nearly on the lista. Though very little is out the Domnion generally will be $2,000,000. He had 6 cents a known about it to the general too much for the man of sorrows pound on tea to help him to thus public the work of revising the and whiskers. muddle things and from 2 to 3 cents Dominion lists began about a month American authorities say that .a pound on coffee. Under Conserve - ago. Tho law, we understand, tive administration, since 1878, we g owing to the European wheat crop makes no provision for giving the being 120,000,000 bushels short have bad annual surpluses of from necessary information to the public this year the chances are for re- $2,000,000 to $5,000,000, and the as to when and how those who eon- numerative prices for wheat in this people have had free tea and free eider themselves entitled to vote country. England alone will coffee, and now we have free auger. require all the surplus wheat A should be put on. Presumably theThe generally properotts condition Amer -The work of getting names on the lists of the country under Consee atives ica can spare. is left to party heelers. This having made it possible for the Fin- ehould not be. A novel idea has The Conaervativiam of the present ance Minister to wipe off the sugar d been embodied in Illinois law. Government stands for the beat in- duties ; and they having been int - Those who do not get enrolled on terests of all classes and for the posed for purely revenue purposes TIIAT REVOLUTIONARY the lists of voters have their names greatest prosperity of all the Provin- were not necessary to carry out the made out by the election clerks and ries. It is a Conservttiveism. that national policy of protection to na- Duringthe excitementconsequont jurors are drawn from this clava appeals to the patrotiemofthe agrieul- tive industries. The purchasing on tho passing of a bili in 1849 "to until the list is exhausted. Whether turas class and satisfies their interests power of the people having increae- indemnify parties in Lower Canada the serving as a juror is more die as well as all labor and oommerci- ed- it is expected that the duties on whose property had been destroyed tasteful than voting we know not, al interests. spirits, tobacco and other articles of in the rebellion of 1837 and 1838", but it would appear that a man luxury will make up the loss of the the new Premier, Hon. Mr. Abbott, who would wilfully disfranchise Tho United States as a nation revenue on sugar. among others,s gned a document de- himself would not be likely to make were about 100 years old at the Glaring that even annexation were a good juror. birth of the Dominion of Canada preferable to tiviug uuderaGovern• We are indebted to the Globe of Unreasoning people talk ae though ment that put a premium on disloy Saturday for some information an infant can equal in performance alty. Half a million dollars wore anent this very important matter. the work of an adult. But after all voted. Over $100,000 of this was The sources from which the revie- Canada is still a precocious youngster proven to have been paid for claims ing officers, according- to law, are andel! far ahead in all that marks the of persons who had actually been taking information are the old material progress of its couain to the condemned by court martial for Dominion voters' list, the assess- south at the same age. And we complicity In the rebellion, and went roll, the Provincial and will get '•thar" ahead of time yet. probably two-thirds of the whole municipal voters' lista and the sum was paid to persona who had solemn declarations of persona who An American Roman Catholic actually been engaged on the side of deem themselves entitled to vote, paper says :—"The defections a - the rebels. It was a loyal act for To put in as many of these declare- mong American -born Catholics has Mr. Abbott to declare that he pre- tions as possible during the month been increased by the fact that the ferrel any other position than that of July is the business of Conserve- authorities at Rome have never in of potting n premium upon overt uvea just now. By the working of any way recognised Catholioe as acts of rebellion—the indemnifying the law, or by accident the names Americans, and by ignoring the of those whose hands were still red of Conservatives may be omitted country, the people, and the in - with the blood of their loyal fellow though they appear in all the now stitutions, have led many weak - Canadians. Though Mr. Abbott existing lists and rolls ; but the kneed Catholics to believe the has apologized for this creditable tiling of. a, declaratiorTl_,.svhich.,coats ..charge.constsntl_y.madeby4beir.ert�.: th t4lia iiitifii'aci^ortre youth; he was no money and very little trouble, emiee that the church is hostile to perfectly justified in then rushing makes the matter safe. West the American people, their govern - into possible evils that he knew not Huron was lost to the Conservatives ment and institutions, last election by' inattention; to' alto Grit papers pretend to think it phenomenal because one Conserva- tive paper, the,,Loncton .Free Press, holds, "that if Itt.r. Tarte makes out hie vase, parliament moat be purged of every Doodler who .has been a party to the scandal ; popular no. tions of purity would be outraged if a convicted boodler were to sit on either side of the Ilouae fur a day." The Loudou Free Press ie not by any modus singular in bold- ing and, publiehing such views. The entire Coueervetive press has given voice to mach emiut•utly pro- per and thorough.y Conservative doctrine. Whether the offender be Gritor Tory they cuudemu boudlors having a seat in parliament. They coudentued Timothy Warren Aug - lin while he was Grit Speaker of the House for holdiug that position while it was known he was a hood - ler. They euudemued' H. H. Cook, the acknowledged and proven Grit Boodler for sitting in the House under these conditions. They pr -- tested against \I, C. Cameron being a 111 and proper person to have a heat iu the House when he was an acknuwlodged and ,proven Boodler. The Conservatives protested against Rylteit holding a seat in the House though he did not acknowledge he was a boodles nor was it positively proven he was. But as a member of the House should, like Caesar's wife, be above seapiuian they did not thiuk he shoul,�l have a seat it the House. If it shall be proven that Meseta McGreevy and Lengovin are hoodlsis, the Conservative puess and Couservativo opinion will say they should not have seats in the 11onse. But Conservatives will not condenru a man without trial. They will not convict hint while his case is sub/at/ice, so to speak. They leave that for the Grits to do. Con- servatives hold fast to fair play, They will not convict on the ex - parte evidence of a witness who is a self-.,ckuowledged fellow conspira- tor, They will decently wait until the defendant has submitted his evi- dence befot:e convicting hiiu. The rueauest criminal in the land is en- titled to this and so are those high in authority. 'Che political jabber of relentless partisans is not evi- dence. Any ono can makes chargee of wrong doing against another. Their truth is another thing. And the truth of chargee made out of re- venge and not in the iutereste of the public or morality is more than questionable. All Conservatives can strike bands with the London Free Press and say, "if Mr. Tarte makes out his case Parliament rung be purged of any member who is a ,party to the scandal." That "if". If all Grit writers are liars they should not be believed. But the mere assertion that thsy are is not proof. If McGreevy and Langevin are boodlers they should not be in parliament. The mere assertion that they are is net proof, more es- pecially when that assertion is made by a self -criminate witness. The Mato/0y bill acted 'like 'a boomerang in rho price ,of wool aoroes the. -lines aa it did in- tate price of egg., II.R i werican wool- grower writegthe Michigan .Farmer : "Now then, .as to the price of wool. With shame I confeea that l put some faith in the prohlisee of the friends - of the McKinley bili. I did not wall last year's clip, and to- day cannot sell except at a loss of two cents per pound below what 1 was offered a year ago." A gentleman calla our attention to an editorial note in our town contemporary endorsing the state- ment of the Superintendent of the Lundon Asylum for the Insane that alcoholic beverages are not in any •respect neces- sary for the ininates of that institu- tion. Our friend naively insinn. sten that total abstinence aunties are living proofs that such bever- ages are uot in any respect neces- sary for lunacy outside the walls of the Asylum either. At any tate it is questionable proof that alco- holic beverages are uot necessary to sane men, to bring forward expert evidence showing that they are not necessary to insane men. Canada raises about $40,000,000 or $8 per head, annually, to carry on the business of the country, Out of this the several provinces receive about $1 per head in the form of subsidy from the Federal government, and a very large pro- povtion is paid out for public im- provements. The United States raise about 3480,000,000 annually, or 38 per head ; their municipal and state taxation will average about a similar figure. The Chicago Inter Oseau says tl.e State of Illinois, with about the sarne population as Ontario, pays about $30,000,000, auuually, in taxes. matters with the adhesivensee Of .a la'n utti-da iya4 1.141/AchiA the Spolding'a:.glua attaebtttent, hove- latest addition to our merino 1100, ever rieliable be Maybe in hie . prof. the Pony, Toni . The ,3en 1'ort wad pr` doeikited by .and eonatru>1ted under essional and private like, it is n>ani- the supervision of pap Logan, the featly unfair that the title of `ilfatber owoe This boat if$ a sister ,ship to of lie" ehoujd. adhere to him. By the nxtie Rooney and wail ahare the father of lies is meant that wily with .her the pleasant duties of old devil even Satrap. And he a parr ing the fair Does '`rots, Sturgeon ercised hie calling long before Mr Po' rt ta�;3uanyside Farm, 0. Cameron dabbled in the tortuous IIeI Illop. wiles of political exigencies. No, L. O. L. 813 decided oil Motldity no, Mr..Catneron is not "the father evening to celebrate on the 1$th at of lies" though many able political Mitchell. The -special train leaves statements might be adduced as Soaforth for Mitchell at 8.66 a. w. collateral evidence of'kinehip, in a L. 0. L. 813 had a very successful more or less remote relationship, Royal Arch meeting on Monday though it may not be in a direct evening. Three worthy candidates f3 y were advanced, after which a aplen- primogenial line, with that ancient did lunch was provided, and all en - personage. joyed the evening. The Lady True Blues will meet in the Orange.hall at 6.30 on Sunday and go in a body to church. Rev. Mr. Attawell,of Walton, will preach a special eermou, and the Orange- men, True Bluee and" friends are ex- pected to turn out largely. Every- body invited. Owen Murphy, the principal wit• nes* in the investigation now going on before a committee of the House relative to the alleged wrong doings in connection with the Public Works Department, is a New York ex -politician and defaulter. He cosily swears to his atteutpta to bribe members of Parliament and others as though he were buying oadivary merchandise. Tfe is also under a criminal indictment in Quebec in connectiou with the un- lawful conversiou or forgery of a note for $400,000. And his chargee against the Department, he swears. are the outcome of the refusal of the 1)eparttneut to give hint any more contracts owing to his crookedneee. Of a truth his oath is not to be reli- ed on without the strongest possible corroborative evidence. MANIFESTO. Loride5bot o•. Miss Brogden spent Sun,lay Last in Clinton. - Mr. John Ritchie, of \\ringbaut, was in the village Monday. Mr. McFadyen will sail for the Old County about the 11th inst. Tho Sunday School picnic held on the lst was not so well attended as usual. Our school is closed and the teachere have gone away to spend the holidays. The debate arranged to come off in the I. 0. G. T. lodge is in- definitely postponed. Quite a number drove to Clinton on Saturday eveniug to see Untie Tont'e Cabin played. A splendid -uin fell on Thursday night and Friday. It was tnuch needed and will do a dual of good. Farmer's in this section have commenced haying, they report a short crop. Fall wheat looks well and promises a good yield. A S. 0. E. Lodge was instituted here on Friday evening by Mr. Hancock, of Hamilton. The follow- ing officers were chosen for the first term :—Pres, A. Woodman ; Vice Pres. Geo. Williams ; Chap. Rev. J. Ferguson ; S. & F. S. John Lasham ; 1. Guide, Thos Gregory; O.G., A. Brunsdon; P. Pres. Geo. Thompson, They will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays in each month. Additional Locals. 4 Mu. JAnlEs FAle and Mrs. Fair left last week on a pleasure trip to the old country. ST. PAUL'S CUUR011.—The annual Sunday School picnic will be at Goderich ou July 16. REv. Mu. Geat,owsc c•omnenced his uaetorate in Ontario St, Meths, dist church.last Sunday. li,ev. J. Lloyd Jones of Syracuse, N, Y. preached last Sunday even- ing in the Ratteubury St. Meth. church. Excr3ANOE.—Rev. Mr. Ste wart of Willis Presbyterian church, Clin- ton and Rev. Jas. Livingston, Me- thodist, of Listowell, exchanged pul- pits last Sabbath. T, C. DonEnrY was exercising the stallion Phil Patchon the other day when the "critter" struck out and covered the track at a gait of 2.58. Not' bad for a green horse without any extra urging. WILL AVOID Tna APPEARANCE Or PARTIALITY.—Owing t0 the inde- finiteness of the regulations regard- ing the duties of the examinees b' the school boards, Mr. Lough has decided not to examine any of the papers allotted to him. IIo has the fullest confidence in the ability and honesty of the members of the Board cf Examiners, and believe, that unless the new regulations make it imperative that the Public School teachers appointed shal ex- amine a portion of the papers, it is more in" accord with the Golden Rule not to do so. Bayfaeld Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, was in town last week. Mr. Alex. Ferguson, who has been visiting in Goderich, has returned. No need to have a dirty watoh when Mr. Harry Kemp is around. Miss Brierly and her mother, accompanied by several friends, are visiting here. A large number of visitors are expected at the Commercial and River hotels this week. Mr. Eason is revisiting here for a few days. We are pleased to see bis familiar -pace among us again. The Stanley agricultural society's grounds have been enlarged. A spleudid half -mile track is the latest Mr. Cameron, Huron, had a per- sonal grievance to, air in the House the other day. The gentleman and his friends protested against maimed-, versions by Ministers of the Crown and other Tory platform speakers of himself during the elerttione of 1887. Also those contained in Tory literature anent his criticism of the Government's Indian policy, Mr. Dewdney and Sir John Thomp- son endorsed the view of the general incorrectness of Mr. Cameron's alleged extracts form public doou- muents. But it was stated by Mr. Cameron's friends that the height of injustice was done Mr. Cameron when he was dubbed "the father of lies" by his opponents. The friends of Mr. Cameron are quite right in -notedosiring the-gentlemiteetoappea •= in a character not properly his. Though Mr. Cameron may not be cemented to the truth in political PIONEER PASSED AWAY.—There died in Goderich Saturday last, at the age of 84, Thos. Kidd, formerly postmaster at that place. We believe Mr. Kidd succeeded Mr. Griffin in that office and held it until about 1856. He resided in Goderich for about 58 years. The writer can re- member him as postinasterover forty years ago. He was out pith the vol- unteers to Sarnia in '37 and '38. Took an active part in getting the first and only railway to Goderich, and was a writer on local and poli- tical matters of considerable ability. He had one son who died at the age of 10 or 11 yeava. The wife of Col. Ross is his only daughter. Many of our readers will remember him. CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. — Hamilton has now over 50,000 in- h- bitauts, —Thomas A. Ti,ylor, druggist, Owen Sound, was drowned in the bay off that town Sunday afternoon. — Maitland Young, jun,, of the Bank os Hamilton, was drowned in Hamilton Bay Sunday afternoon through the up- setting os a canoe. —Mrs Warner, of Straffordville, On+„ claims to be 106 years old. —Crop prospects in the maritime pro. winces are excellent. addition. —A remarkable whirlwind of unnsuat The T. O. T. pie•nic that was to violence visited Cavan township Thure- have come off Friday has been post- day afternoon. Thccyclone carne across onetl for an indefinite time on a field on a firm owned by Mr. R. Elnw- p den and °coupled by Mr. Andrew Hoag, account of the heavy rain storm. aud•lifted the fence rails and whiled Fishing is now at its best, and Lite them 50 f tet into the air. Moving rapid- ly on it caught up a large driving shed, pier is every day the scene of large and lifted the whole structure+as if it catches of "grindetonee." One of had been a toy. The shed was carried fair "mind moulders" caught lots sante distance and then fell to the and lots of 'em, ground, and although etrotaglp bnitt ire timbers wore torn apart and the building Next Sunday the Key. I. Stringer, demolished. who istilling the vacacy of Rev. -- +► Mr. Nen Newton, will preach a sermon IN AN1) ABOUT THE COUNTY on Orangeism to the Orangemen and Young Britons of Bayfield, —Mies Blackwell of Wingham was thrown out of a buggy, attached to a run - On the fat several pic•itickera away horse, and stunned for a time. visited the lakeside to enjoy the re- The buggy was ruined. freahing breeze and lovely scenery, —Dr. T, R. Halsted of Mount Forest, The bunts were kept busy plying Ont., is at present, assistant in one of the the pnsaeugere back and forth. London, Eug„ hospitals, to the famous The long looked for rain has come Dr Sir Morrell Mackenzie. —A fisherman named Cooper was at last, much to the satisfaction of drowned the other day at Point an Barit, the inhabitants of our town- The Georgian bay. The body has been taken trees around the square will be to Moaford, benefitted by the rain, as will also —A three year old Walkerton lad had site macadamised sidewalks. some matches in his pocket while play- ing. They got ingnited and his leg and Last week the Lady Du$erin, parts of his body were so badly burned under the command of Cap. A. that his life was despaired of for some Elliott and mate Moorehonse, left time. port with a load of Bayfield sports —David Brash fin m neer Platteville to Din the school tc•nie at Porter' was tined $2 and costs Saturday for loin �� ;_ -. ,.., ..t9,sits*auttirag.-James..Farreil.-..Xbe=assault giro ve. - 'Kin, high time and are was a peculiar one and consisted in more than pleased at the way in substituting some offensive stuff for the which Cap. Elliott managed the tobacco in the complainant's pipe. It was done fora joke, but it coat the perpetra- excursion. for over $10, fd r