HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-24, Page 8• • • • Th Hu.. ron Newsr8e.7or, §71.40 a Year -41.20 la Advance. W4due$40,r Juno 2.40l, 1891. h LOCAL NEWS. W S• in awl Are‘"MO.' gall gait, I,3OAL NoTIOEs,--All zteticea in theca columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the eame,at which an admission foie charged, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, w• be charged neer LARGELY OIROULAT PAPER IN THIS SECTION. -W1ao4l Tusee.—If you want to g one of the finest and cheapest a best seta of Single harness made in Canada, go to Jommsox & Amounts,' Clinton. If you- get your Driying Harness at JoaxsoN la ARMOUR'S you will get your money's worth and be protected against accidents, too fre- quently caused by inferior goods. 654 To Advertisers. .illi' 0.102&18 414veriipernenter to ifs &re insertion in the current 4844,. zett,St be received at ,the of ee not later .. Macre Monday noon. Copy for changes receiveci later than 1ltondaa now; will, hereafter be at the dtver- User'a own risk. WHITEAT cp TODD, Publishers. JUDGA F. 'W . JQHNinoN bas taeen gazetted Reviedng Qil'icer for Algoma vice W KOCrQa, resigned. 1 LLPE OF SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD.— •Maodonald and tiorntll, general, agents for the book, "Canada's Patric.t States- man," will be in town this week soliciting orders for the above work, Names of intendiog purchasers may be left at this ffiae. ' GIRL WANTED ; small family. Apply to MRs. TODD, Rattenbury-st., Clinton. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION July 2, 3 and 4. MR. .ASA W. MAIR has returned from McGill College to spend vacation term at home and adjacent towns. TUE straw hat which during the latter part of last and beginning of this year waa ostrac`sed from society bas resumed its social rating again. REV. MR. MCDONAGH is stationed at Exeter and Rev. Mr. Rogers, formerly of Londesboro, continues at Atwood. REV. RURAL DEAN CRAIG, St. Paul's, exchanged pulpits with Rev, Mr. Hodgins, of Seaforth, last Sun- day. THE annnal meeting of the Huron Rifle Association will be held at the Rattenbury House this (Wednes- day) • evening at 8 o'clock. The election of officers will take place and other important business will be transacted. FiE, FIE, MR. REVIEW.—In answer to a question the Toronto News said :—"The town of Gode- rick lies almost directly west of Toronto." The Kincardine Review adds :—The town of Goderich lies, about 35 miles south of Kincar- dine. MR. GEORGE PAR1c,E, of Chrystal and Black's Goderich boiler works, who had been for about a week re- pairing and enlarging the pane in Mr. McGarva's salt works here, went to Wingharn Wednesday, on hie firm's business, and will retur here at an early date to compfo the work the firm has on hand i% Clinton. THE PunLlo Scuoots in towns villages and rural districts will close for the holidays on Tuesday the 30th June, not on the 26th as stated last week. The latter date applies only to cities. The Clin- ton Public School will be open for parents and visitors on the 30th. If the falling off in` attendance of pupils keeps at the rate for the last few weeks the chances are good for a beggarly array of empty seats which are usually occu*led by com- ing statesmen and matrons. TRUTHS ABOUT TROUT.—Last Wednesday apple king D. Caute- lon had some business to transact at Manchester. Mr. Todd accom- panied him in his two-wheel'd rig, and D. C's excellent driver fairly made the dust fly. From Mau ,chester they proceeded to the farm .of Mr. Higginbotham iu search of :trout. The search was not in vain, for in a short time they had bagged four dozen speckled beauties, in .size from seven inches down. The return journey was made in -quick order, and "Day" has a .driver of which he justly feels :proud. TGucni,-NG TRIBUTE.—During the ,temperance meeting in conference, Rev, Jas. ,Livingstone, of Listowel, took occasion to refer to the illneea of Sir John Macdonald as follows : "The dark shadow of eternity has thrown an eclipse across the colos sal mind and commanding genius of our greatest ileader, who is at this hour sinking slowly into the deeper shade. Let .our prayer go up to the ever loving One, that it may please Him to lift upon him the flood gates of eternal light, and at last give him an abundant en- trance into Hia Kingdom' to ,enjoy his well-earned rest for ever and ever." The conference lsronoui coo �.....o.hearty amett. - .. •-• _. _. R. r, ATLOR,.., t,e poet - lawyer, well and favorably known in Clinton, hae opened a real estate and law office in Superior City, Mich. MESSRS JOHN RANSFORD and Councillor Plummer were delegates from Clinton to the meeting of the Anglican Synod of the diocese of Huron in London last week. MRS. — MORGAN of Markham' Ont. was last week visiting Mrs. R. Irwin. It is a decade of years since Mrs. Morgan saw Clinton and was then known as Mies Mary Canning. MR. DAVE C. BLUFF managed to soaps from the county town and its rresistibly restrictive institutions or a day last week to cordially hake with his many friends in town. MR. E. KAAI{E, formerly of Clin- on,reeently of Blytlr, has rented the photograph gallery at Lucknow, formerly occupied by Mr. W. J. Stringer, and will commence busi- ness there about the second of July. THE brink work of little Jim Beattie's big livery barn is now well under way and when completed and furnished with all the appurtenances thereunto appertaining as Jim will will have them, the achievement will be satisfactory to the public, and we trust to the proprietor, as it is an ambitious building. INSANE.—George Ostrom, of Kin• cardine, charged with shooting at Bailiff Campbell last winter while the latter was making a seizure on his premises, waa tried before Judge Kingsmill. The jury brought in a verdict of insanity. The prisoner will therefore be confined in an in- sane asylum. Lamar PARTY.—The Churchwom- an's Guild of St. Paul's church will hold a lawn party on Tuesday eve- ning, June 30th in the spacious grounds of Mr. J. H. Combe. The best musio, some talent from a dis- tance, will be in attendance and tempting refreshments will be serv- eII. Admission 5 cents ; refresh- ments extra. IT WOULD DE A (STAGE.—The following is a quotation from a pri- vate letter lately, received from an old Winghamite, now of Mississip- pi, U. S. : "I can tell the Canadian farmer he will make a big mistake if he ever votes for free trade, as I know he gets far more for hie.j'iro- duce at home than be would in this country." ON1 of THE ALLEGED BURGLARS FINED. --It will be remembered that one of the alleged burglars of the Brussels postoffico who had given hie name as Leonard got off wheu tried at Godarich, through the in- genious defence of lawyer Proudfoot, but was re -arrested and taken to Listowel charged with carrying con- cealed weapons. There he changed his name to Hendricks and was fined $50 and costs. He lay in the lock-up for a week when he raised enough to pey the costs and part of the fine and was liberated. WHAT ARE THE DOG DAYS 7—An exchange says : The dog days last from the beginning of July to Aug 11. The popular theory is that they are so called because dogs then go mad ; but the notion is etymologically false, besides being untrue iu fact. Dogs, strange to say, are rather less liable to rabies then than at other times. "Dog days" is really a translation of the Latin "dies Canieularee"—the twen- ty days before and the twenty days after the beliacal rising (that is, appearance in the morning just before the sun) of the star Sirius, whom the Romana called "Cani- cula," or "little dog." Tho an ()lents attributed a moat malevolent influence to this star—our "dog star"—and sacrificed a brown dog to it to appease its rage. If this were not done they thought that the sea would boil, the wine turn sour and dogs begin to grow mad, the bi a increase and' 411..ailixnalaagro.v,t janguid. That has been loilg wanted. A Book that gives a clear know- ledge of the human form- and the relation of the various ,parts to one another, the diseases to which each part is subject, how these diseases are to be avoided or conquered. These are some of the things treated of in a manner that the most refined mind cannot Object to. The Book can be exhib- ited to any person without fear of offending. Call and see it at Robins -:-Bros., CLINTON.. BEESLEY & CO.)ka —o We are ready this minute with a stock well assorted in New and Season- able Goods of unquestioned merit in quality and style. Prices are right on every single article in this stook. We will please you in this direction as you were never pleased before. LADIES' AND CIIILDREN'S UNDERVESTS—two for 25 cents. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE —fine goods—at 25 cents a pair. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESS EMI3•ROIDERIES AND MUS- I.INS—special value. LACE MITTS, LISLE, TAFFETTA AND SILK GLOVES— from 10 cents to 75 cents per pair. NEW PRINTS at 10 cents, worth 12'a cents, FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES for Blouses—an assortment that makes friends, outshine rivals, wins victories, and sells itself on its merits every time. If you want a NEW STYLISH HAT OR BONNET, cheap, for your daughter, wife, mother, aunt, or cousin, TIIE SPOT IS B 1 au 7R Great Millinery Emporium, The Ladies Favorite Establishment GOING To MITCHELL,—L. 0. L. 710 unanimously decided on Mon- day evening to celebrate the 12th July on the 13theat Mitchell. Toxon.—Mac—"Good morning Mr. Butcher." B—"Good morning, Mac, what's the latest 1" Mac—"I see another old settler is gone." B —"Is that so, who's dead now 1" Mac—"That blamed old sheep you killed Tuesday last. I bought a piece of it and I could not get my teeth through the fat." The butch- er grabbed hold of the chopping block to hurl at Mac, but Mac was too quick and dissappeared around the corner. A young man from au adjoining burg went to see hie girl one night last week. After the old folks had retired the young man edged his chair up close to the girl and gently put his arm around her. After chat- ing some time he unfortunately fell asleep. This so annoyed the girl that she gently released herself and put a slim waisted churn with some clothes on it on the chair just vacat- ed. The sleepy youth was huggin. the churn when the old man cam down stairs. The young man ha not been back since. NOT A TOLUTATER.—A8 T. C. Doherty was speeding W. D's, recent equine purchase on the Clin- ton driving park, an onlooker r•e• marked, "Well, that animal is not a tolutater anyway." "No,'said another, "nor any other kind of a tater- ; he's what I call a square trotter." "Just what I said, replied the first party". Hereupon an etymological and philological discus- sion arose which showed that Clinton turfitos belong to a class cultured in the mysteries of language as well as of horse flesh. Upon looking up authorities skilled in the meaning of words it was found that a horse that tolutiee is one that lifts the legs on the sa a side together when speeding --a pacer in fact. Whereas trotting is the act of moving one fore foot and the hind foot of the opposite side at the same time when speeding. Finally, all agreed that the Doherty colt was not a "toluta• ter"," but a splendid gaited square trotter of considerable present speed which under persistent and careful Lo th's Starch Enamel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you waut to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to atay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, It you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. 6V'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB 55—tt Holrneeville MISS EVA EDGAR of Toronto is visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Cook. MRS. WRIGHT of Berlin was in town the past week. MR. GEO. KNOX of Toronto was in town last week. MR. JAS. WILSON, druggist, Goderich, was in town Fridey at'. tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wade -Robinson. HREE SERMONS.—L. 0. L. 710 will meet on Sunday morning, July 12th, at 8.30, and proceed in a body to Holmesville and take part in the special sermon to be preach- ed to the brethren of 189 by Rev. Bro. Ayers. At 2 p. m. the brethren of 710 will assemble in their lodge room in Clinton and march in a body to the Rattenbury street Methodist church, where Rev, Bro. Shilton will preach a special sermon at 3 o'clock ; neighboring lodges and the general public are invited. In the evening at 7 o'clock the Clinton Orangemen will attend a special sermon to the brethren of 306, Bayfield line, by i Rev. Bro. Ayers. The band mem- — What is meant—by this trio ? Simply Perspiring, Profaning, and Purchasing. Perspiring under the weight of Winter Clothing. Profaning under the discomfort of the same. - Purchasing from the Establishment named below, whose mission while on earth is to minister to the physi- cal covering of the male portion.of humanity. our $8 Suitsto Order * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 .* 4 * * •F * 4 * "— have have attained an enviable notoriety, while the Staple Suiting at $10.00 $12.00 & $15.00 are unequalled value. In Ready -for -use Clothing our lines of Light Coats and Vests --AT -§ § § § § §§§-§_§=§-§-§-§-§-§-§-§- $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 are choice goods, 0 Jackson:: Bros. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. For a Nice, Nobby Baby 6; Carriage 1110► W GO TO Cooper & Go's .txti ht—attai to.•.thein..of• -bees in unifoxm :w311 IIlkal aecom-� - r lynx g y -s �,�� 13OQ1‹ STOW-+ Maud S. I pany the local lodge. lti •