The Huron News-Record, 1891-06-24, Page 1• ).
lelintetWel..41000 pe.r. ,asesitieese-04411S-Att ,AsIvance.
k•NORPOINP1,117 .4.0„4 WILVOS-A2PVI'44Z111 .1)101'41INQ
Our strong point with you
to -day, all the stronger for
repetition, is that we sell
nearly everything that's
needed for personal com-
fort, as well as home adorn-
ment. You can satisfy the
most impossible needs am-
ong the 'Dress Goods'', Par-
asols, Hosiery, Corsets, Em-
broideries, Frillings, Laces.
The finery so very suggestive
— of summer days and cloud-
less skies. All our advant-
ages are y -ours, and no
matter how low the price
you're safe against mistakes
and sure of your good mon-
ey's worth. It'll puzzle,
which not to buy in dress
stuffs, with
Checks„ Plaids,
Mobairs Stripes,
Flannels, Detainee,
Plain Goods, Challies,
Black, Wash Goods,
appealing to you along our
stretch of counters, more
than the match of anything
we have done in this direc-
tion. New in color and
style complete stock in
every particular. In Gloves
our idea is to teach you a
lesson in economy, to im-
press the fact that the best
variety of Gloves for men,
women and children is here.
Did you ever know us to be
backward when fashion was
forward ?
Standard makes, season-
able colors, reasonable pri-
ces. Read that again, BACK-
The entire stock is in
highest favor. Whatever
quality you want or care for
in this store the price in any
event will be comparatively
For The got Weather
Quench your thirst and renew your system for
the Ho t Weather by purchasing at the
Clinton Liquor Store
Davies Celebrated Export Lager,
Copeland's Fine Draft Ale
By quart, gallon, or quarter Barrels ;
equal to the beet and the cheapest, and'
Stock of ALES, PnRTERS and Fine Liquors
very complete,
Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchant,
Mr Wholesale dealer in Choice Cigars.
Miss Humber is visiting in Brant-
The life boat was out for prac-
tice last week.
The newly formed band is mak-
ing excellent practice.
Banker Temple of Clinton,
spent.Sunday in Goderich.
Miss M. Christain, of Detroit, is
the guest of Miss Baxter.
Mr. P. Adamson is, we are
pleased to state, improving.
Mr. Joseph Williams' illness has
taken a most favorable turn.
Mies J. and Mr. C. Mullen, of
Belfast epent Sunday in town.
Mies Vantassel, of Clinton, was
visiting in town the present week.
The steamer City of Windsor has
been in port three times the past
Perch are furnishing food and
muscle exercise for hundreds of our
The rain was a blessing, though
not nearly such an one as the land
visit to her parents MN -and Mrs,
M. Hutchison.
• Goderich.
Mr. Jno. Jay ie visiting at
family residence.
ttr....taid Mrs. Tire left on' Fri
for the Banff springs in Vie Bock
The Seaforth Fire, Hook
Ladder catests last week agree
many of our people to that burg.
Net fishing showe conaidera
falling off and trap nets are
giving a good yield.
The scheoner Sntitit and Po
rived last week with a.cargo of c
for t,he big mill.
Huron lodge No, 62, I. 0. O.
will elect its officers for the ensu
term to -morrow evening.
Mr. R. S. Williams attended
meeting of the church synod
London the past week.
The small steamer Shtia empl
ed in collecting from trap n
makes Goderich her harbor,
Mrs. Alex. A/new and chit
of Winnipeg are visiting at t
family residence East street. •
Mr. D. Young returned
Toronto last week after a t
weeks visit to the circular town
The schooner Carter from Thes
Ion arrived on Thursday with
cargo of lutnber for Mr. N. Dyme
Book agents are already canv
sing the town for orders for t
"Life of Sir John A. Macdonald
Regular' meeting of Liver
lodge No. 140, Sons of Engle,
Benevolent society, this evening.
Mr. Calbiok entertained t
members of North street Meth
dist choir after practice last wee
The dry spell of the pre
two weeks has ooneiderably marr
the beauty of God's Aore on I'Vta
land's banks.
Rev. Jno. A. Ball, a one tini
resident of Goderich, took part
the morning service at S. George
on Sunday.
The Public school Board
meet on Monday 29th inst ins
of its regular night, the first o
in month.
Several well known citizens
already prepering for a two we
fishing trip to the Bruce Penin
some five weeks hence.
aft -
o -
it -
Mrs. J. F. T. Naftel the Misses
Wynn, Miss Dickson and other
ladies from Goderich were present
at a ball given in Stratford the past
Mr. J. D. Swanson passed his
second intermediate law examina-
tion last week and occupied a posi-
tion on the list that entitles him to
write for honors.
A young married couple were
fishing from a boat on Saturday
when the gentleman booked what
he thought was a bass. After play-
ing for some time he lifted it, and
asking a near by angler its name
found it was a sucker; a kind of
fish not needed in that boat evi-
dently as it was soon back in its
natural element.
Mr. Jno. Russel's attempt to read
his lay sermon caused some very
unruly behavior last Sunday on
the square. We do not know any
thing about the subject discussed
but think it would be more becom
for tin so who do not approve
of Mr. pamphlet, to stay
away, than s :Ilse a disturbance on
the Sabbath
The following ehows the score
made on 1X nesday by our gun
club under tile "Off Hand Rifle
Association of Ontario" rules :
2-, 2002 -'ECS
yards. 53. yards.
Mx. Mex. Kogaw, a•WinniPegi
has joined his family in town,
The schooner wm Ave with a
carp of goal arrived fa part on
Monday afternoon,
neday W. from "1310RaYadtcloleu.yreturned
.. on
Trinity church will he aAened for
divine service on Sunday next.
Miss. Tanner left here on Monday
ou a visit to friends in Forest City.
Mrs. McBride left here this week
on a pleasure ta ip up the lakes.
Mr. John Willforckwas in Wing -
ham in the interest of the Orange
Order on Monday.
We are see Mr. Hugh
McQuarrie able to be around after
his Severe illness. '
We regretUltear that Mr. Thos.
Watson, merchant, ie seriously fil at
It is rutnored that one of our citi-
Vine intends joining the large army
of henedicts this week.
Mr. F. Tanner, having sold out
his interest in the banking business
in Arthur has returned to town.
Mrs. Coloton has returned home
from a two week's visit at her daugh•
tees in Stratford.
E. Watson shipped a carload of
cattle from this station to Montreal
on Monday.
Regular meeting of L. 0. L. No.
963 was held at their hall on Mons
day evening, a large turnout being
The sitting of the 12th Division
Court was held in Industry hall on
Monday. A very light docket.
Judge Doyle presided.
We regret to hear section Imes,
Mr. MichaelDoherty, is not recover-
ing from his severe illness as fast as
his many friends would wish for.
We are given to understand that
our band is being re -organized and
will be known as the Fireman's
Band. Hustle up, boys, and give
us a few sweet strains.
A lawn social under the auspices
of Trinity church, Blyth, is to be
held at the residence of Mr. R. Brig-
ham, lot 10, con. 11, Hullett on
Friday evening. A splendid time is
is anticipated.
Ourcitizens feel very jubilant over
the Fire Company taking first prizes
at the Seaforth Tournament. A
very large crowd were in waiting at
the depot on Wednesday evening to
welcome the Conquering Heroes
home. More power to you, boys.
Great preparations ere being made
for celebrating Dominion Day in this
hamlet. Never was so much inters
est manifested in this section before.
It is expected that there will be a
tremendous crowd in town on the
On Wednesday evening, The Rev.
J. A. Osborne (late of London, Eng-
land.) is to deliver a lecture in the
Presbyterian church here, subject,
"Life and Titnes'oe Bunyan." As
there is no doubt it will be very in-
teresting, everyone should go. Sil-
ver collection.
. -
0. Pennington 810 8 7 7-40
T. Swarts......8 2 4 4 5-23
W.Potts 4 5 7 6D-31
F. J. T. Naftel,4 10 4 8 7-88
R. Wilkinson -6 10 8 6 7-37
E. R. Watson.8 4 9 10 8-89
44 6 9 2-25-65
04 4 6 0-14-37
60 0 7 6-18-49
10 0 1 27-20-58
91 8 4 6-28-66
6 10 6 6-31-70
Rev. Dr. Strongman, L. L. D, will
deliver a sermon to Orangemen in
Victoria St. Methodist church on
Sunday July 12. The members of
L. 0. L. N. 182 are requested to
meet in their hall, Horton's Block,
at 2.30 and march to church at 3
o'clock. Sister Lodges in the dis-
trict will be made' Welcome. This
will be a rare treat as the Rev. Dr.
is en eloquent speaker and a mem-
ber of the Order.
Dominion Day will this year be
celebrated in old time style, com-
mencing with that old relic of ye
ancient times, a Calithumpian pro-
cession. There will be games for
children of all ages, and others for
adults, all of which will take place
on and around the square. Quoits
will be played by the favorite
ringers of Colborne and Goderich,
Lacrosse by the Seaforth and Home
teams, Base Ball by about ten differ.
ent clubs. The City of Windsor,
and may be the United Empire,
will give excursions on the lake,
Captain Wiggins will give yachting
tripe and Captain Babb will have
boats for everybody. Fireworks
eono1ndj3be.d BY.anSea.
forth's band wil,1 play popular
music as long as breath holds out.
Goderich Township.
•Ur. D. 0, McRoberts And
of London township: are visiting
friende on the 9th eon.
Kr. Wesley Beacomhas returned
home after a pleasaio trip up the
S. S. No. 9 will hold a union pic-
nio in Mr.- Wm. Cantelon's grove,
1101 eon., to -day (Wednesday). A
good Programme of foot ball, run-
ning, swinging, etc. The general
public, are invited, but warned to
net forget their baskets. Holmes --
vine "And the 4th oon. schools
will be out in full force. '
There is likely to be a legal racket
between a Clinton contractor and a
farmer on the 15th concession for
an alleged breach of contract on the
part of the latter in re-letting,,,the
job for putting a atone foundation
under a barn, after the first contrac-
tor had secured extra hands to put
the jab' through, and which help is
now lying idle on his hands.
.4•Yerts, or Holniesville, will preach
a spacial sermon to the members of
Q L. 306 on Sunday, July 12;
at rip. tn., in Beacom's church on
the .Bayfleld Line. All lodges
and*riends are invited to join with
the*embers of 306 on the °Nies
sion;.' The lodge,will meet at Bro.
John', Thompson's at 6,30 and
march to the church.
pillion Bay.
A brand Day's Cele-
bration. Sports
Attractions in the Morning, in
the Afternoon, and in the
Because the town committee could
not complete their plans in a limited
time for a mender celebration in
Clinton on July let, does not by
any means imply that there will not
be any sports.
The young men have taken hold
with an energy worthy older.heads.
Messrs. J. P. Doherty, chairman, M.
McTaggart, treasurer, and A. T.
Cooper, secretary, should be a suf.
ficient guarantee that the programme
is in good hands. Well -displayed
fulrsheet posters were issued last
week, announcing the outline of the
There will be a grand base ball
contest for a silver cup valued at
$25. Among the competing clubs
will be the matchless St. Helens,
champions of the northern district ;
the Wingham Club, champions of
Huron; the Mitchell Club, cham-
pions of Perth.; and tho Seaforth
and Clinton Clubs.
There .will he a sharp contest for
the championship of the county of
Huron, for silver cups and medal.
Godurich Seaforth, Exeter, Wing-
Blussels and Clinton clubs
have been invited, and the majority
of them have decided to compete.
• Canada's national game will be
played by the Kincardine and Clin-
ton clubs. The teams are said to
be evenly matched and the game
will no_doubt prove exciting.
The Mitchell team will wield the
willow against the Clinton Victories
for the championship of Western
Ontavio: A well contested game is
There will also be foot races for
farmer's sons, fat man's race, school
race, girl's rate, jumping, etc., and
liberal cash prizes are offered.
At considerable expense arrange.
mentis have been made for a grand
foot ball match, by electric light,
between the famous Q'ueen's Own
and the Clinton Rangers. This in
itself should be worth coming a long
distance to aee.
The admiesion fee to the Park has
been placed at, the low figulte of 10
cente. We hope to see the boys
succeed in their efforts, and trust
our citizens and the ptiblic generally
will accord them a hearty support.
Programmes are out giving the day's
sports in detail.
WADE-nom/sm.—In Clinton, on Wed-
nesday, June 17, at the residence of
Mre-Artheies.,1-c-wesgRO- •
Wade-Robinsoo, aged 37 years and -
. wfaRlerefale' .4te. "I'Plettne VnisStetterst
W40:Lt.' NO, 060
We have had several picnics at
the Port during the past month.
Several big -gatherings in the same
atyle will take place here on the first
Fanner -fisherman from away back
are daily visitors at the Port and
what they +isn't fish with hook and
line they oan buy from "Neil" the
Scotch tailor's foreman.
The memory of our late and dear
old Chieftain "John A." still lingers
in tho hearts of hie admirers in this
part. They still mourn over his
sad demise. Time Tay fly past and
aos roll on, but his memory shall
never be forgotten.
The weather has been remarkably
due and ealm,-with North Easterly
winds; the fishing light in the.
"pound nets" on this account.
The fisherman say they would like
to see a big old Noe. Wester for
two or three days to get the fish on
the run.
The dry weather continues and
crops are suffering for want of rain
—The hay mop so far is almost a
total failure, and unless rain conies
to the rescue during the next ten
days the root crop will be a very
poor one. There has been very little
rain along the Lake Shore during the
past month notwithstanding heavy
showers to the Etat of us.
The Signal man says our fisher-
men only bring small hauls of fieh
to the circular town when they go
in to sell to Clark—Ye gods and
little fishes ! when Neil supplies
"Six" different fish peddlers at the
port does Dan think they should
have 4 or 5 tons left for the Goder-
ich chaps. They are not catching
whales although they caught several
sturgeon that weighed over one hun-
dred pounds each.
llilis Green.
Large numbers from here atill con-
tinue to attend the camp meeting at
Printed invitations are out for a
picnic under the auspices of S. S.
No. 7., Stanley, to be held in Tay-
lor's Grove, Lake Huron, on Wed-
nesday next.
Our foot -ball team talk of play-
ing Kippen before long. ,
Mrs. John Jarrott intends leay.
ing for Manitoba in a short time to
visit friends there.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Fireman's Tournament in
The Orangemen are practising
for the 12th of July, which we be-
lieve they intend to celebrate in Lon-
A Lawn Social will be given by
the Ladies Guild of Trinity Church,
Blyth, at the residence of Mr. Rich-
ard Brigham Con. 11. Hullett, on
Friday evening June 26th. Tea
served from 6 to 8; admieeion 15c; all
are invited.
Mr. B. Lawraaon is in Peterboro
this week attending the session of
the Grand Lodge 1. 0. G. T. Heis
the representative of the Lodge in
this village,
LAWN SOCIAL.—The Lawn Social
on Thursday last under the auspices
of the W. F. M. Society, Bayfield
Road congregation,at the residence of
Mrs Rathwell, was fairly successful.
Amore delightful spot could not have
been selected for a party of the
kind. The weather, however, was
quite chilly which made it' rather
uncomfortable for some, and no
doubt kept some away. Tho ladies
in charge left nothing undone that
would add to the entertainment of
their guests, and despite the unpleas.
antnees of the weather all present
seemed to heartily enjoy themselves.
There wore refreshments in abund-
ance and a very interesting pro-
gramme of vocal, and instrumental
pule. A liberal sum was real:acid and
we hope the members of the Society
will have the good fortune to select
an evening for their next Lawn So-
cial when "fee Cream" will be more
Stanley council met at Varna
June 22nd 1891. Members all pres-
ent, the Reeve in the chair. Moved
by J. Kitchen and Wm. Clark, that
Thos. Wiley be paid $71.00 salary
and postage, and$4.00 uneollectable
dog tax—Carried.
Moved by Wm. Clark and John
Kitchen that Mrs. Thos. Simpson
be paid $39.00 being balance due
for keeping Thos. Mutiny to date—
Carried. •
Moved by Wm. Clark and John
Kitchen that the Clerk be instruct.
ed to notify Jas. Logan to have the
well opposite his property in
Varna filled or made secure with.
out delay—Carried.
The•Counoil then .adjourned to
ent-sagairratAirrreall.of• thoatseve.
The'Operatte "B.ed Riding Hood"
or "The folly of disobedience will
be rendered by Prof. Morgaree
j uven ile einging claws, i u theTemper-
ance hall ott the evening ef Monday
June 290, Following are the east
of .characters : Red Riding Hood,
Mies Fay G. Morgan ; Robin, Lorne
Elliott ; Woodman'Fred Lindsay ;
Buttercup, Fanny Lindsay ; Rose,
Effie Gardner ; Grandma, Miss
Jessie Stirling ; Mace ma, Miss
Maud Pickard ; Wolf, Mr. W. G.
Pickard ; Semi -chorus by Flowers
and Bluebella ; accompanist, Miss
Maggie McPhail. The adult chase.
will furnish tiptoe, duets, chorus,
etc. Admission, edulte 15c, chit-
ci reit 10c.
Additional Locals.
will preach his farewell sermon in
Ontario St. Methodist church.
QUIST a number of our citizens.
and citoyenties took in the Firemen's
Tournament in the sister town of
Seaforth last week and report
themselves as highly delighted with
the programme furnished.
READ our advertising columns
and note what Clinton merchants
can ao for you. It will pay intend-
ing purchasers to come many miles
to get the exceptional valise now
offered by our busitiees men. They
are reliable.
MEYER AND Diexissosi have been
awarded $30,000 damages against
the American government. We
were just preparing to congratulate,
the Wingham legal firm of that
name on their good fortune, on read.
ing the above announcement in a
published telegram, when further
investigation disclosed the fact ttie
parties belong to Philadelphia.
".PCOMOt, f.310 S ! .ad Book to Third
Book. Total marks attaiPable 380:
Edith Robson 273, Frank Hovey 268,
Elsie Miller 259, Ponaie 'Chidley 240,
Ida Smith 235, Peter klatheavn 2:35,
Ethel Doliarty 234, Roy Helyar 234,
Lizzie Aitken 229, Eva Runibs.11 229,
Dan McDonald '229, Nettie Smith 218,
Arthur Sheppard 217, Lucy ("rant 216,
Annie Hill 216, Ida Heywood 213, H.
Alexander 210; Addie Ferguson 208,
Bert Tedford 207, Stuart Macpherson
206, Lizzie Tipling 195, Maude Andrews
195, David Joy 195, Annie Ros. 193,
Emma Rothwel1190. .
Promoted from First Book to second
Book. Total marks 150: Josie McMur-
ray 124, Harry Dowser 123, Lizzie Trow -
hill 119, Nellie Stuart 118, Harry Irwin
115, May Armstrong 114, Winnie Paha( y
113, Lily Andrews 112, Clara Chidley
109, Willie Nimmins 108, Ida Tipling
107, Lily Rayson 105, John Walker 105,
Annie Oliver 105, Noma Miller 104,
Silas Andrews 102, Willie Reid 97, Fred
Cooper 92.
—Henry J. Besancson, post-
master of Gorrie, died very sudden-
ly on Monday evening last at the
age of72 years and 8 months. 1t
appears that at 6.20 p. m, he wait in
his usual health and was enjoying
a read of the newspaper and at 10,30
was a corpse. Mr. Besaneson was one
of the oldest residents of the -Tillage
and had been postmaster from the
first establishment of one in the vil-
—W. J. Treleaven, of Ileitis -
ton's corner, Ashfield, met with a
paiuful accident recently. He was
driving a nail through a hemlock
board and one of hardwood,
when the nail reached the latter
it bent, and, after straightan•
ing it. he struck it a blow
when a piece struck him in one eye,
going in half an inch. The patient
is doing well although he will lose
the sight of the eye.
—Mrs. Toomba, wife of a young
Mall on the "Glen:" farm, Innerkip,
attempted to light the fire with coal
oil on Friday. She was pouring
coal oil with ono hand while she
struck a match with the other,when
the oan exploded, scattering the
blazing oil completely over her set-
ting her in a blaze from head to
foot. She rushed screaming out-
doors and tried to tear off her cloth-
ing, but the effort was too late as
her body and limbs were everywhere
burnt in a dreadful manner and she
died next morning. She came with
her husband from England about a
year ago, and had one child, an in-
fant five months old.
—A young man named F. 8. Miller
who has been in the employ of;11r. Wm.
Gordon, of Stratford, buying and shipp-
ing lumber in various parts of the coun-
try, has levanted, and the (Mourns aro
that Mr. John Kane, a private banker
of Gordo, Huron Co., will probably be
the poorer by Ws departure to the extent
of $265.75. Millar got a draft cashed
for the above amount on way bills for
tWo oars of lumber, made out to (Jordon.
It may be that Miller, as agent for Gor-
don, may bo shown to have the jegetkight, •-
AnOhiis darclOp •
stead of Kane will be Hurl -Omer, .