HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-17, Page 8`+r pr 7heuron News -Resor alae a Yersr--in-5 ip.AAYan*. Weduesll,ty 4iume f11h1., 1$9*' LOCAL NEWS. and' Irou L, the "Huh,' IN EAT vA.xEry', 14111. QOM. $021(lEa.m4,11 notices in Owes columna of meetings er entertainments, previous to holding of the sauae,at whicb an admission fee le charged, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per Doe.aIIE i4OST LA$GFLy CZRCULATZD PAPER IN TRIM SECTION. WHOA 1 TRERE.--If you, want teL ono of the finest and cheapest and beet seta of Single i'Iarneas made in Venetia, go to JOHNSON 84 Annetta's, Clinton, If you get your Driving Harness at Jemseosi & Altnonn's you will get your money's worth and be Protected against accidents, too fre- quently caused by inferior goods. 654 GIRL WANTED to do general house.. work in a email family. Apply to Mrs. Thos. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. Pae,. O.11P9044'6 address on Phrenology at the Commercial Monday evening was listened to with marked.attention throughout by an intelli- gent and appreciative audience. He will hold forth again on Thursday evening 18th inst. , and will red character while he is blindfolded. ad. missio,—gentlemen 100., ladies free. MRS. A. H. MAicNING ie on a visit to Exeter. MRS. B. C. COLE returned last week from Ypsilanti, Mich. MR. W. DENNISON, of Mitchell, was among old friends in town fiat week. MR. WM. WRITE, of Mitchell, Orange County Master of. S. Perth, was in Clinton Saturday. MRS. RUMSALL has again domi- ciled herself in Clinton after an absence. of 14 months in the States visiting her children. on, u.i ..., r irleg t -e: Bashes of '1i In*Ing which acg9sA� pa ie4 tale rain slosh, of one day last wee*, the subtle fluid played havoc with the telephone wires and set fire to portion of the wood work in the cage at. Rutnball's jewelry store. Fon the past three years E. B. Biggar, of Montreal, has been gathering anecdotes and feels relat- ing to Sir John Macdonald, -and the result is an anecdotal life of Sir John, which will be issued in a abort time. Before going to press Mr. Biggar will be glad to receive any authentic). anecdotes or reminis- cences on the subject that have not yet appeared in print. Mr. Biggar's address is the Fraser Building, Montreal. . IN the Militia contest in the ilfail Clinton and Huron bas been so far kept pretty well to the front. Capt. Todd has held a place in the honor list for about a week and had 12th place yesterday with 6,264 votes to his credit. The 33rd is 9th in the list with 9,714, made up principally from the combined votes given to Capts. Todd, Keine, Hays, and Lieuts. Combe and Rance. The award in the officers contest is a $250.00 solid silver water pitcher and salver. MR. LAWMEN, of the Detroit fire department, reached Clinton on a bicycle Saturday night. Saturday's run was from Sarnia to Clinton. He was on bis way to Goderich and Kintail, his mother residing near the latter place. THE 1ST .JULY.—The general committee met on Friday evening. It was found that the necessary arrangements could not be nom pleted in time to guarantee a great demonstration like the comrnittee proposed. Not for lack of money, enthusiasm or workers, butler lack of time between now and Domin• ion Day to complete arrangements and thoroughly advertise the great attractions. The Mayor relieved the committees from duty. This will not, however, prevent a good •day's sport, as there will be con- tests in lacrosse, base ball, cricket, etc., and the boys are preparing to give as good a programme in this line as our people could desire to witness. DISAPPOINTING. --The final action of the stationing committee in placing Rev. Mr. Edge of this town at Acton instead of at Goderich after he had been reported for the latter place on first and second draft of the committee, will be somewhat disappointing to the Goderich Methodists who gave him a call and expected him. From what we have heard of the ignoring of the well understood wishes of the Goderich people it would appear that the stationing commit- tee acted somewhat arbitrarily in this matter, and that neither the feelings of the congregation or Mr. Edge were fairly regarded in the matter. Though we presume all concerned are too loyal to impute "log -rolling" or improper motives to the stationingcommittee. Anton is certainly to be congratulated on getting one of the moat conscien- tious ministers in the province, and one of good ability. House Leases, Farm Leases, f tal'utry. Leases Mortgages, Quit Claim Deeds, Will Forms, Teachers' Agreements, cPc. IF YOU LIKE A PEN That will NEITHER RUST NOR CLOG, try ours—it will help you to keep cool t'iis hot weather. a R ht 0 What is meant by this trio ? Simply Perspiring, Profaning, and Purchasing Perspiring under the weight of Winter Clothing. Profaning raider the discomfort of the same, Purchasing from the Establishment named below; whose mission while on earth is to minister to the' physi- cal covering of the male portion of humanity. 1 Our $8 Suits toOrder_ Robins Bros., CLINTON. GUELPH METHODIST CONFERENCE. At the recent meeting in Berlin Rev. J. W. Holmes of Owen Sound wlis elected President. In the poet draft of stations we find that ev. Mr. Shilton remains in Clin- on. Rev, Joe. Edge of Clinton goes o Acton and is succeeded by Gallo- way. Richardson of Goderich goes to Berlin and Howell takes his place B. L. Hutton of Goderich goes to Kirkton and Dr. Strongman takes his place. The other stations in Goderich District are about the same as last 3ear. Rev. John Ken- ner goes to Ashfield, G. F. Salton to Brussels, Jas. Ferguson to Londes- bore, W. F. Campbell to Blyth, F. Swann to Auburn, J. H. Dyke, to Beigrave, J. B. Wallwin to Blue - vale, W. W. Sperling to Elora. exBEESLEY & CO.A; SUMMER -:- GOODS 1 0 * have attained an enviable notoriety, while the Staple Suiting at $10.00 $12.00 & $15.00 are unequalled value. In Ready -for -use Clothing our lines of Our Millinery Stock has just been fully assorted with the Newest Shapes for Summer wear, direct from the Centre of Fashion, from the breezy Lace Hat to the Largest Sunshade., FLOWERS—ti'l'e are showing a new lot which makes it the choice asaortment of the season. COUNTY ORANGE MEETING.— South Huron County Orange Lodge met in Clinton last Saturday. The large hall was crowded with delegates, probably the largest at- tendance at a semi-annual meeting in the history of the county. There was enough business for an annual meeting and the session lasted well on into the evening. Each District in the county will celebrate the 12th (131h) wherever it desiree. It was decided to ask the Irish delegates to the Triennial Council to address a meeting in Clinton. A committee was' ap- pointed to draft a letter of con- dolence to the widow and family of the late Premier of Canada; and a resolution of condolence was also carried to the Bros. Scarlett and family in the death of their mother. Incorporation was discussed at some length and County Master Todd instructed to report on the matter at a later period. The The County Master was authorized to represent the county and attend the British America meeting at Kingston. A great amount of other important business was transacted after which the meeting adjourned. Delegates were present from Me- Killop, Summerhill, Goderioh, Goderich townsnip, Holmesville, Colborne, Stanley, Exeter, Saltford, Clinton, etc., etc., and the meeting was harmonious and profitable in every respect. SWUNG AROUND 1N A DIROLE,— ;Monday forenoon, the quiet calm ,of the previous restful Sabbath was ,still clinging to our citizens when a team of borsee got frightened at some vehicles opposite Tipling'e blacksmith shop and ran away, pitching the lady occupant forward on the whifiletrees. She occupied this uncomfortable position for several hundred feet, until near Robertson's store, where she slipped off. As the horses swung around in a circle the wagon swerved in ,the opposite direction to which she avas thrown and was thus prevented from coming in contact with her, and she got up and walked away none the worse for her perilous ride. During the circular stampede of the horses a number of citizens armed with brooms, walking canes and umbrellas tried inefectually to stop the ''fiery steeds" but it was only when the ubiquitous and resourceful Alec. Hillen threw himseif in the deadly breach, and was himself cast to one side, prone to the earth, by the legs of the fleet - footed animals or the front wheel of the wagon, that the excited animals were brought to a stand still, : nothing the worse for their exciting constitutional. And all ended well. The teem was owned b�,�1�r�a�C,00k�of Flul)<ett,-ter—x ..� FOR NOW Light Coats and Vests --Al —§ § § § § § § § §_§-§-§-§ § § § § § § § § $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 * -1 * 4- * 4- * are choice goods. 0 WHITE DRESS EMVMBROIDERIES, ALLOVERS, WHITE MUS. LINS, BLACK AND COLORED SILK GLOVES AND LACE MITTS, BLACK AND STAINLESS HOSE for Ladies and Misses, with double knees for Boys. Jackson:: Bros. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. Bij�� GreMillinery Emporium, The Ladies Favorite Establishment MASTER W ELLESLEY HITELY, after a year's absence, is home from Chicago for a couple of weeks va- cation. CONSIGNED To THE TOMB.—The mortal remains of the late Premier, Sir John A. Macdonald, were con- signed to their earthly resting place at Kingston last Thursday after- noon. It is said that about 15000 persons gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased chief - tan. From this county we noticed the names of several present : Mayor Butler and Reeve Proudfoot of Goderich ; Mayor Clegg and H.W. C. -Meyer Q. C., Wingham, Major Keine, Jas. Perkins and W. H. Clegg, Gerrie ; R. L. Taylor, Capt Stratton, Gus Backer and Thos. Farrow, ex -M. P., Brunie ; Jas. Timmins and Mr, Leech, Bluevale ; Reeve Hamilton and ex -Reeve Kelly, Blyth; D. Weir Wroxeter ; W. J. Johnston. Morris. , In Clin- ton all business places were closed from 1 to 4 p. m., in accor- dance with a lagely signed re- quisition to Mayor Doherty and hie proclamation, and the town and St. Paul's church bells tolled a solemn requiem for the iilgstrations dead. Here, es all over this broad Dominion, irrespective of politics, all seemed to express their tribute of respect for the mighty one fallen. While all did not and do not agree with every political act in the life of Sir John A. Macdonald, there seemed to be consensus of opinion that he was a man of undeniable unselfishness and fertility of re- source, and that, right or wrong, the goal of his ambition was bis country's welfare, according to bis - .. MR. JOHN SMITH was in Toronto at the High Court Canadian Order of Foresters last week. Don't all. speak at once, there is only one real, original, only John Smith and he resides in Clinton. SYMPATHETIC.—Last week at a special meeting of the town council presided over by Mayor Doherty it was unanimously agreed that a re- solution of sympathy for Lady Mac- donaldand family in their great aflfic Mon be sunt to that lady. In accord- ance amemorial, handsomely engross- ed by Clerk Coates, was forwarded. At a special of meeting the Clinton Liberal Conservative Association similar action was taken, as also at the regular semi-annual meeting of the South Huron County L. O. L. NEW BANNING HOUSE,—Mr. G. D. MoTaggart is now established in the new brick building on Albert St.,' especially constructed for th is business. There is a fire and burglar proof vault with all the precaut- ions for absolute safety that the most competent firm on the contin- ent in such matters, Gouldie and Me Culloch, Galt, could devise. The general office is nicely fitted up with counter ate of native woods, and the other apartments will be fitted so as to make it pleasant as well as profit- able for those having business to transact. As Mr. G. D. McTaggart is favorably known,and having taken over the business of his late father Mr. M. McTaggart, and having the necessary experience, courtesy and wherewith to carry on the business as a bank of discount and deposit, it is but fair to presume that the public will find this house a great conveniienee. See card in another Lobb's Starch Enamel. Thie is an article worthy of every lady's ttention. If you waut to save time and labor, buy a box, If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. It you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc, buy a box. gEFEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, 66—t1 Holmesville TO BE WITHOUT A Baby Carriage PUBLIC SCHOOLS close on the 26th June and reopen on the let Sep- tember. SUMMER Too RS.—We have receiv- ed from General Passenger agent, D. McNicoll of Montreal, a copy of the latest edition of the C. P. R. "Sum• mer Tours". It contains descriptive matter where to go and how togo,East or West, far or near, by this favor- ite railway. W. R. Callaway, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, or the local agent, can be applied to for further information. BIG NEw POTATOES.—Ex-Mayor Whitehead showed us the other day samples of potatoes about the size of the average eggs of the gallinac- eous domestic fowl. Helgrew them in his own plot. It is unusually early in the season to have home grown spuds fit for table use on the 13th of June, and the fact will not at all support the contention of the uninformed that we live in a hyper- borean latitude. C. O. F.—Mr. W. Sperling, who was delegate from Clinton to the High Court of Canadian Order of Foresters which held its 12th ann- ual session in Toronto last week has returned home, the Court hav- ing adjourned on Saturday the 13th. Over 100 delegates were present. The report of High Treasurer was very satisfactory. Balance from last year $108,014; receipts $96,419,65, an increase of $21.142,57 over last year ; 60 claims were paid $60,000, leaving a balance to carry forward of $144,433.65, that is $1,154 of a guarantee in the surplus for every $1,000 of liability. This is a pure- ly Canadian Society and the above showing proves that it is in a high, Is said to be a sign of Poverty. Keep abreast of the times and buy .lovely baby a Beautiful Carriage so that your elegant wife may sun herself these bright summer days. The Carriage can be had at Wm. Cooper & Do's