HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-17, Page 5Dior AND lift 100131103111AS of Lime a (Soda 4 No other nEnulll_sion, !s so easy to take, It does not separate nor spoil.., It Is always sweet, as 'cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it, CURES' Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite, Mental and Nervous. Prostration. ~( General Debility, &c, ar 1 Hevware pf all imitations. Ask for Tithe, & L." Emulsion, :and refuse iall Oilier§, • PR.ICE;•QOC. AND ;1 PSR BO"PtLE. ';►,err+-„..—�. _. _. _. t-.� McKenzie found an N. P. which he deemed too email, and praised it 5 per cent. Running the machinery ofstate economically ns he could,the country annually dropped into debt 32,000,000 without anything -,toshow for it. In 1878 Sir John A. Macdonald added to McKenzie's N. P. sod commenced improvements which have made Canada the pride of Britain, and the envy of the States. ' lu the North West, cities and general improvements have advanced with a rapidity never equalled in any other land. The Globe denounces all this aisa collapse, a fiasco and a failure. Thus, deliberately, that paper lies. The ef£ectoi such incendiary journ- alism by the Globe is to corrupt many weekly papers who have been wont to regard all ita sayings as gospel truth; hence, some of them, for a while, also scratched the sore places in Canada; justifying themselves by saying, like the Globe, that the truth should be told ; yet es has been shown, the most salient items in the Globe's so-called truths are nause- lsus with falsehoods : many are wick- ed lies. It matters not what the truth is, if relating it is inimical to the inter- ests of Canada ; or of such a nature as to discourage our people, the pub- lishing of such truth is TREASON. g” REFORMER. Clinton, June 13th, 1991 • —S 'nator Sullivan relates that at an -ex-ma' ors (limier at King,tnu which Sir John Mir,lnn.l,l attended, he ran down en -route to the dining -room and threw ills weigh on tl1r. H. R. aleR'.e saying, Yon ui.i Grit, you an never say that you did net support me once." TOTHE FARMERS. aiti'ltdy. YOpr awn interelit a i4 go ,whirs ya>a OP glia . 'tellable e �11►�'R OOM mantifaoture Wane bat tOtlibgerrOt Eroar;. Dentate of rlloint that psi elMop, ale glia1I havt. $ratroVv. i/Wr 4411 and set prloes. Ardent lay Ala pgoPO.'attsnaed tai 414111.E`SS, EAft'QRT,US(,. s>kxTIL, .Olilm Thi MoKillop M ala Firs Iusoranee company. Farmland Isolated'TQwn. Projer- ty only insured. orrioBas. Thou. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P•.10, - W. ,l Shannon, SecyTreag.,Seatorth V. 0.; him Hannah Manager, Seaforth P. 0. , Ipiasaroiis, th H GODS PALACE. -only�place in Clic toix. where you eau ,hay -Its very.j ocular .Glove, • We`llave it in Blacks and Colors, nd ladles who ave warn it pronounce it,the most, �isatzsfactory' Glove in Lues llnarkket. Price is $1,25 • We 1 : keel' ase ;.. xede :1\Xolusq,uetaire (loves, l3laek Tans, $i 2 . -Undressed:Kid Gloves, ,]lack and oioxs ,. T i Colored Kid Gloves, 509., 75e.., $1,a and l; 25 Black Kid 'Gloves, - - 00c., 75e., $1 and 1 25 _° ()Black and U'area 'Silk and Taffetta. Gloves; and. Lace Mitts in Ladies,' and Children's sizes, all qualities; FIVE, PE,It.'CENT, DISCOUNT FOR CASH'.. ATE. HN Jae, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Rosa, Cita,-' ton ; Gabrter FiI14t, Olinton ; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J, Shan- non, Watton; Thos. Garbed, Clinton. miens. Taos- Neilane, Harlock' Robt. McbTlilan See - forth; S. Carnoohan, $oatorth• John O'Suilivan and (leo, Murdie, Auditors, Paetlee desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend. ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. Wagon Shop and Business for Sale or Rent. A SPLENDID OPENING.—For"'sale or rent the carriage ehop and business in the Village 3f Winthrop. at present owned and occupied by the undersigned. The shop is frame with a comfort, able dwelling house attached. Therotis alsoa good cider mill and a stable. There is ono Ot'h of an acre of land. A good business is being done and there is a blacksmith shop in connection close by. Thiel property and business will be sold or rented cheap, as the proprietor has had to retire on account of ill -health. A stead), pushing man can du a good business and make money. Address Winthrop P. 0., or apply on the premises to WM. HORNET. 052-5t FOR SALE. MOW Leslie's Carriage Factory, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS , AND, WAGONS—a11 of -4110 best work nlanship and material. gir All the latest styles, and most modern improve- ments. All work Warranted. Repairing and repainting- promptly attended .. ..to. Prices to suit the times. - - 4" FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y THE HUB GROCERY MEE SUBSCRIBER offers for Bale four eligible 1 Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; bas two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to euit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the underelgne,d..-E. DiNtLEY, Clinton. 882 New Blacksmith Shop Gl EORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gaciley, oppoelte Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shooing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work In the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWIIILL. Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, WASH- BOARDS, -,CHURNS,,, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. -BASKETS for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BROOMS, down to '2 for 25c. GROCERIES, fresh and as cheap as auy other house in town.—especially in TEA we can give you extra -mine. HODG. ADVERTISING. Oufvobje.ct is to get. the public to see our stock, which is so targe and varied, thet.we have not space to describe the different lines we carry and the very low prices which we sell at. The Prices this month will be especially low for Cash: Every Department full in all lines. Our stock is larger than we want it at this rinser of the year, and to reduce it we will'sell at very low prices. Many Lines will be sold AT COST AND UNDER to clear out. TAILORING, MANTLE MAKING, DRESS MAKING, M1.L- LINERY—best satisfaction given in the different departments. , We keep first•class hands in each department, the hest we can get. We respectfully ask all who want to buy CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH this month to call and examine our stuck and get prices. OFTButter taken at. market price. Eggs taken at 12c. Geo. Swallow, Clinton TEAS TEAT TEA! SALE BILLS. The Hilary r z Newadiecord has um r surpassed tail] ties for 1� A!M1„4 , l .. `_ _,.. , work at low rates.l�A turninoutfill'.':"Y'�free advertisement in The News Record with every set of sale bills. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Flour $6 00 to 6 00 Fall Wheat... 1 00 to 1 03 Spring Wheat 1 CO to 1 03 Barley C 48 to 0 50 ,Gate.. ) 42 to 0 44 Peas . 0 65 to 0 70 Ap1es,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 50 Potatoes .. 0 40 to 0 60 Butter.. .. .. 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs 0 10 to 0 12- liay 5 00 to 7 00 .Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 - %Wool 018 to018 Pork 5 00 to 525 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat II 12 to 81 14 Spring -Wheat 1 03 to 1 04 Wheat, red winter1 11 to 1 13 Wheat, goose 0 91 to 0 91 Barley • "0 54 to 0 56 Oats . 0 58 to 0 60 Peas . 0 86 to 0 88 Rye 075 to 078 Hay 10 CO to 16 00 Straw 7 50 to 9 50 Dressed Hogs 5 25 to 6 00 Beef, fora 4 50 to 6.50 Beef, hind 6 50 to 7 50 Mutton 6 00 to 7 00 Veal 8 00 to 10 00 Eggs • • 0 12 to 0 13 Butter 0 14 to 0 16 Potatoes, per bag . 1 00 to 1 10 Turf Meeting. THE CLINTON DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION purpogp holding their meeting on AUGUST 2801, giving $480.00 IN PREMIUMS, namely: 2.60 trotting or pacing, puree $160.00, divided into three monies. 2.32 trot or pace, $f100.00 purse, divided into • lour monies. Three-quarter mile run, hest two in three purse $180.00, two monies. American Trotting and Ontario Jockey Club iiules to govern. 1151' Thle being one of the Lake Huron Circuit bteetfngs, should have a good meeting, the track being in 9ret•clase order. 659tf STRAYED. N- -,-�. From the premises of William Garbett 18th >;cohceesion, Linnet, 1} miles from Londeeboro, (MO `yearling heifer inclined t0 be roan in color, with large wart over right eve and small warts on face and white stripe on forehead, white on belly, Whoever will give Information to owner where she may be found will be rewarded for their ttouble. WM. GAEBCTT Londeeboro 1'. 0. STRAYED NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent from town for some time, has left his hooks and acconnts aith MANNINO & SCOTT, to Thorn pay moots may be made. •' JOHN WISEMAN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAPING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors oast of NEWS -RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont From Iloimesville, about the Stith day of May, One END FARROW COW with white Ater in Sorehead, poeeibly Nome white on 0116 hip, about tone or rive years old. Whoever will glen infer - Matteis that 'Will lead ter the retovory of above will he tultably rewarded. JAVt t A. FORD, «: ,iib5.:•tL�-,_,tx.�.�.. �,-.s'misu"�itfis` WATCHES! Waltham, Elgtn, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. sorrin these makes in key and stem winders. Also pendant set watches. J, BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. FARM ,TO LET That excellent grass farm et present occupied by Mr. Isaac Rapson, well known as the Dods - worth farm, being north half ,of lot 110. 9th 000., Hultett, containing 85_ acres. It is situated on the Base Line, 2*} miles from Summerhill and 0 miles from Manchester. Is well watered and particularly adapted for pasturage. Has good dwelling house, barn and shed. Tho lessee can have privilege of plowing after harvest with accommodation for man and horses. Posseselon given March, 1892. For furtherparticulareapply by letter or personally to MRS. JANE DODSWORTH, i�inton 057-tf or C. A. HARTT, j ALLAN, L I N E Sold in London, Eng.; for £10, 12s., 6d., or $52 per pound. Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea, BLENDED WITH TSA 0 PLTJMSTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. l;xperta have pronounced fully equal tr goods sold at 352 per pound—sold at 50e., 60c. and 750. per pound. Special values in Black, - Green and Japans, from 10 cents . up, Extra Cut in 5 and 10 Pound Boxes. Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. 0 Clinton, June, 1891. Groceries. - Groceries. J. W. IRWIN, The Noted GM', Clinton AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA. cam. zrEx11oN ]3IO8_ he —Have a splendid stock or— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Grookflry, Glass and chinaware At prices eonsistent with good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. C-ANTELON BROS., Wholesale -& Retail Grocers, Clinton.. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to . Europe. EVERY WEEK Montreal and Quebec, To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN 550 to 580, According to location of Staterooms. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE t SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE LINE. STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every For'tnight." CAAIN, $35 and upwards. Return, 505 and upwards. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to H de A ALLAN, Montreal or A. O. PA2TISONor WM. JACKSON,dlinttn. BOY WANTED. Good smart boy wanted, to learn general black- amithing. A good opening tot the tight boy. Apply to Geo. Taowlntu, Opposite Alber Street, Cliea Lumber nton. ABEL S; WEEKES, Civil Engineer, . P. L Surveyor, Meaux tsman, et�t� r , ; t6Ssr-tf stiliOT- rerun er reek; f Minton, it Hardware. Hardware _—o-- We ',eve just received several tons of FENCING WIRE—Barb Wire, Plain Twisted and Black Steel Fencing Wire. Garden Spades, Garden Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Manure Forks, Digging Forks, Drain Spades. - 200 KEGS STEEL CUT- NAILS. Kalsomine, Alabastine—all shades. Paint Brushes, Kalsoinine Brushes. Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Milk Cans, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, Granite Ware, Cooking Stoves and Ranges. READY -MIXED PAINTS—ALL SHADES. Tinware, all kinds, at Rock Bottom Prices. • HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. • Notes Discounted. • - Drafts Issued. Interest Allotvetl on Deposits. Clinton, June 8th, 1891 058y FOR .SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Godelioh, onneisting of one half of an acre of land, good friene house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stoma cellar, stable, Wood and carriage honees, Thbre are also some geed fruit trees. This property is beautifully . situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to. L+': CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderieh. J. E. RLACKALL' Veterinary Surgeon, honorarygraduate o OhtarfoVetorinary Oollego,treets disease's of all domestic ahlm'ala on the meet modern and eblentiflo prin,telplee. • Cetus attended to nl ht Or day. Office imMedlitely Wed of the of 5.41 '.: , �tst119i*dCtirftSe `dlldd$L Albert street, limon, 649--8m COPP's WALL ,PAPER and Paint Shop I8 STOCKED W1TH A SELECT ASSORTMENT ----OF— NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. , JOSEPH CRIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stoek of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, hlattrassee, etc., and general Household Furniture. The while Stock is from'th3,very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever. description. JOS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Diekson's Book Store American and Canadian Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO mA.roIfi from fire cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having boughtrny Papers and paints for Spot Cash, and elty practtoalox- perlence jnbtify me in saving that all wanting to decorate their houses 'beide or paint the nn out. side will find' It to their advantage to give me a can, Sit Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith Shop, and directly opposite br. J. Ch d1os e reddened COPP practical raper Ilahget and painter RELIABLE TAILORING THOS. JACKSON, S R„1 The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Cc.: nplete Stook of Tweeds, Worsteds, eta., suitabl'i for Spring and Sumner Wear Every Suit a `fPalking Advertisement. Cloth by the yard at a very a- call margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the sarle. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. A Free Trip to Clinton A CHANCE THAT WON'T LAST LONG! For the sake of working up outside town trade we offer the fol1bwing inducements to any one who cannot get nice -fitting garments in their own town :—We will pay your fare and guarantee to suit you with, as Nice Suitinge as can be found in the trade. A. trial order solicited. Write for samples if you mean business. Remember the City Tailors, WALTON & MORRI ON BOX 191, CLINTON. tar Stand opposite Cooper's Rook Store, in Smith's Bloc*. he News -Resor FOR WOO ENVELOPES; FOR FINEST PRINTINC • FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRiNTINCI; e..: n -..s: rr_ c .are ;-c ... ,.r_ r :c ,e. :_ .A.,=r yr.�� =.: :-- .x ---:.vim ---,:se---::*ars-- --- •-,- �r: "y.,""y-------• rrX' L�".,v..,;i THE NEWS,RECORD EXCELS IN ALTs DEPARTMENTS -.. .. , L * .�.:rra.•' ' i..:.:.S�esA�n. ti�rt:.sA;.-t ..er^'.'S'&. -.3:; r..... yy