HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-10, Page 8he Duron News cord Lat'8 SWIM I RAM!
01.511 a ll'eer•4I.25..i0•Advance,
F'�e1ne .dny �iflfli WWM, 4891.
7 S,
ani ,►rc►.und the- +•ilinb.,
Thin ig an article y of evik. ry ladY's
b t yen wort to Sava time anti labor, .imy.1
Ii yon want your ironed ,clothes to look ileac
and elelk n and to teat moon longer, buy a box.
It yon want rho starch to stay le the clothes
on the lino in spite of rain or frost, buy a box,
If sou want everything to look like new, such
as shirt boecage, collars. omits, lase curtains, etc.,
y buy a box.
Zotittl 411. gri'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and whore,.-,
I ; the merchant does net keep It we want a lively
ocAr. IsTOT10$a.---A11 notices in chews agent to represent us.
columns of meetings ar entertainments,', Manufactured by
Keehn/a to holding of the sante, at which
an admission Peals charged,ortromwhich
a pecuniary benefit is to he derived, will ;`° 55—tr Helmeted/1u
be charged at the rate of tog cents per
Noe. THE gosT LARgELY ontou LATER
CHANGE/ of OFF10E.—Dr. Turn
bull hat, removed his office to that
formerly occupied by Dr. Dowsley,
one door asset of Moisous Bank.
Night calls will now be answered
at the office. 665
WILL MOTAGGAwr now of Toron-
to is home for a week'e holiday.
DISABLED HAND. One day halt
week, Mr. Booth, working in the
Doherty Organ Factory, had one of
his hands mutilated in a machine,
portions of one thumb and several
‘fingers being taken off.
IN the window of Cooper's book
store ie a portrait of Sir John A.
Macdonald heavily draped in
mourning, and a statue of the Right
Hon. deceased is also monrningly
surrounded with crape and flowers.
CANTELON BROS. wake weekly
shipments of about 2000 lbs of
butter to Montreal. They pay
Toronto prices, and the quality of
the article they handle is excep
tionally good. In fact scarcely any
'thing else is offered, and they in
variably refuse to touch any of in
ferior grade if it should be offered.
MR. FRANK JACKSON is Visiting his
parents and friends in towu. IIe
has spent the last two years in
Kansas City, but has Nought e
a photograph business at Barrie and
will settle down there iu a iceek or
or two. While passing through
Chicago Mr, Jackson met Joe.
Walker, formerly of THE NEWS
RECORD staff. "Joe" Is still in
business for himself and doing well.
TURF TALK.—The Clinton Driv
ing Park Association at their annual
meetiug at the Central hotel elected
the following officers :—President
T. C. Doherty, Vioe. Pres. Lack
Kennedy, See. Treas. Dr. .Blacken.
Directors I. Rattenbury, Jas. Fair
Jr , O. Johnson, John Beacon], H
Andrews, John Johnson. They
purpose holding a meetiug on the
26th August, which will be ad-
vertised in a few days.
Morrow B. A. the Classical teacher
in the Collegiate Institute who has
lately passed his 'final examination
in Arts at the. University has made
a splendid record all through his
course. He was prepared for his
examination by Prof, Henderson B.
A. Principal of St. Catharines Col-
legiate Institute. ' On his let year
he took the Moss Scholarship iu
Cla,sica, in the 2nd. 3rd and 4th
year he took 1st class Honors in his
favorite subject, graduating .in 1890
with Classical Honore. In each
year of the 4 years he was especial
ly recommended fur his Latin prose
competition papers, the examiners
saying that his was the beet sent in
each year. Mr. Morrow is very
popular with the students who are
n a positiou to judge saying that
1s is the best classical master it has
peen the good fortune of the trus
toes of our Collegiate to secure.
TIONS IN ARTS, MAY 1891. --Students
and ex -students of Clinton Colle-
giete :—Graduates three : J. M.
Godfrey, 1V. Malloch and J. W.
t'releaven. Third year—four: J.
A. Cooper, J. H. Cornyn, J. C.
McLennan, Thomas Murray. Sec
and year—two : A. Budge. J. 1).
Morrow. First year—two : R.
Richardson, Mies A. Weir—Eleven
in all. Mr. Godfrey takes lst class
honors in Political Science. Mr.
Malloch takes a pass degree. Mr.
Mr. J. W. Treleaven takes 2nd class
honors in classics. Mr. J. A.
Cooper takes 1st chips honors in
History, History of English Law,
Economics, English Constitutional
Law and Jurisprudence, standing lst
in Economics and well up in all
the others. Mr. J. H . Cornyn gets
cegr•otcct standing with honors in
Modern Languages. Mr. J. C. Mc•
Lennau takes lst class honors in
Theoretics, Physics and in Practical
Physics, and the lst Scholarship in
Physics. Mr. T. Murray takes pass
standing. Mr. A. Budge takes pass
standing. Mr. J. D. Morrow takes
2nd class honors iu classics. Mr.
Richardson takes pass standing but
deserves special mention on account
of his passing after a very short
tune for preparation. Miss A.
Weir takes let class honors in
English, French, German, and
Italian. This is au excellent show-
ing on the part of Miss Weir and it
will be remembered that she took
an excellent position last year at
Junior Matriculation taking lst
class honors in German and in
,Mathematics, and second class
honors in English and French.
Mr. J. A. Cooper also deserves
special mention for the excellent
stand which he has taken and high
hopes are to entertained in connee-
tion with the 13. A. examinations
next year. IVe expect to see him
at head of the list in the subjects of
his Course. Clinton Collegiate In-
and ex -students, deserve congratuia-
tions in Arts.
WHOA ! Tuuaa.—If you want to get
one of the finest and cheapest and
beet sets of Single Harness wade in
Canada, go to Jo1INsoN lit ARMOUR'S,
Clinton. ifou get your Driving
Harness at JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S you
will get your money's worth and be
protected against accidents, too ire
quently caused by inferior goods. 654
1iIRl. WANTED to do general house-
work in a small family. Apply to Mit.
Th, e. Jaokaon, S�., Clinton.
Cases Su1Ne4ae.-5 car loads ot the Best Geor-
gian Bay Shingles, warranted XXX, for 81.60 per
square, at J. TW,reI1s6L's, Clinton, 8157 -St
twomiRYPfiY d..,
_ Two Boys, from 16 to 18 years of
age, wanted to work at Finishing at
" the Doherty Organ Factory. Apply
at the FiNlsuINo Room. ,
"Minton, June 9, 1891
FORTH. —bend for particulars of the
Grand International Firemen's Tor-
nament to be held in Seaforth on
June 16th and 17th, 1891, $1,000.00 in
cash prizes for hose reel races, hook
and ladder races, coupling competis
tions, firemen's toot -races, and other
sports such as bicycle races, drum•
mere race, football matches by elec-
tric light, and farmers load competi-
tions. $10.00 to the largest load of
people and $10.00 to the load of
largest people. 'ibis will be the
greatest sporting event ever held in
the west. Do not forget that the
great championship football match
between the Detroits, of Detroit, and
the Hurons, of Seaforth, takes place
on the recreation grounds on the
morning of the 17th. For further
particulars send to R. Haxby, Secre-
tary Seaforth fire Brigade, Seaforth,
will hold an extensive and unresery-
ed Auction Sale of Horses, Bugggies,
Implements etc., at 'fiplings black,
smith shop,on Saturday, June 13that
1 o'clock .p.311.
iii • .. .stialaeii, r .o2MOI, trema
Mit. J. A..'Cooeett is visiting in
Mits. I1ttiesrj 1', of Brantford, i9
visiting relatives in town.
THE program of sports for Clinton
on 1st July is weld under way,
MR. AND flute. Jotlx MUGans-A
spout Sunday iu Goderich
MRs. GEO. f11SCOx and family
of London, are visiting at the home
of her sister, Mrs. S. H. Ranee.
I1R05. HOLMEs- of Clinton and
'Murch of ltolmesville discoursed
from like Ontario St. Meth. Church
pulpit het Sunday,
Miss JT. BEVAN, who had charge
of the M,tutle department with G.
E. Pay while ho was in business
here, is visiting friends in town, at
present the guest of Mrs. H. B.
C hant.
BRO. WM. SPARLiNO is in Toronto
this week as representative for
Court Maple Leaf No. 16, Canadian
Foresters, where High court is
now in session.
larged bis circuit of movement and
iustruction in things practical by
removing to Toronto where he has
taken a situation in a real estate
Guelph Conference met in Berlin
recently. The result of their
labours as shown in the preliminary
list affecting Clinton is as under:
Rattenbury St. J. W. Shilton 13. A.
remains n charge, Ontario St. to
be under the pastorate of Rev. Jos.
Galloway, Rev. Jos. E'lge going to
North St. Goderich.
The following from the Goderich
Signal refers to a formerClintouian.
past ten V•3ars Alpert Petty, an em•
ploye of the Goderich Organ Fac-
tory, has been troubled with the
second toe of his right foot, which
had attained an abnormal growth
and overlapped on the groat toe.
Latterly it became particularly
troublesome and Albert decided to
have it amputated. To this end
he netted a follow•workman to
sharpen a chisel, and after the close
of work on Friday last he held hia
foot on a block and asked his coon•
panion to strike off the toe with the
chisel which he did by tapping the
chisel with a mallet. Petty says he
thought his friend had missed it,
but when ha looked down he saw
that the toe had bean severed.
sr. -- eRrerearnateureerntrgeon an4' .Petty
then dressed the stamp and the
latter walked home,
We have just received a supply of
BM Baby Carriage Res
The very thing to complete the comfort of
the Baby and the elegance ot your
sala- Get Your Favorite Newspaper from
Robins Brothers,
hiIdrn's Suits
T- Or-010-�►,-
The season has now arrived when the youth of our cowl -
try will be sweltering in their burdensome Winter +Cs.
Clothing;. It is a duty that the parents owe to their sons
its also to their pockets that before purchasing elsewhere -
they inspect our
Weir's old stanch opposite the Market, Albert-st,, (Clinton
Our Jlilline'y Stock h.is just been fully assorted with the
Shapes for Summer wear, direct from the Centre of Fashion,
breezy Lace Hat to the Largest Sunshade.
/it west
from the
FLOWERS—We are nllotving a DPW lot which makes it the choice
assortment of the season.
with doulde Knees for Boys.
Bees11®C�'s Great Millinery Emporiwn
fJ CJ � Tho Ladies Favorite Establishment
'rs chief ..rl� . .' SIM, xtCJw +r. e'e tr. vwuea3=' --rosarM.c. anteltki s
\Voodstock were visiting the Tatters
sister, Mr. Geo. Glasgow, last week
REV. A. STEWART occupied the
pulpit of Rattenbury St. Methodist
church last Sunday morning. Rev.
Dr. Gregg of Toronto taking Mr.
Stewart's place i11 Willis Church. .
MR. John ROBERTSON, of Toto11-
to, representing a life insurance
company, was in town Monday.
He is reliable gentleman.
Tim CRERAR WILL.—Proceedings
have begun in the Chica"o tr%ourts
to upset the will of milli e Crer-
ar It' successful relative 1 uron
and Perth counties bi11 come in for
a share of $2,000,000,
Miss WILSON, niece of Mr. Ad-
amson, under the supervision of
Treasurer Holmes, acting County
Clerk, is very efficiently performing
the clerical duties pertaining to the
position. The public will be pleas
ed to learn that Mr. Adamson is
recovering from his severe illness,
and much as we shall be pleased to
learn of the apeedy return of that
affable gentleman to his past, we can
not refrain from saying that the cour-
tesise of his office are not suffering
in the hands of his lady substitute.
NOT So,I'rs A LIE.—If the follow
ing chitrge of unveracity refers to
Rev. John Gray, formerly of this
town those who knew hits will not
believe it : "Daring the Sunday
morning religious service in the
l3aptist church here it scene uncurl'
ed. Ouo of deacons sitting in a
front pew in the synagogue, not
oncnrring with the theology of the
preacher, remarked in a tone quite
andiable, "it's not so, it's a lie."
The Oran: created quite a constorn-
ttion.—Kincardine Reriety.
'Sone Pop."—According to news-
paper correspondents all Paris is
laughing about an American invent-
or who is said to have patented a
corset that is to bring about the
reign of morality at once. If one
of these articles is pressed by a lov•
er's arm it at once emits a shriek like
the whistle of a railroad engine;and
the inventor claims that he has al-
ready married three of his daugh-
foie, o fv t» j x o `ilii�` `ji l hi�ly—t'ltiys
thrust upon a backward lover.
NEwsPAPERs.—The Stratford
Times now issues a lively sem i-weok-
edition. The first number contains
an excellent supplement portrait o
Sir John A Macdonald.—The In-
gersoll Tribune and Wiarton Encore
have ceased to fill a want not felt --
['he St. Mary's Journal is now used
semi weekly and wholly vigorously.
LIEUT. RANGE.—The following
deserved remarks appeared in last
Wednesday's Mail :—"A 1Member
of No. 4 Company"—"Enclosed
please find 59 votes for Lieut. Hy.
T. Ranee and the 33rd Battalion.
Lieut. Rance is a young officer in
the service, he is the most deserved
ly popular and efficient of our jun-
ior officers of the battalion. The
boys of No. 4 Company are justly
proud of him as an officer and a man,
and we all hope to see hits on top,
for we think in Clinton he is the
most popular of any other officer in
the service."
Mr. Snthortand has introduced into
the House of Commons "an act re-
specting the South Ontario Pacific
Railway Company," The principal
section repeals a section of the origin -
11 act incorporating the company,
by which it was required that the
main line of the road should he con•
strncted through the city of Hamil-
ton, and the following is substitut•
ed ,
3. The company may lay out,
coust'ruct and operate a railway from
some point on the line of the
Ontario and Quebec railway at or
near Woodstock to 801110 point at
or near the city of Hamilton, and
also one from some point on that
railway to a convenient point on the
Niagara river, and thence they may
connect by a ferry or bridge with
any railway in the United States
of America retching such ferry or
bridge ; and also a railway frome4
some point on the Ontario and Que- y
bee railway near Cookeville or'`
Toronto,through the City of Hamil-
ton,to sone point fnrther west on the
line of railway first above described ;
and also a branch or extension from
any point on the said railway first
above described via the village of
Embro, in the county of Oxford,
and the town of St. Mary's, in the
county of Perth/ to some convenient
pDinstseltassTaAkeetli1141,11r %4.4nel:3alie•
field and Kincardine.
Youths' and Children's
Summer Clothing.
The following; are some of the prices :
Our $1,50 Boy's Suit stands
Our $2.00 Boy's Suit is equally
a marvel.
Our $2.50 Suit
the best selli
Our $3.00 Suit
ably fine.
hile at $4.50 we display
style and workmanship
ranks among
is unquestion-
such a \ariety of coloring,
as to be astonishing.
Jackson:: gyros.
Clothiers, Furnishers anti Hatters.
• • •
- lF!'OU -...
Would like to Paper a few
rooms, you have now a
CHANGE to secure some
Splendid Patterns at 50.
and 8c. a Roll.
G -old Gilts ac 12 * c., 15c.
and 25c.
These are Excellent Pa-
pers and well worth twice
;the price we are asking,
but we don't wish to carry
any more stock than is
necessary, so we are clear -
Call soon
ing them out
as our stock is limited.
Cooper &CO' S
STQIL.. i,