HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-10, Page 5Sea Cod.Liver011 AND Tint HYPoPhOsphites of Lime aml 3oda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. • PRICE 60C. AND $1 PEA SOTTLE. PaimassimmazammISMINIIIIIM ing in the Nile Orango hall nn M day neeto June 15, when four iii - l.,�, -s vitISAlit!t-1,/ I() gree. foe iiieoi:)•.rs of t he N Lo.17„H,•xtend invitatious to bre, hr from other lodges to attend. We are nett-dal:1d to the 11)1-4111.1-, of tins Woineu's M ySochi and the ineiellers of Nile L. 0. No. 1052 for copies of letters of co dolence to M r. Robert Mcllwa who, through the order of Dien Providence, was cannel upon to pa with A 10Viitg Wife and companiou abort time ago, mention of w hie was made in these columns at tint Nile June ;3rd, 1891. • Dear Bro. Mcllwain. — We, members of the Women' Missionary Society, desire at this ou first opportunity to express our sym pathy with you in this your hour o aorrow, and our regret that a life s rich in possibilities for the future, an so necessary for the happiness of he should be ended while yet ii its bloom. Our sooiety has lost eister beloved and respected, but ou loss is her gain, and we hope it ma prove an incentive to us to doubt .our diligence,and when our work her is done may we all meet in that uppe sanctuary where we shall all kno 11- and be like Jesus, for we shall se Him as He is. Signed in behalf o the Nile W. M. S. Mrs. E A. Fear, Cor. Sec. Mrs. Charles Girvin, President Nile, June 1st, 4891. Mr. R. McIlwain, Dear Bro.— One by one the saints are going to the mansions of the blest. An all wise Proyideoce has seen fit to remove frona you a loved companion and from your chil- dren a loving mother. The dispen- sations of providence are sometimes very mysterious. We often do not kn w why we are called to suffer be- reavement, but we know the heaven- ly Father who allows them never ixiakes mistakes. Ile is too wise to err and too good to be unkind. Though you are parted from her now there is a glorious hope of a happy re• union on the other shore. What a blessed thought that she is just bee yond the river and is waiting and watching for her loved ones to follow her. Our church and our Sabbath school has lost a member who was ever in her place and ever willing to help in any good work and word ; and our community has lost a kind friend and good neighbor, but what is that compared with the loss you, and your children have been called to sustain ? As a lodge we take this op. portunity of expressing to you our sympathy in your bereavement. May you and your children be enabl- ed to live so that when time with you is no more you may join that loved one in that place where parting is no more. Richard Morrow. W. M., T. G. Shepperd Rec. Seo. /II le - lie en ty 0 rt u 8 r • r 0 r 3 a r y e e r e f REV. CANON CRAIG, ST. PAUL'S.— A ft0h the sermon last Sunday eve- ning the following referened was made to the demi Premier :—"I cannot close to -night without some reference to on country's loss in the death uf the Rt. Hon. Sir John A. MacdonaliL 1 say our country's loss—tor whatever view we may take of in tny acts of his life, he has been so cloddy identified with the most important parts of our history that the death of such a man cannot but' be a common lose. I am not here to pronounce any eulogy upon him, this is not the place nor the time I would only ea7 a great man hag Wien in a good old age, full of honors from Queen and country. God buries the worker and carries on the work. Some one will rise to guide- the destinies of this country, and I an free to con• fess that at no time for years has it needed a wise, strong hand as it does to -day. At no time could we spare Imre him who lice it, the cold- ness of death than the present. But God: who rulee, knows best, and to Him we commit the destinies of our country, while as Canadians we pay our heart's best tribute to the dead Statesman." Two of the hymns wore. "Nearer My God to Thee " and. "u Paradise, iSParadise. )e prayers of the congregation were especially asked for the widow and family of deenased. RoPR,RTY FOR BAIA' OTLi p RFAT. es advertisers will and “Ths News -Recent.' ono of the best ntedlotris la the comity of Buen, Advertise itt 'The IsTeeserteevere The nouble Oireetstior ks to mboesenas. Betes ea 19W RR low., • sauSeesseeeseresesseseseeeesseeesee,_ eeeseesesee TO THE.FARMERS. study roar own interest and go•wijorea, • you put go Reliable 7: Harness mantoaetute none but toe Dear OF STOGIE. •4 Be..., of 41topir.that sell chop, as they have r'kq SQI o tire tar Call and get pritme. order* by men promplyattended to., /X(301E-IN 1E31IL HARNSSS EMPORIUM, DAM' he McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICER. Thob, E. Mays, President, Soatorth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Seey.Treas., Seaforth I', 0. 7 John Hannah, Maimger, Seaforth P. 0, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Flari• Gabriet Elliott, Ciinton ; George Watt, ock ; Joseph Evans, Beachwood ; J. Shan. non, Walton ; Thos. Carbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Notions, Hortock Robt. McMillan Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seidorth. John tesuilivan and Geo. Murille, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post aliens, il.1011111MINNIMPRENNIICZNIMMINICISI. Wagon Shop and Business for Sale or Rent. A SPLEN DID OPENING.—For sale or rent, the carriage shop and business in the Village if Winthrop, at present owned and occupied by the undersigned. The shop is frame with a comfort- able dwelljng. house attached. There is also a good eider mill and a stable. There is one fifth of an acre of land. A good business is beingiflone Ind there Is a blacksmith shop in connection -lose by. This property and business will be old or rented cheap. as the proprietor has had 0 retire on account of 111.healtn. A stead) pushing man can do a good business and make money. Address IVinthrop P. 0., or apply on the promises to WM. FIORN EY, 052-6t FOR SALE. MHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sole four eligible I Building Lots fronting. ori Albert Street; hat two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to cmit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersientd.—F. ()INSLEY, Clinton. 382 VIMIP New Blacksmith Shop h'ORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen. UF end Blacksmith Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gulley. opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to before ordering. any class of work in the above linos. 407-11 GEORGE TROWHILT.,. SALE BILLS.—The News•Record has un aurpassed faili ties for turningout first-class work at low rates. A free ad vortisenit nt in The News Record with every set of sale hills. AM! NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent froin town Mt some time, has left his books end acconnts with MANNING .3, SCoTT, to whom pay- ments ina). be made. JOHN WISEMAN. ------- F FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS•RECORD Of- fice. Special attention given to Lamm AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY amicalow asnomemommersmo J. C. STEVENSON Furniture Dealer, &c. HE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. pposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont •••••••1411•60., WATCHES! Waltham, Elkin, Illinoie, Colunibua Seth Thomas, and Rockford ---new, model. tarAll these makes in key and stern winders. Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. FARM TO LET That excellent grass farm at present occupied by Mr. Ise.ae Rapson, well known -as the Dods - worth farm, being north half of lot 36. Oth con., Hullett, containing 86 acres. It is situated on the Base Line, 2i miles from Summerhill and 6 miles from Monehesteft la well watered and articularly adapted for pasturage. lis.s good welling house, barn and shed. The lessee can have privilege of plowing after harvest with accommodation for man and horses. Possession given March, 1992. For further partleulare apply by letter or personally to 657 11 MRS, .1A N E DODSWORTH, cun ton. or C. A. HARTT, ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to Europe, EVERY WEEK Montreal and Quebec, TO Derry and Liverpool, AinN $50 to if80, According to location of Staterooins. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE LINE. }. SERVICE OP ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS, NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight, CAPIN, 535 and upwards. Return, 065 and upwards. Steerage at lowest ratea. Apply 17 de A ALLAN, Montreal or A. O. ATTISON or WM. J MIRSON, Clinton. BOY WANTED. Good smart boy wanted, to learn genernIblnek. mithing. A good opening for the right boy, Apply to Oso. Trtownim, Opposite Fair's Lumber Yard, Albert Street, Clinton. Attl: CVErtke6-, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Ofnce—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont . „:„.;,..,„7,..„,..7.7,,TTsirees,-....empwrpruppmeiriseerssesseeeeerwe, •esoessres- weerjess • Perrin sLacing Glove. THE DRY -GOODS PALACE' is the only place in -Clinton where you can buy this very popular Glove. We have it in Blacks and Colors, and ladies who -have worn it pronounce it the most satisfactory Glove in the market. Price is $1 25. We also keep Suede Mousquetaire Gloves, Black and Tans. - $1 25 Undressed, Kid Gloves, Black and Colors, 1 15 Colored Kid Gloves, - 50c., 75c., $1 and 1 25 BlackKid Gloves, - - 50c., 75c., $1 and 1 25 Black and Colored Silk and Taffetta Gloves, and Lace Mitts in Ladies' and Children's sizes, all qualities. Mr- FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. Leslie's Carriage Factory.' ADVERTISING. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best worle- naanship and material.- afir*All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work vtarranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended -to. Prices to suit thestiroes. air FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y 111111111111111. T i HUB GROCERY Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TU138, WASH BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BASKETS for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BROOMS, dOWII t,0 2 for 25c,, GROCERIES, fresh and as cheap as any other house in town—especially in TEA we can give you extra -train e. Geo. Swallow, Clinton TEA! TEA! TEA! Sold in London, Eng., forlx,10,12s., 6d., or $52 per pound. Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea BLENDED WITH TEA Experts have pronounced fully equal to goods sold at $52 per pound—sold at 50c., 60c. and 750. per pound. Special values in Black, Green. and Japans, from 10 cents up. Extra Cut in 5 and 10. Pound Boxes. . Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. 0 VP' . W. IRIATIN The Noted Grow, Clinton AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA. H ardware. Hardware o --- Wu have just received several tims of FENCING WIRE—Barb Wire, Plain Twisted and Bieck Steel Fencing Wire. Garden Spades, Garden Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Manure Fork, Forks, Drain Spades. 200 KEGS STEEL CUT NAILS. Kalsornine shade. Paint Brushes, Ka.lamnine Brushee, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Milk Cans, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, Granite Ware, Cooking Stoves and Ranges. READY-1VIIXED PAINTS --ALL SHADES. Tinware, all kinds', at Rock Bottom Prices. Digging HARLAND BROS Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANICINO BUSINESS TRA N34 C TED. Notes Discounted. • - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Juno Rth, 1991 6 S8y FOR SALE. WWIMIEWM The properly at present ooeupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Gotterieh, consisting of one half of an sore ot land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and earring() house, 1 There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifuity situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to Itl• CAMPION, 642-tf Barrister, Gioderloh. ouweaveesssaieisess..„„„ssesssmeses J. E. BLACHALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Velorinary College, tree digalicirtirMI'deffelitfc-arilihrt on the most modern and selentlil principles. /Walls attended to night or day. Office Inunediltely west to th old Royal Hots), Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 640--3m 5 Our object is to get the public to see our stock-, which is so large and varied that we have not space to describe the different linea we carry and the very low prices which we sell at. The Prices this month will be especially low for Cash. Every Department full in all lines. Our 8 took ie larger than we want It at this tium of the year, and to reduce it, we will sell at very low pricee. Many Lines will be sold AT COST AND UNDER to clear out, TAILORING, M A NTLE-M AK ENG, DRESS MAKING, MI Ls LINERY—best ,satisfaction given in the different departments. We keep firet-claes hancit, in each department, the beet we can get. We respectfully ask all who want to buy CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH this month to call and examine our stuck and get prices. flarButter taken at market price. Eggs taken at J 2c. 0 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT STREEf, CLINTON. Groceries, - Groceries. Clinton, June, 1891. OTjQ 13P,OS_ --Have a splendid stock et. - Fruits, Peels, Croekory, Glass and Chinaware good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for th We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b lowness of pi ice. Dc not invest till you call on US. Choice New Groceries, At prices eonsistent with value as any other house in least money in the market, surpassed in quality or CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Pi TT 1,R,1\T I '1" TT IR, —R1. NEW STOCK! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the atock of edroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wb de Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever description. JOS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store RELIABLE TAILORING 0-- _... THOS. JACKSON, SR.,! The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, bas a Co nplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitabl,) for Spring and Summer Wear er Every Suit a Walking Advertieement, SW' Cloth by the yard at a very s. ialt margin, ard Garments of all kinds CUT FRF.E from the sane. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. COPP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop FS STOCE ED WITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT F— Mennen and Canadian Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO MA Tell, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt Raving bought niy Papers and Paints for Spet Cash, and my practical ex. perience justify me in saving that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out side will find it to their advantage to give me call, kr Shop, smith of Oliver Johnstn's blacksmith shop, and directly oppoalte Mr. .1. Chidley's residence JOSEPH OOP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter 111111•11111ealleewmaiememlINIelittallleal, A Free Trip to Clinton A CHANCE THAT WON'T LAST LONG! For thessake of working up outside town trade we offer the following inducements to any one who cannot get nice fitting- garments in their own town :--We will pay your fare and guarantee to suit you with as Nice Suitings asi can he found in the trade. A. triel order solicited. Write for samples if you mean bizsinese. Remember the City Tailors, WALTON & MORRISON 130X 191, CLINTON. Wr Stand opposite Cooper's I3ook Store, in Smith's Block. it d papitgrem ... e FOR NICE BILL HEADS AY _,.....„,.....„ THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS