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The Huron News-Record, 1891-06-10, Page 1
YP • TERUO Or-1x.#tl.pce •5nat Inas;Dell*. en Advances .4.. ILI. NO, r 4 Verele.PR.leDgi'I' X+Y x'fllee0S-.ReefIZ.sdyi .rN 1V Qx:INO CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY,T7 • CU RON CC?UNI Y PAR LIM M EN T GILRoy,dayr All present eee?tHbotihor1y bfter. * p. m. on WeineA= . 7 Cantlalllofs Tt►Ylar orad• Herr. - • • Walden $e9cii. a i ea 4ed the ecu o l ' rerd oti a tkefaotu afCl Clerk- da c 4 p Clinton tllneau, but that the. •work 9f 'hie offio4 w. The mercury edyesutriater is herg. Hot weather must needs follow, of course. We weer the general .de• wand in the goods most needed for the hot weather - with excellent 'qualities anti priced limited to the lowest notch. We have ;just cleared a Montreal 'wholesale house put of a big raft of lovely patterns, vide, heavy cloth prints worth at ledat 12ic. or 14c., and we have the startling announce- ment to make that we are able to sell you all you want at 9i,c. Don't delay if you appreciate value, as already we are selliug them by the piece. I 'tell you what it is, if a man buys right he can sell rig t. In the sante lot are Sateens, lovely things, worth 200, for 15c. Sateens 'choice pets,' worth 20o. for 15c,, and all our summer stuff is on a par with these beauties. Socks and Underwear—Hosiery departments, very complete stock. Everything first in quality, and yet prices surprise. It makes• some difference where you buy Hosiery. This store's stock can be relied - upon. Uashtniers Hose, summer weight, that are Cashmere. Black "Even FART" Cotton Rose that don't stain. Balbriggan Dose that are the genuine thing. Keepiug quality before your eyes, give these Ni;.- goods and prices your considrratiou. THE LIQUOR STORE Npw in stock, a complete and select variety of all standard and special lines of ALES AND PORTERS Wines Brandies, Whiskies, GINGER ALES & MINERAL WATER. Manufactured inCanada and imported. In wood and bottle. Prices the lowest consistent with good goods. OJT .wholesale dealer in Choice Cigars. CaII at the New Store. J. W. RiTER, The Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Mer- chant, McTaggart'e new block, Albert Street, Clinton. Goderich Township,•-", Friday Friday night June 12th '*there -will be a special meeting of L. O. L. N. 306 in their hall, Bayfield Line. Goo. O. Cooper, W. M. Jas. Beacom sold three 7 mope old pigs in Clinton the other day which weighed 675 lbs. James must be a good feeder, Miss Eva Lindsay has been visit- ing lately Mrs. Lawrence* Luck - now. snore Amanasoomme illohtiesviile. Mr. Whiteman of Leeburu form- erly of Kippen spent a short •time iu the village—Mr Whitely of the 6th visited his friends—John Ford has had a stone wall built under bis house which improves the residence very much—Mr. H. B. Evans is, we are glad to state, able to be around again—We had a good shower of rain last week but it did not go down far enough to help the growth much. The people are anxiously looking for more—Mr. Holmes of Clinton preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath -evening last— Quite a crowd gathers every evening of the foot ball practice to see the fun—'Tis almost likely a good few will go to Mr. Lawrence's picnic next Friday—Mr. W. Stanley is brooking in a dolt --toad work com• monces Tuesday. ealicensissesseniniesiswwwwwwwwwinetenissmis Sir `ol n*--Macdonald-zdead or but of publio life, we will pro• bably see a public policy in the xidminion based on something higher than prejildice against the United States. • Buffalo Netvf,. had not fallen behind owiogto.the 9etie: taooe roudered by the "Treaeurer, D Holiuue, Mrs Aelem #on, :had requests thoaouncilto instruct, Dr, Ilolmes AEA for hitn'deriug the: preeent'Weldon. Th .Vateen also, stated tliet the' Coup Counuit.gf*Bruce would give afrettbtn visit to this Commit on Thursday, god had eoneutted with the Warden's gam mittee, a ho would submit a'reeomrneu ation regarding their entertainment., Oa motion of Meagre. Proudfoot an Holt, Dr. Holmes was appointed to A ae clerk during the present eeaaton, The roporb of the Warden's Committee was read recommending that this conu•k oil should enter'ain the Council of Bruce, to a becoming manner, and that a cow•• nitteebeappointedtc maks erraogements for the sumo. Mos ed by M. Y. McLean, seconded by W. t . Bissett, that the report of the; tYarden'e Committea be adoptee,an 1 that; the committee consist of tote Walden, Vlesera Ito line, Manning, Pr,udfoot,� Ratz, Cook and Graham, said committee to prepare a program for the eutortein 'hent of the visitors and report at tlie. evening session of this amnia—Car- ried. A letter from Roeert Ellett waa read, and referred to Road and Br.dge Com mittee. A letter from the Provincial Treasurer, and the County Treaeurer'e report anis; etatemauts, ware read and referred to, tioance Committee. The report of the Speoial C nominee n revision of rules was reed, and the' roneiderationof the rules trade the order:.* or an evening session. 4, The reports of School Iuepeotore J. E. Tom and David Robb were read and re erred to School and Printing Commit- tee A ocotillo by Messrs: d1 dee And Oliver to have•the "road eeremieritner, iq con - r. jnuctiou with the a u' 'y vug.eeer .ol ' t'orth, examine the bridge on (trey= acct rlo l',ln a bee dasy,, opposite '3rd °ori sac t 'e lair or; xebuildsameat.feund yr-eetlsary, Count *The auditors report wag read and re- forred to,Finerwe Oommittee, m.t 0to � rI byDr., *Alive end $tetbore I' okfng.to pity tnertt.e for 0u1,1ty w ards Pravirig Mg for treasurer's vouchers, wks relegrel to Frneneee. cote w•an:.rk ferret. to„ .Road -end :.t3ridiu solei i►l mitten, he,-�. d1de at" The report of Jailor Dickanm was read and referred to Jell and Court house Committee. The report of Read C ,mmiesionet Ans- ley was read and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. A petition at George Walker and oth ers re bylaw No. 12 of towoahip of Tuck ersmitb, wee read and referred to Sohool and Priutiag Committee. Council then adjourned until 7.30 p. rn. WEDNESDAY 7 30 O'CLOCK. feauncil reaetembled,when it wee mov- ed by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Milne, that this council debires to ex- press its deep regret at the eootioned ill- ness of our esteemed clerk, Mr. Adam- son, and to express its hope for his peedy recovery : and that a copy of this motion be'tranetnitted to him. Car- ried. The Special Committee on receiving Bruce Council reported, recommending that the visitors be entertained at a ban- quet at the Albion Hotel on Thursday veining, which was adopted. The council then went into committee of the whole on the new rules, Mr. Proudfoot in the chair, and after duly consideringthe•sau,e, the Warden resum- ed the chair, when the rules as amended were auopted, and on motion of M. Y. McLean, seconded. by W. G. Bieeett, the clerk was instructed to have 600 copies printed in pamphlet form, the rube not to be printed in the minutes. On motion of Meeers Manning and Millie it was ordered that hereafter the Warden occupy the Judge's chair on; the days datriug the semitone of this coun- cil. Council then adjourned until 9 o'clock' Tnutaday morning. SECOND DAY—TUURSDAY, Council reaeeembled at 9 o'clock, the Warden in the Chair. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. A petiti••o of David Mannon and others raying fu, aeveranee from S. S. No. 2,; Tubkersmit. , was referred to School end Prima,; (k mmittee. An apple:: . ••n from the reeve of Turn.> bury to ha`u ;: (ward and Ieaboli% ,Arm- strong, and v,- from the reeve of Blyth to have Mary . t sett, made county wards, were referred r,, Finance Committee. A number of ,recounts were referred to Finance Committee. } A motion by Messrs Sees and Raiz to bave,the road commissioner examine Blank Creek bridge on Hay au&Stephea boundary; and if necessary rebuild the same, was referred to Read and Bridge, committee ; also the following motions :' By Messrs. Milne and Eilber, that the Council confirm bylaw No. 4, 1891, of tovinehip of Grey, for closing up and sell- ing the original road allowance between lotf 20 and 21, cone, 8 and 9, towgebip. of Grey ; by Messrs, Graham and Moon. y, that the Reed oommiaeioner inspect eouth abutment of Brueeele bridge and if necessary have wing wall built; and by: Masers. MoLean and • Weber that the commissioner confer with the commission- er of the county of Perth in regard to a bridge on 5th con. between Tuckeremith' and Hibbert, and have same rebuilt if, neoeeeary, , On motion of Dr. Rolltne and Mt'- Grifn,the matter of imposition of fees on County High Soh000l pupils; through re gently Oranges in the law. and the pre- sent duty of the Council in relation•'. thereto, was referred to.- Sohgol and Printing Committee ' also ttf'otion by Dr. , Rollins and Mr Manning, that, in the opinion of the Council Power to im pose entrance examination fees by the county should be oontinued,•and that the clerk send a copy of this notice to the Minister of Education before the 9th; Mitt. The report of the Special Committee to inquire eS to the sanitary condition of the Court House, with three tenders fort carrying out the proposed improvements ivas referred to Jell andhCottrt house Council then adjourned to meet at 1. 30 pm. Tutfastsav 1.30 o'ot;iois. Counojl reassombled, all the momberrl present eirsept Mosbrs Taylor and Herr I. 4: .1 t• Win ha Tames $4.50; Exeter` Advocat $'1« Tunes 5Q;. Morrie Viidette $. Myth" tit t� y,,t Standard x B n _.rd 'F�r G(9derlCb Star $6+3 da Sabadtrt. $9.25; (L C. lioberta° $2.90; J, Acheson $4260; J. lfro h p $I0*7fe, Alex, Munro $30,78; G. Yeti piece (.notto be paiy till Ji.nuety); ! E. T'Idn, $4.26", Mrs. feicke u $15; .J $euederu $3.17; Stivren. 4 C.sr. ,$2;110)1 J Ainsley $2.25; 3. Jerkins $30.85; Joh ihiteSe $Ij..Suu, .Beit. '£ukpbone .$1).16 Frsiaer d< l or(er :$$7i fat COtteeyence o 4. A;c 'hitil,, a county werdl to 4rllli sayluru, '$24411; ..Trtaeiirer ta.pay. eve WiteilefeL it de TODD, llenthhllieh 0, 1891, HOLT4 NO. 6 e 50; n y Y• r every three ;nuntlie pay for county weirdo top to bat -wards. accepted at L•►st .January eessiog" ter be "paid .fur from let January 14rtt. Xhat oho Cunnty, aseumoall oleern oto r.niount of. Scott Act fi.ueq and the getter from ProvinoieI Secretary sue. - l,1s. metier be printed, (The Outer* iluyevemeeo hes reiiequiehed eh olai un the S;ottAet Burp us, which. amount to $4,400.64, in the hands of Treasurer, euhjeet-to .poeei4(o claims against it o 37MS). Appendix to -at;ditore' report t be-pritited, Edward and Isabella Arm - ofrthe o iety at the and 65 te of $90 each' pet 'year, born the let day of June next, Mary Dinette ineano and destitute, of Blyth, to be ft weird of the county a: $100 .per . year, from let June next. Ord ra. of County Cgmmiseicner exam• Med and found, 00, raut. No cotion tekeie on motion of.Hamilton and Holt for Kraut of $10,000, for House of Refuge. Account of D. McGillicuddy, $10,25, to be paid, .and. thet in future covers of eellsetore' and ateeeemente rolls be in- eluded in tenders. Auoouut of J. Miller for entertaining 58 Bruce councillors and oi$oiate, $5$, also amount of (4; 13. Cox ee, to be paid. No grane to be made 0 R. Association. That 25 issues a day be granted to each volunteer of 33rd Bat- talion raised out this year—(cot passed by Council). 'Creesurer's Investments and securities found correct. Account, of D. McGillicuddy for printing new; rnies, $27, to be paid. $25 each. to be paid the three riding Farmers' Inatitutee.'- Amount required thle year is $50,045.83, exclusive of the equivalent to school; grant,-hich will require a rate of 1 11/21 grille on the dollar, ou ^the equalized aeaesement aj the county ; that a by-law impnsiag staid rate •be passed ; that by- law be passed to raiee a auto equivalent to le,tielative eohool grant. Warden and Treasurer to have power to borrow $20,000 to meet current expenditure. ROADS AND BRIDGES REPORT. The final equaliaakion of lila:r►egtiS.tn°nr'''&ea pay ire Lull for- all wenxfe t Jai waa left la- the hooch' of ''tire County Jncigo, in'the even; of Noy mllniaipality eppealtng., A ntotiop by Mears Balt glad fi0tr t. ton ti?' ingve tile flag Pete ou .she Ceunte Sglraro examined, and ff fcu;id unsafe • i mw one to be, °rooted under the • super. vis 0n of the'cauuty eugineer, was Warr, e_,1 to Jeleand. Coact. Buue° Cotnittee, The Cleteell then a'djouruu:l to meet at 4 o'clock to receive the Council of Bruce. Thursday, June 4th„ 4 p. m. All memirere preeeut • except Reeve' aylor . of D'.ast Wa.wauosh. Warden Beck in the chair. Dr Hollins, chairman of ,Reception• t)r,n;mittee, introduced to Warden Beek. •rind the Council the Warden and Council of the County of Bruise. Warden• Bleck on behalf of the County Counell of Ht, on and Mayor Butler on behalf of ,he town of t=uderioh, waterline(' the'. viaitore to the comity arid town. War don McDonald, of Bruce, thanked them? for their kindness. Council adjeurucd to meet at 10 a. m„ June 5`h. Friday, June 5th., 10 a. nt Moved by Manning and Either that the clerk telegraph the Minister of Edit - cation, "Can the County Council impose or collect fees for this entrance examines don ? Wyfl the Raw regulations impose fees and be leased prior to coming exam- 'nation?'(An affirmative anewer was rooeived,) £ Mr Anderson was added to Equalize - tion Committee. MoKenzio sand McPherson move 1 t appropriate $400 to improve boundary flues between Huron and Btuce, provid- ing Bruoe gives au equal amount. Re- ferred to Road and Bridge Committee, Adjourned to 3 p. m. Friday, June 5th., 3 p, m. ' Lettere from 0. R. Association, Jona- than Milier, le. McGillicuddy and Lieut. Col. J. G. Wilson, were referred to Fire Committee. Messrs Hamilton and Holt moved for a grant of $10,000 for a House of Refuge. Referred to Finance Committee. Messrs C. Hamilton and F. Anderson! moved that this council desires to ex- press its deep- regret at the oontinu • , illness of Thos. H. 'Taylor, Reeve of E, Wawanosh, and expresses a hope forhia recovery; and that a copy of this motion, be Cent him by the clerk. Report of Salaries Committee and'' Goal and Court House Committee was read and adopted. Council adjourned to meet again at•. 7:30 p. m. Friday, Jaue 5, 7.30 Councii met, Warden Beck in the chair. On motion of Dr. Rollins and M. Y. McLean, December session was "dispensed wir•h. Stewart and Milne to appoint throe valuators for Equalization was lost. On motion of Dr. Rollins and A. li. Manning, it was resolved, "That the County Council of Huron desires to ex- press its regret at `Sir John A. Macdon- ald's alarming illness, and extends its :coadolenoe to Lady Macdonald and fatuity in their affliction." And that a copy of this be telegraphed to Lady Macdonald. On motion of Retz and Cook no grant id to be made to volunteers. Motion of Beacom and Beck that ten Dente a day be granted was lost. Motion of Proud - foot and Beek to appoint committee of Warden Beck and McPherson and Milne to confer with County of Bruce Council in regard to joint House of Refuge, was lost. Motion of thanks to acting clerk, 17r. Holmes, was carried. The Counoil: then adjourned. EQUALIZATION REPORT. Chairman John$eacom reported from committee that they had examined the'. assessment rolls of the different munioipal- itiea and recommend that equalization be as in annexed schedule, which is much, the same as last year. Some alight ad ' vanee in values of a couple of townships. was suggested, but a small advance in the equalized rale of Seaforth wise all ' that was adopted by Council. SCHOOL AND PYINTLNCi REPOYT, Chairman Philip Holt eubmitted the report; That no action be taken in the petition of S. S. No. 11, Hay, owing to law relating to change not having been complied with. Each of the municipali- ties concerned in Union 8. S. No. 1 to be notified by the Clerk that a joint petition of five ratepayers from each asking for the proposed alteration had not been complied with. The petition of George Walker and five others of S.S. No. 3, Tuckeremith, is not allowed. The petition of David Manson and others re- ferred to next counoll, petitioners to be; notrtied to attend before this committee: than and produce papers referring to the, rade. Reports of Inspectors Tom and Robb adopted. 500 copies of reports to be printed, and 500 copies of the blank, form of oder attached to I. P. S. Robb'°` letter be printed, also certain sugges. clone of inspectors. In reference to Dr. Rollins' report re entrance examination fees, it was recommended that County Councils have power to impose such fees' .end that a copy of the motion be tor- watded to the .Education Department. In reference to motion of Dr, Rollins as to fees for High School pupils, it ie recommended that the fee for county pupile be defined by and ander regent Legislation as follewe :—(1) Those pre paring below primary examination $6 per year; (2) . Those preparing for primary $8 pet'.ytcar; ,(3).-Thoae eprapatiug.foreenfor and senior leaving exam. $10 per year. FINANCE REPORT, Chairman Rollins submitted report from oomn11ttee recommending that the following accounts be paid :---Sceforth' Sun and Wingham Ads anon $3 eaeb; a. t e. a n1 0 m s t a Chairman Eilber's report from com- mittee reonrdnnds that$13.50 be off red Robert Elliott to satisfy hie claim fol $50 damages,to1 oreeand buggy on -Halle bridge, with -Met prejudice to the county. The engineer to examine bridge referred to by Mr. Hose and if uecesaary rebuild it with cedar piles and eubetructure. That by-law he passed as requested by Mr. Milos clueing lip aril selling road allowance between lots 2J-21, core 8-9, Grey, the township having pawed ally - law awarding to statute is Ghia roes. Power asked for by Mr. Graham to be granted; Bridge to be built ae asked by R. B. McLean, of such material tie the pouaay oommiesinner and the eugineer of the county of Perth may agree upon, Bridge between Grey and Elma to be repaired or rebuilt. No action to be taken on grant of $200 asked by Mr. McKenzie, between Huron and Bruce, west of Wingham. Repair and building of new bridges recommended by county Commissioner to be carried out where poesiblo,an3 other counties interested are agreeable. Cedar to be used in new bridgee. . GAOLERS REPORT. Gaoler Dickson, after referring to the internal economy of the goal and the clothing of inmates, reported seven prig• overs in goal, five male and two female, both females are vagrants, Mary Brad- ly, of MoKillop, is 58 years of age, Mrs D. McKay, of Godoriob, is 81. Of the males, two are ineaue and awaiting re- moval to the asylum. John Duruion, of Goderich, 67. and John McCann, West Wawanosh, 70, are vagrants. Donald McKinnon is under sentence for attempt - ;ed suicide. COMMISSIONEB'S REPORT. Commissioner Aioeley reported ordere circa Jan. let of 1891, among which was $63 67 for Rathwell's bridge uver Bay- er Id river. Blyth bridge needs repairs. Contrapt for Jeniestown bridge was let. to Jos. Lang ler $6G8, to be completed by let of August. Bridge between Alma and Grey not let yet. Recommended tile drain from goal cottage with outle- down the hill. ,Silver Creek bridge to be rebuilt as soon as practicable. Bridge over the Maitland between Morris and East Wawanosh, south of Wingham, to be rebuilt. ,oto. etc, SOROOLINSPECTOR TOM'S REPORT. . WEsT RIDING.—Give, the number of persons between 5 and 21, in hie inepec- 1tarate, as 10,605. Registered pu iii 8,214. Average attendance for the first term 4,544, for the eeoond term 4,293, being au average of 54.8 per cent of those enrolled. Of the 8,214 registered pupils 626 attended lees than 20 days; 1661 between 21 and 50 days ; 1663 between 51 and 100 days; 1876 between 101 and 150 days; 2,406 between 161 and 200 days; 522 between 201 and 220 days (whole year), 65 between- 7 and 13 years did not attend any school; 1,304 between 7 and 13 years did not attend 100 days ae required by law. CLASSIFICATION OF PUPILS. 1772 were in I class, part I; 1137 in elan I, part II; 1678 in class II; 1823 in class III; 1535 in class IV; 369 in, clans V, •r PUBLIO EXAMINATION In 62 schools one or more public exam- inations were held iu 1890, leaving 38 where none were held. The school bill of 1891 required at least two publio ex- aminations. Those interested ehould see that they are held.' ETPIRANOE EXAMINATIONS For this Inspoctorate are held at Godo, rich, Exeter, and Dungannon. In 1890 at Godorioh 62 passed, at Exeter 54, at Dungannon 31. NUMBER OF TEAOnERSEIC, , (W- ing part of the year, and 126 during the whole year. There' were 70 male teaohere at an average salary of $285. Amount received from all sources by trustees $67,978.76, of which $58,687 hes been expended, 44,472 23 for teach - `r r =hs r s. ere' .ala le., beitig at the roto 4f ,!#1 F Por Albert. Per pupl. f I sal the and;$7.14 per pupil Si' for at purpogeit, The, Model. ,Retool at r John A Macdonal"d is,dead.>- FGor orich was attended in JS90 by :i33 Woe the gad n vs reached this, ear e. t t hes rf n r. i soil e$ 3 r r d 2 e. R s't' Ani 1 B g c Fi t le l eb e r � t cerl`tti4akfre. Tile teaohere at this tichoul � � y b' .apt a 1U,3¢ ou �i�(rt= ora wed r . .-1. ed, and. ioapeotar *'one ur'day eveuiug bust. Our people,. atae bears teatitnoiy to "the, excellence lno.urn over lila Boas of that rapfl. ef the svelll 'at `the pluton Model and, noble Canadian. 4 M d Wfti) shall 8eh9ol.,,, be ode nett Premier --tenths gloat ration f' The future of Canada qq d ,y , w 4 p.. . Y spends cn this very important d, dire schools, ae a whsle, are doing --well. oiiitme t. Sir a Tupper T.he exoellepce of the large malortty 9f' _ p to Cit else en for he thq teacherar eQ/ePeneetigg for the wean• 9-Wever and long love the Queen is the. lee ",• " unanimous cry qnese of the few. Many of the - of ohs. Consorvatives school Noumea are, comfortable,• but a.•'of this part of.Her Majest 's De - umber are mere shells," "In three or r` minions., Majesty 'a else. the school house is the most d;lapidated and coldest hostels in the school section; the worst stable being niece more comfortable and helatable is the. .winter. Reed RxnING —1 his revert be ea e EXAMINATIONS. "Nearly all the schools in this divieiou took the promotion ex.minatiena. A few did not. I tun not prepared to say o`thab these few are the beat in my dive; ion. More than one-third of the teach - ere do not hold public excunitmtionee 1 hops• an attempt will be made to remedy i`ihie, During th year 19 obtained pro- fess•onal third close certificates from the Clinton Model School. These all obtain- ed situations. j;nthuaiaent fulsome weed oouipeneating for lack of experience. 270 passed the entrance examination in "this inepectorate, A pupil from the Gerrie Public School won the gulp {.pedal at Hetrieton last July, and a upil fr..nr 8. S. No. 6, Howiok, carried off the silver medal in December. Total reeoipte for 1890, $64,637.18; expen• diture $58,209.81, Amount paid fat teechure eateries $43,921,19. Rate per pupil for aatariee: Grey, $4.75; Hullott, $5.56; How ick, $4,89; Mcl£illbp, $4.82; Morrie, $4 03; Tuuketemith, 86.38; Turnbury, $4.15; Blyth, $3.92; Brussels„ $5.06; Wroxeter, $3.86; Clinton, $5.04; Seaforth, $4.82; W ingham,$5.11. Num- ber of pupils of school age 11,454; ou school register 8,010; average daily at., teudance 4.752; teaubers employed 123; highest salary paid to $800 in Seaforth. TREASURER'S STATEMENT showed oasis in the Bank of Commerce $30,046.74. County rate dueefrom Aah• field $1,051.97, from Blyth $409.57, from Goderich $1,312,95. bue municipalities on coileetiou from' non-reeident lands $1,095.42; to credit of Sinking Fund $11,252.97: to,uredit of Licenee Fund,; account, $4,400.64. Available to meet current expenditure, $16,072.20. SALARIES COMMITTEE, Chairman Ratzereported againet raising High Ccnetab1e Mcleay's salary fron, $50 to $125, and that the eatery remain as it ie, Myth. Tom Jones, of Walton, was visit• ing in town ou.Sunday. Miss Rosa Marshall left here cn Thursday for Carsonville, Michigan. Mr and Mrs Emigh visited friends in Brussels on Sunday. J. B. Kelly has returned home from his trip through Manitoba, Reeve Hamilton returned on Saturday from attending the June meeting of the County Council. Mr, Geo. Sutton, of Wingham, has commenced duties as baggage master at the Blyth depot. F. W- Tannner, of Arthur, was visiting at the parental roof this week. Banker Tanner visited wonderful Wingham on Saturday. Wonder if he found anything very wonder. ful in it. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in St. Andrew': Presbyterian Church on Sunday, morning. The members of the Y. P. C. A., of Trinity Church, will meet in the Church on Wednesday evening at the usual hour. The Morris semi-annual Districts 'meeting of L. O. L. will be held in the Orange Hall, Blyth. A good attendenee of members is expected. Our townsman, Mr, W. Camp- bell, left hero on Tuesday as dela• gate to the High Court westing of the C. 0. F., which meete in •Toron- to this week. Rev. Bro. Hughes, Rector of Wingham, will preach •a special;` sermon to the Orange Brethren of Blyth, in Trinity Church on Sun- day, the 12th of July at 3 p. m. The news of the death of Sir John A. Macdonald on Sunday. morning, although not unexpected, caused deep sorrow to pervade his supporters and admirers in this; town. ;< In the absence of Rev. Campbell,:' who is attending conference, the ' pulpit in the Methodist Church•.; here on• Sunday, was ably filled by Mr Giles Jenkins in the morning, and in the evening by Mr John W i ll ford. On Saturday, a littl© boy o#` Mr Will Begley met with an accident; while playing with another little fellow, by being struck with an axe; just,ubove the temple, resulting in; a serious out and bruises. Had it local* a little lower down it wonld have been of a more 9erion8 nature, We understand -that Mr Harry Jessop, for several years clerk its , McKinnon & Son's establishment here, has purchased Mr E. D. Chani- berlain#erstoelyand-intendrpopen•i lig otit a diet class grocery in the sani.e stand in a few days. As Harry it 'very obliging and a first rate fellow, • I we bespeak for him a share of the .publio patronitge. 5. F s• ra f: lee to 5 yl aramerear tieigrttv'e. . Mr. Simon Van Norman ed from Algotntt on Friday. Mies M. Cloakey has gone to Wingham, to work at dressmaking, Mr. W. IVjoCor'oondale has had a neat stable erected on his premises op the hill. The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper,wasdiepeneed•in the Presby- terian Church Sunday last. Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, reached .is1 the Prebyterian Church on Sunday evening. A targe number of Belgravians attended the entertainment in the school house on the 6th line, Wa- wanosh, on Friday night. A base ball match was played here on Friday between the juniors of Sunshine and those of Belgrave resulting in the:defeat of the home team. While Mr. A. Swafield waa em- ployed in building a stone wall at Mr. W. Griggs -he had the miefar- tune to get hie hand badly hurt by a stone which he was lifting. The Box Social which was held at Mr. Geo. Taylor's residence on Wednesday evening was a £rand success, there being a barge num- ber present from Wingham; Bluevale, Brussels, Blyth as well as Belgrave and the surround ing country. The'weather turning cold in the evening it was not quito so pleasaut as it would otherwise have been, but as the grounds were well lighted and a good share of amusement provided everybody to enjoy themselves well. proceede upwards of $30.00 Snninteihill. The entertainment held in the hall here by the I. O. G. T's. 0n Wednesday evg. the 3rd lust was a grand success. The hall would not hold all who came. The entertain- ment consisted of readings, recita- tions and vocal and instrumental music by members of the lodge here, besides this Mr. Carter of Hullett, with Mr. G. F. Oakes as accom- panist, gave Some fine selections ou— the violin. Messrs G. F. and John . Oakes -assisted in several songsein a highly acceptable manner, to tbeni the thanks of the lodge are due. The mock trial (a breach of promise case) then took place and was high- ly appreciated. The plaintiff was. awarded $2000 damages and the defendant Badly thinks of "what might have Be(e)n". The meeting closed with another selection of music and an invitation to all to join our lodge and singing God Save the Queen; -re turn- seem 0 The statu a asor is now nearly completed here and the roads are very rough in consequence. By the time they are smooth enough to be pleasant they will need another coat. If more men were employed in the pit and the larger stones picked -out it would be time wisely put in, for we would have smoother roads which would last as long and elle is lon er than they do now. iw 4';