The Huron News-Record, 1891-06-03, Page 12•
.71 11 '* 4:11403r& *OW..
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SAntit Pik
oS7,tL''OTiOre .-h•&U notices in Goole
*Inoue of Meetingu, na'entertaiaulanta,
previoua• to holding of the woe, at which
an tad eliselenfeel* liurged..or1aon1wliieh
apeetielary benefit ia to be derived, will.
be Clonedat the rate 4f ten csnka per
iiae. , Tun wag %..utoetr"Y. otuouta7'Lelj
Cf14100. Q> OrricE,--Dr. Turn-
- bull hat, removed hieoffice to that
fermerly,Recupiud' by Dr. Dowsloy,
one door fleet of Moleona Bank„
Night caile will now be answered
at tho othco. 665,
Wno4 l `felons,—If you want to get
one Of ,the finest :and ,Cheapest and
`beat sets of Single' 73arnuss msttde'in
Canada, ga, to-•Jonarses .4kaueoe'r;
Clinton.' if you got your Driving
Rainless at. JolINeoN 1Sf .AaalojR s ,you
Will get your rnouey'a worth and.: be.
protec61d;against accidents; too ire.
k fluently ea. -used by inferior goods. 654
Gist. W',t'*1'E4 to do ,ge!iarePt house-
. work in Ii sq}all fauxity. Qpply to. Mie.
Th. a. JoelnAoat Sr,,.Cltnton.
Cit a SRINa ss $ or loads elf tole Befit Geer-
g[.aii ay' hon gte>i, warranted XXX, toral.6a.ver
enuare, at J, 'rerreeett'I, C1lnton. 857-9,t
vo Gtr,- -,fiend for particulars of the
Grand InteSnational Firemen's Ter.
nainent to be held in Seaforth on
:tune 16th. and 1711,1, 1891, $1.0012.00"in
cash prizes for hose real races, , hook
"arida. ladder races, 'couplin'g competi:'
•tions, firemen's foot•raoes, and other
sports such• as bicycle races, xlruni•.
mere racet;football,lnat hes by elec.
trio: itglit,;and farmers road competi,,
.tions. 610:00 to the largest load of
people and $10.00 to.tthe load of
lamest people. This will be the
greatesteporting event ever held in
;the quest, Do not forget; that the
;great Championship' football match
between the Detroits, of Detroit, and
the Huronii,.of Seaforth, takes place
on the recreation grounds on the
morning of the 17th. For further
• part leulars Send to R. Haxby, Secre-,
teary Seaforth fire Brigade, Seaforth,
Q.n t. -
lint -street leading -to the station
is bores*gravelled.
• MR. :PETER COOltE and family
who have been residing in town
dutidgg the winter have removed to
then farm again for the summer.
od his residence to that recently occu
'Iliad by P. S I,11pbb on Huron St,
Mr. Robb.; having removed -to the re-
#idenco•lately owned by R.'Fitzeim-
liOns which he bus purchased.
if not':alI, of ourbutchers state that
.:owinD • to the high price of .cattle,
they have been Compelled to raise
their stalls, round take to 12
..dents and sirloin to 15 cents.—Galt
Bopoa tai•...
nervously escaped from what might
;}save beeu a serious accident .on
Friday` evening. They were riding
in a road,cart, when one of the nufs
"holding the spring and seat in poli•
^:tion;tcamo off One end of the seat,
'containing thetwo young ladies,
,-uairea, ;down with a ,thud. Mr.
.lames bows captured the horse on
William street. Fortunately no one
-was injured.
Tun Orange fife and drum band,
under the leadership of Mr. Storey,
are Making good e. ogress. They
• bed an ,open airmarch one evening
last weak, and the onlookers were
-many and the comments very
oncourag ne' The band is under
the auspices of the Clinton Orange
lodge amid' are gutting ready for the
12th but where' they 'wily go . this
year hes; 'not yeta been. decided..
The co}itnity semi-annual meeting
will bu held' in. Clinton on Sutur-
-day, June 13th, at 2 p. m. •
McKenzie `will have been 30 years
in s arliariient on the 16th June next
1t ';is saicl he is the only moms
bot who as :eat in the house
;that length of time• without
once ,.)Heating defeat. :The 16th
June Fid to be Seaforth's • big
day.for,tlie firemen's demexist ration,
It is a happy,00incidonoe and there
zshould;be a large turn Out to cele-
brate, .conjocntlje, the local holiday
'and each an important epoch in .the
life of tanadts'etGreat Commoner.
`CATTm E-8Ei1ri'gp Since last Jeanie
Woighniaaster:Welsh weighed on
Clinton market scales for Hearn
and Smith of Clinton 41 head of
cattle weighing 59,:1,De. They were
bought front- 3J :Jenkins, McBWen,
W. Jenkins, Criclt, Proctor, McTav-
ish, Brown, . Shipley, Tiplady,
Cornish, Wheailey,-Itapson. Also
2 for Gudittore from Taylor, weigh-
ing' 27'89. 1ba, Bold 1 for Stattbury
•front Hiolks weighing 18201bs, On
Saturday' totem were weighed 08'
head, for 17oe1, of Torohto, wofgh-
1n 52,960 lbs., bought from John
Middlotonl averaging as will. be
•Tire n'•1120 'da`oll 'A to btli -t d
abovo weiglferd 407,060°for *blob
a;:uin bordering on $5,500. was
;posh to farmersi'n this Visit).
' to as aratots wortby of *rope 44)1i
ban. 3'4,4 w,ut t4 Imottni µa11 labor, bray a
it xyatt Mesut our Ironed clothes to'look neat
'and elee* and to tut iauoh lesser, buy a larar.
tt''yoti want .the carob to stay In theolothet:
on the nog la 4pite of ,rate or roast,. buy a boas,.
It° yea want ey rythlag to 'to* Atka tow, µus
ka ahlrt lawns*. ..aro, east*. b!oa aurt.J,aa. Ott,
key' a talar. -
th Wer takat d� i of keep Ittw w *IAA
anent to represent ua, St^t q'11x43y
Mannfaoturee by
f1 "LOBBJ; •
56—tt 4010091114
Additional locate on other pages
Si. '12.• 110.4 010 04 ,CUOIR wna'
a. its best_laak $unday
QWuors' eons residing .av tho farm
may—'e assessed 'aa joint owners,
under the .Franchise Acte of 18:89,
instead of .as • farmere''e toilet and
are thee .exempt from statute labor,
and the act of the late.eeseign 'fie
liet!ea tenant farinpers' 'sone residing
At home from statute labor 1>e the
sauce nay,',
ANTI BthuLQusr..-.•.•Thar: lrave> all
anti treating, sOCioty in Jianiilton,•'
ata principly it that you;tnnst never'
aslc niiybociy Oise, to take; anythpg
to drink and nttrst never. 'take any-
thing yourself unless soiiobody else
asks you. The Cowworoial `Travel`.^
lot's Associatigra goes one better,.
th.9'rne171bera proposing to neither
treat, nor be treated to into Cicante.
1;N the 'result of the Ontario,
()pintail examinations• recently con
ducted its Toronto we notice the
narnae of R; J. Gibsont elintqu;,:
who is- .now on 0 -voyage -to Britain
to further equip himself in hie pro-
feseion, and J. W. Shaw, Brussels,
now located in: town. Qr aongrat.-
ulatinna gentlemen.
. TOE PxioE OF EGGS.. --A Gait lady
has been, looking up her old accounts
to and how much the McKinley bill
has, reduced the price of eggs. She
says she has. 'examined her pass'
books for the following years and
finds the prices charted her at the
etores at which ahs dealt to have
been • has •follows :—May, pp to,,
26th, 1888, 11 cents; 26th 12/
Genial. all June, 12• cents. 1889,
all.. May, 11• cents.; all June, 12+x•
cents. 1890, affil May, 11_.cents •
all June,' 12 cents. 1891, 41h
April, 15 cents ; llth April, 12/
cents; lath, 10 cents; 30th, • 12 •
cents; all May 12 cents..
Pici niii•N. NEWS ,—J. C. Greig
leavdson Monday to take asitua'tion.
as cutter at' Seaforth, with Jackson
Bros. "Jock" has been engaged in
the tailoring business here for the
past five years and during that time
has mademany friends who are
_loath to • see him ,leave. 'Ho _h'as
worked up a .good business and
brought. munh trade to the village,
that would". otherwise have gone in
other directions. He has been fore•
most in cricket having been captain
of Pickering's team for the past two•
seasons and was re-elected this
spring. He has also been of
-material benefit 'to the Dramatic
Club, being the- person always
eeleeted for the heavier parts. In
this line of business he has few
equals among amateurs, and even
among professionals he would shine.
past week there was a Continuation
of the numerous shipments of nettle
that have taken place from Clinton
to Britain this season.. Saturday
was a warm day and some of the
beasts showed_ the ti'ffecte of driving
and ,heat. Even after having had
several hours rest in the cattle yarel
the heat seemed to affect them as it
is supposed to affect. "Pluto _who.
pants for breath from out his
Hadean cell." One animal lay
down at the intersootion of the
main streets and for a coupleOf
hours resisted thb persuasions of the
most seductive "movers on". • Coax-
ing. and "shooing" and . tail -twisting
and ear -tickling and rib -prodding
were of no avail .Finally the
stertorous tones of Alex /linen in-
fused vigor into the Weary beast
which gradually raised its ponderous
bulk and with measured, stops was
got to. a shady place Whence he was
ultimately driven to' the depot.
INa.—THE NEws-1tEoonD could fill
its colmnns with outside advertising.
if it desired to work op that class of
business. A town that cannot sup
port the local pressin the way of
advertising should not have that
very necessary institution to any
town's progress. For years Clinton..
has` been "worked" by outsidersfor
various lines of advertising and
printing; and the money that should'
be spent in These and other.linos • at
home is given to outside inetitutiond,
for what`{ We do not know why
unless it is that people like to :build
up other towns. Do not patronize
tramp • pedlers or oily' tongued
dealers in wares handled by ,our
own business men. We have every,
thing in town,'sold tis low as ilea,
Where, anal its the Majority. of dartos
the quality it superior, -Jn the
lino of •printing and advertising the
local of'lio'ee are Well equipped for
etiev lifie off'- vrk', and Mir groba
ilio lasso papare catanot over 1s not
worth crooking. Morley ,apnitit on
territory that tilelocal press .do•rlot
cover is simply thrown away°t
s soiling fast, and we Commenced ,on, the 1st' l f :June 'tt `
stilt some
ozue and See . Our
We sell thele- CHEAP because we carry' over no paper
from season to season if we' can help it The patterns
are good, but they lid not sell so 'well as others, .hence
the' reduction. .Call, early forfirs. choice.
We are noted, for carrying,. Only Choice Goods .t offal this;
4eason. has been in, a:dvat ce cif anything beretotot•e;� how))..
Wlii]e • we claim superiority' in quality, the prices all e
• always 'reasonable and in. keeping With the .0600 s,
f'ar'ces range from lOcfo$3. 50
Boy's Straws at 40c, 60
Our Prices •w ll "lease- You. "
Our Goods are what You. Want
�, Faucy Goods,
Curtain Poles, ,Children's Wagons, Baby Carriages,
School Supplies, School .Books, Toys, Games, Looking,
Grasses, Walking Sticks,. and many other good lines•
Morning and Evening Papers.
Sunday Schools and Country Dealers liberally
-dealt with.
Robing Bathers,
Weir's old stand, opposite the Market, A1btrt-st., Clinton
Rol%. MESSiIs. NEWTON of Bayfield
and Hodgins of Seaforth will. take
a trip to Britain shortly,' leaving
New York July 1st. The former
gentleman Will keep posted Up in.
the doings of. fair Canada, during
his absence, through 'Tilt NEWSY
REoono, And aro would'be pleased
to ehroniole his impressions of hoer•
rio Eagiand upon hie renewing his
acquait tatce"there. -
BauvrtEn TAE •PENATTr,—At toe
last Ontario election. Butler:was the'
defeated candidate 1n' One of the
Oxfords. ' Bell was his financial,
agent. Sonia "font oa 'five dollars
was all the tnOtiey toed and. n6. re=
turn wad made of thin to the return-
ing chiller, ORO:Eoytor had a per-
aerieva- ndeagainst Dlell.-And
inatitutd eroeeodrgto collect
5.850: from for neglecting to
publish' the eleetiou exponees of
na 'lilatol3utlol --Ittdge-MVlViabon,
imas remitted the penalty $tf in his
opinion the action was not taken in
the ' public • interestt: but to gratify
personal m:tilfoci•• •�--
MR. F: W. WATTS' has leased the
pretty cottage • of M r. .Knox at the
'corner of Rattenbury and Orange.
�, FATAL BURNING --Friday after.
noon James J. hitch,. 22 years of
age, residing a short; distance Out of
W414 in Hallett, was using coal oily
to kill caterpillars on a fruit tree,
After pouring out:sonle coal oil he
eat: fire to 1t' and was in the.
"sob of., adding more from - the'
coal oil can when, the flame: ignited
the contents of the Can, 'which •'ox-
ploded with a loud report, the burn-
ing .contents being spread over .- tlie;
face and person of the unfortunate.
Mall). setting, fire to his olothing.,
The folks in the house rushed. ottt'.
on, hearing g the report, ort, buttould
riot gat near the young' man Who
was running about in perfect terror
and agony. Ile Mad' same night,
an waaliur=ied :4n unlay :t Ile
playod! tho cornet in the Salvation.,
Army bende� sttieabo,
young then. Xlnoh regret is felt tat'
his Unfortunate fate.
to e
c - son®.
Clothiers, Furnishers and lIatters.
• r
Corsets are a
specialty with us
and it -is no boast.
o say that no
better selected
assortment can.
be found any-
wuere, compris-
ing all the lead-
ing makes.
Yatisi at 111..25
,` :�V.• -rl'���:Ti?iYCi;Ti�rt; ��u1'/•�?ot;ta;
011e liygeian
'W a 1st $1.2•9,
1;2t7; and ou . -
corsets are the
Cartilino, F+eath-
hone, Elegant &
Comfort, and at
75c. we sell the
,Famousrtheo riera
and 33. 13., and
the lrniine at 50
, U
R RTA ii
stock e:ssorted.
A11' Picas. $ ecxa1
Creat, Mr l
inery Y GCm
Ladles av'o11te Bstabllslellt