HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-06-03, Page 8• The won News -Record 41,0 d4 Peat -0a'=0 la itavA11Ca. W04100414Y 14Y lune 311, ll$9t. II1 au+t Arul*,tt Cite ".A110•2 gO.W14 1541114 IsT(iTIO.'s.--451 wages,* to :ees columns of meetings or e7ttertaimnents, previous. to, holding of **,7,i salne,ac which an atin►isaiou. fee i,N ;longed, or front which a pecuniary benefit lie to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ton cents -per line, Tun DIc18T LAItc1IEL'Y,OI1taUL.s ED PAPER IN THIS 86oti0N.- 0$A. GE OF Oerao,e.—Dr. Turn- bull hat, removed hie office to that formerly occupied by Dr. Dowsley, one door east of Molsona Bonk. Night cells will now be answered at the otfice. 665 WHOA f TaERE.—If you want to get one of the finest and cheapest and best sets of Single Harness made in Canada, go to JOHNSON Sr Anuoun'e., Clinton. If you get your Driving Harness at JoI Nsole & ARttoua'--you will get your money's worth and be protected against accidents, too fre yuently caused by inferior goods. 654 GIRL .PANTED t.a do general house- work in a small family. Apply to Mrs Tbl s. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. Cause Stir m i s.-5 Car loads of the Rebs Geor- gia11 Ray Shingles, warranted XXX, for 81.00 per square, at J. TWITCHELL's, Clinton. 857.96 FIIREMEN'S DLDIONBTRATION IN SE 1- FORTH.—Send for particulars of the Grand International Firemen's Tor- nament to be held in Seaforth on .lune 16th and 17th, 1891, 81,000.00 in cash prizes for hose reel races, hook tend ladder rapes, coupling oompeti, tions, firemen's foot -races, and other sports such as bicycle rapes, drum - mere rape, football matches by elec- trio light, and farmers load oompeti. trans. 1610,00 to the largest load of people and $10.00 to the load of largest \people. 'this will be the greatest`sporting event ever held in the west. Do not forget that the great championship football match 'between the Detroits, of Detroit, and the Hurons, of Seaforth, takes place on the recreation grounds on the morning of the 17th. For further particulars send to R. Haxby, Secre- tary Seaforth fire Brigade, Seaforth, Ont. IHE eteeet leading to the station gravelled. Una Ste MINK Thin 15 an attlolo worthy of clary 11,4„,'s: attbutton. Xf 011. a1•auty tQ• peva tient one labor, buy A. boat. if you lvtut year freeed rtotbae>to leek neat and; t lean anti t -tart much longer, bgy. a:, box. if you went t lP efareb to stay in ,tba eletbes on the line Su pplte qt rain, or [rept, bulC A box, 'Xi you wan? overytbing to lop -it Bice pew, pooh. ae ibis bpsoese, collars, cuffs,1ace•aurtalpe, eta., buy A bpx. ibirEeery atorokecper kseps it.no ,and -wore t e merchant 491311 net keep it we µ'l,0 a lively *gene to reprepeut 06. Ifpnutactured by 7t/ 1 J. LOBE, 55—uHpllncpvllle Additional loots on other pagee. ST. PA171.'8 Ca.uiu u CuoIa wap at its beet last Sunday. Aseneaantin AOT ADiENDMIINTS.— •Ownere' sons residing on the farm may be assessed as joint owners, under the Franchise Act of 1889, +instead of as fanners's one, and are thus exempt from statute labor, and the act of the late session re- lieves tenant farmers' sons residing at home,- from statute labor in the same way. ANTI-BIBULOUS.—They have an anti -treating society in Hamilton. its principle is that you must never ask anybody else to take anything to drink and must never take any- thieg yourself unless somebody else salts you. The Commercial Travel- ler's Association goes one better, the metubers proposing to neither treat nor be treated to intoxicants. • Is selling, fast, and we commenced on the 1st of June"ta sell some 4 OT./'11. TO 0000 NEW PASTERNS A1' educed Prices. 0 and 121-e. Papers for 5e. 2i and 15e Papers . for 8e. 0 and 25c. Gilts for 15e. 5 and 50c. Gilts for 25e. THE PRICE of Enos.—A Galt lady has been looking up ber old accounts to find how much the McIi;inley bill has reduced the price of eggs. She says she has examined her pass books for the following years and finds the prices charged her at the stores at which she dealt to have beau has follows :—May, up to 21cen16th, 1888, 11 cents; 26th 12i- cents ts ; all June, 121 cents. 1889, 11 May, 11 cents ; all June, 12i- elite. 21eats. 1890, all May, 11 cents ; 11 June, 121• cents. 1891, 4th April, 15 cents ; llth April, 121 cents; 18th, 10 cents; 30th, 121 cents ; all May 121- cents. In use 30 years.. The only 8uccesaful remedy ervous Deblllty+, Vita! Weaknss, air Prostration,st1.vjal and m over -worh or other senses. 1 y 1114Za,, or sett line R�, d'op Po olt1 of prj ELLS CO.,11r A 113 women et,, Nelrrcrk. S II, 11 y1IcI SUic C'o• Akeurs TrI EA%, 43t+' 1.&4.9'1,'( 0 THESE ARE New Papers ! No Tras! We sell them CHEAP because we carry over no paper from season to season if we can help it. The patterns are good, but they did not sell so well' as others, hence the reduction. Call early for first choice. 0 Wm. Cooper & Co's 800K STORE ROBINS BROTHERS 0 Our Prices will Please You. Our Goods are what You Want THE Orange fife and Arum band, under the leadership of Mr. Storey, are making good progress. They had an open air march one evening last week, and the onlookers were many and the comments very -eneouragiug. Tt.o band is under the auspices of the Clinton +Orange Lodge and are getting ready for the 12th, but where they will go this year has not yet been decided. Thu .county semi-annual meeting will be held iu Clinton on Satur- day, gene 13th, at 2 p. m. A ,COINCIDENCE.—Hon. Alex McKenzie will have been 30 years in Parliament on the 16th June next It is said he is the oul'y mein- , ber who as sat in the House that lent t -h of time without once Meeting defeat. The 16th June is ,.to ,be Seaforth's big day for the firereen'sdemonstration. It is a haRpy..coincideuce and there should be a large -turn out to cele- brate, conjointly, the lo;al holiday and such an -important epoch in the life of Canada's Great.Commoner. CATTLE SHIPPED.—Sttlee last 188110 Weighmaster Welsh weighed on Clinton market scales /for Hearn and Smith of Clinton 41 head of cattle weighing 59,190. They wore bought from J. Jenkins, McEwen, W. Jeukius, Crich, Proctor, McTav- ish, Brown, Shipley, Tiplady, Cornish, Wheatley, Rapson. Alco 2 for Cudmore from Taylor, weigh- ing 2789 lbs., and 1 for Stanbury from Hicks weighing 13201bs. On Slturday there wore weighed 38, head, for Doel, 'of Toronto, weigh- ing 52,960 lbs., bought from John Middleton, averaging as will be seen 1420 each. Altogether the above weighed 107,060, for which a sum bordering on $5,500 was ��,:.A„��ld:.,►_r}�ca�1�,�,9,�ii�.tals�,itl,�thia.xi.Qitt•.�. lty. EARY AND OOT SORE.—The past week there was a continuation of the numerous shipments of cattle that have taken place from Clinton to Britain this season. Saturday was a warm day and some of the beasts showed the effects of driving and heat. Even after having had several hours rest in the cattle yard the heat seemed to affect them as it is supposed to .affect ''Pluto who pants for breath from ont his Hadean cell." One animal lay down at - the intersection of the main streets and for a couple% of hours resisted the persuasions of the most seductive "movers on". Coax- ing and "shooing" and tail -twisting and ear -tickling and rib -prodding were of no avail. Finally the stertorous tones of Alex Hillen in- fused vigor into the weary beast which gradually raised its ponderous bulk and with measured steps was got to a shady place whence he was ultimately driven to the depot. ABORT PRINTING AND ADVERTIS INO.—THE NEWS -RECORD could fill its columns with outside advertising if it desired to work up that plass of business. A town that cannot sup• port the local press in the way of advertising should not have that very necessary institution to any town's progress. For years Clinton - has beeu "worked" by outsiders for various lines of advertising and printing, and the money that should be spent in these and other lines at home is given to outside institutions, for what? We do not know why unless it is that people like to build up other towns. Do not patronize tramp pedlers or oily tongued dealers in wares handled by our own business men. We have every- thing in town, sold as low as else- where, and in the majority of cases the quality is superior. In the line of printing mut advertising the local offices are well equipped for every line of work, and the ground the local paper's cannot cover is not worth seeking. Money spent on Ankti ere-.tba„te.11le opal Ri 11§449 19 co9er is simply thrown away. WE KEEP oohs, Stalioliery, Fancy Goods, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Curtain Poles, Children's Wagons, Baby Carriages, School Supplies, School Books, Toys, Games, Looking Glasses, Walking Sticks, and many other good lines. Morning and Evening Papers. 111- Sunday Schools and Country Dealers liberally dealt with. 0 0 Robins Brothers Weir's old stand, opposite t e Market, Albert-st., Clinton ersemleorencicene MR. F. W. WATTS has leased the pretty cottage 11f M r. Iinox at the corner of Itattenbury and Orange streets.• * 4. Come and See Our Bid ol Now Shims! AND COLORS. We are noted for carrying only Choice (irotlds,and this, season has been in advance of anything heretcltore shown. While we claim superiority in quality, the prices: are, always reasonable and in keeping with the Goods. • Prices range from Moto x'3.50 --A SPECIAL LINE (JF Boy's Straws at 40c, worth 60 0 Jackson:: Bros. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. @NBEESLEY __ter___._----___ .. *�.t*�._..* * * *__t. * 1 0* Corsets are a specialty with us and it is no boast o say that no better selected assortment can he found any- w:.ere, compris- ing all the lead- ing makes. Crompton's Yetis' at $I.25 AIP.V.W.V.V.0 . i s +. Il.1tlr.nr.t' and Ilygeian Waist $ 1.20, Watchspring $1.20, and our $ Corsets are the Coraline, Feath- bone, Elegant Sc Comfort, and at 75c. we sell the Famous theOpera and B. B., and the Ermine at 50 cents. REMITTED THE PENALTY.—At the last Ontario election Butler was the defeated candidate in ono of the Oxfords. 13e11 was his financial agent. Some four or five dollars was all the money used and no re- turn was made of this to 'he return- ing officer. One Boytor had a• per- sonal grievance against Bell an instituted proceeding to collect $5.850 from him for neglecting to publish the election expenses 0 candidate Bbtler. !Judge McMahon has remitted the penalty as in hie opinion the action was not taken in the ublic interests but to grittily pereon�ioe " LACE; CU RTAI N8—Stock well assorted. All prices. Special value. r Spcii 'Q Great l(llillinery Emporium, }