The Huron News-Record, 1891-06-03, Page 2The,t'aron ,NBWts.ReGQTd W'011 crani^ J une Ortt 149 1, • • Ff.`,AtxV,Y•.4: 1'44 Als,1N It i+t r I$ WxR 00ed For i ii.lsbaro, some thirty ,fertile rngiopa. of •Outario—.(tib tiled .distant, fo><"ihe purpose of to- Mingo admits the fertility of ptyrling tn Sheriff .0Qx with hie Ontalaic).--.liave a right to speak by booty, Lewis ailoaeette,d it>r' nothing wty:of rontrnht, and they would not ingtl.o constablethat it was an, a ezeht}n$Q-their present farel and riste'ko agent bia'havi.n$ etoiou the hOtiae8 for those in any province, or, ; prgperfy, and mop his trip ' for that matter, it iffy 10 14„, 01u4ey omitted :IQ 114ntipulF hie 'T'ilerdMd 110 country in the world that has .the prouwise, anti 'future of Ottuedli, having each magnificent, territuriee as the. Cantttliau. North, west thrown open: to c her so,pao Winnipeg itself •is a marvel, and with the loge fertile country•at brick• -.coal to be laid down .at $k GO per .ton, and throughout; Mengel*• anti the terilturlee at a less.Cost with her water facilities, her fisher, lee and wines and forests, Chicago. itself walla the near future have a. sister Oauadiau city ticival in wealth and renown, I wt's the guest' at Louisville of Hon. Augustae E. Wilson, who, with his princely.hos- pitnlity, makes Louisville and the good old state of Kentucky have a churn fur the fur the remainder of my life. Feeling, Mr. Editor, that the extent aud fertility of the fields -ef Canada have not he •n overdone by ate at Louisville, Yours, etc., (REV) STUART ACIHESON. Toronto, May 25. prisoner. The Presbyteriau Aasernbly whioh r, met :fast week :in Detroit has post' lite. tole °MeOr -milked the two v action i h. allei;eii stolen best's together,' p'ieeed poned for one- year t Qn n t his rieoner OU Ona uud erode the revision Qf ;the Confession of b'aith p The ft 111: ' other himself. I :r the ha toreor.. wiatton,-"_ecomos - t and is aIUeudod to read ad follows "God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according to His eternal and immutable purpose, and the secret counsel and good pleasure of hiswill, predestined same of mankind unto life, and -hath par ticularly and uuchangeably chose them in Christ unto everlastin glory, out of His free grace an love, without any foresight of faith or good work, or perseverance in either of then', or any other thing in the. cre•ttere, as conditions or causes, moving Him thereunto; and all to. the praise of his glurious name," Sectiuu 7 ;''as amended and be- comes section 5i and is as follows : "Tho test of mauklnd God was pleased sccordiug to the unsearoh• able counsel of Itis own will, where- by he extendeth or withholdeth mercy as `le pleasoth, 'not to elect unto everlasting life,' but to ordain them to dishonor and wrath for their sin, to the praise of his glori- ous justice; yet so as hereby. neither is auy lien tation put upon the offer of salvation to all, upon condition of faith iu Christ; nor is restraint Laid tti,on the offer of salvation to all, upon eundition of faith in Christ ; nut is restraint laid upon the frtaetlunt of any one to hinder his acct-lurlulce of this offer." Chapter 4, "Of Creation," receives some amendments that are merely 'verbal. The same way be said of the changes in chapter 6, "Of the Fall of Man ;" chapter 7; "Of God's • Covenant with Men;" and chapter 8, "Ot' Chiist the Mediator." A chapter "Of the H made chapter 9. hila to take a pair u his pocket and lock him to a barn wire fence near by and then throw the key to the lock ou the handcuffs in a brush pilo: ° T eav;u t.hun rnhl, ul thn nliieer of long the road alter the lapse or tin ru 4", time dis'coverod the uufortuuate officer's .predicament and liberated hien by breaking the fence wire. l,Evory effort made thus far to effect Ithe capture of this modern Claude Duval has proved futile. At this time there�are twenty Texas sheriffs ton the lookout for Lewis. Officer Mc- Cluskey is badly beaten and bruised up. and is very much chargined •to thiok he mull be so thoroughly taken in. Ile is regardod ns one of the bravest and most humane officers in Texas. CANADA'S PIZA UCTIVE A U,A; To the Ed)ko • of the Empire. Stet, s read a paper on Saturday, 1611 45 y, at Louisville, Kentucky, the "Scotch -Irish Congress merles," on "The Scotch Irish auada." The papers of Louis- ville gave a very full and, let me say, accurate report. My paper,. appeared to be well received by the cougrese and the good people of Louisville. On ray return to To ronto I iceived a copy of the Chicago Tribune of the 191h May, and . that paper has done ole the ltiuduess to overhaul me in good style. It publishes a lengthy quota tion, and then forges out three- quarters of a column, showing how far the "optimistic Acheson, of Toronto," goes beyond the mark in speaking of the fertile fields of Canada I will place the matter in your hands, Apr. Editor, with a few observations. The fact that we have, as stated in my paper, an area of 1,175,000 square mites of fertile soil, leaving out the other half of Canada for rock, ice and snow, cannot be successfully con-. ttoverted. Prof. Goldwiu Smith in his recent work ou Canada even places the fertile lines on the map higher up than does this "optimistic Acheson," and no one will accuse the learued professor of being an optimist, so far at least as Canada is concerned. The question then is one as to the actual fertility of Manitoba and the North west terri- tories. Now, I aur in a better position to speak than many ou this subject. I myself being a farmer's sou can speak of the fertility 3f Ontario --in w•rich province I have been born and brought up. My father's farm in South Grey, Ontario, was one of the best.. Some years we grew 40 bushels to the acre of wheat, and othor grain ip like proportion. As the result he had means to put three of his sons through college, and two are ministers of the Presby• tet•ion church. On a farm adjoin• ing us lived our cousins, the Fleui- ings. Four sons of these want to the territories of the Canadian Nort-westh, an 1 two of my brothers Went to Manitoba. My brothers are delighted with Manitoba. They enjoy the climate, and speak in glowing terms of the fertility of the soil and the prospects of the country. And I had this past winter a visit from one of ray cousins, Mr. Thomas Fleeting, reeve of' Summeiberry, and he and his brothers have been living in the Canodiau North went territories now for eight years. They have built their houses, ploughed up the prairlee, sown and reaped; have oared sheep, pigs, poultry and horses. During the greater part of last winter their horses fed out on the prairies and were fat. They ave all large farms. Their sons Itevertaken-,to-t.henrselvee,_ andfi ttld. other~ student said glaciers move vivee, And they speak of the coun "dawn' afiopea, along"'6nilyeye; "over 'ry as having a grand future before hills, just as streams do."—Journal These men, brought up in the of Education (London). • DAYS FOR a THE SAINTS AND SAIN'T"S FOR THE DAYS. The puritan icouoclasticisin which tore frotu church walla pictures of the lovely Madonna, and . gave images and rosaries and crucifixes to be burned, which built the deso- late, hrtre, ugly meeting -houses of early New 'England, and scowled with Bradford on the Christmas gauzes, was simply a declaration that the multiplication of pictures and rosaries and images had not blade Men and wutriltn more truths NI, upright, liberty -loving, and self- denying ; had not yet purified and ennobled human life in England. Perhaps they were doing the good work, but imperceptibly to the eager Puritans. Saints' days and rossrivsl they said,, will not bring' a bee a1 npnn earth. There are r• bi>ably enough (I• Int saints in the Calendar to Make a saint's day of every day lit the year. But what we need, brethren, is not so touch days for the saints, as stints for the days.—GEOrtOE WILLIAM CURTIS, in the E litor'e Easy Chair, in limper s Magazine for June. .14 4 811,01X1 1iA. t L n Mr. Ittalrew Bowes. Alma llnitse Drandsld, l aril)>ahire; li;rlg:t ,writer i. B.41! rw tiny, ye•a,rt. 1 In.t bola 'sorely rn iats4 with tttaoa nf+"l q att ;. sotntt , of tho otos s,q,hadiy 1 had to b+•at up'Odra on,mf ltatide and 'knees, I coapt ttpt walk or do auyr w,rk.. iltslT tied, tk' great many ria;uddies without Cbtaini.eg, any lasting'beead's: if empk.yed medioi4 men, -but bitty did net seeru to de me any $)pit. My feet we>'satttpies 4wolleD tc' twioa their it%.turnl tis and I dotterel the greetest•rigcity. I bud uhunt given • upat,ll hopes. of over beteg well agaia 0184 rely attention wag dfre9t14 to ynile lnf ill ble r•.►nedy, S. Jao'hy ()tl,, vyliie i I • applied with mr.et nihr.vrllan+ effects. 7 was Ina very:,hort; time free from pain, and I be,ve, in a 1 ttge tne,isiar.,, sebaiintd the ase of my feet,s.ud hen i y,'' POLITICIANS' FAVORITE DRINKS. There is much merit in a cup -6f cold water—especially in the House of Commons. !The theory is that no refreshment in any shape or form may be consumed within the sacred chamber. But by common consent the simple glass of simple water may be borne by a sympathising friend from without to a parched politician within. It has to be done delicatelyand without ostenta- tion. If born aloft, in defiant, fashion,and the standing ordere are outraged, the incautious cup - bearer may find himself within the stern reproof of the Chair. It is not always, or only, simple water that is thus iustalled. Front bench -men have their fashions of imbibition, and some of then affect strange ;drinks. The Grand Old Man, for example, always bears with him—or by the hand of a dutiful son, or by that of a faith- ful junior whip—the historic poo atm pot (which is exactly what it looks like) in which re• poses that mystic compound of egg - flip, seasoned with sherry, with which his vocal organs are lubricat, ed the while his physical system is sustained. Mr. Chaplin has a weakness for a straw-coloured liquid, . which he would not be ashamed to own as champagne. Lord Randolph Chur chill, it is loudly whispered, has a weakness for brandy and water, no common brandy of the baser sort, but fineold Cognac, which meaner men rake sparingly as a liqueur ; and the Civil Lord of the Admiralty —for in this official designation' old friends have almost lost the Ashmead-Bartlett of ten years ago— takes nothing stronger than cold tea, well tempered with milk,and flavour- ed with thesinrplesugar of commerce. A villainotts•Ipoking compound to the eye, but gifted with inestimable powers of suatentation to throat and nerves alike, if tho'teatimony of its patron may bo trusted.—Weekly Scotsman. ..--Mrs. Hollinger was stuck yard engine on the 0, P. R. at Orangeville on truly 7th Lust and a doctor found it•neoeesary to ampu- tate four toes. At the assizes on Thursday of last week she recovered a verdict of $$00 agaiust-the corn* pang. AS AN AID, to internal remedies for skin diseases, Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap proves very valuable, - On the farm of Mr. Deakin Farmer, „McGillivray, there is a outiousfreak of nature. Some weeks ago a snare 1 ret its colt, and not to be disseppniuted,sbe took to raising a calf. The calf follows its fos- ter mother with the sante fnstincttveness bait would the onw',aod the rareisequal- ly maternal. \V INTER SPORTS. Toe grey winter season exposes tnany to attacks of colds, cough•, hoarseness, t:ythtotes of the chest, asthma, bron- chitis, etc., wh'oh requires a reliable remedy line tiagyard s 1'. crura) Balsam for their relief sod corn. Known as reliable for ui•er thirty ye era. The beet cough cure. -The \ ane ,over, B. C., News' tells of the very sudden deal h of Edward D McGregor, psi't.,r, who dropped down white oa the C. P. R. 'wharf on the 15th endaxpired within a f.tr minutest. Mr NPSONIE Chou Away flaking dee the n;ame:some brga N 7►I ORGAN E• 13ost 0110. 010W on fi; xhih.ition. CLINTON, —School Mistakes :—' Fallacinus" means likely to fall," as "He rode a fallacious horse." A girl in the course of an essay on the use of pictures in schools, said, "Sight is a gift of nature, for without sight pictures would be of very little use." In the certi4ftate examina- tion, a second.year student wrote, "Constantinoyle was formerly not belonging to England, and was a dull place, as the Turks "generally are ; but since it has belonging to us, it has brightened up and is now the key to the Black Sea," An • Vet powe natural fuuotions. No other reneedy gives such satisfaction, because results from use are nut the Berne. Sold by all druggists, or sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents by Clark Chemical Co;, Toronto, New York. !h Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER D;REQ,T4Y TO THE $POTS VIATITAPOM i ITS AGTIQ 'L - or, CRAMPS, CHIJ,LS, COLIC pIARRIt4, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA I'IARBLZ$,, dad ta11 BOWEL COMPLAI7,iiTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel omplalnts its effect is ma;^,Icet.i. t glares In a vbry bort tirne. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR 3URNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, tEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. QLD EVERYWHERE on' 26o. A BOTTLE. PlIr Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations.. THE HOUSE? G BALSAM. EMEDY FOR P, CONSUMPTION, $C. SUE LOST 11ER LOVER hersuae her hr.•,oth was ,ff•'give fr ow a slight 101Wh of Cat,ar. 1. H" w ,o,•d and married Eno her girl who wh,,e0 hrelth was (tweet fr•un the ase of Clarks C•+t.r,h Cure. If your lover or etatian to hi., is worth 50 cents to preserve, then 1• your druggist et once. Take u..,t• ,-lse, for nothing else will euro ar.0 ro easily and quirk, If youcannot pet Clark's Catarrh Core from your dr utlgir., thea :-eua ,1n art to Cl kik Chemical Co , Turon ,,, N.w Y•nk. —John Harvey, aged forty, for- merly of Brucefleld, Ont., committ- ed suicide at the Tremont house, St. Paul, on Saturday, by shooting him- self through the head with a shot, gun. He left a note addressed to Iiia father, Joseph Harvey, Bruce - field, Ont., Canada, in which he stat- ed that his wife, whom he married at Moose Jaw, N. W. T., last July, had ruined him. The woman denies the charge, and says her husband an was inebriate. HEALTH IN HERBS. H >alth-gtv%ng herbs, barks, roots, and berries are carefully combined in B,tr- dook Blood Bitters, whioh regulate the secretions, purify the blood and renovate and strengthen the entire system. Pride $1 a bottle, six for $6, Leas than 1 cent a doge. —All the trains on the Milwaukee Roo .s, May 23rd were delayed by Inilliuus of caterpillars which had crawler] upon the rails to sun them- selves. Saud boxes were soon ex- hausted and two engines were hardly, eufficieut to move the traiu. The morning freight was au horn' and Len minutes In going two miles. The caterpillars were gionnil into masses of gre,lso over which the wheels slipped. 'Che caterpillars have been a post in that locality for two weeks. ()Ii ISdil LA'I'I4)1\. THE N1.ws-R.ECORn has a larger ADVICE TO AIOTRERS. Are you disturbed_ et circulation than any other paper in right and broken of your lent by a sick chr -ot suffering end c>yi"gwit hpain ofnutting Tu. ? tit id Sea ICM, and as an advertisirty If so send *at owe nn.l icer a b,�ttly of "Mr,. 0tedlrml. has few equals in Ontario. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" 1. r Cbil4ren Tetrh tog, Its vain„ is iu ulcnLable. It will relit vo Oar ho018 are oven to those who the poor little sufferer immediately. I>, pond up. •u it, mothers; there is no misiake about it. It mean business. aures Dysent, ry and Olarrhtea, regulates the stomach and b.,wrls, euros wind Colic, s,.ftrus the gums, redu••es 1:,11 ,, nnti ,,, end gives tone and energy to the whole system. ",11 rs \Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for ehil.r; o,. tool hi ug is pleasant to the taste and ie the prescription f ane of the oldest and bast fonitlo 1r11ysl01ana and n005e1 in the United States, and is her soh, by all dru;0401 throughout the wurli. Price 25 cents a bottle. Bo enre and ark f•n• ' Mrs, hW'INSLOW'S SO./'(m\6 Sync,'," and tike no nth( r kind, -- e.i'ly —A sad accident ooeurred on May 12th at Gladstone, Man., to one of Mr. Sebastian's daughters, aged about nineteen. She had been around where ' Mr. Sebastian had been burning brush on the llth inat., when the flames from a burn- ing log caught ger dress. Seeing site was unable to put it out she ran for the house, but before getting there was burned so badly that the doctor has no hopes of her recovery. HA(i. YEL. This stands for Hagyard'a Yellow 011, the heat and promptest cure for all pain ftwm'4h tr•*a'rrrtplrtstr aptvsi»:••. toethewrauk:tng;, torture of rheumatism, A neverfailing remedy for croup, sore throat, and paint to the chest. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. fL a will at all tinges be pleased to receive 1(1108 of news from 071r sub- scribers. We u:iiiet a good corres- pondent in every locality, ?tut already represented, to send us ItELIAIILF news. E1ERSt... Patrons rvho do not receive their paper r'eyular•1l/ from the carrier or thr'Juyh t/teir local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions made eontnlefCe at any time. ADVERTiSERS, Advertisers will please, bear in blind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be hander.: in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. —Mrs. Thompson, near Brach- vil e, will be 104 yours old next August. She is still very agile., going up and clown stairs, and able to read and knit without spec- tacles. l•ec- tacles. T&IE KEY STONE. R •gala+• action of the howels is t',r• key - etone of health. The use of B B It, in - r urea it and .urep conatipata,o, dysp -psis; etc. Mise F. ‘t'illiam•., 145 1i1','>r Street, Toronto, writes : "Have ae..rl your Burdock Blom! Bitters f„r c.,astipatinn and path iu the head with great +nooses', 1 Mtprt•vad term, the 5eu••ud —The D.tkratans who have settled in Manitoba have iesoad a card say- ing that they find Matters even hatter than the Canadian agents re- presented, and expressing their complete satisfaction with their new home et York-iun. '.1 ANY MEN, MANY MINDS," hut all Inca and all minds agree as to the merits of Burdock l'ille, email and sugar - 010 FA Pr. LJ PI 8- 8 etc tatrrt 14.1 IAA t774: ePC •Za1 ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Failing MLack Of emory, PhyoaWeakness, purred by Hazotton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Lose of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development. Lose of Power Pains In the Baok, Night Emissions, Drain In Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness, Aversion to Sorge , Unfit for Study Eftoesslvo Indul. "2d aorl d`,y eto. 1y Everyriots aelhiig e d yy for treatise, 3. E. HAZEUTON, graduated Phermaolet. 808 Veep St., Toronto, Ott:_ JOBS PRINTING. The Job Lei ailment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of warp': is yuarunteed at very l0m prices. a 5 •,.p nooto P.. ts is Z4 13 doag 01 f0C C rw8 F ..: , 4,r TRAY STOCK ADVER u,1• =Y k- TISEA1ENTS inserted in Tato - Mows RecooD at low rates. The law makes R compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tewe•Reocord. IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber baving se.vrred his connection with the Mas-oy (company, desires to intimate that, lin has been appoiutnd agent for the well- known arm of FROST 8, WOOD, implement makers, of S:uUh's Palls, and will be pleased to all ell orders in his line as boretofore. Will RIPo keep nn hand WI,iussoN Prows, COLTER & SCOTT Duress, D190 HuuiowS, and articles of like nature, WM. STANLEY, 04,-6m Idoln>osville.and Canton A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN,—Eightacres of land with s select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; nd.loining;oode- rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Oode- 'eh. 6204t THE' CELEBRATED Idem Washer hand Wr1iter. THE REST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. J. C. WEIR, CLINTON Ji