The Huron News-Record, 1891-06-03, Page 1i40.geti Anntenet t Sit gni d le*e:co. VOL. MI.:. Pay &VNitelnal4'0 Old Stant It's getting more and mor absurd every week this co passing a whole.store full goods in a half -column words. The absurdity growing, too. Take Dre Goods,for instance; we coul fill the whole paper in tal ing of them, and then aft spoiling the meaning words it'd resolve itself int this truism that J. C. Gilro always has the choicest e hibit of Dress Goods a popular prices.. Wendell Phillips once sal in a lecture,.when you rea the news in a morning pape you -have no notion of wha has really happened till yo look up to the paper's title. That's just as true of adver- tising—you interpret what's written by what you know to be:back of the telling. Judged by the most criti- ,cal standard, this store's news is honest and this store's merchandise most gainful. Our aims are not narrow—we trade for profit but we have an interest in your satisfaction and good will, so much so as to return the money wherever things are 'other than represented. Mid -June marks the zen- ith of Dress Goods activity We're nearing it and the bustle around oar counters shows that our efforts to have the best values in the handsomest materials is meeting with keen appreci- ation. Among the lovers of the beautiful and the novel, our Dress Goods stand pre- eminent. o GodQIrIChs. • ,Ir.. H. E. Rothwell was tit town titin Week. -1° Berrteter Hays .ofSeefertie Was in town OP Friday, The Schooner ^ Greyhound, malt lade;. 4taCed for Wiarton > n Sunda mo ,rxil .e,z0 17,i'2 .I.?t 24.4 -'1'$2A6fS 4f$:f7z.R 4z, IX Nriza,I1)'fi ► 'x T QI COU'NT'Y, NT., WEDNESDAY. Y. 'TUNE n, J. C. G/LROV, Pay ,4c Wiseman's Old Stand THE LIQUOR STORE Now in stock, a complete and select variety of all standard and special Lines of ALES AND PORTERS Wines & Brandies, Whiskies, GINGER ALES & MINERAL WATER. Manufactured in Canada and imported. In wood and bottle. Prices the lowest consistent with good goods. 1 Wholesale dealer in Choice Cigars. Call at^the New Store. J. W. RITER, The Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Mer- chant, McTaggart's new block, Albert Street, Clinton. Goderich. Two good houses to rent on Cambria Road.—Apply to 11. W. hall, Goderioh. The water was turned into the foun- tains on Saturday. Regular meeting night of the town council next Friday. • The new tug A. V. Crawford reached Wiarton lest Monday. The June Sessions of the county of Huron will be held next week. Mr. Bessie, of the Rank of Commerce, left for Moptreal the past week. The Salvation Army paraded in full forme on the Square on Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. H. Manning, barrister of Clin- ton was in the Circular town on Friday. Holy Communion at St. Georges on Sunday. Mts. Swartz of Bayfield wee in town bn Friday. The June sitting of the County Coun- oil opened yesterday afternoon. Mr. 0. N. Davie returned on Thurs- day from a visit to London and Chat - hard. Mre. Hicks of Soafortb, a former resi- dent of the circular town, was visiting friendielaet Friday. The rentor of St. George'ei Rev. W. A. Young, was in the Queen City last W ednedday. Our ofttime visitor Mr. S. Davis of Clinton wee visiting relative. here on Fri- day. Mr. James Clark returred from Wier - ton last eek to .np-erintend his helm a Mayor liutTer was observed last Fri- day,aseietidg gardener Resent and Dano Nature In beautifying the Square. Nell done gond and faithful servant. day. And now we say, 'Major Crooket-, Captain Holmes. Congratulations, gen- tlemen. Efforts are being made to have a big day'' racing at Polley•' driving park on Dominion Day. The schooner Gray, of Port Albert, brought some exceedingly fine white fish into this port on Friday. -Our ceneue enumerators seem to have kept their oath of office, for so far we have not heard any rumor of the probable - population of Huron, or any part thereof. County Clerk Adamson is still seem- ingly improving. Let us hope that be- fore many days hie old: time friends may see him around again. Captain Babb now keeps hie boats in the harbor, a plan that allows those want- ing a row to hire them in the roughest• weather. We noticed a number of our high school students passing into the oleos rooms on Saturday, a sure sign that the examinations are close et hand. Iu Knox church Sunday morning and evening the Rev. Mr. Anderson prayed fervently fur the restoration to health of Sir John A. Macdonald. The members of Huron lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. F. are reminded that the noti- fied special motions will be before the lodge tomorrow evening. Mr.S. H. Baird of Toronto arrived io town last week having been appointed to succeed Mr. Hossie at the Goderioh branch Bank of Commerce. Lawyer Sinclair of Brussels was ih town last week in connection with the trial of the men charged with the Brns- eele Poet -office burglary. They were acquitted. A. J. McColl and wife are in town on a short visit. The gentleman will be re- mernbeaed as a one time partner of the late Judge Squiers. The tug lvlyrtie brought in a quantity of fish from the -neighborhood of Bayfield on Friday, among them being sixty stur- geon of good size, o.te of which weighed over nee hundred pounds. Mail clerk W. D. Tye, who has taken the position held by the Tate W. Il. Matthews, has purchased from Mre. Srneeth the residence now occupied by collector of customs A. Narrow. As the expense seems the strong argu- ment against the town being illuminated until midnight, we would prepose that during June, July, August and Septem- ber the arca he run tilt 12, and that during the other months they be put out at 10.30. This will even up the expense acuount. Our newt) fixed steps at Maodermotte bank are ar improvement and a great convenience , . e large number of our people. 1'h, <••ste placed on them will give opportuee i, c for oommfortable rests and the divisi.,,. into sections with a level walk between .:.uh will make the ascent comparatively ••esy to those of us who are not as youtie as we used to be. • There was s. very Large attendance at the Knox church Mission Band social on Friday evening. The entertainment was an excellent one, each number being well rendered, the quartette particularly so. The following was the programme :— Opening exercises ; hymn, "Greenland's Icy Mountains;" solo, Miss McKenzie; recitation, Mise Emily Potter; Kinder- garten song,-- reading, Percy Tom; solo, "The Dear Old Farm," Mies McLean; recitation, Mies Husk ; refresh- ments; solo, "Thinking of Thee," Mies, Humber; recitation, Mise Grace John- ston; duet, "Mucic on the Waves," Misses Ethel and Eva Achepon• recita- tion, Mise Winnie BarT; Kindergarten song; reading, Mr. Blair ; quartette, Meters. Thompson, McDonald, Moir and Mullin. Williiam Beck of Saltford died at his sons' residence in that village on Saturday evening at an advanced age. The de- ceased, who maintained Ids mental pow- ers to the last, had been in rather feeble health for some years. He was born in Grey Abbey, County Down, Ireland, in 1809, moved with his family to Ontario in 1860, and settled in Pioton, County of Prince Eiward, where he remained till 1876. At the latter date he became a resident of Colborne township, nettling on a small farm which he worked for 5 or 6 year°. Moving to the village in '81,bo resided with hie sons, and remain- ed there until death called him away. The deceased's family consisted of three sons and five daughters, two of the form- er, Andrew and Joseph, and one (laugh- ter, Mre. Aitkins, of Toronto, surviving him. The funeral took plane on Monday afternoon, the interment taking place in zlre , !mn r�2tf..--Maitlancl.-VetnaterY,- Maser'. A. Sande, Jno. Merrier, Jno. Reid, P.M e1 wen, Hy. Martin and W. Gilder., being the pall bearers. There was a Nary•. large attendance of relatives and friends, the line of carriages being extensive. Goderlcb. ltrr.'E. C. Coleman of Seafor<th was in tcwtt, thin week, > 1 Jo,epii-.VL11iams :has bo,:lel rather aeriouely indieptbsed ;the past few days,, Mr, Oswald Sturdy returned, from a long Stay in the North, :W ugt'ou Monday. Rely. ti . Jdatria of ..Henmiller preaohod uwthe. North Street Methodietuhureitori , Sunday evening. Mfrs. Maggie,leck,-of Toronto, reached, town' • ley the 2 o'clock -train on Mondaay, to attend the-funeraI of tier grandfather • the. late, M•idiiarn, Beek,, - Mr.. ,John, Larrrerioe, who come few' month' since bad 'charge, of Rhynas'4. drug store, died lee(' week after a short illness. His brother,. F. F., left Shortly after the intelligence was received, and wee present at the Interment on Satur- day. Tno ,regular Monthly meetrog Of the Public Scheel i3oerd was li_eld on Mon. day evening, all the members being pre- sent.. Tho minutes :of previous meeting oonfirmesi end the principal's report for May showing an average attendance of 530 (boys 281, giria 255)• received and fled, the auditors report on the school dote for 1890 was Alin read and tiled. A eemplaint against aiboy pupil for beat. ins another hay was referred to Mr. 'Crabb for aettlemene. The centiugeut committee reported repair' needed,. and 'the Board approved of painting the ten- eee of the several ward achoole and shing- ling St. David's and St, Andrew's schools, the work to be done by tender. Mr, b. Maloomeon wee appointed the Board's .representative on this High School Board, and an account from Fraser and Porter was referred to Fin. -Com. to pay if found correct. ThaBoerd then adjourned till 5 p. m, on Monday 20th June inst. A travelling medioine man made 1st"; home here for 3 or 4 nights" "giving "a leoture and concert, with an assistant, on the streets every evening. Saturday was the grandest and last concert, which was a yery amusing one to the large crowd which anrrounded him. Being an expert at pulling the had ivorys out free of charge for those that were deeirons of relief he did a roaring business- for a short time to the amusement of his audi- ence I tell ye what he jerked them out in short order for the natives. Morris. The Scarlet Chapter of Morris District was opened in Auburn on the 18th of May, -and five were advanced to the Royal Scarlet Order. It was adjourned from Belgrave to that place. Colborne. Rain is much needed here at present. The fruit prop will be lighter than last year, Fall wheat looks pretty well, but the other orope have not got much of 'a start yet. The grass is short and hay will be a light crop even if it raine soon. The I. 0. G. T'e initiated one et their last meeting and ono at their second last meeting. The entertainment on the 25th.. was held in Zion church and not in the school house as we intimated in our last. The proceeds amounted to $12.25. • Alto- gether it was a success. L. 0. L. No. 153 met on 22nd of May. Three candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the Orange degree. After the lodge was (dosed and refreshments partaken of, it was raided to the Blue •degree and one member advanced, The Lodge was then raised to the Royal Aroh degree and three brethren advenond to that sublime order. The "County Master was unable to be present. The chair was occupied by, Distract Master Hanley. •ape f ht-: e r e i r .xty�t} & . txt�rXt a a.�nd,�,� trite seee¢et'JO: present. Visiting brethren were prudent from Nile, Auburn, Summerhill,13ayfield Line '((oderioh township) and iiolntea- ville. Altogether the meeting was a grand•suoces.. .• Mr.P. Scott ada hmammoth, tiara ksitnatli '"notchy. 14r.41., llendorton of Wiugham, was in town. on Sunday. Mr, R. J. Russell ;left for Detroit lett Week. . 11re A, Rees of Winghaln'pant Sun., OW with friend' in�ottrn. Mr. Cameron% denier in goal, wood etc,, London,was in tows on, Wedne.- day. Quito a nuncber of our sports earn led Uoelebratfun tn. Wingbam on the 25th • The, Squats people of the. Presbyterian -church Will hold a box social thio (Wed- nesday) evening at Mr, Geo, Taylor's ,,residence commencing at 7 u'olook. Mise Bella Sillars, teaoher, Intendir :haying' a grand entertainment in her school on the 6th con. Last wawangeh oat Frlday evening- next.. The -.entertainment under the auspices of Qua- 0. G. T. which was held in the Foroetera' Hall on Friday evening was a grand Snooess bath' financially and socially. A large number • were present from Wingham, Blyth and other either • lodges as well aa, the surrounding country and the pro gramme was one of the best ever given before a Belgrave audience. ay:Clgout Dominion Dau,- Clinton inton is Moving to Celebrate the Day in Good Style. A Committee Aipointed and a Favorable Canvass Commenced. SPORTS OF -VARIOUS KINDS TO ENTERTAIN OLD AND YOUNG. On Wednesday 'evening last a good- ly number of citizens and representative men met in the council chamber. The object of the meeting• was to 'i.cuse the prospect and advisability of celebrating the let Julq in Clinton. The feeling of t} a meeting was strongly in favor of taking action and acting promptly. The ohowing were appointed :—Hon. Pre- ident, ex -Mayor Whitehead ; A. T. ogper, secretary ; and Mayor Doherty, W. Jackson, Reeve A. H. Manning, W. W. Ferran, Capt. Todd, John McMurray, Holme', 3, E. Hovey, L. Kennedy, . MoTaggart, W. Fair, J. P Doherty committee. After discussing at some i e tgth the nature of the programme, funds, &o., the meeting adjourned till l'rlday night, when Mayor Doherty, ' save Manning, Todd, MoMurray and eRnedy• were appointed to take the nit,ative in the canvass. Thie committee eoeived euhetantial encouragement from hose they called upon Monday, and the olebration is likely to go ahead. An- "ther meeting was held last (Tuesday) vening, the result of whish was not nown at the hour of going to press. It s intended, however, that the celebration hall consist of laoroa.e, cricket, base ball, tennis, foot races and gun olub-oou Ceats, &c., and a great societies' day. In the meantime, get ready, all along he line, for Clinton on the lot July. • Ilullett The Township of Hullett Court of Re- vision was held at Londeaboro May 26th pursuant to adjournment. John Latham was Chairman. There were no appeals. A few corrections were made and the roll was passed. A meeting of Council wee held afterwards, the same day, when George Redden, Samuel Wood- man and ;a few other ratepayers were present asking the Council to page a by- law to prohibit horses, cattle, sheep, swine and geese from running at large in the Township. After discussing the matter -for some time it was left for the consideration of the Council at a future meeting. Mr. R. 13. Coleman, the agent of the Canada Company, inter- viewed the Council reepeoting the obah-notion in that part of the south bran'(, ot the Maitland from Lot 5, con. 3 to Lot 19, con. 7. ora there was not a snffiuiently signed petition before the Counoil no action was taken. Eighty cords of gravel will be put op S. R. 25-26, between the corporation and Clinton and Fast Wawnnosh under the directions of Cuunoiltore Soott, Latham and Churchill, and sixty cords on S. R. 5-6 under the directions of Council- lors Britton and Brigham. Accounts- amounting ccountsamounting to $115.00 were passed" and ordered to be paid. Council adjourned until June 23rd. Janus CAMPBELL, Clerk. Bemniller. All the go now in thio neighborhood is hunting strayed cattle. Everything so far Poems to flourish considering the dry state of the weather. The property known . as the Rodger farm lately owned by Thos.. Gledhill has been sold to Mr. Wm.. Straughan of the 5th con. Colborne for a good figure. A number ot our citizens attended the comfort given by the I. O. G. T's. of Poplar Grove Lodge, Colborne, at Zion on Monday night May 25th. A good time is reported. -• Mr. Wm. •Vanbtone has begun opera - time for the erotical of a brick house. The morons are at present building the foundation and In the near future you may hear tell of "Bill" having one of the finest houses in thin put of the country; The Queen's birthday was kept here in right good style ou Monday the 25th. The day was all that could be desired the citizens of this place and Surrounding country, ineluding Goderioh Blyth and other torous, seemed to. enjoy themselves attntammothpio�q anddancegottennpby Modern Crews,Glodhilland other', Every thing was done by the committee that could be done for the enjoyment of all. "There was boat riding, hall playing, croquet Owings, eta. After all had enjoyed themselveo In the grove till the tion had. hid his hoe all who remained repaired to Crews' hall where donning 1taart,:cot tin ued,. ;till the:xw i incl-, for It is said that some four or five hundred were present. Certainly no prettier place can be found for it days outing, and all Witted to wish that HOr Majeate had at feaet•52 birthdays every year. 1801. 't'trfi *L V •dp.irSopipl Polioh•aro SOLE NO. 657 g,men 'wiii have to be cereful when, they g�1} to see their "hest girls" as the New Ria oorrespondent from this Place last week informed the public, though indirectly, of the deetination of two of our popular young men. nemember the free entertainment to be given by the L, 0. u. T.'s in the ball here on Wednesday evening the 3rd inst. There will be a mock trial (a breach of promise ease) se part of the programme. rhe rest of the programme will consist of( reading., recitations and vocal and in atrutnental music, TOWN PARLIAMENT. Met Monday. Mayor Doherty in the chair. Members all present except Werry and Steep. Letter from D. M. Munro, of St. Thomas, asking permission to oanvaae the town for the purpose of contracting with the citizens for the numbering of their respective houses, the cost of mune to be paid by those hav- ing it dorm. a would also put u names of atree. freed f charge on corners of those w,.- e,.seaurae the numbering of the how..'referred to property committee. Mayor Dgharty on behalf of submitted his approval of build:: ed by Huron Central Exhibition on Fair and Park grounds and mended that $400 be paid over to of said Society. The building is inetuee. by the Society for $1000 in favor of the - town. Treaeurer's.eeport showed balance on hand June let $2014.28. Chairman Manning on behalf of finance committee reported in favor of accounts :—H. Dodd $166.06, Evans Bros. charity supplies $4.75, H. Stevens' salary $60, Davie and Rowland $12.29, Jas. Fair $45.47, John Jackson $9, work on streets $266 48, Harland Bros $23.25. S. S. Cooper $36, W. Taylor and Son $4, R. Holmes $10 50. Receipts from weigh scales .$25:25, from hall $2. Chairman Andrews -from cemetery committee brought back for conaidere- tion the building of roadway. It was ordered to be built by filling in from gravel pit even if the work did exoeed appropriation made. Mr. Andrews also referred to complaint of Izzard that hie lot in cemetery had been encroached upon by owner of adjoining lot—refer- red back to committee. Lack of water at cemetery was referred to and committee authorized to have pump fixed and teat the pr.eent supply prior to 'inking another well. Chairman McKenzie from charity com- mittee recommended increase of amount now paid to Folland family. Doane said, they were getting $100 a year and, thought that was all the town could afford one family. Ha would only be too pleased to increase the grant, but others would want theirs increased. The grtestion was could the town afford it. They must be cautious or big bills .will Stare them in the face. Mayor, Doherty said no deeerving person should be allowed to suffer. Armstrong would leave the matter in the hands,- of the committee who knew the circum stances of this case. McKenzie said they could not agree. Deputy Reeve Kennedy said that the committee being. composed of odd numbers a majority of them could agree and report according, ly, and it was usual for the council to respect such report. Folland jr. was asked to explain, said hie father and mother were both helpless. Ilia mother had to be assisted to dress etc. They now got $2 a week and paid out $1 a week for help and 60 cents a week for whiskey, medioallertised, and they could hardly be expected to live on 40 cents a week. Reeve Manning rapped Chair- man McKenzie over the knuckles rqt; not bringing in an official report either favoring an increase of grant or other, wise. It was the duty of the committee to do so and the Council almost invaria- bly noted upon reports of committees. On motion of Reeve Manning and Deputy Reeve Kennedy $1 a week was added to grant for the next six weeks; Chairman Plummet reported on street matters and an additional +$300 wad granted on this account. „ Reeve Manning, who It- seeme had been at Ottawa on behalf of the town in reference to obtaining refund of bonne granted in aid of L. II. and B. ,railway, Made a verbal statement. Did not think anything would come of It, Did not tee in most of (Mee that the munici- palities had any claim on the Dominion. Government. Among the few that had: Jubt claim Clinton's wee trio oleardat $e; Parliament had sanctioned the arnalgr'i, matfon of the reads whose independent working was a condition of the Vent* He else referred to the agtton of citizens in getting up a celebration on the latof Jul worth the da �t'h acid `, 1bWn. v ;IV worthy oomMrttttee • had already secured $100 for this, purpose, and as there Wereit number, of persons present he asked them When,lselloitor. called upon them le glee ria liberally tit they could-41ounoil adjourned, Godcxiclt Township. Mr. Wesley Beacom, of the Bayfield Line, is on a.viait to Sault Ste Marie. Council met at Holmesville May 26th, 1891, as a Court of Revision. The clerk being absent through sickness, John Beadom, Esq.,` kindly consented" to aot as clerk. The onuueIllora qualified as required by statute, when the revision of the roll oornetienced. The aseesement of Thomas Battles was confirmed, not being in excess of his neighbors. The name of James Scott was placed on the. roll at hie own request in place of Cath- erine Whitely, deceased, for lot 88, Maitland oonoessiou. The name of Arch- ibald Cousin) was placed on the roll for M F. The roll was then carefully read over, when it was moved by J. Connolly, seconded by Samuel Sturdy, that the assessment roll now revised and oorreoted be passed—carried. The -i ouuoil adjourn- ed for twenty minutes ; resseambled, the minutes of last 'meeting were read and passed. Moved by Samuel Sturdy, sec- onded by James Connolly, that the clerk notify John Herr to remove his fence to the proper -place, according to the last survey on the 5th and' 6th eon.—carried. The application of Samuel Furse and others to be allowed to work their statute labor on a certain point is to be decided by road commissioner. The fol- lowing t000ulate were paid : Wm. Stan- ley, for road scrapers, $45: the late Mrs. Bray's funeral expenses, $17; Goderioh Star, printing, $14.40 ; Joseph Whitely, gravel from lot 88, Maitland con., $1.32, The Council adjourned to meet again -the last Monday in June.—JAMES PATTON, clerk. The Clerk desire. to express his • gratitude to the members of the Connell, - for the following motion of sympathy passed by them :—"Moved/ by John Beacom, emended by James, Connolly, . . that we, the members of this Coulioil, desire to express our feelings of sympa- thy towards James Patton, Eeqq , our 9r .ip u..ru, 1•"r rite apcfdentthat liar. by his falling and !yanking hfa - -as caused' his al�senoe Roma ' the Brat, tithe in.tWernte •Yu -Yr r that he'may bo.:ipeed •roan's health 'anrl t y.