HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-05-20, Page 2• earessease • Theuron New -Record $4.50 1,►tt-4l44 le Advance. WedllesdnY 1IIaY 201b, 1891. EFFIE'S FORTUNE. 'I don't ea11 it auy better than cheating!' said old Mr. Pepperell, indignantly. 'Ay, you may open your big eyes Mies Effie, and look as red as you pease—it don't altei the trut-h of .things: iJou've no more right to live in my bailee and obeat me out of the rent of it, quar- ter after q'tartor, -than you h the to put your hand in my pocket and dike out • my purse. There! aud that you may tell ,your fine papa. .And say it's old Roger Pepperell's outspoken idea o f thinga.' So Mr. Pepperell went away,elam- ming the door behind hiul in his wrath. Effie Arden stood for a moment, silent and trembling in the passage, and then she ran baok into the sitting -roost, carrying a spark- ling shower of bright droppiug tears. Juliet, her older elate•, looked up front the dress she was pa- tiently darning, with eyes of mild surprise. 'Effie, darling! What is it ?' 'Nothing, Julie, nothing. Only we ore 80 miserably poor, and it is so hard. And papa will keep toil ing away at that big book, that will never be fiuialied, and that no pub- lisher will ever buy when it is'fin- iahed. And—and—we have no money for anything. Oh, it is so cruel, so wortifyiug ! I; would have given anything in the world for that ten pounds just now to pay that horrid old Pepperell I' Juliet etuiled faintly. 'He is not horrid my darling ; only the idea that we are in debt.' `Don't fret, dear,' said Juliet, soothingly : it will come all right. There is old Mrs. Della at the door, gun and let her iu,' 'I don't want to se her,' said she said, uoddin. her head at the older one. 'Well, always did say that you'd make a nod wife—, taking thought for the household, you hung', end all that sort of thing. Aud Mase Effie—she's like a suubearn—a butterfly. Effie smiled. 'I wish I was a working bee in- stead, Mrs. Dallas, with plenty of money to make.' `To be sure—to .be sure,' said the old lady ; `a very laudable idea; but I don't see that the working classes are any better behaved than the rest of us. Now there's Mueadora Har- court, my niece,—Effie male a little lightning -swift gr'mace at her sister, as the venerable matron slipped laz- ily into the conversational channel. 'Her companion has given her warn- ing,aud only because she called her a 'toady'. Did you ever! and it's au easy place, too. Nothing to do but to make herself agreeable; aud twelve guineas a month is good pay for that sort of thing„I'm sure. You don't hsppau to know of any ono who would suit my niece Mueadora, do you, girls ?' `No,':aid Juliet,with a little feint of thinking. 'I do,' said Effie, flushed and eager. Juliet looked at her in sur- prise. Mrs. Dallas brightened up. 'A French girl ?' 'Nr; an English girl 1' "rhat is good. \V hat is her name ?' 'Euphernia Arden•' Mrs. le tiles glasses, with floor. dropped heir e clink, to eye - the 'Your joking, my dear.' No, I'm not, Mrs. Dillies.' 'But y lel' papa 'He may think I've gone away on a visit—I do sometimes go—aud he is too deeply engrossed in hie writ- ing even to miss me after the first day or two.' 'It's the oddest thiug I ever heard of ,' said Mrs. Dallas, 'but I think Musadora would like you, my dear. You've a light pleaeant way with you that is very taking, and you are so agreeable. There's uotlhttig like trying, anyhow.' And so, in spite of Juliet's faint remonstrances, Effie Arden went to be companiou to Mia Mnsadora,the beauty and Heiress, Miss Harcourt was caprioious,aud liked everytiius new and out of the beaten track, and she made A pet of the slight golden haired girl, who fluttered like a tropical bird about her boudoir, Mr. Pepperell's rent wee prompt- ly paid at the' end of the month, end Efiie's heart was as light as a feather. 'Now, dear, that you've tried the experiment and paid the rent, you will come home again, won't your coaxed Juliet. But Effie gayly shook her head. for:,nlh=.that =the --red,. blood, twitted like tnelted coral into Effie Arden's cheek ono morning, as sit- ting at the piano, sho heard Col. Bruce Mainwaring asking some apo i' p, ,a 01yEp m. OQ 0 MOM"elO:,_,D e pan m moo C3 t/3 ego iq B. b GO '1&MI 4*. ,0� EI:C26; r4 " i w” lag °Oo0mraM ..V aI"�;a 0 ;t1 Pk . a1 mr° # Ill: a 0, i CI, c• • c➢ a • t1tGf F http fG TEAT °aim, vp4 GREATEST MEDICINE the WORLDI Absolutely Guaranteed as olaitned or money refond'ed. Pamphlets. Testimonials, etc, PREF. W. Litwin MICROBE KILLER CO. Ltd., 120 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. Sole Manufacturers for the Dominion, artabware of Imposlt,onsl floe our Trade -Muse . question of Miss Harcourt, and the reply spoken with a laugh : 'Who is she? \\'hv, my 'cotnpau- panion', to bo sure I Haven't I as good a right to keep a charming 'companion' as you have a yacht or a pet terrier? And she is the dear- est little thing 1' After all, what should site care that Col. Mainwaring thought of her. 'Yon are growing thio, my deur,' said bliss Musadora. 'Whet's the hatter? Your cheeks ate nut halt so touch like pink ns they used to be. I shall take yuu to East- bourne.' `I won't go,' said Ellie, resolute Iv• •You are an obstinate little thing, said Miss Harcourt, `aud I shall have to let you Lave your own way. But one thing you shall w. Lie do'•v fur an hour; 1 know peer head aches,' And to ibis Effie coueented. The hour had expir.•d,whetn t1iss tIusadura name up to her aeon), breathless and lager. 'flirting, what do you think ?' 'I don't think anything,' sleep- ily murmur( ti 1?ll e, who h'ld just began to sink into the drowsy pup py thicket of dream land. 'Oh, but you it -ill when I tell yon. Colonel eleiu'v,tring is tluwu- 8 tet i rs.' 'I. he ?' Effie sat up, p1.ahine, the bright heir limit nom her blue vein- ed temples, '\\'ell, whet is tit tt to 'A good deal. 11e his m,de a propue tl'' `To you ?' 'Altera sort of proxy fashiou,yes. Only think, I hall just tnede up my men:h to speak the sweetly faltered when he had the audacity to tell me it wasn't me ho wanted to marry, but you 1' 'Me?' 'Yes, nh,l ! And now you must Jump lip and go down to see hie, for the horrid determined fellow won't take 'No' fur an answer ! 'No, don't hruah yens hair; it looks ex- actly like a wreath of sunbeams abort your head, and your eyes shine like blue eters ; and if I were Col. Mainwaring I'd marry you too.' And M iss M usadora gave Effie a congratulatory hug and k ars. 'Well 1' sho oriel breathlessly, when Ellie come up again alter what deemed the longest half- hour site (Musedora) ever held exist- ed through, 'how is it? Did you say yes?' `Of course I said 'Yes,' Musa - (lora,' whispered Effie, hiding her flushed face ou the heiress's shoulders. (.ALL 3 NT RU FU3 CHOATE. Oa a prettt girl saving t•• Rtitus Choat.. '1 v r-. snrl-you see•" he r-pti,d, "0, m, p y••,v heloeg r,., tart ul•1 Jew fah &ret ; you r-te vett' Jain-I•xee !" Nut.hiutt adds e t mach to 111., beauty of a f ti .4 .1 "a •. r.Ia r, b ugh , I e. l;hy coolidrainn, anti to s, Cure trill pure Weed is inli,p•n^h10 S meet; r,f •h.. au-celin,i blood i•u.ifjere e I•t •. iotpr+re a r.ugh pimply, tau 1,1v ulie Orly drive t.h.serefel u9 hu,n,•r.. aro.,; the:ur- faco .,e sense fitter .11 . it:i argil., ;tntt disease and (1. nth is the iueyitah,e result, On the contrerv, Dr. f'i.'roe'v (;Olden Medical dfectvery s Hires (Meetly at the root of the evil, by .]riving the impuri- ties entirely out of the system• and with a fresh stream of pire broad dewing through the vein-), n•,thing but the soft- est and fairest of eomplexi,tes sen result. .r —On Friday t1r and sirs Edward Burns, Thornbury, Out., attend- ed the funeral of a relative, leaving their little four year old son Wilbur in the care of his grandmother. The little fellow, who was playing around tate yard, was lastseeu about one ()clock. Shortly after this he was Missed, and, on search being made, Ile was found about four o'clock a few yards from the house in a poet hole containing about six inches of water. Life was extinct, death having bean caused from suf. focatiou. A CANADIAN CASE. The etre of Mrs, E. A. Storey, of Shet- le d, Out,, is remark.ehle proof of the efficacy of Bur leek Blood Bitters irk Headache. She writes : "Mor over440 years 1 was a martyr to headache, hav- Ing severe attaoke about °non a week. Have now used 3 hott„sof B B. B. and have had no attack for 4 or 5 months." --It is reported that a thief has been identified at St. Louie by a blind man, whose hearing Was so acute that ho was able to identify CAUGHT IN A SHAFT. pant. by .hi prOM1111.ciatio.11.,01,`301194 S.. fre ventl�ource of accident is found morning. Strange to say, the in alitlfing.' apse blind man's assertion wee cono!u- supply gvar.l'e Yellow Oil and a e1, of Ha i eivAly proved b ' the accused Cott- kept en head in ease of wounds, bruises, ysprains, burns, or scalds. It is the Tossing hie culpability. promptest pain reliever obtainable. 1 QUEEN VICTORIA. THE PERSONAL POPULARITY OF HER MAJESTY—AN ACTIVE LADY. London, \( iv 19.—The Loudon - ars and the mullet ou- foreign visit- ors here hid a g cal opportunity la..t week of seeing the Queen and most of her set vivilia family, and im- mense theun egetlter•,•i au the larks an i streets to .yeliouah • them. Year by year the cnra?a: v to see the Queen iibcr.',,i a, p oily on account of the length of time she has ocou pied the throne, partly on account of her great end universal popular- ity. Conaidering 9110 will this month complete her seventy second year, her health is wonderfully good. The only ailment that troubles her is chronic i'}tetiniatiatu in one of her knees. On this account asmall pony carriage or befit chair is provided for her whenever she gee's out, but on tier visits to I'rieu,le she goes u• bout without any difficulty with the aid of a stick. She continuos to bit an early riser, and gets through a great Boal ut' hu.inese bufure utuat people are eetir. Her ladies in wait ing have to be o1, the alert, fur their royal mistress tolerates no im- perfect setvice and does not love to have stupid people about her, yet, thou;,it exaetiug at times, she is the !tiniest wum.au in the world to those who ;ire tuitblu! Bud diligent, and site naves forgelt or neglects au old friend, that Situ prefers old to uety put haps ncconnti for her pre• ferenco tole the Veteran et':kteSMOU of the day over their young rivals, yet ago has always pail marked atten• tion to rising public men of either party, the reigning family having no politics, or none that the world need know anything about. The Prince of \Vales is al ways assiduous in his attention to his mother, un- like auy of his pr'edecessor's of the house of Guelph. They made it a principle of their lives to quarrel with the sovereign. The present heir to the crown has established a new precedent in that regard, All stories of his differences with the .Queen are sheer inventions, the mother and son being bound togeth- er by ties of the closest affection, On Thursday when the Queen wont to the naval exhibition the prince walk ed by her side pointing out all objects of interest and answering all ques- tions with a promptness which left the great naval authorities nothing t.1, say. People are always delight- ed to see them together, and if the Princess of Wales is also of the party their satisfaction is complete. During her drives in the park last week the princess fairly divided popular honors with the Queen, and certainly she has the advantage of beauty on her side, and as for youth she scarcely looks a year older than tvhe n sho first landed in Eng land. The rush to see the princess as she passed was almost as great as to see the Queen, although the for- tner makes hor appearance nearly every day. The old complaints that the Queen will not live in London are seldom heard now, 'noel, sensible persons ad- mitting that the presence or absence of the court could not possibly make that immense difference to trade which sono ftancied. The usual drawing•rooina are held and stoney is spent just the same. It is also recognized that the lady, with so many claims 10 public respect, aud who cannot live in the smoke aud foga of tho city, has aright to choose her own place of residence. Abun- dance of exercise in pure air is ale soletely necessary for the Queen, and the most, radical of her subjects admit that after a reign of fifty- four years she may be allowed to en- joy these advantages. Every detail of public affairs still passes through her hands. Tho first thing she did on her arrival in London last week was to have an interview of over an hour with Lord Salisbury, during which, no doubt, every domestic and foreign question of importance was touched upon. This week she re- turns for another drawing•room, and then she will not remain !brig at Windsor. The hard work will have to be done by the Prince of Wales and his worat enemy cannot allege that he neglects any part of his d u ties. MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. POINTED SAYINGS OF JOHN WESLEY. There are no Methodists that will boar no restraint. \Vhat may nut a ulau of small naturaLtaleute du it' he be full of faith aud love 1 '1'hete is nu eueouuteriug a buf- fouu by eeriuus roasuuing uud argu- tueut Free thiukers, ao called, are sel dutu close thinkers. The solo and the body make a wan; the Spirit and diseipliue snake a Christian. The liluthodists do not make im- pulses and impressions the rule of duty. They totally disclaim any other rule 1,l' duty than the writteu Word. He who governed the wuild bo• fore I was burn shall take care of it likewise when I am dead. Loyalty is with me au essential branch of reii�iun, aud which 1 ant sorry auy Methodist should forget. I know the v tion of learning, and 8111 Mutt) au d,utgur of prizing it too 101,01, than too little. One had ]reed to be au angel, not a luaus, to converse three or tour hauls at elks (1,h pt'lsuual teligiou) 11, ,t1,'• purpose. 11, religion I nm fur as few i1,• uuvatiuus as 1.ueeible,' I lute the old wiue beat. Of all gossiping religious gossip as the. worst ; it Itilds hypocrisy to uucharitableuess, and effectually sloes the work 1,t the devil i1, the ua[DO of the Lord. 1 believe it was to obviate the supposition that this work is chiefly uwrrlg to the force of novelty, that my ,preaching has so rutely m ode any impression at ali till the Novelty of it -was over. Though I stn always in a haste I ant never in a hurry ; because I never undertake any more work than i can go through with perfect calmness of spirit. AN• EXTRAORDINARY SE- LECTION CASE. At the Duff'erin assiz"s at Orange vibe n most extraoriivary case, Cook v. Vance, was down for trial. The plaintiff, _Richard Cook, a le • borer, of the township of Car. rick, Bruce Comity, sues David Vance, a wealthy farmer of \Vater• Ino township for $.5,000 cluula,oes for seduction of his daughter, Ellen Jane Conk. It appears that in Jan- uary, 1879, pleintifT'a d •ughter went to keep house for the defendant, a widower with a grown up family. In April or -"the following year elle became a mother, anti when her father charged Vance wish being her seducer, Vance declared that tt ey were married. The two lived as than and wife until the 10th of April of this year, five children being born during their twelve years of seem. ing married life. In the beginning of the month mentioned Vance, who in bordering on 70, was taken seri- ouely i11 and is now said to be on his death bed. He was not satisfied with the treatment he was receiving in his sickness from Mies Cook, and a quarrel ensued which ended in Miss Cook leaving the house, tak- ing her five children with her. Site immeniatel•y disclosed the fact to her father that she and Vance were not married and then this action was commenced. It is alleged in theplea, ditlge that after the plaintiffs (loughs ter been Ale pregnant the fourth tittle the defendant induced her to take drnge with a view of procuring an abortion, and darnages are claimed for her eufferini; in consequence. It is said that Vance is willing to marry ,Miss Cook on his deathbed, hut is not prepared to make what is considered a reasonable provision for her and her five ehldren. The action was not commenced in time for the Waterloo or Wellington As- sizes, and the venue has been laid at Orangeville in order that judgment may be secured this spring, Its this is one of those suits on which the right of action dins with the d•'f"ndnut. Verdict for $2.000 damages for ae, duction and $700 for services. —A farmer's sou in North Ayr- shire who had been for some time confined in a lunatic asylum, on visiting the shop of the village join- er the other day began to rehearse how the inmates of that institution themselves. At times, he said, there was lots of 'maisic'—bag-pipes, fid • etfriFriri�i`"f dlii, itis = r'Th"arffit 171 struments you would think of, an' man ye ken we danced like daft ones!' . • . TD OMI ORGAN " Given Away. WIN Baking Powtlepe .Best Offer Yet i See the liaalfi'some Organ, now on exhibition, N. RO SON. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER Ia need both internally a) 4 externally. It ante quick's, affording . lancet instant relict from the eaves lat pain. CLINTON. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT, I1'1STANTAl4EOUS Iji ITS AGTIQg. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, r80 REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowe! Complaints Its effect is magical. It cures In a very short tfine. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLO EVERYWHERE' Al 250. A MOTrr.a, ItaT Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation& DO YOU KEEP IT iN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG '; A LS4 M• NO BETTER REMEDY FOR C3Us:1:,, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. INSOLENCE REBUKED, A. Washington special t0 an even- ing paper says that Mr. Ewing, the United States commercial agent wig.) recently gained considerable notor- iety by his refusal to toast the Queen at Vancouver, where ho is stationed, will probably suutt be back i1, his own euuutry, where lie can hear tite eagle 80100011 aud se.' ttu st:•trs and ,tripes tlutter nail flaunt without having the 0ha,i eett- rout of hie palriutism dieturieal auy objectionable request to drink good wine to the health of a veru ertiut- able old lady, who is every iueh es much a sovereign es he is. 'Mr. 15.wing has written hiur,elf the Great American Ass. lir will 1,u doubted ly he shortly i.ecelled now Vaecuuver. IIo is simply a coin morcial agent sed ceu be removed or changed at the pleasure of the aeeretary of st rte. It is not neces- sary that thestate department shuuid receive a reguedt fine Mr. Etvttlg's recall. In view 0f these facts the pnt'iutio agent will he roctlied b'. 1I1'. blains as a delicate iutinlatieu 11, bur British majesty that elle is nut to be insulted by our cowmen:i,1 agents. _ CUI110U5 COIN —t1 raw look lug falln -11-!1 Van with 'country' writ Targe o1, his come tomtit ce wua Walking along 0 street i1, Glasgow the (Aber day, when 110 ehatle,'d lo notice A sign in u1,.- of the shop windows with the words, 'Boots blacked inside' on it. Jock stared at the notice open nloulh•-d for several minutes before he found tongue to exclaim —'Whet in a' the world does folk waut wi' the inside o' their shoon blackened? I never heard the like 1,'t in a' my born days.' —Pat Grant writes : The Irish Americana have been played upon by cuuniug leader§ who kept them intact as a political force by appeals to their racial or religious feelings. This country onght not to he a con- federation of clava from England, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia or Italy, but one homogeneous nation ality, and we should all steadily est Our farces against institutions which would divide this country like that Of ancient Greece into Dorians, Eolians, Ionians and Acheaus. Irishmen would, if it were not for their adhesion to the tribal system while speaking the language of the country and mixing in all ata or genic life, be among the best of Americans. —Thomas B. Allen celebrated his 100th birthday on April 30th, at the farm of Howard Cather, near Fleming, W. Va. Several hundred of his friends and neighbor's wore present. Mr. Allen was horn in Newcastle -on -Tyne, England. Ho enlisted in the British army in 1810 and was among those who witness ed the famous burial of Sir John Moore in Spain Ile served under Wellington, and at the battle of Waterloo anted 0s a courier, carry• ing dispatches over the field. He shook }tender with Napoleon I. after his capture and wail among those who heard him say : "Give me British soldiers and French officers and I will conquer the world." He came to the United States in 1825 and has travelled extensively since. Has drank liquor all his life, going on, as he says, "sprees about six months apart, having a good time with the boys, and then going to work again." Ho used tobacco in e1'ory form t:ntil 94,then he'd had enough.'' He reads without glasses anti his hearing is perfect. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. co, ft.lt E;S NAN ID E, l CE. 11/e will at all tittles be pleased to recei'rr areata of hews from our sub- sct'ibC)'O'• 11'e want (l good corres- pondent 1)1 every lut'ality, not already re/n'esetttetl, to ,end tt,.• 51.1,\ 111.5 news. ;'ii'l1 i'ii'It415$sstts=. Pa/'ons who do nut receive their /)aprer re/01(17/1/ from the carrier or //o' oat//) their local post oJ//res tv/ll 100/10' a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mad 1(11)1lten('1 at a)11/ ti')1te. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "1''100yes" of advertt;s,rnter,1s, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not late)' than 1IoNDAY NOON of faeh creel,. Ci11('I'LATId)N. Tuts N 500 We has a larger circulation than any outer paper in this secliutt, and a8 an advertising tnediain has few equals in Ontario. Our biuu1 are open to those who mean business. J4DRte PRINTING. The Job Lei artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in IY-estert Ontario, and a superior class of work /s guaranteed at very lent prier,. O 43) �) g .a ,mems QTRAY STOCK ADVER –• k - TISFI%tPINTS inserted in Tum Axe;, RRconn at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1t yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than 31511 on 'ewe-Reccord. 0 as IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with t.b't th,"sny O' n.ony, desires to intimate that he has been appointed "gent for the well- known a, m of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be please to au ell orders in his line es heretofore. Will els.. keno on hand WTIACIveo5 PLOWS, COLTM! t SCOTT DIMLT,9, DISC ItARROWS, and articles of like Tinto•°. WM. STANLEY, ed i --am Aelmesville and Clinton A NICE MOM E AT A 15AROAiN.—Eight acres et land with e eeleet orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables-; adjoiningiOode- rich township. Apply to R. L. DOYLE, Oode- ich. 556•tf 'T'UUEi CELEBRATED Ideal Washer wand Wringer. TIIE REST IN T11E 11AAItKET ,Machines Allowed on Trial nun also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Warerooni opposite Fair's Mill, J. B. WEIR, CLINTON