HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-05-13, Page 5Af'It#'TM pitospidtmoutun ffd SoQa,. No other ErPulsion is so +da pt0take, 3 It does not . separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain, it•. f'CURES. Scrofulous and * R Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Bewatre of all imitations. .Ask for "the D. & L," Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRICE 80C. AND *1 PER BOTTLE. C PP'S WALL PAPER and Pant `iliop is s'roGxi } wi'rti A .SELEC f ASSOR TM ENT —t, l --- American and Canadian Wall Papers • 1fU1tDE,tS•TO MATCH from five cent rolls to the truest gift Having bought my Papers and Paints 1'.r Spot C.toh, and my practical ex. :perienee justify me in aim); that all wanting to decorate their houses iu..idc or paint thein out. eido will rin.1 it t.., their udvautage to give me a call, tar Shop, south of Oliver Johnsten's blacksmith . shop, and direet:y opposite S(r. J. Ciliate)'s residence JOSEPH OOPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter til i:T 1 C E. 'Cha va lie I:Caad beim;; necessarily absent from, town for some time, has lett his books nod .aceouou assn 1f.+xxrvo 5.Stor•r,to whom pay- nteuts may be made. JOHN WISEM .N. STANLEY COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby give that the Court for the Itevision of th., AS:us.wtot lte.l for the Towu- -ship of Sta tluy for 1881 w I be held in the Town Sall, Varna on 1'UtisDAY, MAY 20th next at tun ..'Meek in the ',newton when appeals from .the ease,aruout Rod wail be he,tr.l and ooueidered and errors a.rtl UrineeiODa i,t 'Alt t 1..R.tit eorreet ed. Persons interested alr. hereby required to take ,notice anti govern themselves accordingly. GEO. S1:14.%A1.T, April 0, 1891. Tp. Clerk COU T OF REVISION. TOWN OF CLINTON. TAKE NoTXCE that the Court of Revision for .the Town of Clinton will bold its first Hitting in .the Council C tanner, Town Hall, on TUESDAY, e6th day of MAY, 1891, at the hour of 8 of the clock, P. SI , for the purpose of hearing and recti. flying nil complaints ae %host or errors on the Aeeefa meet !toll of this present yevr. Petvune %interested are requested to take notice and gov- ern the.eselves 4.certliugly. W 51. CO..T 3, Clerk Clinton, ML.y 5th, 1891. HOUSES TO RENT To runt, n eonvouieutly situated house on I1attenn.try Street, with every couveuieuee, near 'bctheohoole. At present oeenpied by inspector Robb. Poesesstou at mune.. 688 • Also, the tr, lel ndjoinin,(. Oo., d stauo Collar htrd an) sdt .v .tor nal other convenience I. _Lately oweupiod try ..1r. W. J. Stoneham. Rent, 5 per mouth, 640 Appy to W. H. HINE. SIA RKE I' REPORTS. (llorieeted o,'e, 'finewlay afternoon.) CLINTON. Flour 86 0) to 6 00 Fall wheat 1 05 to 1 08 .Spring W h .ad. 1 05 to 1 08 Barley ..C50to050 'eats.. ) 45 to u 45 Peas . 070 to070 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 60 to 3 50 Potatoes 0 40 to 0 60 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 16 Eggs 0 10 to 0 11 Hay 5 00 to 700 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 000 Wool 0 20 to 020 Pork 5 00 to 6 25 T.)RONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat $1 12 to $1 14 Spring Wheat1 Oil to 104 Wheat, red winter 1 11 to 1 13 Wheat, goose 0 91 to 0 91 Barley . 0 54 to 0 56 Oats . 0 58 to 0 60 Peas 0 86 to 0 88 Rye. 0 75 to 0 78 Hay/ .10 C0 to 16 00 Straw 7 50 to 9 50 Dressed Hoge 5 25 to 6 00 Beef, fore 4 50 to 6 50 Beef,i hind .. 6 50 to 7 50 Mutton 6 00 to 7 00 Veal. fl 00 to 10 Eggs G 12 to 0 Butter . 0 14 to 0 Po tatoes, pet bag . 1 00 to I COUNTY •Of Nue* TEACHERS' EXAMiNATIONS,t 1891 Tia Velmary (silt Blass and junior Leavina' end facie Matrienlatiiin (1:1.o claim) exalninationa' at the Collegiate Institute- and Jilgh. 15,41090l Will be held at Otslerich, Clinton and,Seafortb, beginning Tuesday, 7thof duly, at 8.40 d.. M. Seniorl.eaving and 1lener Watrleuistlon (Imowill be held at Clinton, beginning TtsSiday,, 14th July, M. 1,$0 v, tf, aa,ldldatce woo wish to write $t either Sealorth or Clinton moat notify David Bah. ,Esq., I. P. 8efo94,- ,Qiintwt P. 0 not later than 22nd Wal', stating it which of the Scheele they intend to write; and those .who desire to write at Qoderieh must notify JnR Pr Tom, Esq., I. P. Schepis, Qoderich P. 0.. by the wase date. No name will be forwarded' to the Department unless the fee of OMaPccfp• Mules the application: Head -Masters of High Schools andeotleglato Institutes will please.send the application and tees of their .candidates to the P. S. Inepeater within whose jurisdiction their school is situated. Fortes of application may be obtained teem the inspector or the uudertigned. ?unit ADAMSON, Geder(eh, April, MI. County Clerk. rt G. DROPERTY FOR SALE OF tit. r RENT. -Advertisers will find "Th, es 1' News.ltecor4" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise in The News-Reeard"-The Double Circulatiop Talks to Tboueands. Rates ae low as aur. TO THE F:ARIVIERS. Study vour.own interest and go where, you can get Reliable Harness) I mantifactnre none int tut) Bssr OF STOOK. Beware of shops that sett cheap, rte the,/ Aane got to five tar Outland get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTtI, ON'V Tho McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper - sty only Insured. hos. E liays, President, 5enforth P. 0. ; W. .1. Shannon. See .Trete , Senfurth 1', U. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. J te, Br a.I '.t, Senforth ; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George watt, H irio,•k ; Joseph Evans, Reeoiia ".1 ; .1. non, Walton ; Thos. Oarhert, Clinton. AnK\Ta. Thos Nutlnns, 0 u•lorlt ; McMillan, sea. forth ; S. Carte -when, Se.tfurth. John O'Sullisun and Geo. Mu rdie, Auditors, Parties desironc to effect Lr uranee or transact other Business will he promptly attend eti to on application to any u1 the n',ove officers, addressed to their respeeti'e po,.1 c Mets. J. C. STEVENSON, rurniture Dea!er, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! \' atthatn, F.),;in, flHook, Goln,ul•us, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new, model. J'?P'All t{ret ut..krs in kat and stem winders. Alco pend int sot watches. J. BifDLECOMMMBE, CLINTON. FOR SALE. . The property at present occupied by the undersigaod as a residence on the Huron Road, in tha Town of (loderich, consisting of one half of an sere of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are sig.) some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very. suitable for any person wishing to live retired. Fos further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Godorioh. ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs in Perrins Block, Clinton, Ont .1. E. ULAUICAI.L, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of an domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. Ba; Calls attended to night or day. Orrice inunedittefy west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 540-3m Wagon Shop and Business for Sale or Rent. A SPLENDID OPENING. -For sale or rent, the carriage shop and business in the Village M Winthrop. at present owned and occupied ed by the undersigned. The shop is frame with a comfort- able dwelliut; house attached. There is also a good eider mill and a stable. There is one fifth of au aet•e of land. A good business is being done and there is a blacksmith shop in connection close by. This property and business will be sold or rented cheap, as the proprietor has had to retire on account of ill•heslth. A steady, pushing man can do a good business and make money. Address Winthrop P. 0., or apply on the prentisee to WM. HORN EY, 050-51 BUGGIES. CARTS. WAGGONS. Superior workmanship. The very best material. Iron work unsurpassed. First-class buggies a specialty. Prices to suit the times. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to 1-.,1E1. )<.I7F:'R CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. FOR SALE. f 1111 E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible L Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; hue two fronting on Ruttenbury Street; either en Noe or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the mndoreigne,d,-F. OINSLEY, Clinton. 382 ERRORS OF YOUNG' AND OLD Organic Weakness, Palling Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay. positively oured by Hazelton`b Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Lore of Ambition, Unfitness to se of Power Pains in tStunted heBack, NightEmisssions, Drain in Urine, Seminal Looses, Sleeplessness Aversion to Sootety, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul. gence, eta, eta Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing etamp for treatise, 3. E. RAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist 308 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Exoursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax To Derry and Liverpool. OABiN 0 1TES $40, $5t3 and 800 Single. SRO: $90 and $110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CAT'rLIn CARRIED. 00 iNTERMEDIATE, Outward $25, Prepaid 830 13 Steerage at lowest rates. 16 43 Accommodations d 10 Boy's loth ng can be Beautiful as well as a� _.bran, and. . ave .t so. " PARENT requiring an. _,.thin in this line i •� �'� ne shouh not ail to soak a . careful .x. n . o n . . e ax�na� at�. n of our Stock before pur., chasing. ' 1 The FIT and wtaRM.A►.�'�3I1� of our Garments are faultless, the M.&TERI.4.I honest, and the PRICE the lowest consistent with fair business. r We invite you to inspect. nr FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. THE HUB GROCERY OMER- Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden ,and fibre), TUBS, WASH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BAs10E'l's for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BRooMs, clown to 2 for 25c. GROCERIES, f're.h and as cheap as any other house in. town—especially in TEA we can give you extra-Talue. CO . S ll® linl;oii "THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY Is now well stocked with a fresh assortment of Teas— Greens, Japans & Blacks. ALSO THE CELEBRATED `t iVIALLAWALLA" TEA, Ranging in prices from 25c. per pound up. These Teas will be found to be the beet value in the market. Try them. I have also New Lines in Coffees, Sugars, Canned Goods, Spices, Crockery, Etc. A11 of which will be sold at the lowest living profit. Goods delivered to all parte of the Town. Remember the place, '(The People's Grocery," next to J. H. Combe's Drug Store. GEO. STEWART, CLINTON. TE TEAT TEA! Sold in London, Eng.,,for £l0, 12e., 6d., or $52 per pound. Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea, BLENDED WITH TEA Experts have pronounced fully equal to goods sold at $52 per pound—sold at 50c., 60c. and 750. per pound. Special values in Black, Green and Japans, from 10 cents up, Extra Cut in 5 and 10 Pound Boxes. Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. 0 J.:W. IRWI N , The Noted Grow, Clinton AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA. The Imported Irish Hunter, Young Cambridgeshire Swell, Will travel for the improvement of stock during the season of 1881 as follows: MONDAY, will leave the stable of McLeod Bros., Huron Road, and proceed to Hohmesvtlle, then across Holmeeville Bridge lute Colborne to Ab. Fisher's for noon; then to F. McDnnagh's hotel, Smith's Hill, for night. TUESDAY. to Benmil1er to Crew's hr tel for noon; then to Goderich to Swnrts' hotel fornlght. WEDNES- DAY, out Bayfield Road to Barfield, to Swnrts' hotel for night. THURSDAY, into Stamey,, down Sauble Line, then across to Brownson Line to Robert Elliott's for noon; then to Cook's \ hotel, Varna, for night. FRIDAY, to Btucefleld ` w •tiw`;, to Dixon's hotel for noon; then to Clinton to Lack Kennedy's hotel for night. SATURDAY, to Holmeevflle, then to the stable of McLeod Bros., Huron Road, where ile will remain until the following Monday morning. dam' For Description and Pedigree, Terms, &c., ece large cards. ANGUS McLEOD, Manager. THOMAS STURDY, Proprietor. 8 Hardware. Hardware -- 0 -- We have just received several tone of FENCING WIRE—Barb Wire, Plain Twisted and Black Steel Fencing Wire. Garden Spades, Garden Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Manure Forks, Digging Forks, Drain Spades. 200 KEGS STEEL CUT NAILS. Kalaotnirle, AIab.,etine--all shades. Paint Brushes, Kai++online Brushes. Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Milk Cans, Milk Pane, Milk Pails, Granite Ware, Cooking Stoves and Ranges. READY -MIXED PAINTS --ALL SHADES. Tinware, all kinds, at Rock Bottom Prices. HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton trnetrrpn Cl The News -Record for Printin Apple to II dr. A ALLAN, Montreal or A: O. PATT[SON or WM, JAnTtSON,Ctlntan. SPECIAL. 0 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW SPRING STOOK —OF Boots and Shoes, \Ninth is complete from the Coarsest Lines to the Finest French Kids. Owing to the waft of room below, we have been obliged to take The Second Flat for 011r Boots and Shoes, which is not quite as convenient as Below, but as we are determined to do the Boot and Shoe Trade, we have decided to make a REDUCTION on them from 10 TO 20 PER CENT. in order to drams' the trade. Remember—the Boot and Shoe Stock, Second Flat. See thee). 0 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, April 6, 1891. Groceries. - Groceries. 0A1`NT H:1.101N EROS --Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockllry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for th leant money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. 1)c not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail GroCerS, Clinton. PTT Ial ..Hi. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, . Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Si deboard a, Chairs, Springs, Mattrasaes, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from,the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever- description. JOS. CIiIDLEY, one door Ti est of Dickson's Book Store ♦ s� o RELIABLE TAILORING 0 -- THOS. JACKSON, 6R.,! The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Co nplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitabl'i for Spring and Summer Wear M"Every Suit a'WWalking Advertisement. Cloth by the yard at a very e' tall margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the sane. T. JACKSON, SR., H101ON-8Ta, CLINTON. We Want More Room NEW for a STOCK Coming and in order to have it we will give a Three Per Cent. Discount on this Sale, starting May 7th and will continue till May 14th. Remember, we Guarantee a Fit or no sale. Goods sold by the yard and cut free of charge. WALTON & MORRISON, The City Tailors, ..t. Moses Fischer's old stand, Smith's Blook, Clinton, Ont. The ews-R.000r FOR COO ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE: PRINTIND- a$1IE NEW&-REC4:RD- EXGELS- IN-.: A.L r.;.aD,EPAIITM sz.-