HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-05-06, Page 2'r. • The Huron Mows, ?cor4'' II.0 is 'tear—1 1.44 3.0 Advance. WCdUes :U' may (Oh, um.. ,FRO.4 THE PACIFIC COAST. Watl';ote front a .le, ter reuegtty mete. *a :ram Mlsp Meager.' Pape, .fort Hone) °Perso.re thr+i>k weighs, tomato, etc',,. RPl=yarri'e Ykllow Ott is the hrac thing jr, ever used." , -4tie khiiadelphla. Picea etiaime fur that .oity the Sia luutiou of being the Impel) manuff►ctuling centre in the Opi- tad St4te,. In 1880 New Yerk led by $I0O,0O,90Q; now I'utladelpbia leads M' $5o,000.000. A DEAR SkIQT right at tate seat of difliuulty, is sec m- phabed by the sura and eteady aint of Dr. Sage's Cate; rh Remedy. 1)•en't fool around w.th a p .p•g80, nor a "Flint- . look," wheu Weis r• Nabi, "Winchester' is within reach 1 1)t. Sage's tree. meat of catarrh is far sup»,t• r to the or.tilway, and when dire e'.i :o, ar• i reaeouahly well followed, teauits iu a german-ut pure. Dan's to :get b+ iud,lf. r•.ut to the vw tt- fled clnunt ..f thin uifa.l'og remedy. i6509 is etre) ed, in vino.; t .tib, f .r en in - curette o.rt0 f Catarrh in the Head, by prop.. -t, .1u, the World'e Diep.•ueary IVIedicat A s elation, 13utfn,lo. N. Y. .it all drugginte. Judge -mot was rendered Wednesday a fommte sires suit ..f John W. Mac- ho unl i.maire, agaiust Galiguaui's tiger Wonders, the director, will n 8ix'eeo months' hneritoumeht. in th key, Messe und.rg 0 Of the b not work arrh as on (hire All const ut n upon w'tat you have C Clark's Carat take a odrtloa rived Dreg.: mead it. Priu address by the onto, New York NE DOZEN BOTTLES est known Blood Remedy will such a uhauge in a case of Cat- s parksge of Clark's Catarrh the wise talk about tieing a al or blond disease depeude rte advertiser has to Bell. If atatrh is any form, try rh Cure, thud you need not d heroic tiny benefit i. de- ists keep it and venom 50 malts. S.'ut to •toy Clank Chemical Co., Tor- -A white man suicide at Fiud;ay week, heasu•e the fused their atte"t the negro, infli.t, ,i head with •a h .t hr from wht,h h.- ..herd Adolp't S hi.fll b'res li •et pti a i ul et into his thr•.,t .vith a r•tz o-, himself in the river. and a negro aommit•ed , O.,io, one day last WOO140 they loved re- iooe. t'i'ed' Jacksno, thirteen cute in his inff. eting injurd-e y .f.orscuds died. the white man, lug head, then out and lin•lly threw THE RF.1) COLOR o caused h, the iron is con the iron it hen hacking by Beef, Iran and Wine. f the blood is tains. Supply sing Milbu.n'e -News hi,. 11 :en rru.ivs• i ,•f a horrible affair wh c i reeen'. iy h.'ppened at Macaigu t stub t :t •• adm+n attacked hfe little bru'he wish kuif.•, cutting of his head and otherwise mutilating him in the nest terrible manner. Ile then proceeded to rat portioua of tha body, and had devu.t, e 1 the fingers, liver, heart and eyes when discovered. In reply to questions why he had committed the horrible deed the madman deolared that hie brother had died and that he was making an autopsy on the hoy'e body. WHEN THE BREATH Is tainted by catarrh it is au °videnoe that the disease has progress to the throat perhaps to the larvox, and the bronchial tubes. These are only oessations nn the road to the lunge Wheu Caterili has progressed and attacked the luega there can he hat oua result—consumption and death Clark's Catarrh Cure will arrest the disease at any point before the iuogs are seriously affected. It costa fifty eento of druggists, or sent to any ..ddress on receipt of price. Clerk Chemi:al Co., Toronto, Near York. HOW THE SCANDAL GREW. Mrs. A. to Mrs. B.—"That Mrs. Newcomer is eo fond of her chil- dren. The 'other day when I called site was blowing soap bubbles with them through a common clay Pipe." Mrs. B. to Mrs. C.—"'That Mrs. Newcomer is so funny. Mrs. A. RAW her amusing her children with a common clay pipe." Mre. C. to Mrs. D.—"That Mrs. Newcomer smokes a coalition clay Pipe." Mrs. D. to Mrs. E.—"That Mrs. Newcomer smokes a horrid pipe. I don't see how any woman in her sober senses could do that." Mrs. E. to Mrs. F.—"That Mrs. Newcomer smokes 'a pipe and drinks awfully." LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM. Love's young dream was a very bright one, and its fulfillment will be bright, too, if she bride will remember that she is a woman. and liable to all the ills peculiar to 1'.er sex. We remind those who are suffering from any of therm, that Dr. t'ierce's Favorite Preecriptiou will renew the hue of youth in pile and sallow cheeks, correct initiating uterine diseases, arrest and ours nfaeration anti iofi immation, and iufuee new vt.ality intoe. weal ing hod,. ''Favorite Pee -scrip - tion" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggist e, under a positireyuaran- tee from the manufacturers, that it will give 8 ttlsfantion in every ewe, or m •nev will he refunded This guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. —Mr. Gladstone has decided to support the divorce reform bill in- troduced in Parliament by Mr. Hunter. This fact has amazed the Liberals, who believed he 'could oppose any extension of divorce as a matter of religious principle. The bill entitles a wife to a dissolu- tion of the marriagetie in the event of adultery or four years desertion on the part of the husband. The bill will be deb teast.,l;r stt4lm .T =° ��brRl.prbbali'1'y"hiss, 'bat when carried to the Hotted of Lords it is certain to be rejected, as the bishops will congregate against it. • seases it iiig Ill i 4134 4 eir it`"C:$ of H A 2 8'1at p 4,a �.6,out TAM O. QCEATEST MEDICINE' t% ORIiLD: Abaolntlly Guaranteed @e claimed or money refanded. Pa.. hlet e. Testfmopfale, eto, It= . 1iYM RAip�}]I[ IiIICRQIs 3liglatER CO. itdr, 120 ;OW at. We., Toronto, Ont. 0010114>a4141atetnrees tor the Dominion. arBelirare o>= Itnposltlopsl Bee our Trade -Marta AS AN AID to interns., remedies for skin eli.seftses, Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap proves very valuable. DISTRESSED MICHIGA"N FARMERS. Surely if any state or locality ou this coutineut is so favorably situated as Lo, get the full benefit of the 'sixty million market," it is Mioltigtn. For as to railway rates and aft uther advantages of situa- tiori, that stale is just 0n a par with what Ontario would be if 'we had uIItpsiricted reciprocity, end the "31) Ct'nls a bushel more for hurley" and "y30 additional for H horse," of oliicli wu IIesr so mach Iroui the annexation Pes,iuriat crowd. Bat what ale the facts of the case 1 We copy from the Detroit Free Press as follows :—The figures which will appear in the volume of "Farm Statistics of Michigau for 1889-90," soon to be issued from the office of the Secretary of State, and of which a summary was given iu Tuesday's Free Press, show very clearly why it is that there is such a feeling of uurest among the agriculturit,ts of the state. \Vheu allowance, at day's wgtre's, is made made fur the labor involved iu the production of throe of the principal crops, for interest or the capital in vested anti for the cash outlay, the result shows a large actual loss. The farmers have not rue behind the auiount the figures indicate, bus ou the wheat, corn and oat trope it appears they have fallen over $9,- 000,000 short of being fairly re- munerated for their tabor and capital. It is no wonder they aro discontented with the conditions which have produced such results. They have been frugal and hard- working, but their occupation, he yond affording them a living, has been profitless. It has been a hard thing for many of them to meet the Interest on their mortgages. This has not shrunk, although the prices they have received for their pro- ducts have. ANY NI EN, MANY MINDS," but annum and all minds agree as to the merits .•f Burdock Pills, small and sugar - c .atc•1. COU1tT OF CROWS. I never would have believed stories told about crow justice had I not attended their "court," says Ewing Herhrt in the Kansas City Star. Ouo beautiful day in Decem- ber I was riding on the public road two miles north of Hamlin, Kau. I had noticed great flocks of crows ying about me, and when nearing cottonwood grove, in making a rn to the right, I saw hundreds of m perched in the trees in solid e to the end of the rows. I had somewhere that crows were governed birds, and when I his fine-looking body I judged t sat there to give trial to an r of some sort. I stopped orse, half fearing the birds would fly—adjourn continue the case. To my o attention was paid to me a roan with a gun to dis- mocking, itnpucent I was just in time to all that was done. a to th lin read well saw t that i offend my h crafty court or delight n —it takes turb &hes blacklegs. hear and se From a tr where ten such loud at: never heard throats, and ev the flock join noieo, and the cl was all that could if noiss was desir three minutes of ti rest was taken, whi a single crow, wh talk iu the crow d quickly by others. Thiugs because m and my iuterest in the wan eu intense that wh bird submitted a few 1 was applauded by gen from every bird I coul keeep from clapping my Suddenly twelve cro down the line twice and b all was atilt as they did so. amused and startled. This m a jury of crows on parade. believe it wee. After two or crows had again spoken the t flew down the lines once m but this time there were fierce from every crow in anewer to c from the twelve. My fancy pleined : The jury (vise seeking 'verdict in public opinion, and t excited crows, like revolutionar mobs, demanded blood. Back to their perches for the last time flew the crows and again a silence fell crisis tin lik=a.eabtl br:r 7'rinretratat ~$trot: ' romo whispers as the prisoner steps forward to learn the worst. But I could diatinguish no cri•ninal. Ae I looked for the poor fellow there e at the head of a row, rows eat, there came 1 rapid cawing as 1 before from so few ry now and then all d in snaking the orus thus furnished have been asked d. After two orr is racket a silent h was broken by o made a little 'elect, followed was a great angry caw and all flew to the centre of the line, where, as 1 live, they tore three of their un• suspecting kind its shreds, leaving only a few feathers to float upward and out of eight as they separated and noiselessly flew away, seeming- ing satisfied with whist they had done. ADV ICC To ;iloTnitaa.—Are you die- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child satferinet and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? It' so send at once and get a bottle of "airs Winslow's SoothingSyt'up" for Children Teething. its value is incalculehle. It will relieve the poor itltlesulferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there 18.00 mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reg hates the Stomach and Bowels, euros Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothiug Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldeat and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Ise sure andask for "Sirs, winslow's Soothing Syrup," andltake no tber kind. ore dignified proceedings en a fine, fat •emarke and rat cawing d scasoely ands. we flew ack and I was ight he And I three valve ore ; 8W8 we. X- i is e "IS 'PHIS CHRISTIANITYl" TUE MUSIC OF THE S.SLV-STIONISTS. But then the music! There are many who cannot away wi'h their drums and trumpets and tambour• ines; and they trittmphautiy ask, Is this Christianity? The question is silly. .No one supposes it to hr. Christianity, or to hive auything wore to do with t•a��niial Christian- ity than tee crosses, and bauuers, and pi oces.<i0 15, Hood acolytes in surplices end scarlet, eissocks, and thuribles, 'iud breid.•rud stoles of our ritu Misfit churches. The drums and trumpcts are not even remotely associated, as are these gorgeous adjnucts of modern Anglicanism, with the insinuation of any doctrine. They have no purpose in the world but the very innocent one of attract- ing the people to gatherings where they may hear something which benefits their souls. "We do not believe iu all this noise and blare and jigging," • says the comatose sensibility of comfortable piet:sut. No one does, except as David and the Psalmists believed iu it, when they exhort us "to snake a cheerful noise to the God of our salvation"; to ''take the psalm, bring hither the tahret, the merry harp, with the lute"; or as the children of Israel belioveed in it, when their tribes searched to the yoarly festivals in rivers of melody. Souls members of the Church of England chant every day of their lives, "0 come let us sing unto the Lord, let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation." Music ie the natural expression of joy. The songs and music of the Salvation Arany may not he so refined as the hymns of Newman and Lyte, or as the music of Mozart and Beethoven, but they are even bettter adapted to the needs of the poor people to whom they appeal. The experience of Wesley, and his desire that "the devil should not have all the best tunes," ought to have taught a leasou in this direction to the Church of England. There may not be much poetry in "Free from the bondage Free from the fear, Crowned with salvation Heaven even here, Shouting Hallelujah as we march aloeg, 0 come and join our happy throng," but those who have heard the joy of the Salvationists as they sing it may well decline to act in the spirit of the Pharisees, who, when the children shouted Hosannas before the path of Jesus, indignantly asked, "Maeter; hearest thou what these s;ty 7" and received the rebuke, "Yea. did ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise 4" "These people will sing their way ronud the world in spite of us," said a Brooklyn divine ; and he was right, as the result has proved. Cannot we echo the tolerant and loving words -- "Do these men praise him ? I will raise My voice up to their point of praise ! I see the error ; but above The scope of error, sea tho love - 0 love of shoso first Christian days 1" —Froth "The Salvation Army," by the Venerable Archdeacou FARRAR, in Harper•'s Magazine for May. WORTS CONFIDENCE. Those who have used it praise is! 11'Ire. Geo Ward wri'ee from Josephine, Ont., concerning HRgyarda Yellow Oil : "Ae a sure cure for chapped hands, swellings, ,Srestl oJt ted etas,.,Lseeetiftttend#agyardis allow 00,11 t0 all." DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY. Kidney complaint, dropsy and similar? troubles depend dire r:My op wrong action of the kidneys and indirectly on had blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the aotiou of the kidney's and cleanse' the Wed ft om all Impurities, in thia way curl+ g kidney complatnt,dropsy,etc. CHOKED 13Y A SERPENT. A THRILLING MIDNIGHT EXPERIENCE WITH A PYTHON SEVEN FEET LONG. He was spurt and swarthy, with small, black eyes and a jet black, tightly waxed moustache. He. drove up to the Grand Palace hotel in a cab last eveuiug and registered es Prof. Henri. Belmont, of Paris, l+rauce. Litter a blue box, about the size of au ordinary truck, and having holes bored in the cover, was deposited ou the sidewalk, and, under the personal supervision of the new guest, was taken to his room. TL a aureate iu the vicinity of room 213, to which lie was assigued, noticed a peculiar odor in the atmosphere, which brought bask memories of the circus and museum, 'Cho professor during the eveniug devoted considerable attention to the bar, and beCtltlle rather COltl• muuicalivo as the titue progressed. He said he was the champion snake chariuer of the world, and cuutd capture and wee any snake. Ile told stories of wooing the elusive reptile iu its tropic house, and be• gulling it by coaxiug words and sweat strains of Music from a swell fife which he exhibited. As the eight wore ou the ruler of the snakes waxed merry uud jocular, and finally, at the request of his new found acquaintances, agreed to exhibit his pets, which were in the blue box. He had boon• working in a dime museum in San Francisco he said, and was ou hie way to New York. The party went upstairs to his room and the professor proceeded to unlock the box, which had been placed against the steam pipes to keep the reptilee warm. The un- steady hand of the owuer, after coneiderablo puking among blank eta, fished out a wriggliug snake about two feet lung. This wits his special pet. It waa a blackauaku, and its glittering eyes ,Hatched the brilliant orbs of the professor. The shrill notes of the fife which the professor began playing induced the snake to try to stand on ite head, crawl into the professor's pocket, and finally tie itself in a knot around his neck. Several other reptiles were taken out of the box and fondled by the owner, who appeared to really entertain an affection for them- The visitors were permitted to take a peep at the "king of all snakes in captivity," as the owuer called it which monopolized one half th'W box. The crowd went downstairs and had several farewell drinks, after which the professor shook hands all around and said he was going to bed. Fred Newberry, who occupies room 220, was awakeued about an hour afterward by a scuffling noise, quickly followed by cries and shouts for help. Hastily pulling on his clothes he ran into the hall and knocked on the door of room 213, from which the sound came. "Flurry—he choke—me," gasped a voice, and Newberry threw hie weight against the door, bursting it open. The room was dark, but he could hear gasps and moans of pain. He stepped toward the bed, but with a yell of horror jumped back again, for hie bare toot had come in contact with a wriggling, slimy snake. By this time other doors had been opened and the guests were pour- ing into the hall. The night clerk, William Payne, came running up the steps four steps at a time. He entered the room and lighted the gas. A horrible sight was present- ed, and one of the women in the crowd fainted. Lying on the bed, his face black from suffocation and his oyes bulging from his head, lay the snake charmer. Around his limbs and budy was tightly coiled the "king of snakes. The diamond-shaped head was waving to and fro, from the horrid mouth ehot the long, black, forked tongue in anger. Some cried, "Shoot him" "Kill him,' one man ran into the hall and seized the fire axe. The etnaller snakes had disappeared under the bed, where they were !fleeing and squirm• in in heel p. 'r0ntwia' bees ,tatilr'-L `ii nt1y whisperer ale half -choked professor. It seemed a case of life or death for some one. "I'll grab his head while you untwist hia tail." shouted Nowberry,aud with a spring D ea STURBORI'I %HILDRENreadily Yaks . Low's Wet.., syrup It pleases the Id and deet,ois the worms. rs+x1. ;A],,,�.'»$0.11 EORGAN F.� ,: EE. • Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Bier Yet See the Hallttsollle Orgall, uow ou e hibi1riQu. N. ROBSON. OS 'env."J.a.`'�%"�rr.s«.'t:moi"? ` ..,. . Ie need both internally a, A externally. It aote quietly. affording, imoat instant Rl' relief from the savor 1st pain. DIRECTi.Y TO THE SPQT,. I15TANTA OUS III ITS ACTIO1. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowes Complaints its effect is magical. It otares in a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLO EVERYWHERE Ar 26o. A BOTTLE. tar Beware of Counterfeits and. Imitations. 1890 AN'D 1891_ Christmas & New Year Goods lust arrived, the R F�� 1 ) Black Basket, Royal piasters, Lon nest qqalities of �• a flan Layer, Sultanas .\. �'alencias. CURRAA Patras and 1 f 1� Lemon, Orange and NTS itaatras. PEELS Cition, end FIGS. fi FRESH CANEUTS Almonds, Filberts, Wall. D nuts and Shelled Almonds Corn, Peas and Tomatoes riurin ; Lolisiays, a TEN CENTS l'Elt CAN. SUGARS, 'PEAS, C()FF3ES and SPICES—we lead as ueunl. Cli0,.'KERY and UL.\SSWABE at away -down prices for holiday Pte Bents. SEE OUR XMAS COUNTEE . J. W. IR' I , The Noted Oroe�,r, Clinton DO YOU KEEP iT IN THE HOUSE? LLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Pio BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. he caught the, writhing, hissing mass by the neck close up to the head. It took ail the night clerk's strength to untwist the steel -like evils of the angry reptile. Finally the arias of the professor wise freed, and he grabbed the neck of the serpent, making et the sante time a hissing noiso with his lips. With one hand he stroked the fertile until lie caught the reptile firmly around the center of the body, and with u deft fling threw it into the box and quickly shut the lid. The work of capturing the smaller snakes was easily accomplished. The snake was s python about seven feet long. Perhaps it could not have killtd the snake charmer, but it badly frightened him. Ile was politely informed by Mr. New- berry that the hotel was no dime museum'mid with his box he sought another hotel. The snakes got out hec•tuse the profeasor left the door open while drunk. When the steam pipes got cold the big ser- pent crawled into his master's bed in search of warmth. Belmont pro- bably rolled on it, and this excited its anger. A MINUTE A DAY. A minute a day devoted to taking a dose of Burdock Blood Bitters will cure any ease of constipation, dyspepsia, bit- ioueueee, or bad blood, and may save many dollars of Ives. There is nothing hett:.r than B B. B. TBE' CELEBRATED Ideal Wastier9; Viand Wringer. TUE BEST IN TiUE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON USE �F./?S411 ' .cxki,•;' etoeuse T..SV 888 ,;state.. ,. • THE BEST. 1). M. FERRY & Cti s Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL Fur 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to Iestseaspi4 'i8irr2F3. "`TFi3'FEi'Fet t€FtiiiS°ever. gvery person using Garden, Flower or Field Seed:, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY & CO. WINDSOR, OtlT. Largest Seedsmen In rhe world BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at. all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELiA117.E news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr)ugh their local post ojjices zwi7l confer a fervor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mag commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that cell "changes" of adrertisernerta, to ensure insertion, should be handed. in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. ('IRCULAT1ON. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any outer paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our hooks are open to those who mean business. Jou: PRINTING. The Job Lejartrn.ent of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very Tom prices. Cf) 4.4.4 rt3 O CI Ca.t IMPLEMENTS. The snbseriber having severed his eonneetion with the Massey Company, desires to intimate otos he Inn boon appoint. 1 agent for the well- known firm of FROST & WOOD, Implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders its his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILKINSON ?Lows. COLTER A SCOTT DRILLS, DIEM HARROWS. and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 1147-6m Ao)meavillo and Minton A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eightacres of land with a select orchard of choles apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjjoiningiOode. rich township. Apply bo B, L. DOYLE, Gads. lch, •52e4f