HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-05-06, Page 1�il.ttl.'setf,tltis4tlb it•25In Ativauct'. tNparsAvDRAv r 1N4.LXi T$IN'S.N417,2'ii4L 14' NOTEIniGi VOL. 1I�--NfJ. 24. in the Nigh Court of Justices CHANCERY DIVISION The Dominion Controverted Elec- tions Act. Election .of a dfember for the House of Commons for the Electoral District of the West sliding of the County of Huron, holden on the dGth day of February, 1891, and the 5th flay of March, 1891. DOMINION Or CANADA, PROVINOE OF ONTARio, To WIT: The Petition of JAMES MITCHELL, et the Town of Goderich, in the Couuty of nuruo, Publisher, whose name is eubecribed. 1. Your Petitioner, JAMES MITCHELL, is a Person wbo wan dilly qualified and but a right to vote at the abtve elcotien. 2. And your Petitioner etates that the election wad holden on the 20th day ,,1 Feb: nary, 1891, and ^" the fifth day of Morch, 1091, when MALcuLM COLI, CAMERON, of the T..wn of Goderich, iu the County of Hero., Ilarrleterett• aw, and HORERT POr1TER, of the Township of Floes, in the County of Slmoue, Farmer, were candidates, and the Returning Officer hoe retnrned the Said MALcOLM l OL,N CAMEaoN as being duly elected. 8. And your Petitioner Reys that the eaid MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON wise, by himself, by hie agents and by other persons on his behalf, before, during and after the said election guilty of bribery, treating and undue influence as de- fined by 'The Dominion Controverted Election, Act" and other Ac's of the Parliament of Canada, .or recognized as such by the Common Law of Parliament, whereby he was and is incapacitated from serving in Parliament for the said Eleotoral District tt the West Riding of the County of Huron and the said election and return of the said MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON wine and are wholly nun and void, 4. And your Petitioner says that the said .MALcows COLIN CAMERON was, by himself, by his agents and by other portions on his behalf, before, during and after the said election guilty of intimidation and of intimidating persons entitled to vote at the said election to ludnre or compel each persons to vote or t0 refrain from voting at the said election, whereby the said MALcowe COLIN CAMERON wall and is ineepaoilated from serving in Parliament for the said Electoral Dis- trict of the West Riding of the County of Huron and the said elaotion and return of the Raid MALooLM OoLna CAMenns were and are wholly non and void. 5. And yonr Petitioner says that the Raid MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON was, by Weaved, by his ageute and by other persons on his behalf, before, daring and atter the said election guilty of giving and lending and agreelug to give and lend and offe^Ing and promising money and other valuable oousideration to and for pereon5 entitled to vote at the eaid election, and to and for persons onbehaltofpersons orte tad„to ,tecta thebald, election, in order to induce such voters to vote ant to retrain from voting at the said election, .and of corruptly doing the said ants and every of them on account of voters having voted and refrained from voting at the eaid election, where- by the said M*LooLM -.OLIN CAMEi u was and is incapacitated from serving in Parliament for the said Electoral District of the Weet Riding of the County of Huron and the eaid election and return of the said MALOOLM COLIN CAMERON were and are wholly null and void. 6. And your Petitioner says that the said MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON was, by himself, by his agents and by other persona on his b. -half, bo - fore, daring and alter the eaid election gutity of giving and procuring, and agreeing to give and pronto and of offering and promising to procure and to endeavor to proeure offices, places and employment to and for persona entitled to vote at the said election, and to and for other persona in order to induce such persona to vote or retrain from voting at the said election, and of corruptly doing the said acts and eaoh of them on account of such voters having voted and refratned from voting at tho said election, whereby the said MALCOLM COLIN (AMERON was and isincapacitat. ed from serving in Parliament for the said Electoral District of the West Riding of the Connty of Huron and the said election and return .of the said MALC0LM COLIN CAMERON were and are wholly null and void, 7. And your Petitioner says that the said MALOOL': COLIN CAMERON was, by himself, by hie agents and by other persons ou his b -half, oefore, during and after the eaid election guilty of making gilts, loans, offers, promisee, procure- ments and egrenments as aforesaid to and for -divers persons in order tg indnoe the Raid persons to procure and to endeavor to procure the return of the Bald MALCOLM (JOLIN CAMERON and Or other persona to Nerve in the Home of Commone, and procure and to endeavor to procure the votes of voters at the paid election, whereby the eaid MALCOLM COLIN CAnTRRoN was and is incapacitat- e ed from aarviog in Parliament for the said Eleo- toral Dietriot of the West Itiding of the Connty of Heron and the said election sed return of the said MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON wore and ..aro whollynall and void. 8. And your Petitioner Bays that the said MALOOLM CuLIN CAMEuoN teas, by himself, by his agents and by other persons o" his behalf, before, during and after the said election, guilty of advanolog and of paying and of cansiug to be paid money to and for the ase of other per- sons with the intent that earth money or part thereof should be expended in bribery and corrupt practices at the said election, and of knowingly paying and causing to be paid money to persona in disehurge and roplymont of money ewh,lly and in part expended in bribery and corrupt practices at the said elaotion, whereby the said Malcolm C"lin Cameron was and is incapacitated from oorving in Parliament for the said Electoral District of (he Weet Riding of the County of Heron and the said election and return of the eaid Malcolm Colin Cameron were and are wholly null and void, 9. And. your Petitioner says that the said Maloolm Colin Cameron was, by himself, by his agents and by other persona on his baleen, before, during and after the Raid election, guilty of hiring and promiaing to pay and paying for hereon, teams, carriages and other vehicles to convey voters to affil from the polia and to and from the neighborhood thereof at the said e'ec- tion and al,ao of the payment of the travelling and other expenses of voters in going to and returning from the said election whereby the said Malcolm Conn Cameron was anti is Inoapaci- tatod from serving in Parliament for the amid Electoral Diatrict of the West Riding of the Connty of Huron and the said election and the return of the said Malcolm Colin Cameron were and aro wholly null and void. 10. And your Petitioner says that the said Malcolm Colin Cameron was, by hhnaelf, by his agents and by' other persons on his behalf, before, daring and after the said election, guilty of corruptly aiding, abetting, nonnaelling and procuring the commission at the said election of the offehme of personation and of inducing per - eons le take fain, oaths in matters wherein teethe are required by "The Dominion Elections Act," whereby the said Malcolm Cohn Cameron was and is incapacitated from serving in Parliament for the sail Electoral Diatrict of the West Riding of the County of Huron and the said election end retnro of the said Mnloolm Colin Cameron were and aro wholly null and void. 11. And your Petitioner says that the said Maloolm Colin Cameron was, by himself, by his agents and by other penmen nn hie behalf, befo c, anxlt?g Iynd nttpt'.t ell eai.a .oleation.:gnilt�y.. `-Yionrruptly giving and providing and aaaeing to be given and provided and being aeoosenry to the giving and the providing and of paying wholly Wi iTF.1f y TODD, itteti11.r1't! CLINTON HURON COUNTY OTT., WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 1891 WHOLE NO. •054 and in part extppenaea incurred for meat, drink, rafretthrnunt aqd provision to and ler P0reona 1i order to 'bp elected and for being Mooted and tot tbe.purpnne of cortnptly influencing anal} persona arid, uthetpersons eo vote and re/Minimal giving their voice at the said election, anis of giving and Panting to be given to voters on nomination day and ou polling dor on account of such voters having voted and of bring about to vote, meat, drink and refreshment and money and tickets to enable tach votary to procure refresbrpen1, where- by the said Malcolm Colin Cameron wall and is incapacitated from serving in Parliament'(orthe said Electoral Dietriot of the Weet Riding oferhe County of Heron and the said election and retttj'n of the said Malcolm Colin O moron were and are whully null and void. -12. ALd your Petitioner says that the gad Malcolm Colin Cameron woe, by hfineelf, by h(a agents and by other persona on his behalf, before, during and after the said ideation, guilty' of corrupt practices as drfitted by "The Dorniaiow Elections Ant," and other Auto of the Parliament o1 Canada and as known to the Common Law Of Parliament, and as the term "corrupt practices" is interpreted In the interpretation clause Dr "The Dorpiuion Controverted Elections Aoti" whereby the sold Malcolm Bolin Cameron waif and le incapacitated from serving In the Parhe- rnent o1 Canada for the eaid Electoral District,p1 the West Riding of the County of Huron and the amid election and the return of the said MaleoIin Colin Cameron were and are wholly null and void. 18. And your Petitioner says that corrupt preot1e s as defined by "The Dominion Elections Act" and by other riots of the Parliament of Canada, and as known to the Common Law of Parliament and as the term 'corrupt praotlees" is 'interpreted in the interpretation clause of 'The Dominion Controverted Elections Act" were committed by the agents of the 'told Malcolm Colin Cameron and by other portions no his behalf, before, dorms and after the acid election by and with the aotnal knowledge and cement of the said Malcolm Colin Cameron, whereby and in consequence whereof the said Malcolm Colin Cameron was and is diagnalified and was and is incapable of being elected or sitting In the said House of Commons and of voting at any election of a Member of the said Armee of Comrgont' and of holding any odiee'in the notnit.tino of the Crown, or of the Governor General in Canada. 14. Arid your Petitioner mage that the said Malcolm Colin Cameron was, before, during and of ter the Raid election, by himeelf personally, guilty of corrupt practices as defined by "The Dominion Naootiona Act" and other Acte of ehe Parliament of Canada and as known to the Cbm-- mon Law of Parliament, se as the tertn "aorrnpt praatices" is Interpreted in the intereretetion clause of "The Dominion Controverted Elentione Act," whereby and in consequence whereof the eaid Malcolm Colin Cameron was and is disquali- fed and was and is incapable of being elected to or sitting in the said House of Commone, and of holdiug any office in the nomipetion of th Crown or of the Governor General in Canada. Wherefore Your Petitioner Prays:— (1) That it may be deter- mined that the said Malcolm Colin Cameron win not duly elected or returned and that' the election was void. (2) That it may be declared and found that the said Mal- onlm Colin Cameron weband is guilty of the said several core" rapt and illegal nota and prac- ticer; hereinbefore charged as having been committed before, during and after the said elec- tion by himeelf and by bis agents and other persona on his behalf by and with the. ordeal knowledge and consent of the, said Maioolm Colin Cameron. (8) That it may be found and declared that in conse- quence thereof the said Mal- colm Colin Cameron be adjudge. ed disqualifier and incapable' of belrtg elea•-a( to or sittings in the Hoose of Commons aforesaid and of voting at any eleoticn pf a Member of that Bonne and of holding any office in the nomination of the Crown or of the Governor General in Canada. And your Petitioner will aver pray, do. (8d) JAMES MITCHELL. 1, JAMES MITCHELL, the above-named Peti- tioner, do hereby appoint RoiERT II PEER Downs, of No. 32 Church Street, Torouto, in the Count of York, Solicitor, to act as my agent in this matter and all noticee addressed to me herein may be left at the above address of the said Solicitor. Dated tide 22nd day of April, 1891. (Sd) JAMES MITCHELL. To all whom it may concern :— Take notice that the above is a tree copy of the Petition to which it role tete and of the notice attoched thereto, received by me for publication according to the Statute in such case made and provided. Dated this 29111 '07 of April, 1891. W. 1'. WHITELY, Returning Otfice, r the Electoral District of the West Riding -r rhe County of Huron. IN THE NEW STORE! J. W. ITER, The Wholesale and It nail Wine and Spirit Mar- chant i now located in McTaggart's New Brick Block, Albert Street, Clinton, Just arrived in bottles and wood. Bass Ale, Ouinese' Stout, Davies' White Label Export Ale, Davies' India Pale Ale, Labatt's celebrated Ale and Porter, Cosgrave's Fine Ale and Porter, The Ontario B. to M. Co's Ale, Copeland's splendid Aleand Porter, Ginger Ale and Mineral water in bottles -highly recommended. Also -A Lull stock of Fine Wines Port, Sherry, Alicante, 'Claret, Sweet Catawaila, Native, St. Augustine, dc., the finest brands of Imported Brandies and the best Whiskies to be bad - specially recommended for medicines purposes and home,consumption. Call at the New Store. J. W. BITER. STANLEY COURT OF REVISION. Notiecis hereby given that the Ctnrt Inc the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Town- ship of Stanley for 1891 w;11 be hold in the Town Ball, Varna. on TUEI•DAY, MAY 20th next at ten o'clock in the ferenor n when appeals from the Aseessment Roll will be been' and considered and errors and omissions in acid Roll corrected. Persons interested are hereby required to take notice and govern tbemaelves accordingly. GEO. Sr'EwALIT, April 8, 1891. Tp. Clerk. COURTOF REVISION. TOWN OF CLINTON. TAKE NOTICE that the Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will hold its fiat milting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, on 1III SHAY, With day of MAY, 1891, at the hour of 8 of the clock, P. M., for the purpose of hearing and recti- fying all complaints against or errors on the Goderich. • Holy Communion at St. George's on Sunday. Miss,Sta'achau itis returned from a lengthy visit to New York. qb Mr. Willf.siu Craig, sear„ is again among his mauy frienda. - Mr. Jas. Clark arrived in town from Wiarton ou Satufdey. Mr. Geo. Black arrived home last week. Mfrs. D. B. Caldbick wits the peat week visiting relatives at the old home near Clitltou. There will be an open meeting of the High School Literary Society on Friday evening. A number of fishers went trout- ing on Saturday. The catch how- ever wasatnall in size. Mr. William Audrews has ro- 4n)tived from West street to the square. To -morrow, Ascension Dayrthere will be horning service in St. Georges. Mr. Juo. Straiton, of the G. T. R , was Buffering from la grippe the past week Mr. Percy ‘Velton, of Loudon, was oalled home last week by his father's death. Mfr. Wm, llutson arrived in town from Barrie on Saturday to attend the now celebrated dog case. Mr. Robert McLean has removed his rneat market to the Corner of East street. Mr',jtnd Mrs. A. B. Cornell have returned front their visit to the motherland. The new shipping shed being completed1, M1t, Ulerk'e fieh is now lauded there awl packed for ship. ment, Mr. Ches. Pretty accolnpanied his daughter iu-law, Mrs. Pretty, on her journey to British Columbia last Thursday. Herring made for this harbor on Saturday and were attended to by our local Isaac \Velton's, some of whom wade very large strings. There will be an operatic enter- tainment in the Grand Opera House this evening, conducted by Prof. Morgan. The tug.Messettfler arrived from Port Harron on Thursday to make preparation for pound net fishing along the shore of the lake. Lest Sunday's quarterly sermon in the Victoria street church by Rev. J. B. Hutton was on "The Rocks and Breakers of the sea of Life." The tug Spray 1' ft for Port Albert on Saturday afternoon, hav- ing had her machinery consider- ably overhauled during her stay in this port. We understand that the altera- tions and additions contract, to make the high school a Collegiate Instituto, has been awarded to Buchanan and Son. 0. L. No. 182 will hold a spe- cirr 'instruction sheeting on the 80- cond Wedneeda,y (130) of May. Members are requested to be present as business of importance will be dis- cussed. Visiting brethren trade wel- come. Regular Meeting last Tuesday of each month. The elocutionary and musical entertainment last week, between sides chosen by the W. C. T. U. and the Y. W. U. '1'. U., respective• ly, was decided in favor of the Last named society: by the judges, Messrs H. I. Strang, R. Park and S. Lloyd. Captain Dancey was the past week at the scone of itis vessel, the Jane McLeod's wreck in the Geor- gian bay. The Captain went with the intention of launching the Mc- Leod, but founts on arrival that she had been entirely destroyed by the w in to r'stga lea. Mail clerk, 1V. B. Mathews, died on Sunday morning aged 52, after an illness of five weeks duration. Iu the early part of his sickness hopes were entertained of his recov- ery, as he frequently seemed to im- prove, but his complaint, pleurisy, some two days since assumed such an acute fora) that his medical at- tendants gave but little hope of his recovery. The funeral took place from his late residence to the G. T. R. station, yesterday morning, the Oddfellows of Goderich conducting the proceedings. At Brantford the remains were received bp the bre- thren orthat city, anti interred with the usual ceremonies of the Order. Mrs. Mathews, deceased's widow, proceeded to Brantford, and sate h01' husband's remains placed beside his recently departed mother's. "Dad",as the deceased was familiarly called, was a well known figure in Goderich for the last 33 yearn, hav- ing been a railway mail clerk during ARespament (toll of this prey tt��,,vyelrt,s .'pteenee, ,,,tilt.-eet,lefetee44mfrie"' l ritite,'tv-t.v os d Zd'Ta "1"311'r'e a64 go-= ll Ailduct� )'i eenandand Clinton, May Gth, 1891. IVM.COtTS, Clerk. made him a host of friends, Goderich. Mr. Harry Rothwell left town for the Eagt on Monday morning. Mr. Hiltou Holmen has returned to Paris. Messrs Jas. and Walter I•i,jelop returned home on Saturday. The City of Windsor was at Lee's dock the past week. '!'Ile fishing tug Dispatch was in port on Monday. Regular meeting of Mlaitlaud lodge No. 33 next Tuesday. Rogultr meeting of Huron En• cawpment No. 18, I. 0. 0. ' F. on Monday next. The Schooner Mary with 350 tone of coal for the Corporation, arrived iu port on Sunday. The Tug Messenger was in port the past week preparing for the fishing season. There will be the usual Ascen- sion day services tomorrow at St. Poter'e, Mre. Wallwin has been the past weok visiting at the residence of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. McLean, Nelson street. - County Clerk Adamson is in such a weak state as to almost banish hope of rebuvery. The residents of Huron will hear with deep sorrow of the probable early termination of so good and useful a life. Mies Lizzie Hyslop died on Sun- day morning aged 27 years. The deceased lady had been suffering the past three years from consump- tion, but it only seriously developed with the advent of spring. The funeral took place yesterday after- noon to Maitland Cemetery. At the Division court held on Monday before Judge Doyle the case that has created so much in- terest, that of Rutson v. Naftel, iu which the former claimed damages for the shooting of a valuable dog, and the latter a set off for injury to a number of sheep, was cattle(' by making each side pay its own costs. The annual meeting of the Mechanics Institute was held on Monday evening when the officers for the present year were elected all follows :—Pres. E. Sharman, Vice. do W. H. Murney,2 do. do J. Smith, Treas. A. J. Moore, Seay. Geo. St van. "Directors, J. H. Colborne, R. C. Hays, A. Forsyth, '1'. Troy, R. Park. Tlie Bishop of Algoma addressed a fair congregation in St. George's church ou Friday evening, on Home Missions. His Lordship is a clear speaker, and his numerous illustra- tions regarding the workers in his diocese, and the goodness of the Indians in their natural et.ate, must have made a stroug impression on those who are financially able to help along the good work. The Monthly meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday evening, present : Messrs. S. Maleomson, (Chairman), W. Acheson, H. W. Ball, A.S. Chrystal, C, Crabb, Geo. Swanson. The minutes being confirmed, the Prin- cipal's report showing an average attendance of 548, (boys 293, girls 255) Wee read and filed, accts. of W. Elliott $13 55 and Signal $1.90 were ordered to be paid, and that of J. Yates 11.18 referred to Comnlitte to pay if found correct. Mr. Robert L. Walton, one of our well known towuslneu, died rather suddenly on Wednesday morning aged 58. The deceased gentleman has been suffering from a throat affection the past few years, but until two days before death ensued a fatal termination was not at present expected. Mr. Walton was born in England, and emigrat- ed to Australia early in the fifties. Five years later he returned to the old home but left again after a years sojourn for this continent. After a short stay in New York, he arrived in the Queen city where he accepted a position on the staff of the G. T. R. After a lengthy ser vice he severed his connection with that institution and moved to this town, where he followed var:oue pursuits. Latterly he adopted travelling as a profession, out doer work being necessary to prevent the advance of the insidious disease that had then attacked his System. The deceased was a great poultry fancier, and at every exhibition in Goderich the past few years, was a leading prize winner, his improved classes being always leading features of the show. Ifs married in 1865 and his widow, one son Percy, and two daughter's, Maggie and Lena. survive him. The remains were interred in the family plot, Mait- land cemetery, on Friday afternoon, Mlessre_ 4T..".,Y11111Qpi..Jas. A.F..Iteidr' ': tutelon, D. McKay, R. Sim- mons and H. W. Ball being the pall bearers. getgrave, Mies A. Treleaven, of Dungannon, was visiting fn, Gown ou Saturday, Miss Maggie Morrison who has been on an extended visit to Dun genital has returned to Belgrave. The I. 0. G. T. will hold an open 'lodge on Monday night, May 25th. ' Walter Scott, our popular black smith, is trying hie hand at farming this. week. There will bo a big concert given by the Base tall team of No. 5, Morrie, on Friday evening of this week. Mr. Joe Stonehouse has com- pleted the stone work of Mr. P. W. Scott's barn. Joe and hie gang have started to erect a new wall for Mr. Grasby. It is rumored that a Baso Ball Club will be organized in this place this week. That is right, boys, we want some excitement of some kind to profitably pass a,vay the long summer evenings. ! r� !!RUNAWAY.—`Mr. Porterfield, of Marnoch, accompanied by a lady friend was driving to Belgrave on Friday last. The horse by some nleane took fright cud upset the buggy and threw the occupants out, breaking Mrs. 's arm and shaking up Mr. Porterfield considerably. 'l'he horse ran some distance. When captured it was not hurt, hilt the buggy was badly broken. Hills Green Mr. Francis Coleman has sold his stock of lumber to a firm in Lon- don at a good price. Mrs. John Hagan has been very low from an attack of inflammation on the lungs but is now slowly re- coveriug. Quite a number from here attend- ed the quarterly meeting services held at Kippen on Sunday last. Mr. Chas. Troyer, postmaster, has ordered a ton and a half of binding twine for the use of the farmers in thia vicinity. Farmers have about finished seediug. A large area of oats and peas has been sown but very little epring wheat. Mr. 1Vm, .Jarrott, who recently sold his farm to Mr. Wm. Coneit, has purchased the 50 acre farm of Mr. Wm. Belt, ou the Blind line, Hay, lately owned by Mr. Jae. Sp trio. The'sum'paid was 2,400. Mr. Jarrott has got a good farm at a reaeonable price, $48 per acre. Nile. Dr. Gunn of .Clinton was at the Nile on Saturday with Dr. Whitely of Goderich. Mr. and Mra. McCartney from Goderich township have been spend- ing a few days at their friend's, Mr. Robert McIlwaiu,on account of the illnessof their niece,Mrs.McIlwain, who has been sick for (tome time past. MI', Henry Philips returned from Michigan last week where he has been for a year and a half. He has a farm over there and its likely that he will be taking one of Hur- ou's lovely girls over to Uncle Sam to be a cousin to Bill McKinley. However, the wish Harry all kinds of good luck though he should take oue of our girls. The weather the past week has been all that could be desired and the farmers are all busy at spring work and the good wives at the house cleaning ; but we are not like the poor fellow that was making his fitment in the NEWS-RECO0D of last week. He seemed afraid of house cleaning time. Up here when the good wife is taking up the carpets and knocking the dust right and left if there ie anything that we leen can do to help her in her labor we do it with a will. While our teams are feeding we knock the dust out of the carpets, and if your town gent, who would rather loaf at the corner store than go home, would try what he could to help he would be met at noon with a well spread'table to sat- isfy the cravings of his doubtless fastidious appetite, and a smile on the countenance of hia better half. Constance. Mr. W. E. Caldwell, one of our best Iiullett farmers, met with a slight accident the other day. He undertook to ride a young horse, and he is no mean rider either, over to Tuckerlmith when ho heard of the death there of his old friend Mir. R. Thompson. The animal either threw Mr. Caldwell or fell with him, but the gentleman escaped without any or but triff?ing injury. Both the late Mr. F. Case and Mr. Thompson wore old and much esteemed friends of Mr. Caldwell. -•Ura. Brown, mother of William, Browbt near•BrdmebrfilgZy dteff eslertiny from a fatal mistake r -f her son, who sup- posed he was giving his mothera dose of s'tlte, which provod to he a heavy dose of saltpetre. Suuliuerhiti. Sunday School commenced on Sunday the 3rd fact. Mr. and Mr's. G. M. Kilty and some friends iu Clinton spent Sun• day,the 26th ult„with Mr. W. Thos. Farquhar who recently moved to a farm near Hills Green, • At a nleetiug held iu the church here on Monday evening the 27th. ult.,it was decided to purchase a new Jrgan a8 the one they now have 18 nut giving eatiet'action. MclUiop, On Monday morning April 27, about 10 o'clock a fire started in the baru yard of Wm. Scott, lot 29, con. 13, McKillop. Spreading, it consumed a large bank barn, imple- ment house and other buildings. with all the contents and three calves and a valuable colt. Mr. Scott got a mare out but the fire closed iu on him when lie was at- temptiug to get the colt out of a box stall. But for timely assistance, hard work and the fortunate exia- teuce of a window opening in the building Mr. Scott would have been cremated. As it is he is badly burned about the head, body, arms and hands, and las suffered terrible agony since. It is unknown how the tire originated. The high winds carried lighted fragments into the bush of Mr. John Scarlettt about 80 rods distant and the fire running along the dead leaves for a time threatened- the destruction of other property, but the damage was confined to Mr. Scott's property. Mr. Scott was insured in the How - ick Mutual for $1300 and there will be a lose on contents alone of about $600. Iiolmesville. Miss Susie Jenkins is stayiDg a few days.at Mr. John Lindsay's. The foot ball clubnow practice every Monday and Friday evening. Mise Addie fitepl nnson is spend- ing a few weeks iu' uckeremith. The Misses Agn w, of Clinton, paid their friends in Hawesville a friendly visit thisw ek. Willie, the young son of Mr. A. J. Courtice, has imp roved so much se to be able to be o t. Miss Dorcas Spar, of Brucefield visited her *lister h re a few days last week. Mrs. Johns, of Tuckeremith, visited her daught r Mrs. Robt. Lawson this week. A few days agoHarvey Halstead got a finger in the cgs of a fanning mill wheel and got i badly smash- ed, taking the nail o, Robert Disney ha been laid up for sometime with i flamination of the veins and is nt expected to t 1 e e 1 u k e e H 0 t ff 9 n 0 recover. The youngest child of the late John Proctor, aged 8 months, died on Friday morning last and was buried in Clinton on 'Saturday. Mr. Wm. Jarvis who broke one of his ribs and hurt two. othsrs is not able to do ranch yet but is now progressing. J. S. Robinson, our hotel keeper, has engaged with a fishing firm up North for the summer months at a good salary and will start working shortly. Bella Disney will leave for Mani- toba on Tuesday of this week, Ml's. Whittingham also will go along. Several more from this part are going first excursion. Mr. Thos. Calhick was in the village this week looking for a girl as he is going to B. C: on Tuesday. Oh, excuse, we don't mean he left it off so late to, hunt one for him• eel f, it was for hie mother in Clin- ton. The Niagara Hedge Co put in some 50 rods of hedge for Mr. El- ford this week. Mr. Elford is quite an enterprising farmer and always adding improvements to his farm. The Hedge Co. think they will have many future sales. W. J. Lobb hae accepted the agency of the celebrated "sailor cloth.” Water proof coats, pant leggings, binder covers, buggy laps, horse covers, etc:, made of the same material is kept in atom( by him. The goods are really a great success in every way—everyone should see them. BRIEFS.—The spring has so far been beautiful, although some days are very cold. We were surprised to find that it snowed on Sunday evening last,—The late choir sang at Sharon last Sunday evening — People are busily engaged in gardening and farmers are mostly all through seeding.—Quarterly meeting in Methodist church on Sunday lost,—Mrs. 'D. Salter, of Fairview was in the village laat,t week getting an order for her :PIES::4t t0al•411%.xx raat.F"el)fir'•-•7144 r.:r:-.�e.-:^�rrrcr..aaac-rs '. W. J. Lobh has handled her make fir 80100 three years in this section and the hosiery always gives the best of satisfaction. i