HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-29, Page 6Tie Huron Nems, -Regard 41410 s Teck--il1.Es In advance Wednesday, April 29111. 1891. CURRENT TOPICS. THE PRICE OF EGGS. ADRIAN, finch. Apri 15, 1Se1 To the Editor of thebltchlgau Fawner. Tosday I can only get nine cents a dozen for eggs thoush I sold Houle at 10 cents What is the price of egg in Can ado Do 1 get live mita a dozen more than a Canadian fernier? F. D. BAKER. FROM DOMINION MARINE REPORT. Therevenue derived from Domin- ion wharves, harbors and piers for the, fiscal year ending June 30th was $8797.79 of which Ontario con: tribute() $2284.88. The present law limiting deck cargoes to 3ft in height for sawn lumher is•a good and safe oue. In reference to mess- enger pigeons, mention is wade of several which flew at the rate of a mile in from 46 to 60 seconds. Leg stature ie recommended as to the shipment of live cattle:hetween Sep. 1. and May 1. Last season there were 119,874 live cattle and 48,852 livesbeep shipped from Montreal to - Europe. AN AMERICAN DOCTRINE. The Washington Star :—"The people of Canada no doubt favor a broad plan of reciprocity with thie nation. The people of the United States favor a broad plan of recipro- city with Canada. Sooner or later the two parties will come to a satis- factory understanding. Meantime, if there be anywhere those near• sighted enough to discern a perman- ent failure in the negotiations bee cause they have been postponed to a more convenient season, let such iucreaae their optical powers. Re- ciprocity le a neighborly, a nine- teenth century, an American doc- trine. It ie bound to prevail north- ward and southward." THE HELP CANADA WANTS. What IS nee agricultural popu the Northwest an ed acreage of Outa are millions of ac tivation. If it was such ae has been a United States, it coul but Canada requires ferent. The cheap a taboret% who crowd th of the States, and make for the native workmen sireable foreign element i centers of population wl trustworthy and inimical government iu that country does not want for obvious re ded in Ganeda is lation to develop d utilize the until'. rio, wherein there es awaiting cul.- mere population ttracted to the d he easily got, something dif rid unskilled e great cities living hard the unde- n the great ich is un- to good , Canada aeons. THE CANADIAN HIOG ABROAD. Canada has just secured au int - portant concession from France. 'I'Ito French government has been for some time refusing to admit Canadian hams and bacon to France because geode from the United States of this clans were prohibited owing to dangerous diseases known to exist in the American pork. Sir Charles Tupper, the Cauatiian High Commissioner, Made a friendly pro- test to the French government, pointing out that the Canadian herds are absolutely free from dies eases. As proof of hie contention Sir Charles submitted to theauthori- ties at Paris samples of Canadian hog products, which the experts to whom they were referred for analysis declared to he absolutely free from taint, and distinctly superior to the United States goods of similar grades. The result is that the French authorities have decided to admit Canadian hog products, and some consignments have been already 'Omitted. Similar steps are now being taken by the officials of the High Commisaioner'e office to induce other European powers to grant aimilar COI•,Cessiotls to Cana dian pork. WHEAT PROSPECTS, net London Standard has published a long and careful review of the agricultural outlook, in the course of which it says that the sten. dy rise in wheat revives the hopes of the English farmer, adding that wheat will probably reach the high- est price in ninny years, the prin- cipal cause of the ries being the -fail- ure of foreign crops. The wheat crops of France and Russia, accord. ing to the Standard, are much he. low the average and. the sante paper Rays, the difference will he at least 20,000,000 quarters, adriine : "It is expected that the cold winds and frosts have almost destroyed the French crops. Germany, Holland, and Belgium all furnish gloomy re. porta. In Roumahia there is a de- creased wheat area and in India there lies been a bad wheat season. The only exception is Hungary, where there aro better psospects,but it is almost certain that the world's wheat consufnption will exceed the - sses'e'prreineei a-truirilrteretl. WTIira tier the magnitude of Americas crop may be. it will not be sufficient to cover the European deficit, xltua cow llslliltg won extensive draft upon. the reserves for the third year in aykcession." THE TARIFF THE WORK OF REFORM- "Would it eurprise you to hear that the policy slow known as the N. P. originated in this city ?" asked Squire Murray Anderaou of a Free Press man. "It was some- where about the year 1850, be con- tinued' "wheu a lot of leading men, interested in the welfare of their country, tout in London and decided that something ought to be done to orowote manufacturing in Canada (at that time composed of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec only). A twin' very similar to the 15 per cent. tariff of tha Conserve - Government prior to 1873 was drawn up by the late William Mc- Bride, who was clerking for me at the time, and it was the model on which the first National Policy was built. We had Isaac Buchanan, of Hatniltou, for our chairman, and all the leading men of London at that time were in the •movement. Mr. Anderson of London added that it was ridiculous to see to -Grits to day trying to undo their own work of a few years ago. He drew a wide distinctiou between Reformers and Grits, the latter being disreputable in their tactics. But it was the old Reformers who first advocated pro- tection in Canada, and the same people, throwing their influence against Mr. Mackenzie's! Govern- ment, defeated it in 1878 because the Premier would not grant their prayer for a 30 per cent. tariff against American goods slaughtered in Canada in the panicky and depressed times of 1876 and 1877. A BAD REMOVAL. The TorontoNews quite correctly gauges the evil effects of the re- moval of the export duty off logs:— When the Canadian lumbermen importuned the Dominion govern. went to retnove the export duty on logs in return for a reduction on the part of the Americana of $1 per 1,000 in the lumber duties, they ex• petted a revival in a languishing trade,but it did not come. And there is no promise that it will, Indeed, the Americans seem quite content with errangeuteets as they are, and as long as they exist they will Kaye no reason to purchase a foot of Canadian lumber, unless they aug. merit their own supply. All im- pediments being removed they can now raft the logs to their own mills and saw thew with their own labor. A dispatch from Detroit says that this season 160,000,000 feet of logs will he rafted from the Canadian pineries to points in Michigan alone, not to speak of what will be rafted to other places. The firms which will do the rafting own the limits in Canada, and they will lose no titne in cutting out all they can, lest the duty should be re -imposed and an end put to their operations. Under the new regulations imposed by the Ontario government this will he im- possible, for in all timber limit sales in the future the stipulation goes with the patent tliat the timber shall be manufactured in the pro. vines. If the lumbermen are not short-sighted, they will call upon the Dominion government to put a stop to the systematic stripping of the timber land which free export of logs encourages. Nntwithstand•• ng the fact that the cut in southern ineries goes a long way to startle eeting the demand for lumher in States, the Canadian mills will e to be drawn upon before long, in view of that the lumbermen Id protect themselves as far as ble. The exportation of logs only detrimental to their in - but is a direct loss to the v of the country, inasmuch e labor derives no benefit from the manufacture. p m tli hav and shou poral is not terests itidustr as nativ whateve —Whe England tl so strong ti move petiti hibit the us royal proclat abate the n was issued to coal within the its neigliborhoor force for the ti the demolition they persist in law was finally p capital offence to city, en l only allow by f',ri es in the state, that among the rower of Londe was found, accordin men was hanged in Elward I. for no other having been caught bur n coal Wan first used in ie prejudice against it was tat the House of Cotn- oned the King to pro- of "noxious" fuel. A ation having failed to uisance, a commission ascertain who but ned city of London and 1, to punish thent by st offence, and by f their furnaces if transgressing. A seed making it a burn coal in the ing it to be used vicinity. It le the records in a documeot to which a the time of crime than ing coal. FIVE HUNDRED DO Will be given for a ease which menet he cured perms Clark'* Catarrh Cure. Step r the "ffi •e and prove your case the reward. Thbuannde have t remedy but no one has claimed ward, because it cures in every o yon have a cold or are trouble catarrh, lok your drnrglat for Catarrh 'Jure, price 50 cents, an what a plaaaae,t,reltii it.wrll"'be 1. p 7i you are asked to take comet else, send to na flit set, and we will yen a brittle by mail cn receipt of pr Clark Chemioat,,Co., Toronto, NewYo LL,1RS of Catarrh nently by fight up to and get ried this the re - ale. If ri with lark`s d see hang end ice. rk. MOTHER-IN-LAW. 40W A FAULT FIXIMTO HUSBAND WAS TRAPPED BY UEA 41P. "1 wouldn't have believed it of you, Raphael," said rvlrs. Edrnon- atone, plaintively. "No, I wouldn't, not unless Betsy Tacker had told rue; and Betsy, she never told a lie no more than George Washing- ton did," "Why, mother, what are you talking about?" questioned Mrs. Thomas Edmonstoue, untying the elder lady's bonnet strings and re tieving her of a splint basket, a black silk'bag, a waterproof cloak and an umbrella. "And I've come to see if it's true," added the old lady. "If what's true, mother?" "That you said you wished there wasn't no such pereon as m—me }" faltered Mrs. Edmonstone. "Mother, you know I never could have said such a thing 1" cried out Rachel. "Well, it wasn't exactly that ; but Betsy Tacker heard yuu say you wished there was uo such a thing as a mother in-law." "Oli 1" cried Rachel, with a hysterical little laugh, "I plead guilty, I did say that. But oh 1 mother 1 it was under such strong provocation, and I never meant you. How could I, when you have always been so good to me ?" "I knew it couldn't be true," said Mrs. Edmonstone, settling herself in the easiest rocking -chair and nodding her cap -strings com- fortably. "But how came you to nuke that ex•tra or-dinary speech, Rachel, about mothers -in law iu general?" "It was Tom." said the Toung wife. "He was so aggravating 1" "Phomasalways was aggravating,' said Mrs. Edmonstone, stirring the cup of tea that Rachel had brought her. "And what was it about now? The bleak fast cakes 1" "011, you remember about the breakfast cakes, don't you 1" said Rachel, with merry mischief spark- ling in her eyes. "No, it wasn't the breakfast cakes this time; it ?vas the aliit•te," "The shirts?" "Well you know he said it was such a wasteful, extravagant pro ceeding to bny shirts ready.made," explained Rachel. "He said the linen was poor, and the work regu- lar slop -shop style, and ho declared you always used to make his shirts at home, every stitch, before he was married." "So I did, ackuowledged Mrs. Edmonstone, with a groan. "But• that was in the old times, before you could buy such a good article as they have now." "Yes, but Tum doesn't make any allowance for difference in tunes and customs," sighed Rachel, "He wanted home-made shirts, and. hoine•made shirts he would have 1" "And you glade 'em 1" "Yes, I marl.e them." "You were a great goose," reflect- ively spoke Mra. Edmonstone, "Aud—and Toni swore dread- fully the first time he put one on"— "I dou't in the least doubt it." "And ha said they set like meal bags, and that they twisted his neck around as if he had just been hanged, and grasped him ou the shoulders like a policeman 1 Oh, I can't tell you what he didu't say 1" "Bless nto 1" said Mra. Edmon- sto n e. "IIe tuld me his mother's rhilts set like a glove, and fitted him per- fectly—and why couldn't I turn out a shirt like those1 And it was then, mother dear," suddenly fling• ing her arms around the old lady's plump, comfortable neck, "that I lost my head, and told him I wish- ed there wasn't such a thing as a mother-iu-law in the world ! And Betsy Tacker sat in the sewing• room altering over my dolman in the spring style, and I suppose she must have heard me," ''Don't mind if, my dear," said Mrs. Edmonstoue. "No, I won't, protested Rachel. "But, oh, those shirts 1 I've been ripping thein apart and sewing them together again, and rounding off a gusset here, and taking in a plait there, until I've got so that I dream of 'enc et night ; and the more I try 'ern o'i the wet se they fit, and the more unreasonable Toni becomes. .'My mother never made such work of it as this 1' says he." "Thomas forgets." observed Mrs. Edmonstone, severely. "And I am sure, if things go on like this," added Rachel, pushing her short brown curls off her fore• head, "it will end in s separation on accouut of 'incompatibility of temper.'" "No, it wou't, my dear," said the Mother in-law. "Here, ge t me the pattern and some shirting muslin, and a pair of scissors." owe into Rachel' bright blue area, "li wish allthe world Were mothers-in-law I" she cried glee- fully: "Why didn't I think of this before 1" • "One can't think of every thing, child," said Mrs. Edmonstone, con- solingly, Thomas Edmonatone welcomed his mother cordially when he came home from bueiness. "I'm so glad you've come !" said he. "We can have some of the nice old-fashioned dishes now. Rachel can't seem to get the hang of them, although she has al -ways . had your book of receipts to guide her." "Rachel's a good deal better cook than ever I pretended to be," said Mrs. Edmonstone. "They have patent egg beatere and cream•whip- pere and raisin•aeeders, and all that sort of thing now, that they didu't have in my day. I never tasted nicer bread than Rachel makes, and t' ese pop overs ate delicious." "You're just saying that to en- courage Rachel," said Mrs. Edmou- atone, with an incredulous smile. "Things will ruu smooth now you've come. That's one comfort." "Oil, I shouldn't think of inter- fering in Rachel's kitchen," said the old lady. "Please do, mother," coaxed the wife, not without a certaiu quiver in her lip. "Do let Tom have a remiuiscense of the old days while you are here." "Well, just as you children say," conceded the mother-in-law, good. hurnoredly. She remained a week at her son's house, during which period of time Torn was all exultant com- placency. "This," said he, "is something like liviug. I feel myself a boy again when I fasts these apple - fritters." "They're not had," said Rachel, who had made them with her own sdillful hands. And she helped herself to a little of the sauce. "And why didn't you learn my mother's knack of snaking such pie -crust as this 1" demanded Tom. "There'e no dyspopeia here." "I'm glad you're pleased," said Rachel with a guilty glance at her mother in-law. "Oh, by the way Tom, the last of the set of shirts is finished now. Will you put it on to -morrow 1" "I suppose so," ungraciously uttered Tom. "Will set like fury, I dare say, like all the rest of them 1" "You might at least give it a trial." "Didn't I say I would 1" still mote ungraciously. "Those shirts will be the death of me yet," he added, turning to his mother with a groan, while Rachel sat steadily observing the pattern of the table- cloth. The breakfast stood smoking on the table next morning when Mr. Edmonstone came into the room twisting himself as if be were practising to be a human corkscrew. Mrs. Edmonstone glanced timidly up at him. "Doesn't it fit, Tom 1" she ques- tioned. "Fit ! Just look at it, will youl" he retorted, "Fit ! Hangs like a window -curtain around niy neck— pinches my wrist like a pair of handcuffs! I feel as if I were in a strait jacket"—writhing impatient- ly to and fro. "Oh, I might have known it beforehand. You haven't an idea of what the word fit means. I wish, mother, you could teach this wife of mine how to slake a decent shirt 1" "Thomas," said Mrs. Edmonstone solemnly, transfixing him with the glistening spheres of her spectacle glasses, "you are not very polite. I made that shirt." "You mother!" "Yes, I thyself. Just as I used to make shirts for yoti in the old times that you're always sighing after. I've been working at it ever since I've been in the House. Throw away the pattern, Rachel, and don't Waste any more time try- ing to make your husband's shirts," she added. "It's an economy of time and temper, as well as of money, to buy them ready-made. And as for the cooking you have been praising up so eloquently all the time I've been hero. Torn, I haven't touched a pot or a pan. It's all your wife's work. So much for imagination ! Oh, you needn't hang yon head so sheepishly; you're neither better Nor worse than most men," went on Mra. Edinoustono. "I never saw the man yet that didn't need to hear a little wholesome truth now and then. You've got the best and sweetest little wife in the world." "Mother 1" pleaded Rachel, try- ing to put her hand over the old lady's mouth, but Mrs. Edmonstone resolutely persisted : "And its my advice to you to try to treat her as she deserves," "I'm going to utelteems, t,gyretatr,t .,:,.,..:t r_,ta'tall"f'Ztii"5 v""b-u"fr 'iave Lii"pdOTi9 'you tell him Rachel. , been rather cranky of late," said We'll see whether it is Tom or the i Tom, self consciously, "now that 1 pattern that has altered." come to think of it." Once more the mischievous light ! "Cranky 1 I should think so," The Great BIooI ?iwiIijen. A Word to the People. "Truth is Mighty, and will prevail." THE remarkehlo effects and most satisfactory results, in every variety of disea,e arising frour ItuiPORITIEB OF THE BLOOD, which are experienced and made n:anieset front day to day, by those who have taken NORTHROP & LYMAN'S VEGETABLE 11I$COV'ERY, for complaint* which were pro. nounced incurable, use se, riri-ing to all. In many of these cases, the person pay their pain and eittleriege c:cunt be expressed, as in cases of Scrofula, wlere apparently the eesao bony was one nia:'s of corruption. This celebrated medicine ,' ill relieve pain, cleanse and purify the blood, and cure such diseaeos, 1esti,'m • tiro t•atieut to perfect health after trying wally remedies, and having suffered for years. le it not conalueivo proof that if yon are a sufferer you can be cured? Why is this medicine pet forming such greet ourea T It works in the BLOOD, toe Circulating Fluid. It can truly be called the. The groat source of disease originates in the BLOOD, and no medicine that does not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has any just claim upon public attention. When the blued becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from change of weather or of climate, want of exercise, irregular diet, or from any other cause, NORTHROP & LYMAN'S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY will renew the Blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. The conviction is, in the public mind as well as the medical profession, that the remedies supplied by the VEGETABLE KIN000M aro snore safe and more effec- tual in the cure of disease than mineral medicines. The Vegetable Discovery is composed of the juice of most remarkable roots, barks and herbs. It is pleaaant to take, and is perfectly safe to give an infant. Allow ire to ask you a candid ques- tion :—Do you need it ? Do not hesitate to try it. You will never regret it. All druggists have it for sale. Ma. Jolts C. Fox, Olinda, writes :—" Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery is giving good satisfrtation. Those who have used it say it has done them more good thau anything they have ever taken," IN ITS WORST FORM —Miss JI'r.IA A. Pi swonen, Toronto, writes:— " I rites:"I had Dyspepsia in its worst form fur over a year, but after taking three bottles of No• tbr•„p & Lyman s Vegetable Discovery, a perfect cure followed. I take great pleasure in r..eonnaending it to anyone Buffering from Dyspepsia." :,1;; . TirAYFit, 'Wright, P.Q , had DYSPEPSIA FOR 1 WENTY YEARS. Tried rn:my n::r.edi, s aced Iloct.•rs, but got no relief. His appetite was very poor, had a ti-aleerie.; I::rin in his side and stomach, and gradual wastiug away of flesh, when 1 e 1..;:.1 :."d inu"erii,:telt' commenced taking Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable f:f le . '1" ; I...v.. 11,,ve lrft. and be rejoiced iu the enjuyrneut of eace'.lent H w, ...LI; ;11fh. lo.,squite a. new man. EC Id by all Medicine Dealers at $1.00 per Bottle. said the old lady. "I'm sure I don't know what the world's coming to. Here's little Georgy toddling around with his wooden cart. The first you know he'll be telling his wifo about the wonderful successes his mother used to make in this, and that, and the other thing. We've all got to come to it." "And Georgy'il be right," said Tom, who, after all, had a magnani- mous streak through him. "What a crab I've been 1 Hang the home- made shirts ! I'll buy 'ern out of the store next tirno ! Kiss me, Rachel—and you, too, mother. And be sure you lot me have a dish of scalloped oysters when I come home to dinner." The oysters Ra- chel cooked. He ate his breakfast and depart- ed. And when he wasgone, young Mrs.Edtnonatone looked with shin- ing eyes at old Mra. Edmonstone. "Oh, what a nine thfug to have a mother -in law!" said she, fervently. END OF THE CAVE CASE. HISTORY OF A GREAT ENGLISH LAW- SUIT. A special cable letter to the New York Times contaiue the following account of the Cave case : In 1884 an Englishman named Gladwin Cave, while in New York collect- ing evidence, gave to a Times re• porter the first published account of a remarkable suit ho was about to bring for the recovery of the es- tates of the former Earls of New- burgh, which are worth about $10,- 000,000. In the following year Mr. Cave brought a suit, was worst- ed on technicalities, and appealed. The story involved was one of the most striking and romantic charac- ter. The states were those of Lord Derwentwater, whose tragic end in 1715 was a chief feature of the first Jacobite rising, and Cave was a lin- eal desceudant of hie. ANOTHER ASSAULT ON THE PROPERTY. He succeeded at last in getting some mouey together from specula- tive et sympathetic people, and be- gan a new suit on another tack. Through it all I saw him often, a gaunt, sad eyed man, carrying for- ever with him a black bag stuffed with papers. incapable of thinking or talking for a moment of anything else but his suit. Last winter his opponent were beaten on a techni• cat point they had raised, and law• yers of' position told me they half believed Cave was going to win his suit. The poor fellow himself was half mad with joy and confidence. Two days ago Lord Coleridge, on a motion preliminary to trial, dismiss- ed the action as frivolous and vex- atious. I shall be greatly surprised if Cavo does not go niad. MR. CAVE'S CLAIM. turned upon whether the laet Count etre of Newburgh,who died in 1853, had a right to will the Newburgh property to her husband, whose heirs now hold it. No novelist ever conceived stranger circum- stances than surrounded the death• bed of this old lady. It was alleg- ed that a codicil to the will was framed after she was dead and a pen was put between her cold fingers, which were moved to mask the sig nature, while a buzzing fly was caught on the window -pane and placed inside her mouth, so that the jvfpte.:flb,t:s.wpara.,that -life.-was In icer body.1igCave lost his appeal, was made bankrupt, and for a rite disappeared. A year or two ago he carne to the surfaco again and organ- ized. SEE MY SPONGE ? SHINE your Shoos' with WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING ONCE A WEEK ! Other days wash them c can with SPONGE AND WATER. DO AS D10 DO,TmielrZ EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorri EVERY Carriage Owner EVERY Thrifty Mechanic EVERY Body able to hold a brush sROVLD vers IK— ® O1 5.4s askrge'rer H. 7-10Y 17%. WILL STAIN OLD A NEW FURNITURE and WILL STAIN GLASS AND CHINAWARE Yarntallr WILL STAIN TINWARE at the WILL STAIN YOUR OLD BAencTs same WILL STAIN BAs• • COACH tOne,, Sold everywhere. - 1 "1 A. L. ANDERSON & 00., general agents• for Canada, 138 King St. W., Toronto, Unq ENJOY GOOD HEALTH CA.S3f 5 sarsaparilla Bitt@rs Cures every kind of Lnhealthy Rumor and Disease caused from Impurity of the Blood. PURIFY This valuable remedy cures Kidney and Liver Complaints, Pimples, Erupt ions of the Skin, Bolls, Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Sick Stomach Loss of Sleep Neuralgia, Pains in the Bones anlfi Back, Loss ot! Appetite, Languor, Female'Weak- nesses, Dizziness, General Debility, Rheumatism. YOUR It is a gentle, regulating purgativo aswell: as a-. tonic, possessing the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving C'Onge. t ion.and Chronic' Inflammation of the liver and all visceral organs. BLOOD phis valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigorous action, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease„ and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in changes of the season, of climate' and of life. Full directions with each bottle. Price 50c. and 1,00. Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by H. SpencerCase, Chem- ist and Druggist 50 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by J. H. CUMBE.• —"lite New House of Israel" he n new religious denomination which,. originated at Port Huron, and by way of making itself solid on both the seculiar and religion* sides, has fl ledertiClCRnfes',Ociatterr in thecoun- ty clerk's office. It serene to Conn: in pliucipelly of "female pillars," and its object is the restoration of ttie Iola, tribes of Israel. The lost tripes. will please report at Port Huron_ A POINTER thst would guide, uuenirlgly, into rho haven of health, all that are on the troubled sea of imperiled weininhood! It is nothing 100e, our could be no,hing more, than Dr. Pitaco's Favorite- Preecriohm —frail female's faultless. friend--timetried and Ihoreughly tested. Internal ?off Immations, irregularities, drapleeewrute, sad all rll•uonditivae peculiar to women, a eut•ellrrt, corrected and cured, without pnb:icily, by this safe, sterling eprcifie. Purely vegetable. Only good can come !from its use, 1'he only remedy of the warranted to Rive• satisfaction, or money refunded. --Iufluenza is epidemic in Hull, Eor'.. len 1. Tine death rate has reached 46 per 1,000, flnsinevs of all kinds is re• ti?dti i lay the nE,ie of employees. CONSTIPATION CLAIMS many vic- tims. til aryl otf this dread d,sease I,y the Hao Lf timzll Snger•Ceaterl Burdoek Pelle when needed. . n