HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-29, Page 45
tf). $4111114 4 ng StAelt thought ver 4 volvpzao I4VIVR7eirrOlf.
Miran AtOW84000n1 entured the heed of a single ittd•i-
0404 excePt tbo Pnantocl. one of We have Bavaria times galled at-
at,seelfeers-$1.25 la Aftvittive the person who penned those kinee."
tention to the many it Lreoloue crimes
New Mark or cotettesdiver-
perpetrated by old country lads
WelittValcUtY, 9th, 1$91, Renee front correot journalism in
such words o "pure Meanness, -
shipped to this country, and the
necessity for checking the iudiscrim•
"esseuce of meanness," "pollated, inate ernpleying of such. As a rule
From he eporof a FarmersIn-
pereon who pennued Oleo lino"
the children are the offapring of
trt ' d tdin
etitute recently held in the State of Anis eparture from truth the very worst closets of eociety,.
Raying "no Conservative ever con- and the bad blood bred iu them
New'Yerk it appears that the farm- "°
such an unmanly thing,"
ere of that and other States are bad• breaks out very °inn), and makes
ly handicapped by (sheep Chicago when the NEwe Reoottri did not
!mem a terror to the community in
beef. In Buffalo end other markets 813' a C"Bervittive either eufireted which they reside. The following
ur ettempted "such au untnanly
western beef ouly" olio for four is the latest "freak" of one of these
thiug," as will easily be seen. "Horne" lads.
cents per pound by the quarter
One farmer declared hat °elves
To set our uotem right we last About a year and a half ago Mr.
could not beiold iu New York week stated :— Wm. Dow, of the 6th concesaiou of
"We will, however, state that the Hibbert, hired a young lad who
State for what they cost, aud that egg remark arose in this way. After was Bout out from England by oue
they were all killed young because the meetings number of men were of:the Emigration Homes to Canada.
veal did not pay. Ls Net it was the talking outside the hall of the He worked with him uutil last fall,
many misstatements made by Mr. when he teceived employment, from
consensus of opinion of this assem- Ross. One said his talk about Cana-
bly ut farmers that feeding stook diens getting ten cents less a dozen a ueighbor. Although apparently
frieudly towards his form -
for their eggs on account of the Mc -
was not profitable, aud seals ruar•
Kinley bill was all "rot." They �r employer, lie had a jeep rooted
kets as Buffalo offered no strong in- were a mixed crowd, and one man spite agaius: him and was deter-
ducement uwiug to the cheap beef spoke up, presumably a Reforraeri miued to have teveugs. Betvieen
and pork of tho west. With regard so our informant is of the opinion, two and three u'eleck Wedues•
and said, "I suppose you Tories would
day morning lie ent,eed the house
to raising horses, a Mr. Converse like to rot hen egg -him," Mr. Rose,
of Mr. Dow, armed with a heavy
"as you have done others." Our in•
said the average price o theme animals club. Finding evelything quiet he
ferment paid no attention to who
through the the United States was the speakers were, but- the tenor of lit a lamp, threw off his bat and
ouly $Th. Cul. Curtis, a well the rot hen egg remark indicates it coat aud stealthily walked into the
came from a Grit. sleepiug man's bedroom, and dealt.
known writer and agriculturist,
suggested that treinedy this there Our cotetn as usual resorts to two treacherous blows, one on the
eye, aud the other across the arms
billingegate and personal abuse in
was a demand for horses weighing , and body. Mrs. Dow, ho was
reply to this extract, the contents
1,400 poutels for the armies of Eur- with her husband, jumped upright
ope, at good paying pric; and of which are absule ely true. It in bed, when she also received a
that thy (the Americans) should uses such terms a, aliciuus and ,rap with the club, but tvhich the
contemptible," "it le a falsehood wretch afterwards admitted was ac•
cater fur that market. In this view cidental. Being foiled in his game
of the cite*, is the Ainericau market
pure and simple" "emanates from a
of murder, he hastily loft the house
debased and dkordered brain"
and fired the barn, whieh Was one
so easeutial fur the Canadian farm.
"putrid trash," Now what justifi- of the boat in the township. It was
er as we are asked to believe by
catiun had our cousin for using such burned to the :grouud, together
those whu have boon babbling com• with a lot of grain, hay aud agricul
vile language es we hove quoted, iu
martial reciprocity 1 It is plain the
commenting on our explanation tural implemente, entailing a loss
the Aigerictof about $1700. News of the fel-
u home market for hors.
None. Whet evidence adduce 1
low's depredations was brought to
es is limited or they would not be
None. Can we do ought but terse• Mitchell some few hours later when
looking to E irupe for one. Ths
ly and in good Anglo Saxon say Constable Farrow almost inimedi-
United States is not our best market, ately went out, to Fullerton and ar-
tier cotern deliberately lies in the
as thia plai a I y show. All aroundreated the lati at the residence of
I There is uo use bandy -
the Can re farmer gets a higher Mr- Junes 0. Cole. At three
•ing words with
ono whose disregard o'clock ho appeared le. fore l‘lagis
price fur his prodece hen the
for tiuth and honest jonrnalistu is trate Flagg, and c ,uv and deliber-
American farmer either East or
nppareut.so Thou it. adds to its ately admitted that r. Dow had
West ; and if this be the case,ing :—"No Conservative sa
lies by ynever done hint any harm, but
wherein would the farmer he profit- held that he was owitig 1 U it email
ever proposed or thought of doing balance of wages, whit t he ranged
ed b ?
as the News-Recortn stated." In to pay. This Mr. Dow, however,
this sentedce the idea is to convey denied. He was committed to the
county jail, to await sentence.
the impreseion that the News -
The boy is said to he 17 years of
REconn said it was a Conservative
who remarked :—"I suppose you
Tories would like to rothen egg
him," Mr. Ross "as you have done
others." We said on the contrary :
write tenor uf the rot hen egg re-
work indicates it came from a
Grit." We are quite content to
leave our readers to determine
where the meanness comes in, who
used billingagate, personal abuse etc.
would love allowed the pubMationoordin,z, to reporte. It is said that
in his paper," cle, the cost of freight en cattle from
Is there not, the itrupleet proof in Wont
reel to Britain la JjIy tQ be
our reprinted italiciaed remarke that be from $6 to $8 lower duriug the
dur cetera audeeioutelyettetnptstoper-
early part of the owner than it was
vert the truth when it eays"Any one
readingTrigNnwe-Rzoonn'sromarke last year.
would conclude that the statement.
complained of were made by us per -
!lousily." Any one reading our refer-
ence to the Beatty--Holinea tate
.and our cotem's remarks will read-
ily see that the Editor of the New
Era in this aa in many other cases
prefers to lie. We could have
referred not only the guilt of the
character assassin, but we could
have referred to the belief existing
moue the neighbors that the un-
justifiable and fiendish libel, signed
by the Editor of the New Era as
"One Who Kuows," was the im-
mediate cause of the death of Mrs.
Beatty. The poor sensitive wife,
whose womanly heart believed in
the iunoceuoo of her husband, gave
way under the strain °aimed by the
cireulatiou of the shocking libel
and she was cut off preturtursly,
iu the prime of womanhood, a few
days after the appearance of the
disgraceful statements in our con-
tetnporary. But, we did not desire
to show any vindictiveness and only
passingly refer to the matter now
as a warning to those who feel like
rushing into print to gratify pei.
sonal spleen. We shall now leave
him to chew the bitter cud of reflsc-
tion aud hope he will resolve not
to eschew, in dealing with poli•
tics and his fellow men, principlee
which he preaches as right in reli•
The NEws-REconn has always
been remarkable for the high stan-
dard of its editorial toile and its
eschewing of personal attacks upon
conductorof other journals or any
individual whatever. We have
Dover attacked the personnel of
ocher newspapers, and when cont•
pelled to s defend ourselves from
unprovoked assaults upon tie loy
others have done so very unwil-
lingly and uot so often AS many of
our friends have urged us to do.
It is not palatable to us and not
?difying to our readers to pander The principle of reciprocity is,
to a morbid desire to encourage ale that, where advantages are granted
washiug of soiled editorial linen in advantages Hindi le given. Under
public, even though Weir's "Ideal the reciprocity treaty now in force
Washer," should be obtainable to Brazil will admit certain Amari -
do the business. Our town cun- can goods free iu return for free
temporary has not been so regard- admission of its coffee, sugar,
ful of the amenities of journalists mo]asses, and hides. The articles
and has often introduced persoual to be admitted free by Brazil com-
abuse to make up fur its lack of prise wheat, flour, corn and its
arg,ameut and facto. Ita abusive mantifdctures, including starch, rye,
style is but oue of the many proofs rye flour, buckwheat, in grain or
that unprincipled persons are meet flour, barley, potatoes, hay, oats,
violent, againat those whom they pork, bacon, cotton seed oil, coal,
cannot refute in fair argument. rosin, tar, turpentine, dried or
Week before last we published salted fish, agricultural implements,
this :— mining and mechanical tools, sta-
The Toronto Telegram advises tionery, portable enginee, and
James L. Hughes,Public School In- articles for railway constriction.
Spector of that village, "to quit work
in which his whole heart should be Other articles, including hams,
and go hunting eggs." If J. L. adopts lard, butter, cheese, and freah fish,
the advice of the Telegram let him
aro to bo admitted to Brazil at 5
• come to Clinton', where he ,will find
eggs as is eggs—eggs weighing a per cent lower duties than formerly
quarter of a pound each—eggs quite were levied. The purpose is
different, too, from the very highly
scented one which Hon. Minister of
obvious. It is not free trade, but ex -
Education, G. Washington Ross, was chauge of adventlges. The U. S. will
very nearly made acqnainted with,
admit free certain Brazilian articles
when in a two hours' diatribe of
political 'misrepresentation on the which they do not produce at all, or
platform in Clinton, during the !es in quantities insufficient for their
, cent Deminiou election, he degraded
the office he holds and posed tor the use; Brazil will admit like goods
education of the youth of (his °mins of U. S. growth or make. Neither
try as an unconecionable demagogue
couutry will admit free or at low
of the first water.
duties what it can produce in large
It will be noticed that in the
preceding extract there is neither quantities for itenlf. We have
hero the American view of reel -
direct or indirect allusion to our
procity. They want a market for
contemporary, personal or news -
their inaunfactures and agricultural
However, in that remarkable
products. Free trade in farm pro-
ducts with the United States would
: • . spirit of perversion which is so
injure Canadian farmers, because
characteristic of it it indites the
the Americans have a much greater
following :—
quantity than they can consume at
"The foregoing is from this week's
News -Record. If anything Cart trans home. It is folly to assert that the
scend it in pure meanness, we would United States is the market for the
like to see it. Did our Conservative
friends ever see anything like iticon-
Canadian farmer, when as in the
eerning a Conservative speaker who case of Brazil they make large trade
ever visited this town, in these concessions in other lines in order
columns. Besides being ot the very_,
. ate libel upon the Conseryatives of surplus of wheat, flour, hay, oats,
the town. We doubt if one in their s
°army, potatoes, butter, cheese,
ranks ever contemplated doing suchbarley,
an unmanly thing, and we venture hams, lard, etc.
Mossback Mowat is a dandy. What
he lecke in progressive etateentan-
ship he mak.ee, up in ways that are
sharp and trickthat keep him in
power. One of his latest tricks is
to grant a license for a li-
quor shop in Orillia though theta
ie a by law of that town providing that
shop licenses should not be 68%10,1.
But theapplioant,so one of the com-
missioners say, "cuutrols the Cath-
olic vote in his section," and so the
good Christian Dieu had to help the
°nese of temperatice by granting a
liquor liceuse agaiust the wishes
and by-law of thetown. Then,since
the Conservatives of Chatham have
entered a protest against Alex
CUM pbell's seat, Mr. Mowat has ear,
ried out a threat previously made
by taking away the licenses from Five
good hotels, and the only firer, class
shops in that town, alt being held
before by Conservatives. Of course
this is all right according to Grit
political ethics. But it is all
wrong according to the ethics of
British fair play. Eveu the cor-
ruption fund received by Mr.Mw-
it's frieuda was defended hv a inetn•
bei of' his Ministry saying they had
a perfect right to receive ceetribt -
tions from license holders, forced
under threat of losing their license.
There was a nouvention last week
The Hon. John Carling has been
of those interested in mining in Al -
called to the Senate temporarily. They took a stand againat
all l'roviticial royalties or rents,and
The gentleman will retain the posi•
tion of Nliniater of Agriculture. yet expect a large outlay of Proviu-
Not ouly has Sir John A. Mac- tuouey to ilovclop the mines Mr.
.donald confidence in M. Carling, Mowat should be careful. Our
but thpeople of Outariu have. timber, which is the chief Provincial
His name la 11 synoymn for "the asset so far, is fast disappearing
farmers friend." Ile may not be a Our 11 ick el , copper and other mines
hrilliant till take a longer time to exhaust.
mau, but he is a pluddiug
'Die mines should to some extent be
worker, with that true British
held for the benefit of Ile whole
pluck and intelligence, which has
province. Prospector's should be
illuminated the pages of Colonial
liberally dealt with, but royalties
progreas. And no close of people should be insisted ..upon. The
has been more prominent in that mines in the whole iniuing territory
progress than tho sons of Devon- should be exempt from purchase
shire, except it may be the Scotch- when the laud is bought lor faint
Irish or descendants, of the North ing purposes. Regular ruining
laws should he framed partly on
of Ireland. Why the local exigen- the basis of California or Austral -
cies of London should have result- iau ruining Iowa. No charge should
ed in Mr. Carling's defeat is in- be made fora mining"clairebeyond
Last week we referred to our con- comprehensible. When Mr. Cam- a recording fee. The extent of a
temporary as being a discredited eron shall have been unseated for "claim" should be defined and any
witnees where reliability of- pub- West Huron, a foregone conclusion, one who would pay a recording fee
we do not believe there is a local and do a proportionate amouut of
Belied newspaper statements was at aspirant but would welcome Mr, work should be entitled to it so
iseue. We referred to the recent cue Carling as a caudidate for West long as it was worked. 20 or 5(1
of Beatty vi. Holmes at the Assizes
Huron,Goderich and that he would be elected men could locate claims and form n
there cannot be a doubt of. company for economical working of
mulcted iu $1 damages it full Rome. No man or met) should he
costs (probably amounting to $500 allowed to hold a claim or claims
or $600) fur libeling the plaintiff. Our local cotem don't thiuk very for purely speculative purposes. If
Our abominably prevaricating and much of NEws-REcoaD editorials. a certain amount of work was not
distorting totem iu the face of whatperformed on it in a given time it
we actually did say pens such fear- We are much pleased to observe
should lapse to the Crown. Tii the
ful lies as :— this. We should be more than.
mining distrlicts in California net.
'Anyone reading them would cons sorry, we should be grieved to know Om for agricultural purposes settle
elude that these statementscomplain that it did. We 'have about three there subject to entry of miners for
whilst the fat is, as was well known to thourIlind readers whose intelligence mining purposes. There is no soy
of were made by Ile personally,
theNevve-Record and others,that those and impartiality we value much alty there, but there should be hera.
statements were contained in a letter more than that of the debasing It need not be onerous, but if the
written to this paper. The Editor of mines amount to much the revenue
the News Record knew the truth,but falsifier whose spite aud spleen would in time amount to consider
as usual, preferred a lie. Upon that we much prefer to his good will. able to the province without prov-
gate fashion to express himself. member of Parliament, under ing a hardship to the miners. The
lie he proceeds in hos usual billings-. A
What kind of a heart. and brain a date of April 20,tvrites us enclosing principle of royalty on the product
of the mines is precisely the same
man eau have who can write as he renewal subscription. Among the
as royalty or stumpage on timber.
doee,we must leave to conjeoture.
accompanying remarks are : "I
Words that would be proper to
qualify thetn we do not care to print." must tender you my appreciation of Some one has asked what has the
Now our cotetn knew he was ly- your editorial woik and ability, and Liberal -Conservative party done in
ing again when he wrote the tore- your paper is one of the few weeklies this country that it continues to re•
ceding lines. Here is what we whose articles are couched in pure oeive the support of a large
said : English laden with the best Con- majority of the people. It has
Our town contemporary wants to findservative thought
nation. It is form -
some statement that can transcend and patriotism, ea
in pure meanness a paragraph that and argument sustained by the cerdotd
Liberals aud Colmar -
appeared in The NEWS RECORD anent statistics of our owu and other vatives who foreaw that if this eoun•
Hon. George Washington Ross.
Well, we hall not have far to go to countries. Though not interested try was ever to be anything the Pro,
find it, and to • find it proven in a in your local affairs, I should judge vinces should Le united. In order
court of law Our unscrupulous critic that you cater for your coustituency to preserve what eminent men of
published in the New Era a statement
to the effect that a gentleman in this in that line very creditably. I do both parties created it has lopped
mostlheinous offences known to oivil-MARKET REPORTS.
vicinity was charged with one of the not take your paper as a favor to off tho hydra heads of rebellion, ,.
ized society. And our contemporary you but for the benefit 1 get from
auti•trane-continentalisin, unsound (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
was/mind guilty of uttering the libel its enlightened advocacy of the in -
finance and free trade. It has Flour CLINTON.
by a jury of twelve good and true tereets of our country, and every fostered a belief in a strong and $6 03 to 6 00
guilty' by a jury of his peers, of pub- Liberal Conservative it. the county self•supporting nation by protecting Spring Wheat 1 07 to 1 10
men. Now that be has been found Fall Wheat,
lishing lies it conies with very bad shoulcl be on your list." it own industries and raising se 1 05 to 1 08
grace trom Biro to "venture to We much revenue as possible from for- Bpaeralsey .. C3 5500 too 00 5550
true. He is a discredited witness, Shippers of Canadian cattle will public works and other schemes of
It has es- Butter
°A.aptpsies,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 50
Potatoes • 0 75 to 0 76
hrm" that our statements were not eigners to help to pay for the great
verdict of twelve sworn men tojusti- pecially helped the farmer, done Eggs 0 40 to 0 60
one whose mind is reeking with foul
thoughts of others would have allowed ships between Canada and England the greatest possible good for the
greatest number. There are prob- Cordwood
.. 0 13 to 0 15
0 9 to 0 11
5 00 to 7 00
3 00 to 4 00
and we venture to nffirm, with the he pleased to learn that Plimsoll's National development.
fy our affirmation, that no one but charges of cruelty to animals on
the publication in his paper of one of the have been totally disproved. It is ably a million workers on farms in 0 00 to 0 00
shown that cattle shipped to Eng' in Canada. It cannot be truthfully
most suggestively libidinous charges 0 20 to 0 20
of formulating, and then acknows bettor off than ha was twenty-five Fall Wheat (1
(1 12 to 11 14
5 00 to 5 25
that the English language is capable land from Ireland cannot comrare said ilea the farmer of to -day is not
ledge in court that, he did nc,t know at all, in condition on arriving,with
yeare ago. He has the splendid Spring Wheat
anything about the truth or falsity those from Canada notwithstanding 1 03 to 1 04
It will be aeon that our coteiat in ages. The better condition of Can- ploughs,he has perfected maohiuery 0 91 to .0 91
1 11 to 1 13
of what he was publishing 1 harvester instead of the old time sic- Wheat, red winter
the disparity in the length of voy- kle, he has the vastly improved Wheat, goose
its reference to our remarks concern• 0 54 to 0 56
ing the Beatty—Hohnee suit is adian cattle is owing to their being for doing what could only be done
by hard manual labor a generation . 0 58 to 0 60
tel-ing false statements. are also provided with cleats to pre.
which to ship the produce he form Straw
Hay . 0 86 to 0 88
0 75 to 0 78
again o discredited witness by ut- stalled on board the ateamers which
ago, he has railroads at hand over Peas
We stated, as will be seen above, vent the animals from slipping and erly bad to haul a day's journey in Dressed Hog.s..... 10 CO to 16 00
7 60 to 9 50
5 25 to 6 00
Ji8/16141"11*-"Nelr'Erall1"115 fOund on the smaller steamers con-
atatements—"Our cotem was found eating his children, and increased ea,. fere......,..................4 -5.010 _
Beef, hind
Veal 6 50 to '7 50
that "Our unscrupilloits critic pub• straining. These thi,9gs are Apt awt pr eteigb,..en,c1,1m... helias--ines-
timately greater facilities for edu-
guilty of uttering (which means cir- veying Irish cattle. Canadian cat -
opportunities for self -culture. All Mutton 6 00 to 7 00
culating,the same as uttering bogus ale should bring bettor prices in this has been brought about by or 0 12 to 0 13
R 00 to 10 00
money) the libel"—"No one England this spring than last tie- under Conservative rule. EBuggtteer
Potatoes, pet bag . 1 00 to 1 10
. 0 14 to 006
AND 19(
liypophoapbites of Limo and Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take. °
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of all imitations. Ask for
"the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse
all others.
Wall PapariPaillt 8hop
—(2 —
Merlon and Canadian
Wall Papers
WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent
rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex-
perienee just ifi me M saying that all wanting to
decorate their hooses imide or paint them out-
side will find it to their advantage to •.ive xim a
X.EriShop, south of 0' i ver Johnston's blacksmith
shop,si1enae,a1 directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's
Practical Paper Hanger and Painter
Wagon Shop and Business for
Sale or Rent.
A SPLENDID OPENING.—For sale or rent,
the carriage shop and business in the Village if
Winthrop. at present owned and occupied by the
undersigtil. shop in frame with a comfort.
tilde ilwelliiar house attached. There is also a
got cider mill and D. table, There 19 008 fifth
of an acre of land. A gond business is being done
and there is a blacksmith shop in connection
close by. This property •and business will be
sold or rented rhoap i the proprietor has had
to retire on account of ill -health. A steady,
push0 eec do a good business and make
money. Address Winthrop P. 0., or apply on
the premises to WM, HORSEY. 65`2-61
Superior workmanship. The very best material.
10011 work unsurpameed. First-class boggles a
specialty. Prices to suit the thnea. Repairing
and repainting promptly attended to
Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
Pump Factory and House.
The rinderaigned offers fur sale or rent, in the
town of Clinton, an old estabished Pump Factory
witil horse power nt ll tool -s in uonnectiou
with pump making.
Also nom of horses, two spring wagons, buggy,
cutter, bobsleighs, harness and everything tame-
sary fur carrying on a profitable business. The
bnainess has been esta`illi,hed Sfi yeani Reason
for selling, the proprietor hail business in the
must which requires hie attention.
Aleo a Dwelling Howie in good repair, with 10
rooms, hard and soft weer, good outbuildings,
driving shed, stable, elm, Good cellar in which
can b. stored pump logs.
Will be sold or rented ou favorable terms.
Apply to
Clinton, Ont
. , •