The Huron News-Record, 1891-04-29, Page 2The Huron News -Record g1.5O 4 Year—il.2k In Advance, Wedues..day April 29th, 1891. THE HORSE. WHY THAT ANIMAL WAS DRIVEN BE• FORE IT WAS RIDDEN. Canon Taylor, in that most iu- tereetiug book, "The Origin of the Aryans," has raised once more a question which bas ufteu attracted the attention of scholars, especially those interested in the Homeric poems, says the Acadetny. Why is it that the earliest records of the Greeks, Egyptians. Aasyriana, In diane, and Celts we find the horses used for drawing chariots, but not yet for ridiug l Canon "Taylor remarks : "It is curious to nolICO at how Tate a period nen first ventured to mount 'the swift one ;' " and he goes OR to arty dirt- there le nothing the "Rig Veda" to Hhow that the art of riding was pi:tuc ced,end that our first untrue of it is in the "Zend Avesta." The Homeric Greeks ern ployed the hurse almost exclusively for the chariot, ridiug being only alluded to in some two or three isolated passages, as when Odysseus and Diomedes rode to the ships the horses of Rhesus which they had captured. This, however, shows that it was hardly from rear that the Greeks ,lid not hahitually ride instead of drive their steeds. The same remark applies to the ancient Britons, %vlho, according to the aucient accounts, performed wonder- ful fats of agility in ruoniug out and standing opus the pule of the chariot. The true solution may prohtbly be this : The primitive horse that ranged over the plaius of Europe and Asia was too small when he was first dontesticated to carry a man for any great time or distance on his back. This, of course, would ren- der him hectically useless for war• fare Th, re is ample ;evidence to prove to tt the primitive wild horse was of veru diminutive size. Pro- bably of ail his descendants the ,Shetland pony is his host represent- ative C inuu Taylor says (speak- ing of 1he enormous deposit of their hones found at Solutre, near Macon, which contains from twenty thousand to forty thousand skele- tons): A JEALOUS ITALIAN PLAYS HAVOC WITH HIS STILETTO. Early on the morning of April 20 Angelo Gabotb, of New York, murdered his tuother•in•iaw, don gerously stabbed his father-in-law, aid was slain by Conoquito Chin- ohella, aged eighteen, a eon of the. murdered woman. A geneaal melee follow, in whioh Gaboth's wife and her brother received stab wounds. The row occurred at 196 Grand street. The house is a tenement. Gaboth and his wife, who is the daughter of Chinohella, were visit- ing the Chiuchellas, were visiting the Chinohellas. Gaboth is a worthless fellow. It !is believed he visited the Chinohellas for the purpose of robbing his father-in-law and obtaining a certain sum of money whioh he knew him to po8sees. MIDNIGHT MURDERS. Last night Mrs. Gaboth slept with her mother. Gaboth himself slept in the same bed with his fa,hor•iu—law. In another room the sous ofehinchetle, nalued Cono- quito and Anselmo, had retired for the night. About 12:30 this morn- ing, when all wore soundly sleep- ing, Gabuth, armed with n stiletto, arose from the bed, and noise- lessly glided into his mother-iu- law's room. Leaning over the sleeping woman, he plunged the weapon into her abdomen, and then with a semicircular sweep of the weapon almost disembowelled her. The woman uttered a shriek, and died almost instantly. Her cry partly aroused her husband, but not heariug it repented ho thought noth- ing further of it, and soon fell asleep again. Gaboth's w?fe, who was sleeping with her mother, made no sound, but remained perfectly still. The blood from her mother's horrible wound literally covered her, but still she did not stir. There is no doubt but that she was •well aware of what her husband was doing, and it looks as if she was a party to the plot to murder her relatives. "This primitive horse was a diminutive animal, not much larger than an ass, standing about thirteen hands high, the largest epocimone not exceeding fourteen hands. But the head was of disproportion- ate size, and the teeth were very powerful. He resembled the tar - pan or wild horse of the Caspian steppes." Even long after he had been d smesticated lie remained very small, as is proved by the bits made of bronze and staghorn which have been found at Moringen and Aver nier•, which belong to the latest bronze age. "These bits are only three and one half inches wide, and could now lie hardly used for a child's pony." THE DEATH STRUGGLE. Gaboth, after killing hie mother- in-law, returned to the room in which his father iu-law slept. In a moment he thrust the stiletto,st ill reeking with the blcod of Mrs. Chiuchella, in the neck of her bus• baud. He evidently meant to end the old luau's lite with one blow. His aim was bad and he missed the vital spot, but the knife made a ragged wound in Chinchella's throat. The wounded man gave a shriek, which awakened hia sun Conoquito. He spraug from his bed'and rushed into his father's room. He was met by Gaboth with the stiletto drip ping with blood in his uplifted hand, Conoquito was also artned with a stiletto. Gaboth struck a vicious blow at the son, which the latter dodged. A fight to the death followed. Up and down the two men fought each trying to carve the life (At of the other. Gaboth's wife hearing the struggle ran from her room and threw her• self between the combatants. In this she received two slight stab wounds. Young Chinchella was further enraged at the sight of his sister covered with blood, and pressed his antagonist harder. Anselmo Chinohella took a hand in the affray at this point and dragged his sister away insisting that the two rues be left to fight it out. rhe fight then went on unmolested. Young Chinchella proved the etsonger and more active. He made a foiut at antagonist, and a moment later drove the stiletto into his left eve and into the brain. As Gaboth was falling young Chinchella drew out the weapon and quickly plung- it in Gaboth's loft aide, piercing the heart. Gaboth's wife, realizing that her husband had been killed, gave vent to a succession of screams. The neighbors were aroused and broke into the apartments of the Chinchollas. The Chinohella boys then told the story of Gaboth's crime and of the slaying of Gaboth by one of them. Conoquito said : "I killed this man." He then put on his hat and proceeded to the police station, where he gave him• self up. Old Chinchella was re moved to the hospital. It is not thought that Ile will survive. 4 11<4NA>iQ11,E GIRL , 2t "u thin!; of beauty and a joy forever but where the chorine of yauthfnl health, the rosy tips, and pearly teeth, ore ao- eompsnted by the breath of catarrh 1 Why it ivtime that the maideu bought Ularlee Catarrh Cure, price lifcy emote This woul 1 ours the uatarrb at once, a1411 save her tummies if not her life. No oth- er remedy Ito easy and pleasant to take, and nothing else so sure. There is uo ex- euse fur an offensive breath when it can be avoided and prevented so easily and pleasantly. Bashful ladies may scud the pricy dir•ot to Clark enemies' Co., Ter - onto, New Yu, k. —Solotnori"Parker, of Tileonburg, has been committed for trial on the awful charge of committing rape on the persons of his own daughter, Victoria Parker. The offense is al. leged to have been committed itf May, 1887, and it is alleged that he has maintained an inploper and un- natural relationship with her since. The daughter. who is the chief wit- ness, was also sent to jail, not being able to furuish security for her tip 'poaranee when called upon. Let -us now turn to Hei•odotus, where, speaking 3f tho unknown regions to the north of the Danube, he says that the only people he can learn of as inhabiting the region are called Sigynunae, who wear the costurue of the Medea, and whose horses are shaggy all over the body, being covered with hair to a depth of five fingers, and are small and flat nosed and incapable of carrying men, but when yoked under chariots they are very swift, and that the natives accordingly drive chariots. This description of the external appearance of the little horses of the Sigvannae of central Europe agrees very wall with that of the sketches found near Macon. The simous shape of the head tallies well with the ugly shaped skull and "owerfttl jaws of the bone de- posits. We can hardly doubt that we have here primitive horses such as those whose diminutive bits have been found in the later lake dwell- ings of Switzerland. It seems to me then that the reason Herodotus here assigns for the fact that this tribe of central Europe drove their horses instead of riding them is the true explanation why all early peoples alike employed the horse for driving long before they ever habitually practiced riding. It was .'nly after generations of domestica- tion that, under careful feeding and breeding, the horse became of sufficient size to carry a man on his back with ease. That size was held to be ofreat importance by the Homeric Greeks is proved by Iliad X, 436. "Daspiie not the day of email thiugs," as the tiny p1!1 ( *ken from a vial of Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets) said to the 300 punsl man. euffering fr tm in• digestion As a Retitle, thorough laxa- tive, these Pu,le.te resembled Nature more clonely in their actino than any- thing before discovered. Business and �:. , rrK�.�, r-.{vfuf.Tee'tatt�+l»ttctn.ayitrrNQ11iG,@_ aT sedentary, need something of this kin to ward off emir headache, biliousness and dyspepsia, but which will not strain and rack the disg•'stive organs as did the old-fashioned pills, 25 cents per vial, at all druggists. IN BED --OUT OF BED. If 'here is .ny rain moire excruciating th .n er.iatioa, it is yet to be f,.und, and loch must have n. -ea th., experience of ,1r 0. 0 Ri.n ,u", who wri ea from Lew. villi, N. Y., U. S. A., I''.bruary 2, 11-89, end says : "1 Dull' rad six menthe with sciatica in the hip. w.ts ,,ntiuod to b•md three to eiths, tiled cr,t-ehes s,x weeks. I need three bottles of St. J+cab's Oi and wan cnre.t. hi the had n.. it -turn of pain in four years. • —Peter Miller, of Winohatu sou of James Miller, was fooling with a revolver when it discharged, the ball entering the breast of his bro- ther \William, penetrating tho akin just below the nipple, ttudi taking a downward ' coulee for about two inches. The revolver was an old one, and it is thought the bullet that entered the young man's side must have come from the breech tu- stead of the Muzzle, as there were three chambers emptied and there were only two" reports. The ball struck the buckle of his suspender, which broke its force, and thus the young mien's life was saved, doubt. Peter Miller's hand also in,jnretl. Bermuda. Bottled. "You must go to Bermuda. X1 you do not 'I( will not be reopens'. ble for the consequences; • ' But, deafer, I eau mord neither the URIC Mair the menet." 'Well, ii 11 that is h iosslbic, try SCOTT'S ULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER. OIL. 1 solrtctlules call It Bermuda Bet.andsledandmany eases of CON rlt PTIO 8rt�£�claitis, (Ymie h or Severe Cold I lave MUMttlth St• and the advantage is that the nto,t sensi- tive stomach ecu take It. Another t. thing wit's commends It is the stimulating properties of the By. pophosnhires which It contains. wen will find It for sale at your Urnogisr's, in Salmon wrapper. Ile sure you get the genuine. scOTT .� BOWEE, Belleville. ADvtcs To MoTusts.—Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Buffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reg slates the Stomach and Bowels, curls Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Wioslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription ofuoe of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," andttake no ther kind. THE MOST AGREEABLE restora- tive , tonic and mild etiu"t'ant is Mil- l -urn's Beef, Iron and Wine. ARE BLONDES EXTINCT'. Mr. Frauk Hudson, who claims to have coigiunaly raised this quee- ns thou to its discussion. According W11to Mr. Iludsou, Hs in the answer to the familiar riddle, '•it ell de - `.1t appeals," lie Rays, "that some penile on the liver":— :� A\I1'UlE A 0131 A minio.e a aa, i1'vt,t.• i to taking a dove of Bu •1 ek talo .d lii-ters will euro any c tse f e 11 is tin:,, sly• pr p.aia, bi!- inusue-s, ,,r .,.,r1 1)1,-o!, e', t may save many .Iolio. s of Ina.. ligate is notaiug bett r than 11 B 11. A' RUSH OF INDIIG1- 1AN'TS. "Look Rho in the face 1 illy name is 'Might hay. -been 1' I am also c•b'xi `No-more,"'Too-late' 'Farewell!'" The poet who wrote the above, must have been in the last stages of consump lion. Perhaps he had only learned, for the fleet tune, that if had taken D,'. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in his earlier i limes, he would never have reaohed his present hopeless oondilon What con be more sad than a keen realiz.tion of what ",night have been 1 Physicians now adroit that consump- tion simply sorofula in the blood attack• ing the lung -tissues. 11 is never safe to allow the blood to remain impure, and it is especially reckless, when such a plee- naet, harmless remedy as Dr. Pierce's G Aden Medical Discoveiy wig drive every taint of scrofula or imps ity from the eye'em, oauateg a current of healthy, rejuvenating blood to leap through the veins. The immigrant seasou has open- ed with a rush. Over the Cana- dian Pacific the tnorniug of April 21 about three hundred immigrants, from all nations arrived at Montre- al from Halifax—Gerwans, Pules, Swedes; a substantial element of, John Bull; the canny.,Scot from the heather hills; and Paddy frutn the "Gove of Cork," fresh from kissing the blarney stone. An old tnixturo— s bleed of saner kraut, haggis, and the laughing "Murphy" with his ,jacketon Healthy strapping fellows; the German with legs like solid iron pillars; John Bull with his hands in his, pockets, and a supercilious look in his eye, and Paddy with something of wistfulness getting the better of that native humor which, when Pandora drops the modest gift of employment and food and lodging out of her box, will mid something to the pontic and exhil- arating forces of this big new coun- try. 'They were all gathered together in the large waiting rooms, united in a common] brotherhood by—a cup of steaming tea ! . There Was a little German child very ill, and its poor mother was in sore distress about it. Station- master Elliott sent for Dr. Gird wood,who decided that the illness was diphtheria. So mother and child were sent, by order of H'ir. Elliott, to the General Hospital to he taken Care of. Of the barty 110 wero hound for Vancouver; 113 for the "Soo"; 30 for Ontario; and 13 for the city. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE Given Away With Baking Powder, Best Offer Yet 0 " See the Haiit'some Organ, now on exhibition. gity 0 N. ROBSON. CLINTON. 5TfllitEs THE.'OOT OF THE, a1SEAsr Is need both Internally m 4 externally. It acts quickly, affording. !moat Instant relief from the sever 1st pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. I�ISTATiTAlEOUS I�1 ITS ACTIOV. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, stud all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints Its effect 13 magical. It cares 1n a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 260. A BOTTLE* 4a' Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. gentleman Is now 011 tote' with the object of discovering how many fair -headed people are at present above ground. Now, Sir, sumo two years ago a buok from the pen of your humble servant saw the light, which was quietly boycotted by the entire press, with cue or two exceptions, the Pall Mall amongst the number. The book was en- titled 'A Very Mad World.' Cur- ious to relate, many of those papers which boycotted it have since thea published various articles dealing with subjects treated of in said book, in the same style spirit in which I have dealt with them myself, Such odd coincidences will occur. Well, in this poor boycotteN thing, 1 endeavoured to show that twenty. short years ago blonde -haired men and especially women, strewed the streets of Loudon. Thick as autumnal leaves that straw the - Brooke in Valletnbrosa and that now fair hair, unless dyed, is as rare as the chough and dodo. This thought must have bosuns float- ing in the air, for within the past two years I have read a number of ..rticlee—all so like mine in var- ious papers. And now learned noodles have taken to study the subject. As if it required any study 1 Even unlearned people, like myself, know that the children playing round the cradle of our race were all fair. The ancient Jews—even they—were almost to a roan fair-haired. The old Greeks and Romans, sprung from the gods, were sunny -haired, as were also the old Venetians, as Ruskin tells us. Why have all these people chang- ed1 Why have we in these islands changed 1 I'll tell you Sir --it's all the liver . That's what's the matter. I once asked a physician why it was that dark-haired people had such weak livers, while fair people never A SEVERE COLD CURED knew whether or not they had a DEAR Stas—My mother was atttuked liver. His answer was, `I cannot with a very s:vero cold and cough. She tell you why, but you are right— regolved to try H•.gyards P,-ctorat I3+1 dark•haired people noun, be always sant, end, on et doing, found i' di'l her careful of what they eat.' ']here is more good than env other rood btine she the whole thing in a nutshell. ever tried. MRS. KENNEDY, Heaven sent us golden -hatred wo- Hamilton, O. o men in the olden times, when the CONSUMPTION CURED were good, and the devil wends Ise An old phsyioian, retired from cooks in modern tinges, when wo practice having bad placed in his are bad.. Our grandfathers' livers hands by an East Indian missionary are ruined, and we inherit their vegetable t the formula of a simple bile, which turns our hair black. remedy for the speedy and: perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, ,Altham and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, too all who desire it, this receipt, in German,FrenohorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Powers' Blook„ Roches. Ter, N. Y. 590—y. 1890 .AND isei_ Christmas & New Year Goods 0 arrived, the a e; r ypr Black Brisket, HoyarClusters, l.on- Just fiuest qualities of �I S I is s thin Layer, Sultanas & \'a.lencias. • CURRANTS 1 itPauiase tras. and t PEELS Lemon, Orange and Citron, and PIGS. NUTSAlmonds, filberts, WAIN FRESH CANNED �`i� nuts and ring d Aluys, a iH Corn, Peas and 'l'omatoes during holidays, a TEN CENTS PER CAN. SO; Alts, 'TEAS, 0/FE :ES and SPICES—we lead as •usual. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE at away -down prices for holiday Prtsents. SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER,. J. V/a IRW N, The Noted Grow, Clinton "In Ireland, by the way, even as late as the sixteenth century, dark- haired men were so unusual that such men or women had Dabh (black) prefixed to their names." UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES, BLOTCH- ES, TAN, and ell itching humors of the skin are removed by using Dr. Low'e Sulphur Soap. DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY. Kidney complaint, dropsy and similar troubles depend direoi,ly on wrong action of the kidneys and indirectly on bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the action of tbo kidneys and oleansea the blood from all impurities, in thin WORTH CONFIDENCE. A COMMON ORIGIN. way curing kidney complatot,dropsy,oto, 'hoa'e iv i'ri'1SAY8itaird Ft SFiit fit if tlfiTiTftirdi3sirret p'telrmtamever=-mime Geo Ward writes from Josephine, (bit., or native are caused by Impure blood. concerning Hagyarde Yellow Oil : "As liurdeok Blot d Bitters is a natural foe to DR. LOtV'S WORM SYRtJ 'hoe re - a sore cure for chapped hands, ewelliugs, impure 1.1 .nd, removing all foul humors moved tape worms from 15 to 20 feet sere throat, etc., T moon -mewl 13agysrd'e from a common pimple to the worst Bort.- hong. It Mao destroys all other kinds of Yellow Oil to all," fulous sore. worn:e. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. MARRID HIS OWN SisT1?It. From the little town of Newport, on Avou River, near \V incisor, Nova Scotia, comes the story ol.an unit -- al tragedy. Three hays the dead body of lira. Moat -line Duval, was found drown''d in a rives. '1 he remains wore tako11 home and a sot - rob iuetituted for her husband, who was found wandering eludes ly in the woods about a toile from his hous.t, evidently half demented. 1t was immediately susp' cted tilt le was responsible for his wife's death and a watch was placed upon him. During the funeral obsequies lie eluded his keepers and Hud. The some evening lis boyo was found hanging in the barn dead. A letter was found in his pocket stating that ever spice his marriage he had been endeavoring to ascertain who his wife's parents were, she hying all adopted child, sad about a week be- fore had made the awful discovery that his wife was no less a person• than his own sister. It appeared that his mother and father had sep- arated, the latter going to Prince Edward Island, taking the son with him. After the separation the daughter, Madeline, was born. The mother, too proud to ask help of the father, never told him of the booth. The girl \vas adopted god brought to Newport, when Duval married her. Being religious, they were overcome with horror at the discov- ery. MIs. Duval evidently became insane and committed suicide, and remorse drove Duval to the some end. They ,wet;e buried together. IMPLEMENTS. The Rnbveriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he hoe been appoiutod .gest for the well- known arm of FROST 84. WOOD, implement mikor,, of 3 null's Falls, and w 11 be pleased to 1111 all orders in his line as heretofore. Will also keep on llan.l WTtKltsnw PLONq, Co,.TRn & SCOTT DfltLs, DISC Rticeows, and articles of like nalure. WM. STANLEY, 647—em H• lmeaville and Clinton J. E. BLACHALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animate on the most modern and scientific principles. t t'.alls attended to night or day. Office innuedi,tety west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 619-3m ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organlo Weakness. Failing Membry, Lack of Energy, Physloel Decay, positively cured by Haze ton's Vitalizer. Mao Nervous Debility Dimness of Sight, Lose of Ambition, ThAltnese to Marry, StuntedDevelopment, Lose of Power Paine in the Daok,,Night Emieelons, Droinjn -Drive admin�i Lbki ik Ills- 18-a sail llvurerlda to Soolety, Unfit for Study Excessive Indul• 2encuo,, etc., eto. Every bottle guaranteed. 0,000 sold yearly. Address, onoloaing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist, 808 Yonne St., Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tinges be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already re/,reRented, to send us RELIABLE netlS. SU;BS(IRIBERS. Patrons who do 7701 receive their paper regularly from the carrier or tltr)uylt their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions Riad commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Adr:ertisers trill please bear in mind Vicat all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our hooks are open to those who mean business. JOB: PRINTINC, The Job Lei artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class ,of work is guaranteed at very l0m prices. gi vim' ca rA 0 w m ~ R p hUf gg h (071,1):V1 . ogog`° P. r F F 5p C2 mom 2:110rn t!i O '-54mow,, ��j•8 ^1 c4 u i .tou1ii, 'dB -4, -tv.ii - (44:1:1 a� fa 0 as> a. 4.6.4 Ill al a 30. o cti 7-72 1