HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-29, Page 1• ti -tt.]O der 4411.411114, 01.165 In Advance. 114 JNDI PlRND1fNT Ilv 4LL THINGS NEUTRAL LN NOTi1J11G1 D WHITELY 6: TODD, Pnbtlsl . • POI. XIII. -NO. 23. CLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29, 1891, WHOLE NO. 653 - REMOVING ! J. W. RITER, The 1Yine and Spirit Me ehaut. will move his business on Thursday of this week to McTaggart'a New ' Brick Block, Albert Street, Clinton, tar Just North of the DRY -GOODS PALACE. The choicest brands of ALES & PORTERS in wood and bottle, arriving daily. WINES AND LIQUORS of the best quality only. lier Call at the New Store, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. J. W. RITER Goderieh, Mrs. W. A. Rhyuas is visiting relatives in the City of Detroit. Mr. W. T. Whitely of this paper was in town on Wednesday. Miss Vantassel of Clinton spent Sunday iu Goderich. Miss Stanley of' Clinton was iu town on Sunday. Mr. Rance, of Clinton, visited the ci.cular town on Sunday. Mrs. Horrison was visiting in Port Huron the past week. Mr. Seoord returned last week from hie Manitoba trip. Mr. Ben Saults of Bluevale was visiting the old home last Friday. Mr. P. Kelly„,was in the county town on Wednesday. Mr. A. M. Todd, of THE NEWS - RECORD, visited Goderich and Salt - ford on Thursday. Regular monthly meeting of the School Board next Monday even- ing. Miss Cooke left last Wednesday 'for Chicago to continue her musical atudies. Mr. W. B. Dickson, barrister of Seaforth, was in the county town last Wednesday. Mrs. and Miss Tums returned home on Friday from a six months visit to Indianapolis. Mr. Jno. Wynn was the past two weeks visiting at Niagara Falls and in New York state. Miss F. Hutchison left on Satur- day on a visit to relatives in Mon- treal. The rector of St. George's Church conducted service in Petrolia on Sunday. Mrs. Hawley will during the sumtner occupy Mrs. Morton's resi- dence on Colborne street. Captain Dancey left for Georgian Bay on Friday, to launch hie achooner the Jane McLeod, that ran ashore last fall. Mr. William McLean, our well known cattle buyer, has almost re- covered from his recent severe and protracted illness. Captain A.:M. McGregor left on Thursday for the Georgian Bay, to prepare his vessel, the Bayfield, for starting on the 1st May. Mrs. Fletcher who was seriously ill for several months, has so far re- gained her former health, as to be able to take out door exercise. Mr. Jas. Clark is erecting a build- ing on the Grace property at the dock for the purpose of handling an. loading fish cars more con• ven iently. Our young people who attended the Clinton Ball speak in the highest terms of their reception by the managers, the excellency of the -supper and music, and the courteous and kindly' feeling shown to them ' generally by the residents of the Hub. The prop. Jones with a cargo of fishing supplies for the fishing eta - tions left port on Thursday for Wiarton and intermediate station.. The Jones had a tow of a scow and four fishing boats from Goder- ich, and added five boats at Kincar- dine, and the same number at Southampton. On Saturday evening about 1.30 p. m. the Fire AIar•m sounded, and in a fow minutes the Brigade and crowds of our ,citizens were running towards the Bayfield Road, where it was ascertained that a careful resident had been burning some refuse. Many and varied were the remarks made by the pedestrians on the return journey. The steam barge Africa with 560 tons of coal for this port, having in tow the 3 masted barge Severn, with 405 tons of coal also for this port, and the barge Kincardine (disabled) with a cargo of ' coal for Owen Sound, entered the harbor on Saturday evening. The deck loads v the ��kicttr and�Sevesn arse: -tar.. Wm. Lee; the hold cargo of the Africa for the North American Chemical Co. and that of the Severn for Mr. Joseph Kidd . Goderich. County Clerk P. Adymeon is still slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rothwell arrived in town on Saturday. Mr. Harry Cluoas spent Sunday in town. The water cart was outonMonday, the duet being very bad. The Schooner Zephie sailed ou Monday evening for Thessalon, to load lumber for Kincardine. Mr. Jno. Elwood of Toronto is spending his holidsye at the family residence. Mise G. Martin left for Toronto last Saturday to be present at the marriage of a rohool companion, which takes place this day. The tug Spray, Captaiu Mahaffy, of Port Albert arrived in this harbor 'on Monday morning, on her trip from Wallaceburg to the Port. Bros. S. Cooper, P. Stoneham, E. Chant. T. Walker, F. Alcock, Kay and Worsell of Clinton lodge I. 0. 0. F., Clinton,attended divine service with the Goderich brethren on Sunday. Mr. Jno. Musely, one of our well known citizens, and perhaps the oldest inhabitant of the circular town, died on Saturday aged 90. Ills dissolution was the result of old age the infirmities of which had been noticeably increasing the past fow years. The following ladies and gentle- men attended the Clinton Ball on Tuesday evening of last week :— Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Pridham, Misses Bailey, Ball, K. Ball, M. Cooke, Curran, Donagh, H. Donagh, Malcomson, Martin, S. Martin, M. Martin. H. Smith, M. Start, N. Straiton, B. Wilkinson, Wynn, A. Wynn, Messrs Ball, Bowber, Cook, Davin, D. Holmes, H. Holmen, Mc- Mahon, G. Nairn, T. Nairn, Price, H. Rutson, Sheppard, Smith, Wil- kinson, Whitely. The tug built by Mr. Wm. Marl- ton, during the past winter for Mr. J. Crawford of Wiarton was success- fully launched on Monday after- noon, and named the A. V. Craw- ford. The length is 75 feet, width 13} and depth 8. She is being fitted with powerful engines by Doty of Toronto, and being— as is always the case when Marlton is the builder—a perfect model, will undoubtedly be one of the fastest and most powerful tugs on the Lakes. The Oddfellows of Goderich made a most creditable turn out on Sunday in celebration of the seventy second anniversary of the order. The members marched from the lodge room to St. George's church, where one of the best, I. 0. 0. F. anniversary sermons we have ever heard was preached by Rev. Mr. Mc - Cosh of Petrolia. The music ren- dered by the choir was not only ex ceedingly good, but was very appropriate to the occasion. On the return to the lodge room the mem- bers passed unanimous vote of thanks to the reverend preacher, and ap• pointed the leading officers of the lodge a committee to prepare and present is Helgrave, Charlie I . ks immense 'nee he has got his ri• w suit. Mr. J. C. Nicol was the guest of Mr. Robert ...iirling on Sunday. Me. H. D .mond of Bluevale was in town on Sunday. Some of our Belgrave sports had better be careful and not go fishing before the first of May. Miss Effie McClellan was the guest of Mrs. R. Sterling on Sun- day. Mr. Jas. Angus of Wingharn shipped a carload of turnips from this station this week. Mr. Vannor•man has sold his driver to Mr. Jas. Angus of Wing - ham. Mise Maggie McCrea who has, been on a visit to Windsor for some time past returned home. Mr. E. Livingstone has been shipping a large quantity of lumber from this station. Messrs John Geddes and J. A. Brownlee paid a flying visit to Lucknow on Sunday. Mr. Tuft has started to build an addition to his handsome dwelling that was erected last summer. Mr. R. Leishman had a large barn raising on Wednesday of last week. Charlie 'Mc says that he has no desire to be at a barn raising, but that it is so nice to go and help the ladies. ..-n ... Meagre. W. McCrea and J. Grasby are having extensive additions erected to their respective barns this summer. Benmiller. Rumor has it that there is going to be fish market erected opposite the blacksmith shop. Good for you, Tom. The farmers around here are busy at present putting iu their crop, and nature Duce more has be- gun to wear its coat of green. Fall wheat in this vicinity has come through the winter all right and bids fair for a bountiful harvest. If prices continue as they are at present, and the chances are that they' will be better, the farmers will be wearing a smiling face and the free traders will be hiding in the fence corners. Mr. Pframnaer'a new roller still is now iu full running order and do- ing a large business, so the next generation must have arrived on thescene as itwas predicted some time ago that this mill would not be running until the adveut of pros- terity. But the next generation will have fully grown before those thousands of dollars will be made out of that stove pipe collar and thimble business. The new roller mill has a capacity of 100 barrels a day is running full time and turn ing out such an excellent article of' flour that the good housewives wear broad smiles on their faces. Mr. Pt'r•ammer• has hie team on the road drawing the products of his mill to Goderich, and in the near future you may expect to hear of him selling his patent and family flour in almost every town and village within 20 miles. He has secured the service,, of Mr. W. Stevenson for the sale and general delivery of it, We wish you succese,Michael, in your undertaking. Obit.—It is with sorrow that we record this week the sudden death of one of the old time residents of Colbor•ue in the person of Wm. Crews,on Tuesday April 21st. He settled here when this part of the country was a wilderness and carved a nice little home out of the forest for himself where he has lived for probably 40 years. A few months ago he came to reside with his eon at the Bentniller hotel. A week or so previous to his death he was seized with an attack of inflamma- tion and pleurisy from which he had so much recovered as to be able to walk around. On the day of his death he went into the roller mills here for a piece of board and dropped dead. He had attended the ripe age of 77 years. He leaves a family of five children to mourn his loss,one son and four daughters, all married and in business for themselves. Your correspondent with the rest of the neighborhood sympathize with the bereaved family. Deceased was a brother of the Rev. Thos. Crews a well known Metho• dist minister of Ontario, who has several sons ministers and daughters married to ministers. Blyth. Reeve C. Hamilton was in the circular town on Saturday. Regular meeting of our town fathers on Monday evening next. Miss Le Touzel returned to her home in Goderich on Thursday. Garden operations and house cleaning is the order of the day in this burg. Mr. Stewart of the hub paid the old hotnestead on the gravel road a visit on Sunday. Miss Katie Coloton returned on Saturday from her visit amongst friends in Stratford. Regular meeting of the I. 0. Foresters was held in the Temper- ance hall on Monday evening. Dr. Ferguson, of Seaforth, in- tends opening out here in Dr. Sloan's old stand on the 10 inst. The membere of the Women's Guild of Trinity church will meet at the rectory at 2 p. m. on Wed- nesday (to -day). The members of the A. 0. U. Workmen intend having a special sermon preached to them in the English church here on Sunday the 24th inat. • Our merchants are busy these days putting up their awnings to keep the sun's rays from spoiling their goods. Ain't it about time our water cart was making its appearanoe on our streets. The flying dust is almost unbearable. Our popular auctioneer, C. Hamilton, has received instruotion from Dr. Sloan to dispose of,under the mallet, his household effects next Saturday. On Sunday morning in Trinit Infref lfftS lerfotirnetitiniiin mandments were intoned for the first timo which is a great addition to the beautiful musical portion of the service. Port Albert. Farmers in this neighborhood are busy plowing and seeding. Mahaffy's steam barge was delay- ed at St. Clair river on account of ice in the river. Several cases of la grippe are re- ported through the township, but nothing epidemic. Fall wheat has nal looked better for many years than it is this spring and the prospects looks charming. A large number ofbpine caw logs and a quantity of lath are drifting along the lake shore since the snow banks have disappeared. The young boy Murphy who was accidentally shot with a revolver near Kintail is yet in a critical cou• dition and hie recovery is doubt• ful. Rev Mr. Carrie intends visiting London during the week. Con- sequently there will be no service in the English church next Sunday. The Church wardens intend to beautify the grounds by planting shade trees and otherwise decorating the property. Coroner Holmen of Goderich held an inquest on the village last Wed- nesday relative to the biiruing of Mr. Oliver's barn on the night of April the 6th inst. The jury re- turned an open verdict. It will now be in order for the Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company to come down with the stamps. • Bills Green Mr. Peter Shea has moved into Mr. Edward Shaefor's house in the village. A baptismal service, under the charge of the Rev. H. Irvine, was held in the Methodist church last Wednesday. afternoon. Mrs. John Maxwell has lately been left a considerable sum of money by relatives. We extend our congratulations to Mrs. Maxwell and family in their good fortune. Quite a uumbur• from here attend- ed a raising at Mr.StephenTroyer's, one day last week. Mr. Chas. Troyer, postmaster, and Mr. Ben- jamin Philips, of the 2nd concess- ion were captains. After a hard race Mr. Troyer's side succeeded in winning by a few ininutes. A fish peddler, who had imbibed two freely at some of the hotels in one of the neighboring villages,pass- ed through Here on Friday evening last. When opposite the Post Off ice he fellTrom the rig, but by the aid of some of our citizens was soon replaced on the rig and went on towards Blake at a speed beyond the legal of driving. On the other side of Bloke he again fell from the rig and received an ugly gash on the head, His horse also was badly cut by coming in contact with a wire fence. Hay. The council met on Saturday April 25th., 1891. All members present. Schuell—Moir—That the suns of $5.61 he refunded to J, Spackman on account of a double aesessment'in 1889—carried. Kalb- ffeis-•h—Schuell—Thst lots 23 to 30 inclusive in the II III and IV be form -d into a new School Section to be known es No. 14 and that said lute shall cease to form a part of No. 10—carried. Voel ker—Kalb- fleisch—That the following accounts he paid; viz., H. Randall, one month's care of Mr. Currey, Henry Prang, making drain—carried. Mr. Kalbfleiacli was instructed to at- tend to the ditch opposite Mr.Vines in L. R E., also between lots 25 and 26 in the same concession, oleo between con. 16 and 17 in the South Boundary. Mr. Hess was instructed to attend to ditch on the Centre Road opposite con. XI. All secretaries of Public School Boards should send their names and ad, dresses to the clerk in order that they may receive the statement of the school population. Road Com- missioners will be appointed at the next meeting of the council. The council adjourned to meet again on Saturday 30th of May 1891 as a court of revision at 10 am. Sam.J. Latta, clerk. Saltford. The meeting of L. 0. L. 262 last Wednesday evening was not ,as largely attended as it should have been. County Master Todd occupi- ed the chair and briefly addressed the meeting. M. W. G. S. Bro. Birm- ingham spoke relative to the pro- gress of the Order in the Dominion. District Master Hanley, Warden Bro. J. Beck and Bro. R. Radcliffe spoke at some length. Song and music bT Bros: W111s, Lgekl?r eta Tisotl'snc hiIli e, snfthe National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Bros, Tweedy, Rose and S. J. Reed, of Goderich, were also pre- sent. Varna. Mr. Geo. Mitchell lost a valuable mare the other day from difficulty experienced in attempting to drop her foal. MIS. J. E. Johnston has returned from a visit to Bruce county. The lady and family will shortly remove to Chatham where her husband has purchased a business. It was brought out iu court that Editor Holmes was the man who signed the nasty, libellous Dom• munication slandering Mr. Beatty. Why did not the NEWS -RECORD tell the public that the New Era man acknowledged under oath that he did sign "One Who Knows" and because responsible for statements which he also admitted on oath he did not know the truth of. Goderich Township. L. 0. L. 306, Bayfield line, will meet in their hall next Monday evening. A full attendance of the members is particularly requested, as regalia for the comiug 12th July and other important matters will be discussed. By order of the W. M. Summerhill. Messrs Jas Watkins and S. floury have done considerable graft - in this neighborhood. Mr. Joshua Hill has commenced the mauufacture of cheese. He is now entering upon his third season and has been very successful. Mr. Nelson Bingham has had an attack of quinsy but has now, we are pleased to state, fully recov- ered.. Several good templare from here attended the entertainment of Por- ter's Hill Lodge un Monday even- ing the 22nd inet. The full wheat 10 this vicinity is looking splendid and promisees rich harvest se there is every expectation of high prices. Some from here who went to the Falls have brought home large loads of suckers while others less fortun- ate have made several trips and re- turned almost suckerless. Mr. Geo. Johnston and family have moved into, Mr. John Lcvett's house which was recently erected by the Messrs. Beacom on his farm. He is engaged to work for Mr. Lov- ett for several months. We now have one vacant house in our vil- lage. On Tuesday evening th 21st. inst. a number of good templare from here visited Londesboro Lodge, some to take part and some to listen to a debate between representatives of the two lodges on the question "Which is the more beautiful to the eye, the works of nature or the works of art!" Londesboro took the affirmative side and Summer- hill the negative. At the close of the debate, which lasted about two hours, the deeision was given in favor of the negative. Additional Locals. OWING to the advance in the price of flour the Clinton bakers have decided to sell bread for 6 cts per loaf. THE date of meeting of the M. W. Grand Orange Lodge of Britis!. America at Kingston, has been set for July 28th. MESSRS JAMES HOwE and C. Wil- son yesterday bought the house and lot of Mrs. C. Carter for $750. It was sold under the hammer by Auc- tioneer Dickinson and is a de cided bargain. • S. MR. A. E. MORROW of the C. C. I, goes to Toronto this week to write an examination for the B. A. degree. Tho students, by whom he is regarded with much esteem, and his other friends wish him eucoess. SUPPER tonight at Grand Union in honor of our estimable citizen Mr. Ballard who, we are sorry to learn, is about leaving town. We should be pleased to be present were t'other dear charmer away. But the charms! of publication night must override the attractions of the divine art of cookery and its atten- dant flow of soul and sentiment. Mn. ROBT. BIRMINGHAM, of Tor- onto, was in town one day laet week. Has he been giving away the"snap" to our Grit contemporary some of whose statements of last week would lead the unwary to think that it had been specially commissioned to speak for Conservatives who make a father confessor and party confid- ant of our.Grit contemporary. No, we do not believe that Mr. Birning- ham is built that way. BIRTiHS. '/TittlxaR =Io iTafe on"169+ p it 6tt�t e wife of Mr. Thomas Archer of a eon. DEATiIS. OARS.—In Seaforth, on 27th inat, Francis Case aged 69 years. Funeral Wednes- day 29th inet at 3 o'olock. HORSE NOTES. Mr. G. W. Reed of Varna, Stan, ley, has a magnificent, 3-year-ohl imported heavy draught stallion, Lord Shannon, which he will travel during tide season in Goderieh and Stanley townships. He is a buy with white points and already weighs 1700 lbs. His pedigree is marked by the names of ancestors whose renown for producing compact muscular animals isa matter of rogie• tered certainty. He was awarded it prize at the South Heron Show this sprin It ig. s gratifying to note the ius creased desire on the part of horse breedere to Secure sires not only of acknowledged individual excellence but also of pedigree of established merit. It will be noticed how diffi• cult, tf not impossible, it is to get breeding horses free into the States whose pedigree is only recorded in the mushroom stud hooks that have been gotten up in Canada the past few years. Among the owners of Clydeadale stallions iii this section who have endeavored to meet the wants of discriminating breeders are Messrs Youngblut, Myers and Far- quhar, They have for service the magnificent imported,stal lion Monks• man which they purchased from Mr. Chas. 11fason for $1800. Monks. man will travel the coming season in Hullett and Goderich townships. CURRENT TOPICS. THE PRICE OF EGGS. Annie's, Mich. Apri 16, 1d91 To the Editor of the Michigan Farmer. Today I can only get nine cents a dozen for eggs though I sold sem at10 cents e What is the price of eggs in Can, oda 4 Do I get five cents a dozen more than a Canadian farmer? F. D. BAKER. THE FARMERS' "PARADISE". The very exhaustive statistics collected and tabulated by Mr. Horace Wadli", chief of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, are worthy of the study of every economist or politician. There are in the State of Massa.' chusetts 1,461 abandoned farms 772 of these have buildings upon them, 689 are without buildings ; the area of these abandoned farms is equal to 126,459f acres ;' 66,530i acres are farm lands with buildings ; 59,958 acres are farm lands with• out buildings. The assessed valua- tion of the abandoned farms with buildings is $690,019 ; the valua- tion of those with buildings is $386,369 ; so that the valuation of all abandoned farms in the State is somewhat more than $1,0110,000, being about $8 per acre. In New Hampshire, the abandoned farms number 216, with an area of 21,672 acres, making a decrease of more than 12 per cent of the area under cultivation. . IN AND ABOUT THE COUNTY —ail re. Geo. Hutchinson, aged 30, wife of a Wingharn • blacksmith, while con- versing with a visitor to the house, sud- denly fell dead to the floor from heart disease. —At Southampton laat Thursday the freezer and ice house belonging to the to the Southampton Freh Freezing Co. was destroyed by fire. A large quantity of ice was stored for use during the freezing season, also all the necessary appl ianoee used in connection with the industry, together with the nets and fishing tackle belonging to some of the fishermen which were stored in the build- ing. The building and contents were totally detroyed. Loss estimated at $2,500, insured for $1,000. d letter from Mr. R. Gilmor, of the N. W. mounted police, formerly of Wing- harn, states that he is in the hoseitoi, having been kicked by a Broncho horse while shoeing it at Fort McLeod. A small bone in hie left leg was broken, but he does not exp:et to be laid up long. He says, that part of the country is look- ing good ; they have very favorable wea- ther for crops and• hope and believe it will be a good year. He has forty acres of Drop in of various kinds, and there is a good deal of seeding has been done there. Hie first term, five years, as a Constable in the Mounted Police, ienear- ly finished, and as•he likes that eorrritiy so well he inlende trying his luck t',u: e little longer. — A lady who has died in Glasgow has bequeathed £70,000 to General Booth for the Salvation Army. — Reports received on the Winnipeg grain exchange state that wheat le al- ready up from an inch to an inch and a half in nearly all parte of the province. —Samuel Couch, son of Mr. Thos Conoh,died on the train near St, Mary's on his way from Chicago to his father's home, Woodetock,Wednesday afternoon, He was an expert finisher, and took first prize for graining black walnut at the Centennial. "'tVlili�i.8oi"dinfii`fife; tt�ue rm iTi,`lo Hope, was enjoying healthful sleep on Wednesday night, thieves entered his place and oarried off his vest and trous- ers, containing $104 in oash and a gold watoh The clothes were found in the morning. No clue.