HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-22, Page 8•:.ham. o
•Tbe luronNew, a -8800W
41.00 4 Year -4L -2a is Advance
WeauestluY, April 22nd, 1891
in and Around the "Huh'
gollin Atilt.
yUAI. Nurtcas.—Ml. nnticee in these
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the same, at which
an adwiseion fee is :barged, or from which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
bo charged at the rate of ten cents per
Fine large assortment of Truuke
and Valises of the best quality at
are very cheap.
bull has removed his office to that
formerly occupied by Dr. Dowaley,
one door east of Molsons Benk.
Night calla will now be auswered
at the office. 665
jTIoneU Wanted
THE NEWS.RECORD is sending
out several hundred accounts, chief-
ly for back newspaper dues. These
unpleasantness. We know the great-
er portion of'them will be attended
to without any pressure. To those
who are dilatory, we would earnestly
ask them to shake off dull sloth and
remit early. We have never yet had
to call in the aid of the Courts and
hope we never will have to do so
But we must have money.
—Mrs. R. K. Logan will have for
disposal during the uext two weeks
at her residence, Isaac street, all her
well -kept household furniture. Can
be seen any time during the day.
Tertns cash. 650-2t
MRS. ALEX. OSBORNE and three
children, of Brigden, One, are visit-
ing relatives in town.
'i'tiE MISSES SHEPPARD left town
yesterday for Petrolia, where they
will reside for a time at least,
SEVERAL from Toronto, London,
.Goderich, Stratford and Winghatn
attended the ball held in the town
hall last evening.
commenced running ten hours a dot
ou Monday instead of eight, which
alas beeu the case fur a short time
G. V. YANK, who has been in the
Doherty Organ Co.'s employ for
some time past, has secured a good
situation with the Whitney Co., of
Quiucey, Ill., and leaves to fill it
this week. Mr. Yann was a good
townainau and will be missed iu
sporting circles.
Me. R. BELL, of the Wales hotel,
is retiring from the business. Since
Mr. Bell assumed control of this
house several years ago he made
many improvements and gave gen.
eral satisfaction to a good country
trade. He will be eucoeeded by
Mr. Thos. Bell, of Londesboro.
ALGOMA POINEER:—"A large par-
ty assembled at the Algonquin Ho•
tel, Monday evening, to celebrate
the birthday of Judge Johnston,
formerly of Goderich, and the Pio-
neerjoins with a host of people all
over the District ; in wishing His
Honor very many happy returns of
the day."
MR. HENERY STEVENS a long time
resident and enterprising citizen will
remove to Bluevale with his family,
this week, where he will engage in
wagon making. Mr. Stevens has
been popular as well as enterprising;
is an excouncillor and assessor, and
both himself and wife will carry
with them the beet wishes of a very
large number of friends.
THE TORONTO MAIL, in an attempt
to increase its popularity, has offered
a firet-class passage to Liverpool and
return to the clergyman in Ontario
receiving the largest number of
votes which are to be made on a
coupon printed In each of its lames,
to be filled in and returned to the
Mail before May 26. We notice
Rev. Mr. Craig's name on the list
of those who have received votes.
house cleaning has set in with vigor.
Down comes the stove -pipes, and a
bout steton of soot, which strikes the
men of the house right in the eyes
and makes him wish he wes laid a-
way in peace under the daisies and
-the daffodils, where the stove intrud-
eth not and the weary are at rest. Up
Home tbs carpets, down toms the
curtains. The good house wife is
seen through a cloud of dust with a
handkerchief tied around bar head,
determination in her eye, which
_,.z,ltnakea. tlw.hunband-gl ad- that =spring
comes but once a year,
Rgv, J. PAIRKE/ of Listowel, waa
in town Monday.
rnerciel traveller, waa in town over
Mn. vV LPFR of Exeter has sold
the Queens hotel at Exeter and the
Commercial in Clinton to Mr. John
J. W. RITER has reuted the store
iu MoTaggart's uew brick block and
will move into it the latter part of
the present month.
JOHNSTON & ARMOUR, the harness
makers, believe in advertising.
They have put out a handsone sign
in the shape of a lifelike horse's
Ma. Lou STEVENS has removed to
Woodstock where he has secured a
situation in a merchant tailor's esta-
blishment. We wish the young
man every suttees.
Ma. T. C. DOHERTY has trans
ferred his livery outfit to his own
promisee ou Princess street, where
he will be pleased to cater to the
wants of old and new customers.
MR. JOHN 0. ELLIOTT has bought
the unoccupied Canada Company
farm in Goderich township which
had recently been rented by Mr.
Switzer. The farm has no build•
ings, contains 93 acres and Wes
bought t'ur $1900.
MR. J. C. GILROY has bought
and taken possession of the dry
goods business lately carried on by
Mr. John Wiseman, and Mr. J. W.
Irwin has purchased the grocery
stock of Mr. John. Cunuiegham
and removed it to his store opposite
hte Market.
TEN YEARS.—Friday last at
Belleville Chester W. Yourox, the
forger, who pleaded guilty to four
indictments, was sentenced to ten
years in Penitentiary on each count-,
the &ententes to run concurreutly,
This is the party that did the farm-
ers in the vicinity of Clinton in
the hulless oats business.
PROTESTING.—The Election Act
provides that a petition against a
member elected to the Domiuiou
House of Commons, to be valid,
must be lodged within 30 days from
the date of the publication of his
return in the official Gazette. With-
in fifteen days after this petition is
filed, a cross -petition against the
unsuccessful candidate or candidates
may be filed, Where the seat is
not claimed by the unsuccessful
candidate or candidates the latter
proceeding is not necessary. With
the original petition must be placed'
in the hands of theolork of the court
$1,000 in notes or Dominion cur-
rency out of which comes all
necessary expenses.
Ttlete died in Cliuton last Wednes-
day William Copp, aged 88 years.
"Billy," as he was familiarly called,
was born at Beford, Devonshire,
Eng , March 1803. Left England
April 1833 and after seven weeks
and three•days on the briny Atlantic
landed at Quebec. M-tde his way
to Wilmot, Ontario, where he work-
ed four months iu a ntill for Mr.
Puddicombo. Came toVanderberg's
Cornet's, now called Cliuton, on
Christmas day 1833. Then worked
for three years for Win. (Weary of
London and Goderich. Then for
Mr. Brown on the farm now owned
by the Andrews Bros., part of which
is within the corporation of Clinton.
The remainder of hie long life he
spent in to.vt, latterly looked upon
as one of the living landmarks con-
necting pioneer days with the pres-
time which poets call "the gladdest
of the year " my boy (and it may be
in Florida, but sure it isn't here, my
boy); when little birdlots are sup
posed to wake and loudly sing, you
know, and wools and fields are
blithe and gay with all the signs of
spring you know; when puddles are
so very deep that though its very
shocking, 0, we can't help seeing
what's the style of Maud's and
Mary's stocking, 0; when politicaus
work their tricke by ways quite
dark and devious, and dudes find
that their new spring suits are al-
together previous; when skies pour
down in ceaseless showers, as if we
couldn't get enough, and funny fol-
lows slap your back and ask you if
ite wet enough.
of our Goderich readers will regret
to learn of the death of Miss Jane
Longworth in Victoria, V. I. She
taught school for very many years
in the county town and endeared
herself to the rising generation, at
the same time earning the complete
approbation of the School Board.
The following is from the Van-
couver 'World :—"It is with much
regret that many will learn of the
Budden death of Mise Jane Long-
worth, sister-in-law of Hon. Jno.
Robson, who died on Tuesday
morning at the Premier's residence,
Birdcage Walk, Victoria. She was
the daughter of the late Major
Longworth, who served with distinc-
tion at Waterloo, and aftowards
settled in Goderich, Ont. Miss
Longworth was a most amiable lady'.,
1nf tsride retzd`i`tYg', ar muc'h beloved
by a large circle of 'friends."
t he,n we not only show our
but have the privilege of selling a good bundle to the
intending house -cleaner Are you going to paper your
Parlor, Dining Room, Hall, Bedroom or Kitchen ? We
have paper to suit any room and our prices are within
the reach of everyone. ice" We Triin all our Papers FREE
OF CHARGE, which will save you considerable time.
Dolls, Cabs, Lacrosse, Base Balls,
Rubber Balls, Bicycles, and
Sporting Goods.
Wrij. Cooper & Co.
MR. W. JACKSON, is ou a trip to
St. Louis, where there is a meeting
of the railway ticket agents.
very low, but may recover. \1'e
agree with our Goderich correspon-
dent iu estimate of the gentleman
as an official and a citezon.
THE Box DRAIN put in the water
.course and the filling in of the un-
sightly excavation on the north side
of Huron St abreast of Pluuisteel
and Gibbins' store is good work
done by the city fathers -
THE DnAIN box under tho cross-
ing on Albert St from Ontario to
Huron gave way and Tuesday morn-
ing there was a yawning chasm of
dangerous dimensions. Mr. Plum
mer, of the Board of Works, had
the matter immediately attended to.
IIVMAN, who on the face !of the
returns defeated Hon. John Carling
in London, has had his seat protest-
ed. The petition against him
was tiled in Toronto last Monday.
It is quite probable that the seat of
M. C. Cameron will be protested,
and that of Sir John A. Macdonald
has been.
MR,\VM.[IoRNEY,now of Seaforth,
called 011 THE NEWS -RECORD Mon-
day. Through ill -health he has
been compelled to give up his carri-
age and wagon business at Winth-
rop, which he now offers for sale or
rent at a bargain, \Ve aro pleased
to learn that the gentleman is im-
CLINTON I3oYcurTED.—A businesa
gentletnan,who was in the places re-
ferred to yesterday informs, us that
D. I). Wilson's firm is paying 31
cents for eggs in Kinhurn and Var-
na, 12 cents in Seaforth and only
10 in Clinton. We can give no
reason for the discrimination, but
it should not exist and Clinton tra-
ders should not allow themselves to
bo boycotted in this way.
E. Story, of Buffalo, has been re-
warded for his virtue. Some years
ago his uncle offered to give him
$5,000 when of age if he would not
smoke, chew, drink, nor gamble,
until that time. He kept his
pledge. but the uncle died before
the time came for payment of the
money. The executors refused to
pay and Story took hie claim into
court. He has won after several
years' litigation, and his inheritance
has doubled 80 that he now receives
nearly$10,000 principal and interest.
But he has saved much more to hie
- QEv_n . ,ncoma—hy, >tto.L anending,
money for tobacco and liquors. It
pays to not smoke.or drink.
T. O, F.—The concert under the
auspices of the I. 0. F. on May lat
promises to be a rare treat, and some-
thing which all tnusic loving poople
will enjoy. Mrs. Caldwell of Tor-
onto, who is without a rival, will
sing ou the date mentioned, and
will he worth coming miles to hear.
Mr. '1'. H. Crawford and Jas. Bel-
cher, of Loudon, will also take part.
Dr. Orouhyatekha, S. C. R., of Tor-
onto, will deliver a short address on
the Order. Among the other per•
formers will be Miss Cargill, of
Wingham, the Clinton Quartette
Club, etc. Plan of' hall now ready
at Jackson l3ros.
— Between 4,000 and 5 000 enumera-
tors are employed thr ,ughoutthe Domin-
ion to take the census.
— At Belleville Thursday James Kane
was sentenced to be hanged on May 21
for the murder of his wife.
—As Mr John Anderson was return-
ing home from Octerville some one fii ed
three shote killing the horse he was driv-
— In Grimsby and other fruit sections o
Ontario there are prospects of an ex-
cellent fruit crop.
--Mr. Frank Came, of Seaforth, is so
seriously ill as to give his friends but
slight hupco fur his recovery,
--Mr. E. Whiting died last week in
Exeter, mg( d 83. He farmed in Hallett
before he moved to Exeter.
—A couple of lade in Mitchell were
fine $2t65 each for appropriating some
hen fruit from the baro of a ei men of
that tcwu.
— A. J. Woodward, a butcher who liv-
ed on the Norwich road. rear , nod.
stock, hanged himself in hie slaughter
home, a few days ago.
—M re. elendenning,of New Brunswick,
died a few Jaye ago because the pit of a
plum became imbedded in the tissues of
her stomach.
—In Rollett county, N. D ikota,settlere
are being bullied and their cattle run off
I,y a band of 2000 Indians said to be
— 170 members of a secret society
called the Mala Vtta, with aims like the
Fenian dynamitets are on trial in Italy
for murder and stabbing.
—John Wilson died in Kincardine
recently aged 75; years. He moved
there from Go Ieriah about twenty-five
years ago. He was a native of Cavan,
—If the Newfoundland government
persists in refusing Canadian fisherman
the privileges of getting fish bait, the im-
perial government will come to the
— Mr. S. 0. Perry, of 8t. Thomas, has
been appointed route agent of the Ontario
Merchants' Express Company recently
organized. Mr. l'erry at one time lived
in Goderich and married a (Joderich
— A man named Miller of Wilkes
Barre. Pa., sold his wife to his friend
named Roberts for $50 down and balance
on time— monthly instalments. Roberta
defeultge, was else eedeetefor.pertaun-.+
uowo. The woman being -eeerted by
both men has had Miller arreeted on a
charge of non.snpport.
'1%e have the Choicest Goods ever brought into this
section in
Boy's au[1ftIc�'s HaCs auk
and you should make your selection now before the stock
is broken. We show
In all qualities from $1 up,
Soft Hats from 25c, to $3.
Our Men's Hats at 60c., 75c. and $1,
are again the leaders and are good value for the price
bought at a big reduction and in large quantities enables-'
ns to offer you some choice goods. Prices, IOc. to $1.00.
The leading shapes are "Yacht," "Commodore," "Nellie,,
1Sly," &c.
Jackson:: Bros.
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
Ladies' and Children's ¥ests,,
Magnificent Range in three or four different qualities. Fine luxurious
Uudervests of suitable size. Prices moat moderate, not otherwise. If
you want to be wealthy, healthy and wise, upon our HEALTH BRAND
UNDERVESTS cast your eyes. Your own interest cannot be better
served than by familiarizing yourself with these goods and prices, because'
they represent standard grades and bottom prices.
lYlillinery Stock Full and Complete
with the Latest Styles and Novelties from the
Centres of Fashion,
BeeIeij's Great JTllhl!nBrij Enporiur
The Ladies Favorite Establishment.
—The export of grain is almost stand
inn still at Odessa. The . brisk ■pring
trade almost cleared all the oorn granar-
ies. Tho old stock operators, in the face
of the unpromising conditi ,ne of the
crops, are holding out for higher prices.
—The Mail Faye:—It is rumoured that
Chief Justice Hagerty, of the High
Court of Justice of Ontario, has placed
his resignation in the hands of Sir John
Macdonald,and that the position has been
offered to Mr. W. R. Meredith, leader
of the Oppoeitioo in the Ontario Legis-
—Breeden Times:—On Saturday last
County Constable Waffle served a writ
on Adam Myers (colored) for seducion.
The fair plaintiff, :Mee Jolla Harris, is
suing for 82,000. Later—Rather than
have the ease tried at the Spring Assizes
the plaintiff has consented to accept
--Joseph Welden, a sawyer in 1'. Sei-
berte sawmill, Logan, three miles from
Mitahell,'lipped and fell against a circu-
lar saw- One leg was out off and the
upper part of the body was mangled in a
horrible manner, the heart being cut
completely in two. Deceased had only
been employed in the mill for a short
—A ynnng Englishman who came to
the Y. M. C. A. rooms Hamilton come
three weeks ago recently departed with
$78, the proceeds of the last Y. M. C. A.
eonoert. The money had been looked in
a drawer in the seoretary's office, wait-
ing an opportunity to put it in the bank.
The thief, who was a smooth -faced Eng?
olergyman, was traced to Stratford,
Tara, and Toronto, whore the clue was
a44 ALaicA& ;IAA
Wall Paper'Paint Shop
American and Canadian
Wall Papers
WiTH BORDERS TO MATCH, from ave cont'
rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers.
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex-
perience justify me in saying that all wonting to
decorate their houses Inside or paint them out-
side will find It to their advantage to give me a
Ifs• Shon, south of Oliver Johnston's binekemits
shop, and directly opposite Mr. .1. Chidgey'
Practical Paper Paeger and Painter