HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-22, Page 5!P? allt to Tell YouPIP 0 0 ) THIS WEEK that we have a full stock of ail the sizes of Ladies', Misses' and Chil- dren's BLACK COTTON HOSE that are "EVER FAs'r !SLACK," absolutely stainless either by washing or perspiration, and medium in price. If you see them you will buy no other. New Hot Weather Goods arriving—all the latest. We never allow our stock of Black Goods to run down, but keep abreast with the latest things. Enlbroiderit s and Muslin Skirtings and Whitt; Goods are leaders with us. tag C. GILROY. PAY & W1'ISEMAN'S Old Stand, Clinton. Hardware. Hardware 0 'We hate just, r''''ived sevt'rnl tons of FENCING \VIBE—Barb Wire, Piaiti 'twisted and Black Ster1 Fencing Garden Spalt'-, (4 u•den 1(akrs, Shovels, hors, 1\lawn ei Forks, Digging Forks, Drain Spades. 200 KEGS STEEL CUT NAILS. K.alsonline, Alab,t.tine—all shades. Paint Brushes, KalAontine Brushes. 'Vold Jlydal Carpet Sweepers, NI ilk Fans, 1IiIk Pang, \Iilk Pails, Granite Ware, Cooking Stoves and Bangers, READY -MIXED PAINTS --ALL SHADES. Cnlwart', all kinds, at lock Bottom Priers. RARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton Standard Trotting Stallion,' (Registered under Rule 6, Volume VIII., Wal- , home's Trotting Register), DLRCK IBRD, No. 11036. Never before in Mile seetion have the breeders of the light harness horse Iuul such a high class trotting stallion as le now offered in this gr.tnd sire of the old hero of Chester. Foaled May 31, 1888; in color, black as a crow; no white marks; exceptionally well put to„ ether, strong and glod at all points, showing grunt musoultr development, Bred deeply In success- ful and rich producing strains of blood, he is endowed through inheritance with those essen tial qualities from which the great majority of the very Stars of the trotting turf have origin- .tited. 'Let no notice a few of the grandsons and grand• ;laughter% of Hamhletonian No. 10 ; Maud ter -2.09, J.ty Eve See 2 10. Snnol 2.104, Stanittoul 2-L; !Slack Rod No. 11030, St. Julien 2.111, Phallus 2.131, Maxey Cobb 2 131, Nance ILatiks 2.1411, Alabaster 2.15, Arab 2.15. Majolica 2.16. He also sired Oidoon,.the sire of Gretchen, dam 'of Nelson 2.101, ch,uupiou trotting stallion of the world, Balek Rod No, 11030, sired by Goodwin •Hamhletonian No. 801, by Ilambletonian No. 10, 1st dam by American Star Nc. 14, 2nd dam by Abdallnh No. 1. Black Rod No. 11030, 1st dam 'by Prince Imperial No. 9'16, record 2.40, public •trial 2.221; 2nd dun by 'Phonies Jefrerann No. 304, record 2.23, sire of Farmer Boy 2.191, John S. Clark 2.191, and 11 others in 2.30; also sire of the dams of three in the 2.311 list; 3rd dint 'Bridesmaid, the dam of Thornton 2.261, and g.d. of Miss Alice 2.191. by ii.tmhl:toniat 10. The .demo! Prince Imperial 906 is Flora Temple 2.191. It is a notable fact that the Hambletonian-Star blood'produce, extreme speed, not only in the Bret generation, hut to the succeeding genera- tions. Of this we have many proofs, and out of 'the number of 2.30 performers sired by the sons of Hanbletonian l0'over one hundred and forty of them are the offspring of Hambletonian•Star ekes. It has been said by leen who are competent .'judges that Block Rod is the best stallion ie Canada. Parties who are looking for a sire that 0s sure to prove himself a sire of speed and good roadsters, should make a note of this and send dor tabulated pedigree and terms. Address PETER COOK. Clinton, J. W. COOK, V.S , Dungannon, Proprietors FOR SALE OR RENT Pump Factory and House. The nndnrsigned offers for sale nr rent, in the town of Clinton, an old established Pump Fartnry with horse power and all tools in connection with pump making. Also team of horses, two spring wagons, buggy, cotter, bobsleighs, harness and everything neces- sary for carrying on a profitable business. The bneineas hie been established 23 years. Reaenn for Rolling, the proprietor hos business in the West which requires hie attention. . Also a n velltng IT nese in good repair, with 10 rooms, har.l nn1 soft water, good nutbuildinvs, .driving shod, stable, eta. Good cellar in which +eau b., stored pu up logs. Will be Roll or rented on favorable terms. apply to JOHN ROSS, :6499. -41 Clinton, Ont PROPERTY TOR SALE OA RENT.—Advertisers will find "Th. til •. News -Record" one of the beet medium, In the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Recerd"—The Double Circulation Talke to Thousands. Rates as low as any. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where, you can get Reliable "` Harness, d manufacture none but the BEST or Srocn. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. ItIff Call and get prices. Orders by mall promply attended tot JOHN 11EUBL11_,, HARNESS EMPORIUM, MYTH. ON'1' r_UI--4:l DIF S. � E\LEIt TENDERS eddreesed to the under. L signed and endorsed "'Ile ude.r for ',Mien Supplies," will be reevi cod at this oilier up to noon of b ‘TI - GIA UA 1', 9th May, 1891, fur the delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fiscal year ending 30th June 1';92, consisting of Flour, Beef, Bacon, 1:reveries, Ammunition, Twine, Agrienitnral Implements, Tools, &trr., ditty paid, at various points in Matttto to and the North %Vest'rerritories. Forms of tender, containing full p trtiet lars relative to the Supplies required, dotes of de- livery, &e., may be had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Indian Uonnmissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, W unipeg. Parties arty tender for each description of goods (or for any portion of each description of goods) separately or fur all the goods celled for in the Sehedulee, noel the Departmeet reserves to tself the right to reject the whole or any part of a tender. Each tetd••r mist be accompanied by an no. emoted Cheerio in favor of the Sioerintendent General of 1,,, int, Affairs, on a Canadian Rank. for at least tivc per rent, of the amount of the tenger, which will lie forfeited if the party ten- dering 9 -clines to enter into a e'ntra.•t based on Knelt tailor tclum t'ullyd neon to do nu, or if be fails to eompletn the work contracted for. It the tender be not a teept•el, the chegnn will be re- 80rued, an 1 It a contract be entered into for a part only et the su ,ptiea tendered ter:an ac• cepted chrgne, for 0'e per cent, of the nttt.ntnt. of the contract may bt en hstitnted ter that which accompanied the tender: the c ,ntract security cheque will be rntaiuod by the Department until the end of the fiscal year. Each tender mint, in aldition to the signature of the tenderer, be signal by two snret. es accept- able to the Department, for the proper perforntnnee of the contract based on hie tender. This advertisement le not to he inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and no claim ter "ayment by any news- paper unt having had such authority will be admitted. J. F ALL'veterinary .. ALACA Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats cl4easeks sill. domep4ic,aiiimaia- on the most modern and selen"tl8e principles. tf3lOalle attended to might or day. Office immedirtely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 649—$m h. VANKnIr(HNET, Deputy of the Superintendent—General • of Indian .e1fairs. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. Mareb, 1891. HOUSES TO RENT To rent, a conveniently situated house on Rattenbury Street, with every eonvenience, near bcthsehoole. At present occupied by Inspector Robb. Posseseion at once. 638 Also, the house adjoining. Good stone cellar hard and enft water awl otter ennveniences. Lately occupied by Mr. W. J. Stoneham. Rent, 05 per month. 640 Apply to W. H. HINE. TEIE CELEBRATED Ideal .Waser� *anti Wringer. THE BEST IN TiIE MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see 'lee, J. O. WEIR,'CLINTON USE e;y aeCAeaa TMC,' ARE THE BEST. D. 51. FERRv & CO.!, Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL Fos 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season's customers. itis better than ever. E-,ery person using Garden, Flower nr Field Seeds., .nlhouistat119 JOI..44 4141 e D. M. FERRY &CO. WINDSOR, ONT. largest Seedsmen in the world TLGTOd D.. RE« ".'".' WELL • s. is more the result• of good judgment and taste than the mere,lavish use of money. Our New Stock of * SPRING * DRESS * GOODS * is complete with NICE, BRIGHT, NATTY goods, and we show an assortment varied enough to suit the tastes of all. In fact we are enabled to present this season a line of Dress Goods unapproachable in, * STYLE * QUALITY * PRICE Qom" FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. THE HUB GROCERY ,t® Iias one of the finest assortments' in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, \VasH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In Blurs(' ES We have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. i' ASKE'FS for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fiincy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of Iinooms, dowel to '' for 25c. UUOCERIES, fresh and as cheap a:i' any other house it'. tt)\vll—especially iii '1 EA we can give y(111 extra value. eo. Swallow, Clinlon CHANaEOF BUSINESS. 0 0 The undersigned begs to intimate that lie has bought the GROCERY STOCK CF COOPER & LOGAN and that he "ill !:Opti ti Ue the business i11 Cooper & Logan's Former Stand adjoining Combe's drug store and Colt'.it's pleat shop. The customers of the retiring firm and as many others aR possi- ble iespet•tfu1ly invited to inspect goods and compare prices. (Tends wi11 be sold at the lowest living profit anti delivered in any part of the town. GEO. STEWART, CLINTON. —,r�.a.�e�.m�sm�cto.ma..00r,�s.�n•�,�.rs,s � FOR SALE. 9111E SI' Sl'BSC ItIBER offers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has ttvo fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to salt purchasers. For further partietdars apply to the undersientd.—F. DINSLEY, Clinton, 382 ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office—I'pttaire in Perrie's Block, Clinton, Ont New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWliILi. has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by ilIr. Gaoler, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blackentith and Iron Work in all its branchee. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and Batt • faction guaranteed. The public are invited to tall before ordering any class of work in the above lines. • 497—tt GEORGE TROWHILL. ALLAN LINE ROYAL BAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap 'Excursions to Europe. FORTNIOIITLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax TO Derry and Liverpool. CABIN RATES 340, 860 and 660 Single. 880, 390 and 9110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. 1110 CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, Outward 626, Prepaid $30 Steerage at lowest rates. IJ" Accommodations unsurpassed Apply to H k A ALLAN, Montreal or A: 0. PATTISONor WM. JACKSON,Cllotot. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICURS. Thos. E. have, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Seey.Treas., Sealorth P, 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Sealorth P. 0. DIRROTORt, Jas. Brondfoot, Scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton ; Thoe. Garbert, Clinton. AOE1fTB. • Thoe. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seorth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend • ed to on application to any of the above officer,, addressed to their respective poet efcee. A NICE HOME J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont Vl r" ARftifli1--ECghThai IrliTislftt lifftkV ,f'j. select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adtofningl0ode- rich township. Apply to 13. L. D7OYLE, Oode. ich. 626.11 WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Coltnnbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model; .L 'All these makes in key end stem winders. , Also pond tnt set watches. 41, BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. House and Lot for Sale or Rent. A comfortable frame house situated on Jame, street, in tilt. Town of Clinton, convenient to railway station. There are the usual conven- iences, hard and sett water, etc., also one-quarter acre of ground. Will be sold or rented on easy terms. Apply at1 Jt)HNSON sit A MOUR'S Harness Emporium, 642-81 Opposite the M,uket, Clinton FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on. the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an Dore of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Oodorich. (1.;-:;, Z rRAY STOCK ADVER .M + k_ TISIlM ENTS ineerted in TBR News Rxcoan at low rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock if you want any kind of advertisingyou will not do better than call on 'ewe-eacord. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Nelson Glew, offer for sale two desirable lots In the town of Clinton, being lots 85 and 86, Gordon's new survey, on Walker St., with eomfortabiedwelling house, good well of water, and choice lot of fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Clear title and immediate possession can he given, Will be sold for $400. Liberal terms will he given. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, Executors RORF.RT PEACOCK, March 4th, 1890. 293.3m BILI HEADS, NOTE He..ds, Letter Bends, Page, Statements, Circulars, Bneiness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printel in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS•RECORD Office. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. (]n t,) A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE =B-Ratnn as-:t2-aloors.easb.of N Ews :REOO1tn, aG fico. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'SHaiTCUttillg. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. SPECIAL. • WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW SPRING STOCK --OF Boots and- Shoes, Which is complete from the Coarsest Lines to the Finest French Kids. Owing to the want of room below, we have been obliged to take The Second Flat for Our Boots and Shoes, which in not quite as convenient as below, but as we are determined to do the Boot aed Shoe Trade, we have decided to make a REDUCTION on them front 10 TO 20 PER CENT'. in order to draw the trade. lter11euiber—the Soot and Shoe Stock, Second Flat. See them. 0 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT STREET„ CLINTON. Clinton, April 6, 1801. Groceries. - Groceries. CANTE L0 EROS_ —Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crock' rya Glass and Chinaware At prices eonsistent with good goods. We are ( a, a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in duality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. P' - CT. 1\T I ems` TT 1=?, =- NEW, STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCKC, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattra'ses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wh.)le Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever' description. JOS. CRIDLEY, one door 11 est of Dickson's Book Store RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Cc, nplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitabl'i for Spring and Summer 'War Every Suit a 'talking Advertisement. Cloth by the yard at a very s' fall margin, and Garments of as kinds. CUT FREE from the sane. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON, WANTED 1 For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS we will take in trade quantities of WOOD—Beech and Maple—to be delivered ab once. When ordering YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT remember we charge nothing to *show our Goods. Suits at all prices, so that the poorest roan can go like his rich neighbor well dressed. Remem- ber the stand, OPPOSITE COOPER'S BOOK STORE. Walton & Morrison, Tailors, SMITH'S BLOCK, CLINTON, FOR 0000 ENVELOPES A y�(IFFOR FINEST PRILNIPtt G �' ;O'"FOR NICE BILL HEADS' a_.......ftws.vF .H,��,.�,.��,...-.. _w. OR.,OFf tCF�0�1���� .>��...aG ,. THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS