HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-22, Page 1�l • `t' 1 L 11 -yt.:u ,ter taro ui, $1.25 In Advance. F I.VDRPENDEVT IN ALL THINGS NEUTRAL IN NUTRIA -Lk VOL. ?VIII. -NO. 22. CLINTON 'HURON COUNTY ONT., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 92, 1891 1 WHITELY 6tTODDtPubllti:r,. Goderich. FAIR WARNING. -We I ave sent out a largo nutuber of circulars calming the attention of delinquent subscribers to back dues. The dates on their papers will show how long they owe for. THOSE OWING FOR OVER TWo YEARS WILL Be SUED AT ONCE IF THEY DO NOT REMIT WITHIN THE COMING WEEK AT THE RATE OF $1 .50 PER YEAR.— WtiITl;LY & TODD. Col. A. M. Ross- wad iu town this week. E•Irly communion at St. George'a last Sunday. Captain A. M. McGregor return- ed fruit the Georgian hay ou Thera• day. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely returned on Wednesday from a visit to the Queen city. Miss Grace Pulley returned on Saturday from a visit to St. Thornes. The rector of St. George's left yesterday on church missiouary business. Boat houses are now beiug built and refixed, a sure sign that summer is at hand. Quite a number of our young people left yesterday afteruoou to atteud the Clinton ball. Mr. and Aire. Wm. Wataou left last week for the Queen city where they will in future reside. The schooner Carter has been fitted out and sailed for the dry dock at Port Huron for repairs. The Bishop of Algoma, Dr. Sullivan, will deliver an address in St. George's ou Friday May 1st. Captain Jas. Sutherland left for Sarni% on Monday to assume com- mand of the schooner .11. .L Brecle. The fog hotel has been sounding occasionally the past week, the weather having been very misty. Mr. W. Ralph returned last week to Britian Columbia after a few weeks visit at the paternal resi- dence. The fishing tug diyrtie was launched on Friday from the island, having boen caulked and re- paired. We were much pleased to see Mr. William McLean out for a drive last week atter his very severe illness. Mr. Frank McGregor left last week for Grand Haven where his vessel has been laid up the past winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gordon, of St. Thomas were this week visiting at the parental residence St. Pat- rick street. Mr. W. B. Mathews is still seri- ously ll, the attack of pleurisy from which he has boon suffering having developed into a very severe case of pneumonia. The Star characterized your correspondent as a peanut polio• cian, a mean effort, consideriug it was obtained through association with the oily nut of the Star brand. The contest gotten up by cone mittee's of the W. C. T. U. and Y. W. C. T. U. respectively, has been postponed until next Tuesday even- ing. It will take place in Temper- ance hall. When visiting the cemitery the past week we found the sexton already at work arranging the paths. We think it would require at least two assistants for a couple of months, to make this pretty "city" as presentable as it ought to be. Donald McKinnon while in the Co. jail awaiting trial on the charge of wife murder, last 'Wednesday mornin'g attempted to commit sui- cide by stabbing himself in the re- gion of the heart with a piece of stove pipe wire. Jailer Dickson frustrated the attempt, and reports that no apparent ill effect followed. County Clerk Adamson, his many friends will be sorry to hear, is still very low, though not beyond a probability of recovery. We are sure we hut echo the wish of every man woman and child in the county, when e'we hope that so efficient a public servant and lov- able a man may be spared for many many years to come. The steps at Macdermott's hank are in a dangerous condition on ac- count of a recent land slip. They could be made safe by placing the upper half more to the west, then joining again at an angle about half way down, at no very great expense. 'We hope for the safety of the many who use this short cut to the boat houses, that this public convenience will not be suffered to decay. R. W. Bro. W1Thite, D. D. G. M., A. F. and A. M,, kluron district, paid an official visit to Morning Star lodge at Carlow on Wednesday evening. Bro. White was accom- panied from Goderich by Bros. Park, .Beck, Downing, Capt. W. McLean and Chrystal, and was wel- 11li `lit 'Crtrlo'vr -by °a- -large .attinev dance including a strong delegation from Blyth. Goderich. To•murrov the rose will be worn( Mr. P. Kelly, of Blyth, was in town ou Thursday. Miss A. Russ `arrived in town from Toronto on Friday. Miss Widddr has returned from a lengthy visit to Toronto. Mr. A. Kay, of Stratford, was in the circular towu this week. There are new two tugs and three boats fishing off this harbor. Mr. W. Shue ut Blyth spent the past week in the circular town. Mr. H. Weatlteuald left last week for Manitoba. Mr. J. Brophy, jr. left last week for Cleveland. Mrs.Vauatter is visiting friends in Winghaw. Regular meeting of Huron En- campment No. 28, I. 0. O. F. next Monday eveuing. The schooner Todinan, Captain A. Lawson sailed North this week to load lumber for the river. Messrs. Wm. Robertson, Fair, Gibbiugs and Mude, of Clinton, were in the circular town on Sun- day. • Captain 1). Sutherland left town on Monday for Sarnia to prepare his vessel, the schooner Cataract, for the season's work. A number of butterflies were noticed iu this neighborhood ou Sunday, a sure sign of early spring, at least so says our oldeit inhabi taut. The Oddl'ellows, of Goderich, will attend St. George's church next Sunday morning to commemo- rate the anniversary of the oder on the continent of America. Bro. Rev. Mr. McCoeh, of Petrolia will preach the sermon. Donald McKinnon was acquitted on the charge of murdering hie wife, the Judge having directed the jury to find a verdict of not guilty. The evidence against the prisoner the Judge pointed out was mainly the dying woman's deposition, and as there was considerable doubt as to the mental state of deceased at the time of making it he could not allow the case to gu to the jury. 1102mesville. Prof. A. C. Mouteer and wife visited at Mr. A. Scott's this week. John R. Holmes has returued from a trip to Manitoba. L, 0. L. No. 189 met in the hall on Monday evening. Miss Hattie Murch has been laid up with a severe illness of late but is recovering. Mies Maggie and Auuie Rutledge, who have beeu very low of late, are at time of writing recovering slowly. Mr. Thomas Calbiclt of B. C. formerly of this place was visiting his old friends. this week. He is lookiug hale and hearty. Miss Addie Moore of Gowrie who has been visiting friends for a few weeks here returned home on Tues. day. On Monday evening the lecture on "Woman", by Rev. Mr. Ayers, was well attended and very highly apprecial. t. The fie•, weather this week is giving the :-,miners a chance to get their spri, e crop in. Very little grain hae 1, a sown yet but if the weather ken; fine the. farmers will be kept boa,. :or a while. The fall wheat is r•:!ly excellent in this section. Hay. The Council met Apr.1 1lth, 1891 ; all the members present. Toe following changes ware made in the Path masterslist :-Division 85, Sam- nel Hurneaton ; Division 51, J. Swatzen- trenhnr ; 49A, G. Grabiel. Li reference to change of school boun- der -lea, owing to a counter petition being received to take lois 11 to 15 inclusive in the let, 21d, 3rd and 4th concessions from S. 8 No. 2, and combine them with lots 16 to 18 in the let con. and lots 16 to 20 inclusive in the 3-d, 4th and 5th con. from 8. S. No. 10, to form a new section, it was decided to leave the matter over until the next meeting of the Council. All parties concerned will therefore govern themselves aceordingly. The pur,lic will please bear in mind that the damage done owing to obstruc- tions on the public highway alien be recovered from the owners of such ob- struotione. Contracts for gravelling the Centre Road were awarded as follows :-Division 1, Robert J. Carlisle, at 55oper yard ; Division 2, James 'Green, at 49 3/5o. per yard ; Division 3, John Sheuttler, at 58c. per yard. The Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, April 25th. SAM J. LATTA, clerk. W iugham. FAIR WARNINC.-We have sent outa largo number of circulars calling the attention of delinquent subscribers to back dues. The dates on their papers will show how long they owe for. THOSE OWING FOR OVER TWO .YEARS:, WILL -BE -SURD A. NCE. IF THEY DO NOT REMIT WITHIN THE COMING WEEK AT THE RATE OF $1.50 PER YEAR.-WmTRw&TODD IDlyth. . FAIR WARNINQ.-We have sent out large number of circulars calling the attention of delinquent subscribers to back dues. The dates on their papers will show how long they owe tor. THOSE OWING FOR OVER Two YEARS WILL BE SUED AT ONCE IF THEY DO NOT REMIT WITHIN THE COMING WEEK AT THE RATE OP $1.50 PER YEAR.— WHITELY & TODD. Mre. D,illae of Wingharn was the guest of Mrs. Emigh last week. Our firemen, under the command of Chief Ross, were out for a little practice on Friday night. Mr. John Denholm is purchas- ing a Targe quantity of potatoes for Manitoba. Enumerator Mi. James Entigh fiuished up this burg on Mouday. Jimmy's a hustler. Miss lefnggie Moore has been the guest of Mies Millie Archer ofClin- ton fur a few days. The sweet and charming strains of the Ceuedien swamp hand may be heaid regularly'every evening. Farmers in this section are right into their spring ploughing these days. Mis. James Muure wile visiting Mrs. Thos. Archer of Clinton last week. Mr. Joseph Tamin tailor returned on Thursday from Detroit where he had been working for a short time. Mr. Geo. White ie having a good eized woodshed erected at the roar of hie residence on Dinsly St. Mei chant tailor Mr. S. Gidley was called away on Friday to attend the funeral of his brother in Exeter. It is reported that a Doctor from Seaforth intends locating here to help relieve the sufferings of poor humanity. A number of the 'Masonic breth- ren drove over to Smith's Hill on Thursday evening to attend a lodge of instruction there. Mrs.'McKellar haviug been visit- ing hero for sometime past intends returning to her home in Sarnia on on Friday. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Doherty, section boss, is fast re- covering from a severe attack of erysipelae. Mrs. S. Fitzsimnons and daughter having been visiting her sister-in- law, Mrs. E. Watson, returned to their,hontes in Clinton on Thurs- day. Mrs. Holland, one of our Oldest inhabitants, and probably one of the oldest settlers in the county of I-lur•- on, left here on Tuesday to reside with her daughter in Detroit. WHOLE NO. 652 Nutuuterhill. Several iu this vicinity are on the sick Iiat. We wish thein well. Mrs. \Valtere, of Goderich, who was visiting her daughter Mts. Benj. Grainger here went to visit friends iu Colborne uu Thursday the 16th inst. Quite a number of Good Temp- ters from here iuteud going to the entertainment under the auspices of Porter's Bill Lodge ou Wednesdity evening the 22nd inst. Al ids Anuie McBrion has re- turned from a visit to her sister Mrs. Edwarda of Woodstok. Mrs Edwards accompanied her and is visiting her pareuts in Hullett. The vestry meeting of the Epis- copal church here was held ou Monday ev'g the 13th inst. The Rev. L. W. Diehl presiding Messrs John Wright and Henry Murphy were re-elected wardens. Those f:uni hero who were to debate with Londesboro lodge of I. 0. G. T'a lost 'Tuesday evening did Dot go out owing to the rain storm but intend going uext day evening the 2lst inst. Air. and Mrs. Archie Cuusiue moved from here to the 6th con Goderich Tp. on Saturday the 18th instwhere the geutleutau has engaged with Mr. W. Clark Al r. Clark has secured an suetg'tic, careful man and Mr. Cousins has secured a good employer. FAIR WARNINC.-We havo sent out a large number of circulars calling the attention of delinquent subscribers to Lack dues. The dates on their papers will show how long they owe for. THOSC OWING FOR TWO YEARS OR MORE WILL BE SUED AT ONCE IF THEY DO NOT REMIT WITHIN THE COMING WEEK AT THC RATE OF $ 1 .50 PER YEAR.—WIIIr5LY a TODD HURON ASSIZES. Mr. Justice Falcon bridge, presiding. The court opened last Monday at Goderich. The Grand Jury was the same as the gave last week. John Griffin, of AshficiId, was chosen fore• man. There were seven criminal and sixteen civil cases. Hanna vs. Aitcheson.-Action to determinehoundary of lands in Mc- Killop. After partial hearing ade journed in absence of plaintiff's wit- nesses. Bryce vs. Loutit et al. -Action for damage. to land. Referred to Judge 'toms for enquiry and report. Andrews vs. Pugsley, -Two actions on promissory notes. Judgment by consent in both cases for 1x765, and $753 respectively. McKenzie vs. Quinn.-Action_.,M,o fix boundaries of land in Ashfield. This was a tedious case and his Lord- ship reserved judgment. One of our young then has so Beattie ve. Holmes. -This was an captivated the hearts of several of action by Mr. L. Beatty, an agricul• turour fair ones that it is impossible to agaiinst Mr.letR. Holmes, editorant ofaand tell which has the rightful claim to publisher of the Clinton New Era, for him. Wonder which it will be 1 an alleged libel, the libel was said to Say, Bob, don't make your ap- consist purporting the g epublication accountfa etter of a pearance too often under the vegan- trial before Josiah B. Secord, J. P., dah these beautiful evenings, at Varna, in October last, in which or else you'll have the governor, plff. Beatty was charged with inde- dog and double barreled shot gun cent exposure, abusive language and after you. Take warning, my boy. assault on one Mrs. Louis Wiegand. The members of Trinity church The libellous letter was published Woman's Guild and YoungPeo le' after the bythri proceedings had tra been p � ,quashed by the trial magistrate Christian Association have for the himself. The evidence showed that last two years been making vigor- the LIagistrate tried the whole of the April 16th, 1S91. ous efforts to reduce the debt still charges ou one information,and fined resting on the church, and the sec pier; a and costs, but the chief question _ _ cess that has crowned their arduous atiseuenow was vrhetherheannouno- work is most gratifying. The ed that he imposed the fine for one second annual meetingevidence, of the Guild or all of the alleged owhile ftown yes. His was held at the rectory on the l'st t ve, was that e publicly announced Inst, the Rev. Goo. \V. Raney pre- the fine to be for the charge of as - siding, when the following officers sault only, and that he dismissed the were appointed for the ensuing other charges, end this was sup• year :-President, Mrs. Tanner, Sr.; ported by plff's witnesses. The V. President, Mrs. Geo. W. Race evidence went to show that the y , writer had exceeded the facts. The Sec, Mies Tanner ; Asst seoy, Mrs. letter in the New Era said Beatty was Belfry ; Tress, Mrs. Metcalf. Ex- fined for indecent exposure, and ecutive committee :-Mrs. C, E. hence the suit for libel. Editor Tanner, Mrs. Emigh Sr., Mrs. J. Holmes refused to give the name of Bell, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Nation. the correspondent. Beatty finally The following treasurer's report for brought this action. The case lasted 1890 was read and approved :- all of Wednesday and and the first Receipts : Members fees $11.75 ; hour of Thursday, some 20 witnesses WIsenAtr---Alf Roe, For4inand Ker. being examined altogether. Thesocials, $88.59 ; donation by Y. P. venerable .1. P. in his evidence man, John Martin, Hattie Connover, C. A., $16 ; names on quilt, $81.65; testified that for a countercharge John Dineley, Alex. Orr. bazaar, $52.31 ; aums from other brought against Wiegand and his wife sources $3.85-$254.12. Expendi- for abusive lanetrage he had decided ture : Material for bazaar $15 94 ; in the same way to impose a fine of expenses for social $1.60; repairs $10,and wasgoingto commitWiegand on church $3.85 ; debt on church to the county jail for default, when $200=$21.38. Balance on hand, some days after he was told by lawyer Manning, of Clinton, that he might $32.74. MRS. F. METCALF, get into trouble, as the whole Treasurer. of the proceedings were irregu. lar and in bad form as to the require-. -Francis Anderson and John MoAuoh, - ments of the law. Thereupon he ore of St. Marys, have just been married, RelgI•aVe. dered the release of Wiegand, and whose joint age to 156 years, the groom FAIR WARNING. -We havo sent out a paid back t 15 fine to Beatty, to as being 79 and the bride 77. largo nembcr of circulars calling the attention of to even up sill around. Manning, he -Some time Friday night burglars delinquent subscribers to back dues. The dates said, "told me I had better squash it broke into the house of Mr. Geo. A. K Mo on their papers will show how long they owe for. and I squashed the whole business." Leod, situated near the market, Exeter, THOSE OWING mon Two YEARS OR MORE After an hour's deliberation the Ont., and stole $8 and a watch. Mr. Mo WILL BE SUED AT ONCE IF THEY DO NOT jury returned a verdict for one dollar L^ceF slept in the room. REMIT WITHIN THE COMING WEEK AT THE damages, and His Lordship directed Mr. Pipe, a well -torso termer near RATE or $1.60 PER YEAR.—WIITTELY &TODD that judgment be entered for plff. Woodstock, committed suicide from for that sum and full costs of suit. brooding over a remark made by the Lount, Q. C., and A. H. Ball forl0', minister at a prayer meeting. Mr. Pipe , stood up to be prayed for, and the minte- -AtExoterApril 19about2o'olock a.m. Cameror, Q. C., and Scott for deft. ter said there "was one present -who did fire was discovered in the store and dwel- Jackson vs. Vidal. -Action on in• not deserve to be prayed for." Pipe owned and occupied by Mr. Thee. eurance policy. Judgment in terms took this to apply to himself. Dearing, and by the tithe the engines ar• of consent minutes annexed to record -The first petition against Dominion rived the fire had buret through the roof, 1,:ul..the.coireh.playingoa.it.goon.pat-rt•,snd�igp'Qd.byy. counsel. .•.., eorvtbire,is.agatnet.Alex.F.MGNeiilv-Con-• out. The building was e�mplotely utt- McLean vs. Vidal. -Action on that votes North Bruce. It is charged that votes were illegally counted for Mr. ed and contents dash eyed. Loss about agreement,referred to S. Malcomson, MoNeill by the returning offioar, treating $500; partially insured. Local Master at (Ioderich. and other corrupt practices. Shane vs. Beatty. -Action fordatn- ages for false arrest. Verdict for plaintiff for 8150 damages with costs. Dale vs. St. John. -Action for Blan- der. Postponed. O'Neil vs. Murdock.-Actiou for He legal arrest. The Grand Jury returned a "true bill" against Donald McKinnon, for murder; William Dempsey, for rape ; Frederick Robinson for two charges of forgery and one tor false pretenses; and against John Refferman for cat- tle stealing, and escape from custody. On Wednesday all the prisoners were brought into court. By advice of his counsel, Mr. Garrow, prisoner Robin• son pleaded guilty and was let off on suspended sentence. The Queen v. Donald McKinnon. - Donald McKinnon was placed in the dock Thursday morning charged with the murder of his wife, Rachel Mc- Kinnon, by shooting her with a re.vol ver. The circumstances were fully set forth at the time in this paper. Hie Lordship had doubts about the ante mortem statement of the deceased being given when Mrs. McKinnon was fully cognizant of its import, he therefore withdrew the charge of mur- der from the jury and McKinnon got four months for attempting to com- mit suicide. The Queen vs Dempsey. -This was a charge for criminal assault with at- tempt to commit rape, hut there be- ing no evidence to sustain the charge accused was acquitted. The Queen vs. Hellerman.-Charg ed with cattle stealing and breaking away from the constable. Witnesses in the forinL,r case being out of the country he was discharged. On the latter he was sentenced totwo weeke in jail. THE GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. The Jurors for our Lady the Queen beg leave to present that they have examined the jail and find the follow- ing prisoners : At present we have sixteen prisoners in jail -thirteen males and three females. Of the males four vagrants ; the youngest is sixty-two and the oldest is eighty• two years of age. All of them are totally unfit to earn a living. They ara all under sentence. 'Three are insane and have all been reported and are now waiting removal to the asylum. One is charged with murder, one with forgery, one with assault with intent to rape, one with larceny. These four are awaiting trial, and one under sentence for in- decent exposure. The three females are all committed as vagrants -ages, fifty-seven, seventy-three and eighty- one.„. Oneaf them, Mary Brady, is weak-minded and totally unfit to take care of herself. She has no friends as far as we know ; she is now under sentence for six months, and it makes the ninth time that she has been committed to this jail, and this work of re -committing will continue not only with her but with several others at present in jail until death claims them, at least such is their prospect at present. 'The other two females are under sentence. i; We examined every portion of the jail and found same clean and in good order. We also examined all the prisoners as to their treatment by the jailer and his assistants, and al - were well satisfied with their treatl mentand food provided for them. We thank the Crown counsel, Mr. Lount, and Mr. Lewis, the Crown attorney, for their courteous assis- tance and advice. All of which is respectfully subs mitted. ,1OIIN GRIFFIN, Foreman. WEST HURON LICENSES. The West'11uron License Commission - era met in Clinton Wednesday, last week, and granted the tollow:fg licensee : ('LINroN-Isaac Rsttenbury, Samuel Pike, Charles Milne, Charles Spooner, John Shaeffer, Lack Kennedy, Thomas Bell J. W. Riter, liquor store. GGUERICH-G. B. Cox, J. C. Martin, J. Miller, Wm. Craig, Geo. Swarte, Jae. McCaughie ; W. L. Horton, shop license. Wm. Babb, Walter Shannon, Ed. Pea. nook, lett over until 22 id. BLYTH-Robert Milne, John Mason, Jonathan Eurigh, John Kelly. CULRORNE-Frank McDanagh, Wm, Lasharn, Andrew McAllister, Henry Martin. Thos. Crew's was left oyer. AYH FIE[dJ-Wm. Flannagan, Jap. Mc- Donald, Jos. Mallongh, Richard DeLong. Wm. Glazier, Dungannon, lest over. HULLETT-J. Bell, Jacob Kuntz. W. WAWANosH-John Lougheed, E. WAWANOSH-W. M. Champion, Canadian News Notes Ilius Green. Miss Lizzie Love has almost fully recovered from her recent attack of la grippe. Quite a number of the young men from here won't to Hayfield one eight lo' the purpose of fishing but had pour succeed. Faru,ete report the fall wheat to be in the best condition they have seen it for a number of years. Quite a number have ulready commenced plowing. . Mr. Jas. Jarrott jr. sowed spring wheat ou Muu,lay of last week. Mr. \Vm. Garrott has sold his 100- a01.e farm to his neighbor, Mr. Wm. Consit for $6000. Mr. Consit is an intelligent and industrious farmer and we wish hire success in hie late purchase. Mr. Garrott will rennin uu the farm till next winter. As Mr. Jas. Ii gen and wife were returning from Kippen one'evening last week, their horse became fright• ened and ran away, throwing Mr. and Mr's. Hagan out of the rig. No damage was done beyond the break - lug of the shafts autt axle of the buggy. t1ORSE.NOTES. Messrs Askwith and Sprung, of 1-tullett buught from Mr. James McFarlane of Stanley, last week, an imported Clyde stallion 3 years old, named "Melbourne." The price paid was $1200. The animal was imported last fall by Mr. McFarlaoo and took 1st prize at the great Northwestern exhibi- bition, Goderich, and at the Huron Central, Clintuu, last fall. Following is a Pet of the prize winners at the horse show at Bruce• field, Tuesday of last week : Im- ported Heavy Draught -Aged .seven entries --T Colquhoun's Rykerfield, Innes & Horton's Stud Beek Chief, J McMillan & Son's Ringleader. Three years old -seven entries - Charles Mason's Monckaman, C. Mason's ('lenery Prince, Johh Reid'e Lula Sueeuut. Agricultur al, three years old -Herbert Crich'e Young Davy Lad,Thornas McMich- ael's Dutchman. Two years old - Jacob Barrow's Honest Frank, Thos McMichael's Clear theTrack. Gen• oral purpose, three years old -Chas Rutledge's Willie Wild wood, Simon Mc1Cenzie's Young Wild Boy. Two years old -R J Turner's Maple Leaf'. Diploma for draught horses was awarded to T Colquhonn's Ry• kerfield. Carriage, aged -Goo Whitely's King Clear, W B Mc- Lean's Raven. Three years old - Jas Berry's Proctor Naught, John Harris' Fearnaught Chief. Road- ster, aged -Geo Whitely's Carlisle, Jonathan Miller's Arcadia Wilkes, W B McLean's Hensen Clear Grit. Three years old-Robt Barber's Gold Dust,Jno Sproat's Young Joe Gale. Irish Hunter -Thos Sturdy's Cambridgeshire Swell. Tho'obred blood -Jas Berry's Edinburg, Ai- kenhead'a Zamor, W B McLean's Cremorne. CREDITON SPRING SHOW. Was held 013 Friday April 17th. Though the weather was not favor- able there was a large gathering of people and good show of horses. The following prizes wero awarded : Aged Clyde, G. Martin's "Pride of Glasswick" 1 ; C. Wolf's "Clear the Way" 2.; C. Coward's "Newhall" 3. Three years old, Wes. Snell's "Bonnie Laddie," Shire, Dow and Willie' "Success". Roadster, 1'. Bissett's' Sir Bonner" 1; G. Hughes' "Highland Messenger" 2 ; Ai in - strong and Tennant's "Book Maker" 3. Carriage, W. Rivington's "Gen, Grant" 1 ; G. Grafton's "Alrnont Magician" 2 ; J. Putnphrey's "Lorii Zetland" 3. Special for best Clyde or Shire, P. Curtin's "Simple Johnny". Special for beat road- ster. carriage or blood stallion, "Armstrong and Tennant's "Book Maker." Fer best aged bull W. Morlock's "Prince Canadian" ; 11 years old G. Morlock a "Prince of Stephen", 10 months old, John Kerr's "Royal Cressida." Judges : Simon Campbell, Wm. Baker, Wru. Stevens. Socy., Henry Eilber. --Eight years ago Wm. Barrie of Mor. ria boat a silver watch out of hie pocket. A school boy found it the other day on the aide of the road where it had lain all those years. The works were useless. -Two young men of Owen Sound aged 19 and 21 have been committed to jail for 40 days each .for saturating a dog with turpentine and setting him on fire. -Richard Ratcliffe, a prominent Mason of St. (:atherioes who ootnmited suicide, previous to doing so visited the Masonic hall and placed things in shape for a Masonic funeral. -At the Bellville assize; a laborer named Johnson was put in for a $1,000 damages for eloping with tie wife of mil- ler fhomiigets. -- Henry Brunsted, an old employe of the MoOlary Co., London, dropped down while at work and died the same day. • 0 x,