HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-15, Page 6The, Huron News-Reaord 11,00 x Tr:ar-•43.6 to Advance. • W dne$day April 1504. 1891. A I1 USINEa$ M47'7'ER. McKinley, the American states- man, has a long heati as well as an honest heart. In a public speech the other day he said it cost the American people $1,000,000 every twenty-four hours to carry on their Federal Government. He does not pretend to say, like Canadiau dema- gogues, that they cau run the ma- chine without gettiug this money in the form of taxes of some des- cription. His explanation of the business part of the Govornmeut is one which will ap fly to the polioy of toe Conservatives of Canada as to their idea of how the government of this eouutry want to raise money to carry 011 the affairs of the country and protect home iudustry at the same time. Major McKinley said : 1 he g ,veruutout can not create money. Its ouly easete are publio 1tuds. Ice only way to revenue ie to got Congress to levy taxes. (tungress may tax you directly—your lauds, incomes, earnings, or prote8eion, or it can raise it by a tax or duty ou fereigu products. It oaa tax its people by whet is called (eternal tax- ation, or it eau tax other people seeking a market in this country, Both politic .1 parties aro egseed that internal taxation will not do. It is ingni;;iturial, and to- day rem tine uuly in f.,rce on epirite and toh,t t.e e, T.13 diverkeuco het m:so the pir-ire bogies jest beyond their agree - me t-, th.tt their mon.,y must be raised by w!, tt is kuee,vn as a tariff. Thera are two p'aus. The first is that which looks for revenue, and fur revenue only ; the other while 1 okit,g for revenue, is at the 9•.11tt time protective, with due re- gard to the oceepstton cud industries of our penia'. Tee ono is a tariff exelu- sively fur revenue, and is without regard for r.ur enter prises ; the other has a thought for the intereete and business of oar couple and their protection " * The object of a revenue tatiff'is rendez td when it has the luweet rate that will call out the U1tEATEST IMPORTATION of pruduot'. It imposes its duties upon Rooth which can nut be produced at house The protective tarifa' is the burden, duty, or tariff on foreign people, encouraging our own p:ople in their indusirire and employment by laying it on artielee that enter into competition with Kamm mtoufacturee. A revenue tariff is ,tiways paid by the consumer. This can not always be said of the pro-. teetive tarff. They say that protective tariff, are paid by the caneumer, they forget that revenue tariffs are never paid by any ono else. Ah, but they say :— "Why — "Wby isn't free trade a good thing ?" It is, if you are iieiahed aud completed ; if you hays stopped growing But here decay steps in. They say :--"'There is tree trade b,tween the States with sixty-two millinne of people. W hy not with ail the world?" They forget that we live under a different government from every nt!ter government in the world, It is because we did not want any Europeen Weise in it that years .ago our fathers broke away from Btitieh tyranny. and set up for themselves on a plau different in every way. We are different from every nation of the woild. It is this that makes us the greatest nation of the world. Why should we have Free trade with other nations ? We can't reach any other nation. We can't tax it The foreigner is exempt from sill duties of government. Tell us why he should ENJOY THE PRIVILEGES of citizenship in the United States and its markets. Our population is 5 per cent, or one-ttV,entieth, the population of the globe. We consume in many pro- ducts a this'd of all produced. We prc- pose from this time forward to manufac- ture more of what we oonsutne. WOULDN'T FLIRT IN THE PULPIT. In the utalet of the productive dairy farms near Kingston is the little hamlet of Caldecham. Among the handful of buildings which comprise the settlement is a Cenveoanter church. An episode has just occurred within the walla of that little edifice which leas created more stir and goenip than any previous incidsnt in the history of G,ldenh-tin. The Rev. J. C. Really poured his eloquence from the pulpit of the Cluveoenter ohuroh on the rude forefathers of the hamlet until he received is cull wltich paid him far better financially. Ever sinus the little parish has been looking for somebody who avoull promulgate orthodox t-aohings to a diminishing but stubborn denomination at an annual stipend of $800, a parsonage, a garden patch, and a donation party and ncc'ceinnal we,i,ling by way of dessert; but it has been ditli pelt to till the plane and the pulpit has been vw)ant some time. An applicant for the vacant pul- pit at last saute in the person of the R,v. Mr. Milligan, of Pennsylvonia. Sunday lest was to be his trial tr'p The clay was clear and bracing, aud the hardy yeomit.ry who live st C,Idenham and its immediate vicinity, and are regular atten•laute at the Covenanter church, were out in full f•.res. Young and old wore dressed in their best, mad the maidens were attired in their prettiest gowns. Ali were anxieue to sae the now minister and listen to what he had to say, The Pen.tsylt'anie pastor had spoken for Home time to the entire satisfaction of his bearers, who had listened attentively, when soddenly he halted and said : "I regret to rotate that I am au exceed- ingly nervoa,men, and am enure -led by a young lady in the congregation who has been enelesveriapt to flirt with me tide in wising, I hsvo neither the time nor inclination t) return the compliment at this time, bat may do so Etter." These words fell like a ehunderh.It upon the Covenanters, more especially eo as the departure from theology was made while the eyes of the pastor were steadfastly fixed na those of a blushing young ledv who is noted for her good looks end regarded as the belle of Col lenharn. The effect on the congrega- tion has never been equalled. When the services were concluded there Was a bustl•r,g,nf d�reess°, down the aisles and out Tnto the coiaiy-'swill; fr3lfdiliT'Eltisw matter was talked over profusely. levertbelese the episode has had a teadenoy to populari;cu_ Pastor Milligan, and the chances point toward hle becom- ing the permagent preacher at the little Covenanter church. HERE LIES 1 Epitaphy is a demoralizing kind of taffy. It appears on the tombstone, .aud euleogizee the dead• almost to the very stars. The urinal method of beginning, is : "Here fres." Very suggestive, for for the lies rite frequently quite astonish ing—•atmoat enough so to both amuse and amaze the dead of whom they are wri'ten. A truthful epitaph, in many instances, would be : "Here lies one who omitted to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." Ifese iek and suffering, and dreading premiStut•e death, test the potent remedy, It cures all chronic, liver, blood, and lung diseases, as bilious - nese, skin end Soap diereses, serofuteus, sores and esw elltnge, salt -rheum, tetter, erysipelas, and even scrofula of the lunge (or Consumption), if taken in time, —George Au`,uro of Toronto, who was sentenced to Kingstou peuiteuory a couple of days ago for stealing a horse aud rig from Mr. Paxton, of St. C.air avenue, near Brockton, on Tuesday hes at boast one good trait in his character. For some time poet he has been living with the daughter of a Soarboro' fernier Although .lubuan ie a man of 40 years, and not at all good looking, the girl., who is abort half the ago, s'ems to have thought much more of hien than he deserved. On Thursday morning she called e.t police headquarters and stated her wish to become the horse thief's better half, The two were married in the je.l c-trridor, by Rev. Robert C. Cas- well, the chaplain of the j til, accordiug to the rites of the Church of Englan.i. SHE \VAS WILLING TO GIVE UP ALL When Queen Elizabeth of England, found death appro'ichiug hor, she cried desp•tiringly, 'All my possessions for a meruent of time !' There are wealthy ladles to -day, the world ov„r, who would gladly exehangr. their ,iThes' for rented health. Many ere mule well and happy hy Dr, Pierce's Favorite Presotip, in, a never -idling cure fur diseases so common to women. As a corrective tar all flint • tioual weakue•,see it is of univereal re- pute among the ex, and thousands of pale, worn-out, enfeebled victims haye beau changed into vigorous women rind girls by its use. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or price refu,dod. LS me - gists have it. —While Mr. Coley, of Kirkton, was driving thrt•ugh the woods n a lead of Ings with his eight-year old eon, the latter fell off, and a log following struck him ou the head, fracturing her skull. He only lived a short time, EDITORIAL EVIDENCE. GErtrLEnlEI4,—Y, ur fI..gyarda Yellow Oil ie worth its weight in goal far both internal and external use. During the late La Grippe epidemic we icuud it a moat excellent preventive, and for sprained limbs, etc., there is nothing to equal.it. WM. PEMBERION, Editor Reporter, Delhi, Ont. —(,ermen capitalists propose to estab- lish tee sugar factories in K.nsae, requir- ing the product of 100,000 acres of lend. Blame it all on the MuKiulay LAW. THE MOST AGREEABLE rest•,ra- tive , tonic and mild stimulant ie Mil - burn's Bsef, Iron and Wine. —Further details concerning the capture of Fort Shebat, twelve tulles from:llauipur,have been receiv- ed, The British force which carried the works by assaurt numbered only eighty Indian troops under the com- mand of Lieut, Grant. The Barris son of the fort was composed of 900 Mauipurs, but the onslaught of the British force was eo tierce that the hlauipurs fled from their fortified positions in wild disorder. SPRING GLEANING. Be particular every spring to clean the house, but never miud cleaning the blood uutil some troublesome disease takes hold of you. This ie poor policy wriest by u:•iup Burdock Blood Bitters the blood still be thoroughly cleaneed,the body strengthened, and future suffering prevented. --Detective O'Malley was asked what tie thought of the New Orleans parish prison affair. He said :— These men were innocent and the people made a big mistake. Each one of the nineteen then made a statement to me which I investigat- ed and reported upon. I found that all of them told me the truth with one exception. All this talk about my bribing jurors is untrue. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP lies re- moved tape worms from 15 to 30 feet. long. It also destroys all other kinds of wort. s. —At Washington, N. J., Mrs. James Mat:Nerny left her three children, aged respectively 9, 7 and 2} years, at home while elle went out. When she returned she found the the youngest lying on the floor coverers with blood with a razor by her side. The child was very weak from the loss of blood, though not dead. Her little face was one mass of eats, and in the neck was a huge gash that sante within a little of cut• ting tite jugular vein. The ether children were finally discovered in a closet feet asleep, their hands cover ed with blood. They explained to their mother that they had been playing barher, and trying to shave the baby, who would not keep still, and so was cut. They became fright erred at the blood, and hid them - delves. The baby's wounds were dressed, and she may recover. CONSTIPATION CLAIMS many vic- tims. Ward off this dread disease hy the lirfie'sof s':ittreti='-gSaTareeerstrelesliurdook: Pills when needed. ,7L+=? ,al!tOr",54—-ZrINOrniaK7-01ataAA;W WHY Y b1QT' '' IM4 Why pot tot quatrcuhles us buiie, pimplee, blutchee, sores, popcorn, ern - buss, rashes, akin frtltation, e o., with Ftrrtiook Blood Bitters. It iodated with virtue as a blood purifier and gnus right to 113e right part. It ntakee ithe skin bright and clear, while also invigorating the entire system. --In the New Bruuswick House of Assembly yesterday, the Govern-. meat Bill to abolish the Legislative Council passed without gdisseutitig vote. SUPPOSING. Supposing you Buffer from some die- ea,e. Suppose it is dy'epensia or bilk us - nese or constipation or bad blood. Sup- pose yru learn that Burdock Blood Bit - tore has cured thou -ands of oases of these and similar complaints 1) ,u't you sup- pose you ought to try it ? It c tont herrn y••u anf in nine owe a out of stn:It sures, —Tho truffle returns of the G. T. R. for the week ending April 4th were $385,969, against $382,510 last year. This shows an increase of $3,459. ADVICE TO MOTHERS —Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Gutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. Do - pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reg•tlates the Stomach and Bowels, curds Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone ano energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winsiow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Staten, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure andaek for "Mrs, teinslow'sSoothing Syrup," andttake no ther kind. —Robert Murray, whom the jury at Lun'.lou found guilty of man- slaughter for the killing of \Ver. 0. Roars near Staathrop, was sentenced to seven year's intprisunument by Judge 1'alcouhridge y'esterdey.Y NOW FREE FROmt PAIN. Resit Sias -I have been troubled with Laino Buck for shout six months, and thsuiht I would try H'gyard's Yellow Oil, which cured me. Ant now f. se from all pains, and recommend Yellow Oil very highly. FRANK PALM ER, '-loons, Out —About 6 15 one evening last wook, at Petrolia, en explosion oc- curred, and upon investigation it proved to bo Bradtey'e glycerine works. How the explosion occur - rod will never be known, as the three work men—named Albert Bradley, James Chambers and D. McDelmand—were instantly killed. Sufficient of their retrains have been found to positivoly identify them. MAN OR BEAST Gain equal relief front pain by the nee of Clark's Lightning Linimect. The swelled jeiuts from a sprain or f ,under are t•e - lieved and cured at mice by its nee Every nwner of a horse should keep a hnttle of this great remedy in his stable. Every cortsideretiou of eeonomy and hu- manity suggest this ready relief, Price fifty cents ; sold by druggists. Clark enemieal Co„ Toronto, New York. —The heaviest snowstorm of the season has visited Lake Bouton, Minn., the beginning of last week, UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES, BLOTCH- ES, TAN, and all itching humors of the skin are removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap, CLARK'S LIGHTNING Linitnent will relieve the painful tor- ture of Rheumatitm in the joints of mum cies. It should be well rubbed in with the hand, aud the part covered with a piece of flannel. The pain will cease with the first application, and its oontin- tied use will effect a marvelous cute. Timis rerhedy needs but a trial to con- vince the most skeptical that it is a won'terfnl preparation. Field by all drug- gietc; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New Yurk. WACO'S WONDERFUL RATS. The town of Waco, Texas,is infest- ed rats in countless legions. They run through the streets, invade the stores and residence's, devour grain, flour and groceries, and make them- selves unmitigated nuisances, which the application of ordinary or extra- ordinary remedies have failed to re- move. While they accepted al- most anything that conies in their way as edible, they have a penchant for eggs, and the way they convey thein from the nests to their holes is thus related by Sam Whaley tho jailer, who has made their habits a study : "I set an old black hen up there," he said,pointing to the corner of the jail yard, where Sheriff Dan Ford's horses are stabled, "and they car• ried off every egg, and hroke the hen up. Site went to laying again in two weeks, and made her nest in another stall. Two eggs were in the nest and these remained undis- turbed, but when the third was laid it disappeared, two still remaining, t come I watched and saw the rate co —four of thein. "The smallest of the quartette straddled his four legs over the egg, hugged it tight, then rolled over on his back, holding the egg tightly against his belly. One rat took the ,,,gaaoetrtltb ou by_ qthe esj arust like boy holding he Ilanti9les or a w-1ieo1• took Cold, took Sick, I TOPIC SCOTT'S U-LSION I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; Eetting fat too, FOR Scott's mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HypophosphitesofLimeand Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY Iucip.- 1 tent Consumption BUT BUILT t ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING 1 FLESH ON' MY BONES t AT TIIE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. •1 TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." Scott's Emulsion is put up only in Salmon c.,lor wrappers. Sold by all Druggiste at 60o. and 51.00. e SCOTT d•+ BOWNE, Belleville, ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Hazelton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Lose of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Dove'opment, Loss of Power Paine in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness Aversion to Steady, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, eto., eto. Every bottle guaranteed.. 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. 308 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, t: harruw end knit hila .oi ndy, while the other two took hint ;v tail, and away they \vent, toe:hill« and pull ing until they get the egg to their hole under the brick tv.tl1 A. 1i.iacltu.r, our of the 1,rgest liquor dealuts in \\Theo, has obaerv- edtitat theme are soba: nits, wit., neve: touch a drop; moderate tlriukers, who take just enough, awl ,e•gnl u sots, who gut drunk every day, and possibly go home attd Leat their families. The titip from the beer fauc"te is when t,itn netts do diel' drinking. Tin pans are uvelur the faucets to catch the waste hour and protect the floor, and to these pacts the, matt; resort. lho routlt•ratr: drinker takes a ..i;, or two, then wipes his whiskers on front log rod gallops oil'. 'I'lae old t.opor drinks deep, feels off to the back yard, fella clumsily into his hole, aud the squeaking heamd after he guts into his cellar indicates either that he is whipping his wife or sho Ilius, or that he is making her rush arouird after re- medies. THE WORRY OF IT. 'l'he worry aud siokuess of a e'.ubborn h.arlaehe are easily Cored by the use of S`.. Jeco!,e Oil. It is the beet. —Mrs. Julia Goddard, of Crraurl Rapids, \1inh„ aged forty five, brought suit against 1)r. \Vostcutt, aged seve 1ty four, fur breach of promise. She received it verdict of $1,50t) upon the trial, and he appealed. The second trial closed to day with a verdict of 6 cents and costs fur plaintiff. The woman attended \Vestcott's first wife in her last illness aud managed the house during the funeral. After— ward tha old man proposed and she consented to marry him if Ile first secured the consent of his thirty- year-old daughter to the match. The daughter refused to couaent. The old man considered the match off aud married another woman who did not make any conditions. 1 CONSUMPTION CURED An old phsyioian, . retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an.Eaat Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and; perman- entcure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Astham and all throat and Ding Affections, also a positive and radical cure bar Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hall• ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, bas felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, too all who desire it, this receipt, in German,FrenchorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, V. A. NoYEs, 8.20 Powers' Blook,', Roches- fer, N. 1'. 590—y. —J. 11. Ii,aberg and Isaac Bastian, convicted in Montreal of waylaying children on their way home from school, taking thein into empty houses and outraging them, each re- ceived twenty-five lashes with the cat o' nine tails in the jail to -day. The first prisoner screamed with pain, and at the fifteeuth stroke the blood began to flow. Then the strokes canto lighter till the full sentence was inflicted. The second victim took his punishment Netter, but it was none the less severe. After the flogging they were allow- ed to go to their cells, and were ex- cused from working for the day. Before the expiration of their term of twenty-three months they will both receive a second instalment of 25 lashes. —Dr. F. H. Moleakly enjoyed a fair practice in Froodom, Ill., until a few months ago, when it was whispered that !ie was not a doctor, hot en imposter. His practice fell Off, and 1t is said Ilo resorted to sliiidy fnetli6?Irs'ta Ilmttht1i llibtfey.' A 1-1.A.NDSOIVIE ORGAN FRVE Given Away With Baking - Powder. Bast Offer Yet 0—•--- irr See the 1-iant:sonle Organ, now on exhibition. t=om 0 N. ROBS -O . ...mm. CLINTON. Is used both internally a, d externally. Ib aota quickly, affording. Imest instant relief from tho sever Ist pain. • DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. INSTANTANEOUS Ijl ITS ACTIO;L For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL. COMPLAINTS, no REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints Its effect la magical, It cares In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOn BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 260. A BOTTLE. itdr Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. 1_890 -kASTJD 1891 Christmas & New Year Goods ,0 ,fust arrived, the Dsg h u 9 ! kJ Black Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon• finest qualities of , s dun Layer, Sultanas A: Valenotas. CURRACURRANTS I'a1ras unci 1 - PEED Lemon, (hangs and NTS 1' litttras. p>- t'itrort, and FIGS. Almonds, filberts, Wall - FRESHC W IED nuts and tiht•lled Almonds 6 Corn, Peas aarrl 'l'omatoes during; holidays, a TEN CEN'T'S PER CAN. SUGARS, TEAS, (1)F1� .ES and SPI('ES—wo lead as usual. (HOCKEI(Y and GLASSWARE at away -down prices for holiday Presents, SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER.. J. W. IR I 9 The Noted Grow, Clinton DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLE=N'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. -- _S A citizens' Committee ordered hint to leave town, hut he refused. The women wlronm he had treated thou formed a committee toad ordered him to leave, but again he micelaa.a. Yesterday forty women, married and single, young and old, on whom the slleged physician had tried his art, decoyed Muleskly into the street and pelted hint with bad eggs until he found refuge in his house. Then the house was bunt- bat•ded. In the middle of the night the doctor loft the town. THAT SMALL "r" ANI) '`c " Comment is sometimes mule be- cause THE WARDER 0908 hnlalt lettere instead of capitals in the words "roman catholic." As usual, pre• judice or custom, instead of reason, or common sense rules such per- sons. We simply mean uo disrespect to any church. We spell roman catholic, methodist, presbyterial], &c., with small letters; because it is correct English to do so. Why should ITALIC and ARABIC he intro- duced with small letters and ROMAN with a capital 1 Yet the following is how they are written by many. Just observe :—"ITALIC, ARABIC, ROMAN ;" or "methodist, Roman Catholic, presbyterian, baptist., con- gregational and anglican." It looks nice doesn't it t Originally these adjectives were written with capitals. One might as well spell "cambric," or "calico," or "currants,' or donut; of simian words with capital letters because they are derived from Catnbray, Calicut, Corinth, &c, Usage has made them ordinary English words. So in spelling. \Vhen such words as DOMINO were first introduced epecial treatment was given them, and time plural was DOMINOS. Just its soon as such words become generally used, i.e., because NATUR- ALiZED they receive English treat• tnont, and DOMINO has for plural DOMINOES, 010, We simply follow correct ortho- graphy. We simply follow the the same practice as do all the French roman catholic papers in the u utvo rse. Isn't it nearly time people learn- ed settse'1 IMPLEMENTS. The subseriber having severed his eonneetinn with the Masan}, Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well- known firm of FROST & WOOD, Implement makers, of Smith's Palle, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his lino as heretofore. w111 also keep en hand WILKINSON Prows, COLTER tit seoTT DRILLA, Drec HAnnows, and articles of like nature. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. COB ItESPONDENCE. lVe will at all tunes be pleased to receive dents of netts from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in evert/ locality, not already re/,rrseuted, to send tis RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or tltr•.mgh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mays rc,rnnienre at any time. ADVERTISERS. .Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisement's, to ensure insertion, should be handeti in )tot later titan MONDAY NOON of eachr. week. CIRCULATION. THE NEws-REcogn ltas a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our boob's are open to those who mean business. JOB: PRINTING. The Jut Lep artntent of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class elf work is guaranteed at very lom prices. c? y 1� gg p®i °' ':J® u. m p®may p. - 1QfM.__S.�'i.1�4�l:LEY_►��.w .i �,w�_. ��tt ..'. t�} e47—Oro Holmosville and Clint, n yY eyytl "�