HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-15, Page 5sorI!fl :-Trade. -We have opened up this week and passed into stock the following Goods for the Spring Assorting Trade : New 40 inch Grey Cottons. :New 36 inch Grey Cottons. New 72 inch Sheetings. New Fast Colored Shirtings. . New Mole Skin Back Cottonades4 New Colored Carpet Warps. New White Carpet Warps. New Striped Ticki n gs . 'New 8 and 16 oz. Batts. New 46 inch All -Wool Colored Henriettas. New All -Wool Fancy Dress Delaines. All of which are put in at Rock Bottom Prices for present trade. itJ. C. GILROY. ardware. Hardware 'We Inver just received several tans of FENCING WVIItE—Barb Wire, Plain Twisted and Black Steel Fencing Wire. Garden Spades, Garden Rakes, Shovels, floes, Manure Forks, i)ig ing• Forks, I)ruin Spades. 200 KEGS STEEL. CUT NAILS. Kalsouline, Alallostine—all shades. Paint, Brushes, 1' al.ioniine Brushes. ••Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Milk Guts, Milk Pans, Milk Poi's, Granite Wor , Cooking Stoves and Ranges. READY-MIXE err PAINTS --ALL SHADES. Ttu ware, all kinds, at Rock Bottom Prices. IIARLANB BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton Standard Trotting Stallion, r(Reg,istcred under Rule 0, Volume VIII., Wal. lane's Trotting, Register), BLACK BOB, Na. 11036. Never before In this section have the breeders of the light harness horse had such a high class trotting st.al1100 as Is now offered in this grand sire of the old Hero of Chester. Foaled May 31, 1888; in color, black as a crow; !no white marks; exceptionally well put together, strong and good at all points, showing greet muscular development, Bred deeply in suceess- .iul and rich producing strains of blood, he is endowed through inheritance with those esscn tial qualities from which the great niaJority of tthe very Stars of the trotting turf have origin. gated. Let us notice a few of the grandsons and grand- daughters of Ilambletonfan No. 10: Stand S• 2.OR,1, Jay Eye See 0 10. Snnol 2.10}, Stamboul -2.11; Black Rod No. 11030, St. Julien 2.11.1, Phallus 2.131, Slaxey Cobb 2 131, Nancy tlaulca 2.14, Alabaster 2.15, Arab 2.15. Majolica 2.15. He also sired Gideon, the sire of Gretchen, dam of Nelson 2.101, champion trotting stallion of the +world, Buick Rod No. 11036, sired by Goodwin Humhletonian No. 864, by Hambletonian No. 10, dst dam by American Star Nc. 14, 2nd dam by Abdallsh No. 1. Bleck Rod No. 11006, lst dam .by Prince Imperial No. 906, record 2.40, public •trial 2.224. 2nd dam by Thomas Jefferson No. 204, recurs 2.23, sire of Farmer Boy 2.191„ John S. Clark 2.19/, and 11 others in 2.30; also sire of the dams ot three in the 2.30 list; 3rd dam Bridesmaid, the dant of Thornton 2.261, and g.d. of Miss Alice 2.191, by Ht bletoniart 10. ,The dam of Prince imperial 906 is Flora Temple 2.10). 11 is a notable fact that the Hamblotonian-Star blood produces extreme speed, not only in the first generation, but to the succeeding genera- tions. Of this we have tunny proofs, and out of the number of 2.30 performers sired by the sons .of HAM bletonian l0:over one hundred and forty of them are the offspring of Hambletonian-Star circ.. it hes been said by men who are competent judges that Black Rod is the best etaglon in Canada. Parties who aro looking for a sire that Is euro to prove himself a sire of speed and good roadetera, should make a note of this and sand ler tabulated pedigree and terms. Address PETER COOK. Clinton, J. W. COOK, V.S., Dungannon, Proprietors FOR SALE OR RENT Pump Factory and House. The undersigned offers for sale or rent, in the town of Clinton, an n10 established Pomp Fact•,ry mlth hers° power and all tools in connection with pump making. Also term of horses, two spring wagons, buggy, .utter, bobsleighs, harness and everything neces- sary for carrying on a profitable businees. The business has been established 25 years. Reason nr selling. the eroprintor has business in the West which requires his attention. Also a Dwelling House in good repair, with 10 rooms, hard and soft- water, good nutbniklinvs, striving shed, stable, oto. Good cellar iu which seen be stored pump logs. Will bo sold or rented on favorable terms. Apply to JOHN ROSS, 4349 -4t Clinton, Ont z1l+.szIF 's CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.. FIRST - CLASS MATERIAI and UNSURPASSED IRON WORK. Repairing and:Repainting. /OT ALL WORK WARRANTEDreV 62y TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can got teliable"'1 Harness. manufacture none but the Ban't oe STnce. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have lot to lime. tar Gall and got prices. Orders by mail promply attended toZ J()YILN 1E L HARNESS EMPORIUM, RLYTH, ONT J. E. BLACi1ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary g, College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the mAst modern and Viepl,itg, >rliielp e3: ;t 'Galls iittentled t o eight or day. Office hnmediately wont of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— .Albert street, Clinton. 649-8m rr 1L: ill IL 112 , ClEALED TENDERS addressed to the ander• l._ Signed and endorsed "'render for Indian Supplies," will be received at this office up to noon of 81TUIDAY, 9th May, 1891, for the - delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fiscal year ending 30th June 1s90, cor 'sti g of Flour, Beef, Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Agrien1 t o ral Implements, Tools, &c., duty paid, at various points in Munitoen and the North West Territories. Forms of tender, containing full particulars relative to the Supplies required, dates of de- livery, &a,' may be had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for each description of goods (or for any portion of each description' of goods)separately or for all the goods called for in the Schedeles, and the Department reserves to tself the right to reject the whole or any part of a tender. Each tender must be accompanied by an so- cemed Cheque in favor o1 the S trerinteeden1 General of Indian Allaire, nn a Canadian Bank, for at least Ii ve'per cent. of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited If the party ten- dering declines to enter into a (lout ret based on such tender when called upon to do so, er if he fails to complete the work contrnote' tor. If the tender he not accepted, the ehegne will be re- tnraod, and 11 a contract, be entered into for a part only of tbo supplies tendered for:an Ac- cepted cheque for five per cent, of the 'mount of the eontractmay be substituted for that which accompanied the tender; the contract security chegne will be retained by the Department until the end of the Racal year. Each tender meet, in addition to the signature of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties accept- able to the Department for the proper performance of the contract bane,' on his tender. This advertisement is not to be ivaerted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and no claim. for payment by any news- paper not having had such authority will be admitted. L. VANROITOHNET, Deputy of the Superintendent—General q/ Indian Afairs. Department of Indian Affaire, Ottawa. March, 1891. HOUSES TO RENT To rent, a conveniently eitnated house on Rattenbnry Street, with every convenience, near bcthschools. At present occupied by Inspector Robb. Poeseesion at once. 638 Alen, the house adjoining. Good stone cellar hard and soft water ant mgrs conveniences. Lately occupied by Mr. W. J. Stoneham. Rent, 55 per month. 640 Apply to W. II. HINE. TUE CELEBRATED Ideal Wasfter�� *Zan(' Wringer, TUE BEST IN THE :MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see one. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON pSE SaDS :tlteiki1.{S elGAU.F'TH rr owe` THE BE. L. M. Feaav & Co'.' Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL }or 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season's customers. It is better than ever. Eeery person using Garden, FMULIY o rid .Suds, should send for it. Address `z Dn My FEftl�'0f & CO - WINDSOR, ONT. Largest Scedsmen in the world OUSO Cleaning Season is at hand, and if you are thinking of purchasing a QARP]r this spring, ° should see our fine assortment before you buy. LACE CURTAINS. in justice to yourself yc•u We are showing some ELEGANT NEW PATTERNS at moderate prices, and also have about 25 odd pairs, the prices were from $3. to $7, and we are now clearing them out at HALF PRICE. Ask to see them—they are very cheap. FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. TE HUB GROCERY Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, WASH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BASKETS for clothes, willow Market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BRooms, clown to 2 for 25e. GRocr:R1Es, fresh and as cheap as ally other house itr. town—especially in TEA we can give you extra 'r'alue. cage walla Cli CHANGE OF BUSINESS. 0 0 The undersigned begs to intimate that he has bought the GROCERY STOCK OF COOPER & LOGAN and that he will Continue the business in Cooper & Lon' Forrner Stand ! adjoining Combe' a drug store and Couch's cl'4 leat shop. The ae customers of the retiring firm and as nlatly others as possi. ble respectfully invited to inspect goods and compare prices. Goals will be sold at the lowest living profit tied delivered in any part of the town. GEO. STEWART, CLINTON. n.rO FOR SALE. rl1111: SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has two fronting 'on flatten bury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to silt pnrelmsere. For further particulars apply to the underaia red. —E. DINSLEY, Clinton. 3.82 ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL,has opened out a gen- oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Oaulev, opposite Faire lurnber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horee-Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWHILL. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSUIPS. Dheap Excursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax • TO Derry and Liverpool. CABIN RATES 540, 850 and 500 Single. 880, 590 and 5110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, Outward 825, Prepaid 530 Steerage at lowest rates, F Accommodations unsurpaaeed Apply to 11 & A A LLAN, Montreal or A: O. PATTISON or %VM. JACKSON, Clinton. The MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured, OrrrCERe. Thos. E. Hari, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, SecyTroas., Soaforth P, 0. ; ohn Hannah, Manager, Seatorth P. 0. nraRCTORe, Jas, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clhr• ton • • Gabriel Ellintt, Clinton ; George Watt, Herlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan• non, Walton ; Thos. Garbett, Clinton. AOENTB, Thom. Neilans, !Inflect( ; Robt. McMillan, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Goo. Hurdle, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other bnstness will he promptly attend • ed to on application to any of the shove officers, addreesed to their respective poet cffiees, AN NICE C HOME -T Ip i3 /1R1371TN.-Er Rif �TbifbiiliiY�'eilth 6' 1t select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and etnblee ; adJomingiOorle. rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, (lode - lob. r526•tt J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. g5 Ail these makes in key and stem winders. Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECDMBE, CLINTON. House and Lot for Sale or Rent. A comfortable frame house situated on James street, in tha Town of Clinton, convenient to railway station. There aro the usual conven- iences, hard and AC ft water, etc., also one-quarter acre of ground. Will be sold or rented on easy terms. Apply ati JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S Harness Emporium, 642—tf Opposite the Maaket, Clinton FOR SALE. The properly at present occupied by the underaigoed as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre ot land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any'person wishing to lige retired. For further particulars apply to l;. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, 0oderich. Q TRAY STOCK ADVER "s5 iJ TISEMENTS inserted In THE News HICCORD 51 low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1f yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call nn 'ewe-Reocord. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Nelson Glow, offer for sale two desirable lots in the town of Clinton, being lots 85 and 86, Gordon's new survey, nn Walker St., with comfortable dwelling house, good well of water, and choice lot of fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Clear title and immediate possession can he given, Will he Bold for 5400, Liberal terms will be given. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, t Executors ROBERT PEACOCK, March 4th, 1890. 298.3m BILI• HEADS, NOTE Hoods, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, ete., etc.,printel in a workman- like manner and at Ion rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD Office. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE Bn 1tnE1c '2-rintsrttrttst of Nrtcf w Rilreti t'D isff flee. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S tlnircllttillg. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. _IIILLI��ERY OPEMMII The Ladies in Town and country are cordially invited to attend OUR FIRST ;: OPENINO Which will take place on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 3 AND 4. AND FOLLOWING DAYS. O OUR STOCK IS A LL NEW AND THE LA'T'EST STYLES, no old last years mil;iuery to show you, hut!everything new and fresh. Come and Nee us and we will make, you welcome. This department is managed by MISS FITZGERALD, who thoroughly understands the business and will be pleased to show you through. Respectfully, yours, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, March 31st 1891. iseammisaameamrsiaseasszsmarrossamersommea Groceries. - Groceries. CANTS+ ZON BROS_ —Have a splendid stock ot— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockflry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good gcods. We are' 1 a pt sition to guarantee as goo value as any ethic house in the trade. •1 ry our n1111011'4 Teas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale 67, Retail Grocers, Clinton. t�.amrr®ttto. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in. Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, blattrassea, etc., and general Household Furniture. The \ylt.>]e Stock is .from ...the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever" description. JOS. CRIDLEY, one door Nest of Dickson's Book Store ICONLION=S111111. mss RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Ccrnplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitab]'t for Spring and Summer Wear I! ' Every Suit a Walking Advertisement. Cloth by the yard at a very s• tall margin, std Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the sane. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. WANTED! For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS we will take in trade quantities of WOOD—Beech and Maple— to be delivered at once. When ordering YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT remember we charge nothing to show our Goods. Suits at all prices, so that the poorest man can go like his rich neighbor well dressed. Remem- her the stand, OPPOSITE COOPER'S BOOK STORE. Walton & Morrison, Tailors, SMITH'S BLOCK, CLINTON. TFOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING -e p I� FOR NICE BILL HEADS .,FilR�-tl�dCE-�RIt+ETING�—� THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN AL1. DEPARTMENTS