HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-15, Page 1.er t q: –$1.•50 per Annum, II.25 An Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS NEUTRAL IN NOTIII.NGij VOL: XIII. -NO 21. WHITELY & TODD, Publtsli , CLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15, 1891 Goderiell: Mitis LeTouzel hike been visiting at Blyth. Early communion at St. George's next Sunday. Mr. and Mra. H. Arnold have re- turned to Collingwood. Mies Cooke arrived iu town from Toronto on Saturday. The ulnae season for pickerel and black bass commences to -day. Rev. Mr. Serum], of Hensel!, wee in town the past week. Our court house square is receiv- ing the at ttention of the authorities. Regular meeting night of Huron chapter No. 30, R. A. M. next Tuesday. The Goderich shootiets had an excellent afternoon's target practice last week. The fishing tugs Orcada and 3ie- bold are making fairly good hauls off this port. The Str. City of Windsor will make her first call this season on Saturday week. The Goderich cadets had a tea meeting on Friday evening in Temperance hall. Col. A. M., Mrs. and Miss Rose returned to their Goderich resi-" deuce last Thursday. Rev. J. B. Hutton preached morning and eyenining last Sunday at the Nile Methodist church. The Public School Board will plant a number of trees at each of the ward schools this spring. Mr. W. B. Matthews has been seriously ill the past two weeks from an attack of pleurisy. The machinery is now being. fitted in the new tug. In a few dayershe will be ready for baptism. Mrs. David Reid was called to Brantford last week by the death of her son -in law, Mr. Isaac Knight. Messrs A. M. Polly and Thos. McLean returned from a business trip to British Columbia on Satur- day.. Rev. Mr. Fear of Nile preached the annual Educational sermon in the Victoria street Methodist church on Sunday. Regular monthly • meeting of Royal Black Precoptory No. 315, Black Knights of Ireland, next Monday evening. Mr. Hodgkise, who has been for some time employed in the Goder- it% organ factory, has accepted a situation in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Minthoru, of Toronto, are spending a holiday season at the residence of the ladies parents Mr. and Mrs. Pretty. "An Orange and 0 Tea," follow- ed by an excellent intellectual bill of fare was given in the Victoria street Methodist church last Thus. day evening. Many of those interested in our city of the dead on Maitland's banks are already placing bright blossoms over the remains of loved ones, in memoriam. D. D. G. M. White, of Mitchell, officially visited Maitland lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M. last even- ing. The W. M., R. Park conferred the first and opened and closed in all the degrees. The fishing tugs Clucas, Captain Malcolm McDonald, and Sea Gull, Captain D. McKay, left fur Tober- moray with cargoee of fishing supplies last week. The tugs will fish in the neighborhood of that port the present season. In Peterborough on Easter day a collection was asked to pay off a church indebtedness of eleven hundred dollars. The answer was over seventeen hundred dollars. Would there., were many Peter - boroughs. There will be a contest in Tem- perance hall next Tuesday evening, between sides representing the W. C. T. U. and the Y. W. C. T. U. 'As the programme, and the names of those who are to participate will only be known as the entertain• rneut proceeds, considerable interest ie manifneted tte to the result. One of the must interesting and readable articles in the Star the paet few months was headed "1 Cure Fits." Had the Star man tackled hie own nostrum some four weeks sooner, his readers would have been happier and his power- ful talents developed for the horsey business that now claims All hie WHOLE NO. 651 Goderich. Mr. II. Clucaa was in town this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely is visiting in the Queen city. Mr. R. L., of Brusales was in town on Friday. Mr. .Win. Knight returned home from Chicago last week. Mr. H. Secord left last week ou a visit to hie Manitoba farm. Mr. E. Burley, of Clinton, vidt- ed Goderich the past week. Our old townsman, Mr. A. Mur- dock is in town thole week. Mr. McDonald, formerly of the firm of A. Murdock & Co. of this town is with ue for a few days. Mr. Wni. McLean who was so seriously ill is reported to be irn• proving. Barrister Holmestead, of Seaforth, was in the county town on Satur- day. County Clerk Adarnsou though still seriously ill is apparently lin- proving. Mr. E. L. Dickinson, barrister of Wingharn, paid Goderich a visit last week. Regular open meeting of the High School Literary Society on Friday evening. The initial Wednesday service will nut be held at St. George's this evening. Mise Malcomsen returned last Saturday from a lengthy visit to Grand Rapids, Mich. The adjourned meeting of St. George's vestry was held in the school room last evening. The Oddfellows of Goderich will celebrate their anniversary by at- tending St. George's church on Sunday week. Mr. Hilton Holmes, of the Bank of Commerce, Paris, is spending his holidays at the paternal residence, Colborne street. A gentleman tried perch fishing last week. Ho put in 4 hours, during which time he had a perch on tho dock but nary a bite. Quite a number of our young people are wearing pleasant, smiles, having received invitations to a ball to be held in the Town hall, Clin- ton, on Tuesday of next week. The spring assize of the county of Huron opened on Monday. Hon. Mr. Justice Falconbridge presiding. His Lordship addressed the Grand Jury on their duties, and particular- ly on the law as regards murder, forgery, false pretences, suicide, cattle stealing and prison breaking. Tho following gentlemen were sworn es the Glaud Jury : Messrs Jas. Atchesou, Morris ; Jas. Bryce, - Stanley ; Thos. Beatty, Jas. Pea- cock, Goderich ; Peter Deichert, Hays; Jno. Griffin, Samuel Kirk, William Lane, Ashfield; Matthew Dane, Patrick Keating, Howick ; Edwin Gaunt, Joseph Smeltzer, Patrick Troy, Wawanosh ; Thos. J. Gibson, Wroxetor ; Peter Haw- thorne, Hullett ; Joseph Hender- son, McKillop ; J. B. Hodgins, Stephen ; Robert Hamilton, Jno. Rutherfor,l, Turnberry ; Richard Jewell, Jyseph Morris, Colborne ; Neil McL1 !Min, Neil Richardson, Brussels ; 2,!bert Turner, Tucker - smith, •'IXIIIAL LIST. PROSECVTING DSFENDING SC/WC/TOR. SOLICITOR. D. McKinnon, tt,,er Mr. Lount Carrow Proudfoot D. McRinnon, su. W. Dempsey. rap- E. Campion F. Robinson, forgvrj, Garrow & Proudfoot F. Robinson, false pretences Itefferman, cattle stealing, " Hefferman, escape from jail, " CIVIL LIST. McRmizie v Quinn E. N. Lewis Carrow & Proudfoot Beattie v Holmes A. S Ball Manning & Scott Morrison v McLeod Garrow & Cameron & Proudfoot lIolt McLeod v Morrison Caineron & Garrow & Holt Proudfoot Shane v Beattie Dickson & Hays R L Taylor Dale v St John .1 M Rest Dickson & Hays O'Neil v Murdock Garrow & L H Dickson Proodfoot Hanna v Aitcheson Dickson & Hays Garrow & Frourlfoot Jackson v Huron and Middlesex Fire Co. W C Llscombo Fitzgerald & Glass Stretten v Connolly R L Taylor E Campion Andrews v Pligsley Cameron & Holt R C Hays Bryce v Loutitt et id Garrow & Cameron & Proudfoot Holt s Winghtun. Mrs. C. Dallas is visiting in Lon- don and Ingersoll. John Kerr is iu London for a few days proepecting. Miss Mary Macdonald leaves town on Monday next tor Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Garbett, of the "Exchange" have moved to London. Metiers. J. B. Ferguson and S. Youhill, census enuinerators, are hard at it this week. Mr. Wm. Diamond, of Detroit, formerly of this place, is in town reuewing acquaintances this week. Mise Bella Clendenning left on Friday for Dakota, where she will spend the summer months with friendti. Mr. Alf'. A.dams, who has been in the employ of C. Lloyd & Sons for some time, left last week per C.P.R. for Manitoba. Mr. John Kerr has disposed of his stock of confectionery, groceries, &es, to Mr. F. C. Sperling, of elks-- on, who will take possession this week. The editor of "1,Votiderful Wing - ham" in the Signal has left town and we may expect a rent for a tinte. "Beautiful Blyth" will no doubt he hie next. Mr. Maurice Beckwith, who has been in the employ of Mr. Alf. Nicholls, baker &c., leaves town this week to take a situation with Mr. W. McBride of Blyth. The town fathers ere determined to clean tliinge up around the market end will as soonas possible hava the hose tower, fire hall and weigh scales removed to the pound lot. .A. grand concertwee held in the town hall On Monday evening. The programme was all that could be desired. Mr. Jas. Fax, of Toronto, and Miss K. C. Strong, of Mount Foremt, took part in the programme. The AVingliam firemen, who have been so successful iii getting up attractions for the Queen's birthday in the past are making arrangements for a monster demonstration this year, to be held on Monday the 25th prox. The Salvation arniy officers had bills out on Saturday announcing a "bee" for Monday and Tuesday. They are anxious to have the new barracks completed at once, as they are at present compelled to hold their week night tneetiegs in pri- pate houses. Port Albert. Navigation is now, open and the fishermen are setting their nets in the lake getting good "hauls " The Suckers are up in the river and the whoops at nights will now be in order. Your scribe has been on tramp up the Lake Shore northwards dur- ing the past week and I arn happy to say the fall wheat looks remark- ably well. Clover . has been very little "heaved up" by the winter frost: but tho prospect for the hum- orist so far is very good. James Mahaffy, accompanied by a crew from this Port, leaves here to -day (Monday) fel. Wallaceburg to bring up his newly purchased Stenm barge "Spray" which he in• tends running in connection with his Milling business and the coaet trade, "Jim" is a pusher, and if we had a few men like him this Port would boom. Success to him. AceineNe.—A hoe? by the name of Murphy in the employ of Widow Sullivan near Kintail, while "fool- ing" with a revolver shot him- self through the body. Drs. Mc- Donald of Kintail and Cassidy of Goderich attended the patient and through much difficulty extracted the bullet. He is in a critical condition. Boys will fool with pistols and boys will get shot, 'On the evening of Monday the 6th int the large bank born belonging to Jarnes Oliver near this village Andrews v Pugsley Cameron & Holt R C Hays Corcoran v John- was totally consumed by fire together ston et al Idington & Palmer wine & with all his seed, feed and farming Godfrey McLean v Vidal Cameron & Holt J. Adams. implements. Loss $1500, insurance on the barn $500. Tie one of the most distressing fires that has Sanford. occcurred in this neighbourhood for L. 0. L. 262 will hold an open many years. Mr. Oliver had only meeting on April 22nd. County moved up to this farm the Friday Master Todd, County Chaplain Han- revis from the townehip of ley, County Treasurer Beacom, Dis- pou ,• mighty intellect, trict Master Hanley, Rev. B. L. Hibbert, with a largo stock of Tho following are the recently Hutton, and other members of the berme, cattle and faro -ring irnple• elected officers of the Junior Huron order are expected to be present. ments, having purchased the farm a Lacrosse club for 1891 : Hon. There will be singing, speaking, etc., few tnonthe ago and had paid Mr, president Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. and a good time is anticipated. Drake, the former owner of the P., Hon. Vice do. Mr. J. T. Garrow, _ farm a coneiderable enm in cash for M. P. P., president, Mayor Buller, —A 1t,1 !tame, es aliam Murphy, aged grain and hay, three hours before vice do, Mr. Geo. Drummond, 13. of Kintail, while playing with ri the fire took place. There is not °captain, Wm. Blackford, treasurer, loaded revolver canned it tn disoharge, the slightest doubt but it was a case D. Johnston, secretary, A. McVicar, the ennu ole (Wet ing his right side.. im- of incendiaristn. 'Tis reported there come ittee, W. Sharkey, J. Hall, Todiarely over the region of his heart. will ke,44,1actro,us_mvestigation, by —.1).—Ninivror- 'Gees.' - Price,. mild.- W. .r'rove 19*tti9n a'6v3;filitheg abn11,111attlore "i44e lene74s Inc Insurance Company, the Wawa - Black ford. as pe itonitis has art in. nosh Mutual. ,.• , t ' ' IP Nile. West Wawaaosh. Mr. and Mrs. Elford from Essox Council met on Saturday March Centre were visiting friends here 28th—tneuebers all present, minutee last week. .of last meeting read and approved. The Rev. Mr. Edge passed The Treasurer's statement for Feb - through here on Saturday on his ruary showed balance and receipts way to Dungannon. of $102.61 and expenditure $93 77, The fall wheat in this section leaving $8.84 on, hand, report filed. lookretnarkably well and bids A list of those wishing to be assess s fair for an excellent ed as Separte School supporters was crop. read and filed by the clerk. Mov- Juhn McWhinney and Mark ed by Mr. Bailie, secouded by Mr. Hutchins left for Muskoka last Gibson, that $l0 be granted toward week. Mr. McWhinney has a saw mill in that section. the support of Mr. Craig. Moved by Mr. Bailie, seed. byMr. Todd, The Rev. Mr. Fear was in Goder- that as a largely sigued petitiou has ich on Sunday and the Rev. Mr. been presented to this council ask. Hutton took his work on this lug for a readjustmeut ot the poll - circuit. lug subdivisions, and as the law re - The Good Templars have bought quires such to be made. that at the an orgau to use at their meetings. next meeting of the council a re-dis They purchased it from Mr. Thom- tribution of polling subdivisions be sun of Goderich. made—carried. Te Reeve report - There will be a good deal of ed that the Kinlose council refused spring wheat sown in this section to take any action respecting Wm. this spring, it will be mostly the Thom's claim, said claim having al - Colorado wheat as it did well ready been settled. Moved by Mr. where it was sown last year. Bowers, seed. by Mr. Bailie, that Some of the farmers have upon the report of the Reeve re- com- specting the investigation of the menced plowing but we think it would pay as well in the end to matter in connection with Mr. wait till the land is fit. Thom's claim on the boundary, it was found that the land in question The first thunder storm of the was arbitrated upon and paid for, season came on Friday night of and as information is ou hand show- iest week and the rain followed till ing th-t uo claim is tenable, this the Nile creek had all it could do council take no further action in the to keep within its banks. matter.—carried. The Reevee also roported having met the Ashfield Reeves respecting the claim of Jas. Mullin for damages done to his stage, and agreed that the munici- palities were not responsible for the accident. Tho report was received. Council adjourned to meet as a Court of Revision on May 2fith, K. Miller, Tp. Clerk, St, Helens. Some of our tillers of the soil have to go to the circular town this week to sit in her Majestys parlor and they think it is no honor, as they would rather be at home. Mr, Robert McIlwain has got in his spring stock of goods and they have only to be seen to be appreci- ated. Robert always keeps the best goods that can be bought and sells them as low as any house in the trade, Sununerhill. Mr. Lawrence Manning, of Clin- ton, is visiting his son Mr. James Manning here. Miss Mary Eno, of Hullett, has becoate a citizen of our village. She is engaged at G. M. Kilty's. The Messrs Beacom have taken the old Oraugifhall to pieces and Mr. John Lovett has transported it to his farm in Mullett where the former gentlemen are engaged in re -building it. The 1, 0. G. T's had. 5 initia- tions at last meeting and three at the preceding one and there are others booked for next meeting. They are going ahead and we sin- cerely hope the good work may con- tinue. Rayfield A few or our fishermen have gone away for the etuniner season. The ice has all gone over to Uncle Sam. McKinley can keep it for the duty. , The census taken are going their rounds. Brush the duet off your Bibles and hunt up your age, every- body. The Salvation Army kick up as big a row as ever. It pleases the old women and children and is good fur Altarks' hail. The Council has been putting gravel on the sidewalks, and he boys and girls are mad. The dude part of the, Council wanted plank. The old fellows stock for gravel. It will be packed down before the lady summer visitors arrive. Good herring fishing here with boats. The suckers that used to come here to search for suckers will be glad to hear that Providence has put a Slide in the mill daui here. The Mayor of Egmondville and all the Tuckertanith sports can now have free red). The dam should not be dammed up again, its no tine of a dam anyhow. Winthrop. Dear Bro's. Wm, and John Bullard. It having pleased an all wise Pro- vidence to remove from your home a loved one by•the death of your daughter, we are directed by L. 0. L. No. 813, to convey to yourselv,s, Mrs. Bullard and family the ino,-re and heartfelt sympathy of every member wito you iu the bereeva. ment whish has juat fallen upon you. God in his infinite wisdom has called your loved one from the troubles of earth to be with himself, and though we are sometimes apt to rourmar when He afflicts us, we should not forget that "The Ltrd reigneth and he doeth all things well." We are daily reminded of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and sre spoken to in unmistake- able terms, "Bo ye also ready." May the memory of this loved one gone before call our thoughts from earth to heaven and help us prepare for the great change that awaits us. May we, dear Brothers, be enabled so to live that when we are called to obey the summons of the Grand Master of heaven we shall with joy go from our labors on earth to enjoy the eternal paradise above. We ere dear Brothers fraternally yours, JAS. HORNEY, kA M. DYNES, -4(11)7' JSCIAlt""' ee; E. Cense, MoKillop, April 2nd 1891. Goderich Township. The roof of the west wing of Butte' sawmill fell iu one day lately, but as the men were all in the engiiie room at the time,uo one was hut.t Council met at Homlesville April 6111, 1891. Members all present. Win. Weir was appointed path mas- ter in room of Donald Junor,Thom- as Jenkins in room of H. B. Evans and John Kirkpatrick in room of John MeAvoy. $75 were granted to repair CutLine near Hohnesville. Councillors set apart $300 to each Subdivision (4 and 6 making one S. D ) for repair of roads. Five scrapers were purchased from Mr. Wm. Stanley, for township 080, 000 for each Sub. Division. Mi. James McLeod appeared before council asking pay for.a colt whose log was broken when on public highway. After studying the By -lows relating to the case, it was moved by John Beacom seed. by James Connolly : That the claim of Mr. James Mc- Leod ae regards damage to colt while running on public highway be not entertained by this Council as we do not consider it responsible for such damages—carried. The following accts. were paid : Mr. Tremblay, indigence, $4 ; Auditors, $6 earth ; Wm. Yeo for use of scrap- er, 50 cents ; Wm. Collins indigent, per Mrs. Collins, three quarters al- lowance, $56.25 ; Mrs. McBee, in- digent„ $15 ; Assessor, salary, $65 Do, postage and stationery, $2 ; Mrs. Bray indigent. two months' board, $12. Council adjurned to meet again on Tuesday the 26th May at 10 o'clock it, I» , as Court of Bevis - jou and for any ordinary business required. James Patton, clerk. nohnesville. Miss Addie Moore of Glenworth has been visiting friends here. Mr. W. Mulholland is putting a neat addition to his dwelling: W. and T. Baer are doing the work, Mr.. II. Elford seems to head the list of farmers in this section in early ploughing as he has done work over two weeks ago. Mr. Jas. A. Ford of this village has been counted in among the enumerators and is busily engaged at the work, Mr. Geo. Levis of this place his accepted the agency for a well known implement factory and opened a show room in Clinton Geo. will have to got a "viddle on." The tailoring business that was started here a short time ago did not run fittingly. No one got tits but the titter. Correspondence mailed at Holmes- ville Monday of last week went on a roving commission to Winghaur aud did nut get to Clinton until Wed- nesday morning. The Railway mail clerk must have got it mixed in assorting. Lecrutte.—On Monday April 20, Rev. Mr. Ayers of this place will deliver his popular lecture ou "Woman,"her relation to the home, the church and the state, in Meth. church here. MONUMENTAL PATIENCE—A few tla3s ago a young lady chanced to get a ride from Clinton in a waggon with a man who lives not far from here. All at Wee the man said "whoa," and asked the lady to hold the lines for a few minutee. He then got out of the waggon and back he ran to Clinton a distance of two milee. The lady, however, had good patience and held the horses for a full hour, 1 when the man re. turned he said 'lie didn't find the horseshoe after all." nullett Mr. Wm. WcCool has secured the services of a Mr. Clare for the summer months. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5. for March. The stand- ing of the pupils is based on dili- gence, demeanor and attendance. No. ou roll 37, average attendance 26. 5th class.—Lizzie Cunningham, Geo. Cunningham. 4th class.—Ettie Wallace, Gilbert Thompson, Alice Manning. Sr. 3rd chiss.—FIenry Wallace, Sarah Brown, Jno. Hoggart. Jr. 3rd class.—Atthur Smith, Lizzie Vodden, Jas. Thompson. 2nd class.—Willie Vodden, Rub. Cunninglism. Tetra McCool. Sr. Part 11 claes.—Jno. Cunning- ham, Earny Wallace, Wes. Vodden. Jr. Part II clase.—Arnalia Eidt, Cecilia Eidt. Mr. John TannerofListowel was in town on Saturday. Mr. F. Tanner, banker of Arthur, spent Sunday with hie parents. Miss Maggie McQuarrie left here on Tuesday for Toronto. Mr. Thos. Jones, now of Wal- ton, was in town visiting friends last week. On Friday evening a heavy thun- der and lightning storm passed over this burg without doing any damage. Mr. Robert Howard is moving his family to the north end of the town this week. The wife of our respected towns– man Mr. Jamet Watson, shoemaker, is seriously ill. We hope Co hear of her speedy recovery. We are pleased to see Mrs. Curtis so far recovered from the severe ac- cident she met with some tirue ago as to be able to take a short walk occasionally. Building operations have already commenced in this hamlet. Mr. Joseph Tamin is erecting a frame building on the Calder property which he purchased last fall. Enumerator Mr. James Entigle is doing the town up these days. Your humble servant had a personal cell from him and thought he was a .ver y inquisitive chap, but was led to be lieve by the time he got throuelt that Jim thoroughly understands his business. It is currently reported that Dr. W. Sloan has disposed of his fine mansion in this town to Mr. Hector Buie and that he intends ere long to reinove his family to Toronto. We hope the report is not true ae we cannot afford to lose ouch an excellent citizen. We have to record the demise this week of Mrs Ann Campbelefteed 91 years, also the infant and only child of Mr. John Mains, sged six montete. The remains of both were taken to the Union ceimstery for interment on Thursday. The be - reeved ones in both cases have the sympathy of the whole community. This is the time of year when On Thursday evening last one of people move and I toll you what a our young eastendere when leaving groat many niovings pass here these prayer meeting thought he saw his days. Some are moving in and some hest girl some distance ahead of hitn. are moving out. But that is no He put a little move on to himself more than natural all the world and in a few minutes he had booked over. on to his supposed fair one, but to Thames Greenside who left here hie holy terror he soon discovered, lately for the North West arrived by his being launched off the side - there all safe and sound and got walk, that it was one of our citizen's work immedietely on arriving. He better half that he had mistaken for says men are eo searses ehat oeyee his asteeteLe Jeakee,,,,,Akehesee,glee csVenty Wanted liim, Bui only one young man is rather Sharp his wee - got him. Wages are from $16 to a cane of where love is apt to make $25 per month for 7 or 8 months. one blind.