HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-04-01, Page 6Tars Huron - Naps -Record
ILO fk. Yean--in-26 itt AdVange, -
Wednesday April ]'sir 1$91
Opposite the Bank of England and
about five minuted walk from the
Mansion House, the residence of
the Lord Mayor of London, there
was iu Leadenhall etreet, in 1879,
the shop of a wealthy watch-
One dreary November morn a man
entered hid shop whose loud dress
and louder rnauuer iurpreased the
jeweler didagreeably. Ile looked at
the swaggering fellow, sized him up
iu a jiffy, and tippiug hie clerks the
wink to be extra careful, stepped for-
ward and said iu his sharpest tone :
"Well sir 1" The fellow was not a
bit abashed,
"Aw," lie said,iu an unmistakable
low cockuey voice, "ye 'ave beeu
very 'ighly recommended to me—
fact is, I went to get about a thous -
an' puus' worth of watches from you.
I am going to the \Vest Indies by
to -morrow's steamer, and .I .want to
make this little hiuvestureut ou
me own haccount. Now, remem-
ber, we good friend," he added,
laughingly, "toy name is cash—cash,
ye know. So I want no fancy
prices, but every thing brat class anti
bottom lutes."
The jeweler, keeping a sharp
lookout all the while, showed hint
his veu'ious styles, and iu a very
short time the fellow selected about
£1,000 worth of• watches,
"Just £992, 15s," said the jewel-
"Very vel}, 'ere's a thousand
putts. Just wra? up the swag and
gi' ole the change, will ye 1"
•'You tnust excuse me," said the
jeweler after fumbling a little while
at his safe, "but I can't change this
note. Just sit down a few minutes
and I'll send the boy over to the
bank. IIere, John, take this to the
bank." And then in an undertone
ho added : ".Jest find out if the bill
is goad. Don't cash it, I have
plenty of change here." The strang-
er calmly seated himself and quiet-
ly conversed with the jeweler.
In a few minutes the boy return
"The note is perfectly good," he
said softly to his etnployer. The
merchant was puzzled. Was it pos-
sible that he could be mistaken ?
However, there was nothing else to
be done. So he handed the man
his 'change and the package of
watches. He was about to enquire
by what steamer his customer was
going to leave, when the door open•
ed and another more loudly di -eased
individual walked in. He looked
at the first fellow, and without
minding the jeweler, who watched
him narrowly, he slapped hila a
thundering, .vhack ou the sbot'Iders
and cried out :
"Iloilo, Jack, what in goodness
aro you doing 'ere ?"
Hullo, Joe ! where do you
come from ? I bought some watches
"The dickens ye did ! I am 'ere
just on the sante herrand. .And
what did you buy watches for !"
"I am going to the ',West In-
"By the holy poker, so am I !
What steamer ?"
"The Jamaica."
"Deuce take it all, so am I.. Well,
now, me good fellow, just stay here
till 1'tn done. I don't want to car-
ry the same stuff you do., Just 'elp
me select."
"Of course I will. 'Ow much are
you going to hinvest V'
"Well, about a thousan' puns'."
Tho jeweler by this time had become
thoroughly awake. He felt sure the
coup was uow coming and he dou-
bted his watchfulness. With due
care he displayed his goods, and the
two fella es had soon selected anoth-
er one thousand po,:nds sterling
worth of watches. Like number one
a one t.lwuslud pound sterling note
was offered in payment for number
two. This time the jeweler felt
sure tnet the note was a for-
"I have just told your friend,"
said he, "that I haven't change
enough in my safe. It is annoytug,
but if you'll kindly wait a moment
I'll send the boy over to the bank
with the note. Just make your-
selves comfortable, gentlemen ; the
boy will be hick in an instant." In
a few minutes the boy returned. and
again he muttered :
"The note is perfectly good."
The jeweler was more astounded
than ever. After all he had been
mistaken in these two suspicious -
looking characters and his sharpness
was at fault. He could scarcely be-
lieve it, His well•known shrewd-
ness, his knowledge of human na-
ture, needed correction. Incompre-
hensible I , He handed the man hie
change and package and was still
conversing with the two when end -
dimly the door was pushed open
— - tttld-414 igF kinay..polioeman bounced. -
in. He laid his strong hands on
.both men. '`'Jack Halleron," he
said, "and Joe Winterbottom, I
arrest you in the- l#(nte Of tiae quash, l
Steady dory,; my men and ug, lues,
ii you Please. The_gatllft le up l
have. plenty- of J eipoat04. 80
just let the put these little ofnawenta
an your wriets, and the quicker
you are about it the better all
The jeweler chuckled. After all
he bad been right, and these fellowe
were sharpers. Ile nodded his head
complacently as ha looked on. The
fellows were remarkably good-natur-
ed, though crest -fallen. They
did not otter the slightest resist-
"Mighty hard luck, Joe," said
John Halloran, "and just when
we was off for the West
Indies, too. Well, say, officer, you
ain't a -going to drag us through the
streets like this, are ye V'
"Not by a jugful," answered the
policeman. "Know you and your
gang too well. Ye shall have all
the style ye want, boys. I have a
growler just out side the door, and
ye shall be driven to the Mansion
House. And now, sir," he said,
turning to the jeweler, "what have
these fellows been doing here?"
"Bought one thousand pounds
sterling worth of watches each of
them,and paid me with a one thous-
and pound sterling note."
"Ilold on ! Hold on !" cried the
officer, pulling out hie pocketbook
and hastily opening it. "Number
fourteen thousand three hundred
and three, ain't it 1"
"Yee, yea," nodded the jew-
"And number seventy-three
thousand eight hundred and
nine 1"
'To be sure," chuckled the mer-
Both stolen from the Earl of Aber-
deen You'll remember that big
burglary a few weeks ago, sir? It
was the talk of all London, and
them's the fellows that did it." Tite
jeweler's eyes danced with vanity
and gratified pride. }le would
come iu as a witness in that cele-
brated case. All London would
talk about him and his sharpness.
"Well, I'll tell you what I will
do, sir," continued the officer. "Just
hand me them two one•thousand•
pound sterling notes, and let your
young man go out with me and the
watches to the cab. We shall need
all Chia as corpus delicti, as the bar-
risters say, sir. And you, yourself,
must come in half an hour to the
Lord Mayor's office ; we shall re•
quire your testimony, sir. Here,"
scribbling a few words, "here is the
name of the case, sir, and that's me
own name and number. Don't fail
to come. This is a very important
catch and will reflect credit on you,
The men were marched down-
stairs by the policeman, the clerk
with the two packages bringing up
the rear. The men were bundled
into the cab. The policeman seated
himself opposite to then!, taking the
watches on his lap, and all three
were driven off ostensibly to the
Mansion House. Half an hour
later the jeweler presented himself
full of pride at the Lord Mayor's
office, but the two rogues and the
pretended policeman failed to ma-
terialize.—Jewelers' Weekly.
—Mr. Watson's official majority
in Marquette, Man., is 12.
_Win, Rattan of Brantford was
killed at Paris station by a freight
—THE grip is epidemic in au
acute form at Pittsburg, 4.000 cases
have been reported.
— At Dorchester an elderly lady
named Mrs. Bone was struck by an
express train and instantly killed.
—Proceedings in the recount in
King's County, N. B., where Hon.
Mr. Foster was elected, has been
— At Walkerton Assizes Donald
McLeod of Kincardine Township
was sentenced to four -teen years for
barn -burning.
— Timothy Ilealy was mobbed by
Parnollitosin Cork and may lose his
sight as the result of a blow which
shattered his eye -glasses.
—A Brandon paper says :—Mr.
W. Rathwell, of Hayfield, a coun-
cilor of Oakland Municipality, left
on Friday for Arthur, Ontario,
where he goes to buy a carload of
—At a meeting of the Liberal -
Conservative working committees
of London it was decided to protest
tho election of C. J. Hyman (Lib-
eral) on the ground of corrup-
—At the Guelph asuizea John
Connolly, a well to-do farmer of the
township of Peel, was condemned to
pay for the separate maintenance of
his wife because, on account of his
meanness, she could not live with
—Brandon Mail :—"A. D. Bryce,
contractor, of this city, who is a
married man with a family, was ar-
rested on Thursday last on a charge
of raping a nine-year-old girl of Mr.
F. Revel. The case had a prelimin-
..aJY, hAaring,bafore..Magiatrate,Todd..
on Friday morning, and the prison-
er was sent up for taial."
—At meeting in Portage, Man.,
congtituenay bead: at EIti diver
'last, rlreelc .there Were lively. eeenee.
W. J. Cooper,; who wee, speaking
against Von, N Martin, got into
an alercation with one of Martin's
supporters, named RSmith. Cooper
slaped Siuith'a face, whereupon the
latter threw a pail of water over
Cooper, .
—James ea Davie, of Renfrew coun-
ty, hap been suffering from a cancer
in the tongue. The progress of the
disease caused the tongue to swell
and protrude from the mouth, and
the cancer had nearly eaten through
Davie asked for a doctor to cut his
tongue, and intimated that if it was
not done he would cut it hin,self.
A doctor was sent for, but, before
his arrival, Davis became impatient
and, taking a knife, out it off him-
self at the part where it was nearly
eaten through by cancer.
—In northern Montana some
2000 railway laborers have been
thrown out of work ou account of
the heavy • snow storms. Seeing
starvation stat ing thein in the face,
a large number started to traverse
the deep snow to Summit, 100 utiles
further west, and many perished
from cold and exposure. The record
so far is seven deaths from freezing
while large numbers had legs and
arms severely frozen. It is also
certain that a great many have pere
ished of whom no traces have been
Hagyard'a Pectoral Bslaam gives re-
lief in coughs, colds, hoarseness whoop-
inu cnugh, croup, nsrhme, or brunchite.
It is ,hei•nost pleasaut and perfect throat
and Inng hesier in the world for child-
ren or adults. Price 25e.
—Major. Gen. Nelson A. Miles,
speaking of the receut Sioux wars
says there will he many more. The
same causes which produced this
one will bring about others. The
General is not apprehensive of trou
ble in the spring.
No better evidence of the fact that
Burdock Blood Bitters is a certain reme-
dy fur blood disorders can be asked than
that of Mr. Geo. V. Thomas, druggist.
of Hul1.,P. Q, whose wife was cured of a
emcee by 13 B. B. The family dout•,r
is certain th•st tae disease was cancer
and that it is now cured.
—James Kane, a Belleville host-
ler killed his wife by stabbing her
through the heart with a carving
ES, TAN, and all itching humors of the
skin are removed by using Dr. Low's
Sulphur Snap.
—A number of Ontario farmers
and their families, who settled in
South Dakota some eight years ago,
passed through Winnipeg last week
on their way to Yorkton, Assiniboia
territory, with six carloads of stock.
One hundred families of these Cau•
adieus are expected from Dakota
in three weeks bound fur Yorkton,
Should be wrapped with a linen cloth wet
with Clark's Lightning Liniment. The
pain will leave ioatently, and the swell
ing rapidly eubride. Nothing known to
medical science will afford such speedy
relief and cure, and there ie no other
remedy that givse the sufferer aueh quick
8atisfaotton Where once used -always
used. Order from veer druggist. There
is only one Clark's Lightning Liuiment ;
price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co.,
Toronto, New York.
—M syor Porter, it is stated, voted
twice in Belleville in the reeeut e'ectioa
An information was sworn out against
him and he appeared before two magie-
traitee, pleaded guilty and was fined $20
and coats.
tims. Ward off this dread disease by the
use of Small Sugar -Coated Burdock
Pills when needed.
—Hugh Foster, aged thirty-eight, of
Islington, was committed for trial on the
charge of bigamy. Foster was married
on Oct. 1, 1878, at the residence. of Frank
Reid, Trafalgar township, to Maria
Smith, who is still living. Rev. Samuel
C. Phipps, Methodist minister, of Wes-
ton, deposed th it on the al 'instant he
married the prisoner to Annie C. Clark-
son, the prisot er described in the license
as a "bachelor" and Miss Clarkson as a
"spinster." Witneae has know, Miss
Clarkson, who hi a pretty young woman
of thirty, for twenty five years. Prison-
er was prominent in religious and temper-
ance cir, los before removing to Isl-
Will be given for a case of Catarrh
which cannot be cured permanently by
Clark's Catarrh Cure. Step right up to
the offi ea and prove your 0880 and get
the reward. Thousands have tried this
remedy but no one hue claimed the re-
ward, because it cures in every ease. If
you have a cold or are troubled with
catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's
Catarrh 'Jure, price 50 cents, and see
what a pleasant relief it will be instant•
Iv. If you are asked to take something
elee, send to us direct, and we will send
ynu a bottle by mail cn receipt t f price.
Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York.
---Mrs Nelson Ilouse, of War-
wick, while attending to her house-
hold duties the other day was strick-
en with apoplexy and died within a
short time, She left a husband, four
daughters and two sons. Up to the
stroke Mre. House enjoyed good
A Tip is a tpeoial or valuable informa-
tion such se this, that Hagyard's Yellow
-Oil is'a' prompt tend-'effetir+irellfeT fh
croup, colde, , hoarseness, sore throat,
rheumatism, neuralgia, 'Trains or sore -
nese of any kind. Known as reliable
over 30 years.
yet. 1t you do Hot 1t sgay pecome ono,
eufoPttve. For 4b;nsumption, Berofina,
e neral PobiiIII/ slid IYW.ti$O .IZtaeusc•a,
there is aMPilling 1149
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and
Of Jaime swag tSpam.
It le almost as palatable as milk. Far
better than other so-called Emulsions.
A wonderful flesh producer.
is put tip in a salmon color wrapper. De
sure and get the genuine. Sold by all
Deaiees at 60c. and $1.00.
SCOTT et BOWNE, Belleville.
—The grand ju'y, at Halifax, yester-
day rendered a true bill fur conspiracy
ageiost Rhos and and '.ticKay, the liquor
infercnere. R',ee and McKay were hired
by the L.w .tr,d Order Lague to visit the
yerious onlunus tur the purpose of inform-
ing against flee ,weere anti titr egh their
agercy cnnvictiows were eeeured at the
police court.
moved tape worms from 15 to 30 feet
long. It also destroys all other kinds of
turbed.at night and broken of your rest
by a sick child suffering and crying with
pain of Cutting Teeth? It' so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs Wiuelow's
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor itltlesnffcrer immediately. De-
pend upon it, mothers; there IS no mis-
take about it. It cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, reg elates the Stomnch and
Bowels, cuvis Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, reduces Inflamma'ion, end gives
tone gnu energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing :syrup" for
children teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the oldest
and best female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout' the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Be sure andask for. "Mrs,
Winslow'sSootbing Syrup," anditgke no
ther kind.
—The 5ceraandStripee were hoisted on
Liberty pole, Hnfleln, ear,y on the morn-
ing ni Sr. Pstri,:ka dry, on an under Tes-
tier' by 1',,1tee Commissioners. It caused
dissatisfaction arnong the Irish p•itriote,
and au attempt wan mare to tear it
Unquestionably considered of incalcul-
able consequence iu correcting all oun-
stitutioual contaminations, is Dr. Pierco'e
Gulden Medical Discovery. Cao con-
scientiously commend it to oareful con-
sideration, confident of its competency
iu all enttrollable chrnuio complaiote.
The "Golden Medical Drecoverv" is
the result of n,ueh reoaerch and wide
experience, by a preenie.d physician of
world -renown ; ice formula eu,bra;rs the
most potent restoratives of the ve,t;etable
kingdom. It ie especially recommended
for all blood diser• Iers—dyspep,ia, liver
and kidney c enptaints, serufuls, salt -
rheum, catarrh mud consunrpti,.n—in its
early etagea—•ineru•ing relief and Curr in
all Cassa !
—John L ty, of Br•uu,,, re, his heeu
sent to prier n on the charge of co.nmirt-
ing assault on Maggie Connor on the 1lth
inet. 13 nth are shut eighteen yemre of
Sire— I have taken throe bottles of Bur-
dock Blood Bitters and find it a good
medicine f.,r constipatiou end poor appe-
tite. I will continue taking it as it ie a
great blessing and I feel a great change
in my health eince tak ing it.
5 Syder.h.tut Sue et.
Imronto, Oat.
—A disastrous fire occurred at St.
Mary's lase Monday morning resulting in
the entire deetructir u of theKnox Presby-
teri sn church. T,te fire was first uotic-
ed at abuut 7 o'clock iu the furoacee
room in the basement. An alarm was
imediately sounded, and etearn and hand
tire companies reepended promptly. By
an uufertunate coincidence through the
negligence of those in charge, both meg-
fees refused to work. liuodrede of anx-
ious spectators stood by powerless to
cheek the steady progress of the flames,
and the magnificent edifice was totally
destroyed before their eyes, without a
drop of water thrown up in it. The fir e
orginated from the furnace, and must
have beer" smouldering nearly all the
night.' The oereteker left the church
appireotly all right about 10 o'clock Sun-
day eveniup. The builtiug ie insured in
the 1Vostern for $5,000, and the lose ie
estimated at about $15,000.
We claim the earth is ruu- d, and we
know it's true. We also claim that Hag -
yards' Yellow Oil curse rpraine, bruises,
burn=, colds, croup, eore throat, rhuuma-
tiem, ueureIgta, and all painful or in-
flernmatory diseases, and we know thio
is true. Yellow Oil is a true family
remedy for latneuess or eureuess in man
or beast.
—A Gleiohen,Manitob •,'le.petch says :
—Seeding is now going on in this viol, -
ity iu full blast. Mr. Telford has ounr-
menced treading on Guao's farm.
tive , tonic and mild stimulant is Mtl-
t•urn'e Beef, °Iron and Wine.
—Harniton Spectator: -“Mr. Mowat's
new Sheriff of Oxford is an ex -liquor Bel -
ler, whose business was ruined by the
Scott Act. Mr. Mowat evidently be-
lieves in compenastion.
Sit down and think let, that dyspepsia
is caused b wron etirt Q,%ti a atolnaeh;,
211fialTreleaTc Brood"Bitters ie designed
to correct and regulate the stomach: 3rd,
that it always cures dyspepsia and ousts
lora than a cent a dose. Can yod afford
to be dyspeptic?
,.. 1`a E /� ^�� p
�rF•� � as �,Ct � •�'�t�4�!1, �.�.�1+
Given Away with Baking Powder, Best QTen Yet
V- See the l-iam'some Organ, uow on exhibition.
THE R3t)'t,
e Gi�'.THE•'
Is used both Internally as d externally.
It sots qurolti,y, affording, tmoet Instant
relief from the sever 1st pain.
In Canadian Cholera and Bowel
Complaints its effect is magical.
It c'.tres In a very short time.
Imo' Beware of Counterfeits and imitations.
189C) _Lzsi.ND 1891_
Christmas & New Year Goods
Just arrived, the
finest qualities of
Black Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon-
a don Layer, Sultanas Valencies.
CURRACURRANTS Pgtras and I PEELS Lemon, Orange and
NTS Filiatras. Citron, and FIGS.
NUTSnate and Shelled Almo
Almonds, filberts, Wall-
CANNED Corn, Peas and
tTomatoes during; holidays,, a a
SUGARS, TEAS, COFF ,ES and SPICES—we lead as usual. CROCKERY
and GLASSWARE at awayedown prices for Holiday I'rt cents.
J. W. IR IN, The •Notod Gross, Clinton
—Stratford Stitt:—The G. T. R C
eerviio official tuadi,•8 dieeharged Con-
eevative workmen hoceuse they attended
Conservative C rnunittecs and laid .,0•
work on the day r entice ! ! Not this
only, but a Grit fir in in Srraef •rd arta
ally ditcherged a lady employs and a
parcel boy b•-cauee one waved her hand
kerchief at and the other cheered Sir
John Macdonald when he was passing
through this streets r f Stratford.
--At the Guelgh areizee last week Mre
Glaris, widow of the late \Vnh Cl an k, who
was killed on the (:rend 'Trunk railway
near the 001111,11 etreet anstinV on the
night of Aug. 30, 1890, rued Holliday
Bees , brewers, for $1000 damages for the
Injury which rhe Kiel her family sustain-
ed by reason ref his d. -nth, el..iming that
def. ndante supplied the deceased with
litlunr on the nig ti on which he was kill-
ed at their brewery ur Guelph in such an
extent that when he Irfr their brewery
he was rut• xioated end unahle to take
care of hin,eeif. Tindall Holliday gave
the only direct eviden.•c as to the liquor
being supplied, and he avid that he only
gave the decease 1 one or two or two cups
of beer. The jury gave rho widow $750
dam. g. s.
tttcn go ahead ! if you have the Catarrh,
every preparari•en that does not oure yon
only irritates and incre:.see your wafer-
ing. Begin right by using the simpleat
and only remedy that is guarenteed—
Clark's Catarrh Cure The soothing,
healing it fluence is felt at mice, and e
gratifying care alwae e Fallows its use.
Pries 50 cent.. If the druggist tries to
sell you something else, send the price to
Clark's Chemical Co., Tor' nto, New
York, and the rime ly will be sent to you
by mail. All fleet tikes druggist.] keep
Clark's Catarrh Cure.
A '..rte deputation from the Agricut•
tu,e and Arta Aesoeiatiun, representing
70 rewire ies end river 41.000 ftrma•a of
:he province prest'utod a nien,rial 5 e tnc
Wurster of Agriculture in Toronto, one
day teat week, retpeuting the greet. giv-
en to Agricultural se:ieria,. 'rhe depu-
tation aekad the government to increase
the grant to each cleetn,al district agri•'
cultural society from $700 tt $100e and
to order that not more than one-half of it
should be subjeot,to divi.iou among 1uwu-
ship and horticultural sootetics. The
proportion at present divided is three
fifths. The minieter promised to give
the matter careful consideration.
An old pbsyioian, retired from
practice having had placed in his
hands by an -East Indian missionary
the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and perman-
ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, ,Astham and all throat and
Lung Affections, also a positive and
radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its wonderful curative
powers in thousands of cases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering, I will sent) free
of charge, too all who desire it, this
receipt, in German,FrenohorEgglieh -
`°ttsrtis1t11'trlffisni3 f8rpreparingancd
using. Sent by mail by adreseing
with stamp, naming this paper, W.
A. NoYrs, 820 Powers' Blook,; Roclees-
fer, N. Y. 590—y.
We will at all times be pleased to
receive items of news from our sub-
scribers. We want a good corres-
pondent in every locality, not already
represented, to send us RELIABLE news.
Patrons who tlo not receive their
paper regularly froth the carrier or
tlermyh their local post offices will
confer a favor by reporting at this
office at once. Subscriptions ntay
cpinmence at any time.
Advertisers will please bear in mind
that all "changes" of advertisements,
to ensure insertion, should be handed
in not later than MONDAY NOON of
each. week.
THE NEws-REcoRD has a larger
circulation than any other paper in
this section, and as an . advertising
medium has few equals in Ontario.
Our books are open 10 those who
mean business.
The ,Jol. Lei arttnent of this jour-
nal is one of the best equipped in
Western Ontario, and a superior
class of work is guaranteed at very
lont prices.
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