HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-03-25, Page 8The Huron News -Record $1.60 a Year—$1.86 In Advance. Wednesday March 25th, 1891. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the "flub.' Zo1vn ('dank. ooAI. NurwEs.—All 'entices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which au admission fee ie 2lrarged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE L1 us'I' LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. Fine large assortment of Trunks and Valises of the best quality at JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. They are very cheap. LOGS. LOGS. Heading Bolts and Cordwood wanted, in any quantity, at the Stapleton Salt Works. 639 CHANGE or OFFICE —Dr. Turn bull has removed his office to that formerly occupied by Dr. Dowsley, one door east of Maisons Rink. Night calls will now be answered at the office. 665 M.R. GEO. STEWART has bought the stock of Cooper and Logan. Mr. Dockin and family, .vho have been living at Holmesville will leave Clinton station this week for Manitoba. ltEv. Mr. Edge of the Outalio St. Methodist church, town, and Rev. Mr. Richardson of the North St. church, Goderich, exchanged pul- pits last Sabbath. MR. ARTHUR CASTELON has been awarded the contract for the mason work in connection with the erec- tion of n magnificent brick residence for Mr. Arthur Cooke. The work will be well done. A young man who had been work- ing with a farmer on the 16th con., Goderich township, was committed to Goderich, Saturday, for trial on a charge of assaulting his employer's wife. The accused has always been known as a quiet, respectable young man, but received a sunstroke some years ago, the lingering effects of which may account for any appar- • ent indiscretion he may be charged with. Now, REALLY !—Our friend Jim Jackson has several tithes entertain- ed a Clinton audience with his comic songs, and he renders none with more signal success than "Listen to my tale of woe." i -le has now, however, in his own house a prima -donna who will make a specialty of this song and we h-:ve little doubt will convince Jim that it should be off his role. For her debut see announcement under births,. A LURiD PELT.—Just at sundown Sunday evening it was a very pecu- liar as well as pretty sight to look at the western horizon and note a thin line or lurid belt of flame that seemed to intervene between the sky and the earth, or probably the lake, as far as the eye could reach north and south. The earth seemed to sink into this narrow sea of crimson glory and was immediately nigbtcapped with the dark, leaden - hued canopy of heaven. PREPARATION.—Messrs L. Beatty. of Varna, and Editor Holmes, of Clinton and their respective lawyers wore in Goderich last week, the two former uudergoing a preliminary examination in a suit for libel entered by Mr. Beatty against the publisher of the New Era. It will be remembered that the libel arose out of a comtnuuication in the paper referred to regarding a case tried before the Varna magistrate in which Mr. Beatty was the defend- ant. The case will bo tried at the forthcoming assizes. JR. DAUNTLESS LACROSSE CLUB met at the Central Hotel last Friday night when the annual report was read showing balance in the treasury. After election of the following nam- ed officers for the current year, the members adjourned to Mude's res- tuarant and spent a pleasant and refreshing evening. Hon. fres., L. Kennedy ; Hon. Vice Do. J. Fail• Jr. ; Pres , W. J. Robertson ; Vice Do., 13. Kerr , Sec. B. J. Gibbings ; Treas. N. McL. Fair ; Captain, A. Morrish ; Committee, M. Cantelon, A. May, J. A. Mude, 11. Read, A. Carter. EASTER DATES.—The fact that Easter falls on a very early date this year (March 29) has caused a "friend of facts and figures" to col- lect some curious statistics. In 1883, he says, Easter fell on March 25, and it will only onto again in this century, namely, in 1894, fall on so early a date. The earliest day on which Easter can fall is on March 22, ar.d this only in cane the moon is full on March 21, when this date happens to fall o'h a Saturday. Olt the other hand Easter never falls later than April 25, this was the case in 1666, 1731 and 1886, and will only happen once in thrPnoxt century—.lamely, in 1943. BABY CARRIAGES THE LATEST DESIGNS FOR 1891. 0 We buy from the -best n,tnuf.icturel's in Canada, and have now in stock a complete assortment of low and medium priced Carriages. Patent Steel Wire Wheels, Fine Running Gears, Strong Rattan. Bodies. a `Aslc cur Prices and you will find they are Reasonable. WTT1U. Cooper & Go., CIiton. MR. M. O'HARA left for Srti. new last Weknesday. MR. W. SHAW, of Wioutpeg. Man., is among old friends iu town. EGGS AS T1113UTE TO TILE KING• —Formoily, at the approach of Easter, all the hen -roosts of France were ransacked for the largest eggs, which were brought as a tribute its the King. At the conclusion of the Easter high mass in the dispel of the Louvre, lackeys brought into the Royal Cabinet pyramids of gilded eggs, placed in baskets adorned with verdure ; and the chaplain, after having blessed them,disti ibuted them in the presence of his most Christian Majesty,to all the persons about the court, LADY OF THE L.1MR.—At lington, England, there is, or was, a curious custom annually observed, on the next Monday after \Vhit-suu week, wherein a fat live lamb is provided, and the maidens of the town, having their hands tied be- hind them, chase it through the streets, and she that, with her teeth catches and holds the lamb is de clarod the ''Lady of the Lamb" un- til the same day of the following year,when another test is made. Af ter. the lamb has been caught by too fair one it is dressed by the village butcher, and with the akin hanging on is carried on a long pole bar'o'n the lady and her escorts to' the vil- lage green, where much music and merrymaking follows the event. DON'T WANT IT ANY "LONGER". —M.IG. Cameron, barrister, now of Toronto, writes the Editor of the Godes ich Star that he don't want that paper any longer. We hope Broth - or Mitchell will not make it any longer. To do so would necessitate his purchasing a $2,500 pross,which outlay would be aggravated by Mr. Cameron's withdrawal of his patron age of $1.00 a year. No, Mr. Star, if you have been contemplating making your paper any longer,dou't you do it. But the tenor of Mr, Cameron's letter indicates that he will not take the "low, dirty shoot" in any event. Editor Mitchell ac- knowledges Mr. Cameron's epistle but does not say whether he will take -MT. amerou'--aitv'ic ubbur not making his paper any Longer, but we infer he will exercise his own discretion because ho has re- turned the don't want it any longer subscriber 20 cents subscription. MR. DAVID IIAY, ofGoilorieh, was in town 'Tuesday. 'Twere n lorg time ago, David, since ye NEWS - RECORD man and you first rnet. MR. GEo. IBEAcoa1, student with Dr. Blaokal1, has returned from Toronto where he put in his regu- lar term at the Veterinary College. WIND PeorHECY.—it is said that as the wind blows on the 21st of March, so will it as a rule blow for the following three months. Last Saturday, the 24st., the prevail: ing wind was from the East,aud not Lunch of a blow at that. If the pre- mises hued good we should have mild weather, as a rule, during the next three mouths. MRs. S. FITzitMoNS, has sent a letter to the Foresters of Count 16, Clinton, acknowledgeing the receipt by her of $1,000 insurance held by her tato husband. Also thanking the brethren for sick, and fuueral benefits and attendance during ill- ness of and condolence with her up- on the death of her husband, A Goofs IinoTHERuoon.—St. Paul's Chapter of St. Andrew's Brotherhood held an open sleeting in the school house 'Tuesday even- ing. There was a good attendance. The president, iblr. Wilmott, in the course of all interesting address dis- counted a tendency in some quar- ters to denouuco certain really harmless amusements, which young people engage in, as unscriptural and wrong in the hope of forcing religion upon them. This uncalled for austerity instead of slaking the average young man more spiritual often causes him to drift further away and go to places where less innocent recreation is to be found, at the expense of body and eoel. After song and reading the Rector gave an interesting address on tho work of the Brotherhood. Said he was glad to sen so many present, that the meeting as not a ';roping" in meeting, but a,nlply to explain the objects and working of the Society, allowed the necos,lit,y for greater earnes:nees and zeal for the spreac of Christ's Kingdom among young men, which was the sole object of the Brotherhood. After the rest of the programme was thigh -et tlreT1Tnt -tnteretstfrrg---pert was discussed—the refreshments being served in bachelor style by the members of tho Brotherhood. The meeting closed by singing "Rock of Ages." MR G4,o. HANLEY is able to be about again after being confined to the house several creeks. M KILTY, of Princess St., has beeu confined to to the house for some time past through illness and is not able to get out yet. M R..'1'. CALOBICK, of New \Vest minster, B. C., shipped a nu tnber of horses to the Northwest from Cliu• ton station this week. %' IIEN SITE WOULD SHE WOOD 'AND WAS \Voo'ED.—A merchant in Clifford, Ont., offered a respectable young woman twenty yards of silk for a dress if she would saw half a cord of wool in front of his store. She borrowed a saw, spit on her hands, awl went through that wood pile just in three (lours, and the admiring crowd bought her a 812 hat to go with the firers, and within a week she had seventeen offers of marriage. \Vhat a dandy wife she would slake for Horne poor but honest man who is too lazy to buck his own WOOII. A REPLY TO NONPOLITICAL. Editor- News Record. Sia,—lo your issue of the 1 lth jest,, I finds let,er eien;d "?ion -p 1 tical" in which yr u- rorre'pendent says, "I have been renirmied t.f the published ender ea - don of Mr. Cameron by the woman's Christian •1',rnperanre Ur ion of this town, f r his valuable assistance to the cense of temperance" end asks the ques- tion, "Was this the case ?" In reply 1 would any 1 have a copy of a letter written to Mr. Cameron on the 16:h June 1885 in which the officers of W. C. T. U. express their thanks to Mr. C. for his aveireanco in support of tentr.eranee leg`etati.oa dor ng that see - Hi .n f p,r jam .ut, (r.o the etetisrice of which your correspondent is rtferred) we also asked that he would continue to ext rt his infl tooce in preventing the final passage of the wine and beer amendment to the Canada Temperance act, and in securing the amendment thereto. Tho Ietttr was not written to Mr. Cameron because we believed him to be a Temperance man, nor yet because of the aide nt polit ce to which he belonged, ut as the representative of this ridirg in parliament at that time, and would have beer, sent to Mr. Porter or any other gentleman occupying that position and voting as did Mr. Cameron at the time. No one, sir, deplores the sight which 'tr7r5"tVl'tYi 8aeitoii Thi rrrdry w711011 your correspondent speaks more than the members of the W. C. T. U., and I think ynur correspondent will be goner - one enough to admit this. Yours respectfully, A k1 HITE RIBBONER. JACKS i' rs i 1. ilIPMEIPLO 1 § § § § § Some weeks ago we sounded the first notes of preparation for the Spring Campaign, displaying for inspection a magnificattt range of Goode. Since that t1Ule We have added many new and attractive Novelties to our already large stock, and have now everything requisite far the coming Spring and Summer. BOY'S CLOTHING --our $1.50 Poy'c Srit is a stunner, made from a fine Blue Serge, raised seems, well made and trimmed, and out from the latest styles, a full range of H zee. We. 81111 curry in stock OG R GREAT $2.00 SUIT, made in a veri. tv of styles and cohr -i iz.., double stitched seams, pants lined. and a, patch fe te••n,lrog With eye -v Solt. Our FANCY PLEATED AND BRA I DEI) SUIT', $3, $3.50, $4, &e., ase the, handsomest goods yet shown by tea stet are simply matchless. The standard of our productions iH th, ran t!tv ,.t•il,listirel ase line the1 is unsurpassed in any partiralar, ale.' Otd is promptly attended to. 0 Jackson e : ros. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. Beesley & Co'y. . ■ oo -o z 00 MILLINERY 0 Come in and see our complete assortment of Spring Styles and Novelties. Our 11Iiss M. M. LACI., who has charge of this department., is busy at work, assisted by• Miss B. MCDONALD and Miss A. BEESLEnr, trimming up Hats and Bonnets for early spring trade. Any of our customer's in need of a nice Hat or Bonnet trimmed up in the most artistic manner possible. will find we have just what they want and no question about your being highly pleased with both the styles and prices. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT Hata and Bonnets will be done over am usual in all the Leading Styles. MISS BEESLEY, the head of this department, expects to be able to take full charge next week. Our customers will please leave their orders early to avoid delays, so they may be able to have their work done at the time needed. fidir Two apprentices wanted for this department. LACE CURTAINS No better value anywhere from 50c. a pair up. We shall be glad to see all our old customers and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage. 0 .- EESLEYS CREAT. _ RA _iLLtNERY & FAN Y-_._ U DRY-000DS HI EMPORIUM. The Ladies Favorite Establishment