HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-03-25, Page 5REMNANTSREMNANTS Previous Dress and Mantle Goods. 0 0 0 HIS WEEK finds the balance of our Bless and Mantle Goods to baud, and we can assure you we have never 0 1 shown such an array of BRIGHT, FRES F -I AND ATT RA CTI VE GOODS as we have placed to entering stock on Feb. 2nd, we will offer all beforeou this season. Y8g" We can show you Goods at almost any price you wish and guarantee the best value our obtainable. Remnants, Odds and Ends At Half the Original Cost. BailrJains in all classes of Heavy Winter Goods ...1. WISEMAN, TETE LOW-PRICED STORE. ginning his Brenton, Mrs. Spondultx-0, dear ! 11„w tit( - Settle sermons are, eel'-cial'y ar h:+atcr. AF1 ER CHURCH. Mr. Spondulix (shakin; hands with the rector) —That was a fit e Bern on you gave s41 doctor. Mr. Choker—Glad you liked it. Mrs. Soondulix —O. :we did, ever eo much. 1 could not help whirp ring to Mr. S what a pleasure it w to to ',sten to you. ( Po her husband es U Choker turned to shake hands with an•,ther p,r- ishioner,) Is uty hat on stiai{ht? Mrs. C semchecse (as the csrriage ro:'e homeward)—U'tur'es ! Mr. Creomchee'e—Well ? Mrs. Creemeheese--I want you to make t`)e vestrymen discharge every one of those ushers ! IN AND ABOUT THE COUNTY —An officer from Corrie, Huron Coun- ty, arrived at Toronto last week to take back Henry Wright and Frank Williams, the boys who are wanted there fur theft of money from Wright's father. — A Kincardine man has on a littl3 tablet in hie busiul a otfi •e th se tex•s : I. The Lnrd helps thee who held them - silents ; II. B it the Lord help th .se caught helping themselves around hese. —Messrs Jos. Young, of Souris, Mani- toba, and Gilbert Fergie, of Turnbarry, ehippid a carload of horses to Manitoba on Tuesday, fro -n W in sham, — Mee. Lttta, of Z rich, hag rent -a d home Froin Toronto with her little Baugh ter, Stella, who her undergone an ',pare - tion on the throat. D:. McDonagh very skilfully npeoed the throat into the windpipa and took out a pieced nutshell which had been le the windpipe ':rice the day after Christina She is appar- ently es sound as ever. — A terrible warning conies from the town of Culling wood to gum chewers, Bertha Spencer, aged 15, died suddenly. A. poet mortem ext)nivation showed t^at her death was caused by swallowing a piece of gum, which had produced a viol -ant infiamm ttion. - —Amnnget those who left the C. 1'. R depot, Winghant. fist week were ; Dun- can Robertson, Etst Wawanosh, bound for Virden. Man. ; Cantley 13unes and Nat. Duff, Morris, for Neepawa and Portage le Prairie, Mai., respectively ; Mrs. R. t'-enaletine, .Brandon, Mao : Thos. Ford, West Wawanosh, for Moosomin, Mao. Others went to Gladstone, S1oa1 Lake and Thornhill, Man. —Abont seven o'clock Thursday evea- iag, while Mr. Alexander Campbell, bailiff, of Kincardine, was making a seizure of some stark on the farm Df George Ouetrum, near Bervie, and while leading a horse from the barn, °esteem came towards him, and pulling a revol- ver out of Me pocket when a few fast distant, fired, the ball striking Mr, Camp- bell in the breast. When Mr. Campbell saw that the man was desperate he let ko the horse and ran, followed I y Onetrt_tn, and when overtaken by him he wee fired at again, this time the ball st.'il.ing him under the shoulder blade. At time of writing the extent of the injuries sustain- ed by :ler. Campbell ie not known. Onstrum gave himself up to the con• stable. —The census population of Great Bri- tain and Ireland ie 39;000,000. —The re-count for Nicolet gives the seat to Mr. Leduo, Liberal, by a majority of 1. —Protests are to be immediately en. tered against Mr. Trow in South l'erth and Mr. Grieves in North Per' h, —N. F. Davin, M. P., R'giva, has joined the Royal Tempters of Temper- ance. r- ance. — Stewart Mulvey has been re-elected Grand Master o' the Manitoba Orange Lodge, now in @elision at Porttge le Pra- irie. —Near London, on Saturday evening, Wesley R. Warner, a London Township farmer, and his two daughtere were kill- ed by a Canadian Pacific train. BIRTHS. JACKSON.—In Clinton on 21st inst., the wife of Mr. Jae. S. Jaofreon of a daughter. MARRIAGES. STEW ART— DODSwORru.—At the resi- dence of the bride's fat;•er, 15th con., Coderioh township, on the llth lost,, by Rev. Joseph E'Ige, M. George Stewart to Mies Jennie Do,leworth, both of Clinton. ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs In Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont 3IARKE'1' REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday a'terrinon.) 01,1 NTo.4. Flour $5 0) to 5 20 Fall Wheat... 1 CO to 1 03 Spring Wheat.— 0 95 to 1 Ou Barley . C 45 to 0 50 Oats.. ) 50 to 0 DO Peas . 0 70 to 0 75 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 50 Potatoes 0 40 to 0 50 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs Il 13 to 0 15 Hay 5 00 to 7 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 ,Cool 0 20 to 0 20 Pork 5 00 to 5 25 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat $1 00 to $1 04 Spring Wheat 0 98 to 1 00 Wheat, red winter..t0 99 to 1 00 Wheat, goose 0 77 to Birley . 0 48 to Oats . 0 50 to Peas . 0 75 to Rye 0 72 to Hay 8 CO to Straw 7 50 to Dressed Hc,gr, 5 25 to Beef, fore 4 00 to Beef, hind 6 00 to Mutton 6 00 to Veal 8 00/to Eggs 0 18 to Butter 0 12 to Potatoes, per bag 0 80 to O 84 0 52 O 55 0 77 O 75 11 00 7 50 6 00 6 00 9 00 7 00 1 10 0 20 0 24 1 00 FOR SALE BY AUCTION. TIIE MAttI).E WORKS ( NCi.UD NG LOT ON I,I:1:ON sTlt ;ET, OL N 1'1)5.) THE .l!tlt1 '1 STOC f'NCLUI gG MOSC- MEN'1'8 AND TOULF) U, 'Tet r; LATE V. 11. c0GPLtt, Ju. At the C,•wa.e•c'a' Doh', C';, ”-•, 0.1 TUESDAY, APRIL 7th, 189], Al' 11 O'C,-() '1( A.11. 41)- Th•s is be ' I n ' ei: 'd •. Clint or. For p rt:c,'., s N e 10 MAN ')NI( & .;(11'7', Ad.L 0 'n So 'L 643 -2t C u 1 jilail Contract. `tEAL'i') TENDryrS, o1dresser' :n See Pont - 'U • e • (+utter,', V " be ece ved at G olwa r enc'. on F,t,DA'',24;i A"`I L, ]':C1. fo- r•e, hire r'ice of Fier 1'•je,.y's 10oi•s, o 1 11 pr, - posed co_ re;. for `on • ye ' two t' .,ex pe' wee : eaoi wa-, be,,ween CL-NT,N AND ,'ei.• ER •, f om tl 0 1s. Jo'v ne t. Tho conve-•,^ao o bo made in a ye 'We or o-herw 0e. •tet rr, ces co- ^ fa •:'cr tufo' ration as to en - .in of • n Monod co • ,•^c mss be Seel e • • 'or s .fie , em t.- be , ,;.'.hied at . •c Pon. t 0 t C . et a ,u See, re rill s. -ad at t 's ghee. II. C. HOPE -- ^get Odice'.,. nor Pos.. 011e, 1 'o see eels O "cP 1 8, ,tt' o, ?S„ h Df en, 1: 91. f 6 ",t FOR SALE A 6 rt-:: 'Re F i' T, Co t \ , e 0- 1'^• • l:r, , . . star. e,v`Lest R.,fl „1 ; 1 t„e 1. re run r ream, n; '0i'' t /, ., '0 JOhN 1 r,, P, 64 -2t Loz ]')4, )' 'em HOUSES TO RENT To rent, a conver,en Hy 01 anted house on Ratteubury Street, with eve (.onverlenro, rear bct"schools. At prelim it oocrpiod by Inspector Robb. Possession at nice. 1118 T'so,tbe hnnse a,'jo' ••1o. Gond stone collar hard and soft water end m,her e,rnvenlences. Lataly occupied by Mr. W. J. S,oueiam. Bent, 5 per month. 640 Apply to W. H. IIINE. Tull CELEBRATED Ideal Waster�� *and WriijUer. TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial 0111 also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mil], Call and see ore. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON ASPECIAL ATTRACTION IN OCR MANTLE DEPAR'T'MENT is a stock of IMPORTED JACKETS OF GERMAN MANUFACTURE—soineth:ng never before shown iu Clinton. ) -Miss Rutherford has returned from her holidays and all orders entrusted to her will receive care and attention. Satisfaction given or no sale. i ' FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. THE HUB GROCERY nasi. senna finnouncerrient. nasi. Has one of the finest assortments in towel of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, WAstl- BOARI)S, CHURNS, Bt1'r'IER BOWLS, LADELs, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing- and White- wash Brushes. BAs1:E'l's for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and linev work baskets. We carry .1. fine stock of BIU)OMS, down to •_' for •bac. G1;o('El;il':s, fresh a11(1 as cheap a: any other house 11'. town—especially in TEA we can give you extra -value. Geo. Swallow, Cllnton CHANCE QF BUSINESS. 0 0 The undersigned begs to intimate that he has bought the CROCERY STOCK OF COOPER & LOGAN and that he will continue the business iu Cooper &Logan's Former Stand adjoining Combe's drug store and (.'ouch's meat shop. The custouters of the rot iring tires and 08 many others as possi- ble tesp'ctfully in%ited to inspect goods and compare prices. Goods will be sold at the lowtst living profit and delivered in any part of the town. GEO. STEWART, CLINTON. IMPLEMENTS. The Subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to irlin.atc that he has be. 11 appointer nq, ut for G 0 i10 1 known film of FROST & WOOD, implement nrtkt r,, of Smith's Falls, and wi" be pleased to till all orders in his line aS hcre.ofore. Wi'' also keep on hand WILKINSON PLOWS. Cnr,TEn & SCOTT 1)11,r1,0, 1)1.0 HAnuows, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 617 -em IIo:mosville and Clinton New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen• elnl Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by ,ler. Gauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satin• ruction guaranteed. The public are invited to • 1.11 before ordering any class of work in the above 11 es. 7- f GEOROE TROWIIILL. BILI. HEADS, NOTE lle.,ds, Letter (leads, Tags, Statements, (Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei in a workman• like manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD Office. The McKillop Mutual Fire In- surance Company. A General Public Meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Pi •e Insurance Company, will be held in 0(0 'TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, on SATURDAY, MARCiI 28th 1891, At 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of deciding the ren>unerat.on hereafter to be paid to the Dire tors. The Directors and. Agents will meet at 10 o'clock a. 111., the mune Bac, at the Commercial HotelSeaforth. W, .1. SITANNON, Secretary. TILOS. E. HAYS, ['resident, 865.21 FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVINC. Go to A. E. EVANS, FAstloNAn1.E BARBER, 2 doors east of N Ews-RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL, STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax To Derry and Liverpool. CAHIN RATES 640, 850 and .P00 Single. 080, 890 and 6110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTEitMEDiATE, Outward $25, Prepaid 830 Steerage at lowest rates. I Accommodations unsurpaased. Apply to H de A AT.LAN, Montreal or A: 0. PATTISON or WM. JACKSON, Clinton. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, On WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Plein ;s, C<InmhuS, Seth Thomas, 1u01 Rock', rd -new, 1110001 q i'Al1 tdese makes in I.0, and stem winders. Also pend lot set watches. J. BIDDLECEIMBE, CLINTON. House and Lot for Sale or Rent. A coin-ortable frame hoose situated on Jame; street, in tin, Town of Clinton, convenient to railway station. The, a arc the 0011131 Conten- ieneos, hard and NC ft water, etc., al5) one-quarter Acre of ground. 45't11 be sold or rented on easy terms. Apply at. JUHNSON & ARMOUR'S Tiarness Emporium, 012-11 Opposite the Madltet, 01'aton FOR SALE. The properly at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are ale„ some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. Fot further particulars npply to 1;. CAMP EON, 542-tf Barrister, Uoderich. Judicial Sale of valuable FARM in Townshi of Stanley. 11 ENUF:IISON vs. HOWARD. Lot 13, Lake road east, township of Stanley, 117 acres, will be offered for sale, by Public Auc- tion, at Swarts' Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF BAVFIF:LD, On SATURDAY, 31st MARCH, 1891, at 3 p.,n. For particulars and conditions of sale, apply to F ftnlmes4•d, P•.�q., barrister, Senforth, and Messrs. (:arrow 5. Proudfoot, barristers, Goderirh, I ioderich, February 21th, 1891. S. MALCOMSON, F. 1101.31 I•:STE1, Master at (]oderich Seaforth, Vendor's Solicitor. 045--3t ( QTRAY STOCK ADVER kJ TISEIIENTS inserted in Tun NEWS RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising yon will not do better than cell nn • 'ew,-Rcacord. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Abelson Slew, offer for sale two desirable lots in the town of Clinton, being lots 85 and 80, (Gordon's new survey, on walker St., with comfortable dwelling house, good well of water, and choice Int of fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Ulnar title and immediate possession can be given, will he sold for 8400, Liberal terms will be given. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, o ROBERT PEACOCK, S Exrrnt March 4th, 1890. 291.3mre t1'e have 1 00 or Leen in a p>.ition for doing i,usiness so well as at the pr rent time, with amid,: town and any ulnount of first cid is goods which we will sell at the lowest possible haying prices. We don't keep heap trash to catch the trade, but good good;, everything to be found in a tiust;la,a dry -goods hot'se. Full stock of (READY-MADE; CLOTHING.r Clothing made to order at cheap as the cheapest. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING ! ui cliaige of 'Al 1514 ADAIR, who can give sat ',faction in evvty respect. If you want city styles, giv-r her a trial. M=LLINLI-�Y_ We Lave engaged the sefViees of M1SS I,. FITZGERAI,D, w•1,0 i, an e•:perienced haute u1 the business and uutleisti,uds it thoroughly. \>(C shall be away this w eh to the :dillutery Openings to purchase stark. We bill open under favorable c'ilc•unt- stancis, having no old goods. Everything will be new end the latest. We have taken the 0000„11 flat for a Lout and Shoe Store, and will keep one of the 1ar't-rest stock,. iu town. We will sell at limn 10 to 20 per cent. less than usual prices. We buy our goods frons one of tae la'gr,t and best fartoties in the Dominion, all the linos we handle are guorad teed to 110. W'.e do not handle inferior stock, as it will not give satisfaction. Our stock will be complete this mouth. Conte and sec us. We will show you one of the largest end best assorted stocks in the county. Goad goods Lrid low pl'elef. Apprentices wanted to learn the Dress and Mantle Making and Millinery. Respectfully, yours, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGSU ALBERT STREET, CLIN'I'ON. Clinton, March '2nd, 1991. Christmas - Groceries. CANT H;LON EROS_ —Have a s,•la•1C'5 stock oi— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peep, Crookory, Glass and Chinaware, At prices eousis)cut wi,1t good goods. We are '.1 a position to gusrautee as good value its any other house in the trade. 'l•ry our Famous Teas, the best for the least money in the n.arket. Xmas and New Teale' Groceries that cannot be surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you "all on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. T5 1.0 1\1— 111TT NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see tie stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from:the very best manufacturers, Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever' description. JOS. CIIIDLE'1', one door li est of Dickson's Book Store -- — ----oma s AMEND RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, S R.,9 The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Cc nplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitab]'t for Spring and Summer Wear. EV -Z- Every Suit a',Calking Advertisement. Cloth by the yard at a very s tall margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the saute. t, T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. TO ALL LOVERS OF NICE FITTING GARMENTS We ask you to read and think. We have now Complete Stock Spring Goods in all the Latest Patterns. Remember, we sell as close as any io the trade and guarantee to fit every customer. Before ordering, call and e:tanline our goods. Remember the stand—Smith's Block, Clinton. igar BOY WANTED TO LEARN TAILORING. jai Walton & Morrison, Tailors. The News -Record FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS