HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-03-25, Page 1TllF HURON NEWS-RECOItP 1 r t 4; 111 .sur Lmint, $1.26 In Advetutt. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS NEUTRAL 1N NOTHING' WHITELY & TODD,Publlrl e r VOL. XIII. -NO 18. CLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 52 18411 WHOLE NO. 648 Goderich. i Goder;e1i. The usual cervices at St. George's Mr. Ed. Attrill was at Ridgewood on Good Friday morning. the past week. Early Easter Sunday. at St. George's Mr. lege is hlolidayee of ing iu\atock col- ont wn The High School closes to morrow Mrs. R. B. Smith was in the for the usual Erste'. vacation. Queen City the past week. Mr. A. Seaford returned front Capt. McIntosh of Detroit has Woodstock college Dist week. been visiting in town the past few Messrs. E. and C. Gamow are weeks. iu town fur the Easter holidays. I Mrs. \Vm. Swaffreld, of Clinton, was visiting her parents the pant week. Mr Jas Clark was in Buffalo the past week. Mr. M. Cail is getting in material for a nice residence ou his property on West street. Iuepector of Public Schools J. E. Tom had,an attack of Is grippe last week. Itlise In ;les, who had been attend- ing the High School for some time, left for her home near Kincardine on Friday. Our young people will hold their Easter Assembly uext Tueeday even- ing for which a large number of in- vitations have been issued, Captain and Mrs. R. Rhynas of Detroit were in attendance at the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs.K. Morris, Colborne tp. The entertainment "Loudon by Lime Ligitt.," in the North street Methodist church last week was au exceedingly good one. On the 6th inst the Sur publish ed the result .of the voting at the recent election giving all credit to the N. W. T. Co. Noti';ing the unfairness of such a proceeding, I wrote the following. The Star in giving the remelt 1•f the election gives the N. W. T. Co. al the credit, whereas at least half of the re- turns, and the earliest ones read by him in Victoria hall, were furnished by the C. P. R. It eeerns strange that a piper that is apparently in Payor of the C. P.R. extension to Goderich should he doing its best to disparage that institution on almo t every available 000asion. D see the Star think that its action will has•en the Guelph and Goderich Junction Railway ? On the 13th the Star admitted the truth by praising both Com- panies, but its truthfulness did not suit some boss, and it being t,n- possible to hark back it tries to wither the correspondent of the NEWS -RECORD in the . following original article. If the author of the foregoing etupiti< paragraph—the erode( lob norreepondent of the Clinton News -RECORD -- was animated more by a desire to help Goderich than to have a fling at the Star, he would keep somewhere near the truth. When he says that The Star ever pub- lished even one paragraph "to disparage that institution" he wilfully and stupidly lies. The Star has done more in support of the C. P. R. and the to'.vu of Goderich in one week than this petty scribbler has done or could do in ten years. These re musks may not be atr'ctly parliamentary, but they are intended to be plain Eug- lish. "Want a fling at the Star 1" No, no, I want something brighter and cleaner to waste ink on, but if to state an adiuitted fact is to take a fling then I acknowledge I hit tete shifting satellite. The little squeal that the Star never published any- thing to disparage the C. P. R. T. Co. can easily be settled by referring to the issue of the 6th of March. The egotistical statement that "he could do more for the C. P. R. and the town of Goderich in one week" than the writer of this column has done, or could do in ten years is like many of his brainless ravings, the outcome of his pompous sof importance and overweening conceit. Imagine if you can the calibre of a man who parades him- self as aSabbath School superintend - ant, using such language as that above noted. Surely the Star man should know that young people could not read the front page of his awfully popular paper as iesued last week without being morally injur- ed. Unlike the Star man I never claimed to run the town and the C. P R., conduct a Sabbath' School, or control the dull Star of the present day, but like many of my townsmen I have done my best for Goderich and the want of success in the past has been caused by an incubus, in the shape of a Star that gives no light: As the controller of the dull orb has attacked me with- out cause I reciprocate by asking him to give me my Star less blotted and blurred, then I might make use of it, by sending it as a patent All the numbers given before the medicine advertisement among the lecture received well•merited en- Esquimaux. Tho fact ie, the Star cores,buttheoven•ingbeingadvanced man is orad at the success of THE before the second part began, there NEWS -RECORD, and not being able were no further repeats, though all to compete with it in any way, he the ntinbet'e were deserving of such in the above quoted article does a tribute. At the conclusion of the publicly, what ho has been doing programme Judge Doyle, seconded privately for many years, i. e. pitch by Mr. D. McGillicuddy, moved a into its Goderich correspondent. vote of thanks to Mr. Williams, The Star men might have said all which was carried by acclatnation he had to say without degrading and duly responded to by that gen- journalism, but blackguardism will tleman. It may be mentioned that out, and the choice diction of the Ireland's Patron Saint's commemor- Christian writer shows how grandly tion was poetponed from the 17th he has grasped the spirit of on account of the entertainment, Christianity and how cheerfully he "London by Limelight," in the hurls all his chosen selections at I North street Methodist church on Youn CORRESPONDENT. I that evening. Rev. Mr. Edge of Clinton spoke at the Sunday rneetiug in the Tow• perance Hall on Sunday. The regular meeting of Knox church Mission Band was held on Saturday afternoon. Colds and coughs are the order of tho day the past few weeks, children suffering most severely. Service in St. George's school room this evening at 7.30, and to- morrow afternoon at 4. Mr. Allan Seager of Woodstock college is spending the holiday term with his parents. 'l'he river is again open. The only boat house injured by the freshets tine winter, Was the one owned by Mr. Pretty. Mr. and Mrs. Brayloy and chill) of Toronto are visiting at the resi- deuce of the lady's p deals Elgin street. I\lis. NIel( innou and sun, w ho had heon on a few week's visit to the lady's sister, Mrs Robert Peril, left for her home in Chatham on Thursday. Rev. A. Ross, I1f. A., of Clinton, occupied Knox church pulpit on Sunday morning, and preached a gaelic sermon in St. Andrew's in the evening. • A. youth attempting to cross the harbor on the ice last Sunday, broke through, and was immersed up to neck, the crush of ice preventiug hint from going right through. There was an excellent carnival at the Palace skating rink last Thur - day evening at which a very large number of valuable prizes were dis- tributed. The harbor is so full of small fish, that the water is almost hidden. Several calculations have been made as to the number of the finny ones, and the lowest one given is up in the hundreds of millions. The old poplar's on the square have disappeared. Although in the past they afforded pleasant shade to thousands of people, they have been cut down to make room for weakly scions of popular fancy. AT ST. GEORGE'S Crli:ncu ON EASTER DAY.— MORNING. Opening hymn, Jesus Christ is risen today Gloria Petri Humplirey in C Te 1'eurn Laudamue._Bridgewater in A Jub late Deo Bridgewater in A Ks 'ie Eleison Bridgewater In A Gloria Tibi Short in C Deo Gratias Short in C San-: us. ....From the Ely service book Gloria in f'.celsis Old Chant Anthem They have taken away My Lord (Steiner) Hymn .Welcome Happy Morning Offertory Thou Art Worthy, 0 Lord EVENING, Psalm 11:1 Nares in .1 Psalm 114.... .......Toque Peregrinus Psalm 118 Robinson in E Magnificat Stainer in D Nuns Dimitt, Stainer in F Anthem •riot Our Passover (Goss) Hemn.Agaie 'Ise Lord of Ltfe and Light Offertory... it, v offerings, rich and rare Hymn 'he Day of Resurrection St. Patric); was remembered by a concert in tire• Grand Opera House on Friday evening, His Worship, Mayor Butler, presiding. There was a good house, and after the chairman had given an excellent opening address, the following pro- gramme was presented : ' 's ' • rendee', M'obas Se 0-1 11 00 a •0". 40,c,'"r.„•S .' cess......... .. a. G. t. solo., Solo, ••TSi •rov coon: ”" .M'bs T. K 6v Solo,'•Lnve's 0 e Sweo. Snn^,"..6f . '..T. Wash 11'• 1. P a'a, M. y Bo, '0 ,.ns,�'e," [tT•s :.r. 'i.1V-C-too Qns torte, "Moo'• :L•i 03 ':•o a -," ']ods s. Be' •'•e-, tie ••+. er ,DL: •no, k, LeTorz , Solo, ' , o e's a Dr Spot ' . I et' ct•." [M. s McCorm,to Lc. t,- c,"Splsa'ee of r 13S - 's 0 7 [M . doeep i W. I ane Solo,'' V .w "' De•t'•," 'off , rt- D. Re' oo JR Solo,'•'''be "..as. Roeo o' Somme;,"..M' K del So'n,'•T"-•eo Loeveo of Seam ock, •SL•.E. l.Wnleh Solo, '•Platen of t e West,".M se M. E. M'eQ...tc'o itec'.allon, "rho Ortt ge asci Gree,,"..... •, • - f V Iso Nr"'o Meerr•m c Qenr.eito,'•t tl''rk of1'hee,"....Mess e, f 0.0111-, [Sannde•e. D'mmor•" n d LeTooznl "Cod Rive the Queer." Goderich. Rev. Mr. Racey of Blyth was in the circular town last week. Miss Mitchell of Blyth is the guest of Mies Lo'l'ouz•'I. Miss Bella Creo of i•lintou spent Suuday in the circuity town. Mr. and \lie (;limes, of Galt were list week visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Sau1ts, Etat street. \•Lisa Blair has been cunfiued to the house by a severe cold the past week. Rev. Mr. Edge of Clinton preach ed mottling and evening in tite North street 11lothodist church last Suuday. Ile •;0, be • be' w .SOW e',r. A o d'' 1h'., ,'0' 0 w0 •• 0. 8' ,1 0:.I.), ou e 1 . r•,:4-.0.00,' •10.1,•'u he, l.: he I lis•t,•tl •. woo . r'v, tr'de• .0 t" .he 1t '.11 -b:0het. The n eft c eh .r''e•. 'nob ,'•r 1 ' c• . A .0001 .• 0 t . 'e' • e. 3':•0 ao',.01. I • l •'Oh .1" re, •a .r. • "0. tl Me 1 , e 0: 0' -' ore .4en. d••b4'u,0'.l..0A', Ard , '04 '•• vire ho h •u 1' , 1'u• T, .,.., . v t 'r o r" s 0 es eo 0 0.• -, A 1 nn -' s,, •• w 0'h, •I.o .10 :0. .I'ti. 1,0 rte . She • • • ,e - '•o '''i.e 1.e• e, Ie . • •'d, ../'• 11t,v,er ., e''u.• be. Ard J: •y ,,c. • , , u: w e:•. ' Varna. Mr. Edward Reid is home from M'uitoba. ile is going to take back a carload of stock with hien. Mr. John Reid, sr., had It yalu• able blare die last week of intiam- matiou. Miss Annie \IcAsh has returned home from visiting her friends in Michigan. Miss Maggie Taylor has come hone from Detroit. \Ve hear there is going to be a pleasant event in c'unection therewith—that she is going to become a Diamond iustead of a Taylor. I did not see any mention in your paper of the man of strong arm who accompanied a ward of his from this place to your town on the evening of the election to en- joy the news of the sweeping of the Government of that old rascal John A. out of existence. Nor of how they got so faint when they heard that the Government was sustained that it quite staggered them. Orangeism in this section is flou:- ishing like a green bay tree. Pro- gress has been the order ever since our present County Master deliver- ed his lecture on Orangeism here two years ago. There are many good and earnest workers in L.O.L. 1035. A monster degree meeting was held in the hall on Thursday night. Ten nretnbers were advanced to the Royal Arch. Thorn were many visitors. An excellent lunch was served and all enjoyed them- selves immensely. • Nile. ---- Mr. R. McWhinney has sold his team of ches.nut horses to R. Mc- Lean of Goderich for a fair price. Messrs R. Pentland, James and George Carey started for Manitoba on Monday of this week. Mr. F. ilutchins starts for Mus- koka on Tuesday. We wish them all a pleasant journey. Mr. James Girvin sold a fine colt coming three years old to Mr. Ferguson of Howick for a good sum. Messrs John McKnight and A. Mcllwain left last week for Dakota. Mr. J. II. Pentland recently sold ten head of cattle ti Mr. Thomas Webster of Lucknow, NIr. \Vm. Morrow whose leg was amputated above the knee, about two weeks ago, is getting along as well as can be expected. The taffy -pull in honor of those members of the Nile I. 0. G. T. Lodge who were going to Dakota, which was held at the residence of Mr. John Tifron was a grand success. It occurred on Tuesiay of last week and the boys started the next day. A picked team of foot•hall players from Dungannon came here last Saturday to play a friendly game with our school -boys. Good play- ing was done on both sides but neither won a goal. The game was therefore called a tie. They played for an hour. Tho ground was rather rough and altogether tou wet for pleesure, but the boys enjoyed themselves. "It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of our neighbors, Mrs. Kenneth Morris. She had been suffering from pleurisy and inflam• mation of the lungs for some time. Her demise therefore was not alto• gether unexpected. IIer funeral which took place last Friday was largely attended. IIer husband, three sons and one daughter have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their bereavement. a1y th. Good Friday this week will be observed here as a holiday. Miss Ruth Jones of Walton was in town on Sunday. Our next monthly hors„ and cattle fair is to be held uu 'Tuesday 31st inst. Mr. Joseph Tatniu, rt knight of the scissors, left hero ou Monday for Detroit. ll gofer monthly a eetiug of the L. 0. L. 963 was held in their hall ou Monday evening. Our local cattle buyer, E. Watson, left on Thursday with cattle fur Montreal. Mr. Thos. Gundry, Deputy Sheriff of Goderich, was in towu last week. Holy Communion in 'Trinity Church ou Easter Sunday after morning service. Mr. Charles Davies, a former em- ploye 'in the Standard office here, but now of Kingsville, was visiting here this week. Owing to the changeable weather a number of our citizens aro snlfer- iug at present with severe colds and sure throats. The Misses Emigh and McElroy returned un Tuesday from au enjoyable two weeks visit amongst friends in Teeswater. Another tailor shop has been opened hero during the week in the building north of J. B. Kelly's brick store. Mr. 'Phos. Potter, who has been living in our berg for a couple of yearn past, intends moving during the week on to Alex Day's fare, iu East Wawanoah. Success, Tuntnty, Professor Edmofds and his troup was billed to appear here for Mon- day evening but they failed to put in appearance up to time of' writ- ing. Large quantities of grain have been brought to market during the past week in consequence of the advance in prices. So much for the contiquauce of the N. P. May its good effects continue. The members of 'Trinity Church Women's Guild will meet at 2 p.m. and the Y. P. C. A. at 8 p. m. on Wednesday, to -day, at the Rectory. A full attendance is requested at both meetings. On Tuesday evening a large num- ber of the members of the C. 0, F. here drove over to Auburn at the at the iuvitation of the brethren there to hear a lecture delivered by the High Chief Ranger, Bro. E. Lowe of London. Friday, being Good Friday, di- vine service will be held in Trinity Church, Blyth, at 11 a. in. 'l'he offertory at the close of the service will be in aid of the funds of the London Society for the conversion of the Jews. A concert under the auspices of tho Willing Workorsof the Epworth League of the Methodist Church here is to be held in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening, commenc- ing at 7,30. Au excellent pro• gramme has been prepared for the occa''vion. Jir. John Stewart of Morris has purchased the frame building of W. Cocl.eiline on Diusley St. He is having stone drawn for putting a stone foundation under it and in- tends veneering it with brick during the summer. It will be a handsome residence when finished. The annual vestry moetingfor the election:of churchwardens and ap• pointiug delegates to the next dio- cesan synod of Huron, and for other business, will be held in Trinity Church, Blyth, on Monday the 30th at 3 p, 1n , Trinity Church, Belgrave, at 10. 0 a. m., St Mark's Church, Manchester, Tuesday at 3 p. m, Our popular comic Binger, Mr. Will Shane, has two more engage- ments to fill this week, ono in Wroxeter and the other in Wing - ham.. His talents are so enthusias- tically admired by the public whore - ever he appears that a concert wherever held is not cc mplete without his services. That's right, 1VilI, keep cn, you'll soon snake the Stara in your profeseion,:wit.h a continental reputation, take a back seat. h, 'lett. A meeting of the Council was hold on Thursday last at the bridge on the 8th concession. They de- ckled to let nature take its course in regard to the jam which still re- mains, making the road practically impassible for pedestrians, —Amos Ellis wan hunting at Wolfe I land. On coming to a piece of ground which he wished to arose he first under- st-od to test its solidity with the butt end of his gun, hut the jar caused the weapon to ecpl'de, the charge of allot striking on the back of the head, tearing away part of hie scalp, some lodging in hie head, Wiuthaol. Dr. \V. J. R. Holmes, of Goder- ich, was in to.vn last week. Mr. F. Davison, of Toronto, is visiting his friends here at present•. \ir. \V. C. Davis, of \Vruxutur, was in town on Friday. \Ve would touch like to cur+ the _,1•Ews-RECORV" have a I.0 -go ciicu- latiou iu \\ringhaw. bliss Katie McCormick and \lids Leah McDonald left .own last week fur Windsor and Dot reit. That was a "sink" report of ,lie town of \Viugharn that made its appearance iu the "New Era" of last week. Mr. E. R. Talbot intends to dis- pose of }.is stock of dry -goods and groceries and will try his fortune iu Manitoba. Mr. Thos. Bell is in New YetIc this week on hush mss connected with the English church, to be erected here thin year. At the het meeting of the to,1u Council a motion was passed to the effect that elle old tows' hall be sold by auct.iuu on Saturday the 2811' inst. For several weeks, Stanley, infant sun of Mr, Wtii. Arscott has been very ill and ou Monday last breathed hie last. The remains we e taken to Londou uu Wednes- day for interment. The C. P. It. and G. T. R. are now besy carrying passengers isnd their effects to our Canadian North- west. As usual a great many are going from this part of the country. We wish them success. We see by the town papers that Mr. John Kerr is advertising his grocery and confectionery business for sale. If he succeeds in dispos- ing of his business he will stove to Londou. The "New Era" correspondent will allow me to inform him that Mr. Robert Talbot has already studied Dentistry and has been practising in \Vingham and Lind- say for some tnonths. Last week there was a concert, or show, in town every night but Saturday. This week, J. W. Ben• gough, Grip's comic cartoonist, amused all audience in the town hall for a couple of hours on Mon- day evening. Mr. John Ket'r left on Saturday morning for London. He will spend Sunday with his parents and prcceed to St. Thomas on Monday to attend the Grand Lodge meet• inns of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland and the Orange Association of Ontario West. On Tuesday evening the Lady True Blues held a very successful meeting in the ne,v town hall. Tho Rev. Jas. Livingston, of Lisio- wel, delivered hislecture on "Imagination." He' delighted the audience. There was also a good programme of local talent. Gotic: it'lii Township. Mrs. Glazier,' who rosided on tho 16th concession, has moved into Clinton. Nil's, H. Murphy, of the 16th, is visiting friends iu London. The young folks had a party at Mr. John Smith's on Friday night last. Most of tho crowd came from Clinton. Mr. Donald Junor who has been confined to bed a considerable por- tion of the time lately will not likely improve much until he has undergone a contemplated surgical operation. A very regrettable occurrence, if the affair did really happen, is that of a young man, who usually r•esidfe in Clinton, committing a criminal asaautt upon a married woman of the 16th Con. I hope the, case is not so bad as reported, and as it will corse up in the high court next month .I rofain from giving names at present. In the neighborhood of Clinton and Ilolmesville, a new order of Forrostere was established just prior to the elections. It is differeht to the Canadian or Independent Order of Foresters. This society is called the Cameron Court of the I). A. Fort-eetors. Though not so blood- thirsty by a long chalk as the Italian Mafia, the members and their doings are equally secret. It is a benficial society all the same. The endowment money is paid in advance upon initiation. Herein consists the new departure from the regular orthodox mode of benefic• iary societies. As initiations take place only once in every four or five years it is thought that there will always be funds ou hand. The source from whence the funds come ie somewhat* of a mystery to the outside world. That those interest- ed get the shekels at the proper time I believe there is no disput- ing. Goderich Township. That was a delightful time the Porter Hill elder had ou the even- ing of the 5th of March iu Coder- ich. The intoxication of Success i❑ \\',,,t Ilurun seems to have gut su mesh the better of his usual calm judgment that he might almost be Said to have danced a Scotch reel toy the light of the Cameron bonfire, I)a'eheaded. Aud those that soiled John's list should have known better as it was his Sorely go to lueuti11' one. How- ever, ,.11 unusual excitement is shut tllved and when Juhu realized the imlecolousn',s of his surround• inga, he said to his pwu,er, "Jim, this is no place our us." And it wasn't. f;rniln►e• hitt. L. 0. L, Nu. 928 hold a very successful degree meeting in their comfortable now hall last Friday evening There was a large num- ber of resident and visiting members present — Hills Green, Varna, Ilolmesvilte, Manchester lord Clin- ton beim represented County Master Todd was called to the chair. Three cauciidates vele advanced to the Royal Arch. At the close a vote of thanks was tendered this visitors and duly acknowledged. Capital knell and delicious coffee ;a as solved by the ladies, alter which the brethren dispersed. L. 0. I.. 928 has now one of the finest a el most comfortable halls in the county of Huron, a credit to them• selves and a credit to the section in which ir, is located. Loug nvty the Orange banner wave at Sumu,er- hill LAYMAN TO DORCAs.l. Editor Ne'cs-Record DEAR Sta.—In reference to the let- ter written by "Do- ens", wl:icir ap- per"ed in your issue of last week. As 'ega -ds the Bishop's inte..il.io3 of foaming a society a-nong the laity of of the Chti,'ch for the purpose of -1tir- :i'Tg thea, top t r n,. ro active ch,- 'eh wo -k. Now, it appears tome that Do •cas' opinions, or rather ideao, are rather e roneous. As rega•ds ati'"ing up the cle •gy. if they, for their Master's sake w ll not be a'.oused from letha."', end take a deep interest i't the wok which they have untler.aken to do, how are we to suppose that they will obey the voice of their Bishop •? His Lordship preactriug to apathe- tic clergy, would be Gl.e t •e cle^gy preaching to lukewa"m members. Do' -cgs speaks o" a ousing the "young clergy"to their sense o. I think that he is probate y ove esl'm- ating the abilities of the newt' or- dained ministers. 1t may be that he is not aware that i takes the g'eater majority o" them upwaids of th"ee days to prepare two se_ um s for the Sabbath day, such 1 are required for this enlightened age. Then comes the Wednesday even-. ing service, fol which another day is spent in preparation. By this you see four days are taken up out of the six. Now to almost every , parish there is a mission field attached, and to that mission the greater part of the two remaining days should bo given; as they have the privilege of having but one s; r - vice during each week And now, I would ask what time have the clergy for individual work in our respective towns and vi )ages? If anything it must be very little-. Hence the necessity of the most faithful of the laity Liking hold and helping those who have been appoint- ed to watch over them in the work of bringing souls to the feet of Jesus. I for one will deem it a great p"iv ilege to have a plan laid oat by which "we the laity who are willing," can work together with one accord in the: cause of our Redeemer. I see no better way of arousing any clergy who may be given to lethargy, than by letting them see that the members of thei • respective churches are interested in the same work. And to the faithful laity I would say, let us cast off all that tends to revul- sion, and put on the whole armour of light, and let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your [father which is in !leaven. LAYMAN, Seaforth, March 3lst, 1891 OUR WEEKLY ROUND i'1'. --On Saturday Wm. R, Bowe and Robert Murray, two Metcalfe frrmers, had a quarrel on the road, which ,es,lll- ed iu the former receiving a fatal blew on the head. —Robe, t Rowes, assistant p.>etmaeoer at Welland, is said to have left the town suddenly on Saturday mnroing. 1'. 0. Iusplctnr l.urnham and a detective are looking into some alleged i, regular itiee th, re. —The T"mpkine Machinery and Im- plement Company, of Dallas, Texan, has assigned. Liabilities $110 OCG. Thie is hut 1 ne of maty entice', s that have recently c; me to grief in the (30,- 000,000 market. —It has been de:ide I not to go any further with the proceedings which were not rn foot with the object of protesting theet,etinuof Mr. Gibson. Itis under - stood that there will be nn protest against the return of SlzKey and Ryokman either.