HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-03-18, Page 6tt :1 The Huron News -Record t1.60 a Year --$1.26 to Auvauue. Wednesday March 18th, IJU! WHAT 11E KNOWS ABUU TURKS. THE HAN OF THE EAST, HlS WIVi'. AND CONCUBINES, AN TiY. HAUI;IIrY EUNUCH "Tho 'Turk is not the malt of many wit es he In commonly Liv to 1.u. It is au uxerpttuu rattler than the I ule for the when of Turkey to have More that, one v aft. Tile lower chases ever he more than one. It is only the wealthy pashas who have two or three wives, the latter number, according to the Koran, being Madly allowed to evc-ry Mussulnlan." This is what Carlos RiverO, a Spaniard who is at present it, Can- ada, has to say about life in Tut - key. Signor ,Iiivero is engaged it, the china trade at roustautiuople, and calla the Turkish metropolis his borne. "I have lived several years at Cou• stantiuopte," continued the truvele.t, who speaks excellent English, "and have been as close an observer of Turkish harem life as it was possible for on outsider to be. The number of Hives legally allotted to every man i; exc•lu,ive. of any uunihw• of slut,'., or concubines. Slaves and con culimes :.re not fouled in the homes of the lower classes. The middle' classes keep slaves, llut the ileal .i [les • household rarely have concubines. "But when I say that polygamy is au exception I du not mean that there ore not nu morons harems in the Rio pi re, fur theru are. The To; k, ho wove'', who is at the head of the harem, does not have rho royal time and Many privileges one is led to suppose. He pays the bil ls, though. Ile calls ou his wives when it is convenient for them to receive him. No acquaint• anco, however slight, must he have with others than those of his own harem. Sometimes he cannot entthr lois own house. When a lady calls on one of his wives she loaves her slippers outside the harem door. Should the husband observe them he knows laces are visiting, and therefore he must tako a stroll around the block, smoke a cigarette or do something else until the fair caller has departed. "If in a public square or bazar he should happen to, see some of his own women lie is not permitted to recognize them even if they are squsnderiug his money on some- thing that would be of no use to any one. Ile may see one of his wives paying fabulous prices fest.'silks and jowls, and know the bills will be sent to him, but he must not object in public. What he says U1' doe3 at some subsequent time I know not of, but there is no law I know of that prevents hits from blacking her eyes or pulling her hair when he gets her in her apartments at the harem." "IIow are the poor eunuchs treat- ed?" Sig. Rivero was asked "Poor eunuchs !" remarked the traveler, "The people of Turkey don't thiuk the eunuchs aro abused creatures, and they are not. Their life is one perpetual picnic. They are the greatest personages in the harem ; their pewee is almost abso lute ; they are captains of the girls, and when the latter become unruly the eunuchs are the ones to chartise theta. They whip the girls with rods when the offence committed is serious enough. But they are the most hideousscreatu'os in Turkey. They have repulsive faces, short thick necks and generally long legs. They are haughty and overbearing in their manners, and when escort- ing their mistresses through the streets plainly demonstrate their contemptible disposition when clearing the way for the pets of' the Padiehah. They slash about indis- criminato.ly with their 'courbatch,' and make things generally unpleas- ant for anybody who is not on the lookout. Besides being paid prince- ly salaries the eunuchs squeeze all the money they can out of the in• mates of the harem, and large for- tunes are amassed by them. "Mutes are still employed by the sultan as guards or attendants This class is not obtained from an asylum or anything of that kind, but ore manufactured. That brutal practice of cutting out tongues of youthful eunuchs in order to obtain attendants in the offices where officio' business is carried on is still as popular as ever. The youths are not only deprived of the means of speech, but every- thing else is doue to keep thein in a state of ignorance. Thoy aro never permitted to read or write. This is no Arabian Nights romance, but a deplorable truth." -On motion of C. A. Maston,be- forrl Justice Ferguson at Osgoode Hall Thursday morning, the name of Thomas Edwin Griffith, cf Weet Winchester, Dundas county, was structs from the roll of solicitors in accord -ince with an order made by Chancellor Boyd on December 10, 1890, A SKELETON IIULD BY A CLUFJ,' TREE. Freeman P. Lane, mho has juet returned from Chaska, Minnesota, says that a farther living near that Itlaoee while traversing a copes of wavy nuts timber some five miles i nuc Chaska, discovered a human iaeletou•seourely pinioned to a huge tk. The supposition, based upon the surroundiug conditions, is that the roan must have met his death before cold weather set in last fall. The skeleton was in au upright position, and the entire right arm and shoulder were wedged into a crack in the trunk of the tree. The tree is very badly shattered from top to bottom, and this theory is evolved. During a heavy thunder shower last fall the man sought shelter beneath the wide,spreading branches of the oak, and a . thunderbolt rent the tree from tip to root. killing the man, and opening a crevice in the tree, that immediately chided, piuiuuiug the man. It is narrated that a farm hand employed some four miles from the death trap has been Missing since early in Novem- ber or late in October. It is sur- mised that he was the victim of nature's unwonted freak. THE QUEEN PAWNED HER JEWELS. Queen Isabella of Spain, pawned her jutt'els to raise money to tit out the ex- pedition that discovered the new world. Her sacrifice was not greater than is made by many women of America, who deny themselves ninny things in order to have money to buy 1)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery fun their sick hus- bands or children. This "Discovery" is more important to ahem, than the one made in 1492. Fur all d•ceases of the Lunge, Liver, Throat, or Stomach, the "Discovery" is a sovereign remedy. A trial convinces, its continued use cures. It purifies the blood, invigorates the liver and strengthens and builds up the ,v hole system. (; uaranle,•d to benefit or cure in every case, or money paid for it returned -Morrish Cornish, a farmer liv- ing in the Township of Oxford, brought his wife on a short visit to \HIamiltou. After returning home he went to the house of a neighbor, and while there seemed to be very diapondeut. In the utoruing the neighbor on whorl Cornish called the previous Might thought that he would go over and see if his friend Morris had recover ed from hie state of despondency On approaching the place, he found the five children of Mr. Cornish, the oldest of which is only nine years old, huddled together in a corner of the orchard. On being asked where there father was, they said he was Iyiog on the bed, dead. This startled the man, and he got anoth- er neighbor, and together they went into the house and found Cornish lying across the foot of the bed with his throat cut. In the roots adjoining the bedroom they found a razor, all covered with blood, Lying on the table, showing that after having committed the act he must have walked at least 10 feet. The child- ren say that they left their papa sit- ting reading the newspaper when they went to bed about eight o'clock, and, on arising- in the morning, they were horrified to find hire as described. TWICE THEIR NATURALL, SIZE. For 12 years Mr- Edward Evans, for- merly employed by Davey & Moore, glass manufacturers, London, Eng. self. ered from the wotet form of rheumatism. He was treated at infirmaries, but was always di,,charged as incurable. His legs and hands were swollen to twine their size. He could not walk; the pain drove hint alnost frantic, and he felt as if hot irons wore passing through his ponos The first application of St. Ja- cobs Oil, relieved him, and continuing its use the swelling left his limhp; in a week he Doul., walk, all pain had vanished and be went to not k. -Upon the motion of Walter Read the roll of solicitors was brou- ght into court before Justice Fergu- son,atOsgoodo ha11Monday morning, and tho name of H. A. Mackelcan of Hamilton, was struck from it by the registrar of the court. This was taken in accordance with an order made on March 3, which in turn was in accordance with a previous order to the effect that if the solici• tor did not by that day pay into court certain motleys belonging to certain of his clients and held by him, the order to strick his name from the rolls would go. It is not often that any of the numerous motions styled ''Re solicitor" go so far as this. Some settlement is usually mad o. USED IN THE HOSL'ITALS. And endorsed by the medioal faculty throughout the erases. Clark's Catarrh Cure has come to be regarded as only real specific for that disease. In eaery case it works a certain, safe, and speee1y cu, e. Pleasant to taste and smell it is yet powerful in healing and restoring the natural functions. ,No other remedy gives such satiefaction, because results from use are not the same. Sold by all druggists, or sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents by Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. MANY LADIES, Hava written that Clark's Catarrh Cure hes relieved them, restoring per- fectly every sense. Through gratitude they have consented that their names be published. Yet the Clark Chemical Co., will not use this means to adorn tine their remedy. They will not parade the suff- erings of any one, or invade the snored privacy of any home Any sufferer from Catarrh will recommend Clark',Caterrh Cure, and that good word is worth more than the published certificate. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. AuvICJI To MotrlliDaa.-Aro you die turbed at Dight and broken of your reet by a sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of putting Teeth? If so seed at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltleeufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbcea, reg slates the Stomach and Bowels, emus Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflamma'iou, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure audask for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Svrup," andttake no tiler kind. -Delicate little Mary 'Thornton, of Springfield, Ohio, a blonde with out a drop of negro blood in her vet its, to day married black Austin Thorutou in this city. The groom, though of the sante name, is not her relative, itud is unlike her in everyway. Ile is a burly, repulsive negro. Squire J. J. Miller married the pair. Then they walked arm in- arta up the street before tho nsands of Bermuda Bottled, you must Y�vlll net be es to tsl: lilt fey the oonveaue>nees." doctor, I eau afford neither thq time nor the money. t'Vt'c21, it that is impossible, try COTT'S LSIONtea. OF 69133E NORWEGIAN COD LEVER OIL. F sometimes call It Bermuda Hot. tleal, arid many eases of Jbp C tl�0 111F'yION �:ou�P.'h 9 or Severe Cold I (cavo CIfliel✓ID sslth It. and the advantage Is that the most 14eer:f- tive st:ms tui ems tare It. Another i:afu; nvll'ah coouItends 17 Is the stimulating properties of the By. IJSophoslrhltes which It contains. Von will sled 1t for sale at your Druggist's, In Salman lvrapper. Be sure you get the gamine." SCOTT d I30dYlYsy, Iiellevnra C i tizens. Corner Iluron and Orange Streets, Clinton.,, FIRST - CLASS MATERIAI and UNSURPASSED IRON WORK. CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, YOUR LAME. -BACK Would get well at onue if it were rubbed with a little of Clark's Lightning Lini- ment, and the soreness in side and limbs would go away if treated the same. This wonderful pleparatiuu duee nut effect a oure next week, but relieves attuucu, and almost miraculously. Try a bottle of your druggist, price fifty cents, and be sure you get it. Clark Chemical ('o., Toronto, N. Y. CLARK'S L[URTN1NU Liniment will relieve the painful tor- ture of Rheumati•01 in the joints or taus cies. It should be well luohed in with the hauls, and the part covered with a piece of flannel. The pain will cease with ttte first application, and its contin- ued use will effect n marvelous cure. This remedy nettle but a tidal to con- vince the most skeptical that it is a wont1r1 fu1preparotion, Sold by all drug- ; price laity tented. taatk Ctu•ulical Co., Toronto, New York, -'flee section of the big redwood tree for exhibition at the World's Fair at Chicago is from the largest and most perfect "big tree" in Cali• foruia, cut for the purpose from the forest in ,Tulare County. It mea- sures fully ninety-nine feet in cir- cumference at the base. The height of this monster specimen was 312 feet, being 172 feet to the first limb, which limb measured throe feet in diameter. CONSIDER THIS FACT. The fact that rheumatism ie caused by an acid in the blood points to the remedy Burdock Blood Bitters, which removes all impurities from the blood not only poisonous rheumatic humors but even ob• etina'e scrofulous and cancerous taints. -Tho Boston Commercial Bullet- in states upon articles based upon the Agriculural department and re- ports, in which it is show that the total nu-aber of the sheep i0 the country to (lay is 43,131,136, against 44,336,072, in 1890 and that consequently the wool clip will be 5,000,000, pounds leas than last year, when it was 276,000,000 pounds, AS A PICK-ME-UP after excessive exertion nr exposure, Milburn's B-ief, Iron and wine is grateful arid comfort- ing. -A prominent Tacoma, Wash , phyeician has made a startling reve- lation, in which he alleges that he was called two months ago to the deathbed of a poor man named Larry Pedersen. He told the physician he wished his dying con- fession written, and it was to the following effect :-Pedersen work- ed in Armour's porkhouae in Chicago until 1887, then went to Sioux City, to Silverthorn's pack ing house, where he worked until the spring of 1889, when he killed a man named Larson Harstrum, who worked with him cleaning the floors in the killing rooms. Ile stabbed hitn many times, and hie blood flowed down the gutter to the fertilizer, nixing with tho blood of the swine killed that day. He then ran the body among ten thousand carcases killed that day. Near morning ho took the body to the chopping blocks, cut it in pieces, covered it with salt and ran it to the fertilizing rooms among piles of pork left there for the month. He then burned the clothes in the furnace. Pedersen lived in Sioux City for ttvo months after the murder and then came west. AN ACCIDENT POLICY. The best Accident Policy ie to keep Hagyards Yellow 00 on hand As a pain titre it is unrivalled, while fr•r croup, sore throat quinsy, rheurnatiem, neuralgia, etc., its renulte are often al- most tragical. Used externally and in ternally. Price 25a. -The first large party of immi• grants this season caste up from Ilalifax by the C. P. R, last Bred. nesday. 01 the party, 115 were hound for Winnipeg, 15 for Tor- onto and 36 went west by the Soo train. MISERY VS. COM FORT. Misery is ore result of biliousness or liver complaint. Comfort ie the result of using Burdock Blood Bitters as a ren - edy. Cure is the final result always el- u tuned. We back this with the strongest pi out by testimonials from reliable('ara- 1 dlan people. 7 Repairing and Repainting. tar ALL WORK WARRANTEDg�. 52y TO THE FARMERS. Study tour own interest and go where you can gut Reliable ol` Harness, I manufacture none but the BEST or STOCK. Beware of slops that sell cheap, as they have gut to 1. ee. tf,1• Call and get prices. Orders by mail pruml,lyattended to, ea( )LI 74a fl m3J.L1, TIMI. I•:.SS EMPORIUM, ISLY'i'u, O•ii'P .1. E. L'LAPIi A LL, t'oterinury ulgeou, honorary graduate of /of nein lbterin.tr} College, trusts liseascs of all domestic animals un tilt• l of irudcrn and acirntillc priuriples. i;,)'�.'alls attended to night or day. Office immedi tel must of the old Royal Hotel, uutaria street. liesidence— Albertstreet, Clinton. 54) -311 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. 'Thos. E. lin) 8, President, Senforth 1'. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Seoy•Treas., Seefurth 1', 0. ; John Donnell, Manager, Senforth l'. 0. DIRECTORS, Jas. Broadfoot, Senforth ; Donald (toss, Clin• ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; Oeorge Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evens, Beechwood ; J. Shan• non, Walton; Thos. (larbert, Clinton. Thos, Neilans, Harlock; ILobt. McSlillan, Sea. forth ; S. Caro :him, seaforth. John O'Sullivan ant Coo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business mill he promptly attend ed to on application 0) any of the above olHears, addressed to their respective post daces. A N 3 C E HOME A T A 1).1,1(0 A [N.—Eight acres of land with a suleet orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjomingl,Codc- rich township, Apply to B. 0. DOYLE, Code. ich 540-tf 0-.0 JROPEIt'i'y' Folt SALE OF all RENT. --Advertisers will Lind "The e ? News Record" one of the nest mediums a ill the 0ounty of Huron. Advertise in "The News -Record"— The Double circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. v`+-' b10 p4 o .2 '( L) 4 g a TERMS STRICTLY CASH. W • ;� ,,COOPER LOG -AN, Groce a� o ri F+1 49% 0. 6 O N O W C it +a/ ^ a � at e- r3a3 rii 3 ., • erg 0 L al O al ai Q.v./ z Is need both intornany to d externany. It mots quickly, affording, truest instant relief from the sever 1st pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. IISTA�ITB,OEQUS Ill ITS 11,TI�;1, For CRAMPS, CHILLS, DIARRIIOA, D :'SF.i,17 CHOLERA MOI and all EOWE-L NJ natv3EDY, Eel :3 Ti -1,T. PAIN- iiLi.,i::€-d. In Canadian Choirs and Bowel C,.. nplalnts its cite .t 1.; non- is 1. It o' fres In a very siert time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAT:::,, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLO EVCRYWHeRB AT 260. A BOTTLR. gar Ileware of Counterfeits and Imttatlons. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet 0 tar See the HanCsome Organ, now on exhibition. 0 N. ROBSON. ▪ CLINTON. 189C) AND 1891_ Christmas & New Year Goods 0 — lest arrived, the RAISINS Black Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon - finest qualities of . don Layer, Sultanas c�; Valencies. CURRANTS Pi;1,Ac a4a PEELSLemon, Orange and Citron, and FIGS. NUTS:1lmonds, Filberts, Wall - FRESH CANNI�D nuts and She,lled,llrno ids Corn, Peas and Tomatoes during holidays, at 'TEN GE t'S PER CAN. SUGARS, 'I'E:1S, COFll7 ES and SPICES-wo lead as usual. (,'ROCKERY and GLASSWARE at away -down prices for Iloliday 1'ri Bents. ' SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER, J. e IRWIN, IN, The Noted Groour, Minton DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? 7-,.1J1 i„ ! r.:_) �T. _i / a l a it o t o 0 ----EAP CROCKERY! —0 0 AS WE INTEND Giving Up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business :Lod want to clear out the stock by Jan. 1st, We will, on and after Nov 1st., off'2r v Te Eijtire Stock at Cost. The stock is all new and consists of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Chamber Sets (in white and colored ware), Glassware, &c, This is the best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should examine cur stock before buying. VdtiMSMIMIRISIMMISIElligageSetRIPSIMPINMSt THE BEST PROTECTION. As .a prntee'inn from the results of 0)lds, sprains, bruises, b'arne scalds sore throat and tall painful disetwep• 11 agvard'e Yellow Oil holds first On( e. Its efficacy has been provsd thousands o! times. It Shnnl 1 he found in every household. -The Spectator says a petition is to be filed against the return of iron. J. M. Gibson as M. 1'. P. for ilam- ilton; and that a 111:188 of evidence has been discovered that will unseat and probably disqualify him. CONSUMPTION CURED An old phsyieian, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Altham and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive ancl radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav• ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to melte it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, too all who desire it, this receipt, in Germen,FrenchorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and sing. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. 1 . NOYES, 820 Powers' !look, Roches err, 590-y. NEXT TO A. COUCH'S, CLINTON m la n g Pan G girt) a pa r • 1•Q 0 ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack 0f $nerd, Physical Decay, positively oared by azo ton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Peine !n the Back, Nigho Emissions, Drain In Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study, Executive Indul- gence, etc., eta Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 Sold yearly. Address, enclosingstamp for treatise, J. E. IlAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist, 308 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. ' !l A'� • ,rare„•^ �.�r"".�; fes., USE a, t.; . r. (iii v ;-1 0. r `ori 4.it arCquar Te5 THE HE BEST 1). ,W. 1 *AMY iv Co's Illustrated, Ile.crih 0v rind Priced SEED ANNUAL vol. 1891 will he mallet! FREE to all applicants. and to last season's custO,nrrs. is better than ever. Eery person using Garden, it•.,v,vr nr Fir/d .Seed, should send for 0. Address D. M. FERRY d. CO. WINDSOR, ONT. Largest Seedsmcn in the world d 'e BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tinges be pleased to receive items of needs from our sub - .scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thrmgh their local post offices will confer a ,fervor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions ?ray commence at any time. ADVERTISERS, ERTiSERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. �C CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our boot's are open to those who mean business. JOlt; PRINTING. The Joh Leyartment of this jour- nal is one of the hest equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very tont prices. FOR SALE. Ij1111( SUBSCRIBER offers for hole four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has two fronting. tin Rnttenhury Street; either est bloc or In separate lots, to salt porchasere. For further particulars npply to the undersigned.—F. DINSI.EY, Clinton. 382