HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-03-18, Page 5.rversesate-wv sn.,.sa er- REMNANTSREMNANTS 0 Previous to entering stock on Feb. 2nd, we will offer all our Remnants, Odds and Ends At Half the Original Cost. u —o Bargains in all classes of Heavy Winter Goods qba'. adISE v ;fir,. AN, THE LOW-PRICED STORE. strong, John Cr)11, I). (1 ,i1 l :.•r, and dozens of others whom we could mention, :is young Ilton who were disfranchised by the "aged" yowls' lists , all monied :nen, some of then: grandfathers and all ou the <tage.l" voters' lists \\'hat miser - rot, what foolish libel to sty the -e men were disfranchised when the only causo for their 1isf'rnne4isncut would bo in the fact that they either gavo or received bribes, or were :int Brit'sh subjects, Or wnro under 21 years of age. La P Fr.iu.:it (crit organ says that. Sir John's majority is the ominous 13. If the figures tv,'re transposed the ''Omin0dlly" would be more apparent. Prof. Wiggins predicted that the American storm would reach Canada last Friday. It came. If the Grits had consulted Wiggins he might have told thein of the storm of iu• dignation that overwhelmed theta on the 5th of March, and saved theta the labor ofarranging for n Ministry that will never be formed - CURRENT TOP10._i, PIOUS 1\IPERTINENCE. Rev. Minot J. Savage, of Boston, speaking of the petition of the Presi• dent asking him to initiate a moye- ment to get the Jews back to Pales- tine says:—"It is a piece of pious impertinence to talk about Palestine being the home of the .Jews accord'. ing to God's distribution of the nation. The Jews stole in the first place, as indeed most other nations have stolen, their present abode. If the original owners are to be put back into all countries what nation will not have to get out of its present home ? Then how many Jews are there who wish to go to Palestine to live? To compel them to go would be an unspeakable outrage. Indeed the whole business seem to be as crazy as an attempt to cob nine the moon." SIR JOHN'S YOUNO STRENGTH. New York Sun :—A well informed Grit Canadian, in discussing the general elections in his country, said that so long as Sir John Mac- donald lives there will be no genuine and full demonstration of the strength of the Liberal party in the Dominion. 'Thousands of young men who are Liberals at heart are res- trained from so declaring themselves by their love for Sir Jobn. He is absolutely poor to -day, it is thought, and yet he is without an equal as a politician or a rival in the popular affection. His loyalty to to the English throne has limited his powers as a statesman. Yet it has helped to keep all Canada loyal. HIGH PRAISE FROM POLAND. The oppressed of all the world, it seems, have had their eyes turned to Canada where Sir John A. Mac donald was fighting for the masses against the classes. The Hamilt,n Spectator clips the following high praise and congratulation of Sir John on his success from the Polish Kurjer Wnrsazawski:-Sir John Macdonald na zgromadzeniu wybor- oow wTorontoodczytal pismo,stwier- dzajace tajne konszachtyCartwrighta i Ferrara z amerykanskimi mezami stanu i napietnowal ich publicznio mainem zdrajcow. Obeanie wre w Kanadzie kampanja wybo'eza ekut- kiem rozwiazani przez rzrd parla• mentu. Wynik tej kampanzi, prowadzonej przez whigow pod haslem unji c®lnej ze Stanami Zjednoczonemi, rzno swiatlo na kwestje, do jakiego stopnia opinja publiczna Kaneda oswoila sie juz z ideazerwania zwiarku z macierzystem panstwem? 'Tylko czv Kaneda w razie potrzeby znajdzie awojego Franklini i Waszyngtona ? that the Government went to the country, among other things, on the National Policy, and intends to ad- here to that policy. The National policy is not affected by the consist• ent and persistent attempts of Sir John Madconald and his Government to obtain a reasonable re- ciprocity treaty with the Unit- ed States. Whatever the Star may mean by its opening sen- tence in the editoriitl referred to, the public will understand that alias not the slightest reference to any action which the Government has in contemplation. T'i1R N. P. WILT. STAND. Speaking of the rumor that the N. P. is to he cast aside, the Empire makes this official declaration this morning: The Empire is authorized to say RE'L'A LIATI ON. Che Montreal Witness says that some of the leading Conservative rnanufactuaes of Montreal are quiet• Iv organizing a boycott against the Grand Trunk Railway on the ground of the opposition to Sir John Mac• donald in the recent election. They propose to go about it in a very quiet way, it is said, but they have the im- pression that they will eventually crush the Grand Trunk out of exis- tence. TILE AMERICANS WILL DIOKER- Asked if the late election will in any way endanger our trade relations with the States, lion. J. A. Cbapleau said: No; on the contrary, the Govern- ment at \Vasbiugton, realizing how false were the reports made to them by some leading Grit politicians of Canada that the Government of Sir John Macdonald had not the confid- ence of the people, and would be de- feated at the next elections, will have reason to believe that any agree- ment entered into with us will last. Uncertainty about the Govern- ment of this country and the majority supporting them has disappeared, and the two coun- tries will he able to enter on more amicable trade relations for at least the next five years. jalliMOMMINIOn \\'IIERE WERE THEY ? To the Ed;tor of The News -Record. DEAR SIR,—Sonne time ago a flag was presented to the School Trustees in Ciiu- to t, to he hoistod on the school on cer- tain once...l ora. I'he addresses given at the time by a number of citizens breath- ed loyalty 1.0 our beloved Queen and British institutions. But where were many of these "loyalists" in the recent struggle for British connection ?They certainly were not with the Hon E lward Blake. Nrr were they with the ('fraud Old Mtn, Sir John Macdonald. But some of them worked for the annexation psrty and to drag in the duet the grand old flag they professed to love so dearly a sew mouths ago. "A British subject I was born,aBritiih eutjcot 1 willdio." The old flsg will still wave in Clinton. and espootally over our children. The 51h of March in every ear would be an r.ppro- priata time to hist the echo 1 fkg in 0omurht,ration o the gre.1victory for B'iti:.h connection. I am always a lover of THE OLD FLAG. Clinton, March 13th, 1801 House ::Furnishings. 0 0 0 We have devoted considerable attention this season to our Carpet and Curtain Stock and if you intend making any pur • chases in this line this Spring, you will find it to your advantage to make selections early. In CARPETS we have a larger variety of patterns than ever before, and we are confident we can suit you in the quality.Oil _Cloths, Linoleums, Stair Linen, Mats, &c. Lace Curtain Stock will be complete in a few days. fr FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. THE HUB GROCERY 109!. serine fIflflOU cement. less. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $5 00 to 5 20 Fall Wheat 100 to 1 03 Spring Wheat.... 0 95 to 1 00 Barley C 40 to 0 48 Oats.. 50 to 0 50 Peas 0 65 to 0 70 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 50 Potatoes . 0 40 to 0 50 Butter ........ 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs 0 13 to 0 15 Hay 5 00 to 700 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 000 Wool 0 20 to 0 20 Pork 500 to 6 25 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat $ l 00 to $1 04 Spring Wheat 0 98 to 1 00 Wheat, red winter 0 99 to 1 00 Wheat, goose 0 77 to 0 84 Barley . 0 48 to 0 52 Oats. . 0 50 to 0 85 Peas . 0 75 to 0 77 Rye 0 72 to 0 75 Il ay 8 CO to 11 00 Straw 7 60 to 7 50 Dressed hogs 5 25 to 6 00 Beef, fore 4 00 to 6 00 Beef, hind. 6 00 to 9 00 Mutton 6 00 to 7 00 Veal S 00 to 1 10 Eggs 6 18 to 0 20 Butter 0 12 to 0 24 Potatoes, per bag 0 80 to 1 310 Inas one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (woollen and fibre), TUBS, 'WASH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER 13owLs, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. Ill BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BAsKE'fs for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BRouats, down to 2 for 25c. GRocERIES, fresh and as cheap as any tither house in town—especially in TEA we Cull give you extra value. co< SwalIo to —A roan named Kerner, a horse trader, in St. ('atharines,was washing a horse with coal oil to remove some vermin, and during the process be stopped to light his pipe, forgetting about the coal oil on his hands. The match set fire to the oil and the fire was communicated to the horse standing by, which immediately laid down in the water and put out the blaze. Kerner was not so fortunate, and had his face badly burned by the flames. IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed hi. connection with the Manley Company, desires to intim, 0 that ho has been appointed rigout for the well- known arm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to ell ell orders iu his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILKINSON PLOWS. COLTER & SCUTT DRILLS, DISC BARROWS, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 605-6m Hohneaville and Clinton HORSE WANTED, Wanted, a bay mare, about 4 or 5 years old, 16 hands high and weighing about 1400 lbs. Must be sound. Apply at PLUMSTEEL & GIBDiNOS, 665 Clinton The McKillop Mutual Fire In- surance Company. A General Public Meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will bo held in the 'TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, SATURDAY, 'MARCH 28th 1891, At 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of deciding the remuneration hereafter to be paid to the Directors. The Directors and Agents will meet at 10 o'clock a. m., the same day, at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. W. J. SHANNON, Secretary. THOS. E. HAYS, President, 665.21 FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BAIIBEB, 2 doors east of NEws•REcoRD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CH1LD1u:N's haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax To Derry and Liverpool. CABiN RATES $40. $50 and 600 Single. 850, 590 and $110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIER. INTERMEDIATE, Outward 525, Prepaid 630 Steerage at lowest rates. t3' Accommodations unsurpaased, Apply to H de A ALAN, Montreal or A. O. PATTISONor wM. JACKSON, Clinton. HOOSES TO RENT To rant, a conveniently situated berme on Rnttenbury Street, with every convenienee, near Yrthschnols. At preseut oeenpied by Inspector Robb. Pensoseion at once. 638 Alec, tho house adjoining. 000,3 stone cellar bard and soft water and other oanventenoes. Lately ocsupiod by Mr. W. J. Stoneham. Bent, S5 per month. 640 Apply to W. II. TIINE. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROIVHILI, has opened out a gen• end Blacksmith nnd Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gaulcy, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and iron Work in all Its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and Batts - faction guaranteed. The piddle aro invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-tf GEORGE TROWIIILL. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, On WATCHES ! Waltham, Erin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new, model. /WAR these makes in key and stem winders. Also pendant set w010he0. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. House and Lot for Sale or Rent. A comfortable Inc.uuhouse situated on James street, in the Town of Clinton, convenient to railway station. 'there are the usual conven- iences, hard and soft water, etc., also one-quarter acre of ground. \V ill he sold or rented on easy terns. Apply all .JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S Harness Emporium, 64.3-tf Opposite the Ma.ket, Clinton FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. Judicial Sale of valuable FARM in Township of Stanley. HENDERSON ve. HOWARD. Lot 13, Lake road east, township of Stanley, 117 acres, will be offered for sale by Public Auc- tion, at Swans' Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF HAYFIELD, on SATURDAY, 31x1 MAiICH,1891, at:3 p.m. For particulars and conditions of sale, apply to F Holmested, Esq., barrister, Seaforth, and Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, barristers, Goderich. Goderich, February 2411, 1891. S. MALCOMSON, F. ITOLMESTED, Neuter at Goderich Seaforth, Vendor's Solicitor. 645-31 TRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS in Tn News Rowan at Tow rates.inserted The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tew's-Reocord. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Nelson Glew, offer for sale two desirable lots in the town of Clinton, being lots 85 and 86, Gordon'e new survey, on Walker St., with ecnfortabledwelling house, good well of water, and choice lot of fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Clear title and immediate possession can be given, \Vill he Bold for 6400, Liberal terms will be given. Apply to CHAS. SPOONEIR, Executors ROBERT PEACOCK, March 4th, 1890. 293-8,11 THE CELEilit,tTED Meal Wasfler* and Wrirer. THE HEST IN THE MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial nm also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see tae. J. C. WLIR,CLINTON BILI. HEADS, NOTE Ile,.ds, Letter Heads, Tags, State,ne,ts, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, ate., etc., printo I in a workman• like manner and nt low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD Office. We have never been in a position for doing busine>s so well as at the present time, with ample 300111 and any amount of first class goods which we will sell at the lowest possible paying. prices. We don't keep cheap trash to catch the trade, but good goods, everything to bo found in a first-class dry -goods house. Full stock of 1 -Ra READY-MADE CLOTHING. Clothing made to order as cheap as the cheapest. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING ! In charge of MISS ADA111, who can give satkfactiuu in c0015 respect. If you want city styles, give her a vial. M I1 I[ 'I N We have engaged the services of M155 L. 11,1GUERALI), who is an exlwrieneed band in the business and understands it tborouglily. We shall Le away this week to the Alillluery Uprniugs to purchase steel:. 'We will r.pc11 under favorable (ir'ttm- t cis having t I .� goods.Everything\Ill ht \ and the latest. st to u> old �o d n \Ve have taken the 800011 flat fora Boot and Shoe Store, and will keep one of the largest stocks iu town. We will sell at Dom 10 to 20 1,e1' cent. less than usual prices. We buy our goods from nue of the largest and bent factories in the 1)onlinio11, all the lines we handle are guaranteed to no. 33'e du not handle inferior stock, ns it will not give satisfaction. Our stock will be complete this month. Curve and see us. Wo will show you one of the largest and hest assorted stocks in the county. Good goods and low prices. tarApprcntices wanted to learn the Dress and Mantle Making and Millinery. Respectfully, yours, PLUMSTEEL & G3BINGs. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, March 2nd, 1891. Christmas - Groeeries. CANT H LLO1\T 81?,0S_ —Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockery, Glass and Chinaware, At prices uonsistent with gond goods. We are in a position to guarantee as good value as any other house in the trade. Try our Falutolls Teas, the best for the least money in the market. Huns and New Year Groceries that cannot be surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Do not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. wasessimrsallip PvIT ±V II'TTIR, __ NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CUIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store iMIM RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' . The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Complete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitable for Spring and Summer Wear. ler Every Suit a Walking Advertisement. Car Cloth by the yard at a very small margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the same. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. TO ALL LOVER6 OF 1dICE FITTING GARIKENTS ! \Ve ask you to read and think. We have now Complete Stock Spring Goods in all the Latest Patterns. Remember, we sell as close as any in the trade and guarantee to fit every customer. Ilefore ordering, call and examine our goods. Remember the stand—Smith's Block, itagr BOY WANTED TO LEARN TAILORING.. Walton & Morrison, Tailors. The News -Record FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALJ DEPARTMENTS • Yl