The Huron News-Record, 1891-03-11, Page 6The Huron News -Record 51.50 a Year—el-2e to Advance. lr T'hs Bean does not do Justice to his business o spends testi in advertising than he, does in t.—A T. STawaar, th millionaire merchant ow York. Wednesday Mardi lith, 1891. AN INCIDENT OF POLY— GAMY. SCENE IN A SALT LAKE COURT IL LUS•TRATING THE WORKINGS OF THE PLURAL MARRIAGE. Mormonism is breaking up in more or less of a row. The Salt Lake Ti 'beets reports a ease in the court there which shows how diffi• unit it is fur puly'ganiislo to dwell together iu harmony : "Beaty P. Jensen has two wivrs appuleuily fif- ty yeald of age, and alter Juhauua, his first wife, had been placed upon the stand, Bodel Jensen, the plural wife, was called upon to testify. Bodel went on to testify that all was not harmony in that polygamous household hold, and that his first wife, Johauua, did not treat the old man right, compelling him to cook his own ideals and sleep alone. Johanna was seated in the court- room and Leard thir testimony. It brought her to her feet, and with fiery eyes and palpitating bosom she yelled at the witness in broken Eng- lish :—`Oh, Bodel, you are a liar ! 1 can't stand this -1 can't stand this !' and at the sawe time Making a break in the direction of Bodel. This un- expected interruption paralyzed the con' 1, 0011DSC 1, jury and spectators .tud it was five seconds before Judge l;leckbnrn could catch his breath and order the hililiIf to take the wo• mall otic ul CoUi•t.' A l - i FOR MARSH GRASS. TWINE TO 13E MADE FROM A NEW MA- TERIAL AS CHEAP AS PLENTIFUL. 1 St. Paul, Minn., special says that through the efforts of nu inven- tor of Iowa, articles which can be manufactured from common slough grass sure attracting coufiiderahlo at- tel,tiuu. .J'ha fanners of the North west have been paying large prices fur binding twine, and it is this feet which probably started George Lowury to investigating the uses to which common march grass could be put. IIe has made several inven- tions which are an assured 8010088. The binding twine glade by his meth- od is etioug, durable, and, above all, cheap. While the material from wnieli ort'ivary binding twine is made costs from 8120 to$180 per ton, slough grass coats from $3 to $5 a ton I, ud the cost of snaking the twill..) from either material is about the sante. A company has been or- ganized for the manufacture of this twine. Tho company will also make cord• ago of all kinds, bagging and mat- ting from littlish grass. Marsh grass makes good rope in any size, and formed into email twine it can lead - idly be woven into coarse cloth of groat strength which can be put to a variety of uses. The cotton plant- ers of the United States annually raise about 7,000,000 bales of cot- ton, which require about 60,000,000 yards of bagging. The jute bagging costs about 8 cents a yard. The grass twine bagging can be made at about I cent a yard less. DON'T FEMALE ME. Pittsburg Commercial. Now that the word "female" has becoine offen- sive to some of the more critical of the ladies who are prominent in pleading the cause of woman, writ- ers and speakers will have t) be more circumspect and discriminat- ing in the use of that very common but vary expressive and essential terns. There is a good and bad form, however in the use of the word, as Miss \Villard in her open- ing address to the Council of Wo- t0eu assembled at Washington, took occasion to suggest,when she " thank • fully observed" that a certain college Was no longer"a female seninary." The nature of the ehuuge,or just what was neccessary to bring it about, was not explained, but possibly the metamorphosis was complete by substituting the name "woman's col- lege" or "college for women' It will not do, however, for the advocates of the advancement and elevation of wotnan to characterize the word in gneation as either use- less or obeoleta. Woman is defined thus: "Tile female of the human race grown to adult years." All women aro females, but all females (diose infancy and youth) are not women. Webster says: We apply female to the sex as opposed to male, and feminine to the characteristics of the sex as opposed to masculine. Hence, we speak of the female char- acter, dross, habits, manners, ect„ and of feminine pursuits, em- ployment, etc." It will ho seen, therefore, that however ofleneively or inappropriately the term may be applied, it has a proper and legit- imate use which gives it a perman- ent place in the language. The words woman and female ate so nearly synonymous that they are often need interchangeably, and the latter has taken a permanent place in our cl8saical literture. "A child of our grandmother Eve, a female. or, for thy *ore sweet understand- ing, a woman." Dryden, has given us this couplet: And one hunting which the devil deeigu- ,ed 1'•.r nue f.ir female, lett him h.1f the kind. Pope, in like wanner, sang: If to her Iii w ..•m+'feurale er ore fall, ie•oir ,.n Iu r f •oo and you'll forg -1 them all. And last, but nut least, in the very first chapter of that reputable authority, the Bible (King James translation), is recorded; "So God created than in his own iwage, in the images of God created he him; male and female created he thein." A BOY ON A FARM It is quite likely that no country buy meds to be told about the life of a boy ou a farm, but he more can truly realize his own importance by reading what Charles Dudley \Ver- ner says about him. "It is my impression," says Mr. Warner, "that a farm without a boy would soon 001110 to grief. What a boy does is the life of the farm. 110 is the factotum, always in de- mand and always expected to do the thousand and 0119 things that nobody else will do. Upon him falls the odds and ends, the most difficult things. After everybody else is through he has to finish up. His work is like a woman's—per- petually waiting on others. Every- body knows how much easier it is to cook a good dinner than to wash the dishes afterward, "Consider what a boy on a farm is required to do—things that must be done, or life would actually stop. It is understood, iu the first place, that he is to do all the err- ands, to go to the store, to the poet - office, and to carry all sorts of mels ages. If he had as many legs as the centipede, they would tire be- fore [light. "Ile is the one who spreads the grass as the leen cut it,he stows it a- way in the barn; he rides the horse to cultivate the corn, up and down the hot and weary rows; he brings wood and water, and splits kind- liug;Tu gets up the horse and turas out the horse. Whether he is in the house or out of it, there is al- ways something to do. Just before chool in the winter he shovels paths; and in the summer he turns the grindstone. And yet, with his mind full of schemes of what he would like to do, and his hands full of occupation, he is an idle boy who has nothing to busy himself with but school and chorea. He would gladly do all the work if somebody else would do all the chores, he thinks; and yet I doubt if any Foy ever amounted to anything in the world,or was of much use a8 a man, who did not enjoy the advantages of a liberal education, in the way of Chores." CLARK'S LIGHTNING Liniment will relieve the painful tor- ture of Rheurneti•m iu the joints or Ines cies. It should bo well rubbed in with the hand, and the part covered with a piece of fl -noel. The pain will cease with the first application, and its contin- ued use will effect a marvelous cure. This remedy needs but a trial to con- vicue the moat skeptical that• it is a wonderful preparotion. Sold by all drug- gist.; pi ice fifty Dente. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. — The Court of Queen's Bench opened last week at Montreal. The case of R. N. O'Brien, charged with libelling Prince George of Wales, will be left over and probably drop• ped. HARSH, BUT--? "lio," said a well-known statesman, "I shall never believe that woman has the proper judgment alai Dense to east a ball .1. er interfere in 'reduce, while she ie so weak-minded as to positively suffer, year after year, from diseases peculiar to females, wt.en eve -y newspaper she picks up, tells of tha merits of ler. Pierce's Favorite Preactiption. Not to take advautage of this remedy is cer- tainly en indication of mental weak- ness !" There is a wholesome kernel of truth inside the rough shell of this ungallant epeech. The "Favorite Prescription" is invaluable in all uteriue troubles, in- flammation/3, ulcerations, displacements. nerveue disorders, prostration, exhaue• time, or hysteiia For run down, worn- out w mien, no more strengthening tonic or nervine is knonu. — The funeral:of the late Mrs,Me- Evoy, wife of the Couuty Treasurer of Middlesex, took place at London last week. YOUR LAME BACK Would get well at once if it were rubbed wish a little of Clark's Liehteing Lini- ment, and the sot enema in side and limbs worm g" away if treated the same. This wonderful preparation does not effect a oure next week, but relieves at 000e, and almost rnlraouloualy, Try a bottle of your druggist, price fifty cents, and be sure you get it. Clark Chemioel Co., Toronto, N.Y. THE BEST LIFE POL1CYs It's not the Tontine plan, or Endow- ment plan, It's not adding your few dollars to the hundreds of millions that the insurance oompantes boast of. It's a better investment than any of Mee. It is investing a few dollars in that Stan- dard Remedy, the "Golden Medical Dis- covery," a cure for coneumptinn, in its early stagrs, and all throat and Iurg troubles. ADY1es TO MOTH®as.—Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest, by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting 'Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is iuealculahle. It will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reg•dates the Stomach and Bowels, eines Wind Colin, softens the Gums, reduces Inflamma'ioD, and gives tone 000 energy to the nhole system. "Mrs Wtuslow's Soothing Syrup" fur children teething ie pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. abottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow'aSoothing Syrup," andltake no ther kind. Judge 13eby advocates the lash for scoundrels who assault little girls. HIGH TIME. When weakueee, 1..99 of appetite, lack of energy u.•+i other symt.nte of dysppep- ilia appear it is high time Brrdoek Bloi:d Bith•re w RA mane nee ..f. There ie nothing eh•e"just as Rood." Itis B B.B. that curer' tlyepepsia• so be sure you get it. — \lr. A. Thompson, sr., one of the old residents of Welland, passed away on Sunday. SOME SYMPTOMS OF WORMS are : Fever, odic, variable appetite, restless - nese, weakoees, and ennvuleiene. The- unfailing remedy is Dr. L•1w's Worm Syrup. — ---_—- -TheMon.real fund for the re lie''oj' the suflareri by the Springhill disaltel• amounts to $16,000. A SOURCE OF JOY. 1)llAR SIRS, —My young sisters were attacked by croup so badly that we al- most despaired and had little hope of outing teem. At best we applied 1I4v yard's YNllow• 0 1 •+n:1 to our great j .v t cured tl•ein pt 'froth', and they now en- joy the hiessieg of port. et health. ANNIE JOHNSTON, Dathni,sie, N. R, —At St. Joseph de Levis yes[ r - day, Peter Stotired, n habitant, was kill"d Icy an express train. MANY LADIES Have written that Clark's Catarrh Cure hes relieved then,,• restoring pe•- fecrly every Stnso. Through gratitude they have consented that their nems be published. Yet the Clark Chernicel Co , will not use this means to advettire their remedy. They will not parade the suff- erings of airy one, or invade the euore(' privacy of any home Any sufferer from Catarrh will recommend Clark's Caterr h Cure, and that good word is worth more than the published certificate, Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. — Fire consumed the private residence of Mr. J. D. Booth, in Brant, early yesterday morning. \a -INTER SPORTS. The nay winter season exposer' many to attacks of colds, cnughe, hoarseness, tightness of the cheat, aethrna, bronchi- tis, etc., which require a reliable remedy like Hagyardb I'edtoral lisleam for their relief and ours. Known as reliable for over thirty years. The best cough cure. —Exports and imports et Winnie peg 11(01 month was away ahead of the amounts for February of 1890. ti USED IN THE HOSPITALS. And endoreod by the medical faculty throughout the 'teem.. Clerk's Catarrh Cure has come to be regarded as only real specific for that disease. In every case it works a ce-tain, cafe, and speedy cure. Pleasant to taste and smell it is yet powerful in heating and restoring the natural functions. No other remedy gives ouch satisfaction, because results from use are not the same. Sold by all druggiata, or Bent to any address on receipt of 5Ocents by Clerk Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. —Tile majority of Portei in North Bruce elections is now approximated at 234. HEALTH IN HERBS. Health -riving herbs, barks, roots and berries are carefully combined in Bur- dock Blood Bitters, which regntate the eecretions,purify the Blond and renovate and etrangthen the entire system. Price 61 a bottle, six for $5. Lees than 1 cant a dose. — Fralick Bros.,carriage makers of Piston, have sustained a heavy loss through fire. AS A PICK-ME-UP after excessive exertion or exposure. Milburn'e Beef, Iron and Wine is grateful and comfort- ing. THE WISE SAVANT'S. Tell us that Rehumetism is a blood didease; that it can he cured only by e remedy which works through the blood. And yet, if you hare the darting paha of Rheureatiamlin muscles or joints, try a little of Clarks Lightning Liniment. It will go direct to the seat of pain and relieve it at once. Tharp is no waiting we.ks and months until the disease can be attacked through the bl,od. This seeing to he contrary to scien'ific claims, but it is true that Clark's L'ghtning Linim• ent will cure Rhenntatiam Sold by all druggists; pricy fifty cents. Clerk Chemical Cu., Toronto, New York. — A man about 55 years of ago was killed Thursday morning on the London and Port Stanley railway taack just north of St. Thomas. RiGORS OF EXPOSURE. Those most exposed to the rigor of a Canadian winter suffer most with what cannot be well avoided, but can be ver• tainly and promptly cured by 81. Jacobs Oil, and that ie* frnst•bites. If neglect- ed, they sometimes cause the la es of a limb, but they can be easily cured, as stat• ed. TEN POUNDS iY TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! As a Flesh Producer there can bo no question but that SCOTT'S E ULSION Of Pore Cod Liver 011 and Hypophosphites Of Limo and Soda is without a rival. Many have gf i e Et cpou d a day by the use CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EASES. 3S PALS IABLE AS MILK. Genuine made t.gScott& Bowne.Delleville.Salmol Wrapper; at all Druggists, 50c. and 61.00. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Iluron and Orange Streets, Clinton. FIRST - CLASS MATERIAI and UNSURPASSED IRON WORK. Repairing and:Repainting. see -AL1. WORT{ WARRANTEDM.' 52y TO THE FARMERS. Study iour own interest and go where you can get Reliable PA8 Harness. 1 uranufactute mole but sue, 11EST ov S'roc K. Beware of shnpx,that sell cheap, as they have got to line. SV Call and get. prices. Orders by mail pro t plyattended toy Ju DSII EtF17,11.11 II AItNI-SS EMPORIUM, Irl. Y '1`11, ON'r r=1�-'rr .1. E. I11, , !C \L1., Veterinary Surgeon. Ito ttorary graduate of O n... rl.. l'rtcri uan I'nllrge, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the moat m."Icrn and scientific I .1;1,1111 1. t.e,'.alls attended to night or day. (Alice ittlinedikteiy west of the old Rural Ifotcl, Ont:trio street. itc<idemcc— Albert street, Clinton. 119-3ut The MoKillep Mnteal Fire Iilal •(1ii6e Compaq. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; w'. J. Shannon, Secy•Trens., Seaforth 1', 0.-; John 1111 11(h, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. of alteTe)R9, Jas. Broadfont, Scaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• ton ; Gabriel 101i••tt, 01inton ; George Watt, li•trinck ; Joseph Evans, Iiecchwa.d ; J. Shan• non, Walton ; 'rhos. Garhert, Clinton. Ana.\'T5. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Mur Ile, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend - 011 to on application to any of the above otltetrs, addressed to their respective post offices. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Tho undersigned offers for sale the west half of Lot 22, Bayfield Line con., Goderich Tp., containing by admeasurement 100 acres, about 75 acres cleared. There are on the premises, a good log house with frame kitchen, log bans and frame staple, a never -failing stream of water, also a good well and good orchard. Situ• ate >} mile from church and school. There are 13 acres of fall wheat sown, acid fall ploughing done, and the %hole farm is in an excellent state of cultivation. The ri;;lit person liberally dealt with, THOMAS SHEI'PARD, Novr 20, 1890. Clinton P. 0 A NCE HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eightacres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adJoining)0ode. rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode- tch 520-tf CONSUMPTION CURED An old phsyioian, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Astham and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints,. after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferiug fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send tree of charge, too all who desire it, this receipt, in German,FrenchorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Powers' lilook, Roches- ;er, X. I'. 590—y. —Fisher's saw Mill at Paisley was destroyed by fire last week. BIO INTEREST. The b'ggest interest on any i iveatntent is that obtained I.y buying a bottle of R. 13. Ti The dividends of .trength, health and vigor are el ways real zed, sod ih re are ne eseeeaments. Burrinck Illoud Bit- te.s, the great blond purifier, costa true dollar a bottle--eb..nt one cent a dose. - Ilishop of Ontario is suffer- ing suverety from rheumatic fever. AN INACTIVE or Torpid Liver tnuet be arouse,( and all bad bile removed. Burdt.ck Pills are best for old and young. — Kingston Baptists talk ofbuild- ing a new church in the west end. FOR NETTLE RASH, Somme' Heat and general toilet purpisns, use Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER Ie used both internally and externally, It Bata quloOly, affording airiest instant relief from the eoverest pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. Jj9.STANTAjIlEOUS Ij1 ITS ACTIO;. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COL.C, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTEP.7., CHOLERA MO%uus, and all LOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EOUaLD THE PA1fd-KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect la magical. It c• tros in a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 250. A BOTTI.N. VT Beware of Counterfeits and 8mltattone, A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE -- O Given Away With Balling Powder. Best Offer Yet 0 Vr See the Handsome Organ, now on exhibition. .011 0 N. RO RSON■ ▪ CLINTON. 1890 AND 1891 Christmas & New Year Goods 0 - Just arrived, the RAS S I SBlack ayes,Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon - finest qualities of e don Layer, Sultanas Se \'alencias. CURRANTS PaFtrasilintras. and I PEELS LCftlon,emon, Oranandge and FIGS. NUTSAlmonds, Filberts, Wall - FRESH CANNED ntoe Burd in holidays, Almonds Coin, Peas and Tomatoes during holidays, at TEN CENTS I'ER CAN. SITGARet, TE:\S, Ci)FFEES and SPICES—we lead as usual. CROCKEIIY and GLASSWARE at away -down prices for Holiday Presents. SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER. J. W. IRWIN, The Noted Groner, Clinton OHEAP COCKEY! 0 0— AS WE INTEND Giving Up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business ilud want to clear out the stock by Jan. 1st, we will, on and after Nov. 1st, offer The Eijlire Stoak at Cost. The stock is all new and consists of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets (in white and colored ware), Glassware, &c. This is the best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should examine cur stock before buying. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. COOPER & LOGAN, Grocers, NEXT TO A. COUCH'S, CLINTON s DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C: 4 m r fm 80. rik- - G 3 pr s9 ,, m 0 • FI l7 w w o o rn ';1+'111. �( o m O et w r �bm iRseo m E p t+ p • P ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic) Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Ilazelton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Lose of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Dovo''opmont, Loss of Powr Paine 1n the Back, Night Emfeslone, Drain in Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness Avorc:on to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, eto., eto. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E. IIAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. 808 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. • 21 tt1 err;( -17 ,\.l,. 'tn.VE( TN f.Y Alit I1.NI. Illustrated, lbs.. ',mit, . and Priced SEED AN1NUAL 1..r 7891 will be mailed FREE c 211 cppla:anta, rnd to la<t season's custo.ners It is better t nan ever. E-rry person ming Garden, e 1 rh •.,41 .one ter it. Address rr.grlYSCO. a.11 8C :)n, ONT. Largest Seerlsmen in the world • • BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tines be pleased to receive items of Stews front our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SIJB CRIILF.Itfi. Patrons echo do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or th.rm all their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mai commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should he handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD las a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as and advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB. PRINTING. The Jot Lel artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. FOR SALE. r�111F. S1'RSCRIRER offers for sale four eligib Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; al two fronting on Rnttenburi Street; eiti eras bloc or in separate lots, to snit pnrehnsers. Fo further part omlers apply to the nndernientd.—E DINSLF.Y, Clinton. 882