HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-02-04, Page 8"e Huron News -Record
60 a Year -41.20 n Advance
S� The road does nut do, justice to hie tidiness
taho vends lead in adcertisiny� than he duce in
rent—A. r. Srew.utr, the millionaire merchant
t New York.
Wednesday. Feb. 4th. 1891
In and Around the ••flub.'
gown ZaIh.
ooAI No•t•ICEs.—All notices in (hese
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous Co holding of the same,at which
an admis-iou fee is :hanged, or from which
a pecuuiary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at the rate of tett cents per
line. THE muter LARGELY eruct-LATen
rine large assortment of 'Trunks
and Valises of' the best quality at
are very cheap.
WANTED, 10,000 bushels Potatoes.
Highest price paid.—CANTELON BROS.
Heading Bolts and Cordwood
wanted, in any quantity, at the
Stapleton Salt Works. 639
A $2J suit of Leothee far $1. Read
L H S'eveue advertisement in this
paper and find out about this,
visiting friends in \Vinghem and
vicinity the past week.
who wore recently visiting iu Clin-
ton and Blyth have returned to
their home near Alexander, Mani-
MR. L. HARDY, of Exeter, the
well known and reliable bridge
builder, has been awarded the cou-
tract for building Eadie's bridg),
by the 'Turnberry Counci, at•
MILD WINTER.—We hat had
winter weather, so far, of Eden -like
mildness, more like April with its
sunshine and tears.
Mit. T. L. FORTUNE hail a veryun-
pleasant meeting with mis-fortune
on Thursday morning last. He had,
just entered the driving shed when
the tongue of a sleigh which had
been supported, but net securely,
fell, striking him ou the head mak -
ing a not Rr-(ions but very painful
plett (in Med. Bull.) calls the atten-
tion of the profession to the fact that
he first noticed that those who were
habitual drinkets of alcoholic
liquors very seldom Rte apples. Ile
found tbet a diet composed largely
of good, ripe apples, of the tartish
variety, greatly diminished the
desire for the accustomed stimulant.
He insists when treating dip-
somaniacs, that apples shall be taken
with meals and between the meal
hours, and finds that whore it is
kept up the desire for alcoholic
stimulants soon becomes nil. }[e
has used strychnine and other
vaunted remedies, but has had more
satisfaction, and much a Jre brilli
ant results, from the apple diet
than from any remedy in the
materia medica,
Fort SINGERS.—The Canada
Health Journal says people of meat
or fish eating habits never have fine
voices. The most fish -eating Ital•
lane, those of Naples and Genoa,
have not often ,among them sweet
singers, the most meat -eating pert
of Great Britain—England--ie also
a voiceless country. Though the
singing is so fearful in the Scotch
kirks, my friend found some divine
songsters south of the Grampians,
and a greater number in the .High•
lands. IIe often heard common
Irish women "lilt" and sing like
nightingales, but never in the towns.
-Sweden was a country of song, be-
cause a country of of graite. Nor-
way was not. Too much fish was
eaten there. Vocal capacity dis-
appeared in musical families who
got roll. They ate too much (neat.
The vocal birds are eaters of grain,
fruit, and vegetables. No Carnivor-
ous one.could ever sing a song.
CAMP.—There was a meeting of the
officers of the 33rd Battalion at -the
Rattenbury house -last Wednesday.
Every company was fully represent-
ed. Ths resignation of Lieut.—Col.
Coleman,, through, continued ill -
health, was accepted with regret,
and a resolution of sympathy to him
unanimously carried. He has been
made an honorary member of the
officers' mess. Major A. J. Wilson
succeeds Col,Coleman and will make
an efficient officer. The vacancies
thus created will be filled according
to seniority—Capts. Crockett and
Varcoe, senior and junior Majors
respectively, and Lieut. Wilson,
adjutant. Lieuts. Young and
Holmes will succeed Captns. Varcoe
end Crockett. The necessary 'com-
mittees were appointed and arrange-
ments rna.de for the annual camp
t ext June. The place is not yet
mown, but the citizens of Windsor
aro molting in the matter, and it is
possible they may succeed in havidg
the tented field there in June next;
Miss Siei: B. MQ itoN, who has
been on a visit iu town, left on
Saturday for her house in New
MRs. STOREY, of G.oderich, who
was visiting friends in Turnberry for
a few weeks, on her return home
remained over for a short time iu
Miss FRANK WELSH left this
week for Sarnia, where eta) has
been engaged to Leach in a Mission
school. She was in Cooper'e book
store here for several years.
ANOTHER rumbling rumor ie
current that to day, Wednesday, a
Clinton young jeweler will be unit
ed iu matrimony a charming youu
lady now of Goderich but until le
cantly of Clinton.
Ma. W. MCLEAN, the old time
popular cattle buyer, was iu town
one day lust week, We wore glad
to see the gentleman, though sorry
to learn that he has not recovered
his old time robustness.
A POINTER.—In consequence of
W. R. Davis, of Mitchell, being a
high school trustee he had to re-
sign as town councillor, and a new
election has been ordered. This is
in accordance with recant legisla-
tion which not many aro aware of.
WE were much pleased on Fri-
day to have a call from Miss Annie
Foster, of Stanley, wh 1 had just
returned from a visit of several
weeks to her slater at Grau•i
Rapids, Mich. We incline to the
opinion that the young lady is 001
an annexationist.
time ago one J. C. Hefferon was
commited to Goderich gaol on a
charge of stealing cattle. While in
Goderich he escaped from the con-
stable. The other day Hefferon gave
himself up and was remanded to
goal to stand his trial.
C. M. Stark, recently local manager
of the Bank of Comtnerce, Belle-
ville, telegraphs from Brenieu,
Germany, that he has recognized
the man under arrest there as
Chester Yourex, the alleged forger.
Detective Rogers and he will leave
with Yourex in charge, so soon as
the necessary papers can bo made
appeared at the Woodstock police
court on Saturday, charged with
obtaining a suit of clothes from
Sim Fax under false pretences.
The evidence wont to show that
Scott, on ordering the clothes,
promised to' pay spot cash, but
when the clothes were made he did
not have the money and so gave hie
note. The note was endorsed by a
man who, the defendant said, was
worth considerable [Honey, but who,
it transpired, was not worth as
touch am represented, and it was for
obtaining the goods in this manner
that the defendant was ingested.
Hix -Worship decided to commit
him fur trial.
following pertinent remarks from
the Woodstock Standard are equal-
ly applicable to other places and in
other lines besides printing :—This
town is often overrun by travellers
for office supplies in the line of
letter heads, envelops, bill heads,
etc. It is time these London and
Toronto leeches were stamped out
and It ill becomes any citizen to
petrohizo a foreign institution and
one which does little but sap the
life and trade of the surrounding
cities. As a matter of fact these
very goods can be bought in Wood-
stock as cheap if not cheaper than
in London or Toronto. The man
who would patronize a foreign
institution in preference to one at
now for the sake of getting a big
name on tho hanger of his coat is
not fit to bo a citizen, and should
be held up to public contempt, and
patronage v.ithheld from him by
the citizens,
THE Poole Docs.—On the first
day of January last, the new law
respecting doge came into force.
Under this law there is an annual
tax of one dollar on each dog and
two dollars ou each bitch in
every municipality in Ontario,
but the law provides that should
twenty-five ratepayers petition the
conncil of their municipality, the
council may pass a by-law that the
said tax or any part of it shall not
be levied in said municipality.
Should such bylaw not be passed
then the collection of the tax
is compulsory on the municipality.
The law is also made more clear as to
the ownership of dogs, any person
having a dog in his possession being
responsible for it. In addition to a
person being justified in killing adog
while in pursuit of sheep, a person
may kill any dog he finds on his
farm where sheer are kept, between
sunset and sunrise, provided such
dog dons not belong to some one
whose lands adjoin his lands, or the
dog securely muzzled, or when the
dog is accompanied by some person
owning or having charge of it. It
will be the duty of the assessors to
take t},e number of dogs owned or
in the possession of each ratepayer
and if any incorrect information is
given the party offending is liable
to a penalty of five dollars.
v ^
During this month we will offer special inducements to cash purchasers in
the way of CHEAP GOODS and in order not to carry over much of our
Winter stock we will give a reduction on our prices for good credit. Our
Stock is well -assorted m all lines and our customers will find that we are
Special Values in Dress Goods, Grey Flannels,
Our Ladies' black all -wool HOSE at 25c cannot be beat for the price—
see them.
We have some of that FINGERING YARN at 5c yet, in blank, brown,
white, and grey.
Come right in and you will find every department filled with the BEST
The Ladies Fauorite Establishment.
MRS' A. I). MCDoNALn and Miss
Alfie, of Seaforth, are visiting at
the post office.
\I es .1. E. IIRfGHAM, of 'TOt0t110,
spent a part of laat week in town
with her sister Mrs. J. 1). Kilty.
Mics ICEEVE and fancily left on
Thursday last to join the Dr.iu West
Superior, \Vis., in which place he
is aho'it to establish a practice.
WM. WHITE, D. 1). G. M. of the
fourth District A. F. and A. M.
paid an official visitto Clinton Lodge
No. 84 at its last regular meeting on
Friday last.
SATURDAY constable Wheatley ac-
companied a vagrant earned Gurdon
to Castle Dixon, at Goderich, where
he will hibernize for a term as a per.
alty fox stealing a pair of socks from
one of our merchants.
MR It. McCuLLAGH, wife and
slaughter, of Goderich tp. spent
a portion of Sunday in town on
their way home from visiting Mr.
A. 11. Plummer, near Blyth.
THE anniversary services of Wil-
lis Church, Clinton, were hall last.
Sabbath, when Rev. Mr. Murray, of
London preached morning and even-
A very pleasant feature of the last
regular meeting of the Clinton
Lodge A. F. and A. M., No. 84,
held on Friday evening last, was
the presentation to I3ro,John Hun—
ter of a P. M's apron, with suitable
testimonial, 00 the oct'aseion of his
retirement from the Master's chair.
eor Dickinson will offer at Public
Sale, on Thursday Feby. 5, at 1
o'clock p. m., on the ground, that
valuable building property opposite
the market, owned by Mr. E. Dins-
loy. It will be offered iu single
building lots or en bloc. This
property ie in the very centre of
the town. Some suggest that it
ought to he secured as a site for a
postoffice. Its centrality makes it
desirable for any business purpose.
AFTER MANY YEARS —One day last
week we had the pleasure of meet-
ing Mr. John Hunter, now of Mor-
ris. Our last meeting previous to
that was over thirty years ago when
Mr. taunter was reeve of the town-
ship of Huron inUnited counties of
Huron and Bruce. Though the
writer was but a boy then and Mr.
Hunter a stalwart man, it is a toss
up which is the younger looking
to -day. We were much pleased to re
new the acquaintance which we hope
to keep up through THE NEWS
Hills Green.
Revival meetings are being ,held at
F.(nevi Ile.
Mr. John H. Trnyer returned hon e
from Michigan on Friday last.
Saveral of the Hills Green people at-
tended the revival meetings at Chieel-
hurer, 1 tet week.
Mr. Tifi?o, teacher, No. 3, Hay, occu-
pied the pulpit of the Methodist church
here, on Sunday Iaet.
A Ucinn Sabbath School C.mvention
is to he held in the Methodist Church on
the 10'h tot. All Church and Su'rrlay
school workers ere,uld endeavor to
attend as a good programme is being
We were in error last week in regard
to the building of a barn. it is not Mr.
William McAllister, son of Mr. Robert
McAllister, but Mr. Charles McAllister,
son of Mr. John McAllister, who intends
Word has been received tram Mr.
William Dtitz, who left here on the 9th
alt, stating that he arrived at Marys-
ville, Washington, on the 16 h, being
7 days on the journey.
Millionaire John W. Mackey stalk
ed into the president's room in the
Bank of Nevada at San •Francisco
and knocked down C.W.I3enyingo,
'his confidential agent. It is reported
that the agent played false to Mr.
Mackey in a recent deal.
Mr. ''hoe, Archer, of the 5th. coo.,
has let the contract to Chris. Beacom, of
Svnrnerhill, of removing his two barns,
and placing them together. Oueot then,
will be converted into a bank barn, Mr.
Shewmaker having the contract for the
stonework. When completed, the im-
provement will be quite as addition to
Mr. Archer's property.
Port Albert.
This is the day, Monday Feby. 2nd.,
that Mr. Bruiu takes his morning walk.
If he sees hie ehadow he t eturna to hie
little hed. As the morning was cloudy
I presume Mr. Hear is now on tramp.
stand frunt very good authority that a
Targe fortune, sotnething in the neighbor-
hood of a million franca, has been be-
queathed to the Martin family by a brother
of the late Stephen :Martin of this
village. It appears this uncle o trried
on a large wine business iu Havre,
France, and wee the youngest of the
original Martin family.
Mrs. John Hawkica, and the little
prairie flower, who has been visiting her
parents near Sheppardton has returned t.t
their home at Glenboro,Manitoha. Mies
M. Hawkins has returned home to
B lad River, Algona.—Young Tum
Richardson who got hii foot in c,ntact
with a ctroular saw some time ego is
gettiug along fleet rate.— Where is
Moses Oates?—We are enj tying beautiful
weather, the mildeet known up this Ray
for many years.
The Teameeting and Concert held at
the English Churoh in this place on
Tueaday evening of last week was e
grand aueoeee. he building was crowd -
e I to the doors. The Rev. Jamee
Carrie, Incumbent, aoted as Uhairman.
He kept the programme n' •ving in his
usual hippy style. The Nile Church
Choir was on hand and their music and
sleep's were all that could he debited,
Prof. Morgan and his little Fairy daugh-
ter took their parts admirably as aleo
Prot. Hawkins whose mueiu brought an
euoor e. The Revs. Fairbairn of Dun-
gannon and Fear of the Nile delivered
very interesting addresses. The social
which took place the evening following
was largely attended. Proceeds for both
occasion's $90.
Brandon Mail Jany. 29 : —An interest.
ing event took place at the Epieoopal
manse in this city, on the 14th inst., it
being the marriage of Mies Lizzie Jane,
daughter of Mr. Georg' Hawktoe,
formerly of Port Alba rt, Ont , to Mr.
Alex. Alien, all of this city. Miss Haw -
kine carte always s special favorite with
her acquaintance, and on her change of
name many were the expressions of good
will from the assembly presenT. The
editor wishes Mr. and Mrs. Allen the
enjoyment of many long years r f married
Mr. and Mre. Halstead are visitiug at
Mr. tVm, Mulholland has been on the
sick lipt for nearly a week.
Some people say they here got the
le grippe but we think they are only
The sleighing was great !net week but
soon disappeared, but it looks at time of
writing as though we would have more
of tho beautiful.
The quarterly meeting in the Metho—
diet church on Sunday morning was
largely attended from the different
appointments. Mr. Holmes of Clinton
preached, ae Mr, Ayers is in a somewhat
delicate state of health owing to the
great amount of work he is and has been
OYSTER SOrrrt,R—On 1Vedneeday even-
ing last the oyster supper gotten up by
Mr. Robeson for the C,O.F. was largely
attended. Tho supper wee prepared in
good style. After all had indulged to
satiety they repaired to the Hall where
a short programme was gone through
with. Mr. Murch acted ae chairman and
after a few preliminary remarks called
on Mr. John Smith, of Clinton, who
brought down the house. Mr. (Rev.)
Diehl was next, called on and although
he was not a Forester he Bald he had
friend. who were, and he illustrated his
speech very nicely all the way through.
Mr. Lowe,of London, H, C. R. of Fores-
ters epoke for nearly an hour showing
the advantages of belonging to the Order
and in many ways it proved to be not only
a success in itself but profitable to all.
We must not forget to state that be-
tween these speeches music was rendered
by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice, Mr.
Harry Stenbury of Clinton, and Mr.
George Laithwaite who ably manipulated
the organ.
STARK.—In Zetland, on the 29th Jeo.,
Elizabeth:Stark, aged 78 years.
SRinLEY.—,In ',ewer Winghanr, on the
28th Jan., Mary, daughter of Mr.
R'ohard Srigley, aged 16 years and 10
Yao.—In the Township of Turnberry,
on Monday 2nd Feb. Elizabeth leo,
beloved wife of R.,bert Yeo, eget 64
years, 7 months and 12 days.
Clothiers, Furnishers and
* t *
Established 1854.
5-- §- § -§- §-- § § § - § 5-575-575-_-5-5
§-§.-§- §-§—§—
One of the Largest and Most.
Complete Establishments of
the. kind in the West.
pen to All.
On Next Friday and Satilrday,
February 6th and 7t11, all are invited to get sonic of the
REAL BARGAINS we will offer.
Miliscellaneous Books at Half the Regular Price
This will be a splendid opportunity for Libraries or Read-
ing Rooms to secure a new supply at less than wholesale
prices. Our list comprises the most popular authors and
most suitable books.
A splendid paper at 25 cents per package, five quires.
No. 6 Oblong, 25 cents per box, 10 packages.
Washable and unbreakable at IIALF the Regular Prices.
New Canadian Papers worth 5c., 7c., lac. and 10c. for
FIVE fi .NTS PER ROLL. The Brown & White
Blank American Papers at only 10c. per roll.
WINDOW SHADES at our usual low prices.
A Special Line of GOLD PLATED CIHAINS at 10c.
each. 15c. Knives at 5c., 25c. Knives at 10c.
It is not necessary for us to add any further commeny
on these Goods, as the Goods and the Prices will bo
enough, to convince every wise buyer that they are realit