HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-02-04, Page 6The Huron News -Record *J.50 a Yeah' -41,2t in Advance. te'2'ha man dues not do justice to hie business ho pada less is tuivertieinti than ho does in ant.—A T, SrawART, tit nuaionaire merchant f Neto York. We.l1nesday Feb. 4th, 18911. INTERESTING N EWS NOTES —Thirty-two counties in wester Nebraska are in sore dietrees, and delegation ie ou the way to Wes ington to secure $1,000,000 to giv the funerals a start in the apring. --Archbiahop Ireland, of S Paul, Miuu., has issued a letter t his clergy forbidding lotteries au all games of chauce in couuectio with church fairs. —A storm set iu ou Saturda night in New York and continue till Sunday noon, which was tit severest, while it lasted. of auy sine the great blizzard of falat'eh, 1888 —A Dixou, III., dispatch says Mrs. Grace G. Ridley, of Amboy awuke Friday after a sleep of nits months. She wandered about, bu did not speak and could oat with inn. —Archbishop Croke accompauie his subscription to a fund for th family of a Protestant rector with scathing letter, in which be re t,ruaches Mr. Paiuel1 fur doubti u Catholics' treatment of Protestants after himself receiving a tostimonia of £40,150(1 from then,. —The Rev. A. M. DeFord, o Ilortouville, Wis., the Itiethodis clergrinan who was arrested las fall for raising the denomination o bank bilis, ,vas up for trial in th 11. States Court Friday. Ile pleads guilty to the charge and was son tented to a term of five }oars i \\'aupan, and to pay a fine of $500 —Archbishop Walsh has writte a 1(.ttor to the Freuian'n Journal i reply to cortain statements made by that paper. The archbishop says i is not a question whether Englisl opinion is to decide tho question o leadership, but the question i whether Mr. Parnell is morally fi to le td Catholics. The Journa retorts that Mr. Parnell's busines with Ireland is only political. —Henry Davidson, of Wes loan, invited tho niece of John Waning, of North Oxford, to go to a party with hind. He was so per- sistent in his solicitation that she finally consented. Repenting'after- wards she determined not to go, and retired early on the evening of tho pity. About nine o'clock the young man called for her only to find the family in bed. In reply to his continued knocking Mr. Warring finally opened the door, when Davidson forced his way into the young lad's bedroom and re• mained two hours vainly trying to persuade her to fulfil her promise. NextclayWarring bad Davidson sum. monad for trespassing and the latter was fined $5 and costs. —On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John IIoolou, jr. of Monaghan, cane to Peterborough and left a young Englishman, fifteen or six- teen years of age, at horse. When they returned he could not be found, and he had left the following very strange message, written on a slate : "I have been ill for two or three days, and have made up my mind that life is not worth living. I did intend to cut my throat with a knife to draw blood. I have taken a teaspoonful of carbolic acid, ani I will not put you to the ex- pense of a coffin. I have buried myself, and you will not find pie for some time. So good-bye. I)0 not blame cue. The chores are all done." A search was instituted for the boy, iu which neighbors assisted, which was continued all night and yesterday, but, he was not found. —Mary Whitson, a pretty Cana- dian girl nineteen year's of age ar• rived in Buffalo yesterday from Toronto. Site had an experience en route which is likely to be long remembered, as it led to her arrest on her arrival in that city. While crossing Suspension bridge she was taken with a fainting fit. One of the male passengers rushed up to her and placed an elegant sealskin sacque around her shoulders. The customs authorities when they went through the train, noticed the sealskin, but thinking it was the personal property of blies Whitson, paid no attention to it. At Niagara Falls the real owner of the article told the girl that he was going to Buffalo on another road, and took the cape. By this clever smuggl- ing act he saved $50, which rightly belonged to the Government. When Mies \Vhiteon explained her side of the case Commissioner Hischbeck promptly acquitted her. It is supposed that the owner of the cape is now in the West. —Last Wednesday night at about midnight, "Paddy" Souvais was found in a room in the City hotel, Peterborough, with three gashes ;n his wrist and arm and almost 'lead from lose of blood. There were pools of blood on the floor, and the bed clothes upon which he lay were covered with blond. One gash was near the elbow, another lower down, and a V-ehaped wound on the wrist. Tho artery and muscles at the wrist were severed, and the nature of the wound indicated that u s h- e L. 0 d u y d e e e 8 0 a g 1 f t f e d u u u f a t a Me work had been done with a dull instrument. Dr. Brennan was sum - maned and dressed the woupds. Souvaiasometime ago, while drink. ing, took an overdose of morphine pills and nearly died, and this appears to have been another at. tempt to take kis life. The instru- ment with which the wounds were inflicted was nut four.d. Souvaie is still very weak, but is expected to recover. THE CLIENT BEAT 1115 LAWYERS. • At Osgoode hall, Toronto, last week, judgment was entered in the action of Partridge v. Mackelcan. 'I'lie action was brought against H. A. Mackelcan and S. C. Newburn, solicitors, and formerly in partuel•- ship, to recover the sunt of $2,000 alleged to have been collected by the defendant for rho platntiff. The finding of the judgment was that the money was collected during the•oontinuation of the partnership ; that the plaiutiff did not give the defendants the right to iuvest tire moneys in question save subject to his direction and his right to accept or reject the securities ; and that the plaintiff rejected the investments made. Judgment for the immediate repayment of $1,000 iuveeted in stock and interest thereon ; and if such stuns be not paid to the plain- tiff within a month the stock to be sold. and the judgment to stand for the loss incurred. Ae to the money invested in a mortgage, unlees the defendants desire to pay the amount invested therein with interest, the plaintiff to retain such security and realize upon it. and in•,lhe event of loss the defendants to make it good. If the defendants or either of them pay the amounts invested, the security to be assigned to the person or persons paying. The defendants to play the costs. THE GOOD OLD TIMES. "Thou limos ware good, Morcherrte oared not a rush For any other fare, Than Johnny Dake :.nd teuele" But now times have changed, and the plain and simply fire of the f,refuthers is done away with. Patent flour, and high seasoned food, and strong drinks, have tr,kon its plata, end, as a result, dyspepsia, impure blood, sou diseases of the stomach, liver end lungs are numet- ous. This great change has led one of the most skilful physicians of the age to study out a remedy for the -e modern diseases, which he has named his "Gol- den Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce in this remedy has found a cure for Dys- pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthrna, Oonsump• tion, in its early stages, and "Liver Complaint." —It appears Mrs. Sutcliffe of Shoal Lake, Man., was troubled with an incurable disease, which, it is said, would have proved fatal in a year or so, and that her titres sisters were carried off by it. This preyed upon her mind so that she took her own life with a shotgun. HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL. This great internal and external rem• edy always allays all pain. Ih ie a speci- fic for croup, and promptly cures euughe, colds, sore throat, sprains, bruises, horns, rheumatism, cuts, wounds, etc. 0,od for men or Least. Stands all tests. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents. Hag - yard's Yellow Oil. —It is raported that no member of the lower house of the Kansas Legislature wears a silk hat. BANKERS' BANQUET. A very pleasant bankers banquet may produce very unpleasant symptons of dyspepsia, which disease is often caused by overloading the stomach with ri^,b food, ete. For years Burdock Blood Bitter+ has held first place at home and and abroad as a permanent and reliable cure for dyspepsia or indigestion io any form. The proprietors guarantee it to cure dyspepsia or return purchase money. —The papers say Dan, Arnsden of Ann Arbor, Mich., who dropped dead in a saloon at that place on the 13th., was the seventh person who has died under similar circum- stances in that saloon. DR. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP ie a delightful shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and dee-kens grey hair, —William Hall, foreman of the Winnipeg cartage company, was kicked by a horse yesterday, and died from the. injuries, FAMILIAR FAMILY FRIENDS The family store of medicine should 000tain a bottle of Hagyard's Yell'rw Oil. Mrs. flannel' Hutchins, of Roseway, N. S.. save : "We have used H agyards Yel- low 0.1 In our family for six years, for coughs, c ,Ids, burns, sore throat, croup, ete., and fled it so good we cannot do without it." Business failures throughout the United States daring the past seven days number 411, as com- pared with 403 the preceding week, and 339' for the corresponding period last year. SMALL SUGAR-COATED Burdock Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are mild and effectual. — _^ Wtnipeg, 24.—A stranger named John Dark, who was evidently from the lum- ber Damp, attempted suicide Friday night at Monmouth station, east of here, by throwing himself in front of a mov- ing fdeightlocomotive art thetrain drew up at the atation,a wheel passing over one arm and foot, D irk wee brought to the hospital here, where the arm was amputated. Aniumasuseasemasmaraseauestireealealscsr ADYICI To MOTBsaa,--Are you dis- turbed at night and brvkon of your rest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so seed at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for Obildreu Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltleau@'erer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mis- take about it. It curve Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reg•elatee the Stomach and Bowels, tutee Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Iuflammatioo, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ooe of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Pride 25e. abottle. Be sure aoditsk for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Syrup," anditake no cher kind. —A high English authority de- clares the Government has exercised no pressure on Canada in regard to pending udgotiatiuus. \Virile it would rejoice to see Canada and America again commercial friends, thus iuducing a different spirit from that engendered by thorny fishery disputes it does not desire to de• part from the policy of allowing the colonies a free huud in commer- cial matters, nor is it right to imply any intention on the part of Canada to make a reciprocal agreement the basis of settlement of such questions, as those involved in the Behring sea matter, which roust bo decided on their merits. PALE, WEAK WOMEN need atoaic, strength giving, fleeh buildivg medicine like elilburres Beef, Iron and Wino. • —Howard Vincent, member for Sheffield, central division, has given notice iu the House of Commons of his intention to question the Government on Monday respecting the loported intention of various Bradford and Sheffield firms, includ• iug the lister, acrd the Sir. 'Titus Salt Company, to remove their woiks to America, Mr. Vincent says he understood such removals would be made in consequence of the United States tariff, IIo will ask whether the Government in- tends taking measures t0 protect British trade. SEVERE COLD CURED. DEAR Sla-t,—My m"ther was attack• ed with isflontnetion of the lunge which left her very weak and never free from cold, till at last she gut a very severe cold an 1 e•,ugh. She r ,solved to t -y Halyards Pe.:tural Beleetn, and on so doing, found it did her mote good then any other medicine she ever tried. MRS, KENNEDY, 50 Smith ,Ave., Hamilton, Ont. —Mrs. Charles Cross, a resident of Barrie, started act in search of her eon James, who with a friend had crossed the bay to Tollendal to get bait for fish- ing, The boys turned up the creek and Mrs. Crofts, not noticing. followe f the shore to Bear Point, about eight utiles down the hay, where it is supposed she lost her way. Track, showed that she had walked in it circle for about three miles and had stopped at about the same place shelled sterterl,where ahewas fund by Johu Cro:e arid James Gazley with her face buried in the snow and frozen to death. HOW A BEAUTIFUL FLOWER WAS NAMED. An old legend tells of two lovers, walking by the river Rhine. The lady begged her suitor to pluck a little pale - blue flower, growing on the bank. In doing so he fell into the water, and was drowned ; bus, while einking, he threw the flower to her, and cried : "Forget me not !" Thousands of women will never forget what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- ecription hes done for thein. It is pro - pared specially to cure those diseases from which -they alone suffer, and , ften in silence, rather than consult a physician —es periodical paine, weak back, pro- lapsus, and all uterine troubles. Purely vegetable,and guaranteed to give satisfac- tion in every ease, or money refunded. —A few \veeks ago the friends of Annie Coultie, of Leatuiugton, Ont,, a 15 -year old girl, employed by John J. Minnis as a domestic, noticed that she was about to be- come a mother. Every effort to get the girl to tell who had caused her ruin failed, and a week ago Sunday she disappeared from Leamington. Chief of Police Prosser found the girl at a house on Noble Street, Detroit. She alleged John J. Minnis, her employer, was respon- sible for her condition and had sent her to Detroit, where an abor- tion had beou performed. The girl was brought hack on Saturday. It was the intention of the authorities to arrest, Minnie, but he suddenly disappeared on Sunday afternoon, having attended church in the morning, sang in the choir, and taught a Sunday school class in the afternoon. A BAG OF e'LOUR. As a general renovating tome and pur- ifying family medicine useful at all times, but especially so in the spring. Burdock Blood Hitters is unequalled. "It's like a bag of flour in a poor man'm family," any' Mr. John Maunder, of Yorkville, Oat., "the oftener you take B. B. B. the better you are. —There died near Bright, Ont., on Tuesday, the 13 inst., Adolph Recker, aged 93 years, 1 month and 25 days. ATr. Recker was under drill with Blucher when the battle of Waterloo was fought. 106 Agnes St., Toronto, Ont,, May 23, 1857 : 'I't is with pleasure that I certi- fy to the fact of my mother haying been cured of a bad case of rheumatism by tate use of St. Jacob's Oil, and this after having tried other preparations without avail," Wm. H. MCCoNv0L, Bermuda Bottled. "'Xou must go to Benumb:. II Ru do not I 'r'Wtll out he reatponet- pie for the eonsegaences." doctor, i[ Carl ufTorll neither toe tllige nor tear nt0h031," "OS'ell, 1f that Is iunpo.stble, try OF P1J E E ORWECIAN COD LIVE11 1 sotr:wtltless Ball It /tert:tudit iX.ut, tied, 111,:1 x^.n'y caws of ila'/1 . ; Ci' /5;1' 1-"i2) ii i'i,! iiae'r creel t':. ,,lt:r n:' ;' lO the nslvarteivee is that ,Ste 4:10-& nt'n-i• f`.ver.1: ':"fitJ-tr:neer) : .11rttll'r thine; e'1''.r ;.1 eo'nrarcrr9r itIs lire alae arst Ia_ !,a'ogertica of the Illy. 'relriac.sy?nl:es wttlels it contains. `You U':1l lln€1 it for sale at your llt'ril;rr,l+:'>;, in Salmon erapper. lee sure you gat the genuine." Nen'r'1- ,(e BO .TNE, Belleville. KNEW E,t l Iishrd - 1855. 1. BIDDLECOMBE, \t:lt.•hr'n, Clocks, 1'wel rv,Silrerware Fr.• the I.,tr.t sir lc - ,( n:\\ lu /''' ill CASE. ,t..n.irm: in all -',ranches. the 1Iarket, CLINT(,N. E.71'wsPAPE.PR LAWS We :ill 4. special attention et Poe nasters and subscribers to the fn1lowin n'nopsis of the newspaper laws :- 1—A postuntsler is required to give Rake BY Lter'rett (returning a paper does sot answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and (tate the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment 2—If any person o'Jers his paper dis- 2ontinaed, he Must pay all arreareges, 1 the publisher may continue to send it autil payment is made, and cr,-llect the whole amount, whether it be taken fron the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made, 3—Any person who takes a paper froze the post -office, whether uirected to hit name or another, or whether he has sub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay 4—If u subscriber orders his paper to b. stopped at a certain time, and the publish- er continues to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of' the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses 6�3"Iu the Division Court in Gudericb at the November sitting a newspaper put - lrshet• sued for pay of paper. The defend- ant objected paying on the ground that ho had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it, The ,Judge held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, had 410 noti:e to discontinue an,i consequently could collect, although it was not denied that defendant had notified former pro- prietor to discontinue. In any event defoliant was bound to pay for the time he had received the paper and until lie had paid all arrears dao for subscription. • —It seems that 289 German school children committed suicide in the six years ending 1888. The suicides have been much more numerous in the elementary than in high schools. The meet prolific cause of suicide iu the elementary schools was the fear of punishment, to which the deaths of forty-five boys and twenty -throe girls are attributed. In the high schools disappointment at the results of ex- aminations claimed the gl'eateat number of victims. CONSUMPTION CLTRED An old phsyieian, retired from practice having bad placed in his hands by an,East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and: perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Astham and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tented its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, too all who desire it, this reoeipt, in German,FrenchorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A.•NOYEs, 820 Powers' Blook, Roches. ter, N. Y. 590—y. —Mr. 13. W. Stanley, nephew of Mr. 13 Stanl.'y, merchant, of Lnoan, end Alice E. Hodgins, sisser of Mr. C. C. Hodgins, Reeve of Biddulph, were unit- ed in marriage on Thursday at the real - donee of the bride. The ceremony was perforated by the Rev'. J. W. Hodgins, brother of the bride, the Incumbent of the Epise. pal Church at Seaferth. \R'ORMS CAUSE SERIOUS SICK NESS. Dr. Lowe Worm Syrup de,- troya and expels all kinds c f worms qu'ek- ly and surely.: A' A HANDSOME ORA,L`t! FREE Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet Ili See the Handsome Organ, now on exhibition. 0 N. ROBSON . CLINTON. THE HUB GROCERY Christmas Groceries. NEW RAISINS, Valencia add Layer. NEW CURRANTS, case and barrel. FRESH PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron. FISH—Canned Salmon, Finnan Haddie and Sardines. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE of all descriptions. DINNER TEA SETTS in China, Porcelain and Stoneware. BEDROOM SETTS $1.75 up. LAMP GOODS and Lanterns. Fancy Cups and Saucers. FANCY MUGS AND TOYS. fJj We carry 22 different brands of SOAP. Call and see our Goods before you buy. deo. Swaltow, Clinton CHEAP CROCKERY! —0 0 AS \VIE INTEND Giving Up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business 'curl want to clear out the stuck 1)y Jan. 1st, we will, on and after Nov. 1 st, offer TEgti[e Stock at Cos. TI e stock is all new all(l consists of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets Chamber Sets (in White and colored ware), Glassware, &c. This is the best offer ever mule in Clinton, and intending purchasers should examine i ur stock: i)ef'ore buying''. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. COOPER & LOGAN, Grocers, NEXT TO A. COUCH'S, CLINTON A RELIABLE 6 .t=i iL,Y NEWSPAPER. TAB That is tho Character Ala, 351 U.iv:,sally Given to WEu'ut i,E R OCEAN. So great i5 its pc pular ity u. t: years It has had the LARGEST CIRCULA- TION of any Cnica,0 wee uy ..ea dor. It is ably and carefully ea Lied in ever y department with a special view to its usefulness in THE HUME, 1'eIL WOI:I;SN.OP, and THE E3U.11NESS OFFICE. It is 2 �o gi�lc,r� 1?epublivap Newspaper, But discusses all pubih; yusa _ic.._ candid.y rod ably. While- it gives fair treat- ment topo'iticaloppo. e,,•s, it ,r l,iToThUdl'b4:1$DMONOP- OLIES as anta.tani:;Lic to t,:��r ir:.'h .c, a-.: p i•. di., interes.s. THE LITLtt AR Y D5: Aii,"i 1-;-,, a ,..c, is e.:ce.ler:t, and,has among its contributors some of the M. .- -r:, U L�,\ P ; UT?-IURS of the day, rho Foie el rer Al J 1,0 Yle 7'L.J. CUHRFSPONDE,NCE, S1RIAL AND SHORT S CORIES aro th3 equal CA a:o;:, elan). similar puu,icatio,: in ti,e country, The Youth's Deplate.ent, ty, Caiiaiiy W7, - W id's Kl:i ; ^m, al/i The Horne AN:'INT11IF:1!:F.7TV. , / ri. Y4 ,,1i.1C.'1Z1.\'E. In addition to ail thio tiro < •' \ C _ L. is o \ on in tIs co'•:mns every week. In ell .leoaru::r;nui 1, ., s,.'•,.:_il y cd.t_:. b; competent men a:,1- ployodfor that purpose. THE PRICE OF THE VIE3KLY ;•rEAN 13 $1.00 PER YEAR, THE SEMI-WEEKT,Y INTER OCi- o if.1,,d each Mondor and Thursday morning, ar.d is en ezc_ 1!e'.• , - . i - rwn,7 can no; secure a daily paper roguiarly a:rd a e not sntis. ". tt:. ., •,..rekly. THE PRICE OF THE SEI'll-WEEKLY INTER OCEF it l3 $2,00 PER YEAR Py Special Arrenriem=nt. with the Pu,,l1rSars o That Magazine and .Tho 's73-akiy lo: ,•,:;a'\ ere Both Sent to Subscribers One Year furTry-, D,•!'s : •, • ft.tNinety Cents. 'FEN CENTS LES<THAN 'Hili !EWE .,1' r'1F; ;4.e.:;::: r: :Less, LIBERAL COMMISSIONS n!v.1n t. active a ;-r,1e FLE COPIES sent Whenever asked ler. Address all ordetn Ti,]: J;CT01? ,;C;^,+N Chicago. GET A FLAG FOR YOIrit SCHOOLHOUSE The movement for hoisting the Canadian ling on the schoolhouses nn anniversaries of noted events in our history is epreadine rapidly throughout the Dominion and evoking the hearty approval of all patriotic citizens. Al- ready Omirt has done its share in helping on this movement, by awarding a handsome flag to one schools in each county of Ontario, but the number of en- quiries from all parte of the Dominion as to how flags can be obtained by other schools has determined the publishers of TIIE EMPIRE to of£•e 1 hiwdsoino ANADIAN FLAG of beet hunting, 12 feet long (regular price Me es s premium for 30 new yearly snberribere to the WEEKLY EMPIRE at SI or eight new yearly subscribers to TIIE DAILY E3IP1Re at $5 por annntn, nr a proportion of each, ono ntbseription to Daily courting for POUR Weeklies, Every school fn the Dominion ought to have a national flaw, and this offer presents an op- andttwith little trouble.. for eacn obtaining ot those who' aro t in Wrested in getting a flag for theirschool- honso join in getting up a club, and while sub- scribers get full value for their money in the best newspaper in the Dominion, the school obtains its flag FREE OF COST. Tho WEEKLY EMrJIte has recently boor, onlargeo to twelve pages, and is now, without doubt, the best weekly newspaper in Canada, while the reputation of TUE DAiLY EMPIRE as tho lending morning journal of the Domin- ion is well known. Send for sample copies and special clubbing lists, and go in for a flag for your school. ADDRESS Tills EMPIRE, Toronto. s BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tinges be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. JY e want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send US RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who elo nut receive their paper regularly from the carrier or tkrnugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting al this office at once. Subscriptions may 0Omrrterlce at any time. ADVERTiSERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONnAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOI1 PRINTING. The Job Lej-artrnent of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very ZOm prices. FOR SALE. MITE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligibl Building Lots frontingµ• on Albert Street; ale two fronting on Batterbury Street; either e bloc or ineeparate lots, to suit purchasers. Po further particulars apply to the undersigned.—E DINSLEY, Clinton, 382