HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-02-04, Page 5REMNANTSREMNANTS — -- 0 Previous to entering stock on Feb. 2nd, we will offer all our Remnants, Odds and Ends At Half the Original Cost. 01 .Bargains in all classes of Heavy Winter Goods 0 J.. WISEMAN, THE LOW-PRICED STORE. 1890 AND 1881_ Christmas & New Year Goods 0 -- Just Just arrived, the RAI S I (fid S Black Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon =finest qualities of n `E� s don Layer, Sultanas & Valencias. CURRANTSPFriaastraans.d 1 PEELS Lm , Od geGd FRESH CANNED NUTS Almondsand Filberts, AlmondsFilberts, Wall - Huta AlmondsCorn, Peas and Tomatoes, during holidays, at TEN CENTS PER CAN. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES and SPICES --we lead as usual. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE at away -down prices for Iloliday Presents. SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER. J. VT. I E WIN, The Noted Grocer, Clinton 20 Suit of Clothes for A NEW SCHEME. 0 1. We want to organize a club of 50 men to purchase a $20 Suit of Clothe" each, on the following plan, viz :— Each member shall pay ONE DOLLAR per week. Then every week -will be held a drawing, by 50 balls being placed in a box with numbers -corresponding with the number of members of the Club. The lucky member each week will receive his Suit without farther payment. Thus the first lucky man will get his Suit for ONE DOLLAR, the 2nd 'for TWO, the 3rd for THREE, and so on, until the 20 weeks have passed, when all who have not drawn will receive their Suits. NOTICE—The Goods for these Suits may be selected from any stock in this town or any stock in any other town, and will be the Goods which the firms are in the habit of selling at $20 per Suit. Par' THIS IS NO LOTTERY. There are no blanks, every man receiv- ing full value for his money. If you want to know more about the plan, come up and see L. H. STEVENS, TalIor and Uraper, OVER R. COATS & SON, CLINTON. FOUGFIT TO THE DEATH. A battle to the death took place in Kentucky between a valuable sad- dle stallion and a jackaae belonging to William Thomas etock•raiser. A few days ago a mad -dog bit Thomas' little - boy and the horse. Yesterday the horse went mad, and kicking down tho door of the jackeee' stable, began biting him. The jack retnliated,and for fifteen minutes they fought. using their teeth, heels, and forefeet. • Finally the jack tore loose the etallion'i ear with his teeth, and the horse then bit a piece from the jack's neck. This seemed to snake the jack more ferocious than ever, and grabbing the lower part of the horse's neck in his teeth he tore out his windpipe, but the high mottled stallion did not give up, and before falling he kicked the jack's hind leg, breaking it just below the hock. He fell dead. The Jack uttered a long, loud bray, and went into his stehle. He was oovered with blood end so fea• fully wounded that, his master killed him to put him out of misery The boy was treated with a maiatone; the stone etuok three times, and he shows no sine of rabies. It is believed that he will recover. Feed Cutter for Sale. A Thomson & Williams Feed Cutter for sale. As good as new. Will be Bold cheap for cash or good dry wood. Can be worked by hand or horse power. CHARLES SPOONER, 649-1m Grand Union Hotel. 1-iOUSES TO RENT To rent, a conveniently situated house on Rattenbury Street, with every convenience, near bctheohoole. At present occupied by Inspector Robb. Possession at once. 698 Also, the holm adjoining. Good atone cellar hard and soft water and other conveniences. Lately occupied by Mr. W. J. Stoneham. Rent, 65 PerOnth. 844OApply to W. II. HINE. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Council of Stanley intend to pass a By -Law to authorize the sale of part of the original road allowance oppoeite Lot14,Conceaalon 4, Stanley Townebip. Portman interested are requested to take notice and govern themaolvas accordingly. Any obleetdons must be cont to the Roeoe or Clerk on or before the seventh day cf March next. (By order of the Cf.nncil) CEO. STEWART, Clerk. January 00th, 1891. 441-43 FARM FOR SALE. A 160-aore farm, being lot 11 and half of 12, on the 5th concession, Hallett. About 90 acres cleared and fenced, good large frame house, well of water, log stable, ete. Good bearing orchard. The soil le excellent. The standing timber is chiefly black ash and elm, now so largely used for making furniture and is considered quite vain able. Six miles from Clinton. Convenient to school and church. A large portion of the price eau remain on mortgage. Appply to SAMUEL PIKE, Propriotrr, Clinton P. 0., or at Tat NEWS -RECORD Office. January 21st, 1891. 689.4t8 Executors ' Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estata of ROBERT PHILIPS, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of lluron,deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 110 Section 36 of the Revisdd Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having claims or de- mands against the estate of the above named Robert Philips, are hereby requir- ed to send or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last will end testament of the said the late Robert Philips, Clin- ton P. U. on or before the 10th day of February 1891, their christian names, surnames, statement° and `descriptions with full particulars of their claims, statements of accounts, and nature of securities, if any, held by them, after which date the Executors under the will shall Aietribute the assete of the estate of the said Robert Philips among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice. and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claims notice shall not have been receiv- ed by them at time of such distribution. Dated at Clinton this 6th day of Jan. 1891, 0, A. HARTT Solicitor for (Executors. JAS. H. COHSE Esecutore. JVSEPH ROWELL} BOY WANTED Tiny wnnto•1, whose parents reeide In town, to learn tee printing bneineae. Mnet bo active and trustworthy, None other need apply. Good opening for the right boy. Apply nt Trot NEwe- Reconn Offlee, Clinton. 89-tf .:.JAL-I.�_�..-�._ Remnant ::Sale. ------0------0--- 0 We have placed on our counters this Week our entire stock of DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, and will clear them out at a great reduction from regular prices. Also a lot of ends of MANTLE CLOTH at about Half Price- Customers can depend on finding these as represented. It is absolutely necessary that our stock be greatlyreduced before the 15th February, and we are offer- ing gret inducements to close buyers in all departments. froCX'FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE ANO WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. FIRS$ - CLASS MATERIAI and UNSURPASSED IRON WORK. Repairing and:Repainting. QTALL WORK WARRANTEDI( .• 52y TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable Harness. I manufacture none but toe BEST of STOCK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have pot to live. alb Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended for JAL>IEILIN T I:1E J, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BI.YTIN O! 'P .1. E. (BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of t )n tario tete Mary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on Ole most modern and scientific principles. gor(u11s attended to night or day. Otiice iuuuediItely west of the old Royal hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 549-3nn J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, On The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. 'rhos. E. Ifaye, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; 11'. .3. Shannon, Seey•Treas., Seaforth t', 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P, 0. DIRECTORS, Jas, Broadloot, Scaforth ; Donald (toss, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elli"tt, Clinton ; George Watt, H•arlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos Neilans, liarlock ; Robt. 310lilIon, Sea - forth ; S. Carnocban, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post tr=ios. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. The undersigned offers for sale the west hall of Lot .22, Bayfield Line con., Goderich Tp., containing by admeasurement 100 acres, about 75 acres cleared. There are on the premises, a good log house with frame kitchen, log barn and frame e ',table, a never -failing stream of water, also a good well and good orchard. Situ- ate lr mile from church and school. There are 11 acres of fall wheat sown, and fall ploughing done, and the whole farm is in an excellent stat of cultivation. The right person liberally deal with, THOMAS SHEPPARD, Novr 26,1890. Clinton P. 0 TiiE CELEBRATED Ideal Wasfter and Wringer. TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial amu also agent for all All Agricultural Implement Wareroom opposite Fairs Mill. Call and see ate. J.1, WEIR,CLiNTOI Thoro-Bred Holstein Bull for Sal The enheorlber ',flora for Rale a thorn' -bre Holstein Bull, sixteen months old, registered i the American Holstein -Friesian Herd Book. JOHN 00'x, P rter'e Hill P.O. Godertch Township, Jan. 17" 689.1, TRAY STOCK ADVEI3 P„TISEMENTS inserted in Tit NEws RECORD ret low rates. The lac makes it compulsory to advertise stray etocl If yon want any kind of advertising you will no do better than call on Tewe-Reocord.'" ILL HEADS, NOT He,.ds, Letter Heads, Tag Statements, Circulars, Bueines Cards, Envelopes, Programme Me., etc. ,printei in a workma like manner and at low rates, a THE NEWS -RECORD Office. (WOOD WANTED. ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organo Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Hazelton'a Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Paine in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, etc., etc. Every bottle' guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E. IIAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. 308 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. ' e t e s, n- FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING.I (:o to A. E. EI ANS, FA0nIONA0LL i3ARIIEit, 11110(0 Petit 1t Nf•:WA-RguoRU of. lice. Special attention given to L:1DIES ASI/ Ciliti EN's Haircutting. PoMr.tuut'Ia Ha murrriNft A SPRCIA)rl-, ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. I Office—Upstairs in Pi. r'1l1'1 011,11, Clinton, Ont ALLAN LINE KOVAL MAIL S'i'I:AMSHIi'S. Cheap Excursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN It ;TES 840, 85C and 800 Single..8SO, 800 and $11 0 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CAitltIED. INTERNIEDI A'rE, Outward $25, Prepaid 630 Steerage at lowest rates. t_''' Accommodations uneurpaased. Apply to If ,b A ALLAN, Montreal or A. 0. PATI'ISON or tVII. JAnKSON,Clinton . IE ��, az •CCAUSC TML? AMC THE BEST. D. M. FEMav & Co's Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season's customers. Itis better than ever. Every person using Garden, Flower or Field Seeds, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY d. CO. WINDSOR, ONT. Largest Seedsmen in the world HOTEL TO LEASE. rhat well ordered hotel known as "The Ocean House," Goderich harbour, to lease, with license. Furniture at valuation. Reason for leaving, have other business to attend to. Tereus cash. For particulars enquire of CAPT. WM. BABBI, 640 -Int Box 93, Goderich. New Blacksmith Shop ri EOROF. TROWHILL has opened out a gen• lJr eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Oauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to cell before ordering any class of work in the above lines. - 497—ti GEORGE TROWIIILL. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Nelson Olewoffer for sale two desirable lots in the town of Clinton, being Iota 86 and 86, Gordon's new survey, on Walker St., with eomfortable dwelling house, good well of water, and choice lot of fruit and ornamental trees thereon, Clear title and immediate possession can be given, Will be sold for 8400. Liberal t.erma will be given. Apply to CHAS, SPOONER, f 1 Executors ROBE=RT PEACOCK, I March 4th, 1890. 293 3m FOR SALE. • The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acro of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and oarriage houses, 1 Thera are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very t suitable for any person wishing to live retired. a For further particulars apply to ' E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. NOTICE. s Notice is hereby given that application will be v made to the Legislature of the Province of t Ontario at its next session by and On behalf of t of the Town of Clinton for an act to empower the Municlpallty of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron to consolidate its debt, and to provide for the issuing of debentures for the payment of:the said debt, and for the redemp- i, tion and retiring of debentures now outetand• ins, and containing such other provisions as may E; he necessary to carry out the amid consolidation, redemption end inane. MANNING h SCOTT t Solicitors for the applicants. Dated 14th day of November 190- For the Clinton Collegiate Inetitute : 25 cords of four Poet good body wood, free from limhe. Apply to 633 36 W. iT. TTINF„ Secy. C. C. S. A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and etabfes ; ndjointngloode• rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Code- ieh. 626•tf STOCK -TAKING SALE 1 0 During the next two weeks we will be taking stock, preparatory to getting in the NEW SPRING STOCK, which we expect will be large and good yalue, and in order to clear out surplus stock and winter goods, we \viii give you THE BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN CLINTON Many lines will be offered AT GUST and some LESS. We intend to reduce our stock in all the different departments. Dry -Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furs and Carpets. NO RESERVE. TAILORING, MANTLE AND DRESS -MAKING ! in first -('lass Styles r1Ve will CUT FREE ALL 'TWEEDS .AND CLO'I'II bought from us for the next two weeks. SP HICIA_L_ We want to clear out 3000 Pairs Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, &c,, &c., before getting in New Spring Goode, and we will giye you the best value ever offered to the trade of this town. Th;s is no blow, hut the honest truth. Come and see. 'Phis will be a cash sale and only lasts two weeks. PLUMSTEEL & (RIBBINGS. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, January 15th, 1891. Christmas - Groceries. CANT HEL 0J RF :E i os_ --Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockery, Glass and Chinaware, At prices eonsistont with good goods. We are in a position to guarantee as good value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best tor the least money in the market. XM GS and New Near Groceries that cannot be surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Do not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE -1 ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH. CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture, Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from -the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CHIDLEY, one door 1Vest of Dickson's Book Store RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Complete Stock of Tweeds, worsteds, etc., suitable for Spring and Summer Wear. or Every Suit a Walking Advertisement. ar Cloth by the yard at a very small margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the seine. T. JACKSON, SRS, HURON -ST., CLINTON. Wanted, 5,000 Men & Boys To unload oar shelves of rine Scotch Tweed Suits and Canadians in abundance. As for BLACK SUITS, wo don't like to tell yon here for fear there would , be a rued] and make us work in the evening. However, we will tell you a few facts—we have BLACK SUITS FROM $21 UP TO $30 if needed. Before ordering, coma and eonsnit our pricer; and the quality of oar stook. I�., f5omember, we out FREE of CHARGE. Walton & jl1orr!so, Citi Tailors, SMITH'S BLOCK, CLINTON. FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING The NowsReooFdFOR NICE BILL NEARS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 4