HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-02-04, Page 1v 43;11i$; —31.60 Per Auuuw, $1.25 in Advance• S-IIECORD INDRPRNDRNT IN BLL T272NQ6' NJWTR4L IN NOTIIINO VOL. XIII. -NO 11. CLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. 4 1891, WHITELY & Taint, lP ufsl}ab e a t Ituron County Parliament. County pariianteut met in Goderioh on Tuesday of last week, clerk Adamson iu the chair. Al! members preaeot ex- cept (}a:t, McKenzie, reeve of Wingham, who wag prevented by Meese from at. tendin ;. After the 'netnbers p-eseot had presented their rertificatee of bled tion, the clerk ealle,I the roll au i then requsste1 the unusoil t prucee1 with the election of their w erdeo. Measra ofelect and Matz nornivated Wm Milia', reeve of Grey, for the wardenship. Mr. Torrence and Dr. Ratites owned J-teeph Beck, reeve of Colborne. Upon a ball it beige tak, n twenty•f,ur ball tie were given for Mr. Milne and tweuty-five f tr Mr. Beek, whereu,,on the clerk declared Mr. Bank elected. The warden mw,le (End sub?cribed the deolarat1oo of ,•t1i:e, took the chair and thanked the c tuanil t.ir the honor they had conferred upon hire. The miott•ee of the last day of the June meeting were read and approved. Masers Etiber,e •Mooney, Kay, Mo. Phereou and Beacom were ap eo1nted by ballot a oemmittee to strike the stand• ing own nittee f•tr the present year. Richard Radcliffe, of Goderioh, was app •inter! Auditor by the cuunoil sad the warden aon3ivated dames Patton, of O )derich tnwnthip, ae the other audi- tor. Meagre Jae, Scott, Clinton, John Aeh•-enn, Goderich, and J.tha Fairley, Seaforth, were appointed membere of the respeutive Collegiate loetitute or High S.,houl trustee boards of these town,. Tee elm k and H. Eilber were appeiut- e 1 membere of the board of: criminal au lit for the year 1891. Mesere Halls, Goderioh, and Turnbull, C'inton, were appointed on the board of county examiuera of school teacher,' Err the current year, Oa motion the council adjourned until 10 o'cinok Wednesday m ,ening. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 28th, The report of the selecting committee was read, as follows REPORT OF SELECTING COMMITTEE. We, your committee, beg Ieave to re- port the following committees ; Equalizatidn—Beaoom, Britton, Tay- lor, Kydd, Mooney, _Torranoe, Bissett, Saunders, Weber, Sherritt, M Pherson. Finance—R thine, Kelbfleiech, Proud - foot, Benneweia, N ty. Kerr, M. Y. Me - Llan, Hamilton, Bryant, Katz. Erratt, Caette, Johnson, Griffin, Scott, Cole- man. Road and Bridge—E:1ber, M Ine, Kay, Cox, Oliver, Mooney, Crutekehank, Bowers, Malloy, Scott, McLean (Tucker - smith), Hees, Girvin. Sherritt, Stothere, McKenzie. School and Printing—Manning, Cole- man, Holt, Wober, Cook, Morrison, Howe, Kennedy, K�ilblii.R9tl egeeleetee Andersch."" Gaol and Court house—Saunders, Graham, Morrison, Kennedy, Nay, Cruickshank, Erratt, Hamilton, Bowers, Stothere, McLean (Tuckeremith), An- derson, M. Y, McLean. Salaries—R.ttz, Holt, Stewart, Kerr, Kydd, Bissett, Britton, Oliver. Spectra—Cook, Milne, Prnndfuot, Etlber, Bauueweie, McPherson, R�1Iine, Beacom, Bryan's. Warden—Taylor, Castle, Toifrfance. Howe, Kay Graham, Cox, Griffiu. (Signed) HENRY EILBER, Chairman. Cook—Cox—That Mr. Juhneton,depu• ty reeve of Howiok, be added to the road and bridge committee—Carried. Proudfoot—Coleman—That A. H. Manning be added to the equaltzetion committee—Carried. The report was adopted with the addi- tion of these names, The matter of granting handcuffs to Joseph Tyreman of Seafortb, Wm. Ardell and Thos. Anderson of Manches- ter, county constables, waa referred to "et the gaol and court House committee. A letter from Mr. Totten, of the Pro. vincial Seeretary'e office, was read. Senders—Cook—That pursuant to the letter of the lltn July, 1890, in reply to the memorial of this council re Stott Act balances, from Mr. Heury Totten, of the Provincial Secretary's Department, this county council do agree to assume all liability for all claims that may in future arise against such balances on condition that the eame are paid over to the county treasurer—Carried. A petition from the county council of Oxford in reference to gaol management was read and referred to the special committee. A petition from the county council of Leede and Oren ville in reference to addi- tional Government support to Public and High Scheele wee read and referred to the school committee. Milne—Nay—:1 hat the maintenance of David Kinsman, a ward ot the county, be paid half yearly at the rate of $100 per annum to the order of the reeve ot Grey. Referred to the finance commit- tee. A petition of the eouuty council of Middlesex in reference to the appoint- ment of inspectors of cheese factories was read and referred to the special com- mittee. Medical certificates of the lunacy of John and Edward Sadler, of Wingham, indigents, were referred to the finance committee. An application of the she-iff for a tele- phone at the gaol, accompanied by the report of the inspector of gaols, etc., was read and referred to the gaol and court house committee. An application of chief oonetable Mc- Kay for an increase of salary was read and referred to the salaries committee. A letter from Mr. Dickson, county registrar, was real and referred to the fleabite oommittee, Griffin—Stothere—That Mary Lucy, of Ashfield, an Indigent, insane person. be- come a ward of the county. Referred to the finance committee. The report of gaoler Dickson was read and referred t, the gaol and court house committee. REPORT OF THE OAQLER. GENTLEMEN :—This my report of the prieonere at preaeot confined in your county gaol is submitted for your con. ■ideration There are eighteen confined m the gaol at present—sixteen males and two females. The females are both vagrants and under sentence for six months eaoh. Very Brady, from Mc- Killop ttwnship, oornmitted for ninth time by m-yor Butler, is fifty-seven yearn of age, weak minded and wi,houtfriends. She ie exoeediugty deetruotiye on cloth- ing. The other, Mrs. McKay, of Goder- ich, committed by mayor Butler, is eighty-one years of age. Of the males three are inaaue ; they have all been re- ported and are awaiting removal to the asylum. Seven are vagreute, under eentencea ranging from thirty days to six mouths, viz : W. Mufunia, Colborne towuchip, committed by mayor Butler for the twenty-sixth time, le fitly fiye years of age and ie eufferiug from a sore leg ; John Morrow of Goderich, com- mitted by mayor Butler for the seven- teenth time, is aixty-eight years of age; John Durnion, Goderich; committed by mayor Butler far the second ttme, sixty - 'seven years of age ; Matthew Sheppard, Dungannon, committed by mayor Butler for the second tint:•, eighty-one yeare of age ; George Manning, Stratford, com- mitted byMlayorboherty, Clinton, suffer. ing from a Bore finger ; John Regan, Stratford, committed by Mayor Doherty, 0110130, a good and wilting worker; Geo. Wilson, Stratford, committed by Mayor Doherty, Clinton, a good and willing worker. One for assault is under ecu tence ; two for larceney, one under sentence for drawing a revolver; one under sentence for stabbing, and one awaiting trial for murder. This person was brought in under warrant of arrest on the 19.h Met., and was suffering from two attempts he had made to take hie own life. I got the gaol eurgeoi to examine him and after doing ao and preecrihing for him he ordered that he be guarded day and night until further orders. This was done by the turnkey and my- self till Saturday night, the 24th inst., when the mac was regularly committed for the crime of murder ; then I made requisition on the sheriff for a night• watch, setting forth my rea•one for ao doing, which cemmunica tion will, I pre- sume, be laideabefore your hcnorable body. The ehei'iff at once Bent down Daniel McIver, who is now on duty till further orders. All of which is respect• fully submitted. Your obedient ser- vant, (Signed) WM. DICKSON, Gaoler. An application of George Connor, of Chiselhurst, to be allowed to at- tend the Provincial Agrionitural College as a county student was referred to the special committee. A circular from the council of North Toronto, in reference to the sub- division of farm lands, eto., was read and referred to the special committee. A letter and account of Mr. Tobin for the arrest of a horse thief was referred to to the finance committee. An application for a grant to the Prie- „onereeekid"Aeeoeiationwas referred to the finance committee. A letter from Joseph Whitely in refer- ence to supplying the bread required for prisoners in goal was referred to the fin- ance committee. A petition from Mr. Snell and others regulating a pedlars licevee for Fred loeeman at a reduced rate was referred to the finance committee. A petition from Mr. Mason re 'ferrule system was referred to the special com- mittee. A letter from J. E. Tom. I. P. S.,was referred to the school committee, A number of accounts were referred to finance eotnmittee. The council then adjourned until 4 o'clock p m. • 4 o'clock p.m. The Couooil resumed, the warden in the chair. The report of the road commieaioner was read and referred to the road and bridge committee, Three ten ,ars for the county printing were referre:l to the printing committee. A number r.• •tcoounts and the county treasurer's le: .,:t were referred to the fin- ance commit:•••• Saunders—el Pherson—That theooun- ty clerk is here y instructed to procure a copy of the Oo. io Statutesfforthe pees ent year for ea. I. reeve and deputy reeve of this county, t, e1 also a copy for each of the ameodme ; s of the criminal law of the Dominion t,.r last year, the same to be the property of the respective munici- palities. Carried. Milne—Graham—That in view of the serious lose and inconvenience occasioned to dealers and prodecere of grain, lum- ber and other products of the country through the neglect or inability of rail- way companies to supply oars when re- quired this council is of opinion that the Railway Aot should be amended so as to make it compulsory on the part of rail- way companies to supply care upon rea- sonable notice, and that the warden and olerk memorialize the Government ask- ing for the appointment of a railway commission with power to regulate rail- way traffic, and further that the clerk telegraph at once to the other county oouucite throughout this Province re- questing their co-operation.—Carried. A motion by Messrs. Manning and Kay, to raise the allowance to members of the council to $3 per day, wee referred to the salaries oommitteee. On motion the oounoil granted the use of the county pile-driver to the township of Tuakeremith, McLean— Graham—That the resolu- tion of Mr, Torrance passel at the June meeting, reducing the allowance to look- up keepers from $10 to $5, be rescinded, and that hereafter the sum of $10 per annum be paid to eaoh loekupekeeper, provided that he furnishes a certificate from the reeve of the municipality in which the lockup is situated showing than the walls and ceilings of the cells bave been properly whitewaeded at least once a year, the floor eorubbed atleaet twice a year, andjjthe:premises kept con• thornily in a clean condition. Referred to salaries committee. Nay—Johnston—That the cum of $3.000 be raised by this council for the improvement of boundary lines in the respective municipalities ; the said cum to be expended se directed by by- law for that purpose The .natter wee referred to the finatace committee ore a division. The council then adjourned until Thursday morning ae 10 o'clock. THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 10 A M. Council resumed, and the minutes of yesterday were read and approved. A motion by blesera. leonine and Manning that the num of $12.000 be granted for the erection of a Couuty House of Refuge, on the terms by which the Oatarlo Government will grant $4000, was referred to the Finauce com- mittee. On motion the name of Mr. Heise was added to the Salaries Committee, vice Mr. Manning, transferred to Equaliza- tion Committee. The ovuuoi! th-a taljouroe.t until 4 o'clock to agate the Committees to meet. 4 o'clock Jany 29. Accounts ot NEWS -RECORD and John Butler referred. Letter from Jae. Dick - eon also referred. REPORT OF -PECIAL COMMITTEE Ae follows was adopted : Petition of Cu. of Middlesex in regard to inspector") of milk supplied to cheese - factories : Recnmmend that the petttiou be not granted, ae committee is oppoeed to such appointments and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Lieut-Gov- eraor in Commit and to the members for this Couuty. In the petiti n of Co. of Oxf eel reap •sting control of Gents : Re- commend that the petition be great -d. Application of George Connor to be County student at AO College : Recom- mend that no action be taken as we have a student there at present. In the mat- ter of Town of North Toronto : Rec ,m - mend that no action be taken. In re Terrens lend system ; That no action be taken. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE Was read, Mr. MoPnereon in the chair. Motion of Proudfoot—Saunders that ac- count of John Acheson, $42 80, for *net- ting eto. supplied the Registry office be paid. List on a division. Balance of Report was adopted as foll.,ws : A B,Erne C II furniture etc, to Regis- try office, $30 ; Hart & Co , books fur Division Cuurt, $5.10; John Gill, Exeter, $10; Wingham Times, $4 50 ; E Lusby, look up, Seaforth, $10 ; John Mitcheill, for six weeks' keep of John A. Mitoheh, $15.50; D. Gordon, burial expenses of Mitchell, $18; Wingharn Ad ranee, $1.50; Goderioh Star, $7 16; John Ainsley, sun- dries, $5 18 ; township of Morris, for keep of Mary Hays, $48; Inspector Tom, sundries re examinations, $15.21; A. Munro, gaol supplies, $5.40. Motion of Stothers—Girvtn p tweed that John Stevenson and Robert Mullin be 'supplied, each, with a pair of handcuffs, and that all county conatabloe be sup- plied with a pair; $300 ie granted to Agricultural and Horticultural societies of the eouuty; Thoe, Downey, $2.50 for repairs to Silver Creek bridge; John Brophy, $5.75; Exeter Tirnes, $I; West Huron Teachers' Institute, $25; D. Robb, E. Iluron School Inspector, $33 98 for sundries re examinations; C. Hibhler, look -up at Crediton, $10; Clinton New Era, $7; THE NEWS -RECORD, $1; John Yule, lock-up at Goderich, $10; D. Kins- man, a county ward, $100 per annum; on. application of deputy -reeve Keeeef Wingham, 1e and J. Sadler werCereaffe wards of the county and granted $80 per year each. Treasurer reported that the County Registrar had paid all fees. Motion of Griffin—Stothere wee passed granting Mary Lucy $100 a year as ward of the county; T. S. Tobin, of Stratford, was allowed $20 for arrest of a horse thief; a grant of $10 was paid to Prie- oners' Aid Association, Toronto; $10 each was passed for lock-up keepers—J. Davies, Blyth; J. Brethour, 1Vroxeter; G. Petty piece, Wingham; — --- Brussels; W. H. Clegg, Gerrie; W. J. Paisley, Clinton; Brussels Post, $1;' H. McGratten, wood to Court House,$27.50; W. Baker, for keep of D. Kinamao,$5.50; accounte of eraser & Porter, stationery, $99.50; Goderioh Signal, $10 50; Buchan- an & Co., lumber, $3 85; Hart & Co., stationery, $14.45; 0. N. Davie, hard- ware for gaol, $13,89; J. Saunders & Son, $8.92; E. Huron Teachers'Inetitute,$25; J. Carey, shoes fur gaol, $1.50; J. Walker, gaol, $3; G. Grant, court house supplies, $17.10; Sam Davie, keep of Chas. Lingard, $47.27; R. Tichbourne, court house, $2.90; Expositor, $6; that no boundary appropriation be made ; F. G. Neelin, county printing, $87.70. Motion of ttolline—Manning that $12,- 000 be appropriated for County House of Refuge was not sustained. County Clerk to order supplies for Court House, Gaol and Registry office and obtain tenders when practicable. Treasurer's etatement, certified by Auditors, to be printed in minutes, Mortgagee held by County for money loaned are found to be duly regis- tered and tttlee, eto„ are certified by solicitors. No change having occurred in eecurity of Treasurer, epooialreference to thie is deferred until June session. TREASURER'S STATEMENT. To the Warden and Members of the Council of the County of _Huron. GENTLEMEN,—I have the honor to submit for your consideration the annual financial report comprising the usual statements viz 1. Statement in detail of the receipts and disbursements during the year 1890. 2. Abstract statement of the same, 3. Statement of Ledger balances on Dee. 31st 1890. 4. Statement of ineestmcnte of sinking funds. 5. Statement of debenture liabilities and assets available to meet the eame. 6. Statement of collectiooe from non• resident lands between May let and Deo. 31st, 1890. 7. Comparative statement of estimated and actual expenditure and receipts for 1800, You will notice there has been received of inveetmente formerly made the sum of $18,075, and there has been loaned out on mortgagee of farm property $24,416. The total luvestmente at the end of the year being $132,257, with a balance at the credit of the sinking fund account awaiting investment of 87,379.72. The mortgagee of 1890 all bear interest at the rate of 6 per oent. per annum, and eines the close of the year $7,450 additional has been Icaaed at the pante tate of Interest, From statement No, 7 you will ob• Serge Were has teen an over -expenditure in four accounts only, viz ; administra- tion of justice, jury, 'school management and eateries and council fees, which over- expenditure is more than counterbalanced by the under expeuditure in the other accounts. The total unexpenried being $580.94. Only one note, and that for $3000, waa discounted. On the 31st of December Mole note had been paid and there waa a balance in the bank of $9,723,80. I am, gentlemen, your obt, Servant, WM, HOLMES, JANY. 27TH, 1891. Co. Treasurer. Communication was read from lot n Butler, Esq., Mayor of the town '.f Goderich, courteously inviting Council to visit water -works and electric light engine rooms. Council adjourned to meet at 10 o'clo, k next morning. January 30th, 1891. SALARIES COMMITTEE REPORT Was adopted as follows :—That lock-up keepers receive $10 per annum instead of $5 as provided at June session by Mr. '1'orraooe'a moth u ludemnity of mem- bere was lixed at $3 per day, commenc- ing with this eession. Request of High Constable McKay fur raise of salary to $125 per annum to be reported on at J ane aeaeio0. Manning—Either—That Messrs, Mc- Lean and Proudfnnt be added to commit- tee on revision tf rules governing the council was carried. Kay—Rollins—That the thanks of this Council be teudeted THE Ht'RON NEwy- REcouD for distribution of copies to membere, was carried. Council adjourned uatil 2 o'clock p.m. January 30, 2 p, m. REPORR OF GAOL AND COURTHOUSE COMMITTEE Was adopted i<.e follows:—That they find the gaol clean and tidy, the prisoners satisfied with their treatment and that certain supplies requested by the gaoler and matron be bought. That conetablee Ardell of Howiok, Tiernan of Seaforth, and Audereon of Manchester, be eupplied with a pair of handcuffs, earn, and that others who require them bo also supplied. Tnat the Sheriff be eupplied with a tele- phone. That certain alterations be made to window each of Court House, and a new gate placed on south entrance, That drainage of gaol premises be left until June seeaiou, That new carpet be laid down in Court room, That Clerk Adam- son continue hie efforts to get Matthew Sheppard into some Poor Houae until this county hae one of its own, Sheppard's pension to be used for his keep as far as it will go. That Commissioner Ainsley get up plans for the enlsrgernent of Mr. Mol)onald'e room and vault, in the Court House, and have the ea ne ready for the June meeting. That Mr. Ainaley also draw up plana for water Closets in care- taker's room and for sewers sufficient to sluice closets, and lay them before the Warden, Clerk and Reeve t'roudfoot for their approval and if suitable that tend- ers for same be laid before Council at June meeting. Britton—Torrance—That this Council deeply regrets the illness of Mr. Mc - Murchie, lute Reeve for Clinton, and do hereby express sympathy for him in hie affliction, and dame to place this motion on our books as a mark of esteem for him and appreciation of his services as a councillor, and express the wish that he may be speedily restored to health, and that the Clerk forward him a copy of this resolution—Carried. Proudfoot—Bietett moved that oer• twin fortner by-laws be repealed and the following substituted. That Aue tioneer'e License be $12, and that the licenee year shall end on the let of Deer. in earth year, and this by-law shall take effect from 3lat Jany 1861. Carried. Ilol'—Mann:tie moved the petition of S. S 10 .nil 11, Hay, be reported on at theJuue crani,.° of the Council by the School and Printing Committee— Girvia—Stuart moved that when this council adj,uru it adjourn until the first Wednesday in June—Carried. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT Recommend that Jamestown bridge be rebuilt as soon as practicable, the atruo- ture to be of pile abutmets and "Queen Trues" plan. That Menzies bridge be- tween Grey and Elena, be rebuilt on carne plan as Jameatowl one, That the Commissioner make the necessary repairs referred to in hie report, and that his Report be printed in the minutes of this Counoil—Adopted. SCHOOL AND PRINTING REPORT Recarnmended that 450 copies of of the combined annual reports of the county Inspectors of Public Schools be printed for circulation among eruatees and Teachers, and that the Inspectors have furnished to them 100 printed schedule forme for the purpose of obtaining infor- mation from townabip Clarke. That no action be taken in the petition from the Council of Leede and Grenville having for its object an increase in the Legislative grants to Pubdio and High Scheele, and to give Councils power to enlarge or change High School Distriete. That the tender of D. McGillicuddy for the County print- ing be accepted. SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCE REPORT. Manning—Bissett moved instead of clause 68 of Finance Report recommend- ing a grant of $12,000 for a County House of Refuge, that thia Council agree to provide $8,000 for said purpose ae soon as any municipality or person agrees to give a like sum inoluding the government grant for the eame purpose— Carried. Holt—Beacom moved that $15 be ex• pended on flowers and planta around the Court House during the current year—Carried. Cook—O:iver moved that the Finanoe Report be amended and that the cum of $3,000 be granted as per motion, and that such grant be paid to the respective local municipal treasurers in the county —Carried. Torrance --R. B, McLean moved that ti e Warden and Clerk petition the I opal Lcgielature to amend the aeseae- ment ,Act so that townabip oouuoile may peso by-laws to extend or continue the same assessment over a period not exceed- ing five years—Lost by e majority of 12. Council adjourned. Goderlclt. Mr. D. K. Strachan is away on a visit to Chicago. Mies Mary Graham is visiting friends in Chicago. Mr, E. E. Coleman of Seaforth eper:t Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Yateeeare visiting in Wingham. Mies Wynn left town Monday nn visit to Toronto, Hr. Horace Mann of St. Paul, ;Minn., is visiting in town. Mids Broadfoot of Seaforth is the guest of Miss Dickeoo. Mr. Vanstooe of Wingham spent a day in town lest week, Mr. Ross Rastall, of Kincardiue, was in town yesterday. Indpeotor of inland revenue, A. Cav, n, was in town last week, Mr. Jas. Doyle to elaiting Detroit aid other American cities. Q lite a number of young people visit- ed Clinton on Monday evening, Mrs. Holmes and Master Fred Holmes have returned from a visit to Windsor, J. R. Miller, E qr., barrister of Torem W, was in the eireeter town yesterday. The ladies of St. George's will hold au "At Horne" in the town Hall tomorrow eveoiog. - R. H. Collins, Ever., barrister of Exeter, waa teat week a visitor to the county town. Conductor Higgins, a former resident of Goderich, spent yesterday among hie many friends. Masers. A. M. Polley and Thee Me - L an have returned from their bueiaees trip to British Columbia. Mr. and Mre. A. E Pridham have re- turned from their 'trip to Toronto, De- troit, and other phi e,. Dr. J. R. Shannuc, who has been fur- thering nimeelf in bis medical studies at the New York Hospitele, for the paw'. two mint}s, returned home last week. Prof. Morgan and Miae Fairy Morgan, wino under the auspices of the Cadets of Temperance gave an entertainment in the Temperance Hall last Friday even- ing, were greeted with a crowded house, The entertainment ,vas firet clefts in every respect. Tho regular monthly meeting of the School Board waa held on Monday, pres- ent C. Crabb, chairman pro tem, W, Arneson, K. W. Ball, R. W. McKenzie, M.Nioholeon and Swanson. The Prinoe- ' report rt for pal's e p Jany,ehowing an average attendance of 305 boys and 255 girls was received and filed. Accounts ae follows were presented : Star $2 67, ordered"tt be paid, Saunders & Son $1L43, ordered paid if found correct, Buchanan & Sou $9.48, ordered paid if found correct, W. T. Welsh 75ete and W. L. Pennington 75tte were also ordered to be paid. An application by Principal for maps for the several oleases, was referred to School Man. Com. with power to purchase. The Board then adjourned. The entertainment given by the For - eaten' in the Grand Opera house Tues- day Jan. 27th was largely attended. Mayor Butler ocoupied the chair and opened the meeting with a short ad- dreee in which he eulogized all benevo- lent eooioties. Then followed some in- strumental music by the Cadet's Mouth Organ Band ; Duett, Mies M. Pridham and Mise M. Chambers; Solo, Mr. E, E. Belabor. High Chief Ranger, E. Lowe of London spoke for an hour on "Fores- try and it is doings." After the address Miss Brockie Mitchell gave a yery good recitation, then followed a solo by Mr. A Saunders, after which the Mieeee Pridham and Chambers gave another duett. The singing of God save the Queen brought to a close an entertain- ment which waa apparently enjoyed by all present. the meeting of the High School Liter- ary Soci,ty took place in ethe High Subool last Friday evening. The pro- gramme took the form of a Jacobite meeting, The following selection, wore given :—Recitation, "King James' Wel- come to Scotland"—Mies P. Strang ; Cnorua, "We'll hae no King but Char— lie"—Glee Club ; Recitation, "Edinboro after Flodden"—Miss W. Ball ; Quar- tette, "A Jacobite boat-Bong"—Mesere. McDonald, , Mbir, Mullin, Morrish ; Dialogue, "Loohiel"--Mesere. Styles and Ross; Reading, "Selection from Waver- ly"—Mise Charles ; Address—Mr Monret; Recitation, "Earl of Montrose" —Mise N. McCormac ; . Reading, "Charles Edward at Vereaillea"—"Mr, H. I. Strang; Recitation, •'BurialMarch of Dundee" --Mies 0 • Johnston ; Chorue, "Will ye no come back again?"—Glee Club ; Editor's Selections—Mr. J. Mo - Donald. "Auld Lang Syne." Colborne. The Zion pulpit was " occupied on Sabbath Jan 25 by Mr. - N. W. Nott. The quarterly service of Benmiller circuit was held on Sabbath last Feb. let at Zion church at 10:30 a. m. The quarterly board met the following Mon- day at Benmiller at 2 o'clock p. m. Mr. John Patterson, an old resident of this township, was buried in the Col- borne cemetery on Monday Jan. 26, by the Free Malone. The funeral was a large one. - The I. 0. G. T. Lodge here le prosper- ing. They initiated six at their last meeting. They had a varied programme at their last meeting and are going to have a debating contest for their next one. The Orange lodge met on Friday night Jan, 23. One member was initiated and one proposed for the next meeting. It waa deoided to give the Good Template the free nae of the hall for six months. —While some men were chopping wood in the bush near Penetang one Hyacinthe Beaulieu was atruok on the head by a falling tree. He only lived a few hours. He leaves wife and six ohiden in poor oiroustancea, WHOLE NO. 611 Dungannon. OBITVS(RY,—On Friday last two bur- ials in our cemetery. The firet was that of a child c•f Mr. Samuel Pentland. who died after a very ehort illness ; the other waa that of Mr. Thee Cuff, aged 78 years, a pioneer of Ashfield. Mr. Cluff had been in poor health for acme time and hie death, which took place Thureday morning, was not unexpected. The annual meeting of the West Wts. wanosh Fire Insurance Company waa held in the new hall on Tuesday the 27th inst. The annual reperte of the aeore- taiy, treasurer and the auditors were presented and unanimously adopted. These reports show that the affairs of the Sooiety have been wc11 managed by the officers. The three retiring members were re -appointed by acclamation. GENERAL DOTS --Mr. Jno. Brydgea, viotioiet, of the Methodist church choir, is now travelling with hie patent dock - taker. Suceets attend hint—Mr. J. Mo. Kepzie is agate engaged with M r. W. G. Girvio our popular tailor—bfr, Joseph Stotbers has traded hie homes for a matched team of black colts—Our rush- ing townsman Mr. Thee Dentin is pur- chasing horses for the Manitoba market --We have been informed that Mr. Jas. Black intend* building next suntmer— M r. D. G Bickle has sold his trotter and proposes erecting au elegant tr•o story brick cottage in the spring—Mr, Wm. Thompeou has sold hie valuable broncho to Mr. Thos. Agar—Joe Bell was in town last week—Ops of our prom • Ment business men had the miafurtune to lose five pug pups valued at two -hun- dred dellare—Mr, Tom McKay, teacher, was home for a tew days last week—Mies Susie Cooke hae returned to Goderich to remain with her brother who is very ill there—Mr. A. D. was up to the village last week, he noticed quite au improvement in the town since hie last visit—R J. McMath has obtained aeitu- ation in M..leaworth —W. Mallougb is preparing to build,ia spring—S, Stothere, coinmonly known as Steve, the mason, is bound for Breeden, Manitoba, in the spring. Nile. The Nile branch of the Womete i?asiooary society will meet at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon at 2p.m. this week. Quite a number of the members of the Nile L. 0. L. 1052 will attend to Co. meotine at Belgrave Tuesday of this week, if the weather proves favorable, Mr. Wfllia:n Coorey has been tngagr d as carotaks:- n• h' 't- Church fur the present year and we believe that he is the right man in the right place. The committee have decided to hold the anuual 8, S. convention, of the Nile and Dungannon cirenite fn the Dungan- non IvIethodiatipb,teehe.on Wednesday '1r1th$alFbrutiamM kep;esoheoda AolntS6iat$tScho6ryjw1 ekrs arcrd:allAy invited. The Concert given by the Goderich Orhestra was all that could be desired, both vocal and instrumental music was first Claes. As there happened to be quite a number of our people away ficm home on that evening, attending other meetings over which they had uo enn- trol, we think we can safely say that should the Orchestra again come to our village they would have a full house. The Rev, Mr. Fear has been circulat- ing petitions for signature for prohibi- tinn. and it is a good thing to see how many are for prohibition. There was quite a number when the editions for the Scott Act was circulated who would not sign them but said if it was for prohibition they would. Now comes the teat, don't beck out friends but keep to your word and down with your name and down with Old Alcohol. On Wednesday the oldest daughter of Samuel Pentland of the 2nn Con. Aehfield, a bright little girl of nearly 10 yeare, died. She attended the Nile Sabbath School previous Sunday and while there complained of ear ache. Returning home Dr. McKay was called in who said it was inflammation cf the brain and he thought there was not much hope for her, Oa'Wedneaday about 4 o'clock she passed into the spirit land. The parents have the sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood in their bereavement. ---mast Londesboro'. Mr. Chariee Shobrook is Soieg to Blyth to Learn the tailoring. Mise lezzie Shobrook, of Hallett, is going to the dress making in Clinton. The Trustees of S. S. No. 4, Hullett, have made a good choice in getting Miss May Ferrie, late of Grey, to teach their school. The young lady to doing gnoL work and may become, as the New Era • says, as popular ae'any,one. Mr. John Bell, of thia place, had a ball in the hall on Friday, 30th January. The young folke enjoyed themselves until an early hour on Saturday morning. There were a great many from different parts present. John is a good landlord and gets up things in first-class style and keeps good order. A sad accident happened on the 9th concession of Hultett on Thursday, 29th inst., to Mr. James Warwick. He was nutting the head off a chicken when ho slipped and his left hand fell on the block and his right hand was up with the axe Red it eame down on hie left wrist and cut the hand off at the wrist joint. He was travelling for a wholesale house and was at hia brother's on a visit He was a promising young man and has the sympathy of the whole neighbor- hood. Londeseoro L. 0. L. No. 863 held a degree meeting in the temperance hall on Thursday evening. Threeoandidatea were advanced to the R. A. P. degree, There were several visiting brethren from Blyth, Walton and Summerhill, Bro. John Scarlett, of Leadbury, occu- pied the obair, and he filled it well. They adjourned for refreshments which the oommittee had provided, After the elope a vote of thanks wee tendered to Bro. Scarlett and the visiting brethren, Bro. Soarlett replied in a well -tithed epeeoh. Bro. Iiidty, of Summerhill, made an eloquent speech, A brother from Walton gave a short address. Then a hymn was sung and the Lodge closed, •