HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-01-11, Page 8The Huron News -Record boa Y ar--$1.25 n edvsrkee szir The mart does not do Justice to his winces who stomiv less in advertising than he decd in tent --A, T. 6rawwwT, the millionaire merchant 1 New York. - Wednesday, Jan. 14th, 1891. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the "nub.' tt atoll (�G! ltIk. QUAL Nu•rll'ee.—All notices iu these columns of Meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission fee in 3harged,orfrom which a pecuniary beuefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE t4DwT LARGELY CIliCULA'1•ED PAPER IN Tills SEOTION. Fine large assortment of Trunks and Valises of the best quality at JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. They are very cheap. E. CORBETT, general Insurance agent for Fire and Life. Houses to let, properties bought and sold, general business transacted. Money to loan. Office, overTwitchell's store. J. F. MILNE, V. S , graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, registered member of the Veter )nary Medical Seciety, treats all 'diseases of domesticated annuals. Calle promptly attended to either night or day. Charges moderate. d? Office—Queen's Hotel, Clinton, Ont. 638—tf WANTED, 10,000 bushels Potatoes. Highest price paid: CANTELON BROS. REI (ABLE AGENTS WANTED.—The Crsmnpolitan Life Association, Head Office, Toronto, is appoiutiug reliable agents all over Canada. The Pen i n Fund of the Comoepolitan is to le:ieve the members of the burden 4.f poverty and supply such cnmfort as wi I alleviate the euflertnin of the hick chamber. Ap- plications f. r territory should be made at once. M. MCTAGGART, ESQR., who has been very ill, though not as robust as usual, is able to get down town. FRED. SWINnANK, favorably known as connected with the Dry Goods Palace and more recently of Chicago, is now prospecting in Texas. MR. FRANK H. CooKE, lately of Detroit, nephew of. Mr. Peter Cook, town, was in Clinton last week. He will reside in Chatham until he gets through the Business College there. HURON Sabbath Halloo! Conven- tion will be held at Brussels ou Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Among those who will de- liver addressee will be Rev. Rural Dean Craig awl Messrs Manning, Foste r and Scott of Clinton. MR. JAMES WISEMAN, now of Chicago, visited his brother John and old friends iu town last week. He is an advocate of annexation from a matrimonial view point at least, for he returns to his American home with a Canadian bride. THE Committees appointed to ar- r•ange, if practicable, union meetings hereafter of the East and West Teachers' Association, rnet in Clin- ton on Saturday last. They found it would not be convenient ion account of arrangements already made by each to unite at first meet- ing; but it is expected that at their October meeting, which will be held in Clinton, they will ainalga [nate. On account of its advantages and favorable. situation they will likely make "the Ilub" their regu- lar meeting place. I. 0. F. ELECTION.—At the last regular meeting of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters the follow- ing officers were elected : A. Holloway, C. R. De. T. C. Brae-, P- C. R. W. A. Roes, V. C. R. Dr. Geo. H. C sok, R. S. Jae. S Jacks ,n, F. S. F. Hodgen, Treaauter. H. Res., S. W. T. Lagan, J. W. E. Rumball, S. B. E. N1aAllistor, .J. B. Geo. Swallow, C. 0. H. C. R. D.. Turnbull Court Physician. The Court has a good membership and is in a flourishing condition. Applications are colniug iu at every meeting and the Society is one of the fixed institutions of the town. TIIE HUL-LESS OAT Sw1NDLER.— A dispatch from Belleville says :— Magistrate Flint has cabled th.i authorities at Bremen, Germany,_ that the proper offi.ers would pro- ceed iu a few days with the papers to extradite Chester Yerex, the hall -loss oat swindler. Detective Murray will be sent to Germany and is here preparing the necessary papers. The detective will be ac- companied by C. M. Stock, manager of the Bank of Commerce here, for the purpose of identifying the prisoner. Yerex had originally intended to go to Mexico, but changed his mind when he reached Now York and sailed for Germany. Ho did not know at 'the time that an ex.tradition treaty existed be• )ween the two countries. It is be- lieved that he proposed to carry on the hull -leas oats business in Ger- many on au extensive scats. His operations in 1Vestern Ontario covoie d a more extensive field than was at first tinperally supposed. Mfaa LANE is among old friends ill town. A NUMBER of Clintonians attend- ed the bachelors' ball at Seaforth on Friday evening. Miss HATTIE COMBE• has return- ed to Toronto to resume her musi• cal education at the Conservatory. 1Vllss SADIE B. MORTON, a't one time with J. C. Detlor & Co., is visiting her friends in town. How DOES that "Good resolution" account you opened about two weeks ago look I REV. MR. STEWART will preach in the Ontario St. Meth. Church next Sunday. MISS LIZZiE GORRELL, who has been with Mr. T. Detlor since hi removal to Lucknow, is home, under an indisposition. J. W. SAUNDERS, of Exeter, was in town last week, endeavoring to form a Legion of the Select Knights of Canada. J. W. Coots, V. S., and wife, of Dengaunon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cook, Albert street, last week. MR. 1t. H. REID, at one time Clerk of the Division Court here, is seriously ill in Virden, Man. SooiAL at the Ontario St. parson• age on Thursday evening January 15, uuder the auspices of the Wo- man's Missionary Society. Silver collection. MORE AMUSEMENT.—The Rol'er Rink will be opened in old Agricul- tural hall this, Wednesday, evening at 7 o'clock. Ladies cordially in- vited.' MR. AND MRS. HALL, an estim- able young couple .vho were recent- ly married, have the congratulations of THE NEwS RECORD. For par titulars see another column. REV. MR. EDGE preached in his own church Sunday evening last having reference to the late Mr. Phillips who died on the verge of four -score and ten years. The dis• course was based on verses 28 and 29, chrp. 85, Gen. and was a very touching and profitable one. THE annual meeting for election of officers in Willis Church S. S. was held last Friday evening when the following were elected : Supt., Geo, Swallow ; Asst. Supt., J. W. Irwin ; Secy,, T. Jackson; jr.; Asst. Secy., R. J. McDonald; Treas.; M. 1EcTeggart, jr.; Librarian, J. S. Jackson; Asst, Librarian, J. Mc - Murchie; Bible class teacher, J. Scott. AMONG the birchalls, beg pardon, among all the wielders of the birch who suet in Clinton lastSaturday,asa joint committee of E.and W. Huron Teachers to arrange for an examina- tion of the fifth form of the public sehool,thoae who gave THE NEWS -RE CORD a call were Messrs. Musgrove, Dort•ance, Plummer, Taylor, and G. M. Kilty. Call again gentlemen. THE youth and beauty of our town, to the number of about twenty, went to Seaforth last Fri- day evening to participate in an annual balll. It was a brilliant and gay event, reflecting credit on its management and honour on its guests. The exhilarating whirl was continued until the small hours were growing large, the "extras" calved for after the completion of an ample programme being many, evincing its pleteure and consequent success. HYMENEAL—On New Year's evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- rison, Ueborne, entertained a select company of friends and relatives on the occasion of the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mary W., to Mr. Wm- Somerville, of Clinton. At 6.30 o'clock the ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. Fletcher, M. A., Thames road, assisted by Rev. D. Forrest, Walton, uncle of the groom. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Jennie W. Morri- son, and Miss Celia Caldor, teacher, Brucefield, and the groom was sup- ported by his cousin, Mr. Frank Forrest, Mount Albert, and - Mr. Giffin, B. A., Science Master of Clinton Collegiate Institute. The bride and bridesmaids were dressed in black satin and wore pink corsage boquels. The handsome square bride's cake had on one side the initials W. F. S., on the opposite side M. W. M., on tho third Janu ary lst, and 1891 on the opposito and fourth sitde. After the com- pany had partaken of tea, an ad dress wad wade by Mr. Fletcher, in which he, in a very happy and graceful manner, congratulated the bride and groom on the occasion of their marriage, and wished then all possible success in their new relations. Short addresses follow- ed by Mr. Forrest and others, in which they alluded to the many excellent qualities of the bride, and congratulated Mr. Somerville on his choice of such an estimable young lady for a partner. 'A num• ber of handsome, valuable and use- ful presents•were received by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville departed to their new home iu Ctinton on Monday, carrying with them the good wishes of their many friends. LEY & CO. JilIIARY BARGAIN MONTH —0 ---- During During this month we will offer special inducements to cash purchasers in the way of CHEAP GOODS and in order not to curry over much of our Winter Mock we will give a reduction on our prices for good credit. Our Stock- is well -assorted in all lines and our customers will find that we are offering Special Values in Dress Goods, Grey Flannels, and all WOOLEN GOODS and MILLINERY. Our Ladies' black all -wool HOSE at ''25o cannot be beat for the price— see thein. We have some of that FINGERING YARN at 5o yet, in blank, brown, white, and grey. Come right in and you will find every department filled with the BEST A'l' BARGAIN PRICES. DEESLEYS CREAT RAILLINERY& FANCY DRY-COODS 1111 EMPORIUM. The Ladies Fauorite Establishment. .rrIMONIMMEIra. THE GUN CLUB will hold their third monthly shout fur the silver cuts next Monday. Miss V. HOLLINGER, ut• Hanover, Ont., is visiting at the Ontario street parsonage. A ST. CATHARINES METHODIST ohureh was recently broken iuto and the parson's looking-gbase taken there from. Suppose the robber wished to remove all cause of any reflection un the worthy dignitary. WE regret to note that since our last issue 11Ir. McMurchie, whose improvement was the cause of wide satisfaction, has been again distress- ed. It is a very general hope that he will soon regain his health and characteristic buoyancy. FARMERS' Institute of West Huron will hold January ideating at Goderiah on Wednesday 14th inst., and at Smith's Hill, Thursday 15th inst. Papers will bo road by prominent gentlemen on "Our Horses and Horse Markets," on "Insect life ou the Farm" and ou "Frauds in Horticulture." MR. JAS. BEATTIE has purchased from Mr. J. L. Ilearne the proper- ty immediately south of the old Kenney grocery with a frontage on both Victoria and King streets and intends iu spring to erect thereon a livery barn to meet the requirements of his large trade. Mr. D. B. Ken- nedy intends to resume management of what ie known as the "Big Live- ry", at present occupied by Mr. Beattie, as soon as vacated. A SURPRISED INQUIRER.—A Cou- ple of gentlemen with a horse and buggy were driving Monday even- ingahout 7.30 toward Clinton,along the Huron Road. The night was cold and blustering. When about opposite the farm of JIr. Alex. Taylor they overtook another horse and covered buggy going at a very easy pace. One of the first men- tioned parties while passing the rig that was ahead failed to discern any persons in it. And being humane• ly inclined, concluded from the carelessly slow pace of the horse that the animal might have been left op- posite some farm house and strayed away. This gentleman got out of his rig and went to the supposed derelict buggy and inquired, "Any person in this buggy ?" The reply carne iu a weak masculine voice, "Yes." The inquirer thinking the occupant was alone innocently ask- ed, "Who is it ?" A sweet femin- ine voice replied, "Would you like to know I" The humane inclined apologized and returned to his own buggy quite crestfallen, leaving the apparently young couple to enjoy their tete-a-tete as leisurely and hap- pily as the circumstances would permit. • PUBLICATIONS. We have been receiving the Chicago Dia!', In(ar-Orratt for the last two years. During a residence of several years in the States we became fair ly wellaoquaint- ed with the merits of the leading dailies there, and we are constrained to say that in all the characteristics that go to make a model newspaper the Inter -Ocean is away ahead. It is honestly patriotic, lht,roughly accurate, intelligently jnst, and an advecat-, of the greatest wood to the greatest moot -tat . Anti trent Ameri- nen and Canadian exchanges we letup that its influence ie fir-reaohing. It be- lieves in the employment of industrial labor in America instead 01 in foreign countries, just as we believe in fostering labor in Canada instead of abroad. It doe° not hate Britain er Canada, but loves the Uoited Stets more than either. It oontaina many object leeenne for those ahjeot C tnadian dailies which love foreign countries more and their own country lees. Pee announcement in another oolumn. —Monday evening, December 29, at Plymouth, Mich., George Simmons broke into Miss Cummings' house. ile then made a criminal assault, after which he out her throat. He then sesrohed the house for plunder but before leaving returned to the bed and, finding her atilt alive, took a butcher knife and stabbed her in the 1t.ft side eoaeral times. He has been arrested anti confessed. Miss Cornminge is recovering. OUR WEEKLY ROUND UP — A small-gex epidemic is feared in Texas as the disease is ou the increase, sell the Governer hue ordered the State health officers from Houston to Austin, where they will remain until the di,ea e aha•.es. Three towns have quarantiuea against San Anti:r:f ,, and railroad tickets will not be sold to them. — Year after year the crops failed with w dow Clifton, of Kansas, anti she was obliged to sell off her aleck, head after head, until at I+et there was foe left. This year finiehed the tight, and when the recent blizzard o me dt tound the house with neither fuel nor food. A neighbor nos passing the plane Wadnee- day, and seeing no eigo of life entered the house, where he found the dead b )dies of Mrs. Clifton and three of her children, while the other two were io the l tat agonies of death. Prompt at- tention was given to the living, hut there is little hope tor their recovery. —Col. Vancy Ashford, of Honolulu, Ifoweiian islands, had en interview with Hon. Mr. Foster on trade matters one day haat week. He says the present commercial treaty with th t United States will terminate in two years, and he believes the islands will then drop it, as by the present treaty the United States has complete control of Pearl Harbor, one of the tinest in the world, and it galla Hawaiians to see this harbor monopolized by any foreign power. When the treaty was made the United States gave the islands a free rate on sugar, .while other countries paid duty, Recently the United States made sugar free, and now as a result the islaudere c'aim that they are justified in dropping it. They take at present from the States practically everything they eat, Bending in return auger, rice and fruit. tie believes they could could do all the s.am.m trade with Canada and he believes terms can be arranged. The aggregate trade between the United States and the Wanda het year was $19,000,000, the Wand importe being $6,000,OtO. which 0.11. Ashford thinks is worthy the atten- tion et the Canadian Government. The Reeve of Fullarton and • Other Local Men Speak tor tlse hedge Fence. We, the undersigned farmers of the C tent), of Perth, having felt for some time that one of the most important questions that can engage the attention of farmers at the present, is that of fenc- ing. The era of the old rail fence will soon be a thing of the past. The barbed wire fences have not been found com- pletely satisfactory. Bence our readi- nese in accepting the invitation of Messrs. J. J. Gale and Alex. Kane, Agents of the Ontario Hedge and Wire Fence Company, to visit some of the farms in the County of Brant and the County of Welland and to see for ourselves as to the actual appJaranoe and what will be the really practical character and utility of the new fence. And atter having carefully inspected and examined the fence on two or three farme in tho Coun- ty of Brant and also in the County of Welland, we found that a Hedge cau be constructed that is a perfect harrier againet all kinds of stock that is raised ou the farm. The fence presents a beautiful appearance, combining streng'h and durability, and will he an ornament to a well kept farm. And we cheerfully recommend it to the farmers of the County of Perth, as well as to the Pro• vince at large, coofid.ntly predicting that it is the coming fence anti that it will meet a long felt want, The deputation was also informed as to the Company's standing and business operations, viz.: Up to August 10th of this year they had under contract to the atntuut of $65,241 96 Since that date contracts amounting to $16,759, or II total at present under contract amount- ing to $82,000, which is an excellent ehowing for the Company, considering the comparatively few years they have been doing business in this Prevince. We would also state that the Company is incorporated under the provisions of the Dominion Statutes with a pari up capital of $250,000. GEO. LEVERSAOE, Reeve, Township of Fullarton,•Carlingford P. 0. JAMES JONES, Logan, Mitchell 1'. 0. PETER CAMPBELL, Hibbert, Cromarty, P. 0. ROBERT D. ROY, Fullerton, Ruseeldale P. 0. FRED OHEM, South Eisthope, Shakes• peare P. 0. JOHN HEINBUCH, South Easthope, Stratford P. 0. VERNER HEINBUCH, S.ruth Easthope, Stratford P. 0. LauRENOF ARNOLD!, South Easthope, Shakespeare P. 0. WM. T. WILLIAMS. Logan, Mitchell P. 0. Trios, J. HICKI, Logan, Rornholm P. 0. EDWARD 1CF'1'LAIfFER, Tavistock P. O. DAVIN HARAOAN, i{inkora, WILLIAM SQ^IRF, Mitchell. DE We have had the largest and finest Fur Trade in the history of our Establishment and we are lito' anxious to clear out the balance of our stock. e have still a. number of Y —§—§—§—§-§-§-§--§-----§—§—§-- u r oats i• * * 4 4 left and if there is a man in this section who wants a. Fur C'eat we will offer the BIGGEST -:-BARGAINS ever heard of. ('ogle and get our prices. 0 JACKSON BROTHERS, "THE" CLOTHING FIRM, CLINTON, re Saving IN WFtR OF • Covens of School Books Because Strom; Manilla Covers are GIVEN AWAY FREE with School Books bought at COOPER'S Book Store. They fit any books—don't fail to ask or them. We have all the Anillorizea TEXT BOOKS used in Collegiate Institutes and Public Schools. Our Stock of SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1 surpasses anything we have ever had and the scholars may depend on getting from us the Best Value and Newest Goods IN THE MARKET. 0 W.COOPERIk CO.