HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-09-05, Page 1Single Copies . Three Cents OVER 5,000,000 REMSTEREO SCHOOLS REOPEN 93 Per Cent of the Population Respond . The Wingham Ifigh and Public Schools ed re -opened on Tuesday. September 3rd, with a good attendance. The staff of the • The following table of unrevised figures Public sebooi is; gives the total registration by provinces, Miss M. L. Brock, Principal. but not including the registration which Miss Annie Barbour. has since been effected through post Miss II, II. Reynolds. offices, according to a statement given out Miss C. Farquharson. by the registration hoard. Miss Florence sBarber. Provinces Male Female Total Mrs W Buchanan. N. S ... 150,705 158,511 308,589 Miss Lucy Barber, N. 11.... 109.835 113,153 222,088 Miss Perth Butler, Kindergarten. P. b L.. 25,395 28,294 53,689 And the High School staff for the term _ Quebec . . 61.1,835 615,589 1,47,424 just opened is: -- i ' Ontario 908,594 955,148 1,863,742 W. II. Houser, 13. A., Principal and ›"' Manitoba 162,0136 155,351 317.117 Mathemathics Master, late of London, • Sask... 239,1112 177,822 417,334 Ont. Alta.... 180,885 136,517 317;402 Science Master, J. A. Anderson. 13. C... 184,527 130,802 315,410 - Classics -F. II. Blucher. r #1, English and Moderns --Miss M Whyte. Totals 2,572,754 2,471,240 5,014.034 Art Miss B. Anderson, The report contains a table showing Mr. II. A. Mutton is again wielding the the extent to which the law was complied hickory in the Lower Wingham School. viith on Junes22 The estimated popula- tion of the Dominion of 16 years and over . ;••.••••••••--",••-•-•••• Olin • rn binutte WINWIAM, ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1918 ,....si .7.4.....e.e.....4....•.r.0."... Personals U. ssesi Mr. Jack Nichol is spending his holidays in Toronto. Mr. Roy Manuel spent the holiday with friends in Gait, Mrs Art. Angus and children are visit- ing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs R. S. McGee spent Labor Day at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. .Stewart were Ex- hibition visifors. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bell motored to Toronto on Wednesday. Miss Mona Sanderson spent n few days with friends in Morris. sMr. Robert Groves spent n few days with his son in Toronto. Mr. Harry Hinscliffe of Stratford, was home ever the week -end. Miss Margaret M. Pocock is spending a short time visiting in Toronto. TURNBERRY COUNCIL Mrs. Foster Ferguson and children have N 5,426,366, of whom 5,044,034, or 92.0 : • returned home from Nestleton. per cent. registered. Irr Alberta the Minutes ol council meeting held in Miss Mabel Orr' of Torohto is visiting registration equalled the estimated popu- lation, while in Saskatchewan the esti- Bluevale on Monday, Aug. 19th. 1918 all with ivir. and Mrs. R S. McGee. the members present. Minutes of last matrWas exceeded. By provinces the Miss Annie McCreight of Atwood, is regular meeting were read and adopted percentage of registration is given as • n o motion of Wheeler and Moffatt. The visiting with friends in Turnberry. follows: Nova Scotia, 86.7; New Bruns- Mr. andMrs.,Rohert Bosman spent the wick, 00.6; Prince Edward Island, 88.0; foallowing accounts were paid: Gravel by, . holiday with relatives in Lucknow. Quebec, 89.1; Ontario, 95.6; IVIanitoba, thmasters, Jas Darling 590, A. Mc 92.5; Saskatchewan, 105.8; Alberta; PDonald 6 00, 3. Goy 5.50 M. iitg. 2:00, Mrs. Van Ness of Toronto, is spending On the 14th of September, 1016, Pte teen for service in the Siberian Contingent, E, Comas 2.50, 0. Stokes 1 50, J. Metcalf a few days with her son, Paul in town. Russell was shell shocked and for several it having over two-thirds majority of the 100.0; B 't'sh C 1 b' , 81.0C. E. F This is also extended to men of The substantial registration which has . 4.80, D. Wallace 12 00, W. 3 Campbell Mrs. 'Geo C. Hanna is spending a week days lay unconscious, when he finally ratepayers and the required number of other units and to the permanent force. 1.30, Mrs. B. Holmes 5,30, G. Wheeler with Dr. and Mrs. Tamlyn at Kincardine. • the council voting for it. the large congregation. 3.80, B. Ringler. Jr. 4.80. J.„ Smith 11.80, Moved by Tipling and eaitchell that - *Mr. Levi Lott has his new house almost The evangelist intis elocittent and pow: been effected through the post offices . came to, his speech was gone. Ile was . SPEECH RETURNS Hugh Russell Talks After Two Year's Silence Hugh Russell an Irish home boy, who has for several years worked with farmers in Turnberry and who has been unable to utter a word for the,past two years has regained his speech,' COUNCIL Nam Fertilizer Bylaw Receives Its Third Reading Jr#1.1"1. 'Local Items . Mrs. E. Aitchison received a letter from The regular monthly -meeting of the her son, Lorne, saying that he was "Some - town council was held on Tuesday even- wliere in France:" ing mayor Binkley in chair, and Coun- minutes of last meeting were read and ham' has been "Mated head of the classical department of Seaforth Cm - confirmed. Miss Pearl McPherson, 13. A., Wing- cillor Spotton the only'absentee. The legiate. A communication was read from Chief • Rev. E. D. Johnston Evangelist, will Allen in which he reported that the preach at the Salvation Army citadel on cylinders in the town pumps were both Sunday morning, Sept. 8 at 11 a. m. All badly worn and should be repaired at once.cilloMroMveidtchbely1 tithaetevteheTWIPalitnegrwoarnkds areTihnevGiteircli.'s Knitting Club will give a co committee secure the services of an expert Patriotic Dance in the Council Chamber to repair the pumps at the pumping on Thursday evening of this week. Every - station. -Carried . body welcome. An appeal was read for funds to assist Rev E F Armstrong* was in Goderich the Italian soldiars. Several councillors on Tuesday organizing an evangelistic expressed the desire to assist our Allie, but campaign which will be conducted by Rev felt that at present we :pre doing all that E. DeWitt Johnston and party. we could stand for our own boys. The Some of our Ifigh School teachers took letter was filed. advantage of Lite summer courses. Miss Moved by Patterson and Currie that Anderson qualified as Art specialist and the council rent the council chamber to Mr. Anderson obtained specialist standing the Girls' Knitting Club for $3 00 for a • • in agriculture. dance on Thursday night, the proceeds of Pte Alfred Taylor, formerly of Lower same to go for patriotic Purposes.-- Car- Pte now residing in London, has ried. received word that his son, Pte, Alfred W. Clarence Wilson was ordered to be struck Taylor is suffering from gunshot wound off the poll tax roll on account of being in the 4:tilt arm. assessed on farm land. The Farmers' Fertilizer Co bylaw was isAt in)tehpoortitywisttnaoliwong,ramrnt.ecol .foirz,mteon voofiuthne. read the third time and declared passed' Subscriptions: $1.50 per year. OtiTA.T REVIVAL SERVICES. -__ • The Union Revival Cainpaign is under fullwing and large audiences are filling the Methodist Church to hear evangelist Johnston and party preach and sing the gospsi. Never in the history of Wingham 9,tis such a strong and talented body of workers been heard. The E. I). Johnston Party is recognized today as being one of the very strongest in the field. The great chofus choir in which are the finest singers of this community is doing splendid work under the direction of Prof. Ray G. Swartzbaugh. The hearty man- ner in which they respond to his en- thusiastic appeal is truly gratifying. Sunday was a great day for Wingham. Members of the Party visited at the morn- ing hour the different churches which are associated in the campaign Mr Johnston speaking at the Baptist church, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Ditzel conducting the services at Whitechurch, and Mr. Swartz- baugh singing both at the Salvation Army hall and the Methodist church. Again at 3.30 p. m. in the Town Hall a large audience listened to the evangelist on the subject "Tarry Ye At Jerusalem," at 7.30 in the Methodist church the early part of the service was one of song in which it seemed everyone took an active part in the singing of several well known 'hymns. The' song service was led, by Mr Swartz,. baugh the genial and smiling chorister who later sang the solo ' "We Must;Pray ; For The Boys Over There" with a piano num• ber by Miss Ditzel in which she combined the Allied National Anthems . captivating Misses Rollo and Thelma Sanderson for a time in English Hospitals but re• since registration day to August 15, the -, Mr. George Carr be paid $35 for A suit of completed and it is a beat residence It es Thomason 7 50, J. McBurney 9 80, spent the week -end with friends in Ripley. turned to Canada on June Nth, 1017. He erful message answered the question cards actually received numbered 85'624. iJ. Wyle 9 00, A McPherson 6 00 S Van. clothes for the night watchrrian.-Carried is a red brick cottage with splendid cement sWhere did Cain get his wite7" and many ' Since then further shipments have •come stone 9 50. J. Kirton 8,00, J. W. King Mrs. Robt. Groves and Mrs. Lillian spent the winter in Wingham and bas for The Finence Committee recommended foundation and a dainty verandahinother queries offered by skeptics and in - in which are not yet counted, but which 13. __, Anderson spent'. the week -end in Kincar- some time been employed with Mr. R. J. the following accounts for payment: front, and is situated beside hist sale sta es 7U A. Wright 9 20, B. Ringlet... Sr. lidels. Services each evening at 8 p. m will easily bring the post office registra- dine. Breen, Turnberry. J. J. Brooks; salary, $67.50; P. Bowden, on Victoria St/ Sunday services -7-8 a. m. tinrise . 3 80, W. Ball 5.00, C. o a , • tion up to 115,000. , Mrs. John Huffman spent the week -end He was taking his horse to Toronto ex- McBwen 11 10, 3. Breckenridge 5.40 J. salary, 103.05; L Walker, salary, 50.73; "This says.the rep‘ort, "added to the withherdaughter, Mrs. Fred Hodson, hibition, when she scared while in the car E. Merkley, salary, 11.25; J. G. Steiss, McCracken 2.10 W J. Henderson 2 40,and Hugh very excitedly shouted "Whoa" - leport a total registration of 5,519,000, or 4, figures reported for June 22, enables us to W Gallagher 4.90, H. Bolt 7 00, Geo. . Chesley. • much to his own delight and astonish- salary, 8.70; R. Kicks, salary, 12.57; J. PhiPpen 1 37, R Lee 4 40, R. Palmer Mrs. (Dr.) Redmond and at g , d i hter ment. Mr. Edgar Higgins saw him in Finley, salary, 30.00; John P. Groves, nothing of the probability that this will 3 20 W. Abram 3 00, H. Merkley 6.20, Miss Muriel, are spending a few days i'n Toronto. Toronto and spoke to him when much to 1.00; Dominion Express Co., -express,- 94,4 per -cent of the maximum, to say postage, 4.53; A. Sanderson, teaming, be scaled up still further in view of the _ R. Hogg 3 40, J. McCutcheon 74.60 . his surprise he answered by voice instead 1.65'; Canadian Gen. Electric Co., sup - be Contract, F. F Wright, 8,00 Mrs. John H. Shelley of Cobalt is visit- of by pencil. fact that for the first }lair of August the plies, 238.12; J. J Brooks, salary, 12 50; inspecting, A. McCracken 9 80 for gravel, ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur post office returns, averaged ,3s500 .cards. 1Virs. A Johnston 50.00 Red Cross Turn- Haines. Geo Allen, salpry, 30.92; Dominion Bank, per day." . . berry, Mrs, J. McNaughton 75 00 Red Wingbam Civic Holiday deb. and coupons, 203.96; Bank of Com- - . Mrs. J. S. Agnew and family of London, merce, coupons, 27 10; A. Sanderson, . Cross Wroxeter, and Mrs C. Tate 75 00 • Citizens will do well to remember that ' spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. teaming, 2 00; John F. Croves, salary and Music Brings Courage • . Red Cross Bluevale Moved by Adair Mayor Binkley has declared Wednesday, Sutton. • postage, 96.16; Geo Allen, salary, 40.91; No soldier can be a coward wl en the and Scott that the next -council meeting be Sept, llth, as Wingham's civic holiday. Mr. Frank Galbraith motored to Tor- E. Lewis, salary and overtime, 48.84; W. band plays "The talking machine is doing held in Bluevale on Monday, Sept 23rd, Several of our townspeople intend taking its bit." Call and see our machines, we 1918, at 1 p m. and as a court of revision onto on Sunday where he has secured a in the Western Fair on that date. Stokes, salary, 54.00; W. J Elliott, ex- penses, 5 00; Maitland Lodge, debentures, can save you money. New Victor Re- on the McCreight Drain at 3 p. m. cords always coming. -Hill's Music Store. P. Powell, Clerk. Bluevai e The monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will.be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Smith on Thursday, Sept. 12th, : at two o'clock. Papers will be given by Mrs'. R. Bleck and Mrs. M. Sellars: All the members andsall those interested in Red Cross work are invited to attend. ' • Rev, and -IVirs. West and family of Mel- ville, called out friends here last 'week on their way home from their holidays at the lake. i 1 — i... Mr. John Diment and daughter M Ts. t Brown c,f Toronto. svho nave been visilieg ith friends here returned home last week Mr. John Pearson, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. (Rev.) Ran Pearson and datigbier, ;eel Mrs. Will Bremer of Grey, visited Robt Musgrove's-last week • . Mr. Wnt McMichael of Guelph spent the week end at his home here Misses Black who have been spending their summer holidays at the old home stead here, returned to their home in Blyth, last week. Mr. C. II. Coultis of Cl nton spent the week end with his mother here. Drs, ltd. and,JOhn Coultis of Philadelphia, are also here. Mrs, John Musgrove of Wingham, spent a few days vitt) Mrs R. • Musgrove last week. &gaped re- opened Tuesday with a good attendance. .. Mrs. Albert Jackson is on the sicklist at pessent, we•hope she will soon be better Miss Laura Holmes left for Gobles on Monday where shit has beeq engaged as eacher. -A. Eldon McKinney spent a few days ,W;l11 T01.01110 relativee this week. • Miss Mary Stewart returned to her school at Che Miss Flo Aitchison to her school at St. Jacobs and Miss Luella Shaw to her. school at Port Eight, Mon- day, . Mrs. Robt. Aitchison. who underwent an operation in Wingham Hospital on Saturday, ie getting along nicely and her friends hope for ,t sp.tedy recovery • Mrs. Ralph and Mrs. Harris are visiting friends at Hens:Ill at present, Quite a number from here are taking in the Toronto Fair this week EVE:41100V'S cOl.UMN position. Master Wray Breen of Turnberry is spending a week with his sister, Lilia, in Toronto. • 177.74; W. McPherson, rebate sewer tax, 1 98; 13e11 Telephone Co., tolls.1 60; Whitcchurch Advance, Beattie's order, 40.00; A. Mc - Miss Gertrude Begley spent the week- Miss J. Gillespie, Mrs. Sutherland and Nevin, work, 15.15; R. Deyell, work, end with her friend, Miss Meta Youngson,M los Jean Sutherland cif Hamilton, were 17.50; W J. Boyce, repairs cerneterY, of Palmerston. guests for a few days at the home of Mr 4 25; R. Leggatt, work, 54.00; A. Sander - and Mrs John Gillespie. Miss Mae A len of Wingham, visited son, street watering and teaming, 116.50; Misses Edna Robertson ,and Luella Campbell of Walkerville are visiting at R. Deyell, salary, 50.00. their homes here her friend, Miss Jean Eglestone, last weels Mrs; D. H. 13oyd spent a few days Miss Robena Sheriff of London. spent Killed in Action visiting with her daughter, Mrs T. II. Manning, London.On Friday of last week Mrs. Wilbert the week -end with her sister, Mrs Geo Tiffin • Miss Irene ritoore visited her grand brother Lieut. Chas. Hammond was killed Forbes over Sunday. mother, Mrs James McGregor. of LangMillwood of town recived word that her Mr, and Mrs Eugene Storey of London - were visitors with Mr and Mrs Thos. side last week. in action in France. Lieut. Hammond belonged to the Michigan National Guards Mrs. Rich. Pocock has returned home Miss Ella able of Wingham, visited but following the declaration of war on after spending two months as a farmerette Germany by the United States, he enlist - near Dungannon. - friends here recently. Me Leo Waddell, who has been in Marie is spending a few Weeks with ed for overseas service., Miss Myitle Fortune of Sault Ste. New Ontario for some time, is with friends Close Can ... Lr a visit. Oscar Gorsalitz, of this locality is fire - Mr. Percy King is spending a few days Miss Tena Laidlaw has returned from friends in and around town here Auburn, where she spent the past month he was man on a railroad engine The other day with his sisters, Mrs. Wm. R. Davidson at the home of her sister industriously shovelling coal when and Miss Lavine King of Newton. Miss Margena Gordon of Blyth, Is the engineer called on him to jump for his =ding her vacation with friends here. life, which he did through the window A r SVesley Lou and Mr Gordon Mc- headlirSt. Cause for stich haste was the Miss Maud Fleuty, who for several years has been assistant in the town " Kay spent a few days in Brussels last car loaded with dynamite, a portion of fact that the engine went crashing into a clerk's offices has resigned her position. Azalea Sanderson has returned which exploded blowing off the head and CAPT. ii. A. MeBuil Mrs. Miss Minnie Coiling of Ripley tookvalves of the engine. Fortuna ely nobody low. home from a trip to Montreal where she v"ek ' Son orMr. Hugh McBurney, Wingham, spent a part of her holidays with friends. was hurt but it was too close a call to be relished. We congratulate Oscar on his Mr. Frank Paterson attended Toronto who was recently reported gassed. Mrs. W. A Campbell and three children charge of No 10 school on Tuesday. of Winnipeg are visiting with her parents, escape unharmed. Mr.Gorsalitz was a Picture House ToExhibition last week. sNight Mr. and Mrs Thos Gregory, Centre St. - former student in the Spotton Business Goldwyn presents Mae Marsh in "The Mr. and 14xs. Jas. Stapleton are 'spend- Mise Edna I. Musgrove of Wingham, College. Face in the Dark' a six reel comedy ing a few days at the home of their spent a few days last week at the home drama, her greatest success since "Polly daughter Mrs. F. A. Beatty, of her aunt, Mrs Prank Henry.atty, of Toronto Assist Dave in Contest of the Circus." Doors open at 8 30, Mr. David Lougheed wishes to publicly Mr and Mrs. John Gillespie and friends starting at 8.45. . motored to Seaforth on Friday. thank his many friends who have assisted Mr. Jack Quirk of Longwood is visiting Mr Edward McGrogan of Toronto is him in the Free Press contest by giving with his father, Mr. John Quirk. It is _ The' Society acknowledges with thanks him their subscriptions. He would also Patriotic Society Notes over five years since he visited his home. , Mr. Sandy Kelley came down with a his ancle, Mr. George Ring appreciate very much receiving subscrip- spending part of his holidays at the home Tyndall's tea. load of cattle from Swift Current. He of Miss Jean McTavish of Ripley was the tions (whether new or renewal) from his a donation of $7.15, proceeds of Mrs. R. The regular meeting of the Society will 'locality. guest of Mr. and Mrs Duncan McTavish friends this week. Dave has a splendid reports t hat crops are very poor in his . be held in the Council Chamber on Fri- at the parsonage last week of his friends he will win. You are no lead in the contest and with the assistance Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett returned t Everyone made welcome. motor trip to Hhmilton, Dunnville, Galt and Kitchener last "''''''' from a weeks' Toronto, value for your money. Save the coupon cut t M for nothing, but you get Fri- day, Sept. 6th, at 3.30 p. in. • Mr, Reuben Tiffin lost a valeable horse giVing something S. 0. S. Badges on Tuesday Mr Calvert Fetconer of Cuirass spent Votes, he out and if you do not see The committee appointed to arrange Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Davidson and Sunday at Mr. John Falconer's. Mr Lougheed leave them for him at The Advance office. for the presentation of badges to the son, Allan Ross, spent the week -end at the The Guild meeting on Friday night was The Service in the Methodist Church prayer meeting at the Baptist church, next Sunday will be as follows; 10 a. m. 3,30 p. m. The Town Hall, (Men and Class Meeting; 11 a. m. Public Worship, Boys Only) Subject "Where Satan Sows The Pastor will preach, Subject "The His Seed." 3.80 p. in. Women and girls Harvest"; 2.30 p. m Sunday School; 7.30 at Methodist church, meeting conducted p m Evangelistic Service. Come early by Mrs. Johnston and Miss Ditzel. 7 30 and bring your song book. All are cordi- p. m. Evangelist Johnston will preach his ally invited famous sermon. on "Excuses." Everybody AsThe following are among the teachers welcome. Oho have left for their respective schools; Miss Christie Robertson is teaching at School Section No. 9, Turnberry, Miss Mabel Isard in Belgrave school, Miss Olive Rintoul in No 5 Morris, Miss Ada McGill at No. 3 Turnberry, Miss Viola Isard in Gorrie, Miss Annie Williamson is teaching in a school near Regina, Miss Pearl McPherson at Seaforth, Miss Metha McPherson to Woodstoels, Miss Nellie Nicholls to Pricevilly nuiasS Ant s ti, Two well-bred shorts U hove bud, roan, eighteen months, with tiedigree. b ed he John 11. tAldur, Caludonta. Also 0110 Itereford bull, four sires old, bred. Soldiers of the Soil have decided to not iatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. led, by Miss Agnes aracKay The leader - 1 ; hold the presentation at present. They King, Turnberry, this week is R Henry felt that some of the boys who worked G I and Bertram who have been visiting Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley, 1Vliss Reta dayin - at her home. here Miss Loa Eglestone of Toronto is boli Iabout two inonths in the country, but could not put in the full efiree months would be slighted. . theirhoml in Toronto, visiting Mende here Labor Day at Lucktiow Mrs. Alfred Wigle of • Windsor and miss May Hunter of Morris visited her A great many of our citizens took in the niece Miss Ethel Banwell who have been friend Mks Marian Crteemore over the games at Lucknow on Labor Day. visiting with Mrs. Armstrong at the par- week.end. Several good baseball games were played. sonage have returned to their home. Misses Isabelle Fox ;um Merle Wilson The midway was in charge of the firemen Mr Gavin Holmes of the DoMiniett are attending Wingharo High &shoot. and they pulled off their stunts in really Bank, St. Thomas, and Mr 'Ezra Pocock professional style. Great interest was of the Dominion Bank, Seaforfh, are • . Miesee Cora Clubb and Cassie Pardon tr at tending Wingham Business Collegei and Mrs. Galbraith have returned to M' Chu las le anearson of Deism, is b J D Oratigovnt Both tuilmats are eultrlde ler showing eurpoires. apply to taken in the boxing bout by a couple of vending theirholidays at their respective AT,10#,UT 3101NH COX, soldiers. A list of the prize winners are homes here. Mr. !tont. Mael),maid ot liolyrood ' Pordwish, Ont, - • unavoidably crowded out of this week's spent Labor Day al Mr. George Ross'. •Art HALE Vis e good Int-litun swing i alias; gig' wale. Apply to % (111.00,1.14 TVILVEY paper. have returned home after spending nearly Miss Hilda Cowell and her sister Millie, The morning scirvice in the Methodist 1st )ino°, Morris Returning Officer Named a month amidst the highlands of Bruce Outwit on Sunday was conducted by Mrs oe Hill d 1 th (R ) g 0 Johnston and Miss 0 ' von :SALE vont Inuring ttr, .ritt ode' equipoe w It 0101110. 0 , , wss. And Antotatsetet, lit 1114 class cult Minn, gar tilt regular pie is Apply to Jeir. staeeette G. 'I'. R. Agent, Bluevate, •• • --- - t- t_Ot•I P. In Wititsittim nu enemies+ morning a wort etiebitrst. Venter will be rewarded Iry isavier; :sou at Al0 ANCE. ANTiii-ATAKiffrfi- ;I:d; inertia suitable for grew- ing flax for the sear 1919. Apply le 1.11.1.teo 1e MAIN The executive of the North Huron Con- and Wellington Counties at s a e e servative Association met in the Town home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hay near • nit,,t'll, whet are or the party eondpeting -Hall on Thursday of last week. Dr. Red- Clifford. evangelistic. meetings in Wingliamto" , ! mond the president, tendered the nomi Among those from Wingham who have Mr. grandee Pitatipa lett for Toronto to natism to Dr. Case who in a neat reply returned from Kincardine beacn are: Mrs. enlist in the navy. thanked the delegates for his nomination - (Do Kennedy and the MisseS Kennedy, Mr Frank Paterson and stated his intention to stay in the Mrs. Jas. Haugh and the Misses Haugh, - ham High Sclwel. fight, Mr. Geo W. Walker of Gtirrie won Mrs. A. G. Smith and children, Miss& Mr, smuts Forster is driving Mr, appointed tam Muss off ter. . Reba isa an na I cam ac y a , ' is going to 'Wing. BORN mAiroon- In Wingham, on Friday, Aug - 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ma- hood, a son. kinsismaN -In Hamilton on, Aug. 28th ' to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huffman a son (Harvey Roland.) tiorrie • Milton White who is in the Aviation Corps was home from Camp Borden over the week end. Rev. 1'. G. and Mrs. Po.well and little daughter returned from a month'e yam - don last week and resumed bis duties as Pastor of Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxek- er. Rev, J. G. Kerr spent most of his holi- days helping to save the bountiful crop and in this way helping to win the war. Ere also made a :Short visit to his neice at Erin, returning last week, 11., resumed his duties on Sabbath last. Miss. L. Darling of Port Elgin, is visit- ing with here sister here, Mrs L Sheer. Mr, William Stinson sold a large herd of stalkers to a gentleman from Ayer, last week for a handsome figure They were the good quality too. . On M nday last John Eariljey Met with a painful accident that might heve proven fa.al, he had assisted a friend on the .train and was still on when it started and when jumping off was thrown violently to the ground rendering him unconscious for a time, however, he is now about not much the worse with the exception ot a scalp wound and a badly blackened optic, A pecular accident happened to a hor e of R. Jackson 00 Monday of this • week while threshing. at Joseph Laidlaw'. The animals tail was caught in a pulley and torn off about six inches from the body% Dick says he will get the mate docked now? 80 as to have them more evenly matched. 1E4RELT, COOPEit SATRE% .‘ f Mr. id Ms.. W.G.Salter who ' 1 d Te Isbister.• SI Ka ' mot re truisk was recently reported wounded. , LiViMOrte . MisMwith friends in Mildmay. EwrLcLt.A COO1C Ts s Margaret Austin spent it few days ! It is with deep regret that we this week . Mr Carter McKee returned on Monday chronicle the death of Estella Cooke, re - t0 ciatt after spending the veiett ion itt his lict of the late Pte. James Kelly, who was ; eix months later reported k illdlost in the war about two years ago, and hometisses 11 0 lbere.larglul Netealle, Nellie Bat lagli ;Ind Nellie Doig and Messrs Jahn ! had been ailing ever sinteiele;p husband'seeeasei ti Doig and Rohm,' Ballagli spent Sunday death and about a year ago went to live with ft•iteals in II irrision with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David A nt mils, tisse 11,,, se ,„,,y „,•0 Ati„„d. i Cooke, 6th con. of East Wawanosh, svhere 1m; the ,,.%„01,,14.„„„th. s„,,, wt.., in ssmugham, site clied on Sept. 3rd She is survived Rev. P. Stride has reunited from bit-) , . by two little children, Willie and Eilenes besides her parents and three sisters and vacation and oceepied the pulpit of tho five brothers. A consistent member of Mettiodkt etlineli 011 Sunday morning the Methodist church she bore her trouble Miss Mai fie Irwin is visiting her sister' with true Christian Fortitude. She was Mrs, It Jackson mar Blin•vale 38 years of age. The relatives have the volg1,11' ,:t::::o.%:rtos, 1 ij::1.7.-1011.,1:::;,:s14,1-,11:titt,N,,til:ii .01..1'; sympathy,rfuneti).faia targe\villbceillleektisfrrforiielindhse.r par - Exhibition. tette' residence at 2 o'clockcillnbT, n ilulaTeillayi Th,, Victory Knittinglia C, 111111 t1/0 local afternoon and interment wi • branch of the U. It, 0 • hold a union meet- Brandon eienetery. Rat/. Mr.,O'1eli4ili,„ ; ing in Iliglie' seines] on Monday night conduct the last •sad rites. li • . • '174 ist bruit, STORE'''. 1, Keep Your Nails Well . Manicured. RITsSR.LL MAURICE lioommord. Son of Mr. Bloomfield, Edward St., recently reported wounded. THE DEATH ROLL It is a very easy matter if you use Cutex 4Manicure requisites. We can provide everything you need. • Make up your mind now to pre-' serve the beauty el your hands and nail by daily manicuring., . . . , , • .5 J. W. McKibbon ' DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN ' Phone 53 • C. P. R. Tickets . . • t. • , BEATRICE A. CARTER There passed away at Oakville on Sept 3rd, Beatrice A. Carter, widow of the late Mayor W. H. Orchard. Deceased was an aunt of Mr J. Walton McKibbon of Wingham, •I.1•••••••••••• JOHN HOLLOWAY There passed away in Lower Wingham on Monday, Sept. 2nd, John Holloway, in his 84th year. The funeral took place r 0**100 gii* • Clea to Wingham Cemetery on Wed- nesday afternoon. SCHOOL • 11R ;$H 0 ES . • . . • , We ' everything there'is to be had in the I • .. line of go.ed 'School Shoes. Bring the Boys and Gills here.' • We're sure to fit them; sure to give them Solid comfort and lasting service; sure to save pocket book. All Sizes— to $3.75. 2.00, 2.50 Our School Shoes Can't Be Beat W. J. Greer The Good Shoe Store 41041.041.4141•••••••••••44,440 from the residence of his son-inslaw Mr. •CH RIST1 ETIII•11. M. DAVIDSON On Sunday morning a bright young life was ended when Mrs. Donald McMurchie Passed away at her home in Collingwood after a lingering illness. Deceased was a Wingham girl, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and was in her 30th year. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by a little boy of five The funeral will be held from the resi- dence of her parents, Leopold St to Wingham cemetery on Thursday after- noon. The relatives have the sympathy of a large circle of friends! Samil#111111111-11.11####6.1111"...m."4111b" PHONE 59 Canada Food Board License No. 8--278. Satisfactory Eats The Only Kind We Sell Meats Read:,! to Eat Cured Meats Only the Best Food is handled here. Try us. • Satisfaction or money back. a *airs eareims assineriariailas non* Women' s nstitute Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held Aug. 20th, Members present 50. Socks knit during the month 121 pairs, sent to boys over- seas 84 pairs We wish to acknowledge. with thanks the following donations. from a friend 50 cents, Mrs. John Wilson $2.00 Turnberry Council $100,00. Knitters ' can always twelve a supply of yarn from Miss Struthers.. She also wishes those; sending socks to the boys. overseas to please call for them the last Saturday in ch Month. • •