HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-01-07, Page 10ti The Huron News. eaorie bb i Vssr--1 4 p e9l094* oar Ziktwttudotenot etofuattottio ie ..u$ neat *ha *Hai tee¢ in ttditert then ('R dos* to rent.. -e, T. gt$w .ar, fire ra,i . etesors.Rerceasit t Yelp York. . VVetliteStlaT4 .bin.. l't111 189*. .INTEREwaNQ NEW.a.N -On Tuesday tile P W Ettatttrn, Market beitdinir fif''troft, ,V0)11pleted lti mettle ago, erste I ow.tt down. '.pile- building e'as ill the Otero g[ a +»apse, nod otscilirititl nearly the entire Mitek tlouutleii ,L'y High,. ossell, Windsor, mid Riopelles. Argots. Ilad .yhe, aeeideitt, occur, red an -hoer-esrlier 5Q0 people eta( 115.0' market wagons ayoulii Neve been (taught beneath the £ylttttg "r9ef AO .4 was',, -only half a .dnzNtt people Were about the 'plat,'. A 'GunG farin •r ttlttiit•tl Baumgartner • end his wither, front Frazer, and another, farmer Panned Barron were ,taken.' .from the ruins. Young Bn►_itnitsetnttr. Wats injured internally -and ' Will '410•' 1►f ra. 'Baumgartner was seriously Fut and her left arm brekenr and R4001der 440444. I. Eaicrolt',was;i erribly cut about. the bead,,but bitty feeever. A uutuher of'hereee 'are buried under the roof. PUT ME IN MY LITTLB BED. '•- I aunt dizzy, dizzy, dizzy ; . A till .want to; go tort bed, l've no appetite to sat, ' And headache racks my head. In other words,1 am suffering from a sIsitictite attack, .but Dr. Pierce's piealfr;tet Peiiete:w H-bringtner around all right 'by tomorrow. They often cure .headacii"e in an our. I *have • fettled them the best cathartic pill in ;existence - -Theyproduce no nausea ole £Aping, ,but do their work tllQrQtighly. `.]'bey are convenient to carry -in the vest-pocket, and please ant to take, In vials. 25 cents. —.The Board of Education of Chicago, the majority being Catho- lics, hue" decided against the read• log of the Bible in the public schools, though requested by a numerously signed petition to allow iG or extracts from it to be 'read -as Ontario, .iFIFTEPN MONTHS FREE. "Fifteen months ago I bad a bealu in brant. 1 tried many remedies but got no relief, I then tried flag - yard's Ye 1r w Oil, which gave, me in- stant caie. It is the best thing I ever :.t`sed for all kinds of pains or t eit1 .." . MRs. JOHN CORBETT, St. Mary's. Ont. —The execution of Lamontagne , and Dlanchard at Sherbrooke excit- ed more than passing notice. They aeott'lIthe fact that this id hangman's year in. Canada. The record is a -long one—Smit1; at London, Davis at Belleville_ Dubois at Quebec, Spencer at''Kanlloops, Bircball at Woodstock, - Day at Welland and Blanchard and Lamontagne at Sher - It is her- Itis to be trusted that the Jap demic of crime preceding these events will.now be stayed. THIERA/ IS NO BETTER remedy for worms of any kind in children or :adults than Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. ,-The strong winds from the -north and west Tuesday seriously impeded the progress of west - betted trains from NevtYork to Chicago. The limited Michigan -Central train was two hours and forty minutes late, the 4:35 train was three hours and fifteen minutes late; and the"9` o'clock train was forty' minutes late. The Lake shore train 'vas an hour and twenty minutes late. -i /- INCOME' AND OUTCOME. The three important outlets of dis- ease are the' skin, bowels and kid- neys. :See that they perform their functions properly and use Burdock Blood Bitters to insure this proper action. • -- .A decision - has been rendered by the. Supreme Court of Ohio which wilt be of gregt interest to Shippers and transportation coin - -panie:4: - T S. Jackson and Co., of • Circlevilley. brought snit agai net the Adauls E+xpi•ese•company to recover for the loss of a package containing ,at seai•skin cloak. The express company refused payment' on the ground .tient the plekage - was of -;extraordinary vacuo, but born no mark to d'ietinguish it from an nary pilokage of merchandise, and that the company did not receive pity:Meet :for the tratlspo•tatioil of the package atrcordirig to its emit. tiro, aa' it Should', when money and , • •'i4lupblea are entrusted to its care. The C•t;te %Vits tried in the lower rebate, whicli•snstaiued the claim Of the • prosecution. The Supreme aodrt eustlined ;the action of the laces"r eisurtu and the, compatty will litive td inti" the claim.' „ t op DEEDS DONE, .. �. The 004 d'et•de done by that une, t�%i9 le .fairnily i[tltuidnit„1faggyar1 e ellbw OH, durinit; the thirty years dt' l as:been;hd}d, iii fi'v`er increasing estbeM..by the «public, ivotltd' fill vnlnrftes. Weeftntit►t bete enunorate nit ft:y go odeittalitirfs; but that it nen be relied ori AS dare fti'r bt eetp,noughs colds, aore..ihrii'at and all pains, goes vvithbttt• eaYitlg, Aorta Oro )1oi•aeita.-..Aro you die, Curbed at eight aati brake* of your rept by it sick childnu3'erbig and oryiug with pain or Cutting Tooth? It t+o send at once sad -get a bottle of "Mrs Wixelow'R - Soothing Syrup”' for Children 1'eetb,lu;g. Ila value l4 incalculable. It Will relieve the poor Ito Ii .mediately. De. Pearl uponit, moth:ate; there la pQ tuis- take r►bout It. It cures- Dysentery ,eel AiarrhMa, reg•ttatgl: tile. $tgrteoh. PP Sawele, .Pelee Wind Optic?, aefteee the genet, reduces Iuthen►na'iou,sad gives tone .ant eq. et'g to the whole- system, Ors WinelRw'a Soo$biog` *Trup'.:for ph;toren teething is :plet}eeet to the, ease)." and is the, prescription of on0 of the al dee and fleet remelts pbyeiciana and nurses fg. 'the thi ted •Stateacand la .for tare by ail drufflosts•tluoughout the world. ' Price: 25o, itbottle. lieettre atulask for °lire, Wiaelow'eS.00thing Syrup,/ andlitake no ' ther kind —Ata e ,.otiug Match - at ,in - wood Waterloo Q'o., Mr, Michael Stricker wa040114ontaity shot with a gun in the bands of another, mats, exriring almost instantaneously. TUE RED RIVER. Tim red river of life is the blood, if it be impure, health is Impossible and life a burden Burdock Blood Bitters, say .those who have tried it, is the best- blood- purifier to the world 4 Mies Maud Carleton, Ridgetows , Ont.t says' ."4m using.$ B.11, right along and find, i tepert9ct`bloptt purl: lien just a adtertised., —The Eby farm, comsieting of 60 aeras, was purchased a few -lays ago at $7t per acre by the Waterloo Town Park Committee, who propose making it one of the finestparks in On tario, SKIN DISEASES are most annoy- 'ing because so notioeable--Dri3,aw's Sulphur Soap heals and cleanses the skin, —The Medicine Hat Item says Superintendent Niblock has just Finished ploughing his gardens. The weather is, as warm as June, and haying is still in progress on many of rhe rauches. A cricket match and other sports cane off Christmas day. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION. A powder mill explosion affects the country for miles around, but .dys- pepsia, biliousness, constipation, headache, toes of appetite and debil- ity affect humanity the world over. The(Editor of the Mitchell Recorder states that he was cured of bilious. ness, liver trouble and sick headache by Burdock Blood Bitters. Is it not worth trying on such evidence ? --The famous case oflthe Pontiac Pacific Railway against the county of Pontiac, Quebec, for a promised bonus of $100,000 which has been fought with varyingisuccess through tie Canadian courts, has been decid- ed in favor of the company by the English Privy Couucil. BURDOCK PILLS cure sick bead - ache by regulating the,stomach, liver and bowels. —Win. Strong, of Pittsburgh, aged 22. was arrested on the charge of robbing his former employers, Schoutte t& Co., of $1,000. When arrested Strong was a leading char- acter in a Santa Claus entertainment at the Bingham and Thirteenth Streets M. E. Church. A-eeusation- al scene followed, as Strong was very prominent iu church work. BAD, WORSE; WORST. Cold, cough, consumption, to cure the first and second and prevent the third use Iragyard's Pectoral Balsam, the never -failing family medicine for all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. A marvel of healing in pul- monary complaints. —Mr. Scully -will protest the Kil- kenny election on the ground of undue interference by the priests.. The English soldiers in the Soudan were supplied with St. Jacobs Oil. —A negro was instantly killed at Memphis Wednesday by leaning against an iron post to "which was tied a telephone wire that was cros- sed with au electric -light wire. A BIRD OF WISDOM. An owl sat:up in a hickory tree, And said in an impudent manlier to me, "Ter -hoot 1 ter -boot 1 ter-hoo I' I asked her, politely, "You lovely old bird, "Have you of thel]'Golden Dis-. coverv' heard ? " She ruffled her feathers and spoke but a. word— , That dreary, monotonous "Who?' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery is a warranted lung, liver and blood remedy, a powerful tonic and alterative, and a reliable vitalizer for weak persons ; a panacea forserofula, hip joint disease, fever -sores, swell- inge and tumors; contains no alcohol,. and is a medicine without a peer. There is -no risk in buying a gtaaran, teed article. Your money back if it don't benefit or cure. --Wednesday at East Lyme, Conn.. Judge Hall decided that a "pester" put on e blank space on a tiekot'fnade the ballot illegal uuder the State law. If .sustained, the decision will invalidate 3,500 pro- bibitian ballots and erect Morris (Dem.) .Governor. MILBU11NS BEEF, IRON AND WINE is prepared from fresh -beef soluble iron and pure sherry .wine, combined with choice aromatics. Doom COUGH; NOW!RPOH- tierome curl- LI4LUS It t� TED. Ior It you do not it OPT aumntive- Far Con un , General i'Xabililtt ef- i «atfuo Atewaare, K.- - The important :seaitt of pawn on South Vineries, lay Theodore Ch, d, will be 0ontinnea in Iierper•'a Magazine dui ing the greater part of the jeer x43l, . The articles on Se ntk Californias .by Chitties Dndley.il t,ilatir,' M' l ale° be eantipued. 441011g other ttotewerthy atttaetione will et1.g novel, by Charlet Eggert •Gratidock ; a eoiiectioxi pf original drewiwge -by W . 'I'liaeloray, now pub1104041 for the fret time; a navel tvtittele anti ilivatlatei .by George Du.Mantier.; a noveilette, written. by William. Dean Howells ; and a series. ofPseers arLonlon tWelter B a nt t. Io tl!e number an4i variety of itlustrat• ed papers and other; articles o0 subjects of thusly trite}est, as well as in the' unriyal- led character of itft short stories, poems, etc , Harper's Magazine will eeetinue to riaintain that, standard of excellence for. which it' has been so log 1listinguishod, there is zlutlttnj Alto (if Woo C14,Zt1ver QI1-"nnq, HYPORFiOBPF'UTES ' Fog�Gi�s►sr >, x7 :rtfiQctlta.• �xE la mimeos •• aeetelotelne AP. rpluFe. Tar itettor thou Other et called Entuls;oua. JL rrondertuI itesb pre4ue r, SCOTT'S ;CM17IiSIZON' fa pint op in t artirncire alter ear:ter..8e *are and: dot the peputne. ffettz hy all ' Beaters ae ;ON and OOP,. .00. SCOTT; & IIQWN14 1peileyWe. • Eetabliehed - 1866. 1•1BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Clocice dewetry Slverware Seq the latest style —SCREW BEZEL WA.TCri CASE. Repairing in all branches. the Market, CLINTON. Eectro Nervine. Cures Permanently all Dlaoasesof rho either Acute or Chro-I Nervus ced , lric in either Sox, It Restores!.tnpairod or Check. all teres of Waste or Drain etPower Makes Strong the Weak. Full package, 881; Six for $5—(with book), sent securely sealed on ro- ceipt of price. Address DR, G. F, ADDA AI, No. 3701 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, I11. 632y BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We. want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBE RS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr /ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at - altce. Subscriptions mad commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will, please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisenierts; to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each weelc. CIRCULATION. THE News -Rum) has a larger" circulation than any . other paper in this section, and as. an advertising mediltann. has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who tnean business. - JOB PRINTING. 'The Job Lepartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of worlc i8 guaranteed at very tom prices. NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the spacial attention of Pos nesters and subscribers to the followin synopsis of the newspaper laws 1—A postmaster is required to give notice BY LETTER (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does cot take his paper out of the office, and state the reason for its not beingatakon. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment 2—If any person °rears his paper dis- 3ontinued, he must pay all erroarsges, 1 the publisher may. continue to send 11 until payment is Blade, and crilect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no lea, discontinuance until the payment is made, 3—Any person who takes a paper from the post -office, whether uirectod to' hie name or another, or whether he has sub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay 4—If a subscriber orders his paper to iii stopped at a curtain time, and the publish- er comtinnes to send it, the subscriber is bound Wfay for it if he takes It out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses 0 0 0 0 4 seizin the Division Court in. Goderich at the November sitting a newspaperut• halter sued for pay of paper. The defend. objected paying on the ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it. The Judge held that that was not a valid defence. 11'110 plaintiff, the present proprietor, had to nothe to discontinue suet consequently could collect, aithotlgh-it Lyes not denied that defendant had notified former- pro- prietor to discontinue. In any event defenatht was bound .to pay for the time he had received the paper Ind until he had paid all arrears due foriubseription. / R . Isms Grocerie& ,.;ifave .8 sriepditl etoek of— : Olieioe 'ew Groceries 'xllits .O Peels a 1 I't) ker7,'G7esa: a,A4 OIiZnaware, 4. q 1 .prices .consistent with geed goods, We ,are in 41,91409n toguarantee/se o a .ue i, any other hones ill the trade. ;fry :our best go t lesat money iu tl1e-market.. xilnas; and Noll Year gil WPM the the cannot .�)�•e surpassed,l all 1 ouP that on a Snot be IL title ty orlotvgeas: of Brice, Do not invest till you rail 9n .us. OA m 1 8 Wholes* if# Retail Or0eers , 011ldOn. Iiarper'8 P8T101110a13, J'er Year : IiARPEti'S. MAGAZINE 84 00 t WAFER'S WEEIIi.Y 4 00 J 41 PER'S BAZAR t 00 U4,It'ER'5.1;'OUNG PEOPLE ., 2 00 • Postage free . to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. • The Vohtmea of the Magazine begin with' the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volume of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Case • for binding, 50 cents each—by mall, post- ' ost- - Inclox`to Harper's Magazine, Alphabeti- cal, Analytical, and Classified, for Vol- umes 1 to 70. inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post - office Money Order or Draft, to avoid the chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adver- tisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1891• Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATE D. Harper's Weekly has never failed to justify its title as a "Journal of Civiliza- tion," and it has done so with a constant regard to eulalged possibilities of useful- ness arid a higher standard of artistic and literary excellence. It;leaves untouched no important phase of the world's prog- ress, and presents a record, equally trust• worthy and interesting, of the notable events, persons, and achievements of our time. Special supplements will be continued in 1892. They will be literary, scientific, artistic, historical, critical, topographical, or descriptive, as occasion may demand, and will continue to deserve the hearty commendation which has been bestowed on past issues by the press and the public. As a family journal, Harper's Weekly will, as heretofore, be edited with a stria regard for the qualities that make it a safe and welcome visitor to every home. Harper's Periodicals, Per Year : HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE ... 4 00 HA,RPER'S BAZAR . , , .. , 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 2 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The V'uletmes of the Weekly,, begin with the first Number for January of each year. 'Mien no time is mentioned, subscriptions uvi11 begin with the Number current at the time ofreeeipt of order. r vtillo t° Bound 'Volumes of Harper's Weekly tor three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense -(provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 perbolume. Cloth Cases for moll volume, suitable for binding, will bo sunt by mail, post- paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post - office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address : HA.RPER & BROTHERS, New York. Herman D. Amour, aged 20, of St. Louis, died Tuesday from the ef- fects of swallowing an orange seed a year ago. The seed burst -and rup- tured a section of jibe small lutes. tine. It was removed by a surgica-1 operation, death resulting soon after. CONSUMPTION CURED An old phsyician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an Beet Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable retriedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthatn and ail throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav• ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of ` oases, ]las felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferiug fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human aufforingI will send free of charge, too all o desire it, this receipt,. in German, renchorEnglish, with f1 o sforfullrte grin p p Band using. Sent by mail by adressing, with stamp, naming this paper, W., A. Nexrs 820 1'awera' BloolRoches- ter, N. 1'. �lJ� Uf (�hxist�,as Groceries. •NEW RAISINS, Valencia and Layer, NEW CURRANTS, case and bar're'l. �i1 • FRESH PEELS—Lemon, air age• nd Citron. - FfSH-Cauxied Salmon, Finnan. H'addie acid Sardines,. . CROCKERY AND 'GLASSWARE, of alt desoriptions: DINNER TEA SETTS in China, Porcelain and Stoneware. BEDROOM SETTS- $1.74 up. LAMP GOODS and Lanterns. Fancy Cups; and Saucers. FANCY MUGS AND TOYS. We carry 22 different brands of SOAP. Call and see our Goode before you buy, eo. Swallow, Clinton SiOr C EAP CROCKERY ..- - _- AS WE INTEND • • Giving Up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business and want to clear _out the stock by Jan. 1st, we will, on and after Nov. lst, offer Te Etire Stock at Cost. The stock is all new and consists of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber sets (in white and colored ware), Glassware, &c. This is the best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should examine cur stock before buying. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. COOPER & LOGAN, Grocers, NEXT TO A. COUCH'S, CLINTON A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. That Is the Character Almost Universally Given to Tlig WKLv INTER OQEAN, So great is its popularity tt.a: for years it has had the LARGEST CIRCULA- TION of any Chicago wed.uy .,,; „ ,u.,,�t , it is ably and carefully edi -ted t,, every dupe, tment with a specie; view to its usefulness in THE MUMS', J..tl.t, WuRlibrioP, and THE BUSINESS OFFICE. It is a Cor?5isterlt Plepublitzaq ]Newspaper, But dlsousses all public qusstio-s candidly and ably.While it gives lair treat- ment to politioal opp'.n eats, itis bitterly OPPOSED O TRUSTS ANI) t0NOP- OLIESasantagonistic to bo :.pub acand privateintereste, THE LITSRAR T. DEF•A1 THEN' -1 of the l qi er�is .excellent, and has among US contributors some of the MOST POP ULA1t r UTLeGl-tt of the day„ The POREIiN AND DOMESTIC CORRE:,t•t,ND�.NCE SLR.IAL ANT) anon -remora -es are the equal of thee, ct any similar publication in the country. The Youth's Department, Cnri - !tr �, }. ; �';ilii's n14,110m, t* and a The Eome ARE IN 7J1ElI-til "!. TQf-•-1/, Tr) .1 :1/Af;;17,/A'R. every week In toall iepais rtments it 16 cal u1iy Oedt; q by rt, an competent a en em-'� ployed for that purpose. THE PRICE OF TIIE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. TILE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER 005.�. N is pub tshed each Monday and Thursday morning, and is an excellent p• Y�ica t:, t..t , .oe.'. wt.c can not secure e daily gaper regularly and at e hot satisfied wi tL a weekly, THE PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $2,00 PER YEAR By Special Arrangement with the Publishers o 1�I.Arj p.ZII�I� That Magazine and The Weekly Inter Ocean are Both Sent to Subscribers One Year for Two Dollars s "d Ninety Cents. TEN CENTS LESS THAN THE 1.8105 OF TIlit 11Ar,.tZi;E ALONE. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS Overt to active agents. SAMPLE COPIES sent Whenever asked for. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. ammumarommumormons A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet I See the Handsome Organ, now on exhibition. N. ROBSON. 0 • CLINTON. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE I. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLIN`rON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stook of Bedroom and' Parlor Seta, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Spring, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from:the very best manufacturer's. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store RELIABLE_TAILOR-ING THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Complete Stork of Tweeds, Worsteds, eta., suitable for Spring and Summer Wear, Car Every Suit a Walking Advertisement, • i1 Cloth by'the yard at a very small margin, and Garments of nil kinds OUT FREE front the same, , 500 e• Ti JACKSON, SR1, HUROWST., CLINTON.