HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-01-07, Page 1r
7l OR i1 4i -I440 per ocean encs. Mille*tf; Its Ad'votse.
1,4VN11;''.$tN.0 .9.i' IN 4.411 2"-tf,1X d .11'.#ntztf4.4 .;t'l1' •1r'A.'C,Fr tb'Q•
• G00011011;
Dr. Nichoteen left landa
on. It
!fait, to Saginaw.
A Maryita" p�ur of rain, that frnxe•ae
tt felt, ne New. Yea,t's.evn made tear -
vol pletty dangerous.
1 1� Allhutt .of : the Bank .of
'Montreal laftTuoadAy fort •a 1
>�o..ni a,..
;If arvey,, of • Kingaten, '• sue"
*ode a him.
The :sehooll board is the the sante:
:as last year? .Nr. Swanson, the only.
One, opuosed, being returned.: >�y a
14E0 Majority.
Miss Maida Van Every of 'Chita-
go, -who, hiip anent the lastfew
menthe -in town; .returned. -to het
11'e44l4, last' Saturday;
11Ir, Herbert Uuhartsou, late tumid
'calm of .the ilforlel Schbul, left ou
•Satu,dnjr .for Croeniore whore he
has secured tr school',
The Council for this year stands
tie follows :--=Mpyor, J. Butler ;
Reeve, 1'tr. Proudfoot (3cc411)00o0)i
7eputy•iieeva, h', bolt; Councillors,
St An. drow'a Ward__Cantelon,
.Reid, Naftel; St, George's Ward—
Nicholeou, Cum pion, Dunlop, (acts);
`St. • P,iitri.ek's Ward -McKenzie,
Pridham,'Yetes (acc) ; St. David's
.Ward -,'Thompson, Humber, Mur-
ney (ace).
The party, given by 111r. and Mrs.
-Cox /,f thea P,rriislr t)4 Tuesday: 30th -
'Dec wills longbe .retnembet'ed by
'those Who: attended es being one of
the most pleaeeut.afiuire of -the kind,
The rlirlin•g+•rooie woe Converted
into a° ball.roour and was prettily
decorete+4, „tis-wurtr--s4esi-410 Qther
r. --parte of:t:iieliouse. The music was
supplied by our local orchestra and
the supper was all that could be
.desired. The following is a partiai
lit pf those present :—Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Nairn, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Rhynas, Mr. and Mrs. D. Canto -
Jon, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pridhaw,
:'1r. and Mrs. C. Seeger, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Welsh, Mr. and Mr`s. J.
Wyuu, Mr. and Mrs. J. Straiton,
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Porter, Dr. and
Mrs. Whitely, Mrs. Hawley, Airs.
R. B. Smith, Misses Watson, Welsh
(Stratford), Cooke, Ball, K. Bill,
Smith; Gaylord (Toronto), Donagh,
Wilkiuson, H. Wilkinson, B. Wil-
kinson, Ruison, Grant, Fisher,
Polley. H. Polley, Nicholson, Law-
rence, G. Martin, and :.iessre—R,
P. •Willrinsou, G. Nairn, T. Nairu,
H. Cooke, H. Robertson, T. Guildrp,
-T. L. Horton, T. 'McDermott, W.
Davis, W. T. Smith, H. W. Ball,
jun.. E. Campaigns, J. Grant, R. G.
Reynolds, R. Fraser, E. Malcoinson
P �Malcetne n N...I3owbeer, F
Lawrewc.a, G, Price, J., Wilson, J.
Acheson. Mra. Cox was attired in
a very pretty dress of black silk
and lace, with yellow roses.
The examination for Entrance to
High Schools was held at Goderich
v., and at Dungannon on- Deo. 22nd
23rd and 24th. The candidates
5.r were regired to obtain one-half the
total number of marks and one-third
in each subject. The minimum
required to pass was 382 marks and
one-third on each paper. A large
number of those who failed had
more than 3S2 marks, but failed
completely in arithmetic. Below
are given the names of the candi-
.dat'a who have been provisionally
passed by' the local examiners.
The cartificntea of those who are
'continued by the Education Depart-
ment will be sent them by the
inspector, Fre soon as he receives
Annie, Fannie Goderich P. 5.......443
Millian, Emma " 460
. Molvor, Kate " 470
McCaughan, Edith " .422
Potts, Abram " 466
Campbell, Mary D No. 4 Stanley477
Snowdon, Elizabeth "
Snowdon, Rosamond "
Johnston, Herbert H "
Johnston, Wallace M"
Morrish, Lizzie' No. 2 Colborne489
Stewart, Annie • " 446
Lizzie " 423'
Gledhill,,Lizzie " 418
Dean,Kate Goderich Sep. S 393
McClusky, Maggie No. 6 Goderich543
Trudgeon, Lizzie No. 1 Godericb654
Cox, Benson No. 5 Goderich 548
Elliott,. Wilfred " 437
Stevenson, Lizzie No.1 Aahfield510
'Whitney, Lottie No:'3 Colborne542
' Medd, James " ..434
Rutledge, William " 495
Tabb, Fred 0 " ` 444
Hussey, .Thornaa No. 2 Ashfield442
McNiven, Joseph No, 1 Colborne458
McEwen, Fredeaiak " 424
Schwan2, Sabine, No. 7 Colberne400
Stirling, Williaitii N0.8 Goderich494
Brown, Estellii No. 8 Ashfield 435
Pentland ; Mary a 413
tlirvin Charles 1 W. Wawanosh481
ITarlow, Franklin No. 8 Aahfiold545
" Sm[th,}Daniel :; " 452.
Wilson, Williatn No, 5Ziullett467
Joynt, •JatfinelR 12 W. Wawanosh454
"G:ibboria,, Myles • rt 396
Eeed, vidians No. 9 Ashfield 5o3
,116400i(d, Ida NO 16 Ashfield 493
."Walta .
tippet t Now �
Obis Shape pf Blyth' N'tho.g.,,ie�
Mies'Ilattj ,t
e 1i ice spent' a few,;
days its. Toront last .week.
34. Ge Xenia Geo. a'�Ior r .. akfGuex ;kl'.
visitin friends;herehe paet w sk
1VIr, erns 14lrss.A J. '4Qoie tetutik-
ad home, lust.wsek.
Mr, Bert Smith left on Saturde
for Toronto'.'
111',. John Robertson' ems in the
Queen City last week.
14Ir. G. N. Davis spent Friday in
Mr, Harry Black arrived home.
from Bidgetown last week.
Mr. II, L Strong, R. A., was in
the Queen City the past week,
Mr, J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., M. P. P.,
was in Toronto last week.
The Public Schools re -opened -yes-
The High Schoolcommercea the
long term to -day.
Mies Mabel Welalt returned to
her home at -Stratford on Friday;
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Roth wolf
were in town the past week,
Messrs. Wilson, Stevens and
Broadfoot cif Seaforth were present
et the Aesewbly'Friday night.
The regular Wednesday evening
service will be held in St, George'c•
school -house thin evening._ -
Mies K. Proedfoot gf S, afoi•th
is the guest ef. the Misses Diek-<
son - 4-
-a •
Mr. G. N. Dt.vis, Mr. W. Doyle -
and Mies Davis spent New Year's
day with Mr. S. Davis at Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs.' H. Van Every and
infant have returned to their home
in the States.
Miss Belle Wilson has returned
from a three month4vieit to Now
Miss Hattie Perry of St. Thorrras,
is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Thoe.
Mr. Fred Price of Sault Ste.
Marie, -Mich., spent a few days in
town last week.
Miss Mary. Sharman left town
aterday to take charge of a school
n -
Mr. Albert Robertson has secure
a school at Ballycroy for whit
plane he left last Saturday.
Miss Start hag returned to Toro
to after having spent the holida
season in town.
Judge Johnston left for his hour
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., on Mon
day after having spent two weeks i
Watch -night services were het
in the North and Victoria stree
Methodist and St. George'
Miss Gayford of Toronto, wh
was the guest of the Misses Wilkin
son while in town, left for he
home on Monday.
Messrs. Seager, N. Garrow, C
Garrow, G. Allan, A. Secord and
C: Lee left yesterday for Woodstoc
Messrs. Spalding, N. Fair, W
Robertson, W. Harland and G
Cookman, of Clinton, attended th
Assembly h,-1,1 in the town hall lac
Mr. E, S.r.irs has succeeded Mr.
Thos. Whitri•y at the, Western
Hotel, haviug opened out on New
Year's eve The gentleman has
been long at,•l favorably known
hence we believe he will be well
Last Friday evening the Town
Hall was the scene of a brilliant
"Assembly" given by the young
men of the town. Thd hall was
gaily festooned with bunting and
ornamented with flags and Japanese
umbrellas. The supper was served
down stairs in the armory. There
were about fifty couples present, a
number coining from -Seaforth,
Brussels and Clinton. The Patron•
esses were :-1VIesdames It. B.Smith,
W. T. Hayes, W. -A. Rhynas, R:
G. Reynolds and Misses Donagh
and ,Ball; the Stewards :were:—
Messrs Grant, Sheppard, Garrow,
Ball and Bowbeer. The boys are to
be congratulated on making this,
their first attempt at anything of the
kind, so pleasant and successful in
every respect.
We were pleased to see the Rev.
Mr. McConnell in our midst again;
He is taking a short vacation.
Mr. James , Campbell has been
seriously i11 with inflammation of
the lunge. ITo is now recovering
under the skillful treatment of Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chalea Wells of
Missouri are visiting friends in this
neighborhood. Mrs. Thos. Welts
and Mrs, 7.'homas Wells jr., are also
hero. They intend remaining abont
a month.
Councillor Tanner paid Watford
w x
y f[ a
A J t t E ".
at I
ae eek t
Caixtxoi�lol� Wallfor!i'la bm y tlteea
riaye'buying 'up large quantitiesof:
week �, °reviver• le hoin t ti
k � {# eer•
,ed 14 St. Andiew',at Presbytorisu
Church here 1hit. weak.
• Our ;public Schools` o.ened.
p on
\'Tedriesday: to -day, after the 7cmae
and Now Years bolidays.
Sacrament of .the Lord Bonner ..er is
to be administered in St Audreiv'a
chu.c)i On Sunday next,
The old town council met in
Industry hall on Monday evening
to wind up of the busineae
Trinity Churchwoman's' Guild
will meat en Weduesday afternoon
at 2 at the residence of Mrs. Jim.
W. Bell.
Mrs. Battey has been seriously in-
disposed for several days. Her
many friends will be glad to hear
that she is improving.
Our townsman, Mr. A. Belfry
has been, laid up with a severer cold
during the past week. We hope to
see Alf soon around a Vin.
Mr.. John Taun•exltirivin;; beet)
enjoying his Xmas ap'd New Years
holidays arnongstrclaiious-here re -
tui ned to Lietowa1 ren Moeda
Until further 'notice the Sund
School in aontleetieit with Trinity"
church will aaserplite ,at 2.30 p. 111
Ittttead` it 9.30 a.' in., commeitT04,
next Sunni ..11 th inst.
Ilolntaaviill c.1 .
Rev. Pr, Potts, ono. -0 f tlie. a41eat;,
dlvi nes'I t e
� h .od'.
Methodist narttlatry, tp
,to predch in >Iolmesville on January,
2.5th.; .Tbose'.wlio,desireeeate should:
come early. ,
116r4s."17rti', Murch and Thoe
Murch and.wffo have 'been visiting
in Mitchell.•.•,: is f r d f
.11f s, 11,00rg,. ' gf,
Gowrie, Merged Koine on '\Ved.nes-
d'ay.,<,,Ilev. W Ayers was in, Strat.'
ford twit • tech. —Mia, John ifht►l•
stead leas. returned .fr'oin a visit to
friends'in,,'Winghain.._. flss 1fii ab:
Ivesan,, of Kippers, was • visiting, at
Mr, E. C. Potters .__14Ir. Scott, from
Essex !Centre, ,brother of A. Scott,
tltlrr ,shoemaker, vas here an. New..
_Years, -..Tho .week'sholidays are
over and school opened on Monday,
Robertson, our new h.pteI
keeper, moved in'oa Tuesday of last
week. --At the eohool • rnseting on
Wednesday -Mr. John. Trewartha
was .elected trustee,..,-New-Year•'s
it wee raining allday. We seem to
have got used to it 'as ft hae rained
on that day for some 'years pret.—
Ed. Cuurtice and family, formerly
of tbia place, and wiio have been in
Minnesota Rome time returned hour°
oil Friday, -Skating 911(31118 to be
all the go with the ho ?these deye.
—A. C. Mounteer, B," E.�,Prof. of
elocutiont. London, ...w.agnvisitin at