The Clinton New Era, 1891-12-11, Page 8TUB t !ORSJ MAIM= To use on v day eepreseien, the ngiish Muer et horses ie sitaply net In it with the ,American rua,rket. An"' cuss of horses: that will realixo a good be pries in, England will realize zuuch bete ter price. in the Unitme States, and with; l muck less, risk- and cost of chi meat. The'tallc about the big demand for our t' horses in England and how . it would Canadian adiam breeders. to eater for that.. 8. market is sineply bosh. True, the war authorities require 'a large number of horses every year, but their purchasing agents are surrounded with more red tape restrictions in thepurchase of them and n restrainedly stn pp ron limits as to the price they a bre allowed to pay, that their custom is not of theslighptest value to Calumet= owners. Any horse that an English army pur- chaser would buy would command ful- ly twenty per cent. more across the border, even after adding the cost of duty. And we can produce a hundred proofs if necessary to substantiate our statement. On the last occasion when the English army buyer was trying to operate in this market we know of sev- eral horses that he could not buy be- cause they were a few dollars over his limit. that were immediately bought by parties in Toronto, ship- ped to New York and sold at an advance of one hundred per cent. Take for instance the average realized at Tattersall's, New York, by Mi' Grand at his late sale there, --does the editor of the Empire imagine that such an average could have been secured in London? If he does he has but little acquaintance with the horse business. W ealthyAmericans are copyingEnglish styles and customs. English carriages, English harness, and bag -tailed car- riage horses, high stepping . cobs and breedy looking saddlers are all the rage with them just now. As a con- sequence they will pay big prices for the right article. The English market for the Canadian horses is simply of no account in comparison with that at our very doors and no point of value is to be gained by representing it other- wise—E. King Dodds (Tory) in Cana- dian Sportsman, Omen can't ;Apollosof strength and form, but al 'may have robust health th and strong perrea and Clear minds, Onr treat- ment makes such •men. !.'liemethods our own exelueIvely, and where ything is left to ,build upon, the YGO,R .OF MEN Iiys , perniaeasily, qulnelnektly- restored. weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, - ERIE MEDICAL CO., S BUFFALO, N.Y. rtAXSEED� 'EMULSION COMPOUND RONCHITIS 198 Lexington Aye. Y have used the New York City, Sept. 19,1:n Flax -Seed Emulsion in several es of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Vhthisis, and have been well pleased with the results JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION I have used Brooklyn. N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1889. your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patien.. could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. Ii. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 18::. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good get era]. tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMACE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY I regard Flax Baro Emyn'siN. Y., Oct. IOth,1888. suor the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so ggeonas nerallyeay In use. GO D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. [ have used our F]ax_ New York, Aug 6, 1::':. fa a severe Y Seed Emulsion (om ound case of Mal -nutrition and the result was ,• • more than hoped for—a was marvelous, and con- tinuous. ,I recommend it cheerfully to the professiou and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 36 Liberty St., New York. For sale by J. H, COMBE, Cinton. ABE NOT a Ptt gative Medi - le. They are a OD BUILDER, NIO and RleooN- uvroR, as they in a condensed to substances y needed to sn- o Blood, cunng stases oomiUR owl and eve.. 'AL EO Firs down mon{� exec Conti Brun the SI both roetoi and riuu1{ scrP1 h,E1ER F MAN, who ant 0 p ysica powers flnitiea dagging, o 1'uq s. They will restore his Id Their AN '1'11;f pression and irregularities, W entail sickness when neglected; YOUNG MEN nhenitl They w Sults of youthful bad habits, and Lectern. physieal an mental. EVERY WOM YOUNG WOMEN at, Seiko them regular. For sale by all druggists, or wl receipt of price (50e. per box), b THE DR. WILLI 4MS j MUCH BET LOOD, or from [:D HUMORS it X000, and els, ate and BIM) BLOOD an, when broker by overwork, worry, disease. and indiscre- They have a O ACTION on UAL SYSTEM of u and women, g LOOT VIGOR rrecting all IT'Isa and OION8. is mental fnc- or failing, or Id take these nergiee, both take them. ^nre all sup inevitably those Pmts. re the re- engthen the take them. PILLS will o tont upon easing D. CO. amnia. Ont. Thank Yoi THIS IS THE UNIFERB1 MONYof those who have sujpered from CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, OR ANY FORM OF WART- 1*0 DISEASES, after they have tried SCOTT'S.EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil O.nd HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime and Soda.- IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE, .AS MILtr. IT IS A WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER, It is used and endorsed by Physicians. Avoid' all imitations or cabal lltrtionsr Sotdby all Druggists at GOe. and $1.00. SCOTT & DOWNE, Belleville. • When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, the gave them caseates NEWS NOTFS.' Mr Frank Hutchinson, of Kincardine, has fallen heir to $15,000 by the death of a rich uncle in Buffalo. Joseph Grimo', aged 76 years, an es- teemed resident of Seymour, Ont., was found dead in his bed Friday morning. Alexander Gunn was tendered the nomination of the Liberal party for Kingston, for the House of Commons, last Friday night. Mr Gunn has ac- cepted. The Glencoe Transcript understands the petitions against Hon. David Mills, Reform member for Bothwell, and Dr. lioome, Conservative member for West Middlesex, have been withdrawn. At a meeting of the Toronto city council Last January it was decided under the terms of the new Street Railway company that when a petition signed by 5,000 ratepayers asking that the question of street cars on Sunday be submitted to them, it should be sub- mitted in due course. A morning newspaper has undertaken to collect the 5,000 signatures, and it is therefore probable the question will be decided at the polls at the corning municipal contest or earlier. Albert E. Harrington, the young minister who, at the last Toronto as- sizes, was convicted of forgery, was sentenced by Justice Rose to imprison- ment for two years, less one day, in the Central. Harrington's action in giving himself up to justice, together with his previous good record, and his subsequent penitence operated to reduce the extent of the sentence. But light as the sentence was it fell with great weight on Harrington, who, as soon as he was taken from the court into the cells, fainted dead away, and was removed in a cab. There is no sadder story in all history than that which is told of Cyrus W. Field. Edward M., the favorite son, went to his father when the venerable man -74 years old—was prostrated with grief at the mortal illness of his wife. He told his father that his Orin was in trouble and needed money. Cyrus Field, like the noble man he is, gave his son the key of his strong box and told him to take what securities were necessary to tide the firm of Field, Lindley, Wiechers & Co., over their difficulties, not knowing, of course, the real extent of the deficit. And now it appears that the faithless son robbed his father of all he possessed. He emptied the box and took every- thing his father owned in the world. Cyrus W. Field is ruined through his son. "I am as poor as the day I came into the world," moans the old man, sick unto death. Can there be any picture more tragic than that? A thrilling spectacle was witnessed at Liverpool, on Tuesday, in the Grand Theatre. A lion tamer named Del- monico was going through a rehearsal of an intended performance. The two lions selected as his subjects were not acquainted with Delmonico, and showed some illtemper when the tamer ap- proacheie them. This did not deter DDielmoniko, who had unbounded faith in the ability of his eye and nerve to subject the wild beasts. Delmonico approached the animals, and was about to show his ability to handle them like kittens, when one of the brutes sprang at him with a short, quick growl. The lion fastened a claw in the man's shoulder, and with his teeth in his thigh seemed about to enjoy a Del- monico banquet, when the tamer, by a supreme effort, succeeded in tearing himself from the animal and making his escape from the cage. Delmonico was badly torn and bitten, although it is thought not seriously. English Spavin Linament removes all hard, soft or callous Lumps and Blemish- es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RingBone,Sweeny, Stifles, Sprainr, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto. Save fr50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish ' Cure ever known. Sold by J R Combe. wok and Riek� T tOnW111r Irra 06Hud ihn the fuze. )3, B. Ehler, Ql'E, !e geag most of the money. and the noalatry hue yet to did oorsovhat0i0gettiegen* oriw. tafetriail comfit,' TIon at ottaw'a,--Toronto Teiegrim* Minard'S Ligimeet iM thihpent. George Moody, of St. •Thomas, a brakeman on the O. T. R., at 6 o'clock Friday morning fell :between, the cars while braking, near Dtuzville, and had both cut legs c Off. He died from lois of blood and shock before the doctor could operate on him. He was a mem- leer of the I. O. 0. F., and the broth• ers here took charge of his remains. A n'bst remarkable alliance between two families is reported from the parish of St, erarie ers named nR1}eeaum and MQue., Two orin had farm- ers children, four sons and four daughters. Rheannje's four sons married ilforin's four daughters, and the four sons of the latter joined their fortunes to the four daughters of tourer. The offspring cf the first four unions up to date are thirty-nine children and of the latter thirty-five children. Last Thursday evening a burglar smashed the large plate -glass window of J. E. Ingraham, the Jackson street jeweler, St. Paul, seized a tray contain- ing $5,000 worth of diamonds and es- caped. Just as he seized the tray he slipped, and the sparklers flew in every direction in the mud. A great mob was soon on the ground fighting over the rings. Twenty two were recover- ed and turned over to the owner, but how many were pocketed by the crowd and how many were carried away by the burglar is a matter of conjecture. G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how retnedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge': "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my family as Boschee's Sero Throat German Syrup. Last • ' winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the resultswere not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief.' Coughs, i Casten to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones—for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. For sale by ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. PLANTS & BULBS Roman Hyiacenths — Potted. Assorted • colors named. Easter Lily Bulbs. Chinese Sacred Lillies. Narcissus and Daffodils. Chinese Primroses. • J. CUNINGHAME, - - CLINTON. coPP'S WALL - 'PAPER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian Ball Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to theiroal! advantage to give me a LT -Shop, south of Oliver, Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidloy's residence. Pra JOSEPH Hanger ter. taONSLIitflP T1.N if have a for neo thousands ref easesofthe tworstt kind o above land o of long standing have been cured. Indeed se strong is my faith In its offices: that I will fiend BOTTLES with is VALUQ,ILE TREATIBE on tthis ase to any sufferer who will Bend mo tbolr EXPRE83 std P.0, address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTt7; ONE. CURE. ING Thi! .GREAT COUGH CUBE, all sumo CONSUMPTION :CURE, is witb`ont a *II diel in the history of medicine. All drnggie*A: are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, * test that no other cure cart successfully stand; Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure. you, If your child has the Cronp, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don'tjail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. ,Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cis., 5o ers. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back b nie, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts, IT PAYS TO And nothing but the best school should satisfy thorn gh Businessr course orha courses in Shorta hand and Typewriting, for which we have a special Cepartment under the care of two teach- ers whose time and attention are given to stud- ents taking these subjects, Of Chatham, Ont., has fully established its clair to the proud position of the best school of business and shorthand in Canada. The fol- lowing States, Counties, &c are represented by students now in attendance: Michigan, Ixdiana, Algoma, Nova Scotia, and the counties of Grey, Bruce, Huron, Lambton, Essex, Kent, Elgin, t4el- lington, Oxfr rd, Brant,York, Middlesex and Pelee Island. It will pay you to come to Chatham. Fifteen years of successful work is our record. Good board with private families, for ladies at 82 per week, and for gentlemen at 82,10. Rail- way faros allowed to students coming from a dis- tance. Catalogues seat free by addressing D. McLACHLAN, Chatham, Ont. DOBBIN'S Don Draught DRUM Saves One -Half the Fuel. It is Easily Regulated. Is Easily Cleaned. Distributes Ljeat Evenly. The Saving in fuel will pay for it in a sitlgle season. 1891. To Wnont IT MAC Cloxcsas. ThSptlisrisgtojcertify that we have ent Down Draught Wood Furno an ein fu a inourSchool House, for the past three years, and consider it a great improvement. Before purchasing thie,we used an up-draght Furnace, but found it•uneatis- factory in many ways. A largo portion of the heat went t te School - room warmthe intiuievfor e cSchool.ould uotgSince putting in the Dobbin Furnace, we have no diffi- culty in getting proper heat before school -time. The Furnace draws well, and most of the time it can be run with the front damper almost closed. One of the features of the Dobbin Furnace is, the saving of fuel. Wo use less wood to heat two rooms than we formerly used to beat one room. FREDERICK SCHAEF'ER, Trustees Breslau MOSES S. CRESSMAN, t J. Y. SHOEMAKER, MOSES school. Waterloo, October 231h 1891. "This is to certify that I am using one of Dob - bin's patent down draught drums and am greatly pleased with it. It throws out more heat than the stove itself and I find that the wood lasts twice as long as without the drum. GEO. WOOD WARD, Excise Office." Also manufacturer of Dobbin's Patent Down Draught Wood Furnace, R. O. DOBBIN, Waterloo, Ont. Butchering - Business To the Public. Subscriber having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couch, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed on his predecessor. No pains or expense willgbe spared to procure tho very best meats and orders will be promptly and carefully filled. The busi- ness will still be conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheep- skins, 30. JAMES A. FORD. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's at- tontien. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. I1 you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last mach longer, buy a box. If yon want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box. If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, late curtains, etc„ buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. £ 'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersont us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmeevillo ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Kiva Mill Dog in use. Agent for the sale sue appil- cation of the t'1Z'Fisnns PATENT ASTOMAT c BOILER CLEANER, STEA,M FITTINGS furnished and appl- ed on short notice, Bofiers. Engines. and all hinds of Machinery repaired expeditiously and In asatisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired. Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilus fitted up on application. Charges moderate. The Central BUTCH ' SHOP Subscriber desires to thank the ,ublie general- ly, for the patronage bestowed • pon him ; ass$ at the same time to say that h, is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply; he wants of an. As he gives personal attention .o all tbo details of the business customers carely on their orders being promptly and sat'sfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at yeas- nable prices.' Choice Sausage,' 1Ji ultra•, &,c., in seas Cash paid for Hides Skins, &c. JOHN S t'RUTON, Al art St., Clinton. Hard :IoaI! THE PEOPLE'S N'A. COAL C04. OWNERS.) CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. Coal In Car lop sold direct to consumers. • No intermedit4ie profits. Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to so- cteti and Clubs. COMPETJT Th Grandn woo') coo L ►. ns r Admitted by all to be the finest in design, best in finish a n d most perfect cooking stove in the market Call and see. We have the exclusive sale of them in Clinton. No. 9 Cooking Stoves with full set Furniture, from $j$ upwards. Try our Rock Cil and Flint Chimneys. 1 — RLI&ND BRCS IRON do HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTO3ST, ONT. HOW I)O 70t7 ENO the great value of our goods tin - a line of less you can see them. We have TS at $7.50, $10 and 512. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at $8.50, $D and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from $3 up that can't be duplicated in valve within 53 to 55 of these prices, and no where' else can yeti get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine awl judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stock a well selected e. variety of the most fashionable in the Furnishing and Hat and Cap Department. Our Sealette Goods are hand= some and away down in price. G. GLASGOW, Searles Block, next to J. W7 Irwin's, Clinton. Christmas . Goods JUST - RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Gredoble Walnuts, New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron, Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds. TEAS Splendid valves in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in one pound packages. Best value in package Teas in the market—Try it. A CALL SOLICITED. N. ROBSON. - CHINA HALL. The People's Grocery. Cheaper Than Ever. AN INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Glasaware & Crockery, Toilet Sets & Tea Sets A will eonvinoe intending purchasers that this is the plate to buy goods. Our lines of Green, Black and Japan Teas are the best value• in the market. Highest Price paid for Batter, Eggs and Poultry. A call solioited. GEO. S T F4 WART, 'mar CK Cutters and Sleighs. The weather will soon be here wbon you will be needing either a CUTTER or SLEIGH, possibly both. We have anticipated your wants and are preparing some splendid Cutters which will be sure to sell. We manufacture the very best articles, put the best of material in them, and guarantee them to give satisfaction, and sell at the closest prices. If ycu want either a Cutter or Sleigh, call at HAYW/ARb'S Carriage Factory, Opposite Fai '4 Mill, Clinton. a