HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-12-11, Page 7fta
411,41,1 01
tie/44813,00a at and
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is oar aPecl*1ty, land we offer
cheal3,744a110/1 Qi Aston a
0-11). Bgffalo, Pear, and (lost
'whets, eto, etc, go to J4 iEs
qrl PLv TrUnn.—We are Offering
alpers In New Fruits. Nate, Oranges,
General f1rooeriee, in Crockery. we
very- ioW, prices. MemuBRax &
headdress on Idus1c by W. Doherty
na containing nn exicellent�Photop f
tyalso tlae choirs of 1880 and 1800 can
RT.—A lady so renowned as bliss Jessie
er, the Queen of gloentionsit,will bring a
diene for the Scotch Concert on next
y Evening, wbere she will be assisted by
e Gilmour, said to be the finest Sootob
agger in Canada. and Prof Scott, Baritone
hillips, of London. is the Pianist, Plan of
gOin *MO.
Us. G>so. ErinRsoN 18 an authorized
*presentative of the CLINTON NEWERA
m SoRooi; TRUSTEES.—The following
persons who are members of the pub -
school school board, retire at the end of the
year, their time expiring �—Messrs J,
Wiseman, J. McGarva, W. Jones, and
1) Stevenson. All are eligible for
re-election, we presume, excepting Mr
Wiseman, who is away from tovc n.
LosT AND FOUNT. — On Saturday
afternoon, while returning from
Holmesville, on the train, Miss Gallo-
way had the misfortune to lose her
pocket book. It was found on the
outside platform of the car before the
train left Clinton, where it had evident-
ly been carried by the feet of outgoing
devil thing that the follawing
And a placein its ao1n»ina1,t+
its expresses the editor's sentiments:--..
"Since man to than is go unjust I do
not know what man to trust; I've
trusted lately to my eerrow ;so Pay to
day and I'll trust tomorrow, as tinat is
dead; who killed him, bad pay,"
r RAILWAY CHANGES. --A new tiro
table carne into force on Monday last,
which makes several changes in the
departure of trains at Clinton station.
The new time card is as follows:—
Going West Going East
10.05 a, In. 7.43 a. m.
1.23 p. in. 2.38 g. m.
7.00 p. m. 5.00 p. tn.
9.32 p. m.
Going North Going South
10.00 a. m. 7.55 a. m.
6.50 p, m. 4.50 p. m.
DEATH.—Mr Thos. Smith, of the 3rd
con. of McKillop, who has been in de-
clining health for some time, died on
Friday last, Deceased was the father
of Mr Richard Smith, of Clinton. He
was born in Yorkshire,England, in the
year 1809, and came to Canada in
1819, with his, father's family. and set-
tled on a bush farm in Etoboc town-
ship. While there he was married and
had two children. His wife and two
children died of cholera. He then left
his farm and returning two years af-
terwards, married Alexander Murray's
oldest daughter, of the township of
Albion. He remained there till 1854,
when he be ught a farm in Blanchard,
and remained there till 1868, when he
moved on a farm in Goderich town-
ship, remaining there till 1872, when he
sold his farm and retired on five acres
where he died. He leaves a wife, three
sons and two daughters to mourn his
loss,out of a family of sixteen children.
One son lives in Otawag, Illinois state,
one in Lindsay, and the other in Ciin-
ton;one daughter,Huron township, one
in Utich, Ilhnois state. Deceased was
a strong Reformer in politics. At his
death, there were papers found in his
possession which were printed by Mac-
Kenzie, and Globe papers as far back
as 1864.
SUPPER.—The Sons of England held
a supper at Pike's hotel, on Thursday
evening of last week, which was at-
tended also by a number of the Londes-
boro members of the same order. The
Londesboro Sons had their supper
at Bells ho (Thursday) tel last night, to
w i
ch the Clinton brethren had been
knows that the Santa Claus of the
pictures is a short, stout man, with
twinkling eyes, long bushy beard and a
face that is beaming full of fun. A man
who has all these features to perfection,
�*{ ; and who looks for all the world like the
•vpical Santa, is Mr David Fisher, the
well-known horseman of Goderich.
Now we'll leave it to those who know
him to sayof our picture is not correct.
ENTERPRISE.—Last week a Detroit•
- paper telegraphed the NEW ERA and
asked for a thousand word interview
with .Captain Jex, of the wrecked
schooner Godell, to be sent them by
wire. The interview was sent, sub-
stantially as it appeared afterwards in
the NEW ERA, and the Detroit paper
paid over $8 for telegraphing it, be-
sides a liberal commission to the party
who wrote it up. That is a specimen
8, \ of newspaper enterprise.
ALL FOR LOVE.—Yesterday (Thurs-
, da) afternoon, acouple of very estim-
able young ladies of Clinton started on
a long journey, all for the sake of the
4.The ve to.
ladies a evMiissesghSusieand eir Magg
$ridon, (daughters of Mrs Bridon,) and
they go to California, where one is to
be married to Mr Jos. Picket, late of
Clinton,and the other to a Mr Jamison,
formerly of Goderich. They are tick-
eted clear through by Mr W. Jackson.
RAILWAY NOTES.—Cheap rates for
Christmas and New Year, single fare
good going Dec. 24th and 25th, return-
ing Dec. 26th, also on Dec. 31st and
Jan. let, and return Jan 2nd; fare and
a third good to go Dec. 24th, 25th, 31st,
and Jan lst, returning Jan. 4th.
Andrew Bros. shipped a car load of
lambs to Buffalo on Saturday. S. H.
Smith shipped a car load of stock on
Monday for Montreal. Messrs Doherty
& Co. made a very large shipment of
organs to Liverpool last week. Parties
shipping settlers effects containing live
stock for North west points should ar-
range to ship on Tuesdays and Satur-
days, making good connection at Tor-
onto. A. 5. Taylor, of the C. M. and
St.P. R. R. was in town on Monday.
evening Reeve Torrance, of Stanley,
anti A. O. Pattison, 13. S. Consul, of
Clinton, drove over to the residence of
Mrs Snowden, Sauble line, Stanley, to
render what assistance they could to-
wards relieving the immediate wants
of the shipwrecked American sailors,
who are located there. Mr R. Irwin
and, a NEW ERA representative accom-
, panted them. Cap. Jex and two of his
crew had left a few days previously for
Port Huron, leaving the disabled mem-
bers of the party—Millar and Wixon,
and a sailor named Dietson, who help-
ed in caring for his two mates. Millar's
feet had improved considerably since
the last visit of your reporter, and he
.is able to walk about slightly on his
heels. But young Wixson's feet were
in a horrible state, notwithstanding
the constant care they had received
from the medical attendants, and the
poor fellow was suffering intense pain.
His feet were still swollen much above
their natural size, were quite black.
and had been lanced in several places,
to give them relief, notwithstanding
all this and several medical consulta-
tions, it is feared that the boy may
lose his life. as there had been no
marked improvement in his case: It
was intended to amputate the feet, if
possible, either Wednesday or Thurs-
day. Clothing had been procured and
this Mr Pattison distributed to the
men, who were badly in need of it.
Mrs Snowden's house has been a per-
}` )feet hospital while the men have been
, there, and although a heavy tax on
her resources and time, the men have
had the very best of attention and
care and express their appreciation of
the kindness of herself and family, in
the very strongest terms. The seamen
ware feeling a little "down in the
tn,huth" at the time of our visit, not
having heard from Capt. Jex, as pro-
mised, but a letter received from him,
while we were there, helped to bright-
en them up and showed that the cap-
tain had neither forgotten them, nor
been unmindful of their interests.
Everything has been done that could
be to alleviate their sufferings and
make them comfortable, and they are
not likely to forget Canadian hos ,1-
NOTES.—Mr Hector- Juner, who has
been working in Toronto, has return-
ed to town for the winter. Mr David
Birks, youngest son of Rev. W. Birks,
of Ailsa Craig, left on Tuesday for
Salmon Arm, B. C., where he goes on
mission work. Mr A. McCully, form-
erly of Clinton, (brother of Mr Joseph
McCully, Stanley) but who has been
for about 11 years editor of the Graf-
ton, Dakota, Advocate, was a caller at
the NEW ERA office on Saturday. The
merchant who does the most advertis-
ing is said to sell the most Christmas
goods. Mr Patrick Hughes, the well-
known dry goods merchant of Toron-
to, was in town on Friday. Mr and
Mrs E. Holmes, of St Catharines, are
visiting here. Mr D. McCuaig has a
couple of gangs of men out now getting
out ship timber. It cost a Seaforth boy
nearly $4 for firing soine, snowballs on
the street; if some of the Clinton boys
were find likewise it would help the
treasury and do good. Mr Geo Brad-
ford, of Mullett, has secured a situa-
tion in town. Captain Freeman, of
the Salvation Army, has gone to St
Catharines. They McGibbeny family
will appear in Clinton on the evening
of -the 19th. Miss L. McKowen, who
has for several months been visiting
in Tara,Owen Sound,an 1 other places,
returned to her home here last week.
On Tuesday Mr W. Jackson, ticket
agent, booked a Mr. Smith and family,
of Blyth, through to Aberdeen, Dak.
On Tuesday Mr. J. C. Stevenson met
with a painful accident; while holding
a pane of glass up to see that there
was no flaw in it, it suddenly cracked
diagonally, and in falling the- point of
one piece entered his wrist and cut
clean to the bone. The annual meet-
ing of the Home Circle will he held on
Tuesday evening next, for the election
of officers and the transaction of gener-
al business; a full attendance of the
members is asked for. Prof. Scott's
concert next Monday evening promises
to be a good one;program will be' found
elsewhere. Several persons from, this
neighborhood are acting as jurors for
the Sessions of the Peace which are
being held this week. Mr D Cantelon
is away on a business trip to Manitoba.
T. Jackson, jr., is away at Toronto, on
business. Mr Walter Leroyed, who
has been employed with J. C. Gilroy
for some time, left this week for Der
troit, where he has secured a highly
lucrative position. Mr John Steven-
son has moved one of his houses, on
Huron street, near the barracks, and
is building a new front to it. As the
council has extended the time for pay-
ment of taxes, people should remember
that all taxes must be paid before the
20th inst.—the last day. MrWhitehead
who has been in Ottawa for several
weeks, has returned home. Some hotel
keeps apparently forgetting that in al-
lowing persons under 21 years of age to
sit around the bar -room, they are vio-
lating the law. Mr Ezra Washington,
who has been away for some time, is
home for the winter. Miss Simpson
is visiting her sister, Mrs W. S. Har-
land. Mrs Date, a former resident of
town, is the guest of Mrs Combe. Mr
Chas. Cooper, having completed his
trade as action maker in the Doherty
Organ Factory, has taken the position
of first assistant in the action depart-
ment of the Goderich Organ Co. The
St. Louis Globe -Democrat of a late is-
sue refers to a banquet given by the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. to its
employees, among whom we notice the
name of Mr. H. C. Evans, a Clinton.
boy, he being the eldest son of Mr Hy.
Evans; although only two years em-
ployed with the company, he holds the
responsible position of Assistant -Supt.
The Josie Mills Co. had only a small
attendance last week, owing to the rain
doubtless. We are much obliged to
several of our subscribers, for copies of
the NEW ERA asked for last week. Mr
A. McMurchie is now enjoying as good
health as he ever did, looks splendid,
but is yet a little lame. Mr Irwin,Col-
lector of Customs, is not yet able -to at-
tend to* his duties, which' are being
looked after by Mr. Cuninghame. Mrs
Davis, sr., has gone to Port Huron to
visit her youngest son, and will pro-
bably remain for the winter. The Col-
legiate Institute Trustees have issued
a neat, announcement for 1892; it con-
tains a list of the teachers, with vari-
ous announcements pertaining to the
work of the Institute, and will doubt-
less be instrumental in doing good.—
Rev. J. Edge lectures in Ontario Street
church this (Friday) evening. Mrs H.
S. Cooper left this week for Helena,
where her husband is employed; she
was ticketed through by W. Jackson.,
Just two weeks to Christmas; busy
weekethey will be; scan the advertis-
ing columns of the NEW ERA, for it is
there the enterprising merchants re-
veal their ability to aid the peoplc.—
every description
• Seal
Opossu 1,
Persian Lamb,
Fine Goods, a great assort-
ment. Close prices.
Having atteudeaeut' Lilo of Obeal' WIN'DQW. imam
GVRTAtjN P01E9, nes have decided to .sea et Ulf ii1a,1.
75 kinds of curses, 12 kinds of Card Cases
15 kinds of Shopping Bags, i 20 kinds,Brooch *
10. Kinds of Pocket Knives
Photograph Frames, Dinner Gongs, Photograph gasele
Autograph Albums, Inkstands, Crumb Trays and Brush
Perfumed Cases and many article too nitmerous' to mongols
AU marked in plain figures, and all going at HALF RE4UI,lAR
PRICES, We want these things cleared oat to make room for
a beautiful line of Japanese goods expected soon.
5 per cent off for Cash.
Estate John Hodgoiis.
Book Store and Dews Depot,
Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, Clinton
Beaver Capes,
Nutria Capes,
Astrachan Capes,
Sealette Gapes,
Ladies Jackets,_ Asters an
Opera • Cloaks,
And we will sell them at less than wholesale price of these
goods. Some lines we have bought from $3 to $4 less than,.
the regular wholesale price, which means a big loss to some-
body. They are all new patterns and the latest designs to be .
had in the Mantle trade. They are the fashionable made
German Mantles. Outside this make there is nothing in
the trade to equal them for Stylish Cut and Finish. Com
and see them. Come at once ; we don't expect to have them
in stock long. The prices; will sell them at sight. There will
not be another opportunity this season for ,uch bargains.
Plumsteel - & - ribbings,
S. S. Seal Caps,
S, S. Seal Muffs
WEA have the' finest goods that
li money can buy.
A. finE
Nov 20 91,
selection of Christmas No -
ties in NECKWEAR and
C1?thiers, Furnishers and Hatters. .
in our stock suitable for holiday presents. In
We have an immense as
Hemstitched and Embroid
something very stylish, c
eond to none is our Fancy
ortment in Japanese
ed Goods. We have
ice and unique. Se -
Assorted full range comp to in all, the new pat-
terns and colors. In
Too we show a splendid
rival as we keep the I
them direct, we have th
from the cheapest to the
Blacks in Ladies' Mis,
sizes to fit all hands, and no doubt about our pri-
ces and guarantee. Our goods talk. Our jirices-
please. Why not try us. Plump value for your
$ every time you leave one with us.
iassortment and fear no-
lest stock, and import
is in sizes and qualities•
est in Browns, Tans and
and Children's, in all
�W ,4