HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-12-04, Page 8f tilt frit T'`BU .AX, MAMMA 4, 1e91, , 1..'414 WRONG 0.4M4 rylM'.'A n person, in town was the victim of an awkward,,.but amusrn blulnder'a,few evenings since, A WWII soeial socie- ty in town is in the, habit of .meeting I at the houses of its different membersit being the rule that when the menti. bers assemble they should walk aright in, instead of knocking at the door Sao as not to disturb the other membersof the house. This person quietly walked into the house on tiie last night of meeting, and took a seat in the parlor, rnentally wondering how it was that no one else was present. Af- ter remaining for sometime, the lady he house entered the parlor, and amid the mutual surrisethatfollow- of the Chatauqua circle had got into the wrong house. NOTES.—Word was received here on Friday that Percy, eldest son of Rev. J. Edge, of Acton, was at the point of death, and not likely to recover, but on Saturday the gratifying informa- tion was received that the child had taken a turn for the better. Mrs A. E. Oliver, mother of Mr Thos. Oliver, died at the residence; of her son here on Thursday of last week; she has been in declining health for a consid- erable length of time. Miss Carrie Bone, daughter of Richard Bone, of Omaha, _late of Guelph, died of ty- phoid fever at that place on Nov. 15th; the deceased was a ca twin in the Salvation A"1'My before leaving Cana- da, and was highly esteemed, she was stationed at Clinton about three years ago. Mr James Beattie believes in having all the improvements he can, and has "'therefore, put the electric light into his new livery stable. The regular meeting of the town council takes place on Monday night next. Mr Cadzow, who has been a resident of town for several years, and one of the oldest residents of the county, left this week for Buffalo, where four embers of his family are already re - ding, and he will hereafter make hat place his home. Mr Dan Shana- an, of Hullett, has moved into the ouse vacated by Mr Cadzow. The ife of Mr E. Glenn, -.of town, Was ightly indisposed last week, but is ow better. When the workmen get hrough with all the improvements ey are making to the dwelling and ffice of Dr. Gunn, it will be quite an dition to the appearance of Huron ▪ Mr James Aikenhead and family, Stanley, who have been in Manito- for the summer, returned on Fri - y, and will spend the winter at least Ontario. Messrs Howe, Wilson and mlinson returned frons their hunt - g trip in Muskoka last week, having d a splendid time; they succeeded in pturing ten deer. Several ladies and ntlemen from town attended the achelor's Ball at Seaforth, on Friday ening last; Hon. A. C. Strathdee, of ingham, U. S. Consul, and wife, re also among the attendants. Mr ▪ J. Potts, express messanger be- een Detroit and the Bridge, accom- nied by his wife, was here on his dding tour• on Saturday. Mr• R. 11 has moved in Mrs Cooper's house, bert St. north, and Mr Lee, of Lon- boro, becomes proprietor of the nce of Wales hotel. If Scotch bon- ts are an indication of the number cotchmen in a place, this town has ny more Scotch citizens than was erally supposed. Mrs Murray, On- o street, who has been quite ill congestion of the lungs, is some - at better. Mr James Warwick, who the misfortune to chop his hand ast winter, is now employed in the . R. office, Winnipeg. Mrs Alcock son are visiting friends in Strat- . The San Jose, Cal., Mercury, of . 24, contains a nt of dath iiin that citytofjMrsrS. E. ce, wife of one of the most promi- t residents of the city; deceased a relative of Mrs. TDos. Stevenson, visited here bait a short time ago. . E.S.Rupert wife and daugghter are •ngfriendshere. TheSeaiorth Sun speaks of a former Clintonion:— e many friends of Mr S. T. Holmes be pleased to learn he is recover- fr•om his recent illness and will be able to attend to his work n." The small boy now begins ing up his skates and asking ques- as to where last winter's sled was ed away. Referring to the engage - t of Miss Taylor, of Brussels, for of the departments of Clinton ol, the Brussels Post says;—"Miss or excells in instructing the juven- nd did splendid work while in rge of that division in our school." Julian Wall, of Washington, as - by a number of other talented s, will give an entertainment in own Hall, on Januar 14th.— many friends of Mr James bull will be pleased to Learn that convalescent, although still very and confined to bed. Mrs Levi g and children, of Aylmer, are uests of Mr Jonathan Brown this Mr James, Brownlee has re- d from Manitoba foe• the winter. esday night Alex. Hillen slipped gh a large window in the store of cLennan, and cut himself so bad - at the doctor had to sew up his d. The Lompoc, Cal., Record of date, contains an account of the there of of an highly esteemed Mrs Grace Irwin, at the age of 90 deceased was a close friend of hn Williams, of this town, who own her for years. Mr Manning roving, though we would be lad TQO4 NO`i['TCES A 2ow 6pgo19,l lines et Beets and 8 oea et and Deb?, 000 tq oioar.,�!it. Tr oa a tics! Br�:j4l,1 timarnis is our specialty, and we offer $erne ituo seta yar Rhea$.=-Jenziaen it Alumna. ' Por good value in Buffalo Bear, and Goat Robes, �iioree Blalikets, etc, ail, go to JANSA Q.'w resim4'sa V11ntoa. The young men, of St Paul's Church announce a Sooiai on the evening of Deo Q. Big program. ;rel abr494W and a good time. la cents includes everything. Bon't forget Thursday evening, December 10 Now Ready Tire Xmas Satur- day Night, alae the English Pa- pers. omi'nion Illustrated ex- ' parted this week. Have you left our order a>t COOPER'S BOOK $TQRR. town l ep u. A grandson of Mr John Govier, aged 3 years, was drowned at Manchester, yesterday, by falling into a well. BRo$EN.—The youngest child of Mr Hirman Hill, aged about three years, had. the misfortune to have its collar bone broken on Friday, by an- older child hurrying into the house and stumbling over it. r' WELL CONNECTED—The colt Young Sidney 16188, bought at Cleveland last spring by Mayor Doherty, happens to be an own brother, or at least a brother in, blood to the yearling fillyFrou-Frou, 2.254, which is the world's champion trotting record for &yearling. The colt is also a half-brother to Fausta, which has made the world's champion pacing record, for a yearling, of 2. MUSIC.—The address on music, pre- pared by Mayor Doherty and which has been referred to before,has been beauti- fully printed on fine paper, embellished with a photo—true to life—of Mr Doherty, and also a couple of engravings of the choir of Rattenbury Street Methodist Church. The pamphlet is really a work of art and if placed on sale, should readily find customers, as the address contains so much practical 'information on a subject that cannot be too well known. SOILED DOVES. — On Saturday a couple of women, presumably of ques- tionable virtue, arrived here from Goderich, accompanied by a couple of men. One of the women had a "beauty mark" in the shape of a black eye, and both had some intentions of remaining here. Constables Wheatley and Welsh gave them plainly to understand that unless they left they would all be placed in the ck up, and they chose the alternative of leaving town. SHOOTING MATCH. — Below is the score of a live bird shooting •rnatch which took place here on Monday;— ) Blackall 1st match 2nd 3rd J McMurray7 4 5 o Hinehle. 8 3 4 6 Gidley y• ....7 5 4 J Bang 8 2 W Greig........ 7 4 A J Bright 8 4 J Johnston E Cantelon " a R Wallace....... 6 H Cole A Stark.— .......... 5 J Dodds ""'3 8 finebley 3 J E Hovey 9 O S Doane 5 U. H.—Aparagraph last week, under the heading of church notes, contained a reference to the "U. H." Club. This has given rise to considerable sppecula- tion as to what U..11. means. Know- ing the love of mystery implanted in the feminine bosom, the inference is Iargely in favor that, tiie members of the U. H. Club• are women. Hence, if only women belong to it, one of our readers suggests that the initials may stand for "Unrepresented Him." There are other definitions suggested, as for instance: Indivisible Gallinacoe, Un - parted Hugger -Muggers, Un -Hung, etc. Perhaps some member of this delightfully secret sisterhood will re- lieve our readers of their anxiety, and inform them what "U. H." means. THE DRAUGHT HORSE MEN. — A meeting of the Council of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Society was held at Clinton last Saturday, in the Rattenbury House. Considerable busi- ness was transacted, including some important legislation which will be re- commended to the annual meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Wednesday; Dec. 9th, commencing at 11 o'clock a.m. At ;this meeting the annual reports will be presented, offi- cers and seven members of the Council elected, and several subjects of deepin- terest to horse men generally wibe discussed. Just now the breeding of this class of stock is especially a live subject, and any one interested in it will find it worth while to attend the annual meeting of the Society, whether a inruioer or not. The Council will meet in the Rattenbury House on the evening previous to the second meeting, at 7 o'clock. ed, it was discovered surprise the m si h h w si n th 0 ad St of ba da in To in ha ca ge ev W we tw pa we Be Al des Pri ne of ma gen tari with wh had off 1 C. P and ford Nov the Roy nen was and Rev visite thus "Th will ing soon agai look tions stor men one scho Tayl iles a chs Mrs sisted artist the T The Turn he is weak Youn the week. turne On Tu throu Mr. Al ly th woun a late death ST.ANDREW'S DAY SUPPER. — The years; members of Murray Carnp, Sons of Mr Jo Scotland, accompanied by many invit- had kn ed friends, numbering in all about 75 is imp g to see therogress more rapid. Mr. J ni •ht and` wife, of Michigan, are visiting here; Mrs Knight is a sister of Mrs. W.T. Whitely and Mr. Jas.Smith. "Sonne of the boys" gave a farewell supper at Bell's hotel, lastFriday night. The NEW ERA is adding a lot of new subscribers this fall; we can accommo- date plenty more at $1 a year spot cash. We have received the first number of the East Huron Gazette, published at Gorrie, by Mr. J. T. Green; if he suc- ceeds in keeping up subsequent issues to the standard of the first number, he will certainly merit success, as it is well filled with local news. We would like to get copies of the NEW ERA for Oct. 23, and Nov. 13 and 20, and any one who can furnish us with such will much oblige us. "Canada and the Ca- nadians" will be the title of a lecture to be delivered here on the evening of the llth, by Rev. J. Edge. Pr•of.Scott, who, by the way, is an excellent musi clan, has bills out for a concert here on the 14th; Miss Alexander, of Toronto, 1nist, and Miss Gilmore, of Lon- prano, are among those who ke part. The Josie Mills Co. is for to -night and Saturday. — gg, of Toronto, is visiting her r, Mrs Stewart. Mrs Brewer ng friends in the east. The .lust now is much like sum- -morrow it may be like mid - Will Coats is able' to he observed St. Andrew's day by a supper at Kennedy's Hotel. The spread was superb, embracing an excellent bill of fare, and the waiters were attentive in meeting the wants of all. Mr T. L. Fortune, chief, presided, while Mr McMurray, chieftain, occupied the vice chair. A piper furnished music while supper was in progress and Mr James Ross also took a hand in it. Showing that he was still able to manipulate it. The toast of "The Queen and Royal Family" was reponded to by the singing of the National an- them. "The day and a wha' honor it," was responded to by an address from Mr Fortune. "The land we left and the land we live in"—Mr James Fair. "Municipal and Legislature"—Messrs McMurc ie and McGarva. t'Learned Professions"—Drs. Shaw, Gunn, Gib- son and Mr McFadyen. "Army and Navy"—Mr H. T. Rance. "Trade and Commerce"—Jas. Fair, J. Ransford, W. Jackson, D. McPherson, D. A. For- rester. "Sister Societies,"—Thos.Jack- son, sr., N. Robson. "The Press"— a ocutio NEW ERA representative. "The Lad- don,so ies"—S. Smith, D. McFadyen, Dr Gib- ( will ta son. Songs were also given by Messrs biiled Bruce, Jones, Spalding, Croll, Ruther- Mrs Gre ford, Jas. Fair, Gilchrist, H. B. Combe. daughte The naggis was prepared by Mrs T is visit, Fair. The festivities were enjoyed by weather all, and our representative vows that mer—to he saw daylight breaking when he winter. started for horse. , out. GEORGE WASHINGTON AND OUR, Advertisements Alike bear the reputation of TRUTH When we say therefore that our stock of Holiday Goods Was never larger, never better assorted, er offered at lower prices, we naturally ex- pect you to BELIEVE US. 5 per cent off for Cash. 000• -- ESTATE J.HODGENB THE GREAT DRESS GOODS HOUSE OUR FINE FURS If there is a lady in this section who wants to invest in a fine FUR CAPE, we want to call her attention to our stock, which is the largest and finest in this section. We handle the choicest goods that money can buy. Christmas - Novoltios We mill show in a few days the latest novelties in , Mens FURNISHINGS Suitable for Christmas. Make a note of this on your list. JACKSON BROTHEIIS THE FAMOUS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. OLIN TON AND SEyAFOI TH, Saving attended oar sale of flheap WINDOW 1311ADEs Q JRTA,IN PQM, we have decided to sellat ball' pit 70 kinds of Purses! 42 kinds of Caird Cts.... 15 kinds 0!'ofShopping Bags, 120' kinds Brooches 10 Kinds of Pocket Knives Photograph Frames, Dinner Gongs, Photograph Eau; Autograph Albums, Inkstands, Crumb Trays and Brus)ieet Perfumed Cases and many article too numerous to melyk.lon All marked in plain figures, and all oin at � PRICES. We want these things cleared out to make r om for a beautiful line of Japanese goods expected soon. ROBINS EROS Book Store and Dews Depot, Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, Clinton LADIES -LOOK HERE ! WE HAVE BOUGHT AT A GREAT SACRIFICE A LINE OF Ladies Jackets, Ulster Opera Cloaks, And we will sell them at less than wholesale price of these goods. Some lines we have bought from $3 to $4 Less than the regular wholesale price, which means a big loss to some- body. They art, all new patterns and theelatest designs to be had in the Mantle trade. They are the fashionable made German Mantles. Outside this make there is nothing in the trade to equal them for Stylish Cut and Finish. Com and see them. Come at once ; we don't expect to have them in stook long. The prices will sell them at sight. There will not be another opportunity this season for , uch bargains. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings, C1LIN7'0N Nov 20 91, Albert Street. TheSureWinner OUR CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES --We have many lines in our stock suitable for holiday presents. In SILK HANDKERCHIEFS We have an immense assortment in Japanese Hemstitched and Embroidered Goods. We have. something very stylish, choice and unique. Se- cond to none is our Fancy TIDIES and TOWELS Assorted full range complete in all the new pat- terns arid colors. In Too we show a splendid assortment and fear no rival as we keep the largest stock, and import them direct, we have them in sizes and qualities from the cheapest to the best in Browns, Tans and • Blacks in Ladies' Misses and Children's, in a 1 sizes to fit all hands, and no doubt about our. pri- ces, and guarantee our goods take, our prices please. Why not try us. Plump value for your $ every time you leave one with us. GREAT LIQUIDATION SALE $10333sLEIMP- & O0'S W. A. RUTHERFORD.