HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1891-12-04, Page 7'IGOR all STRENGTH ! r LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, neral and NERVOUS DEBILITY, eakness of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Ohl or Young. Robust, Noble MAN- HOOD fully Restored. How to en- large and strengthen WEAK UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing TOME TREATMENT—Benefits in a nay. Men testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book,* explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) FREE. Address ERIE iVI'EDICAL 00., BUFFALO, N.Y. kr ro` yo7)ll'a "Nicely, Thank You." "Thank Who?" "Why the inventor of T L 'S Which cured me of CONSUMPTION. Give thanks for its discovery. That it does not make you sick when you take it. Give thanks. That it is three times as efficacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it *itch a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. That it is the best remedy for Consumption, Scrofula, DronchUis, Wasting .is - eases, Coug/ and Colds. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at 5oc. and $i.00. SCOTT & POWNE. Belleville. FLAXSEED EMULSION COMPOUND BE3ONCHITI S New�York City, Sept.1,1888. I have used the Flax -Seer! Emulsin in several b�aAs9eese of Chronic Bronchitis, end the early stages of Qhthi,i.,and have beena.ellfeaaed with the results. JAMES K. CROOK. M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn N. Y.; Feb. 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion a case of 14th, (consumption) with beneficial results, where paticu. could not use Cod Liver Oil_ Hanyy form. M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dee. 2Oth,1 I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gee tsar tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 160. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion iia greatly superior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions a generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New [ have used your Flax -Seed Emu si nug. Con pou d in a severer ase of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. H. Ira. GILBER'r, M.D. RHEUWIAi'IS Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO SS Liberty St., New York. For sale by J. H. COMBE, Cinton. SOOTHINOi CLEANSING. HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases aro aimply aymptOma of Catarrh, enoh as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should loco no time procuring a bottle of NASAL BALM. -Be warned in a time neglected cold in head results in catarrh, followed by consumption and death. BppoOld et paid, oll n receipt of price (6O Dents and $1) by addressing ULFOAD A CO. Brockville. ' nt 1CEJ FITS! when I ray 1 cure I do not mean merely to atop them for a Ume and then have thin return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of BITS, EPILEP• SY or FALLING SICItNESS a lifelong study. I warrant myy comedy to core the worst etuee. Because ether. have faced f. no reaeon Inc not now reeel,In s euro. Send at mems or Give EXPRESS and POST OPFIOE. Infallible V1 & G. RQ.OT, M. C.,...188 ADELAIDE Sr. EST. ORONTO, (JNT. BONNET§ OF' AN FME T 8& The 1 'im phigo one( itOug thirty-eight now bo#anete In one n it "We AO 11Qt kXIQ�I.I 4t w her !nighty msbancl d mew tais, ieays. a, writer; 'lint it is tl fact that, havilpg learned that she had indulged herself with the acquisition of this number he. -when he one day went into the, sa- loonleadingg to her apartment and found in it Mlle. Despeaux, the milliner, with a huge pile of suspicious looking bare.- boxes-.waa.so.indignant at the -idea of his wife making fresh purchases that he flew into such a passion that every one ran away, leaving him to decide whe- ther he would vent his rage on pcor Josephine, who was a prisoner With herfeet in afootbath, oron the milliner herself. He did: a little of both. He was so angry with Josephine that she was speechless with terror, and he sent for Savary, his Minister of Police, and ordered him to arrest Mlle. Des- peaux, She was sent to La Force im- mediately, and though her fear of Na- poleon and horror of a night in prison made her i11, her fortune was probably made by this startling outbreak of im- perial temper. Next day nearly every ono in Paris flocked to see her, hear her story and condole with her. She never could have lacked custom after that. t GREAT YOUNG MEN. Milard's Liniment lamberman'e friend Charles James Fox was in Parlia- ment at 19. The great Cromwell left the Univer- sity at Cambridge at 18. John Bright was never at any school a day after he was 15 years old. Gladstone was in Parliament at 22, and at 24 was Lord of the Treasury. Lord Bacon graduated at Cambridge at 10 and was called to the bar at 21. Peel was in Parliament at 21, and Palmerston was Lord of the Adrniral- ity at 23. Henry Clay was in the Senate of the United States, contrary to the consti- tution, at 29. Washington was a colonel in the arra at 22, commander of the forces at 42, President at 57. Minard's Liniment is the best. Judge Storey was at Harvard at 15, in Congress at 29 and Judge of the Supreme Court in the United States at 35. Martin Luther had become largely distinguished at 24, and at 56 had reached the topmost of his world- wide fame. Webster was in college at 15, gave evidence of his great future before he was 25, and at 30 he was the peer of the ablest man in Congress. Morris of Saxony died to 32, conceed- ed to have been one of the profoundest statesman and one of.the best generals Christendom had seen. Napoleon at25 commande 1 the army at Italy. At 30 he was not only one of the mosti illustrous generals of the time, but one of the great law givers of the world. At 46 he saw Waterloo. Mental worry, over -work and execs ses are the fruitful causes of insanity. Dr. Dr William's Pink Pills are an unfailing remedy, building anew the blood and re- storing wasted energies. Good for men and women. WHO IS THAT OLD JAY, A Chicago gentleman of wealth and position was walking upon one of the ultra- fashionable throughfaree arm in arm with an old man who wore clothes that=can only be purchased at a country store. He was one of those kind -faced and vigorous old men, and the atmosphere, around him eng- gested the scent of clover fields. In the parlance he was a "jay." An acquaintance of the Chicago man, seeing him in company with this suburban individual, in a facetious manner asked, "Who is that old jay?" The following is the answer he received :- Who is that old Jay? Well, It won't take very long to tell. Did I get him oat of a grab-bag! No; I made his acquaintance years ago, It was over therein the Baokeye State That he and I became intimate; By Jove! It's thirty-five years to -day Since I was introduced to that old Jay. Yes, his whiskers are cut a little queer, His clothes look rather awkward here, There is a eentralit between his and mine. Welt, style was never much in his line; Yet eo nohow, I'm kind of fond of him. Yes, I know he'd a farmer, while I'm in the "swim." I'm showing him all the sights to -day. And having fun with that old Jay. The first teat 1 remember of him, way back. He whittled for me a jumping -jack, I thought it the funniest kind of thing, It was ecstasy to pall the string; And then we would sit by the big wood fire, And he told me of David and Goliah; I've spent many happy hours that way, Being entertained by that old Jay. Then I've often learned at his good wife's knee, And been told of Him from Galilee; "Suffer little children to come onto me, For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven," said He The gates of Heaven were opened wide, And Jeans beckoned her to his side, I shed many, many scalding tears that day, A.e I stood at her coffin with that old Jay. Time flew fast, and years rolled on, A birthday came, I was twenty-one, I thought life on the farm too slow, So I determined that I would go To some great city and be a swell; The neighbors said I was going to -well, Of course the neighboril would have their say, But one had faith, it was that old Jay. I left with his bleseing and dollars,too, That blessing was luck and the dollars grew. Heap upon heap till my fortune was made; I owe it to him and the wise things he said. I know he looks sort of awkward and queer, But if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here. Let me introduce you -oh, doh't harry away, He is my father that dear old Jay. Weakness of sight ie frequently the result of general debility. When the blood is im- poverished every organ and sdnse duffers. As an effective, powerful, an.: economical tonic -alterative, Ayer's Sars parilla may be relied upon every time.I ,A 14017 : y".1`.` or OPISED DT SOME MOP I • SOMA, WILL NOT EIwtxxs Timm Bno.tvon Two' FE.0 z COWINCTN(k 'G,ANAPL?,N TEsTimoncxl. There are truths which some men despise because they have not examine. ed them, and which they will not ex- amine because they dislike them. Ir - portant and mighty truths are continu- ally being accumulated, ,all going to prove that our Canadian people have now in their midst the grandest agency for the complete cure of nervousness, sleeplessness, brokendown bodies,wear- ied and befogged brain, dyspepsia and rheumatism, ever heard of in the chris- titin world. It is the great restorer of life that our forefathers so eagerly sought for but could not find. Provi- dence, in its own good timne, through one of the greatest physicians of the century, gave to suffering moan Paine's Celery Compound. Up to the present time its magnificent and heaven -blessed triumphs have been so many and so remarkable, that many jealous physi- cians, of the lower order, have des- pised its wondrous effects, and will not condescend to examine truths connect- ed with it, simply because they dislike it, and fear it will take away their means of obtaining a living. Shame on such low,sordid character! Away with such men, who put person- al gain before the public weal and good! We now call the attention of our readers to a few soul -stirring facts; and at the same time we would inform those jealous physicians whodislike the truth, that`full and ample proofs can be shown to them of the following cures :— Mr B. Hutchins, a well-known Real Estate and Financial Agent, of Mon- treal, P,Q., suffered for flfty years from neuralgia and rheumatism; he was cur- ed by Paine's Celery Compound. Mrs F. G. Fothergall, of Middleton, O.S., whose life was a long continued agony from sleeplessness, neuralgia and rheumatism, found a perfect cure in Paine's Celery Compound. Captain Douglass, proprietor of the Leland House, Winnipeg, Man., used Paine's Celery Compound for dyspep- sia, indigestion and lassitude. He is now enjoying perfect health, and says Celery Compound beats all the efforts of the doctors. Mr R. Allen, of Orangeville,Ont.,was a martyr to rheumatism and sleepless- ness; he found a new lease of life after using Paine's Celery Compound. Mr J. T. Dillon, chairman Board of City Assessors, Montreal, P,Q , wasfor many years a sufferer from indigestion 1 flatulency and rheumatism. He has become a new man through the use of Paine's Celery Compound. and now possesses a robust constitution. Mr Joseph Manuel, of West Brome, P.Q. was given up by the doctors as an incurable from dropsy; he was expected to dip, but Providence directed friends to try the effects of Paine's Celery Compound on the sufferer, with the result that he is now in good health. Mr E. V. Rourke, of St. Martins, N. B., was a terrible sufferer from neur- algia ; he was cured in a short time by Paine's Celery Compound. Mr Chas.E. Robertson, Electrical Ex- pert and Mechanical Superintendent of the Royal Electric Works, Montreal,P. Q., was a terrible sufferer owing to n ervousn ess, sleeplessness and overwork of body and brain. He is now enjoying perfect health and strength, owing.. to the grand effects of Paine's Celery Com- pound. Mrs J. Howard, of Greenville, P. Q., was nervous,weak and faint; she found a new existence—a new life after using Paine's Celery Compound for a short time. It does a work in the home that no other medicine can accomplish, and it -always cures. It is the . only prepara- tion in existence thatthe best physicians are now prescribing and recommend- ing to their patients, The charges of personal corruption against F. S. Forbes, Liberal member for Queen's, N. S., were dismissed, on Thursday. The champion Detroit Association football team defeated the picked team of Western Ontario, on Thursday, by 4 goals to 0. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Buf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of °barge, to all who desire it, this recipe. in German French or English, with fall directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Norse 820 Pow- era'Block, Rochester, N.Y. June 19-91-y. Jerome Hawley, `residing near St George,dropped dean while dressing on Wednesday morning. The revision of the West Northum- berland Dominion voters' list resulted in a net Liberal gain of 165, A WISE YOUNG WOMAN. Young Adolphus Fitzwilliam, he loved a fair maid, Bat to ask her to marry him he was afraid, Because of catarrh, which she had very bad; So much so that often the youth was quite glad To emit, at the parting, the kiss of the lover, The reason of this she set out to discover. "Catarrh makes me loathsome. It's fatal to love. 0, darlirg Adolphus, by all that's above, I vow I'll not lose thee if something there is To drive out catarrh and to sweeten a hies." So this wise young woman began search- ing for a cure, and good luck attended her. She found Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at the drug store, and felt convinced that, a preparation which the proprietors bad such confidence in that they were willing to pay $500 for a case they cannot enre,, must be worth trying. She bought it. She tri- ed it. It cured ger. And when Adolphus kissed her at the altar last week, her kiss was as sweet and pure as roses in June. Girls, a word of advice: If you want a lover to stay a lover, you must get rid of catarrh. Do as this sensible girl did, and get the only sure remedy for this disgusting and dangerous disease—Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. English' Spavin Linemen* rem01ew, all bird, Soft or oellou*Iumllpps end Blemish» es frena bore**. Blood "Sp..Mein, Carbs, Splint!, RingB9ne,lliweeny, Stides!,Santinn, Sere and Swollen Throat, Coo he, eto, Save #50 by use, oi; one bottle, W a> orated. the meet, wonderful Blemish pure Over `!mown,. Sold. by LT 8 emote. DOBBIR'S Bou Drank DRUM Saves One -Halt the Panel. It is Easily I egulated.. Is Easily Cleaned. I)ittribntes Heat Evenly. The Saving in fuel will pay for it in a single seasoli. Breslau. September 14th, 1891. To WHOM IT MAY CoscSRN.—This is to/ certify that we have had "Dobbin's Patent Down Draught Wood Furuanoe in use in our School House, for the past three years, and consider it a great inprovemeut. Before purchasing thie,we used an up-draght Furnace, but found it unsatis- factory in many ways. A large portion of the heat went up the chimney. We could not got the School -room warm in time for School. Since putting In the Dobbin Furnace, we hate no diffi- culty in getting proper heat before school -time. The Furnace draws well, and most of the time 1t can be run with the front damper almost closed. One of the features of the Dobbin Furnace is, the saving of fuel. We use less wood to beat two rooms than we formerly used to heat ono room. FEEDERIOK SCHAEFER' Trustees Breslau MOSES S. ORESSMAN, Y. 1} yahoo!. J. SIi0ENAKER, Waterloo, Octohor 2311. 1891. "This is to certify that I am using one of Dob - bin's patent down draught drums mid am greatly pleased with it. It throws out more heat than the stove itself and I tind that the wood lasts twice as long as without the druin. GEO. WOODWARD, Excise OMIfce." Also manufacturer of Dobbin's Patent Down Draught Wood Furnace. R. O. DOBBIN, Waterloo, Ont. FOR SALE. 1 Cooking Stove. 1 Coal Stove. J. CUNINGHAME, Clinton. Butchering - Business To the Public. Subnoribor having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couch, solicits e continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed on hie predecessor. No pains or expense willibe sparest to procure the very best meats, and orders will be promptly and carefully filled. The busi- ness will still bo conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheep- skiue, etc. JAMES A. FORD. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is au article worthy of every lady's at- tention. Ir you want to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and ocean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the etaroh to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc„ buy a box. PRICE 11 CENTS. s arEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersont ue. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Hotmesville It Saved Her Life. A Letter to the Ladies. TORONTO, Oct. 21. 1891. I take great pleasure in informing you that a year ago Histogenetic Medicines cured me of a serious at- tack of paralysis. Three years ago I had a sudden stroke while sitting on a sofa ; a second one fourteen months ago while lying in bed, All 1 did for it failed to do much?good. My voice and all one side were bad- ly affected, At last I tried Dy J Eugene Jordan's Histogenetic Remedies. In three months my voice became strong My limbs, which:were almost useless regained full power. I no conger ueeded to be assist- ed to the table or from.any one place to another. My muscles developed wonderfully, considering that I am '14 years of age. I can walk to church and back regularly. The effect has been permanent now for about twelve months. Last April I had a severe at- tack of pneumonia and Histogenetic Remedies cured me in a few days, and on the 8th of this month I took. congestion of the liver and right lung I was so bad I could not have lived long. In a few hours the Hletogenetie Remedies once more gave immediate relief. It:le only two weeks, and m am sitting up every day and nearly well. To say that my faith in Histogenetic Medicines is strong but faintly expressos it. Try it, ladies, for these or any other complaints and he convinced. Dr Rear, of Toronto, is allowed to give my name and address to any i"quirers simile -11y affected. Respectfully, M118.--, Toronto. P. S.—Above address can also be had at the Lon- don office. For the benefit of those who see nothing but suf- fering and death before thea., I wish to say there is hope for you yet. I have been in a like condition myself and owe my restoration to health to the ever reliable Histogenetic rsmedlcs- This last spring I was utterly prostrated bya severe attack of La Grippe, which resulted in bronchitis and other serious com- plieatiou.. When my case seemed perfectly hopeless my friends decided to try Ilietogenetic medt'ine, and in less than three days a change for the better was eo apparent that we were all inspired with hope. I continued the treatment for a number of weeks, progressing slowly. but surely, day by day. I am now comfortably well and am still gaining in strength and power of endurance and am a wonder to triose who knew how hopeless my cease was To show my gratitude to Dr J Eugene Jordan for hie wonderful remedies. and to my Heavenly Father for command- ing his blessing to rest upon thorn, I take this wav to let all afflicted ones know where they may find help in time of trouble. MRS H P SNOW. 92 Yorkville -avenue, Toronto, Oct 28th, 1891. lean vouch for the truthfulness of the above statement. P a CAMPBELL, McMaster University Books mailed free to any address, explaining the Hietogenetto system. Consultation and all informa- tion free. Our representative will be at Clinton "Rattenbury House" on Wca.lesday, 2nd December from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. and at Com- mercial Hotel, Blyth, same Wed- nesday evening 7 P. M. to 10. P. M. early, consultation free. Histegenetic Medicine Assoc'l Rooms2 and 8, Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, Ont. 19 Yonge Street Market, corner n0errard and Yonge Ste, Toronto. Mention Clinton New Era. Hardfloal! THE PEOPLE'SW COAL WY, (OF PENN'A. MINE OWNERS.) CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to So- cieties and Clubs. S . F 414— ThPGrand Pennsular WOOD COOK :�y,•, � LAI CLAW' MiF'G:CO-HAM ILTON',t Admitted by all to be the finest in design, best in finish and most perfect cooking stove in the market Call and see. We have the exclusive sale of them in Clinton. No. 9 Cooking Stoves with full set Furniture, from. $18 upwards. Try our Rock Oil and Flint Chimneys. - HARLi&ND BROS IRON & HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. G. nOvi.T DO YOV =NOW the great value of our goods un -- less you can see them. We have a line of MEN'S SUITS at 87.50, 810 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at $8.50, 69 and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from 83 up that can't be duplicated in value within $3 to 85 of these prices, and no where else can you get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine and judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stock a well selected variety of the most fashionable in the Furm►isiming and Hat xand Cap Department. Our Sealette Goods aro hand- some and away down in price. GLASGOW, Searles Brock, next to J. W Irwin's, Clinton. Christmas - Goods JUST RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Saltan Raisins—extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble Walnuts, New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peols—Citron, Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of' all kinds. TEAS Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our Special Blend of pare India and Ceylon Teas put up in one pound packages-. Best value in package Teas iii the market—Try it. A CALL SOLICITED. N. ROBSONI - CHINA HALL. The People's Grocery. Cheaper Than Ever. AN INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Glasaware & Crockery, Toilet Sets & rx Sets Will convince intending purchasers that this is the place to buy goods. Oar lines of Green, Black and Japan Teas are the beet value in the market. Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and - Poultry. A call solicited. G EO. ST[ E STA R T. COMOLIN ON CK CCPP'S WALL - PAPER and Paint Shop Ie stocked with a Select Assortment of Amcriaan and Canadian `Va11 Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from flue cont rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- dperience justify me in saying that all wanting to ecorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, MrShop, sontb of Oliver Johnston's blaeltemith shop, and diroctly opposite Air. J. Ohidloy's residence. JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. The - Central BUTCHER SHOP Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As ho gives personal attention to all the details, of the business customers canrely pn .thole orders being promptly and satisfactorily. Ailed. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON;/ Albert St., Clin ,, ' PLANTS & BULBS Roman Hyiaoenths - Potted. Assorted colors named. Easter Lily Bulbs. Chinese Sacred Lillian. Narcissus and Daffodils. Chinese Primroses, .4 7. CUNINGIIAME, - - CLINTe ,